English 2020
English 2020
English 2020
TOTAL MARKS:55 Dated:19-11-2020 (PPSC 2020) Name: ____________ TOTAL TIME: 75 MINUTES
1. Give your answer by circling the CORRECT OPTIONS completely and carefully.
2. Each correct answer carries one (01) mark. Passing marks is 28. Read very carefully.
Choose the word that is most nearly similar in meaning to the word in capital letters.
(A) questioning (A) interrogative
(B) transparency (B) right
(C) honesty (C) wise
(D) sadness (D) casual
Choose the word that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the word in capital letters.
(A) easy (A) wasteful
(B) calm (B) confident
(C) hurry (C) neutral
(D) restless (D) frugal
Choose the pair of words that best expresses a relationship similar to that expressed in the pairs of words in capital.
(A) lion : jungle (A) archipelago : islands
(B) cat : house (B) city : country
(C) cow : herbivorous (C) book : pen
(D) wolf : clever (D) school : education
Fill in the blanks with suitable choices.
7. We cannot predict whether he will go on a picnic or not. 10. I hardly __________ meet him.
He is so __________ . (A) ever
(A) deleterious (B) never
(B) offensive (C) had ever
(C) feckless (D) had never
(D) capricious 11. She wouldn’t ask you if she _________ not sure.
8. He is __________ fame and money. He pursues (A) was
research just as an amateur scientist. (B) were
(A) indifferent to (C) has
(B) enamoured of (D) had
(C) running for
(D) struggling for 12. Don’t think there are no crocodiles because the water
9. Octopuses have not only large brains __________ also a is calm. This is a
well-developed nervous system. (A) Simple Sentence
(A) but (B) Compound sentence
(B) and (C) Complex sentence
(C) are (D) Mixed sentence
(D) and have
Read the following paragraphs carefully. Choose the correct answer from the options given below.
These huge waves wreak terrific damage when they crash on the shores of distant lands or continents. Under a perfectly sunny
sky and from an apparently calm sea, a wall of water may break twenty or thirty feet high over beaches and waterfronts,
crushing houses and drowning unsuspecting residents and bathers in its path. How are these waves formed? When a
submarine earthquake occurs, it is likely to set up a tremendous amount of shock, disturbing the quite waters of the deep
13. One surprising aspect of the waves discussed in the (B) concentric time belts
passage is the fact that they (C) underwater earthquakes
(A) are formed in concentric patterns (D) storms
(B) often strike during clear weather
(C) arise under conditions of cold temperature
(D) are produced by deep swells
14. It is believed that the waves are caused by
(A) seismic changes
2. (B) Prerogative means right (or legal works without being paid. So, indifferent to
rights). (not interested) in fame and money is the best choice.
9. (A) not only …. but also. This is a conjunction.
3. (A) Restive means restless or uneasy.
10. (A) We cannot use negative word, never, with
So, easy is the antonym.
‘hardly’. So, ‘ever’ is the best choice.
4. (D) Prodigal means wasteful (who spends too
11. (B) The verb, to be, will always appear as were in
much). So, frugal (economic or one who spends with
the present conditional.
care) is the antonym.
12. (B) There are two clauses in the sentence. Hence,
5. (C) Tiger is carnivorous (meat eating) animal.
it is a compound sentence.
And, cow is herbivorous (grass eating) animal.
13. (B) Read this: Under a perfectly sunny sky and
6. (A) Constellation is made up of stars. And,
from an apparently calm sea, a wall of water may
archipelago is made up of islands.
7. (D) Cannot predict whether will go or not. So, he is
14. (C) Read this: When a submarine earthquake
unpredictable. Hence, capricious (unpredictable) is
occurs, it is likely to set up a tremendous amount of
the best choice.