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Kesharvani Et Al 2024 Designing and Simulation of A Grid Connected Solar Plant in Mathura City Region Employing Pvsyst

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Original article

Proc IMechE Part E:

J Process Mechanical Engineering
Designing and simulation of a 1–11
© IMechE 2024
grid-connected solar plant in Mathura Article reuse guidelines:
city region employing PVsyst DOI: 10.1177/09544089241239323

Sujeet Kesharvani1 , Ipseeta Nanda2, Altayeb Qasem3,

Sakshi Sarathe1, Vinita Verma4 and Gaurav Dwivedi1

Existing electricity generation methods are ecologically unsustainable due to the industrial revolution’s massive population
growth and digitalization. The photovoltaic (PV) simulation tool is crucial for forecasting the solar system’s energy output.
The objective of this research is to simulate the feasibility of establishing a PV system isolated with batteries in Mathura,
India, where the research is taking place to measure solar radiation and examine the technical and economic components
of the PV system for generating domestic electrical energy requirements. The program has been implemented by PVsyst
software. The amount of electricity that is added to the grid is 100.95 MWh. In the intended location, the Si-poly (poly-
crystalline silicon) PV system’s typical performance ratio is 72.35%. From March to October, the most electrical energy
was generated. The temperature of the solar field, which was 7.69%, was the primary cause of the losses observed in the

PV, solar, PVsyst, grid, photovoltaic, solar, energy, losses

Date received: 26 July 2023; accepted: 24 January 2024

Introduction International Energy Agency (IEA) and the International

Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), patterns of con-
Sustainable energy is essential for global society, eco- sumption that are heavily reliant on fossil fuels pose a sig-
nomic development, and natural preservation. The nificant danger to the environment, intergenerational
United Nations created the 17 Sustainable Development equality, and social justice in terms of resource access.8
Goals (SDG) to handle the issues that make the human Global solar power deployment is accelerating, and in
species on Earth unsustainable in light of recent climatic the ensuing decades, it is anticipated to be among the
changes and the need to stop famines, droughts, conflicts, primary sources of sustainable energy9 (REN21, 2020).
plagues, and poverty.1 The goal of SDG 7: achieving Although the increasing use of rooftop solar is advanta-
cheap and sustainable energy is to handle the role of geous for the climate, a number of current research have
energy in the sustainability process.2 Energy issues have drawn focus on differences in market involvement in
arisen as a consequence of human population growth. It solar photovoltaic (PV).10,11
is therefore a major challenge for humankind to find the
sustainable energy needed to satisfy the increase in
demand.3 The difficulty has also sparked ingenuity in
advancing renewable energy.4 In order to achieve sustain- 1
Energy Centre, Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology, Bhopal,
ability in the energy system, scientists, businesspeople, Madhya Pradesh, India
and government officials around the world have realized School of Computer Science and Engineering, IILM University, Greater
Noida, UP, India
the necessity of switching from energy based on fossil 3
Building Engineering Department, College of Architecture and
fuels to energy based on renewable resources.5 Planning, Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University, Dammam, Saudi
The world is moving toward unadulterated, renewable Arabia
energy sources in response to concern regarding climate Department of ECE, Guru Jambheshwar University of Science and
change, the negative effects of fossil fuels on human Technology, Hisar, Haryana, India
health and the ecosystem, and geopolitics.6 The emer-
Corresponding author:
gence of sustainability theory has prompted a shift in Gaurav Dwivedi, Energy Centre, Maulana Azad National Institute of
the composition and course of energy markets all over Technology, Bhopal, India.
the globe.7 According to projected outcomes from the Email: gdiitr2005@gmail.com
2 Proc IMechE Part E: J Process Mechanical Engineering 0(0)

The future of solar PV technology seems very promis- The feasibility of establishing a PV system isolated
ing and is expanding quickly. With more than 760 GW of with batteries in Algeria is simulated in this work, and
installed capacity as of 2021, solar PV technology has the technical and financial merits of the PV system to
emerged as one of the energy sectors with the quickest meet home electrical energy requirements are assessed.
rate of growth.12 Solar PV has become much more afford- PVsyst6 has implemented the program. In the simulated
able recently, making it more competitive with conven- research for the intended location, the Si-poly (polycrys-
tional fossil fuels. Technological progress, economies of talline silicon) PV system is operated at an average PR
scale, and a rise in the demand for renewable energy are of 62.9%. During June to August, the most electrical
all responsible for this cost reduction.13 energy was generated, peaking in July at 354.4 kWh.
A lot of countries are also putting laws and incentives The temperature of the PV field, which was 12.14%,
into place to encourage the use of solar PV, including was the main cause of the losses noted in the research.24
feed-in tariffs, tax credits, and renewable energy targets. The installation of a 1 MW PV grid connected at
As a result, solar PV installations have significantly several places in the northern Morocco region was exam-
increased, especially in nations like China, the United ined for its viability and feasibility by Belmahdi et al.25
States, India, and Europe.14,15 PVsyst software was used to produce the desired operat-
New technologies that are more efficient and econom- ing result, which was attained at an ideal tilt angle of
ical are being developed, and the solar PV sector is 32° for permanent tilt, 15° for summer, and 48° for
likewise evolving quickly.16 Nowadays, thin-film solar winter on seasonal adjustment tilts. With a tight PR of
panels, bifacial solar panels, and even solar panels built 77.3%, the fixed tilt panel outperforms the seasonal
into building components like roof tiles are all possibil- adjustment tilt.
ities.17 With tremendous growth anticipated in the upcom-
ing years as the globe continues its move to a cleaner and
more sustainable energy future, solar PV is generally
Solar power
extremely favorable.18 Solar power is the process of converting solar energy dir-
ectly into electricity through the use of PV, inadvertently
through the use of concentrated solar power, or both.26
Literature review Solar tracking systems and lenses or mirrors are used in
Models for solar-powered lawnmowers are created using concentrated solar power systems to concentrate a wide
the PVsyst software. It employs green energy and does area of sunlight into a narrow beam. The PV effect is
not harm the environment like a diesel-powered vehicle used by PV cells to convert light into an electric current.27
does. Factors including the location’s latitude, the size Solar radiation is made up of electromagnetic impulses
and specs of the solar panels, batteries, charge controllers, released by the Sun.28 It covers a wide range of frequencies,
and direct current (DC) motors were taken into consider- from UV to infrared. Solar radiation splits into direct and
ation in order to produce the modeling result.19 The scattered radiation as it travels through the atmosphere.29
maximum readings of 0.171 and 0.2, respectively, for the Diffuse radiation is emitted by the atmosphere, the clouds,
performance ratio (PR) and solar %, were recorded in April. and the surroundings.30 The total amount of direct and
In the study of Gong et al.,20 43.2 kW PV system is diffuse energy that the planet receives is the result.
designed and suggest measures to overcome problems
like harmonic effects and anti-islanding. The recommenda-
tion of solar energy technology for producing electricity is
PV system
being strengthened by data from Baqir and Channi.21 who A PV power system, often known as a PV system, uses an
utilized the PVsyst program, such as 1266 MWh/yr and a array to generate DC power, which varies depending on
PR of 0.797 when the power factor is between 0.7 and the brightness of the sun. Inverters are typically needed
0.9. This article presents a simulation of a 700 kWp grid- to convert this for practical usage to the necessary vol-
connected solar power plant in the Daikundi Province of tages or alternating current (AC). Within modules,
Afghanistan, and all of its results have been evaluated. several solar cells are linked. Inverters, which create
Rooftop PV system of 5 kW has been designed for the power at the desired voltage and AC current, are con-
Engineering Institute (JNTUH) in Telangana,22 has ana- nected to arrays of modules.31–33 To meet the load
lyzed the performance of the system using PVsyst and demand the PV system is integrated with the grid.34
MATLAB software. Using PVsyst software, which was
used to build a grid-connected PV system for the Karunya Elements of PV system. The PV system’s different compo-
Institute of Technology,23 assessed the performance of a nents are illustrated. In light of this, the PV system is
silicon-poly PV system with a peak output of 20.0 kW made up of the following parts: (i) a PV panel: device
and voltage of 17 v. The size of the solar panel and inverter to convert solar energy to electrical energy using PV
type can be chosen with the necessary load requirement cells; (ii) a battery (storage): to store excessive energy
based on the simulation results. The site’s geographic loca- for future use; (iii) a voltage stabilizer: device which
tion has a significant impact on the sizing process. The dia- helps in maintaining constant voltage supplied to applian-
grams for the system’s performance, losses, and precise ces; and (iv) a converter (inverter): device that converts
configuration have all been created. current (AC to DC and vice versa).29,35
Kesharvani et al. 3

Working process. The PV effect is the mechanism through where Vmp = maximum power voltage; α = voltage tem-
which sunlight, which is composed of energy bundles perature coefficient (Voc); T1 = STC condition tempera-
called photons, strikes a solar panel and generates an elec- ture (25°C); T2 = NOCT condition (45°C)
tric current.36 Each panel generates only a limited quantity Maximum and minimum number of modules in series
of electricity, but when connected to other panels to form
Total no. of modules in series
a solar array, they can generate larger quantities of
energy.37 DC is used to generate electricity from solar =
maximum MPPT volatge
panels (DC). Your phone and laptop are two examples Vmax at 0◦ C
of electronic gadgets that use DC electricity, but they
are built to work with the electrical utility system, Minimum no. of modules in series
which uses (and supplies) AC.38 As a result, before the
minimum MPPT voltage
solar energy can be used, it must be transformed using = (5)
Vmin at 45◦ C
an inverter from DC to AC. The electronics powered by
this AC electricity from the inverter can then be utilized Number of strings
locally or connected to the electrical grid for use
total no. of modules in plant
elsewhere.37,39,40 Total no. of strings =
total no. of modules in series
Number of inverter
Site survey total plant capacity
Total no. of inverters = (7)
The position and solar radiation affect the PV system’s power of one inverter
design. The performance, inclination, and orientation fre-
Number of strings in one inverter
quently of a solar panel depend on its components and
converters.41 Through local weather tracking, the sun Number of strings in one inverter
irradiance, wind speed, and atmospheric temperature are
total no. of strings
determined.42 = (8)
total no. of inverter
The field parameters for the orientation portion of the
experiment, including the azimuth and tilt angles, quick
optimization, annual irradiance yields for the summer
and winter, and annual Mateo yields (transposition
DC cable calculation
factor, loss relative to optimal, global on collection Cable sizing from module to string inverter
plane).43 Figure 1 represents the site location. Conditions: (i) DCCC > Imax; (ii) %Ploss ≤ 1.5%;
(iii) %Vdrop ≤ 1.5%
Design calculation Imax = Isc × no. of parallel strings × 1.25 (9)

Number of modules in series. Plant AC capacity is 60 kW DCC = DF × CCC of cable (10)

and module capacity is 410 Wp. For overloading, we have
adopted the following three conditions, as shown in where DCCC = derated current capacity of the cable; Imax =
Table 1. maximum current in a string; Isc = short circuit current; DF =
After mathematical calculation, 15% overloading has derating factor; CCC = current carrying capacity
been adopted out of three conditions for optimum power 2
Imp × Rcable × L × 100
generation. The following mathematical formula has %Ploss = (11)
been implemented.44 total power

Total no. of modules in plant where Imp = optimum operating current; Rcable = maximum
resistance at 20°C (Ω/km); L = length of the cable (taking
plant DC capacity = 20 m)
= (1)
module capacity
Imp × Rcable × L × 100
Maximum temperature condition voltage (0°C) %Vdrop = (12)
input voltage
Vmax = Voc [1 + α (T2 − T1)] (2)
where Voc = open circuit voltage; α = voltage temperature
coefficient (Voc); T1 = STC condition temperature (25°C); Results and discussion
T2 = actual temperature (0°C); minimum temperature Design calculation results
condition voltage (normal operating cell temperature
(NOCT) at 45°C). The results derived from the calculation of design para-
meters mentioned in the “Results and discussion”
Vmin = Vmp [1 + α (T2 − T1)] (3) section are represented in this section.
4 Proc IMechE Part E: J Process Mechanical Engineering 0(0)

If we take 16 modules in a series it means total output

Total number of modules in plant 168
voltage of a string = 16 × 50.93 = 814.88 V and maximum
Total number of modules in series 14
power point tracking (MPPT) range is 440–800 V hence
Total number of strings 12
Total number of inverters 3 this string is not suitable. And, if we take 12 modules in a
Number of strings in one inverter 4 series it means total output voltage of a string = 12 ×
After mathematical calculation, 15% overloading has been adopted 36.91 = 442.92 V. This string is suitable but we are not util-
out of three conditions for optimum power generation. izing properly the given MPPT range. Either 15 or 14
Maximum temperature condition voltage (0°C) 50.93 V modules in series per string can be chosen. Therefore, no.
Minimum temperature condition voltage (NOCT at 36.91 V of modules in series per string is 14.
45°C) 1.5 kV, 1.5 mm2 single core tinned copper XLPE DC
Maximum number of modules in series 15.7 solar cable is selected (Table 2).
Minimum number of modules in series 11.92 Imax = 33 A

Figure 1. Site location.

Location: near HCST, Farah, Mathura; Latitude: 27.30087°N; Longitude: 77.78189°E; Plant AC capacity: 60 kW; Plant DC capacity:
70 kWp; Module company: Canadian Solar HiKu (410 Wp); Inverter company: ABB string inverter (20 kW).
Kesharvani et al. 5

performance. PVsyst was used to simulate shading and esti-

Table 1. Overloading conditions for 60 kW plant capacity. mate energy losses due to shading of the PV array. The dia-
Overloading DC power No. of Approximate grams depict a standard sun path over a year.
S. No. (%) (kWp) modules modules The distant section shown in Figure 2 demonstrates the
effectiveness of solar radiation. The red line represents
1. 10 66 160.97 161 shadowing surrounding the sun-powered field, while the
2. 15 69 168.29 168 blue line depicts auto-shading of the solar modules.
3. 20 72 175.60 176
Energy produced. Simulation-based research found natural
outputs such as assembly losses, system losses, and the
Table 2. Suitability of wire under three conditions. generation of useful energy for each installation kWp/
day. Figure 3 depicts the normalized energy and effi-
Condition Parameter Obtained value ciency relationship. In this section, the normalized pro-
I DCCC ≤ 1.5% 27 A Suitable ductions and achievement ratios for each month are
II %Ploss 0.52 Suitable mentioned and show that it is highest in the month of
III %Vdrop 0.52 Suitable April and lowest in the month of July. The normalized
output yields three critical parameters:

• collection loss (PV-array losses)

Table 3. Cable selection under given conditions. • system loss (inverter, cable, etc.)
• useful energy generation (inverter output)
Condition Parameter value
Energy balance. Table 4 shows the annual equalizations
I DCCC (4 mm2) 27.2 A Not suitable and primary results of an on-grid PV scheme. Include ele-
DCCC (6 mm2) 35.7 A Suitable ments like energy shifts, effective global radiation, and
DCCC (10 mm2) 35.7 A Suitable global radiation at the horizontal level.
II %Ploss 0.64 Suitable Annual global radiation at the horizontal level for the
I DCCC (35 mm2) 96.9 A Not suitable
test location is 1838.5 kWh/m2. It can be seen that the
II DCCC (50 mm2) 117.3 A Suitable
%Ploss 0.80 Suitable
amount of energy that can be transmitted to the grid is
100.94 MWh in a year. Figure 4(a) and (b) represents
system input and output power distribution.

If we take 16 modules in a series it means total output Diagram of losses over the entire year. The simulation
voltage of a string = 16 × 50.93 = 814.88 V and MPPT results used to create the stock loss graph help to clarify
range is 440–800 V hence this string is not suitable. the various losses that can happen while a PV facility is
And, if we take 12 modules in a series it means total being built or the limitations that need to be taken into
output voltage of a string = 12 × 36.91 = 442.92 V. This account. The different system losses are depicted by the
string is suitable but we are not utilizing properly the arrow loss curve in Figure 5.
given MPPT range. Either 15 or 14 modules in series At the horizontal level, the worldwide sun radiation
per string can be chosen. Therefore, no. of modules in is 1838 kWh/m2. The screen receives 1920 kWh/m2 of
series per string is 14. 4C × 10 mm2 Al armored XLPE solar energy effectively. Due to radiation intensity,
AC cable is selected and Imax = 99 A, DF = 0.85. 4C × this results in a power reduction of about 0.75%.
50 mm2 Al armored XLPE AC cable is selected (Table 3). Energy is created when this effective radiation strikes
a PV unit’s portion, a collection of cells, electricity, or
electricity. The matrix’s baseline power under standard
Simulation results
test circumstances (STC) following photoelectric con-
In this research, simulation is performed using the PVsyst version is 132.5 MWh. In MPPT, the annual matrix’s
program. All of the figures have been produced using the preset capacity is 114.2 MWh. At this point, the follow-
simulation method for the suggested site only. Since the ing losses occur: 7.69% due to temperature, 1.03% due
numerical modeling was completed in this article, only to ohmic write losses.
simulation findings were addressed.
Diagram of losses over the entire year. The subsequent
Sun path over a year. Solar data is one of the most import- indices were created to assess the outcomes of the
ant factors into an expert energy output assessment. system. Figure 6 depicts the PR and Solar Fraction of
Weather data, including temperature and humidity, were the PV system.
analyzed at Farah, Mathura. The real energy output and the energy produced by
Shading has a substantial effect on how effective a solar incident radiation are both shown by the PR. The ultimate
PV system is; and many system developers, regrettably, do yield to reference yield percentage is therefore known as
not take shading into account when analyzing system PR. This measure displays the system’s effectiveness
6 Proc IMechE Part E: J Process Mechanical Engineering 0(0)

Figure 2. Path of the sun over a year.

Figure 3. Normalized production of electricity per installed kWp.

Kesharvani et al. 7

Table 4. Annual equalizations and primary results of an on-grid PV scheme.

Global Diffused Global Global

horizontal horizontal incident effective
radiation radiation T_Atom. radiation radiation E_Array E_Grid
Month (kWh/m2) (kWh/m2) (°C) (kWh/m2) (kWh/m2) (MWh) (MWh) PR

January 107.0 48.5 14.46 145.6 138.8 8.85 7.49 0.747

February 133.7 43.5 18.30 173.4 165.7 10.30 9.05 0.758
March 179.6 60.7 24.53 205.7 195.8 11.85 10.45 0.738
April 198.6 70.4 30.11 202.0 191.6 11.33 10.02 0.720
May 206.2 95.1 33.95 190.3 179.3 10.54 9.21 0.703
June 176.5 104.5 32.85 157.8 148.0 8.85 7.60 0.699
July 153.9 98.3 31.04 140.0 131.2 7.92 6.65 0.690
August 156.2 90.6 29.86 150.5 141.6 8.55 7.26 0.700
September 151.9 75.9 28.88 162.6 153.7 9.26 7.97 0.712
October 147.6 61.9 26.45 177.7 169.0 10.20 8.83 0.722
November 117.2 47.5 20.52 159.6 152.1 9.44 8.10 0.737
December 109.7 41.3 16.02 160.3 153.1 9.67 8.29 0.751

Year 1838.0 838.2 25.61 2025.5 1919.8 116.77 100.94 0.724

Figure 4. (a) Daily input and output diagram; (b) system output power distribution.
8 Proc IMechE Part E: J Process Mechanical Engineering 0(0)

Figure 5. Various losses during the construction of a PV plant.

throughout the solar conversion process up until the gen- comparing the findings of our research with those of
eration of the end electrical power. The effectiveness of other studies.50–54
the PV system is one such external element that affects
the PR score.45
Additionally, total solar percentage (SF) is a crucial
factor to consider when assessing a PV system.46 It is The modeling performance is focused on solar PV utiliza-
the ratio of the PV system’s energy output to the site’s tion in Farah, India through an analysis of size using the
specific power requirements. The value of the solar frac- PVsyst program to supply electricity to a grid-connected
tion is primarily determined by the PV system’s input to PV system. The following results concluded based on
the site load and not suitable for comparison of the per- the PVsyst simulation tool.
formance of one system to that of other comparable
systems at various locations.47,48 • PVsyst is found to be a very useful tool for predicting
Because of the local climatic variables, our findings for electricity generation, PV panel losses, etc.
M’sila (Algeria) concur with those obtained by Supalak • The amount of electricity that is added to the the grid is
et al.49 and SF = 96.95%, it is widely acknowledged and 100.95 MWh.
suggests that our method is particular. In our instance, • In the intended location, the Si-poly PV system’s
PR = 72.35%. typical PR is 72.35%.
The validity of the PVsyst program can be suggested • From March to October, the most electrical energy was
for a lot of areas based on meteorological variables by generated.
Kesharvani et al. 9

Figure 6. Performance ratio and solar fraction.

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