Documentation 2
Documentation 2
Documentation 2
Team Members:
Muhammad Anas Afzal
Fasih Ur Rahman
Sohaib Ahmad
Total Arrays: 13
1D arrays: 10
2D arrays: 3
3. Functions:
Total User Defined Functions: 33
4. Input Type:
We have taken all inputs from user in string data type and then converted them into there
desired data type.
5. Error Handling:
Invalid Input Handling: Functions like containsDigit, containsLetter, and isNumeric
are used to validate user input. These functions ensure that the input provided by the user
meets specific criteria, such as containing digits, letters, or being numeric.
1. Main Menu
The main menu serves as the entry point for users to interact with Forge Master. It provides
various options for users to manage their accounts and access features of the social network
Function: mainMenu ()
This function displays the main menu options and allows users to select their desired actions.
Flow of Control:
1. Display the Forge Master title and welcome message.
2. Display the main menu options.
3. Prompt the user to enter their choice.
4. Based on the user's choice, execute the corresponding action.
5. Repeat the process until the user chooses to exit.
Main Menu Options:
1. Login
Allows existing users to log into their accounts.
Users need to provide their email and password for authentication.
Upon successful login, users are directed to their logged-in menu.
If the login attempt fails, users receive an error message.
Blocked users are prompted to request admin assistance for unblocking.
2. Create Account
Enables new users to create an account on Forge Master.
Users need to provide essential details such as email, password, name, and date of
After successful account creation, users can log in using their credentials.
3. Search User
Allows users to search for other users on Forge Master.
Users can enter search criteria to find specific users.
Search results display relevant user profiles.
4. Forget Password
Assists users in resetting their passwords in case they forget them.
Users need to provide their email for password recovery.
Security questions may be prompted for additional verification.
Upon successful validation, a temporary password is provided for account access.
5. Exit
Provides an option for users to exit the Forge Master application.
Users are prompted to enter a PIN for confirmation.
Admins can access the admin panel by entering a specific PIN.
Exiting the program clears all data and terminates the application.
Admin Panel Overview
Accessing the Admin Panel:
To access the Admin Panel in Forge Master, users need to enter specific credentials: a login
address and a PIN. These credentials are established during the setup process and serve as a
secure gateway for administrators to manage various aspects of the platform.
Steps to Access the Admin Panel:
1. Enter Login Address:
Users are prompted to input their designated login address, which serves as their
unique identifier for accessing the Admin Panel.
2. Provide PIN:
After entering the login address, users are required to enter their corresponding
PIN, which acts as a password to authenticate their identity and grant access to the
Admin Panel.
3. Verification Process:
The system verifies the provided login address and PIN against the stored
credentials in the system database.
If the credentials match, users are granted access to the Admin Panel; otherwise,
access is denied.
Admin Panel Functionality
1. View Inbox:
Description: Allows administrators to view incoming messages and requests from users,
including account unblock requests and requests for email access permissions.
Displays a list of messages categorized by user and type of request (e.g., account
unblock, permission requests).
Provides options to review and process each message individually, such as
unblocking blocked accounts or granting permission requests.
2. Display All Users with Details:
Description: Provides a comprehensive list of all users registered on the Forge Master
platform, along with their detailed account information.
Retrieves user data from the system database and presents it in a structured
format, including usernames, email addresses, account status, and other relevant
Allows administrators to review user profiles and account statuses for monitoring
and management purposes.
3. Search User:
Description: Enables administrators to search for specific users by username or email
address within the platform's user database.
Offers a search interface where administrators can input the username or email
address of the user they wish to locate.
Executes a search query against the user database and returns matching user
profiles based on the provided criteria.
4. Display Blocked Accounts:
Description: Displays a list of user accounts that have been blocked due to violations of
platform policies or community guidelines.
Retrieves data for blocked user accounts from the system database and presents it
in a formatted manner.
Provides options for administrators to review the reasons for each account's
blockage and take appropriate actions, such as unblocking or further investigation.
5. Block or Unblock a User:
Description: Allows administrators to manually block or unblock user accounts based on
their behavior or compliance with platform rules.
Presents administrator with details of user accounts and their current status
(blocked or unblocked).
Offers options to toggle the block status of individual user accounts, effectively
restricting or restoring their access to the platform's features and services.
6. Change Information of a User:
Description: Provides administrators with the capability to modify user account
information, such as usernames, email addresses, and other profile details.
Facilitates updates to user account information upon administrator request,
ensuring that user profiles remain accurate and up-to-date.
7. Show Admin Panel Credentials:
Description and functionality:
Displays the login address and PIN associated with the Admin Panel, allowing
administrators to review and confirm their credentials.
8. Change Admin Panel Credentials:
Description: Enables administrators to update the login address and PIN used to access
the Admin Panel, enhancing security and access control.
Prompts administrators to input new login address and PIN values.
9. Return to Main Menu:
Description: Allows administrators to exit the Admin Panel and return to the main menu
of the Forge Master platform.