CSC 3304 Iot Architecture and Smart Applications Course Contents Module 1 Introduction To Internet of Things (Iot)
CSC 3304 Iot Architecture and Smart Applications Course Contents Module 1 Introduction To Internet of Things (Iot)
CSC 3304 Iot Architecture and Smart Applications Course Contents Module 1 Introduction To Internet of Things (Iot)
Module 1 Introduction to Internet of Things (IOT)
1.1 Overview of Internet of Things
1.2 Definitions
1.3 Characteristics of IoT
1.4 Applications of IoT
1.5 Conclusion
1.6 References/Further Reading
1.1 Overview of IoT
A thing, in the respect to the Internet of things (IoT), is a physical object with a
unique identifier, an embedded system, and the capability to transfer data over a
network and actuators that permit things to act (such as to open or close a door, to
switch on or off the light, to increase or decrease engine rotation speed and more).
Things are objects of the physical world (physical things) or of the information
world (virtual world) which are capable of being identified and integrated into
communication networks. Things have associated information, which can be static or
Physical things exist in the physical world and are capable of being sensed, actuated,
and connected. Examples of physical things include the surrounding environment,
industrial robots, goods, and electrical equipment.
Virtual things exist in the information world and are capable of being stored,
processed, and accessed. Examples of virtual things include multimedia content and
application software.
1.2 Definitions
ITU Definition:
“The IoT can be viewed as a global infrastructure for the information society,
enabling advanced services by interconnecting (physical and virtual) things based on
existing and evolving interoperable information and communication technologies
These devices can include multiple appliances that need to be connected for reasons
including automation and real-time control of the device. As the IoT has both real-
time and historical data stored, it can provide effective decision-making instructions
to devices, and control certain actions and aspects of when and how they function.
This technology enables your systems and devices to be automated cost-effectively.
This concept includes buildings, vehicles, production machinery, fridges, street
lamps, rehabilitation equipment, and everything else imaginable. The sensors are not
in all cases physically attached to the things, sensors may necessitate monitoring, for
instance, what happens in the closest environment to a thing.
The Internet of Things (IoT) is an emerging paradigm that enables the communication
between electronic devices and sensors through the internet to facilitate our lives. IoT
uses smart devices and the internet to provide innovative solutions to various
challenges and issues related to various business, governmental, and public/private
industries across the world. IoT is progressively becoming an important aspect of our
life that can be sensed everywhere around us. On whole, IoT is an innovation that
puts together an extensive variety of smart systems, frameworks, and intelligent
devices and sensors.
A great transformation can be observed in our daily routine life along with the
increasing involvement of IoT devices and technology. For instance, the concept of
i. Smart Home Systems (SHS) and appliances that consist of internet-based
devices, automation systems for homes, and reliable energy management
ii. Smart Health Sensing system (SHSS). SHSS incorporates small intelligent
equipment and devices to support the health of human beings. These devices
can be used both indoors and outdoors to check and monitor the different
health issues and fitness levels or the amounts of calories burned in the fitness
center etc. Also, it is being used to monitor critical health conditions in
hospitals and trauma centers as well. Hence, it has changed the entire scenario
of the medical domain by facilitating it with high technology and smart
devices. Moreover, IoT developers and researchers are actively involved to
uplift the lifestyle of the disabled and senior age group people.
iii. Smart Transportation. IoT has brought up some new advancements to make
it more efficient, comfortable, and reliable. Intelligent sensors, drone devices
are now controlling the traffic at different signalized intersections across major
cities. In addition, vehicles are being launched in markets with preinstalled
sensing devices that can sense the upcoming heavy traffic congestions on the
map and may suggest you another route with low traffic congestion.
iv. Smart Cities: Urban cities have now become enormous information gathering
centers with IoT sensors collecting data on infrastructure management, home
automation, building security, traffic management, and city parking systems
every day. All the gathered data is stored and analyzed so that city officials can
respond to problems in real-time. Eventually, the data collected from various
smart city components are massive. However, the flood of data is a challenge
that needs to be considered while planning for a sustainable smart city as it can
be very difficult as well as expensive to manage this vast amount of data. To
address this issue, smart city initiatives can implement edge analytics, which
collects the data and analyzes it.
v. Financial sector
Many banking institutions are implementing edge computing together with
smartphone apps to provide services to customers in a better manner. Also,
ATMs, banking apps, and kiosks work on similar principles – gathering and
processing data, making such utilities more responsive by providing users with
a broader suite of abilities. For high-volume trading and finance firms, even a
millisecond of delay in a trading algorithm computation can lead to huge
losses. The edge computing architecture is placed near the stock exchange data
servers to run resource-intensive algorithms which result in reduced latency
and localized data traffic. This provides such financial institutes with more
accurate as well as up-to-date information to keep their business running.
Apart from that, banks and other financial firms use edge analytics to derive
insights to understand their customers better and provide a seamless user
experience. Banks also use location based suggestions and customer
recommendations to cross-sell products in near real-time.
vi. Industrial manufacturing: Manufacturing is one of the industries that has
derived maximum value by deploying Industrial IoT. Manufacturers can
collect data to enable better predictive maintenance and energy efficiency by
incorporating data storage and computing into industrial equipment. Also, IoT
sensors can help to reduce costs and energy consumption by maintaining
consistency and productive uptime. The continuous data collection and
analysis facilitated by a smart manufacturing solution helps to customize
production operations to efficiently meet consumer demands. With edge
computing for an IoT setup, manufacturers that operate in low bandwidth or
no bandwidth can benefit phenomenally. For instance, oil rigs located in
remote areas can use edge computing architecture to collect, monitor and
process data on various environmental factors without having to rely on a data
center infrastructure that is remote.
The IoT can be viewed as a global infrastructure for the information society, enabling
advanced services by interconnecting (physical and virtual) things based on existing
and evolving interoperable information and communication technologies (ICT).
These devices can include multiple appliances that need to be connected for reasons
including automation and real-time control of the device. As the IoT has both realtime
and historical data stored, it can provide effective decision-making instructions to
devices, and control certain actions and aspects of when and how they function.
The Internet of Things, or IoT, is growing by leaps and bounds, with millions of new
sensors and devices going online every month. While it’s far from comprehensive, the
timeline below should give you a general idea of where IoT has come from and where
it’s headed in the future.
The first telemetry system was rolled out in Chicago way back in 1912. It is said to
have used telephone lines to monitor data from power plants. Telemetry expanded to
weather monitoring in the 1930s, when a device known as a radiosonde became
widely used to monitor weather conditions from balloons. In 1957 the Soviet Union
launched Sputnik and with it the Space Race. This has been the entry of aerospace
telemetry that created the basis of our global satellite communications today. Broad
adoption of machine-to-machine (M2M) technology began in the 1980s with wired
connections for SCADA (supervisory control and data acquisition) on the factory
floor and in-home and business security systems.
In the 1990s, M2M began moving toward wireless technologies. ADEMCO built its
private radio network to address intrusion and smoke detection because budding
cellular connectivity was too expensive. In 1995, Siemens introduced the first cellular
module built for M2M. The Internet of Things (IoT) has not been around for very
long. However, there have been visions of machines communicating with one another
since the early 1800s. Machines have been providing direct communications since the
telegraph (the first landline) was developed in the 1830s and 1840s. Described as
“wireless telegraphy,” the first radio voice transmission took place on June 3, 1900,
providing another necessary component for developing the Internet of Things. The
development of computers began in the 1950s.
The Internet, itself is a significant component of the IoT, started as part of DARPA
(Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) in 1962, and evolved into ARPANET
in 1969. In the 1980s, commercial service providers began supporting public use of
ARPANET, allowing it to evolve into our modern Internet. Global Positioning
Satellites (GPS) became a reality in early 1993, with the Department of Defense
providing a stable, highly functional system of 24 satellites. This was quickly
followed by privately owned, commercial satellites being placed in orbit. Satellites
and landlines provide basic communications for much of the IoT.
One additional and important component in developing a functional IoT was IPV6’s
remarkably intelligent decision to increase address space. Steve Leibson, of the
Computer History Museum, states, “The address space expansion means that we
could assign an IPV6 address to every atom on the surface of the earth, and still have
enough addresses left to do another 100+ piles of earth.” Put another way, we are not
going to run out of internet addresses anytime soon.
The Internet of Things, as a concept, wasn’t officially named until 1999. One of the
first examples of an Internet of Things is from the early 1980s and was a Coca-Cola
machine, located at the Carnegie Melon University. Local programmers would
connect by the Internet to the refrigerated appliance, and check to see if there was a
drink available and if it was cold, before making the trip.
By the year 2013, the Internet of Things had evolved into a system using multiple
technologies, ranging from the Internet to wireless communication and from micro-
electromechanical systems (MEMS) to embedded systems. The traditional fields of
automation (including the automation of buildings and homes), wireless sensor
networks, GPS, control systems, and others, all support the IoT.
Simply stated, the Internet of Things consists of any device with an on/off switch
connected to the Internet. This includes almost anything you can think of, ranging
from cellphones to building maintenance to the jet engine of an airplane. Medical
devices, such as a heart monitor implant or a biochip transponder in a farm animal,
can transfer data over a network and are members of the IoT. If it has an off/on the
switch, then it can theoretically be part of the system. The IoT consists of a gigantic
network of internet-connected “things” and devices. Ring, a doorbell that links to a
smartphone, provides an excellent example of a recent addition to the Internet of
Things. Ring signals when the doorbell is pressed and lets the user see who it is and
to speak with them.
Kevin Ashton, the Executive Director of Auto-ID Labs at MIT, was the first to
describe the Internet of Things while making a presentation for Procter & Gamble.
During his 1999 speech, Mr. Ashton stated:
“Today computers, and, therefore, the Internet, is almost wholly dependent on human
beings for information. Nearly all of the roughly 50 petabytes (a petabyte is 1,024
terabytes) of data available on the Internet were first captured and created by human
beings by typing, pressing a record button, taking a digital picture, or scanning a bar
code. The problem is, people have limited time, attention, and accuracy. All of which
means they are not very good at capturing data about things in the real world. If we
had computers that knew everything there was to know about things, using data they
gathered without any help from us, we would be able to track and count everything
and greatly reduce waste, loss, and cost. We would know when things needed
replacing, repairing or recalling and whether they were fresh or past their best.”
Kevin Ashton believed Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) was a prerequisite for
the Internet of Things. He concluded if all devices were “tagged,” computers could
manage, track, and inventory them. To some extent, the tagging of things has been
achieved through technologies such as digital watermarking, barcodes, and QR codes.
Inventory control is one of the more obvious advantages of the Internet of Things.
When thinking of the IoT, consider the idea, “any device capable, can be
interconnected with other devices.” The IoT is ripe for new and creative ideas to add
to the tasks already in use. Imagine an alarm waking you at 6 AM, and then
simultaneously signaling your coffee maker to turn on and start brewing coffee.
Imagine your printer knowing when you are running low on paper, and automatically
ordering more. Imagine the watch on your wrist telling you “where” you have been
the most productive, while at work. The IoT can be used to organize such things as
transportation networks. “Smart cities” can use it to reduce waste and maximize the
efficient use of energy.
In truth, the IoT provides a nearly endless supply of opportunities to interconnect our
devices and equipment. In terms of creativity, this field is wide open, with an infinite
number of ways to “interconnect the devices.” It can be an exciting time for
innovative individuals, in part, because we don’t fully understand the impact of these
interconnections. The IoT offers both opportunities and potential security problems.
At present, the Internet of Things is best viewed with an open mind, for purposes of
creativity, and a defensive posture for purposes of privacy and security.
Currently, choices regarding privacy are very black and white, or on/off. The
customer is forced to give up all privacy, (often in an agreement so convoluted people
don’t bother to plow through it) or the customer simply cannot access the service.
This has led to continuing discussions about consumer privacy and how to best
educate consumers regarding privacy and the accessibility of data. Security
While there are steps to take to help ensure security, it should come as no surprise this
issue has become a significant concern with the growth of the IoT. Literally, billions
of devices are being interconnected together, making it possible (eventually) for
someone to hack into your coffee maker, and then access your entire network. The
Internet of Things also makes businesses all around the world more open to security
threats. Additionally, data sharing and privacy become issues when using the Internet
of Things. Consider how concerns will grow when billions of devices are
interconnected. Some businesses will be faced with storing the massive amounts of
information these devices will be producing. They will need to find a method of
securely storing the data, while still being able to access, track, and analyze the huge
amounts of it being generated.
James Lewis, who is a cybersecurity researcher for the Center for Strategic and
International Studies, wrote a report describing how the Internet of Things’
interconnections will allow computer hackers to wreak havoc through interconnected
devices. The threat is so real, even the Federal Trade Commission has gotten
involved, wanting to know how to guarantee privacy, and how security safeguards are
being installed in new Internet-connected devices. For example, new cars can now be
hijacked by way of their Wi-Fi connections. Consider the threat of hackers when
automated driving becomes popular. Security and risk management should not be
taken lightly when creating new ways to use the Internet of Things.
2.1.2 Impact of IoT
Various technological, economic, and behavioral factors are driving the uptake of IoT
The vast majority of technology enthusiasts are also interested in connecting devices
to each other so that they exchange relevant information. For example, a connected
car could detect that its owner and their family are traveling, and automatically turn
off the home heating system. In the KRC Research, 89% of respondents said they are
interested “in having all their household devices communicate constantly and
seamlessly with one another to form a completely connected home or lifestyle.” There
is a clear need to establish standards and interoperability between different connected
products or services. As such the GSMA Connected Living programme is facilitating
interoperability between solutions from different vendors and service providers,
enabling industry collaboration, encouraging appropriate regulation, and helping
mobile operators to optimise their networks. The programme is also developing key
enablers, such as the GSMA Embedded SIM Specification, which enables the remote
provisioning of secure connectivity.
2.2 IoT Revolution in Industries
The world is undergoing constant transformations that somehow change the trajectory
and history of humanity. We can illustrate with the first and second industrial
revolutions and the information revolution. The introduction of the Internet of Things
and Services into the manufacturing environment is ushering in a fourth industrial
revolution: Industry 4.0. The industrial revolution has evolved from the 1760s where
steam and coal are the major fuel in mechanical production. In the 1860s, the
electrification, oil in Mass production, and the late 1900s, IT and Automation which
is the third revolution. And now, we are in the 4 th revolution of the industry often refer
to as Industry 4.0, the era of the Internet of Things (IoT). The term Industry 4.0 was
first coined at Hanover Fair in 2011.
IoT (Internet of Things) trends are connecting all business levels and promising
transformation. Companies are embracing various technologies and platforms to
implement IoT networks such as LTE-M, NB-IoT, LoRaWAN, Sigfox, Zigbee, etc.
Generally, IoT networks consist of many controlled intelligent devices, typically
deployed to improve the efficiency of the engineering process, enable automation and
reduce the wastage of resources. IoT networks are considered suitable candidates for
all field operations ranging from exploration to production and refining. This is due to
the IoT-enabled qualities, regularly decreased fabrication cost and device size, and
low deployment expense. Statistical figures show rapid growth in the number of IoT
devices and forecast (within a few years) their numbers to increase to the tune of
IoT applications will help optimize, innovate and transform consumer products as
well as business processes.
Optimization: IoT helps reduce costs by efficient product usage while increasing
efficient use of assets across business processes.
Innovation: IoT applications help create differentiated products/ services and
improved operations, eventually leading to better customer service.
Transformation: IoT is blurring industry boundaries by enabling disruptive business
models. For example, telematics involves both the automotive and insurance
industries. IoT is expected to add value to business processes and take value creation
for industrial applications to the next level, specifically in the case of Manufacturing.
IoT is perhaps the most crucial element of Industry 4.0, which refers to the digital
transformation of the processes and systems in the manufacturing sector.
India is a rapidly growing hub for IoT solutions with a market value expected to
be $9 billion, and an installed unit base of 1.9 billion by 2020
Although India began its IoT journey much later than developed economies, the
installed base of connected units is expected to grow at a rate much faster than theirs.
IoT units in India are expected to see a rapid growth of ~32X to reach 1.9 billion units
by 2020, from its current base of 60 million. As a result, the India IoT market is
expected to grow ~7X to move from $1.3 billion in 2016 to $9 billion by 2020.
Rise of the tech-savvy consumer along with increasing smartphone and mobile
internet penetration is driving consumer IoT applications in the Indian market.
However, consumer IoT adoption is expected to be slower than its industrial
counterpart due to the cost of IoT devices and security as well as privacy concerns of
Figure 2: IoT applications in (a) mining (b) oil and gas environment.
On the customer front, there’s a growing trend for consumers—and also business
customers— to want direct links to the companies that manufacture the products and
services they use, cutting out the traditional ‘middlemen’. This profound behavioural
shift is evident across a host of industries, from energy to telecoms, and from
mainstream media to technology. It’s one of the key drivers of manufacturers’
industry-wide move into services—a change that increasingly involves progressing
from product-based to service-based offerings by building platforms, thus
simultaneously expanding revenues and building ‘stickiness’ (see Figure 1).
Meanwhile, on the operational front, the fact is that Internet connectivity—for an
HVAC system or any other piece of equipment, whether a brake pad or a turbine
engine—means much more than just linking it digitally to your business’ systems. It
also represents a way of getting closer to end-users than ever before, creating a degree
of direct customer engagement and interaction that most manufacturing companies
have never experienced.
The automotive industry includes the use of smart things to monitor and report
various parameters to monitor surrounding conditions, ranging from tyre pressure to
the proximity of other vehicles. In one example, an IoT mesh network is used to
support communications between vehicles when cellular service becomes
unavailable. IoT assists autonomous vehicles to avoid obstacles by using sensory
devices and enables truck-to-truck communications to maintain a safe distance from
each other. In 2015, Rio Tinto’s Pilbara mines were the first in the world to use fully
automated driverless trucks to move iron ore, and other big producers such as BHP
and Fortescue are following the vision of automated mining. Automated and self-
correcting remote operations will allow to map metrics and deploy machine learning
and artificial intelligencebased models to act on events in real-time.
2.4 Benefits of IoT in Fleet Management
Better Analytics: The Internet of Things can derive collectively data from various
sensors. This enables fleet management companies to get useful insights into driver
behavior, adherence to laws, vehicle speeding and idling, etc. These sensors don’t
just help in tracking data; they also play an important role in improving performance
and diagnostics of problems related to processes and equipment.
2.5 Use Case: IoT for Financial Services
The emergence of the Internet of Things (IoT) has created quite a buzz in the business
world. The Internet of Things can be best defined as the interconnectivity of computer
devices in everyday objects via the internet. It is estimated that by 2025, there will be
64 billion IoT devices worldwide. This figure is a big leap from the 10 billion devices
in 2018. Further, according to McKinsey, 127 new devices globally are connected to
the internet each second.
Prompt customer support: Fintech is merging with IoT and AI to challenge banks in
offering immediate support to customers. Smartphones can act as beacons by
notifying account managers in financial institutions when a customer arrives at their
branch. This way, Fintech firms can offer support quickly and save clients time.
Making wireless payments: The Internet of Things in the financial industry is also
transforming how people make payments. Wearable smart devices are replacing
smartphones and traditional credit cards in making wireless payments and cash
withdrawals. Statista predicts that the number of connected wearable gadgets will get
to over 1.1 billion by 2022 from 526 million in 2016. Thus, more people will be using
these devices for daily activities in the coming years.
Fintech industry. A good example is the Nymi smart wristband which uses an
individual’s heartbeat for biometric authentication. This tech was tested and proved to
be secure in making wireless payments.
Self-checkout services: IoT Fintech startups can use smart devices to offer wireless
self-checkout services on various domains. Already, Amazon is implementing such a
concept across its self-checkout stores.
Automation enables dairy farmers to control and manage larger herds, saving time
and providing information. This latter aspect is a key factor in managing dairy farms
through a -proactive perspective rather than a reactive one, however depending on the
skills of each farmer. Indeed, automation and technology themselves do not solve a
problem but rather suggest where the problem is. Only within this perspective,
automation can leads to benefits as improved profitability, animal health, lifestyle,
and milk quality. Usually, on a dairy farm, automation concerns three main areas: (i)
automation of milking-related tasks; (ii) cow monitoring; (iii) feeding automation.
2.7.1 Automatic Milking System (AMS)
Automatic Milking System (AMS) refers to a system that automates all the aspects of
the milking process and cow management usually undertaken in conventional
milking. Automatic milking represents a revolutionary innovation in dairy farming
because the adoption of an AMS is not a simple replacement for a milking parlour but
rather a new way of managing a dairy farm. AMS does not simply change the way the
milking is carried out but also the farmer's schedule, the feeding, and the housing
management. With an AMS, milk information from individual cows is measured
continuously by using sensors.
Feeding is the largest single cost on a dairy farm (up to 50% of the total running cost)
and it is the most time-consuming activity after milking. Feeding automation has long
had a place in dairy farming, even if it has been limited to automatic concentrate
distributors or self-feeders for calves. Automatic feeder for concentrates dispense
concentrates to supplement nutritional requirements not supplied by the forages
according to animals’ needs, physiological condition, or productive capacity. Self-
feeders for calves are automatic milk dispensers that administer the feed ratio
supplementing, if necessary, each animal’s diet automatically. The adoption of this
technology has a strong impact on farm management, reducing drastically the time for
preparing and dispensing feed to the calves and enabling their health status on an
individual basis.
i. The data profiles enable the farmer to supervise and monitor the
effectiveness of employees.
ii. Dairy production statics support research and quality control and are
accessible in both provincial and national databases that are both
current and comprehensive.
iii. Workers who operate the milking equipment and oversee the milking
process are responsible for the cleaning and stimulation of the udders as
preparation for milking. Changes to the readings over time identify
potential health risks to the cow such as the presence of udder
infections. Analysis of the data supports staff in addressing health risks
that potentially threaten the cow’s productivity. In some cases, training
needs that support staff performance can be identified and managed
easily so that the health of the cow is not compromised.
Reynders B., Wang Q., Tuset-Peiro P., Vilajosana X, and Pollin S.,
(2018), “Improving Reliability and Scalability of LoRaWANs
Through Lightweight Scheduling,” IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 5, no.
3, pp. 1830-1842
Sandoval R., Garcia-Sanchez A., Garcia-Haro J., and Chen T., (2018), “Optimal
Policy Derivation for Transmission Duty-Cycle Constrained LPWAN,” IEEE
Internet of Things Journal, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 3114-3125
Gao M., Wang P., Wang Y., and Yao L., “Self-Powered ZigBee Wireless Sensor Nodes
for Railway Condition Monitoring,” IEEE Transactions on Intelligent
Transportation Systems, vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 900-909
In 1989 Tim Berners Lee proposed the framework of the worldwide web, which laid
the foundation of the Internet. In 1990 John Romkey developed a toaster that could be
turned on and off over the Internet. It was a toaster wired to the computer as there was
no Wi-Fi then!! This toaster is considered to be the first IoT device – the first “thing”
that began the Internet of Things. Researchers and scientists seem to have a thing for
caffeine – cold or hot. In 1993, the Trojan Room Coffee Pot was built in the computer
laboratory of the University of Cambridge by Quentin Stafford-Fraser and Paul
Jardetzky 1993. An image of the interior of the pot was uploaded to the building
server thrice every minute. Later on, when browsers began displaying images, these
images could be viewed online. The next milestone in the development of IoT came
in 1999 when Kevin Ashton, current Executive Director of the Auto-ID Labs, coined
the term internet of things. It was the title of a presentation he made at Procter and
Gamble (where he was working then) about linking RFID in P&G’s supply chain to
the Internet.
The term IoT began to be used in mainstream publications like The Guardian and
Scientific American by 2003-2004. In the same period, RFID was deployed by the US
Department of Defence and by Walmart in its stores. The United Nations International
Telecommunications Union acknowledged the impact of IoT in its report in 2005. It is
predicted that IoT will help create an entirely new dynamic network of networks.
In March 2008, the first IoT conference was held in Zurich. It brought together
researchers and practitioners from both academia and industry to facilitate sharing of
knowledge. In the same year, the US National Intelligence Council included the
internet of things as one of the six disruptive civil technologies. In its 2011 white
paper, Cisco Internet Business Solutions Group (CIBSG) said that the internet of
things can truly be said to be born between 2008 and 2009 when the number of things
connected to the internet exceeded the number of people connected to it. CIBSG
calculated that the things to people ratio grew from approximately 0.8 in 2003 to 1.84
in 2010. Together with the white paper, Cisco released many educational materials on
the topic and started marketing initiatives to attract clients looking to adopt IoT. IBM
and Ericsson joined the race soon after. In 2011 Gartner included IoT in its Hype
Cycle for emerging technologies that were on the rise. In 2013 IDC released a report
that predicted the IoT market to grow at a CAGR of 7.9% and reach USD 8.9 trillion
by 2020.
Figure 4: Evolution of IoT
The Internet of Things or IoT is one of the key digital transformation technologies.
It’s not just one technology as many keep saying but a series of technological and
other components that is vast. The sheer number of devices and connections which
are projected to join the Internet of Things is staggering. Yet, it’s not that much about
the devices of course, although they are an indicator and the larger IoT projects get,
including the number of devices, the more mature digital transformation benefits of
IoT become, making it the Internet of Transformation in correlation with other
technologies and the transformational goals per use case.
With the addition of sensing and data transmitting devices to networks of connectivity
and value comes an avalanche of data on top of our big data universe. With the
growth of the Internet of Things, we already have more data in specific industries and
applications (e.g. life sciences) than we can humanly handle. While devices and
connectivity are of course all important, whether it’s in the Industrial Internet of
Things or the Consumer Internet of Things where the device has an additional
dimension, in the end, the Internet of Things is an umbrella term. It covers many
things, and at the same time is part of a bigger ecosystem of technologies and value.
Data, why we capture it using IoT, and how we turn it into knowledge (DIKW),
matters a lot, especially as the Data Age study shows IoT data volumes grow fastest.
It’s how we analyze and use this data to enhance what we do across all areas of
society that makes the Internet of Things so powerful and truly the Internet of
Transformation. It’s the way we combine data and intelligence to power innovative
and transformational smart services with data exchange models and business model
innovation. Big data analysis, the cloud and other related technologies to enable this
move from data to knowledge to outcome are all key digital transformation
technologies. While concerns in several areas are tackled and increasingly will,
companies across the globe are investing in the Internet of Things and have already
achieved considerable benefits. Others move slower, while consumer adoption of the
Internet of Things also picks up. Even though connecting devices is not new and that
with the Internet of Things we have entered a new dimension in many areas, we are
still at the beginning of an era of accelerating Internet of Things adoption. And it will
be a key pillar in the digital transformation economy.
Internet of Things 2.0 in the end leads to an even more hyper-connected world where
eventually the term Internet of Things will disappear or be used like we use the term
Internet today: as a given, a new normal, a bit like electricity. That’s when it will be
the Internet of Transformation although no one will call it like that.
Figure 5: Connected knowledge for optimization and innovation at scale Internet of
Things 2.0 moves from devices and data to actionable intelligence and purposeful
action and transformation. The focus will be on the possibilities of hyper-
connectivity, less from the connectedness perspective as such but more about how we
can improve business, life, and society, using the insights gained, thanks to the
hyperconnectedness of which the Internet of Things is a crucial additional
component. IoT is not just transforming technologies, industries, and the various
digital transformation goals, it is also radically transforming and – yes – disrupting
existing channels in IT and IOT with far-reaching consequences in traditional go-to-
market approaches. It is also transforming the nature of work, changing the role or
even the existence of the middleman, the list is endless.
In order to connect the dots and realize the benefits of this hyperconnected world, it’s
important to see the Internet of Things puzzle, the various pieces of that puzzle, why
we want to complete it to start with, and what is needed to put the puzzle in a safe,
valuable and broader perspective. Usually, this requires a high-level understanding, an
understanding of how the Internet of Things fits in the scope of digital transformation
and various related digital transformation technologies, insights regarding the Internet
of Things beyond the “number of connected devices level” and a holistic view of
people, purpose, process, and actionable information.
The Internet of Things is about to change entire industries (look at what’s happening
with Industry 4.0) and already transforms organizations in the true
sense of the word and on all levels, ranging from customer experience to the
transformation of business models and real innovation is becoming the state-of-the-art.
Figure 6: Internet of Things maturity and evolutions in the transformation to a hyper-
connected world
Remote monitoring
IoT or Internet of Things –
IoT refers is an ecosystem of connected devices (via the Internet) where the devices
have the ability to collect and transfer data over a network automatically
without human intervention. It is the network of physical devices embedded
with sensors, software, and electronics, enabling these devices to communicate
with each other and exchange data over a computer network. The things in the
IoT refer to hardware devices uniquely identifiable through a network platform
within the Internet infrastructure. Some of the applications and services of IoT
Technology are –
Smart Home
Connected cars
Agriculture and Retail
Smart cities
Poultry and Farming
However, there is a lot of confusion between the IoT and M2M, as both refer to
communicating and sharing data. M2M is about machines, smartphones, and
appliances, whereas the IoT helps objects to interact with internal and/or
external environments which in turn control the decision making. IoT is about
sensors, cyber-based physical systems, the Internet, and so on.
When we consider the scalability in M2M vs IoT, clearly IOT wins the race since it
works on Cloud-based architecture and as we know Cloud can expand substantially.
Also, IoT makes use of Open APIs for communication across distinct systems while
M2M mostly has limited or no open APIs. Some of the differences between M2M and
the IoT are listed in the table below:
Table 1: Difference between M2M and IoT
Device Devices usually don’t Devices usually rely on an
dependency rely on an Internet Internet connection
With real-time GPS location, businesses can provide customers with the exact times
of arrival or instantly update the route for a customer emergency. Using fleet tracking
software also helps reduce wait times at destinations and monitor driver behaviour on
the road to ensure safety and compliance, as well as minimize the risk of crashes and
liability. IoT telematics can collect data on vehicle diagnostics, such as speed, idling
time, harsh acceleration or braking, fuel consumption, vehicle faults, tire pressure,
and more.
In case of a crash, the hardware, connected to the vehicle’s engine module, will send
an alert to the head office indicating a collision, so you can dispatch help to your
driver without delay. You can also incorporate a better maintenance and vehicle health
program for your fleet with better scheduling and routine checkups that will help
avoid downtime and breakdown costs on the roadside.
This way, using IoT-enabled fleet management solutions can boost performance
through better asset visibility and vehicle utilization, reduced wait times at
destinations, and proactive maintenance for cost savings. For autonomous vehicle
technology to properly function, it must work in conjunction with other areas. The
five most relevant are listed below.
Decreased latency, another characteristic of 5G, can also benefit autonomous vehicles.
4G currently has a latency of 50 milliseconds, which can be seen as a large delay
when it comes to passenger safety.
Data Management
Analyzing the amount of data a self-driving car produces takes time. With the
potential of nearly 10 million cars hitting the road, edge computing can help
streamline this analysis by examining it closer to the source.
Vehicle-to-everything (V2X) allows the information from autonomous vehicle sensors
and other sources to travel through high-bandwidth, high-reliability, and low-latency
channels. It creates an ecosystem that enables cars to communicate both with each
other and with infrastructures including parking lots and traffic lights.
Not only can this improve vehicle safety, but it also gives drivers or passengers
information about road conditions ahead, so that they can appropriately respond.
When combined with Artificial Intelligence (AI), a self-driving car will be able to
make that decision itself.
A study from NAMIC found that 42% of surveyed consumers said that no matter how
long the technology was available, they would refuse to ride in fully automated
vehicles. Similarly, 46% of respondents were skeptical about using fully automated
vehicles for ride-sharing services.
To gain public trust, the right infrastructure needs to be in place.
Data management challenges, safety concerns, and high manufacturing costs are
roadblocks that can prevent widespread autonomous vehicle adoption. However, as
large manufacturers and automotive organizations continue to enhance and improve
the technology, the potential for an autonomous future continues to grow.
IoT technologies offer immense value and support the enhancement of a business
model in operational fields. Research has shown that mining and gas companies,
Diary Farm, Vehicle Automation, and Fleet Managements that have made IoT
investments are reporting positive results. IoT technologies are used to enable
automation, streamline engineering processes, reduce downtime and provide
transparency at every layer of the operation. IoT data enables solution architects to
upgrade designs and prevent historical irregularities. In addition to the design and
implantation challenges of IoT networks, the overwhelming IoT market increases the
difficulty of making a strategic business decision.
In this unit, we have considered the evolution of IoT, the Digital World
Transformation with respect to industry 4.0 and we have been able to discuss the
difference between M2M and IoT. Also, use cases of Autonomous Vehicles were
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