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Latest ALMM Order

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F. No.

283/54/2018-GRID SOLAR-Part('l )
e{R?I {EFr{ / Government of lndia

r+a 3ilt rffiq rat :ierrq I uinistry of New & Renewable Energy
trrs gt{ 5$ cs{rrr I Grid Solar Power Division
Atal Akshay Urja Bhawan,
Lodhi Road, New Oelhi - 1 10003.
Dated: 24s January, 2024

Sub: Updation of List I (Manufacturers and Models of Solar PV Modules) of ALMM Order, 2019 -

Ref: (i) MNRE',s O.M. No. 283/5412018-GRID SOLAR-Part(',l) dated 10.03.202',1

(ii) NiINRE'S O.M. No.28312212023-GRID SOLAR/PI dated 10.05.2023;

Reference is invited to this Ministry's O.M.s of even no. dated 10.03.2021, regarding
implementation of Approved lvlodels and lvlanufacturers of Solar Photovoltaic Modules (Requirement
for Compulsory Registration) Order, 2019 and publishing List - I (Manufacturers and Models of Solar
PV Nilodules) of ALMIVI Order, 2019.

2. This lvlinistry vide its O.M. No.28312212023-GRID SOLAR/PI dated 10.05.2023 had issued major
reforms in the Approved List of [/odels and lvlanufactures for Solar Photovoltaic Modules which inter-
alia rnclude enlistment of only such models of Solar PV Module Manufacturers, under ALMM, which
comply with the BIS Standards and are havin the followin minimum module efficienc
Category Application/ Use Minimum Module Efficiency
required to be eligible for enlistment
under ALMM
Cateqory I Utility i Grid Scale Power Plants 20.00/o
Category ll Rooftop and Solar Pumping 19.5%
Category lll Solar Liqhting 19.0%

3. Post 10.05.2023, only such models of Solar PV lvlodules have been considered for enlistment
under ALMM List-|, whose module efFiciency is equal to or greater than 19.00%.

4. The List - I (Manufacturers and Models of Solar PV Modules) of AllilM Order, 2019 was last
updated on 16.11.2023.

5. The List - I (lvlanufacturers and lvlodels of Solar PV Nilodules) of ALMM Order, 2019 is hereby
further revised and the Revision-Xx of same is enclosed at Annexure-|. The details of provisional
enlistments granted by [/NRE in ALlvlM List-l are at pages after Annexure-|.

6. The AllilM enlistment validity is subjecl to valid BIS Registration; else to be deemed delisted.

7. The details of Registration Number (R. No.) which has been allotted by Bls is mentioned against
each manufacturer/ minufacturing unit enlisted in ALMM and further details related to BIS certification
like validity, models included etc., may be checked from Bls website by using the following
link: https://www.crsbis.in/BlS/Lims-registrationc.do?hmods=getLimsData

8. This issues with the approval of competent authority

(Saniay Karndhar)
E-mail: karndhar.sg@nic.in
Encl: As above

To: All Concerned

cLpy to: oirector (technical), NlC, MNRE for uploadino this document on MNRE's website
Annexure - I
Revision - XX
List of Manufacturers and Models of Solar PV Modules Enlisted under ALMM Order (As on 24.01.2024)


Name of the Enlisted Capacity
S. No.
Location of Manufacturing Facility BIS Registration No.
(MWs / Year)
S. No. Type of Module Applied Model Enlisted Models Module Efficiency (%) No. of Cells in Module Voltage
To (subject to valid BIS
(in Volt)
From Registration; else deeemd
to be delisted)

1 Emmvee Photovoltaic #13/1, International Airport Road R-62001074 512 E385M72 19.20
Power Pvt. Ltd. (Bellary Road), Bettahalasuru i Mono C-Si PERC Modules E390M72 (390 Wp) E390M72 19.45 72 (Full Cells) 1500 10.03.2023 09.03.2027
Post, Bengaluru-562157, E395M72 19.70
Karnataka E320M60 19.04
ii Mono C-Si PERC Modules E325M60 (325 Wp) E325M60 19.34 60 (Full Cells) 1500 10.03.2023 09.03.2027
E330M60 19.64
2 M/s Sova Solar Ltd. Layout Plot No: 25, E.P.I.P, R-51000590 532 SS520144HCMP 20.16
Banskopa, Durgapur 713212, SS525144HCMP 20.35
West Bengal, India. SS530144HCMP 20.54
SS535144HCMP 20.74 10.03.2023 09.03.2027
i Mono C-Si PERC Modules SS535144HCMP (535Wp) 144 (Half-Cut Cells) 1500
SS540144HCMP 20.93
SS545144HCMP 21.13
SS550144HCMP 21.32
SS555144HCMP 21.51
SS520144HCBP 20.16
SS525144HCBP 20.35
SS530144HCBP 20.54
Mono C-Si PERC Bifacial
ii SS535144HCBP (535Wp) SS535144HCBP 20.74 144 (Half-Cut Cells) 1500 10.03.2023 09.03.2027
SS540144HCBP 20.93
SS545144HCBP 21.13
SS550144HCBP 21.32
3 M/s Solex Energy Ltd Plot No. 131/A Phase-1, G.I.D.C, R-72002577 21 SESM24370 19.04
Vitthal Udyognagar, Anand, i Mono C-Si PERC Modules SESM24375 (375 Wp) SESM24375 19.30 72 (Full Cells) 1000 10.03.2023 09.03.2027
Gujarat SESM24380 19.55

ii Mono C-Si PERC Modules SES20CM120W320 (320 Wp) SES20CM120W320 19.21 120 (Half Cells) 1000 10.03.2023 09.03.2027

SES24CM144W375 19.01
iii Mono C-Si PERC Modules SES24CM144W380 (380 Wp) SES24CM144W380 19.30 144 (Half Cells) 1000 10.03.2023 09.03.2027
SES24CM144W385 19.51
4 Saatvik Green Energy Village Dubli, Tehshil- Barara, R-91003670 566
i Mono C-Si PERC Modules SGE 190-36M (190 Wp) SGE 190-36M 19.11 36 (Full Cells) 1000 10.03.2023 09.03.2027
Pvt. Ltd. Dist- Ambala -133101, Haryana

ii Mono C-Si PERC Modules SGE 255-48M (255 Wp) SGE 255-48M 19.37 48 (Full Cells) 1000 10.03.2023 09.03.2027

SGE 280-54M 19.15

iii Mono C-Si PERC Modules SGE 285-54M (285 Wp) 54 (Full Cells) 1000 10.03.2023 09.03.2027
SGE 285-54M 19.49
SGE 310-60M 19.08
iv Mono C-Si PERC Modules SGE 315-60M (315 Wp) 60 (Full Cells) 1500 10.03.2023 09.03.2027
SGE 315-60M 19.41
SGE 370-72M 19.09
v Mono C-Si PERC Modules SGE 375-72M (375 Wp) SGE 375-72M 19.35 72 (Full Cells) 1500 10.03.2023 09.03.2027
SGE 380-72M 19.61
SGE555-156MHC 19.78
SGE560-156MHC 19.96
SGE565-156MHC 20.14
SGE570-156MHC 20.32
vi Mono C-Si PERC Modules SGE570-156MHC, (570 Wp) 156 (Half Cut Cells) 1500 10.03.2023 09.03.2027
SGE575-156MHC 20.50
SGE580-156MHC 20.67
SGE585-156MHC 20.85
SGE590-156MHC 21.03
SGE520-144MHC 20.13
SGE525-144MHC 20.32
SGE530-144MHC 20.52
vii Mono C-Si PERC Modules SGE530-144MHC, (530 Wp) SGE535-144MHC 20.70 144 (Half Cut Cells) 1500 10.03.2023 09.03.2027
SGE540-144MHC 20.90
SGE545-144MHC 21.10
SGE550-144MHC 21.29
SGE470-132MHC 19.78
SGE475-132MHC 20.01
SGE480-132MHC 20.23
viii Mono C-Si PERC Modules SGE485-132MHC, (485 Wp) SGE485-132MHC 20.41 132 (Half Cut Cells) 1500 10.03.2023 09.03.2027
SGE490-132MHC 20.63
SGE495-132MHC 20.84
SGE500-132MHC 21.05
SGE420-120MHC 19.37
SGE425-120MHC 19.60
SGE430-120MHC 19.83
SGE435-120MHC 20.06
ix Mono C-Si PERC Modules SGE440-120MHC, (440 Wp) 120 (Half Cut Cells) 1500 10.03.2023 09.03.2027
SGE440-120MHC 20.29
SGE445-120MHC 20.52
SGE450-120MHC 20.76
SGE455-120MHC 20.99
SGE380-108MHC 19.44
SGE385-108MHC 19.69
SGE390-108MHC 19.95
x Mono C-Si PERC Modules SGE395-108MHC, (395 Wp) SGE395-108MHC 20.20 108 (Half Cut Cells) 1500 10.03.2023 09.03.2027
SGE400-108MHC 20.46
SGE405-108MHC 20.71
SGE410-108MHC 20.98
SGE 385-72M 19.22
SGE 390-72M 19.47
xi Mono C-Si PERC Modules SGE 395-72M, (395 Wp) 72 (Full Cell) 1500 10.03.2023 09.03.2027
SGE 395-72M 19.72
SGE 400-72M 19.97
5 Navitas Green Plot No. B-20/3, Road No. 13, 14, R-72003140 250 NSM370 19.07
Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Palsana-Baleshwar Rd, Hoziwala i Mono C-Si PERC Modules NSM375 (375 Wp) NSM375 19.33 72 (Full Cells) 1500 10.03.2023 09.03.2027
Industrial Estate, Sachin, Surat- NSM380 19.58
394230, Gujarat NSM310-60 19.09
NSM315-60 19.40
ii Mono C-Si PERC Modules NSM320-60 (320 Wp) NSM320-60 19.71 60 (Full Cells) 1500 10.03.2023 09.03.2027
NSM325-60 20.02
NSM330-60 20.33
NSM340-66 19.03
NSM345-66 19.31
iii Mono C-Si PERC Modules NSM350-66 (350 Wp) 66 (Full Cells) 1500 10.03.2023 09.03.2027
NSM350-66 19.59
NSM355-66 19.87
NSM570-156 20.39
NSM575-156 20.57
iv Mono PERC C-Si Module NSM580-156 (580 Wp) 156 (Half Cut Cells) 1500 10.03.2023 09.03.2027
NSM580-156 20.74
NSM585-156 20.92
NSM525-144 20.32
NSM530-144 20.51
NSM535-144 20.71
NSM540-144 20.90
v Mono PERC C-Si Module NSM540-144 (540 Wp) 144 (Half Cut Cells) 1500 10.03.2023 09.03.2027
NSM545-144 21.09
NSM550-144 21.29
NSM555-144 21.48
NSM560-144 21.67
NSM480-132 20.21
NSM485-132 20.42
vi Mono PERC C-Si Module NSM500-132 (500 Wp) NSM490-132 20.64 132 (Half Cut Cells) 1500 10.03.2023 09.03.2027
NSM495-132 20.85
NSM500-132 21.06
NSM435-120 20.09
NSM440-120 20.33
vii Mono PERC C-Si Module NSM445-120 (445 Wp) NSM445-120 20.56 120 (Half Cut Cells) 1500 10.03.2023 09.03.2027
NSM450-120 20.79
NSM455-120 21.02
NSM390-108 19.96
NSM395-108 20.21
viii Mono PERC C-Si Module NSM400-108 (400 Wp) NSM400-108 20.47 108 (Half Cut Cells) 1500 10.03.2023 09.03.2027
NSM405-108 20.72
NSM410-108 20.98
NSM350-96 20.06
NSM355-96 20.35
ix Mono PERC C-Si Module NSM360-96 (360 Wp) 96 (Half Cut Cells) 1500 10.03.2023 09.03.2027
NSM360-96 20.64
NSM365-96 20.92
NSM260-72 19.62
NSM265-72 20.00
x Mono PERC C-Si Module NSM270-72 (270 Wp) 72 (Half Cut Cells) 1500 10.03.2023 09.03.2027
NSM270-72 20.38
NSM275-72 20.76
NSM460-156 19.65
NSM465-156 19.86
NSM470-156 20.07
xi Mono PERC C-Si Module NSM470-156 (470 Wp) 156 (Half Cut Cells) 1500 10.03.2023 09.03.2027
NSM475-156 20.29
NSM480-156 20.50
NSM485-156 20.72
NSM435-144 20.08
NSM440-144 20.32
NSM445-144 20.78
xii Mono PERC C-Si Module NSM450-144 (450 Wp) NSM450-144 20.55 144 (Half Cut Cells) 1500 10.03.2023 09.03.2027
NSM455-144 21.01
NSM460-144 21.64
NSM465-144 21.47
NSM395-132 19.85
NSM400-132 20.10
xiii Mono PERC C-Si Module NSM405-132 (405 Wp) NSM405-132 20.35 132 (Half Cut Cells) 1500 10.03.2023 09.03.2027
NSM410-132 20.60
NSM415-132 20.85
NSM360-120 19.84
NSM365-120 20.11
xiv Mono PERC C-Si Module NSM370-120 (370 Wp) 120 (Half Cut Cells) 1500 10.03.2023 09.03.2027
NSM370-120 20.39
NSM375-120 20.66
NSM320-108 19.52
NSM325-108 19.82
xv Mono PERC C-Si Module NSM330-108 (330 Wp) NSM330-108 20.13 108 (Half Cut Cells) 1500 10.03.2023 09.03.2027
NSM335-108 20.43
NSM340-108 20.74
NSM285-96 19.47
NSM290-96 19.81
xvi Mono PERC C-Si Module NSM290-96 (290 Wp) 96 (Half Cut Cells) 1500 10.03.2023 09.03.2027
NSM295-96 20.15
NSM300-96 20.49
NSM215-72 19.32
xvii Mono PERC C-Si Module NSM220-72 (220 Wp) NSM220-72 19.77 72 (Half Cut Cells) 1500 10.03.2023 09.03.2027
NSM225-72 20.22
NSM385 19.40
NSM390 19.65
xviii Mono PERC C-Si Module NSM395 (395 Wp) 72 (Full Cells) 1500 10.03.2023 09.03.2027
NSM395 19.90
NSM400 20.15
6 Jakson Engineers Ltd. Plot No-25, Ecotech-III, Udyog Kendra, R-93005959 500 JH-420M 19.26
Greater NOIDA-201306, Gautam JH-425M 19.49
Budha Nagar, Uttar Pradesh, India. JH-430M 19.71
JH-435M 19.94
i Mono C-Si PERC Modules JH-440M, (440Wp) JH-440M 20.17 120 (Half-Cut Cells) 1500 17.08.2023 16.08.2027
JH-445M 20.40
JH-450M 20.63
JH-455M 20.86
JH-460M 21.09
JH-470M 19.66
JH-475M 19.87
JH-480M 20.08
JH-485M 20.29
ii Mono C-Si PERC Modules JH-490M, (490Wp) JH-490M 20.50 132 (Half-Cut Cells) 1500 17.08.2023 16.08.2027
JH-495M 20.71
JH-500M 20.92
JH-505M 21.13
JH-510M 21.34
JH-515M 19.85
JH-520M 20.04
JH-525M 20.23
JH-530M 20.43
iii Mono C-Si PERC Modules JH-535M, (535Wp) JH-535M 20.62 144 (Half-Cut Cells) 1500 17.08.2023 16.08.2027
JH-540M 20.81
JH-545M 21.00
JH-550M 21.20
JH-555M 21.39
JH-580M 20.67
JH-585M 20.85
iv Mono C-Si PERC Modules JH-580M, (580Wp) JH-590M 21.03 156 (Half-Cut Cells) 1500 17.08.2023 16.08.2027
JH-595M 21.21
JH-600M 21.38
JP-H385M 19.37
JP-H390M 19.62
v Mono C-Si PERC Modules JP-H395M, (385Wp-405Wp) JP-H395M 19.87 72 (Full Cells) 1500 17.08.2023 16.08.2027
JP-H400M 20.12
JP-H405M 20.37
JH-380M 19.28
JH-385M 19.53
JH-390M 19.79
JH-395M 20.04
vi Mono C-Si PERC Modules JH-580M, (580Wp) 108 (Half-Cut Cells) 1500 17.08.2023 16.08.2027
JH-400M 20.29
JH-405M 20.55
JH-410M 20.88
JH-415M 21.06
JH-380BB 19.48
JH-385BB 19.73
JH-390BB 19.99
Mono c-Si Bifacial PERC JH-395BB 20.25
vii JH-400BB 108 (Half Cut Cells) 1500 17.08.2023 16.08.2027
Module JH-400BB 20.50
JH-405BB 20.76
JH-410BB 21.01
JH-415BB 21.27
JH-420BB 19.39
JH-425BB 19.62
JH-430BB 19.85
JH-435BB 20.08
Mono c-Si Bifacial PERC
viii JH-440BB JH-440BB 20.31 120 (Half Cut Cells) 1500 17.08.2023 16.08.2027
JH-445BB 20.54
JH-450BB 20.77
JH-455BB 21.00
JH-460BB 21.23
JH-475BB 20.02
JH-480BB 20.23
JH-485BB 20.44
JH-490BB 20.65
Mono c-Si Bifacial PERC
ix JH-490BB JH-495BB 20.86 132 (Half Cut Cells) 1500 17.08.2023 16.08.2027
JH-500BB 21.07
JH-505BB 21.29
JH-510BB 21.50
JH-515BB 21.71
JH-520BB 20.15
JH-525BB 20.34
JH-530BB 20.53
Mono c-Si Bifacial PERC JH-535BB 20.73
x JH-535BB 144 (Half Cut Cells) 1500 17.08.2023 16.08.2027
Module JH-540BB 20.92
JH-545BB 21.11
JH-550BB 21.31
JH-555BB 21.50
JH-380BT 19.48
JH-385BT 19.73
JH-390BT 19.99
Mono c-Si Bifacial PERC JH-395BT 20.25
xi JH-400BT 108 (Half Cut Cells) 1500 17.08.2023 16.08.2027
Module JH-400BT 20.50
JH-405BT 20.76
JH-410BT 21.01
JH-415BT 21.27
JH-420BT 19.39
JH-425BT 19.62
JH-430BT 19.85
JH-435BT 20.08
Mono c-Si Bifacial PERC
xii JH-440BT JH-440BT 20.31 120 (Half Cut Cells) 1500 17.08.2023 16.08.2027
JH-445BT 20.54
JH-450BT 20.77
JH-455BT 21.00
JH-460BT 21.23
JH-475BT 20.02
JH-480BT 20.23
JH-485BT 20.44
JH-490BT 20.65
Mono c-Si Bifacial PERC
xiii JH-490BT JH-495BT 20.86 132 (Half Cut Cells) 1500 17.08.2023 16.08.2027
JH-500BT 21.07
JH-505BT 21.29
JH-510BT 21.50
JH-515BT 21.71
JH-520BT 20.15
JH-525BT 20.34
JH-530BT 20.53
Mono c-Si Bifacial PERC JH-535BT 20.73
xiv JH-535BT 144 (Half Cut Cells) 1500 17.08.2023 16.08.2027
Module JH-540BT 20.92
JH-545BT 21.11
JH-550BT 21.31
JH-555BT 21.50
JH-380BW 19.48
JH-385BW 19.73
JH-390BW 19.99
Mono c-Si Bifacial PERC JH-395BW 20.25
xv JH-400BW 108 (Half Cut Cells) 1500 17.08.2023 16.08.2027
Module JH-400BW 20.50
JH-405BW 20.76
JH-410BW 21.01
JH-415BW 21.27
JH-420BW 19.39
JH-425BW 19.62
JH-430BW 19.85
JH-435BW 20.08
Mono c-Si Bifacial PERC
xvi JH-440BW JH-440BW 20.31 120 (Half Cut Cells) 1500 17.08.2023 16.08.2027
JH-445BW 20.54
JH-450BW 20.77
JH-455BW 21.00
JH-460BW 21.23
JH-475BW 20.02
JH-480BW 20.23
JH-485BW 20.44
JH-490BW 20.65
Mono c-Si Bifacial PERC
xvii JH-490BW JH-495BW 20.86 132 (Half Cut Cells) 1500 17.08.2023 16.08.2027
JH-500BW 21.07
JH-505BW 21.29
JH-510BW 21.50
JH-515BW 21.71
JH-520BW 20.15
JH-525BW 20.34
JH-530BW 20.53
Mono c-Si Bifacial PERC JH-535BW 20.73
xviii JH-535BW 144 (Half Cut Cells) 1500 17.08.2023 16.08.2027
Module JH-540BW 20.92
JH-545BW 21.11
JH-550BW 21.31
JH-555BW 21.50
7 Insolation Energy Pvt. Ltd Khasra No 766/2, Vill-Bagwara, Teh- R-84002330 174 i Mono c-Si PERC Module INA72MP375 INA72MP375 19.23 72 (Full Cells) 1500 29.09.2023 28.09.2027
Amer Jaipur, Rajasthan
INA72MP395 19.80
INA72MP390 19.55
ii Mono c-Si PERC Module INA72MP385 72 (Full Cells) 1500 29.09.2023 28.09.2027
ii Mono c-Si PERC Module INA72MP385 72 (Full Cells) 1500 29.09.2023 28.09.2027
INA72MP385 19.30
INA72MP380 19.05
8 Gautam Solar Pvt. Ltd. Plot No-67-70, Sector-8A IIE, Sidcul R-83006041 319 G2XBifacial1734-HAE 20.20
Haridwar- 249403, Uttarakhand G2XBifacial1741-HAE 20.38
G2XBifacial1747-HAE 20.56
G2XBifacial1767-HAE (590 Wp)
i Mono c-Si PERC Modules G2XBifacial1754-HAE 20.74 156 (Half Cut Cells) 1500 29.09.2023 28.09.2027
G2XBifacial1760-HAE 20.92
G2XBifacial1767-HAE 21.10
G2XBifacial1773-HAE 21.28
G2XBifacial1663-HAD 19.74
G2XBifacial1669-HAD 19.94
G2XBifacial1676-HAD 20.13
G2XBifacial1682-HAD 20.32
G2XBifacial1695-HAD (535 Wp)
ii Mono c-Si PERC Modules G2XBifacial1689-HAD 20.52 144 (Half Cut Cells) 1500 29.09.2023 28.09.2027
G2XBifacial1695-HAD 20.71
G2XBifacial1702-HAD 20.90
G2XBifacial1708-HAD 21.10
G2XBifacial1715-HAD 21.29
G2XBifacial1656-HAB 21.13
G2XBifacial1650-HAB 20.92
G2XBifacial1643-HAB (495 Wp) (485Wp-
iii Mono c-Si PERC Modules G2XBifacial1643-HAB 20.71 132 (Half Cut Cells) 1500 29.09.2023 28.09.2027
G2XBifacial1637-HAB 20.50
G2XBifacial1630-HAB 20.29
G2XBifacial1598-HAA 21.09
G2XBifacial1591-HAA 20.87
G2XBifacial1585-HAA (450 Wp) (440Wp-
iv Mono c-Si PERC Modules G2XBifacial1585-HAA 20.64 120 (Half Cut Cells) 1500 29.09.2023 28.09.2027
G2XBifacial1578-HAA 20.41
G2XBifacial1572-HAA 20.18
G2XBifacial1539-HAY 21.06
G2XBifacial1533-HAY 20.80
G2XBifacial1526-HAY (405 Wp) (390Wp-
v Mono c-Si PERC Modules G2XBifacial1526-HAY 20.55 108 (Half Cut Cells) 1500 29.09.2023 28.09.2027
G2XBifacial1520-HAY 20.30
G2XBifacial1507-HAY 19.79
G2XBifacial1474-HAX 20.71
G2XBifacial1468-HAX (360 Wp) (365Wp- G2XBifacial1468-HAX 20.43
vi Mono c-Si PERC Modules 96 (Half Cut Cells) 1500 29.09.2023 28.09.2027
350Wp) G2XBifacial1461-HAX 20.14
G2XBifacial1455-HAX 19.86
G2X565-HAE 20.20
G2X570-HAE 20.38
G2X575-HAE 20.56
vii Mono c-Si PERC Modules G2X590-HAE (590 Wp) G2X580-HAE 20.74 156 (Half Cut Cells) 1500 29.09.2023 28.09.2027
G2X585-HAE 20.92
G2X590-HAE 21.10
G2X595-HAE 21.28
G2X510-HAD 19.74
G2X515-HAD 19.94
G2X520-HAD 20.13
G2X525-HAD 20.32
viii Mono c-Si PERC Modules G2X530-HAD (530 Wp) G2X530-HAD 20.52 144 (Half Cut Cells) 1500 29.09.2023 28.09.2027
G2X535-HAD 20.71
G2X540-HAD 20.90
G2X545-HAD 21.10
G2X550-HAD 21.29
G2X505-HAB 21.13
G2X500-HAB 20.92
ix Mono c-Si PERC Modules G2X495-HAB (495 Wp) G2X495-HAB 20.71 132 (Half Cut Cells) 1500 29.09.2023 28.09.2027
G2X490-HAB 20.50
G2X485-HAB 20.29
G2X460-HAA 21.09
G2X455-HAA 20.87
x Mono c-Si PERC Modules G2X450-HAA (450 Wp) G2X450-HAA 20.64 120 (Half Cut Cells) 1500 29.09.2023 28.09.2027
G2X445-HAA 20.41
G2X440-HAA 20.18
G2X415-HAY 21.06
G2X410-HAY 20.80
xi Mono c-Si PERC Modules G2X405-HAY (405 Wp) G2X405-HAY 20.55 108 (Half Cut Cells) 1500 29.09.2023 28.09.2027
G2X400-HAY 20.30
G2X390-HAY 19.79
G2X365-HAX 20.71
G2X360-HAX 20.43
xii Mono c-Si PERC Modules G2X360-HAX (360 Wp) 96 (Half Cut Cells) 1500 29.09.2023 28.09.2027
G2X355-HAX 20.14
G2X350-HAX 19.86
GS-410-AAA 19.03
GS-415-AAA 19.26
xiii Mono c-Si PERC Modules GS-420-AAA (420 Wp) GS-420-AAA 19.49 78 (Full Cells) 1500 29.09.2023 28.09.2027
GS-425-AAA 19.72
GS-430-AAA 19.95
GS-380-AAB 19.13
GS-385-AAB 19.39
GS-390-AAB 19.64
GS-395-AAB 19.89
xiv Mono c-Si PERC Modules GS-400-AAB (400 Wp) GS-400-AAB 20.14 72 (Full Cells) 1500 29.09.2023 28.09.2027
GS-405-AAB 20.39
GS-410-AAB 20.64
GS-415-AAB 20.90
GS-420-AAB 21.15
GS-350-AAC 19.13
GS-355-AAC 19.40
xv Mono c-Si PERC Modules GS-360-AAC (360 Wp) 66 (Full Cells) 1500 29.09.2023 28.09.2027
GS-360-AAC 19.67
GS-365-AAC 19.95
GS-320-AAD 19.16
GS-325-AAD 19.46
xvi Mono c-Si PERC Modules GS-330-AAD (330 Wp) 60 (Full Cells) 1500 29.09.2023 28.09.2027
GS-330-AAD 19.76
GS-335-AAD 20.06
GS-290-AAE 19.21
xvii Mono c-Si PERC Modules GS-295-AAE (295 Wp) GS-295-AAE 19.54 54 (Full Cells) 1500 29.09.2023 28.09.2027
GS-300-AAE 19.87
GS-260-AAF 19.26
xviii Mono c-Si PERC Modules GS-260-AAF (260 Wp) 48 (Full Cells) 1500 29.09.2023 28.09.2027
GS-265-AAF 19.63

xix Mono c-Si PERC Modules GS-230-AAG (230 Wp) GS-230-AAG 19.33 42 (Full Cells) 1500 29.09.2023 28.09.2027

GS-195-AAH 19.26
GS-200-AAH 19.75
xx Mono c-Si PERC Modules GS-200-AAH (200 Wp) 36 (Full Cells) 1500 29.09.2023 28.09.2027
GS-205-AAH 20.25
GS-210-AAH 20.74
9 Novasys Greenergy Pvt. Khasra No. 185, Mouza: Mahalgaon, R-71010499 248 i Multi C-Si Modules NOVA40P36 (40Wp) NOVA40P36 14.32 36 (Cut Cells) 600 10.11.2021 09.11.2023
Ltd Tehsil: Kamptee, Nagpur-441202, ii Multi C-Si Modules NOVA50P36 (50Wp) NOVA50P36 14.05 36 (Cut Cells) 600 10.11.2021 09.11.2023
Maharashtra iii Multi C-Si Modules NOVA60P36 (60Wp) NOVA60P36 14.91 36 (Cut Cells) 600 10.11.2021 09.11.2023
iv Multi C-Si Modules NOVA75P36 (75Wp) NOVA75P36 15.77 36 (Cut Cells) 600 10.11.2021 09.11.2023
v Multi C-Si Modules NOVA25P36 (25Wp) NOVA25P36 16.57 36 (Cut Cells) 600 10.11.2021 09.11.2023
vi Multi C-Si Modules NOVA90P36 (90Wp) NOVA90P36 14.17 36 (Cut Cells) 600 10.11.2021 09.11.2023
vii Multi C-Si Modules NOVA100P36 (100Wp) NOVA100P36 15.75 36 (Cut Cells) 600 10.11.2021 09.11.2023
viii Multi C-Si Modules NOVA125P36 (125Wp) NOVA125P36 15.04 36 (Cut Cells) 600 10.11.2021 09.11.2023
NOVA155P36 15.7
ix Multi C-Si Modules NOVA160P36 (160Wp) NOVA160P36 16.2 36 (Cut Cells) 1500 10.11.2021 09.11.2023
NOVA165P36 16.71
NOVA205P48 15.57
NOVA210P48 15.95
x Multi C-Si Modules NOVA210P48 (210Wp) 48 (Full Cells) 1500 10.11.2021 09.11.2023
NOVA215P48 16.33
NOVA220P48 16.71
NOVA230P54 15.64
NOVA235P54 15.98
xi Multi C-Si Modules NOVA240P54 (240Wp) NOVA240P54 16.32 54 (Full Cells) 1500 10.11.2021 09.11.2023
NOVA245P54 16.66
NOVA250P54 17.01
NOVA260P60 15.82
NOVA265P60 16.13
xii Multi C-Si Modules NOVA270P60 (270Wp) NOVA270P60 16.43 60 (Full Cells) 1500 10.11.2021 09.11.2023
NOVA275P60 16.73
NOVA280P60 17.04
NOVA285P66 15.95
NOVA290P66 16.23
NOVA295P66 16.51
xiii Multi C-Si Modules NOVA300P66 (300Wp) NOVA300P66 16.79 66 (Full Cells) 1500 10.11.2021 09.11.2023
NOVA305P66 17.07
NOVA310P66 17.35
NOVA315P66 17.63
NOVA260P120 15.82
NOVA265P120 16.13
xiv Multi C-Si Modules NOVA270P120 (270Wp) NOVA270P120 16.43 120 (Half-Cut Cells) 1500 10.11.2021 09.11.2023
NOVA275P120 16.73
NOVA280P120 17.04
NOVA305P144 15.25
NOVA310P144 15.5
NOVA315P144 15.75
xv Multi C-Si Modules NOVA320P144 (320Wp) NOVA320P144 16 144 (Half-Cut Cells) 1500 10.11.2021 09.11.2023
NOVA325P144 16.25
NOVA330P144 16.5
NOVA335P144 16.75
NOVA305P72 15.72
NOVA310P72 15.98
NOVA315P72 16.23
xvi Multi C-Si Modules NOVA320P72 (320Wp) NOVA320P72 16.49 72 (Full Cells) 1500 10.11.2021 09.11.2023
NOVA325P72 16.75
NOVA330P72 17.01
NOVA335P72 17.26
NOVA340P72 17.52
xvii Multi C-Si Modules NOVA350P72 (350Wp) NOVA345P72 17.78 72 (Full Cells) 1500 10.11.2021 09.11.2023
NOVA350P72 18.04
NOVA165MP32 18.38
xviii Mono PERC C-Si Modules NOVA165MP32 (165Wp) 32 (Full Cells) 1500 10.11.2021 09.11.2023
NOVA170MP32 18.94
NOVA185MP36 18.41
xix Mono PERC C-Si Modules NOVA190MP36 (190Wp) NOVA190MP36 18.91 36 (Full Cells) 1500 10.11.2021 09.11.2023
NOVA195MP36 19.4
NOVA240MP48 17.91
NOVA245MP48 18.28
xx Mono PERC C-Si Modules NOVA250MP48 (250Wp) NOVA250MP48 18.66 48 (Full Cells) 1500 10.11.2021 09.11.2023
NOVA255MP48 19.03
NOVA260MP48 19.4
xxi Mono PERC C-Si Modules NOVA355MP72 (355Wp) NOVA355MP72 17.88 72 (Full Cells) 1500 10.11.2021 09.11.2023
NOVA300MP60 18.07
NOVA305MP60 18.37
NOVA310MP60 18.67
xxii Mono PERC C-Si Modules NOVA315MP60 (315Wp) NOVA315MP60 18.98 60 (Full Cells) 1500 10.11.2021 09.11.2023
NOVA320MP60 19.28
NOVA325MP60 19.58
NOVA330MP60 19.88
NOVA335MP66 18.56
NOVA340MP66 18.84
NOVA345MP66 19.11
xxiii Mono PERC C-Si Modules NOVA350MP66 (350Wp) 66 (Full Cells) 1500 10.11.2021 09.11.2023
NOVA350MP66 19.39
NOVA355MP66 19.67
NOVA360MP66 19.94
NOVA275MP54 18.33
NOVA280MP54 18.67
xxiv Mono PERC C-Si Modules NOVA285MP54 (285Wp) NOVA285MP54 19 54 (Full Cells) 1500 10.11.2021 09.11.2023
NOVA290MP54 19.33
NOVA295MP54 19.67
NOVA365MP72 18.39
NOVA370MP72 18.64
NOVA375MP72 18.89
xxv Mono PERC C-Si Modules NOVA380MP72 (380Wp) NOVA380MP72 19.14 72 (Full Cells) 1500 10.11.2021 09.11.2023
NOVA385MP72 19.4
NOVA390MP72 19.65
NOVA395MP72 19.9
NOVA375MP144 18.75
NOVA380MP144 19
xxvi Mono PERC C-Si Modules NOVA380MP144 (380Wp) NOVA385MP144 19.25 144 (Half-Cut Cells) 1500 10.11.2021 09.11.2023
NOVA390MP144 19.5
NOVA395MP144 19.75
NOVA245MP72 18.34
NOVA250MP72 18.68
xxvii Mono PERC C-Si Module NOVA255MP72 NOVA255MP72 19.06 72 (Half Cut Cell) 1500 10.11.2021 09.11.2023
NOVA260MP72 19.45
NOVA265MP72 19.81
NOVA270MP72 20.19
xviii Mono PERC C-Si Module NOVA270MP72 (270 Wp) 72 (Half Cut Cell) 1500 10.11.2021 09.11.2023
NOVA275MP72 20.57
NOVA325MP96 18.49
NOVA330MP96 18.79
NOVA335MP96 19.06
xxix Mono PERC C-Si Module NOVA340MP96 (340 Wp) NOVA340MP96 19.35 96 (Half Cut Cell) 1500 10.11.2021 09.11.2023
NOVA345MP96 19.63
NOVA350MP96 19.92
NOVA355MP96 20.21
NOVA360MP96 20.5
xxx Mono PERC C-Si Module NOVA360MP96 (360 Wp) 96 (Half Cut Cell) 1500 10.11.2021 09.11.2023
NOVA365MP96 20.78
NOVA375MP108 19.12
NOVA380MP108 19.37
NOVA385MP108 19.63
xxxi Mono PERC C-Si Module NOVA390MP108 (390 Wp) NOVA390MP108 19.88 108 (Half Cut Cell) 1500 10.11.2021 09.11.2023
NOVA395MP108 20.14
NOVA400MP108 20.4
NOVA405MP108 20.66
NOVA410MP108 20.91
xxxii Mono PERC C-Si Module NOVA415MP108 (415 Wp) 108 (Half Cut Cell) 1500 10.11.2021 09.11.2023
NOVA415MP108 21.17
NOVA415MP120 19.11
NOVA420MP120 19.35
NOVA425MP120 19.58
NOVA430MP120 19.81
xxxiii Mono PERC C-Si Module NOVA435MP120 (435 Wp) NOVA435MP120 20.04 120 (Half Cut Cell) 1500 10.11.2021 09.11.2023
NOVA440MP120 20.28
NOVA445MP120 20.5
NOVA450MP120 20.73
NOVA455MP120 20.96
xxxiv Mono PERC C-Si Module NOVA460MP120 (460 Wp) NOVA460MP120 21.19 120 (Half Cut Cell) 1500 10.11.2021 09.11.2023

NOVA455MP132 19.2
NOVA460MP132 19.41
NOVA465MP132 19.63
NOVA470MP132 19.85
xxxv Mono PERC C-Si Module NOVA475MP132 (475 Wp) NOVA475MP132 20.05 132 (Half Cut Cell) 1500 10.11.2021 09.11.2023
NOVA480MP132 20.27
NOVA485MP132 20.47
NOVA490MP132 20.68
NOVA495MP132 20.9
NOVA500MP132 21.1
xxxvi Mono PERC C-Si Module NOVA500MP132 (500 Wp) 132 (Half Cut Cell) 1500 10.11.2021 09.11.2023
NOVA505MP132 21.32
NOVA495MP144 19.17
NOVA500MP144 19.36
NOVA505MP144 19.55
NOVA510MP144 19.75
NOVA515MP144 19.94
xxxvii Mono PERC C-Si Module NOVA520MP144 (520 Wp) NOVA520MP144 20.13 144 (Half Cut Cell) 1500 10.11.2021 09.11.2023
NOVA525MP144 20.33
NOVA530MP144 20.53
NOVA535MP144 20.72
NOVA540MP144 20.92
NOVA545MP144 21.1
xxxviii Mono PERC C-Si Module NOVA550MP144 (550 Wp) NOVA550MP144 144 (Half Cut Cell) 1500 10.11.2021 09.11.2023
10 M/s. Pahal Solar 189, Block No.-71, Olpad Sayan Road, R-72001848 215 PS315PM_72S 16.19
Atodara, Olpad Surat-394540, Gujarat PS320PM_72S 16.45
i Multi C-Si Modules PS330PM_72S (330Wp) 72 (Full Cells) 1000 10.11.2021 09.11.2023
PS325PM_72S 16.7
PS330PM_72S 16.96
PS260PM_60S 15.96
PS265PM_60S 16.27
ii Multi C-Si Modules PS270PM_60S (270Wp) 60 (Full Cells) 1000 10.11.2021 09.11.2023
PS270PM_60S 16.57
PS275PM_60S 16.86
PS240PM_54S 16.27
iii Multi C-Si Modules PS250PM_54S (250Wp) PS245PM_54S 16.61 54 (Full Cells) 1000 10.11.2021 09.11.2023
PS250PM_54S 16.95
PS155PM_36S 15.65
iv Multi C-Si Modules PS165PM_36S (165Wp) PS160PM_36S 16.15 36 (Full Cells) 600 10.11.2021 09.11.2023
PS165PM_36S 16.66
PS105PM_36S 15.87
v Multi C-Si Modules PS105PM_36S (105Wp) 36 (Cut Cells) 600 10.11.2021 09.11.2023
PS110PM_36S 16.69
vi Multi C-Si Modules PS080PM_36S (80Wp) PS080PM_36S 16.25 36 (Cut Cells) 600 10.11.2021 09.11.2023
vii Multi C-Si Modules PS075PM_36S (75Wp) PS075PM_36S 15.23 36 (Cut Cells) 600 10.11.2021 09.11.2023
viii Multi C-Si Modules PS050PM_36S (50Wp) PS050PM_36S 14.89 36 (Cut Cells) 600 10.11.2021 09.11.2023
ix Multi C-Si Modules PS040PM_36S (40Wp) PS040PM_36S 14.49 36 (Cut Cells) 600 10.11.2021 09.11.2023
x Multi C-Si Modules PS030PM_36S (30Wp) PS030PM_36S 13.2 36 (Cut Cells) 600 10.11.2021 09.11.2023
xi Multi C-Si Modules PS020PM_36S (20Wp) PS020PM_36S 13.8 36 (Cut Cells) 600 10.11.2021 09.11.2023
xii Multi C-Si Modules PS010PM_36S (10Wp) PS010PM_36S 9.83 36 (Cut Cells) 600 10.11.2021 09.11.2023
xiii Multi C-Si Modules PS005PM_18S (5Wp) PS005PM_18S 10.33 18 (Cut Cells) 600 10.11.2021 09.11.2023
PS335PM_72S 17.22
xiv Multi C-Si Modules PS335PM_72S, (335Wp) 72 (Full Cells) 1000 10.11.2021 09.11.2023
PS340PM_72S 17.48
PS_550 21.3
PS_545 21.11
PS_540 20.92
xv Mono PERC C-Si Module PS_540 (540Wp) 144 (Half Cut Cell) 1500 10.11.2021 09.11.2023
PS_535 20.73
PS_530 20.53
PS_525 20.35
PS_500 19.36
xvi Mono PERC C-Si Module PS_490 (490Wp) 132 (Half Cut Cell) 1500 10.11.2021 09.11.2023
PS_495 19.16
PS_445 20.38
xvii Mono PERC C-Si Module PS_445 (445Wp) PS_440 20.15 144 (Half Cut Cell) 1500 10.11.2021 09.11.2023
PS_435 19.92
PS_430 19.69
xviii Mono PERC C-Si Module PS_405 (405 Wp) PS_415 19 132 (Half Cut Cell) 1500 10.11.2021 09.11.2023
PS_380 19.53
xix Mono PERC C-Si Module PS_370 (370Wp) PS_375 19.28 132 (Half Cut Cell) 1500 10.11.2021 09.11.2023
PS_370 19.02
11 Pixon Green Energy Pvt. R.S. No. 157/1, 158/1, 158/2, 165/1, R-72004570 355 PIX PD2 72 305 15.39
Ltd. 166 of Khijadiya Nana, R.S. No. 15/1 PIX PD2 72 310 15.63
of Depaliya, Padadhari, Rajkot Gujarat- PIX PD2 72 315 15.88
360110 i Multi C-Si Modules PIX PD2 72 320 (320 Wp) PIX PD2 72 320 16.14 72 (Full Cells) 1500 10.11.2021 09.11.2023
PIX PD2 72 325 16.4
PIX PD2 72 330 16.63
PIX PD2 72 335 16.9
PIX P2 72 315 15.88
PIX P2 72 320 16.14
PIX P2 72 325 16.38
ii Multi C-Si Modules PIX P2 72 330 (330 Wp) 72 (Full Cells) 1500 10.11.2021 09.11.2023
PIX P2 72 330 16.63
PIX P2 72 335 16.89
PIX P2 72 340 17.43
PIX MP3 72 370 18.66
PIX MP3 72 375 18.89
PIX MP3 72 380 19.15
iii Mono PERC C-Si Modules PIX MP3 72 385 (385 Wp) PIX MP3 72 385 19.4 72 (Full Cells) 1500 10.11.2021 09.11.2023
PIX MP3 72 390 19.65
PIX MP3 72 395 19.9
PIX MP3 72 400 20.16
12 Alpex Solar Pvt. Ltd. Plot No. I-25 &I-26, UPSIDC, Site-5, R-93007480 248 ALP380WM (380 Wp) 19.38
Kasna, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh- i MONO C-Si PERC Modules. ALP380WM, (380Wp-385Wp) 72 (Full Cells) 1500 24.01.2024 23.01.2028
201306 ALP385WM (385 Wp) 19.64
13 Vikram Solar Ltd. B1000A, B1100C, Indospace Industrial R-61002070 1287 ELDORA VSPH.72.340.05 17.28
Park, Panruti Pvt. Ltd., Survey No-2/A, ELDORA VSPH.72.350.05, ELDORA VSPH.72.345.05 17.53
i Multi C-Si Modules. 144 (Half-Cut Cells) 1500 10.11.2021 09.11.2023
Sriperumbudur Taluk, Panaiyur (350Wp) ELDORA VSPH.72.350.05 17.78
Village, Kanchipuram-603302, Tamil ELDORA VSPH.72.355.05 18.04
Nadu Mono C-Si PERC Monofacial SOMERA VSMH.72.440.05, SOMERA VSMH.72.435.05 19.56
ii 144 (Half-Cut Cells) 1500 10.11.2021 09.11.2023
Modules. (440Wp) SOMERA VSMH.72.440.05 19.79
SOMERA VSMH.72.520.05 19.96
Mono C-Si PERC Monofacial SOMERA VSMH.72.530.05, SOMERA VSMH.72.525.05 20.15
iii 144 (Half-Cut Cells) 1500 10.11.2021 09.11.2023
Modules. (530Wp) SOMERA VSMH.72.530.05 20.35
SOMERA VSMH.72.535.05 20.54
Mono C-Si PERC Bi-Facial PREXOS VSMDHT.72.435.05,
iv PREXOS VSMDHT.72.435.05 19.56 144 (Half-Cut Cells) 1500 10.11.2021 09.11.2023
Modules. (435Wp)
PREXOS VSMDHT.72.520.05 19.96
Mono C-Si PERC Bi-Facial PREXOS VSMDHT.72.530.05, PREXOS VSMDHT.72.525.05 20.15
v 144 (Half-Cut Cells) 1500 10.11.2021 09.11.2023
Modules. (530Wp) PREXOS VSMDHT.72.530.05 20.35
PREXOS VSMDHT.72.535.05 20.54
SOMERA VSMH.66.615.05 19.74
SOMERA VSMH.66.620.05 19.9
SOMERA VSMH.66.625.05 20.06
SOMERA VSMH.66.630.05 20.22
vi Mono PERC C-Si Module SOMERA VSMH.66.AAA.05 (640Wp) 132 (Half Cut Cell) 1500 10.11.2021 09.11.2023
SOMERA VSMH.66.635.05 20.38
SOMERA VSMH.66.640.05 20.54
SOMERA VSMH.66.645.05 20.7
SOMERA VSMH.66.650.05 20.86
SOMERA VSMH.60.570.05 20.14
SOMERA VSMH.60.575.05 20.31
vii Mono PERC C-Si Module SOMERA VSMH.60AAA.05 (580Wp) SOMERA VSMH.60.580.05 20.49 120 (Half Cut Cell) 1500 10.11.2021 09.11.2023
SOMERA VSMH.60.585.05 20.67
SOMERA VSMH.60.590.05 20.85
PARADEA VSMDH.72.535.05 20.54
Mono PERC Bifacial C-Si PARADEA VSMDH.72.540.05 20.73
viii PARADEA VSMDH.72AAA.05 (545Wp) 144 (Half Cut Cell) 1500 10.11.2021 09.11.2023
Module PARADEA VSMDH.72.545.05 20.93
PARADEA VSMDH.72.550.05 21.11
SOMERA VSMH.72.540.05 20.54
ix Mono PERC C-Si Module SOMERA VSMH.72AAA.05 (545Wp) SOMERA VSMH.72.545.05 20.73 144 (Half Cut Cell) 1500 10.11.2021 09.11.2023
SOMERA VSMH.72.550.05 20.93
SOMERA VSMH.60.450.05 20.82
x Mono PERC C-Si Module SOMERA VSMH.60AAA.05 (455Wp) SOMERA VSMH.60.455.05 21.05 120 (Half Cut Cell) 1500 10.11.2021 09.11.2023
SOMERA VSMH.60.460.05 21.28
SOMERA VSMH.72.445.05 20
xi Mono PERC C-Si Module SOMERA VSMH.72AAA.05 (450Wp) SOMERA VSMH.72.450.05 20.23 144 (Half Cut Cell) 1500 10.11.2021 09.11.2023
SOMERA VSMH.72.455.05 20.46
14 Contendre Greenergy Pvt. Unit No: I/6, Rajlakshmi HiTech R-71013196 47 i Multi C-Si Modules CG P36-40 (40Wp) CG P36-40 14.35 36 (Half-Cut Cells) 1500 30.12.2021 29.12.2023
Ltd. Industrial Park, Sonale Village, CG P36-155 15.63
Bhiwandi, Maharashtra ii Multi C-Si Modules CG P36-160 (160Wp) CG P36-160 16.14 36 (Full Cells) 1500 30.12.2021 29.12.2023
CG P36-165 16.53
CG P72-305 15.76
CG P72-310 16.02
CG P72-315 16.28
iii Multi C-Si Modules CG P72-320 (320Wp) CG P72-320 16.53 72 (Full Cells) 1500 30.12.2021 29.12.2023
CG P72-325 16.79
CG P72-330 17.07
CG P72-335 17.18
CG M72-380 18.44 f
CG M72-385 18.69
CG M72-390 18.93
CG M72-395 19.17
iv Mono C-Si PERC Modues CG M72-400 (400Wp) 72 (Full Cells) 1500 30.12.2021 29.12.2023
CG M72-400 19.41
CG M72-405 19.66
CG M72-410 19.9
CG M72-415 20.14
15 M/s. ECE (India) Energies F-27, Express Highway, MIDC, R-71012220 45 ECE036P155 15.66
i Multi C-Si Modules. ECE036P160,(160Wp) 36 (Full Cells) 1500 04.03.2022 03.03.2024
Pvt. Ltd. Amravati-444607, Maharashtra, India. ECE036P160 16.16
ECE036P165 16.67
ii Multi C-Si Modules. ECE036P170, (170Wp) 36 (Full Cells) 1500 04.03.2022 03.03.2024
ECE036P170 17.17
ECE060P260 16.1
ECE060P265 16.4
iii Multi C-Si Modules. ECE060P270, (270Wp) ECE060P270 16.71 60 (Full Cells) 1500 04.03.2022 03.03.2024
ECE060P275 17.02
ECE060P280 17.33
ECE066P285 16.12
ECE066P290 16.4
ECE066P295 16.68
iv Multi C-Si Modules. ECE066P300, (300Wp) 66 (Full Cells) 1500 04.03.2022 03.03.2024
ECE066P300 16.97
ECE066P305 17.25
ECE066P310 17.53
ECE072P310 16.06
ECE072P315 16.32
v Multi C-Si Modules. ECE072P320, (320Wp) ECE072P320 16.58 72 (Full Cells) 1500 04.03.2022 03.03.2024
ECE072P325 16.83
ECE072P330 16.9
ECE-66P300 16.12
ECE-66P310 16.4
vi Multi C-Si Modules. ECE-66P315, (315Wp) ECE-66P315 16.68 66 (Full Cells) 1500 04.03.2022 03.03.2024
ECE-66P320 16.97
ECE-66P325 17.25
ECE-72P320 16.62
ECE-72P325 16.88

ECE-72P330 17.14
vii Multi C-Si Modules. ECE-72P335, (335Wp) 72 (Full Cells) 1500 04.03.2022 03.03.2024
ECE-72P335 17.4
ECE-72P340 17.66
ECE-72P345 17.92
ECE-72P350 18.18
ECE036M170 17.17
viii Mono C-Si PERC Modules. ECE036M175, (175Wp) ECE036M175 17.68 36 (Full Cells) 1500 04.03.2022 03.03.2024
ECE036M180 18.18
ix Mono C-Si PERC Modules. ECE036M185, (185Wp) ECE036M185 18.69 36 (Full Cells) 1500 04.03.2022 03.03.2024
ECE060M280 17.33
ECE060M285 17.64
x Mono C-Si PERC Modules. ECE060M285, (285Wp) 60 (Full Cells) 1500 04.03.2022 03.03.2024
ECE060M290 17.95
ECE060M295 18.26
ECE060M300 18.57
xi Mono C-Si PERC Modules. ECE060M305, (305Wp) ECE060M305 18.88 60 (Full Cells) 1500 04.03.2022 03.03.2024
ECE060M310 19.19
ECE066M310 17.53
ECE066M315 17.82
ECE066M320 18.1
xii Mono C-Si PERC Modules. ECE066M325, (325Wp) ECE066M325 18.38 66 (Full Cells) 1500 04.03.2022 03.03.2024
ECE066M330 18.66
ECE066M335 18.95
ECE066M340 19.23
ECE072M335 17.35
ECE072M340 17.61
ECE072M345 17.87
xiii Mono C-Si PERC Modules. ECE072M350 18.13 72 (Full Cells) 1500 04.03.2022 03.03.2024
ECE072M355 18.39
ECE072M360 18.65
ECE072M365 18.91
xiv Mono C-Si PERC Modules. ECE072M370, (370Wp) ECE072M370 19.17 72 (Full Cells) 1500 04.03.2022 03.03.2024

16 Rayzon Solar Private Block No-105, B/H Aron Pipes, B/H R-72002305 945 RGE300W72 15.54
Limited hariya Talav, Kim mandvi Road, RGE 305W72 15.71
i Multi C-Si Modules RGE310W72, (310Wp) 72 (Full Cells) 1000 04.03.2022 03.03.2024
(formerly known as M/s. Karanj, Surat-394110, Gujrat, India. RGE 310W72 15.98
Rayzon Green Energies) RGE 315W72 16.23
RGE 320W72 16.58
RGE 325W72 16.74
RGE 330W72 17
ii Multi C-Si Modules RGE 335W/72, (335Wp) 72 (Full Cells) 1000 04.03.2022 03.03.2024
RGE 335W/72 17.26
RGE 340W/72 17.52
RGE 345W72 17.78
RGE290W66F 14.95
RGE295W66F 15.2
RGE300W66F 15.46
iii Multi C-Si Modules RGE305W66F, (305Wp) RGE305W66F 15.72 66 (Full Cells) 1000 04.03.2022 03.03.2024
RGE310W66F 15.98
RGE315W66F 16.23
RGE320W66F 16.49
RGE 250W60F 15.46
iv Multi C-Si Modules RGE 255W60F, (255Wp) RGE 255W60F 15.71 60 (Full Cells) 1000 04.03.2022 03.03.2024
RGE 260W60F 16.1
RGE 265W60F 16.4
RGE 270W60F 16.63
v Multi C-Si Modules RGE 270W60F, (270Wp) 60 (Full Cells) 1000 04.03.2022 03.03.2024
RGE 275W60F 16.93
RGE 280W60F 17.28
RGE 225W54F 16.07
vi Multi C-Si Modules RGE 230W54F, (230Wp) RGE 230W54F 16.48 54 (Full Cells) 1000 04.03.2022 03.03.2024
RGE 235W54F 16.79
RGE 240W54F 17.14
vii Multi C-Si Modules RGE 245W54F, (245Wp) RGE 245W54F 17.55 54 (Full Cells) 1000 04.03.2022 03.03.2024
RGE 250W54F 17.86
RGE 200W48F 15.62
viii Multi C-Si Modules RGE 205W48F, (205Wp) RGE 205W48F 15.45 48 (Full Cells) 1000 04.03.2022 03.03.2024
RGE 210W48F 15.79
RGE 215W48F 16.17
ix Multi C-Si Modules RGE 220W48F, (220Wp) RGE 220W48F 16.58 48 (Full Cells) 1000 04.03.2022 03.03.2024
RGE 225W48F 16.92
x Multi C-Si Modules RGE 40W36C, (40Wp) RGE 40W36C 14.39 36 (Cut Cells) 600 04.03.2022 03.03.2024
xi Multi C-Si Modules RGE 50W36C, (50Wp) RGE 50W36C 14.76 36 (Cut Cells) 600 04.03.2022 03.03.2024
xii Multi C-Si Modules RGE 55W36C, (55Wp) RGE 55W36C 13.24 36 (Cut Cells) 600 04.03.2022 03.03.2024
xiii Multi C-Si Modules RGE 60W36C, (60Wp) RGE 60W36C 14.44 36 (Cut Cells) 600 04.03.2022 03.03.2024
xiv Multi C-Si Modules RGE 75W36C, (75Wp) RGE 75W36C 15.23 36 (Cut Cells) 600 04.03.2022 03.03.2024
xv Multi C-Si Modules RGE 80W36C, (80Wp) RGE 80W36C 14.93 36 (Cut Cells) 600 04.03.2022 03.03.2024
xvi Multi C-Si Modules RGE 100W36C, (100Wp) RGE 100W36C 15 36 (Cut Cells) 600 04.03.2022 03.03.2024
xvii Multi C-Si Modules RGE 110W36, (110Wp) RGE 110W36 16.5 36 (Cut Cells) 600 04.03.2022 03.03.2024
RGE120W36C 14.68
xviii Multi C-Si Modules RGE125W36C, (125Wp) 36 (Cut Cells) 600 04.03.2022 03.03.2024
RGE125W36C 15.23
RGE 150W36F 15.13
xix Multi C-Si Modules RGE 155W36F, (155Wp) 36 (Full Cells) 1000 04.03.2022 03.03.2024
RGE 155W36F 15.7
RGE 160W36F 16.2
xx Multi C-Si Modules RGE 165W36F, (165Wp) 36 (Full Cells) 1000 04.03.2022 03.03.2024
RGE 165W36F 16.71
RGE300W54F 15.13
xxi Mono C-Si PERC Modules RGE300W54F, (300Wp) 54 (Full Cells) 1500 04.03.2022 03.03.2024
RGE295W54F 14.87
RGE270W54F 13.61
RGE275W54F 13.86
xxii Mono C-Si PERC Modules RGE280W54F, (280Wp) RGE280W54F 14.15 54 (Full Cells) 1500 04.03.2022 03.03.2024
RGE285W54F 14.36
RGE290W54F 14.63
RGE300W60F 15.12
RGE305W60F 15.38
RGE310W60F 15.64
xxiii Mono C-Si PERC Modules RGE315W60F, (315Wp) RGE315W60F 15.91 60 (Full Cells) 1500 04.03.2022 03.03.2024
RGE320W60F 16.15
RGE325W60F 16.39
RGE330W60F 16.63
RGE330W66F 16.63
RGE335W66F 16.92
RGE340W66F 17.13
xxiv Mono C-Si PERC Modules RGE345W66F, (345Wp) RGE345W66F 66 (Full Cells) 1500 04.03.2022 03.03.2024
RGE350W66F 17.65
RGE355W66F 17.9
RGE360W66F 18.16
xxv Mono C-Si PERC Modules RGE365W66F, (365Wp) RGE365W66F 18.41 66 (Full Cells) 1500 04.03.2022 03.03.2024
RGE360W72F 18.14
RGE365W72F 18.39
RGE370W72F 18.68
xxvi Mono C-Si PERC Modules RGE375W72F, (375Wp) RGE375W72F 18.92 72 (Full Cells) 1500 04.03.2022 03.03.2024
RGE380W72F 19.19
RGE385W72F 19.44
RGE390W72F 19.67
RGE395W72F 19.92
xxvii Mono C-Si PERC Modules RGE400W72F, (400Wp) 72 (Full Cells) 1500 04.03.2022 03.03.2024
RGE400W72F 20.19
RS330WC 18.94
RS335WC 19.22
RS340WC 19.51
xxviii Mono C-Si PERC Modules RS345WC, (345Wp) RS345WC 19.79 96 (Half Cut Cells) 1500 04.03.2022 03.03.2024
RS350WC 20.07
RS355WC 20.34
RS360WC 20.67
RS370WC 18.93
RS375WC 19.22
xxix Mono C-Si PERC Modules RS380WC, (380Wp) RS380WC 19.47 108 (Half Cut Cells) 1500 04.03.2022 03.03.2024
RS385WC 19.72
RS390WC 19.96
RS395WC 20.22
xxx Mono C-Si PERC Modules RS400WC, (400Wp) RS400WC 20.47 108 (Half Cut Cells) 1500 04.03.2022 03.03.2024
RS405WC 20.75
RS410WC 18.96
RS415WC 19.2
RS420WC 19.44
RS425WC 19.67
xxxi Mono C-Si PERC Modules RS430WC, (430Wp) RS430WC 19.88 120 (Half Cut Cells) 1500 04.03.2022 03.03.2024
RS435WC 20.12
RS440WC 20.37
RS445WC 20.6
RS450WC 20.84
RS455WC 19.19
RS460WC 19.4
RS465WC 19.6
RS470WC 19.84
xxxii Mono C-Si PERC Modules RS475WC, (475Wp) 132 (Half Cut Cells) 1500 04.03.2022 03.03.2024
xxxii Mono C-Si PERC Modules RS475WC, (475Wp) RS475WC 20.02 132 (Half Cut Cells) 1500 04.03.2022 03.03.2024
RS480WC 20.26
RS485WC 20.46
RS490WC 20.66
RS495WC 20.87
RS500WC 19.37
RS505WC 19.57
RS510WC 19.76
RS515WC 19.96

xxxiii RS520WC 20.17 1500 04.03.2022 03.03.2024

Mono C-Si PERC Modules RS520WC, (520Wp) 144 (Half Cut Cells)
RS525WC 20.34
RS530WC 20.55
RS535WC 20.74
RS540WC 20.94
RS545WC 21.1
RS550WC 21.32
xxxiv Mono PERC C-Si Module RS555WC (555 Wp) RS555WC 21.52 144 (Half Cut Cells) 1500 04.03.2022 03.03.2024
RS560WC 21.71
RSB550WC 21.32
RSB545WC 21.13
RSB540WC 20.94
RSB535WC 20.75
Mono PERC Bifacial C-Si with RSB530WC 20.56
xxxv RSB530WC (530 Wp) 144 (Half Cut Cells) 1500 04.03.2022 03.03.2024
Transparent Backsheet RSB525WC 20.37
RSB520WC 20.18
RSB515WC 19.99
RSB510WC 19.79
RSB505WC 19.56
RSB500WC 21.08
RSB495WC 20.87
RSB490WC 20.66
RSB485WC 20.46
Mono PERC Bifacial C-Si with
xxxvi RSB480WC (480 Wp) RSB480WC 20.26 132 (Half Cut Cells) 1500 04.03.2022 03.03.2024
Transparent Backsheet
RSB475WC 20.02
RSB470WC 19.84
RSB465WC 19.6
RSB460WC 19.4
RSB455WC 21.02
RSB450WC 20.81
RSB445WC 20.58
RSB440WC 20.35
Mono PERC Bifacial C-Si with
xxxvii RSB435WC (435 Wp) RSB435WC 20.1 120 (Half Cut Cells) 1500 04.03.2022 03.03.2024
Transparent Backsheet
RSB430WC 19.86
RSB425WC 19.65
RSB420WC 19.42
RSB415WC 19.18
RSB410WC 21
RSB405WC 20.75
RSB400WC 20.47
Mono PERC Bifacial C-Si with
xxxviii RSB390WC (390 Wp) RSB395WC 20.22 108 (Half Cut Cells) 1500 04.03.2022 03.03.2024
Transparent Backsheet
RSB390WC 19.96
RSB385WC 19.72
RSB380WC 19.47
RSG550WC 21.08
RSG545WC 20.87
RSG540WC 20.66
RSG535WC 20.46
Mono PERC Bifacial C-Si with RSG530WC 20.26
xxxix RSG530WC (530 Wp) 144 (Half Cut Cells) 1500 04.03.2022 03.03.2024
Glass to Glass RSG525WC 20.02
RSG520WC 19.84
RSG515WC 19.6
RSG510WC 19.4
RSG505WC 21.08
RSG500WC 21.08
RSG495WC 20.87
RSG490WC 20.66
RSG485WC 20.46
Mono PERC Bifacial C-Si with
xL RSG480WC (480 Wp) RSG480WC 20.26 132 (Half Cut Cells) 1500 04.03.2022 03.03.2024
Glass to Glass
RSG475WC 20.02
RSG470WC 19.84
RSG465WC 19.6
RSG460WC 19.4
RSG455WC 21.02
RSG450WC 20.81
RSG445WC 20.58
RSG440WC 20.35
Mono PERC Bifacial C-Si with
xLi RSG435WC (435 Wp) RSG435WC 20.1 120 (Half Cut Cells) 1500 04.03.2022 03.03.2024
Glass to Glass
RSG430WC 19.86
RSG425WC 19.65
RSG420WC 19.42
RSG415WC 19.18
RSG410WC 21
RSG405WC 20.75
RSG400WC 20.47
Mono PERC Bifacial C-Si with
xLii RSG390WC (390 Wp) RSG395WC 20.22 108 (Half Cut Cells) 1500 04.03.2022 03.03.2024
Glass to Glass
RSG390WC 19.96
RSG385WC 19.72
RSG380WC 19.47
17 M/s. Lubi Electronics. Survey No -75, Opp. Essar Petrol R-72002380 133 LE24P300 15.43
Pump, Prantiya, Gandhinagar, Gujarat- LE24P310 15.95
382355, India. LE24P315 16.2
i Multi C-Si Modules LE24P315, (315Wp) 72 (Full Cells) 1500 04.03.2022 03.03.2024
LE24P320 16.46
LE24P325 16.72
LE24P330 16.98
LE24P335 17.23
LE24P340 17.49
ii Multi C-Si Modules LE24P345, (345Wp) 72 (Full Cells) 1500 04.03.2022 03.03.2024
LE24P345 17.75
LE24P350 18.01
LE18P250 15.37
LE18P255 15.68
iii Multi C-Si Modules LE18P260, (260Wp) LE18P260 15.98 60 (Full Cells) 1500 04.03.2022 03.03.2024
LE18P265 16.29
LE18P270 16.6
LE18P275 16.91
LE18P280 17.21
iv Multi C-Si Modules LE18P285, (285Wp) 60 (Full Cells) 1500 04.03.2022 03.03.2024
LE18P285 17.52
LE18P290 17.83
LE12P150 15.32
v Multi C-Si Modules LE12P155, (155Wp) LE12P155 15.83 36 (Full Cells) 1000 04.03.2022 03.03.2024
LE12P160 16.34
LE24M380 19.58
LE24M385 19.58
LE24M390 19.58
vi Mono PERC C-Si Modules LE24M395, (395 Wp) LE24M395 19.58 72 (Full Cells) 1500 04.03.2022 03.03.2024
LE24M400 19.58
LE24M405 19.58
LE24M410 19.58
18 M/s. Kosol Energie Pvt. Survey No: 415/B, Opp. Super Gas, R-72003417 143 i Multi C-Si Modules. KE50P, (50Wp) KE50P 14.43 36 (Cut Cells) 600 04.03.2022 03.03.2024
Ltd. Village: Bhayla, Bavla-Bagodra KE165P 16.84
Highway, Ta: Bavla, Dist: Ahmedabad- ii Multi C-Si Modules. KE170P, (170Wp) KE170P 17.35 36 (Full Cells) 600 04.03.2022 03.03.2024
382220, Gujarat, India. KE175P 17.86
KE205P 15.45
KE210P 15.83
iii Multi C-Si Modules. KE215P, (215Wp) KE215P 16.21 48 (Full Cells) 1500 04.03.2022 03.03.2024
KE220P 16.58
KE225P 16.96
KE235P 15.98
KE240P 16.32
iv Multi C-Si Modules. KE245P, (245Wp) KE245P 16.66 54 (Full Cells) 1500 04.03.2022 03.03.2024
KE250P 17.01
KE255P 17.35
KE280P 17.04
KE285P 17.34
v Multi C-Si Modules. KE290P, (290Wp) KE290P 17.65 60 (Full Cells) 1500 04.03.2022 03.03.2024
KE295P 17.95
KE300P 18.25
KE315P 16.23
KE320P 16.49
vi Multi C-Si Modules. KE325P, (325Wp) 72 (Full Cells) 1500 04.03.2022 03.03.2024
KE325P 16.75
KE330P 17.01
KE315PX 15.66
KE320PX 15.9
vii Multi C-Si Modules. KE325PX, (325Wp) 144 (Half-Cut Cells) 1500 04.03.2022 03.03.2024
KE325PX 16.15
KE330PX 16.4
viii Mono C-Si PERC Modules. KE95M, (95Wp) KE95M 18.34 36 (Cut Cells) 600 04.03.2022 03.03.2024
ix Mono C-Si PERC Modules. KE180, (180Wp) KE180 18.37 36(Full Cells) 600 04.03.2022 03.03.2024
KE235M 17.71
KE240M 18.09
x Mono C-Si PERC Modules. KE245M, (245Wp) KE245M 18.47 48 (Full Cells) 1500 04.03.2022 03.03.2024
KE250M 18.85
KE255M 19.22
KE265M 18.03
KE270M 18.37
xi Mono C-Si PERC Modules. KE275M, (275Wp) KE275M 18.71 54 (Full Cells) 1500 04.03.2022 03.03.2024
KE280M 19.05
KE285M 19.39
KE305M 18.56
KE310M 18.86
KE315M 19.17
xii Mono C-Si PERC Modules. KE320M , (320Wp) KE320M 19.47 60 (Full Cells) 1500 04.03.2022 03.03.2024
KE325M 19.78
KE330M 20.08
KE335M 20.38
KE350M 17.65
KE355M 17.9
KE360M 18.15
xiii Mono C-Si PERC Modules. KE365M, (365Wp) KE365M 18.41 72 (Full Cells) 1500 04.03.2022 03.03.2024
KE370M 18.66
KE375M 18.91
KE380M 19.16
KE360MX 17.89
KE365MX 18.14
xiv Mono C-Si PERC Modules. KE370MX, (370Wp) KE370MX 18.39 144 (Half-Cut Cells) 1500 04.03.2022 03.03.2024
KE375MX 18.64
KE380MX 18.89
KE385M 19.42
xvi Mono C-Si PERC Modules KE390M, (390Wp) KE390M 19.67 72 (Full Cells) 1500 04.03.2022 03.03.2024
KE395M 19.92
19 M/s. Citizen Solar Pvt. Ltd. New Survey No-966, Village: Indrad, R-72001929 70 CSPL18P150 15.3
Chhatral Kadi Road, Ta: Kadi, i Multi C-Si Modules. CSPL18P155, (155Wp) CSPL18P155 15.8 36(Full Cells) 1000 04.03.2022 03.03.2024
Dist.: Mehsana, Gujarat-382715, CSPL18P160 16.3
India. CSPL18P200 14.5
ii Multi C-Si Modules CSPL18P205, (205Wp) CSPL18P205 14.9 48 (Full Cells) 1000 04.03.2022 03.03.2024
CSPL18P210 15.2
CSPL18P230 15.7
iii Multi C-Si Modules CSPL18P235, (235Wp) CSPL18P235 16.03 54 (Full Cells) 1000 04.03.2022 03.03.2024
CSPL18P240 16.38
CSPL18P250 15.4
CSPL18P255 15.71
iv Multi C-Si Modules CSPL18P260, (260Wp) CSPL18P260 16.14 60 (Full Cells) 1000 04.03.2022 03.03.2024
CSPL18P265 16.34
CSPL18P270 16.68
CSPL18P275 16.97
CSPL18P280 17.2
v Multi C-Si Modules CSPL18P285, (285Wp) CSPL18P285 17.54 60 (Full Cells) 1000 04.03.2022 03.03.2024
CSPL18P290 17.8
CSPL18P295 18.1
CSPL24P300 15.5
CSPL24P305 15.75
CSPL24P310 16
vi Multi C-Si Modules CSPL24P315, (315Wp) CSPL24P315 16.23 72 (Full Cells) 1000 04.03.2022 03.03.2024
CSPL24P320 16.49
CSPL24P325 16.74
CSPL24P330 17
CSPL24P335 17.26
vii Multi C-Si Modules CSPL24P340, (340Wp) CSPL24P340 17.6 72 (Full Cells) 1000 04.03.2022 03.03.2024
CSPL24P345 17.8
CSPL24M380 19.15
CSPL24M385 19.41
viii Mono PERC C-Si Modules. CSPL24M390, (390 Wp) CSPL24M390 19.66 72 (Full Cells) 1000 04.03.2022 03.03.2024
CSPL24M395 19.91
CSPL24M400 20.16
20 M/s The Wolt Techniques 16, Satyam Estate-1, Near. Royal R-72002607 20 i Multi C-Si Modules WT 36P40, (40Wp) WT 36P40 13.2 36 (Cut Cells) 600 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
Galaxy Complex, Kubadthal Road, TA: ii Multi C-Si Modules WT 36P75, (75Wp) WT 36P75 13.4 36 (Cut Cells) 600 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
Daskroi, Dist: Ahmedabad-382430, iii Multi C-Si Modules WT 36P100, (100Wp) WT 36P100 14.5 36 (Cut Cells) 600 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
Gujarat, India iv Multi C-Si Modules WT 36P125, (125Wp) WT 36P125 12.5 36 (Cut Cells) 600 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
v Multi C-Si Modules WT 36P160, (160Wp) WT 36P160 15.4 36 (Cut Cells) 600 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
vi Multi C-Si Modules WT 60P265, (265Wp) WT 60P265 16.3 60 (Full Cells) 1500 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
WT 72P320 16.49
vii Multi C-Si Modules WT 72P330, (330Wp) 72 (Full Cells) 1500 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
WT 72P330 17.01
21 M/s. Redren Energy Pvt. Survey No. 154/1, 154/2, Opposite R-72001775 71 i Multi- C-Si Modules RSMART1240, (40Wp) RSMART1240 12.8 36 (Cut Cells) 600 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
Ltd Rangpar, Bus Stand, National Highway ii Multi- C-Si Modules RSMART1250, (50Wp) RSMART1250 12.34 36 (Cut Cells) 600 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
No. 27, Jalida, Wankaner, Morbi- iii Multi- C-Si Modules RSMART1275, (75Wp) RSMART1275 13.2 36 (Cut Cells) 600 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
363621, Gujarat, India RSMART1295 13.4
iv Multi- C-Si Modules RSMART12100, (100Wp) RSMART12100 14.11 36 (Cut Cells) 600 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
RSMART12105 14.15
RSMART12140 14.17
v Multi- C-Si Modules RSMART12145, (145Wp) RSMART12145 14.42 36 (Full Cells) 1000 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
RSMART12150 15.19
RSMART16200 14.7
vi Multi- C-Si Modules RSMART16210, (210Wp) RSMART16210 15.25 48 (Full Cells) 1500 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
RSMART16215 15.6
RSMART20240 14.58
RSMART20245 14.9
vii Multi- C-Si Modules RSMART20250, (250Wp) RSMART20250 15.22 60 (Full Cells) 1500 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
RSMART20255 15.5
RSMART20260 15.8
RSMART24285 14.55
RSMART24290 14.8
RSMART24295 15
viii Multi- C-Si Modules RSMART24300, (300Wp) RSMART24300 15.3 72 (Full Cells) 1500 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
RSMART24305 16.12
RSMART24310 16.1
RSMART24315 16.22
RSMART24320 16.45
RSMART24325 16.59
RSMART24330 16.9
ix Multi- C-Si Modules RSMART24335, (335Wp) RSMART24335 17.1 72 (Full Cells) 1500 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
RSMART24340 17.52
RSMART24345 17.6
RSMART24350 17.92
RPLUS18285 19.4
RPLUS18290 19.7
x Mono-C-Si PERC Modules RPLUS18290, (290Wp) 54 (Full Cells) 1500 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
RPLUS18295 20
RPLUS18300 20.3
RPLUS20300 18.2
RPLUS20305 18.52
RPLUS20310 18.8
xi Mono-C-Si PERC Modules RPLUS20315, (315Wp) RPLUS20315 19.11 60 (Full Cells) 1500 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
RPLUS20320 19.4
RPLUS20325 19.75
RPLUS20330 20
RPLUS24350 17.8
RPLUS24355 18
RPLUS24360 18.2
xii Mono-C-Si PERC Modules RPLUS24365, (365Wp) RPLUS24365 18.5 72 (Full Cells) 1500 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
RPLUS24370 18.7
RPLUS24375 19
RPLUS24380 19.2
22 M/s. Nyalkaran Energy SR No: 69P1, Village Chanchavadarda, R-72004421 50 NE 155P-36 15.14
i Multi C-Si Modules NE 160P-36, (160Wp) 36 (Full Cells) 1500 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
LLP Chanchavadarda Road, Morbi-363660, NE 160P-36 15.63
Gujarat, India NE 165P-36 16.12
ii Multi C-Si Modules NE 170P-36, (170Wp) 36 (Full Cells) 1500 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
NE 170P-36 16.61
NE 210P-48 15.59
NE 215P-48 15.96
iii Multi C-Si Modules NE 220P-48, (220Wp) NE 220P-48 16.34 48 (Full Cells) 1500 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
NE 225P-48 16.71
NE 230P-48 17.08
NE 230P-54 15.56
NE 235P-54 15.9
iv Multi C-Si Modules NE 240P-54, (240Wp) NE 240P-54 16.24 54 (Full Cells) 1500 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
NE 245P-54 16.58
NE 250P-54 16.92
NE 255P-54 17.26
v Multi C-Si Modules NE 260P-54, (260Wp) 54 (Full Cells) 1500 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
NE 260P-54 17.6
NE 260P-60 15.9
NE 265P-60 16.2
vi Multi C-Si Modules NE 270P-60, (270Wp) NE 270P-60 16.51 60 (Full Cells) 1500 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
NE 275P-60 16.82
NE 280P-60 17.12
NE 285P-60 17.43
vii Multi C-Si Modules NE 290P-60, (290Wp) 60 (Full Cells) 1500 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
NE 290P-60 17.73
NE 285P-66 15.91
NE 290P-66 16.19
NE 295P-66 16.47
viii Multi C-Si Modules NE 300P-66, (300Wp) NE 300P-66 16.75 66 (Full Cells) 1500 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
NE 305P-66 17.03
NE 310P-66 17.31
NE 315P-66 17.59
NE 310P-72 15.95
NE 315P-72 16.21
ix Multi C-Si Modules NE 320P-72, (320Wp) NE 320P-72 16.46 72 (Full Cells) 1500 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
NE 325P-72 16.72
NE 330P-72 16.98
NE 335P-72 17.24
x Multi C-Si Modules NE 340P-72, (340Wp) NE 340P-72 17.1 72 (Full Cells) 1500 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
NE 345P-72 17.35
NE245M-48 18.39
NE250M-48 18.77
xi Mono C-Si PERC Modules NE255M-48, (255Wp) NE255M-48 19.15 48 (Full Cells) 1500 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
NE260M-48 19.52
NE265M-48 19.9
NE265M-54 17.59
NE270M-54 17.92
xii Mono C-Si PERC Modules NE275M-54, (275Wp) NE275M-54 18.25 54 (Full Cells) 1500 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
NE280M-54 18.58
NE285M-54 18.92
NE290M-54 19.25
xiii Mono C-Si PERC Modules NE295M-54, (295Wp) 54 (Full Cells) 1500 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
NE295M-54 19.58
NE300M-60 17.98
NE305M-60 18.28
NE310M-60 18.58
xiv Mono C-Si PERC Modules NE315M-60, (315Wp) NE315M-60 18.8 60 (Full Cells) 1500 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
NE320M-60 19.18
NE325M-60 19.48
NE330M-60 19.78
NE325M-66 17.78
NE330M-66 18.07
xv NE335M-66 18.32 1500 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
Mono C-Si PERC Modules NE335M-66, (335Wp) 66 (Full Cells)
NE340M-66 18.6
NE345M-66 18.87
NE350M-66 19.14
NE355M-72 17.85
NE360M-72 18.1
NE365M-72 18.36
xvii Mono C-Si PERC Modules NE370M-72, (370Wp) NE370M-72 18.61 72 (Full Cells) 1500 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
NE375M-72 18.86
NE380M-72 19.11
NE385M-72 19.36
NE390M-72 19.61
xvii Mono C-Si PERC Modules NE395M-72, (395Wp) 72 (Full Cells) 1500 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
NE395M-72 19.86
23 M/s. JJ PV Solar Pvt. Ltd Survey No-236, Plot No. 2, Near Vikas R-72004855 17 JP36FP155 15.37
Stove, B/H, Hargange Waybridge, N/H i Multi C-Si Modules JP36FP160, (160Wp) JP36FP160 15.86 36 (Full Cells) 1000 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
8-B, Village Veraval (Shapar), Dist: JP36FP165 16.36
Rajkot-360024, Gujarat, India JP48FP205 16.1
JP48FP210 16.5
ii Multi C-Si Modules JP48FP210, (210Wp) 48 (Full Cells) 1500 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
JP48FP215 16.7
JP48FP220 17
JP54FP230 16.22
JP54FP235 16.5
iii Multi C-Si Modules JP54FP240, (240Wp) JP54FP240 16.7 54 (Full Cells) 1500 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
JP54FP245 17
JP54FP250 15.5
JP60FP260 16
JP60FP265 16.22
iv Multi C-Si Modules JP60FP270, (270Wp) 60 (Full Cells) 1500 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
JP60FP270 16.5
JP60FP275 16.7
JP66FP280 15.68
JP66FP285 15.94
v Multi C-Si Modules JP66FP290, (290Wp) JP66FP290 16.22 66 (Full Cells) 1500 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
JP66FP295 16.5
JP66FP300 16.78
vi Multi C-Si Modules JP66FP305, (305Wp) JP66FP305 17.06 66 (Full Cells) 1500 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
JP72FP305 16.3
JP72FP310 16.5
JP72FP315 16.3
vii Multi C-Si Modules JP72FP320, (320Wp) JP72FP320 16.55 72 (Full Cells) 1500 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
JP72FP325 16.78
JP72FP330 17.07
JP72FP335 17.28
24 M/s. Premier Energies Plot No-8/B/1 & 8/B/2, SY No. 62 P 63 R-63002356 1116 PE-315 15.75
Photovoltaic Pvt. Ltd P and 88 P, E-City, Village Raviryala, PE-320 16
Maheshwaram Mandal, Ranga Reddy, PE-325 16.25
i Multi C-Si Modules PE-325, (325Wp) 72 (Full Cells) 1500 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
Telangana-501359, India PE-330 16.5
PE-335 16.75
PE-340 17
PE-320HC 16.02
PE-325HC 16.27
PE-330HC 16.52
ii Multi C-Si Modules PE-330HC, (330Wp) 144 (Half-Cut Cells) 1500 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
PE-335HC 16.77
PE-340HC 17.02
PE-345HC 17.27
PE-415HM 19.07
PE-420HM 19.3
PE-425HM 19.53
PE-430HM 19.76
iii Mono PERC C-Si Modules PE-435HM, (435Wp) PE-435HM 19.99 144 (Half-Cut Cells) 1500 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
PE-440HM 20.22
PE-445HM 20.45
PE-450HM 20.68
PE-455HM 20.91
PE-470HM 19.8
PE-475HM 20.01
PE-480HM 20.22
iv Mono PERC C-Si Modules PE-490HM, (490Wp) 132 (Half-Cut Cells) 1500 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
PE-485HM 20.43
PE-490HM 20.64
PE-495HM 20.89
PE-515HM 19.93
PE-520HM 20.12
PE-525HM 20.31
v PE-530HM 20.51 1500 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
Mono PERC C-Si Modules PE-530HM, (530 Wp) 144 (Half-Cut Cells)
PE-535HM 20.7
PE-540HM 20.89
PE-545HM 21.09
PE-550HM 21.28
PE-510HGB 19.68
PE-515HGB 19.87
PE-520HGB 20.07
PE-525HGB 20.26
Mono PERC Bifacial C-Si
vi PE-530HGB, (530 Wp) PE-530HGB 20.45 144 (Half-Cut Cells) 1500 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
PE-535HGB 20.65
PE-540HGB 20.83
PE-545HGB 21.03
PE-550HGB 21.23
PE-555HM 19.86
PE-560HM 20.04
PE-565HM 20.22
PE-570HM 20.4
vii Mono PERC C-Si Modules PE-565HM, (565 Wp) 156 (Half-Cut Cells) 1500 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
PE-575HM 20.58
PE-580HM 20.76
PE-585HM 20.94
PE-590HM 21.12
PE-510HM 19.73
viii Mono PERC C-Si Modules PE-505HM, (505Wp) PE-505HM 19.54 132 (Half-Cut Cells) 1500 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
PE-500HM 19.35
ix Mono PERC C-Si Modules PE-555HM, (555Wp) PE-555HM 19.86 144 (Half-Cut Cells) 1500 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
PE-520HB 21.91
PE-515HB 21.7
PE-510HB 21.49
Bifacial Mono PERC C-Si PE-505HB
x PE-500HB, (500Wp) 21.29 132 (Half-Cut Cells) 1500 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
PE-500HB 21.07
PE-495HB 20.86
PE-490HB 20.64
PE-550HB 21.29
PE-545HB 21.1
Bifacial Mono PERC C-Si PE-540HB 20.9
xi PE-535HB, (535Wp) 144 (Half-Cut Cells) 1500 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
Modules PE-535HB 20.71
PE-530HB 20.52
PE-525HB 20.32
25 M/s. Sri Savitr Solar Pvt. Plot No. 34/1, Sy No. 374, C.I.E. Phase R-63000922 68 SSSPL-252 15.43
Ltd 2, Gandhi Nagar, Quthbulapur, Ranga i Multi C-Si Modules SSSPL-260, (260 Wp) SSSPL-260 15.92 60 (Full Cells) 1500 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
Reddy, Hyderabad, Telangana - SSSPL-270 16.52
500037, India ii Multi C-Si Modules SSSPL-280, (280 Wp) SSSPL-280 17.14 60 (Full Cells) 1500 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
iii Multi C-Si Modules SSSPL-66-280, (280 Wp) SSSPL-66-280 15.66 66 (Full Cells) 1500 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
SSSPL-66-290 16.22
iv Multi C-Si Modules SSSPL-66-300, (300 Wp) SSSPL-66-300 16.76 66 (Full Cells) 1500 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
SSSPL-66-310 17.34
SSSPL-302 15.54
SSSPL-310 15.96
SSSPL-315 16.22
v Multi C-Si Modules SSSPL-315, (315 Wp) 72 (Full Cells) 1500 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
SSSPL-320 16.48
SSSPL-325 16.74
SSSPL-330 16.99
vi Multi C-Si Modules SSSPL-335, (335 Wp) SSSPL-335 17.58 72 (Full Cells) 1500 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
26 M/s. Novus Green Energy SY. No. 920/A, 921/A, Nandigama R-63001856 215 NG-305 15.7
Systems Ltd Revenue Village, Mekaguda, Kothur NG-310 15.9
Post, Nandigama Mandal, NG-315 16.2
Rangareddy-509228, Hyderabad, i Multi C-Si Modules NG-320, (320Wp) NG-320 16.4 72 (Full Cells) 1500 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
Telangana, India. NG-325 16.7
NG-330 16.9
NG-335 17.2
NG-D305 15.7
NG-D310 15.9
NG-D315 16.2
ii Multi C-Si Modules NG-D320, (320Wp) 72 (Full Cells) 1500 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
NG-D320 16.4
NG-D325 16.7
NG-D330 16.9
NG-GG310 15.5
NG-GG315 15.8
NG-GG320 16
iii Multi C-Si Modules NG-GG320, (320Wp) 72 (Full Cells) 1500 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
NG-GG325 16.3
NG-GG330 16.5
NG-GG335 16.8
NG-M365 18.09
NG-M370 18.34
NG-M375 18.91
iv Mono C-Si PERC Modules NG-M380, (380Wp) NG-M380 19.16 72 (Full Cells) 1500 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
NG-M385 19.42
NG-M390 19.67
NG-M395 19.92
27 M/s. Sirius Solar Energy Plot No. 30 & 46, Aleap Industrial R-63002038 50 i Multi C-Si Modules. SS-03C, (3Wp) SS-03C 8.86 18 (Cut Cells) 600 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
Systems Pvt. Ltd Estate, Pragathi Nagar ii Multi C-Si Modules. SS-75C, (7Wp) SS-75C 15.8 36 (Cut Cells) 800 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
Gajularamaram, Qutubullapur SS-95C 15.01
iii Multi C-Si Modules. SS-100C, (100Wp) 36 (Cut Cells) 800 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
Mandal, Hyderabad-500090, SS-100C 15.47
Telangana, India iv Multi C-Si Modules. SS-140C, (140Wp) SS-140C 13.53 36 (Cut Cells) 1000 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
v Multi C-Si Modules. SS-170, (170Wp) SS-170 13.17 36 (Full Cells) 1500 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
SS-210C 15.74
vi Multi C-Si Modules. SS-210C, (210Wp) 72(Cut Cells) 1500 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
SS-215C 16.11
SS-215 16.1
vii Multi C-Si Modules. SS-225, (225Wp) 48 (Full Cells) 1500 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
SS-225 16.86
SS-235 15.85
viii Multi C-Si Modules. SS-245, (245Wp) 54 (Full Cells) 1500 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
viii Multi C-Si Modules. SS-245, (245Wp) 54 (Full Cells) 1500 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
SS-245 16.52
ix Multi C-Si Modules. SS-250C, (250Wp) SS-250C 16.86 72(Cut Cells) 1500 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
SS-250 15.08
SS-255 15.38
x Multi C-Si Modules. SS-260, (265Wp) 60 (Full Cells) 1500 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
SS-260 15.69
SS-265 15.99
SS-270 16.29
xi Multi C-Si Modules. SS-275, (275Wp) SS-275 16.59 60 (Full Cells) 1500 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
SS-280 16.89
xii Multi C-Si Modules. SS-280C, (280Wp) SS-280C 17.06 72(Cut Cells) 1500 05.04.2022 03.03.2024
SS-285 15.92
SS-290 16.2
xiii Multi C-Si Modules. SS-290, (290Wp) 66 (Full Cells) 1500 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
SS-295 16.48
SS-300 16.76
SS-305 15.56
SS-310 15.83
SS-315 16.09
xiv Multi C-Si Modules. SS-320, (320Wp) SS-320 16.34 72 (Full Cells) 1500 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
SS-325 16.6
SS-330 16.85
SS-335 17.11
SS-315H 16.08
SS-320H 16.34
xv Multi C-Si Modules. SS-325H, (325Wp) SS-325H 16.59 144 (Half-Cut Cells) 1500 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
SS-330H 16.85
SS-335H 17.1
28 M/s. Tata Power Solar Plot No. 24-B, Industrial Shed, SYY No R-62002585 88 TP315LBZ(H) 15.8
Systems Ltd 123, Jigani 1st Phase, Industrial Area, TP320LBZ(H) 16.06
Jigani, Anekal Taluk, Hobli, Bengaluru, TP325LBZ(H) 16.32
Rural Karnataka-560105, India i Multi C-Si Modules TP330LBZ(H) (330 Wp) TP330LBZ(H) 16.57 72 (Full Cells) 1500 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
TP335LBZ(H) 16.82
TP340LBZ(H) 17.07
TP345LBZ(H) 17.32
TP375SG10 18.95
TP380SG10 19.2
TP385SG10 19.46
ii Mono C-Si PERC Modules TP390SG10 (390 Wp) TP390SG10 19.71 108 (Half Cut Cells) 1500 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
TP395SG10 19.96
TP400SG10 20.21
TP405SG10 20.47
TP415MG10 18.95
TP420MG10 19.21
TP425MG10 19.43
TP430MG10 19.66
iii Mono C-Si PERC Modules TP435MG10 (435 Wp) TP435MG10 19.89 120 (Half Cut Cells) 1500 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
TP440MG10 20.12
TP445MG10 20.35
TP450MG10 20.58
TP455MG10 20.81
TP460VG10 19.15
TP465VG10 19.36
TP470VG10 19.57
TP475VG10 19.77
iv Mono C-Si PERC Modules TP480VG10 (480 Wp) TP480VG10 19.98 132 (Half Cut Cells) 1500 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
TP485VG10 20.19
TP490VG10 20.4
TP495VG10 20.61
TP500VG10 20.82
TP495HG10 19.2
TP500HG10 19.4
TP505HG10 19.59
TP510HG10 19.79
TP515HG10 19.98
v Mono C-Si PERC Modules TP520HG10 (520 Wp) TP520HG10 20.17 144 (Half Cut Cells) 1500 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
TP525HG10 20.37
TP530HG10 20.56
TP535HG10 20.76
TP540HG10 20.95
TP545HG10 21.1
29 M/s. Integrated Batteries D 127, Sector 63, NOIDA, Uttar R-93017612 35 i Multi- C-Si Modules. IB361240, (40Wp) IB361240 13.51 36 (Cut Cells) 1000 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
India Pvt. Ltd Pradesh, India-201301 ii Multi- C-Si Modules. IB361250, (50Wp) IB361250 13.79 36 (Cut Cells) 1000 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
iii Multi- C-Si Modules. IB361260, (60Wp) IB361260 13.57 36 (Cut Cells) 1000 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
iv Multi- C-Si Modules. IB361275, (75Wp) IB361275 14.55 36 (Cut Cells) 1000 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
v Multi- C-Si Modules. IB3612100, (100Wp) IB3612100 14.67 36 (Cut Cells) 1000 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
IB3612120 15.76
vi Multi- C-Si Modules. IB3612125, (125Wp) 36 (Cut Cells) 1000 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
IB3612125 16.42
vii Multi- C-Si Modules. IB3612150, (150Wp) IB3612150 16.28 36 (Cut Cells) 1000 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
IB3612160 16.09
viii Multi- C-Si Modules. IB3612165, (165Wp) IB3612165 16.59 36 (Full Cells) 1000 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
IB3612170 17.09
IB7224200 15.14
IB7224205 15.52
ix Multi- C-Si Modules. IB7224210, (210Wp) 72 (Cut Cells) 1000 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
ix Multi- C-Si Modules. IB7224210, (210Wp) IB7224210 15.91 72 (Cut Cells) 1000 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
IB7224215 16.28
IB7224220 16.67
IB7224250 15.36
IB7224255 15.67
x Multi- C-Si Modules. IB7224260, (260Wp) IB7224260 15.98 72 (Cut Cells) 1000 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
IB7224265 16.29
IB7224270 16.57
IB6024260 15.97
IB6024265 16.29
xi Multi- C-Si Modules. IB6024270, (270Wp) IB6024270 15.59 60 (Full Cells) 1000 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
IB6024275 16.89
IB6024280 17.2
IB7224310 15.89
IB7224315 16.21
IB7224320 16.4
xii Multi- C-Si Modules. IB7224325, (325Wp) IB7224325 16.75 72 (Full Cells) 1000 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
IB7224330 16.93
IB7224335 17.19
IB7224340 17.43
30 M/s. Bluebird Solar Plot No: 5, Ecotech-II, Udyog R-93014680 100 i Multi C-Si Modules BBS12C40, (40Wp) BBS12C40 13.88 36 (Cut Cells) 600 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
Pvt. Ltd Vihar, Khasra No. 739, Greater ii Multi C-Si Modules BBS12C50, (50Wp) BBS12C50 14.08 36 (Cut Cells) 600 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
Noida-201306, Uttar Pradesh, iii Multi C-Si Modules BBS12C75, (75Wp) BBS12C75 14.17 36 (Cut Cells) 600 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
India BBS12C100 14.63
iv Multi C-Si Modules BBS12C105 15.36 36 (Cut Cells) 600 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
BBS12C110 16.1
BBS12F150 16.34
v Multi C-Si Modules BBS12F155 16.88 36 (Full Cells) 600 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
BBS12F160 17.43
BBS12F165 17.97
vi Multi C-Si Modules BBS12F170 18.52 36 (Full Cells) 600 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
BBS12F175 18.52
BBS24F200 17.02
BBS24F205 17.23
vii Multi C-Si Modules BBS24F210 17.65 48 (Full Cells) 1000 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
BBS24F215 18.07
BBS24F220 18.49
BBS24F235 17.41
BBS24F240 17.78
viii Multi C-Si Modules BBS24F245 18.15 54 (Full Cells) 1000 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
BBS24F250 18.52
BBS24F255 18.89
BBS24F265 17.55
BBS24F270 17.88
ix Multi C-Si Modules BBS24F275 18.21 60 (Full Cells) 1000 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
BBS24F280 18.54
BBS24F285 18.87
BBS24F290 17.42
BBS24F295 17.72
x Multi C-Si Modules BBS24F300 18.02 66 (Full Cells) 1500 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
BBS24F305 18.32
BBS24F310 18.62
BBS24F315 17.5
BBS24F320 17.77
BBS24F330, BBS24F325 18.05 1500 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
Multi C-Si Modules 72 (Full Cells)
(330Wp) BBS24F330 18.33
BBS24F335 18.61
BBS24F340 18.89
BBS12MF175 17.04
xii Mono C-Si PERC Modules BBS12MF180 17.53 36 (Full Cells) 600 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
(180 Wp)
BBS12MF185 18.02
BBS12MF190, BBS12MF190 18.5 600 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
Mono C-Si PERC Modules 36 (Full Cells)
(190Wp) BBS12MF195 18.99
BBS24MF355 17.84
BBS24MF360 18.09
BBS24MF365 18.34
xiv Mono C-Si PERC Modules BBS24MF370 18.59 72 (Full Cells) 1500 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
BBS24MF375 18.84
BBS24MF380 19.1
BBS24MF385 19.35
BBS24MF390 19.45
BBS24MF400, BBS24MF395 19.7
xv Mono C-Si PERC Modules. 72 (Full Cells) 1500 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
(400Wp) BBS24MF400 20.5
BBS24MF405 20.19
BBS24MC440 19.73
BBS24MC445 19.95
BBS24MC450 20.18
BBS24MC455 20.40 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
xvi Mono c-Si PERC Module BBS24MC460, (460Wp) 120 Half Cut Cells 1500
BBS24MC460 20.63
BBS24MC465 20.85
BBS24MC470 21.08
BBS24MC475 21.31
BBS24MC480 19.45
BBS24MC485 19.65
BBS24MC490 19.85
xvii Mono c-Si PERC Module BBS24MC495, (495Wp) BBS24MC495 20.05 132 Half Cut Cells 1500 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
BBS24MC500 20.25
BBS24MC505 20.46
BBS24MC510 20.66
BBS24MC515 19.96
BBS24MC520 20.15
BBS24MC525 20.34
BBS24MC530 20.53 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
xviii Mono c-Si PERC Module BBS24MC525, (525Wp) 144 Half Cut Cells 1500
BBS24MC535 20.73
BBS24MC540 20.92
BBS24MC545 21.12
BBS24MC550 21.31
31 M/s. Shanti Solar EMC Oark, Info Valley-2, S-4-EI-20/A, R-52000086 20 SS150P 15.04
Harekrushnapur, Jatani, i Multi- C-Si Modules SS155P, (155Wp) SS155P 15.54 36 Full Cell 1000 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
Bhubaneshwar, Khordha, Odisha- SS160P 16.05
752054, India ii Multi- C-Si Modules SS165P, (165Wp) SS165P 16.55 36 Full Cell 1000 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
SS200P 15.17
SS205P 15.55
iii Multi- C-Si Modules SS210P, (210Wp) SS210P 15.93 48 Full Cell 1500 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
SS215P 16.31
SS220P 16.69
SS225P 15.28
SS230P 15.62
iv Multi- C-Si Modules SS235P, (235Wp) SS235P 15.96 54 Full Cell 1500 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
SS240P 16.3
SS245P 16.64
SS250P 15.35
SS255P 15.65
v Multi- C-Si Modules SS260P, (260Wp) SS260P 15.96 60 Full Cell 1500 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
SS265P 16.27
SS270P 16.57
vi Multi- C-SI Modules SS275P, (275Wp) SS275P 16.88 60 Full Cell 1500 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
SS300P 15.42
SS305P 15.67
SS310P 15.93
vii Multi- C-Si Modules SS315P, (315Wp) SS315P 16.19 72 Full Cell 1500 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
SS320P 16.44
SS325P 16.7
SS330P 16.96
SS335P 17.22
SS340P 17.47
viii Multi- C-Si Modules SS340P, (340Wp) 72 Full Cell 1500 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
SS345P 17.73
SS350P 17.99
ix Multi- C-Si Modules SS250PC, (250Wp) SS250PC 16.61 72 Cut Cell 1000 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
SS100P 14.75
x Multi- C-Si Modules SS105P, (105Wp) SS105P 15.49 36 Cut Cell 600 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
SS110P 14.78
SS115P 15.45
xi Multi- C-Si Modules SS120P, (120Wp) SS120P 14.07 36 Cut Cell 600 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
SS125P 14.66
SS130P 15.25
xii Multi- C-Si Modules SS135P, (135Wp) 36 Cut Cell 600 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
SS135P 15.83
xiii Multi- C-Si Modules SS25P, (25Wp) SS25P 13.13 36 Cut Cell 600 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
xiv Multi- C-Si Modules SS30P, (30Wp) SS30P 13.28 36 Cut Cell 600 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
xv Multi- C-Si Modules SS37P, (37Wp) SS37P 12.8 36 Cut Cell 600 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
xvi Multi- C-Si Modules SS40P, (40Wp) SS40P 13.84 36 Cut Cell 600 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
xvii Multi- C-Si Modules SS45P, (45Wp) SS45P 14.78 36 Cut Cell 600 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
xviii Multi- C-Si Modules SS50P, (50Wp) SS50P 13.71 36 Cut Cell 600 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
xix Multi- C-Si Modules SS55P, (55Wp) SS55P 14.87 36 Cut Cell 600 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
xx Multi- C-Si Modules SS60P, (60Wp) SS60P 13.92 36 Cut Cell 600 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
xxi Multi- C-Si Modules SS65P, (65Wp) SS65P 12.47 36 Cut Cell 600 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
xxii Multi- C-Si Modules SS70P, (70Wp) SS70P 13.43 36 Cut Cell 600 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
xxiii Multi- C-Si Modules SS75P, (75Wp) SS75P 14.39 36 Cut Cell 600 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
xxiv Multi- C-Si Modules SS80P, (80Wp) SS80P 15.35 36 Cut Cell 600 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
xxv Multi- C-Si Modules SS85P, (85Wp) SS85P 16.31 36 Cut Cell 600 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
xxvi Multi- C-Si Modules SS90P, (90Wp) SS90P 13.28 36 Cut Cell 600 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
xxvii Multi- C-Si Modules SS95P, (95Wp) SS95P 14.02 36 Cut Cell 600 05.04.2022 04.04.2024
32 M/s. Rajasthan 2, Kanakpura Industrial Area, Sirsi 23 310W72 15.78
Electronics and Road, Jaipur-302040 IEC Certificates are 320W72 16.27
i Multi C-Si Modules 320W72, (320Wp) 72 (Full Cells) 1000 18.08.2022 17.08.2024
Instruments Limited (REIL) available 330W72 16.9
335W72 17.25
33 M/s. Neety Euro Asia E-153, GIDC Electronics Estate, Sector- R-72004740 28 N260P60 15.4
Solar Energy 26, Gandhinagar, Gujarat - 382028, N265P60 15.7
India i Multi C-Si Modules N270P60, (270Wp) N270P60 16.03 60 (Full Cells) 1500 18.08.2022 17.08.2024
N275P60 16.32
N280P60 16.62
N310P72 15.99
N315P72 16.24
N320P72 16.5
ii Multi C-Si Modules N325P72, (325Wp) N325P72 16.7 72 (Full Cells) 1500 18.08.2022 17.08.2024
N330P72 17.02
N335P72 17.27
N340P72 17.54
N320P144 15.81
N325P144 16.7
iii Multi C-Si Modules N330P144, (330Wp) N330P144 17.02 144 (Half Cut Cells) 1500 18.08.2022 17.08.2024
N335P144 17.27
N340P144 17.54
N380M144 17.13
N385M144 17.36
N390M144 17.58
N395M144 17.81
iv Mono C-Si PERC Modules N400M144, (400Wp) N400M144 18.03 144 (Half Cut Cells) 1500 18.08.2022 17.08.2024
N405M144 18.26
N410M144 18.48
N415M144 18.71
N420M144 18.93
34 M/s. Shivam 101 New Ahmedabad Industrial R-72003468 30 SPL72FP300Wp 15.43
Photovoltaics Private Estate, Near Zydus Research Center, SPL72FP305Wp 15.69
Limited Village Moraiya, Taluka Sanand, SPL72FP310Wp 15.95
District Ahmedabad, Gujarat-382213 i Multi C-Si Modules SPL72FP315Wp, (315 Wp) SPL72FP315Wp 16.21 72 Full Cell 1500 18.08.2022 17.08.2024
SPL72FP320Wp 16.47
SPL72FP325Wp 16.72
SPL72FP330Wp 16.98
SPL60FP250Wp 13
SPL60FP255Wp 13.26
ii Multi C-Si Modules SPL60FP260Wp, (260 Wp) SPL60FP260Wp 13.52 60 Full Cell 1500 18.08.2022 17.08.2024
SPL60FP265Wp 13.78
SPL60FP270Wp 14.04
35 M/s. Sahaj Solar Private Plot No. D4, Survey No. 742,745, R-72005630 100 SS-255 15.3
Ltd Gallops Industrial Park, Village SS-260 15.6
Rajoda, Sarkhej – Bavla Road, NH 8B, i Multi C-Si Modules SS-265, (265Wp) SS-265 15.89 60 (Full Cells) 1500 18.08.2022 17.08.2024
Ahmedabad, Gujarat – 382220, India SS-270 16.19
SS-275 16.49
SS-280 15.32
SS-285 15.6
SS-290 15.86
ii Multi C-Si Modules SS-295, (295Wp) SS-295 16.14 66 (Full Cells) 1500 18.08.2022 17.08.2024
SS-300 16.42
SS-305 16.69
SS-310 16.95
SS-315 15.85
SS-320 16.1
SS-325 16.35
iii Multi C-Si Modules SS-330, (330Wp) SS-330 16.6 72 (Full Cells) 1500 18.08.2022 17.08.2024
SS-335 16.85
SS-340 17.1
SS-345 17.35
36 M/s. Raajratna Ventures Survey No. 69/2, Ahmedabad- R-72003379 96 R250P 16.5
Limited Mehsana Highway, Opp Madhu Mill, R255P 16.9
Village Chandarda, Tal Kadi, Dist. i Multi C-Si Modules R260P, (260Wp) R260P 17.2 60 (Full Cells) 1500 18.08.2022 17.08.2024
Mehsana, Gujarat - 382715, India R265P 17.5
R270P 17.9
R250P(72C) 16.5
R255P(72C) 16.9
ii Multi C-Si Modules R260P(72C), (260Wp) 72 (Cut Cell) 1500 18.08.2022 17.08.2024
R260P(72C) 17
R270P(72C) 17.2
iii Multi C-Si Modules R300P, (300Wp) R300P 16.7 72 (Full Cells) 1500 18.08.2022 17.08.2024
R305P 16.9
R310P 17.2
R315P 17.4
iv Multi C-Si Modules R320P, (320Wp) R320P 17.7 72 (Full Cells) 1500 18.08.2022 17.08.2024
R325P 17.9
R330P 18.3
R335P 18.4
R420M 19.27
R425M 19.5
R430M 19.73
v Mono PERC C-Si Modules R435M, (435Wp) R435M 19.96 144 (Half Cut Cells) 1500 18.08.2022 17.08.2024
R440M 20.18
R445M 20.41
R450M 20.64
R510M 19.73
R515M 19.93
R520M 20.12
R525M 20.31
vi Mono PERC C-Si Modules R530M, (530Wp) R530M 20.51 144 (Half Cut Cells) 1500 18.08.2022 17.08.2024
R535M 20.7
R540M 20.89
R545M 21.09
R550M 21.28
37 M/s. Mundra Solar Energy Taluka Mundra, Survey No.180/P, R-72005460 2036 ASM-M10-144-500 19.48
Ltd Sector-01,South Of APL/CGPL Power ASM-M10-144-501 19.51
Plant, Near EMC Bridge,Tunda, ASM-M10-144-502 19.55
Kachchh- 370435 Gujarat ASM-M10-144-503 19.59
ASM-M10-144-504 19.63
ASM-M10-144-505 19.67
ASM-M10-144-506 19.71
ASM-M10-144-507 19.75
ASM-M10-144-508 19.79
ASM-M10-144-509 19.83
ASM-M10-144-510 19.86
ASM-M10-144-511 19.9
ASM-M10-144-512 19.94
ASM-M10-144-513 19.98
ASM-M10-144-514 20.02
ASM-M10-144-515 20.06
ASM-M10-144-516 20.1
ASM-M10-144-517 20.14
ASM-M10-144-518 20.18
ASM-M10-144-519 20.22
ASM-M10-144-520 20.25
i Monofacial C-Si PERC Modules ASM-M10-144-520, (520Wp) 144 (Half Cut Cells) 1500 18.08.2022 17.08.2024
ASM-M10-144-521 20.29
ASM-M10-144-522 20.33
ASM-M10-144-523 20.37
ASM-M10-144-524 20.41
ASM-M10-144-525 20.45
ASM-M10-144-526 20.49
ASM-M10-144-527 20.53
ASM-M10-144-528 20.57
ASM-M10-144-529 20.6
ASM-M10-144-530 20.64
ASM-M10-144-531 20.68
ASM-M10-144-532 20.72
ASM-M10-144-533 20.76
ASM-M10-144-534 20.8
ASM-M10-144-535 20.84
ASM-M10-144-536 20.88
ASM-M10-144-537 20.92
ASM-M10-144-538 20.96
ASM-M10-144-539 20.99
ASM-M10-144-540 21.03
ASB-M10-144-500 19.48
ASB-M10-144-501 19.51
ASB-M10-144-502 19.55
ASB-M10-144-503 19.59
ASB-M10-144-504 19.63
ASB-M10-144-505 19.67
ASB-M10-144-506 19.71
ASB-M10-144-507 19.75
ASB-M10-144-508 19.79
ASB-M10-144-509 19.83
ASB-M10-144-510 19.86
ASB-M10-144-511 19.9
ASB-M10-144-512 19.94
ASB-M10-144-513 19.98
ASB-M10-144-514 20.02
ASB-M10-144-515 20.06
ASB-M10-144-516 20.1
ASB-M10-144-517 20.14
ASB-M10-144-518 20.18
ASB-M10-144-519 20.22
ii Bifacial C-Si PERC Modules ASB-M10-144-520, (520Wp) ASB-M10-144-520 20.25 144 (Half Cut Cells) 1500 18.08.2022 17.08.2024
ASB-M10-144-521 20.29
ASB-M10-144-522 20.33
ASB-M10-144-523 20.37
ASB-M10-144-524 20.41
ASB-M10-144-525 20.45
ASB-M10-144-526 20.49
ASB-M10-144-527 20.53
ASB-M10-144-528 20.57
ASB-M10-144-529 20.6
ASB-M10-144-530 20.64
ASB-M10-144-531 20.68
ASB-M10-144-532 20.72
ASB-M10-144-533 20.76
ASB-M10-144-534 20.8
ASB-M10-144-535 20.84
ASB-M10-144-536 20.88
ASB-M10-144-537 20.92
ASB-M10-144-538 20.96
ASB-M10-144-539 20.99
ASB-M10-144-540 21.03
38 M/s. Renewsys India Pvt. Plot No. E141, Additional Industrial R-71018970 565
Ltd Area, MIDC, Patalganga, Tal. Panvel,
Karade Khurd, Raigad-410202
i Monofacial C-Si PERC Modules DESERV SGALACTIC-560 (560Wp) DESERV SGALACTIC-560 19.95 156 (Half Cut Cells) 1500 18.08.2022 17.08.2024
ii Monofacial C-Si PERC Modules DESERV SGALACTIC-515 (515Wp) 144 (Half Cut Cells) 1500 18.08.2022 17.08.2024
iii Monofacial C-Si PERC Modules DESERV SGALACTIC-425 (425Wp) DESERV SGALACTIC-425 19.53 120 (Half Cut Cells) 1500 18.08.2022 17.08.2024


iv Bifacial C-Si PERC Modules DESERV EXTREME-560 (560Wp) DESERV EXTREME-560 19.95 156 (Half Cut Cells) 1500 18.08.2022 17.08.2024
v Bifacial C-Si PERC Modules DESERV EXTREME-515 (515Wp) 144 (Half Cut Cells) 1500 18.08.2022 17.08.2024
vi Bifacial C-Si PERC Modules DESERV EXTREME-425 (425Wp) DESERV EXTREME-425 19.53 120 (Half Cut Cells) 1500 18.08.2022 17.08.2024
DESERV SGALACTIC-585 20.83 18.08.2022 17.08.2024
vii Mono PERC C-Si Module DESERV SGALACTIC-590 (590 Wp) 156 (Half Cut Cells) 1500
DESERV SGALACTIC-590 21.07 18.08.2022 17.08.2024
DESERV SGALACTIC-540 20.8 18.08.2022 17.08.2024
viii Mono PERC C-Si Module DESERV SGALACTIC-545 (545 Wp) 144 (Half Cut Cells) 1500
DESERV SGALACTIC-545 21 18.08.2022 17.08.2024
DESERV SGALACTIC-450 20.7 18.08.2022 17.08.2024
ix Mono PERC C-Si Module DESERV SGALACTIC-455 (455Wp) 120 (Half Cut Cells) 1500
DESERV SGALACTIC-455 21 18.08.2022 17.08.2024
Mono PERC Bifacial C-Si DESERV EXTREME-585 20.8 18.08.2022 17.08.2024
x DESERV EXTREME-590 (590 Wp) 156 (Half Cut Cells) 1500
Module DESERV EXTREME-590 21.01 18.08.2022 17.08.2024
Mono PERC Bifacial C-Si DESERV EXTREME-540 20.8 18.08.2022 17.08.2024
xi DESERV EXTREME-545 (545 Wp) 144 (Half Cut Cells) 1500
Module DESERV EXTREME-545 21 18.08.2022 17.08.2024
Mono PERC Bifacial C-Si DESERV EXTREME-450 20.7 18.08.2022 17.08.2024
xii DESERV EXTREME-455 (455 Wp) 120 (Half Cut Cells) 1500
Module DESERV EXTREME-455 21 18.08.2022 17.08.2024
39 M/s. Waaree Energies Survey No. 1934, 1939, 1941, 1942, R-72005533 2650 WSMD-520 20.2
Limited NH-48, Degam, Chikhali, WSMD-525 20.39
Navasari, Gujarat - 396530, India i Mono C-Si PERC Modules WSMD-540, (540Wp) WSMD-530 20.59 144 (Half-Cut Cells) 1500 18.08.2022 17.08.2024
WSMD-535 20.78
WSMD-540 20.98
WSMD-580 20.35
WSMD-585 20.52
WSMD-590 20.7
ii Mono C-Si PERC Modules WSMD-600, (600Wp) 120 (Half-Cut Cells) 1500 18.08.2022 17.08.2024
WSMD-595 20.88
WSMD-600 21.06
WSMD-605 21.24
WSMD-630 20.16
WSMD-635 20.32
iii Mono C-Si PERC Modules WSMD-650, (650Wp) WSMD-640 20.48 132 (Half-Cut Cells) 1500 18.08.2022 17.08.2024
WSMD-645 20.64
WSMD-650 20.8
Bi-55-520 20.2
Bi-55-525 20.39
Mono C-Si PERC Bifacial
iv Bi-55-540, (540Wp) Bi-55-530 20.59 144 (Half-Cut Cells) 1500 18.08.2022 17.08.2024
Bi-55-535 20.78
Bi-55-540 20.98
Bi-66-580 20.35
Bi-66-585 20.52
Mono C-Si PERC Bifacial
v Bi-66-600, (600Wp) Bi-66-590 20.7 120 (Half-Cut Cells) 1500 18.08.2022 17.08.2024
Bi-66-595 20.88
Bi-66-600 21.06
Bi-68-630 20.16
Bi-68-635 20.32
Mono C-Si PERC Bifacial
vi Bi-68-650, (650Wp) Bi-68-640 20.48 132 (Half-Cut Cells) 1500 18.08.2022 17.08.2024
Bi-68-645 20.64
Bi-68-650 20.8
40 M/s ITI Limited ITI Limited, Naini, Mirzapur Road, R-93012246 30 ITI305PF72 15.46
Naini, Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh- i Multi C-Si Modules ITI320PF72, (320Wp) ITI320PF72 16.22 72 (Full Cells) 1500 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
211010, India ITI325PF72 16.47
ii Multi C-Si Modules ITI205PF48, (205Wp) ITI205PF48 15.32 48 (Full Cell) 1500 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
iii Multi C-Si Modules ITI155PF36, (155Wp) ITI155PF36 15.61 36 (Full Cell) 1500 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
ITI120PC36 17.64
iv Multi C-Si Modules ITI125PC36, (125Wp) 36 (Cut Cell) 1000 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
ITI125PC36 18.37
v Multi C-Si Modules ITI100PC36, (100Wp) ITI100PC36 14.7 36 (Cut Cell) 1000 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
vi Multi C-Si Modules ITI080PC36, (80Wp) ITI080PC36 15.27 37 (Cut Cell) 1000 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
vii Multi C-Si Modules ITI075PC36, (75Wp) ITI075PC36 14.71 36 (Cut Cell) 1000 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
viii Multi C-Si Modules ITI060PC36, (60Wp) ITI060PC36 13.95 36 (Cut Cell) 1000 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
ix Multi C-Si Modules ITI050PC36, (50Wp) ITI050PC36 13.51 36 (Cut Cell) 1000 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
x Multi C-Si Modules ITI040PC36, (40Wp) ITI040PC36 13.78 36 (Cut Cell) 1000 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
41 M/s. Goldi Sun Private City Survey No. 920, Vijalpore R-72006149 1233 i Mono C-Si PERC Modules GS10-M144-WF-540, (540Wp) GS10-M144-WF-540 21.11 144 (Half-Cut Cells) 1500 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
Limited Road, TA, Distt. Navsari, Gujarat GS10-B144-TF-525 20.53
- 396445, India Mono C-Si PERC Bifacial GS10-B144-TF-530 20.53
ii GS10-B144-TF-535, (535Wp) 144 (Half-Cut Cells) 1500 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
Modules GS10-B144-TF-535 20.73
GS10-B144-TF-540 20.92
GS10-B144-WF-525 20.33
iii Mono C-Si PERC Modules GS10-B144-WF-530, (530Wp) GS10-B144-WF-530 20.53 144 (Half-Cut Cells) 1500 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
GS10-B144-WF-535 20.72
GS10-B144-GF-525 20.34
Mono C-Si PERC Bifacial GS10-B144-GF-530 20.53
iv GS10-B144-GF-535, (535Wp) 144 (Half-Cut Cells) 1500 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
Modules GS10-B144-GF-535 20.73
GS10-B144-GF-540 20.92
GS10-M144-WF-500 19.36
GS10-M144-WF-505 19.56
GS10-M144-WF-510 19.75
GS10-M144-WF-515 19.94
GS10-M144-WF-520 20.13
v Mono c-Si PERC Module GS10-M144-WF-525, (525Wp) 144 Half Cut Cells 1500 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
GS10-M144-WF-525 20.33
GS10-M144-WF-530 20.53
GS10-M144-WF-535 20.73
GS10-M144-WF-545 21.11
GS10-M144-WF-550 21.3
Bifacial Mono c-Si PERC GS10-B144-TF-545 21.1
vi GS10-B144-TF-545, (545Wp) 144 Half Cut Cells 1500 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
Modules GS10-B144-TF-550 21.3
Bifacial Mono c-Si PERC GS10-B144-GF-545 21.1
vii GS10-B144-GF-545, (545Wp) 144 Half Cut Cells 1500 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
Modules GS10-B144-GF-550 21.3
GS10-M132-WF-500 21.06
viii Mono c-Si PERC Modules GS10-M132-WF-500, (500Wp) 132 Half Cut Cells 1500 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
GS10-M132-WF-505 21.28
42 M/s. SunField Energy B-3, IDA Kukatpally, Gandhinagar, R-63002062 29 i Multi- C-Si Modules SEPL24335, (335Wp) SEPL24335 17.3 72 Full Cells 1500 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
Private Ltd Medchal- Malkajgiri, Telengana - SEPL24330 17
500037, India SEPL24325 16.8
SEPL24320 16.5
ii Multi- C-Si Modules SEPL24315, (315Wp) SEPL24315 16.03 72 Full Cells 1500 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
SEPL24310 16
SEPL24305 15.7
SEPL24302 15.6
SEPL20280F 17.2
SEPL20275F 16.9
iii Multi- C-Si Modules SEPL20270F, (270Wp) SEPL20270F 16.6 60 Full Cells 1500 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
SEPL20265F 16.3
SEPL20260F 16
SEPL20255F 15.6
SEPL20250F 15.3
iv Multi- C-Si Modules SEPL20250F, (250Wp) 60 Full Cells 1500 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
SEPL20245F 15.1
SEPL20240F 14.7
SEPL18255F 15.2
SEPL18250F 15.2
v Multi- C-Si Modules SEPL18245F, (245Wp) 54 Full Cells 1000 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
v Multi- C-Si Modules SEPL18245F, (245Wp) SEPL18245F 14.9 54 Full Cells 1000 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
SEPL18240F 14.6
SEPL18235F 14.29
SEPL18230F 13.99
SEPL18225F 13.68
vi Multi- C-Si Modules SEPL18225F, (225p) 54 Full Cells 1000 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
SEPL18220F 13.38
SEPL18215F 13.07
SEPL12170F 17.02
vii Multi- C-Si Modules SEPL12165F, (165Wp) SEPL12165F 16.52 36 Full Cells 1000 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
SEPL12160F 16.02
SEPL12155F 15.52
viii Multi- C-Si Modules SEPL12150F, (150Wp) SEPL12150F 15.02 36 Full Cells 1000 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
SEPL12145F 14.52
SEPL24300 15.3
SEPL24295 15
ix Multi- C-Si Modules SEPL24290, (290Wp) SEPL24290 14.7 72 Cut Cells 1000 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
SEPL24285 14.5
SEPL24280 14.2
SEPL24275 14
SEPL24270 13.7
x Multi- C-Si Modules SEPL24265, (265Wp) SEPL24265 13.5 72 Cut Cells 1000 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
SEPL24260 13.2
SEPL24255 13.1
SEPL24250 15.2
SEPL24245 14.9
xi Multi- C-Si Modules SEPL24240, (240Wp) SEPL24240 14.6 72 Cut Cells 1000 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
SEPL24235 14.29
SEPL24230 13.99
SEPL24225 13.68
SEPL24220 15.76
xii Multi- C-Si Modules SEPL24215, (215Wp) SEPL24215 15.4 72 Cut Cells 1000 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
SEPL24210 15.04
SEPL24205 14.68
SEPL24200 14.32
xiii Multi- C-Si Modules SEPL24195, (195Wp) SEPL24195 13.97 72 Cut Cells 1000 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
SEPL24190 13.61
SEPL24185 13.25
xiv Multi- C-Si Modules SEPL24180, (180Wp) SEPL24180 15.03 72 Cut Cells 1000 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
SEPL24175 14.61
SEPL24170 14.19
xv Multi- C-Si Modules SEPL24165, (165Wp) SEPL24165 13.78 72 Cut Cells 1000 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
SEPL24160 13.36
SEPL24155 12.95
xvi Multi- C-Si Modules SEPL24150, (150Wp) 72 Cut Cells 1000 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
SEPL24150 12.53
SEPL20250 15.3
SEPL20245 15
xvii Multi- C-Si Modules SEPL20240, (240Wp) SEPL20240 14.7 60 Cut Cells 1000 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
SEPL20235 14.4
SEPL20230 14.1
SEPL20225 13.8
SEPL20220 13.5
xviii Multi- C-Si Modules SEPL20215, (215Wp) SEPL20215 13.2 60 Cut Cells 1000 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
SEPL20210 12.9
SEPL20205 12.6
SEPL20200 12.3
xix Multi- C-Si Modules SEPL20195, (195Wp) SEPL20195 12 60 Cut Cells 1000 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
SEPL20190 11.6
SEPL12150 15.38
xx Multi- C-Si Modules SEPL12145, (145Wp) SEPL12145 14.87 36 Cut Cells 600 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
SEPL12140 14.46
SEPL12135 13.84
xxi Multi- C-Si Modules SEPL12130, (130Wp) SEPL12130 13.33 36 Cut Cells 600 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
SEPL12125 14.86
SEPL12120 14.27
xxii Multi- C-Si Modules SEPL12115, (115Wp) SEPL12115 13.67 36 Cut Cells 600 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
SEPL12110 13.08
SEPL12105 12.48
xxiii Multi- C-Si Modules SEPL12100, (100Wp) 36 Cut Cells 600 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
SEPL12100 14.85
xxiv Multi- C-Si Modules SEPL1295, (95Wp) SEPL1295 14.1 36 Cut Cells 600 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
xxv Multi- C-Si Modules SEPL1290, (90Wp) SEPL1290 13.36 36 Cut Cells 600 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
xxvi Multi- C-Si Modules SEPL1285, (85Wp) SEPL1285 12.62 36 Cut Cells 600 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
xxvii Multi- C-Si Modules SEPL1280, (80Wp) SEPL1280 14.83 36 Cut Cells 600 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
xxviii Multi- C-Si Modules SEPL1275, (75Wp) SEPL1275 13.9 36 Cut Cells 600 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
xxix Multi- C-Si Modules SEPL1270, (70Wp) SEPL1270 12.97 36 Cut Cells 600 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
xxx Multi- C-Si Modules SEPL1265, (65Wp) SEPL1265 12.05 36 Cut Cells 600 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
xxxi Multi- C-Si Modules SEPL1260, (60Wp) SEPL1260 11.12 36 Cut Cells 600 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
xxxii Multi- C-Si Modules SEPL1255, (55Wp) SEPL1255 10.19 36 Cut Cells 600 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
xxxiii Multi- C-Si Modules SEPL1250, (50Wp) SEPL1250 12.33 36 Cut Cells 600 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
xxxiv Multi- C-Si Modules SEPL1245, (45Wp) SEPL1245 11.1 36 Cut Cells 600 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
xxxv Multi- C-Si Modules SEPL1240, (40Wp) SEPL1240 9.86 36 Cut Cells 600 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
xxxvi Multi- C-Si Modules SEPL1235, (35Wp) SEPL1235 8.63 36 Cut Cells 600 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
xxxvii Multi- C-Si Modules SEPL1230, (30Wp) SEPL1230 8.91 36 Cut Cells 600 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
xxxviii Multi- C-Si Modules SEPL1224, (24Wp) SEPL1224 8.73 36 Cut Cells 600 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
43 M/s. SASA Energy LLP Opposite Dargah, Morbi-Halvad Road, R-72005681 91 SASA310P72 15.97
At-Nichi Mandal, Morbi – SASA315P72 16.23
Rajkot, Gujarat - 363642, India SASA320P72 16.49
i Multi C-Si Modules SASA325P72, (325Wp) SASA325P72 16.75 72 (Full Cells) 1500 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
SASA330P72 17.01
SASA335P72 17.26
SASA340P72 17.52
SASA285P66 15.67
SASA290P66 15.94
SASA295P66 16.22
ii Multi C-Si Modules SASA300P66, (300Wp) 66 (Full Cells) 1500 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
SASA300P66 16.49
SASA305P66 16.77
SASA310P66 17.04
SASA255P60 15.37
SASA260P60 15.67
iii Multi C-Si Modules SASA265P60, (265Wp) SASA265P60 15.97 60 (Full Cells) 1500 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
SASA270P60 16.27
SASA275P60 16.57
SASA230P54 15.34
SASA235P54 15.67
iv Multi C-Si Modules SASA240P54, (240Wp) SASA240P54 16.01 54 (Full Cells) 1500 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
SASA245P54 16.34
SASA250P54 16.67
SASA200P48 14.93
SASA205P48 15.3
v Multi C-Si Modules SASA210P48, (210Wp) SASA210P48 15.68 48 (Full Cells) 1500 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
SASA215P48 16.05
SASA220P48 16.42
SASA370M72 18.61
SASA375M72 18.86
SASA380M72 19.11
vi Mono C-Si PERC Modules SASA385M72, (385Wp) SASA385M72 19.37 72 (Full Cells) 1500 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
SASA390M72 19.62
SASA395M72 19.87
SASA400M72 20.17
SASA330M66 18.1
SASA335M66 18.38
SASA340M66 18.65
vii Mono C-Si PERC Modules SASA345M66, (345Wp) SASA345M66 18.93 66 (Full Cells) 1500 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
SASA350M66 19.2
SASA355M66 19.48
SASA360M66 19.75
SASA300M60 18.04
SASA305M60 18.34
SASA310M60 18.64
viii Mono C-Si PERC Modules SASA315M60 (315Wp) SASA315M60 18.95 60 (Full Cells) 1500 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
SASA320M60 19.25
SASA325M60 19.55
SASA330M60 19.85
SASA285M54 18.97
SASA290M54 19.3
SASA295M54 19.63
ix Mono C-Si PERC Modules SASA295M54, (295Wp) 54 (Full Cells) 1500 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
SASA300M54 19.97

SASA305M54 20.34
SASA245M48 18.25
SASA250M48 18.62
x Mono C-Si PERC Modules SASA255M48, (255Wp) SASA255M48 19 48 (Full Cells) 1500 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
SASA260M48 19.37
SASA265M48 19.74
SASA24MPC375 18.68
SASA24MPC380 18.92
SASA24MPC385 19.17
xi Mono C-Si PERC Modules SASA24MPC390, (390Wp) SASA24MPC390 19.42 144 (Half CutCells) 1500 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
SASA24MPC395 19.67
SASA24MPC400 19.7
SASA24MPC405 20.2
44 M/s. SUNBOND Energy S.No. 181/P2 Opp. 66 kV substation, R-72005762 60 SEPL72F360M 18.1
Pvt. Ltd. Mitana- Padadhari Road , Mitana, SEPL72F365M 18.36
Rajkot, Gujarat 363650, India SEPL72F370M 18.62
i Mono C-Si PERC Modules SEPL72F375M, (375Wp) SEPL72F375M 18.87 72 (Full Cells) 1500 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
SEPL72F380M 19.12
SEPL72F385M 19.38
SEPL72F390M 19.63
SEPL66F325M 17.86
SEPL66F330M 18.12
SEPL66F335M 18.41
ii Mono C-Si PERC Modules SEPL66F340M, (340Wp) SEPL66F340M 18.67 66 (Full Cells) 1500 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
SEPL66F345M 18.95
SEPL66F350M 19.22
SEPL66F355M 19.49
SEPL60F295M 17.75
SEPL60F300M 18.05
SEPL60F305M 18.36
iii Mono C-Si PERC Modules SEPL60F310M, (310Wp) SEPL60F310M 18.67 60 (Full Cells) 1500 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
SEPL60F315M 18.98
SEPL60F320M 19.26
SEPL60F325M 19.59
SEPL54F275M 18.34
SEPL54F280M 18.67
iv Mono C-Si PERC Modules SEPL54F280M, (280Wp) 54 (Full Cells) 1500 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
SEPL54F285M 18.99
SEPL54F290M 19.33
SEPL48F240M 17.93
SEPL48F245M 18.29
v Mono C-Si PERC Modules SEPL48F250M, (250Wp) SEPL48F250M 18.67 48 (Full Cells) 1500 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
SEPL48F255M 19.01
SEPL48F260M 19.39
SEPL144C360M 17.93
SEPL144C365M 18.18
SEPL144C370M 18.43
vi Mono C-Si PERC Modules SEPL144C375M, (375Wp) SEPL144C375M 18.68 144 (Half Cut Cells) 1500 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
SEPL144C380M 18.93
SEPL144C385M 19.18
SEPL144C390M 19.44
SEPL36F155P 15.77
vii Multi C-Si Modules SEPL36F160P, (160Wp) SEPL36F160P 16.25 36 (Full Cells) 1500 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
SEPL36F165P 16.74
SEPL48F200P 14.91
SEPL48F205P 15.27
SEPL48F210P 15.66
viii Multi C-Si Modules SEPL48F210P, (210Wp) 48 (Full Cells) 1500 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
SEPL48F215P 16.04
SEPL48F220P 16.41
SEPL48F225P 16.48
SEPL48F230P 17.23
SEPL54F225P 14.99
SEPL54F230P 15.32
ix Multi C-Si Modules SEPL54F235P, (235Wp) SEPL54F235P 15.65 54 (Full Cells) 1500 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
SEPL54F240P 15.99
SEPL54F245P 16.67
SEPL60F255P 15.43
SEPL60F260P 15.72
x Multi C-Si Modules SEPL60F265P, (265Wp) SEPL60F265P 16.01 60 (Full Cells) 1500 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
SEPL60F270P 16.33
SEPL60F275P 16.54
SEPL66F280P 15.41
SEPL66F285P 15.64
xi Multi C-Si Modules SEPL66F290P, (290Wp) SEPL66F290P 15.92 66 (Full Cells) 1500 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
SEPL66F295P 16.2
SEPL66F300P 16.48
SEPL72F300P 15.12
SEPL72F305P 15.36
SEPL72F315P 15.6
xii Multi C-Si Modules SEPL72F315P, (315Wp) 72 (Full Cells) 1500 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
SEPL72F320P 15.89
SEPL72F325P 16.19
SEPL72F330P 16.4
SEPL72C285P 14.37
xiii Multi C-Si Modules SEPL72C295P, (295Wp) SEPL72C290P 14.61 72 (Full Cells) 1500 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
SEPL72C295P 14.87
SEPL72F335P 16.91
xiv Multi C-Si Module SEPL72F340P (340 Wp) 72 (Full Cell) 1500 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
SEPL72F340P 17.12
xv Mono-PERC C-Si Module SEPL72F400M (400Wp) SEPL72F400M 20.16 72 (Full Cell) 1500 27.09.2022 26.09.2024

SEPLM10-500 19.35
SEPLM10-505 19.54
SEPLM10-510 19.74
SEPLM10-515 19.93
SEPLM10-520 20.12
xvi Mono-PERC C-Si Module SEPLM10-525 (525 Wp) SEPLM10-525 20.32 144 (Half Cut Cell) 1500 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
SEPLM10-530 20.51
SEPLM10-535 20.71
SEPLM10-540 20.9
SEPLM10-545 21.09
SEPLM10-550 21.29
45 M/s. Cosmic PV Power Block No:E-43/44, D-26/27, A-366 to R-72005100 70 Cos Po 320P 16.49
Pvt. Ltd. A-371, A487 to A-492, L-365 and L- Cos Po 325P 16.75
i Multi C-Si Modules Cos Po 330P (330 Wp) 72 FULL CELL 1500 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
493, Hindwa Dreams, Dhoran Pardi, Cos Po 330P 17.01
Gayapagal Road, Kamrej, Surat- Cos Po 335P 17.26
394155 Cos Po 300P 15.46
Cos Po 305P 15.72
ii Multi C-Si Modules Cos Po 300P (300 Wp) 72 FULL CELL 1500 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
Cos Po 310P 15.98
Cos Po 315P 16.23
Cos Po 260P 15.82
Cos Po 265P 16.13
iii Multi C-Si Modules Cos Po 270P (270 Wp) Cos Po 270P 16.43 60 FULL CELL 1500 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
Cos Po 275P 16.73
Cos Po 280P 17.04
Cos Po 250P 15.21
iv Multi C-Si Modules Cos Po 250P (250 Wp) 60 FULL CELL 1500 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
Cos Po 255P 15.52
46 M/s. Emmvee Sy. No. 66-70/3, Pemmanahalli R-62002976 671 E545HCMW144 21.1
Photovoltaic Power Village, Sompura Hobli, Dabaspet, E540HCMW144 20.9
Private Limited Nelamangala Taluk, Bengaluru rurak E535HCMW144 20.71
District, Karnataka E530HCMW144 20.52
E525HCMW144 20.32
Mono C-Si PERC Monofacial
i E520HCMW144 (520 Wp) E520HCMW144 20.13 144 (Half Cut Cells) 1500 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
E515HCMW144 19.94
E510HCMW144 19.74
E505HCMW144 19.55
E500HCMW144 19.36
E495HCMW144 19.16
E545HCBG144 21.1
E540HCBG144 20.9
E535HCBG144 20.71
E530HCBG144 20.52
E525HCBG144 20.32
Mono C-Si PERC Bi-Facial
ii E520HCBG144 (520 Wp) E520HCBG144 20.13 144 (Half Cut Cells) 1500 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
E515HCBG144 19.94
E510HCBG144 19.74
E505HCBG144 19.55
E500HCBG144 19.36
E495HCBG144 19.16
E450HCMW120 20.74
E445HCMW120 20.51
E440HCMW120 20.28
E435HCMW120 20.05
Mono C-Si PERC Monofacial
iii E430HCMW120 (430 Wp) E430HCMW120 19.82 120 (Half Cut Cells) 1500 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
E425HCMW120 19.59
E420HCMW120 19.36
E415HCMW120 19.13
E410HCMW120 18.9
E450HCBG120 20.74
E445HCBG120 20.51
E440HCBG120 20.28
E435HCBG120 20.05
Mono C-Si PERC Bi-Facial
iv E430HCBG120 (430 Wp) E430HCBG120 19.82 120 (Half Cut Cells) 1500 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
E425HCBG120 19.59
E420HCBG120 19.36
E415HCBG120 19.13
E410HCBG120 18.9
v Mono c-Si PERC Module E550HCMW144 E550HCMW144 21.29 144 Half Cut Cells 1500 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
Bifacial Mono c-Si PERC
vi E550HCBG144 E550HCBG144 21.29 144 Half Cut Cells 1500 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
E385HCBG108 19.74
E390HCBG108 20.00
Bifacial Mono c-Si PERC
vii E395HCBG108 E395HCBG108 20.25 108 Half Cut Cells 1500 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
E400HCBG108 20.51
E405HCBG108 20.76
E480HCBG132 20.18
E485HCBG132 20.40
Bifacial Mono c-Si PERC
viii E490HCBG132 E490HCBG132 20.61 132 Half Cut Cells 1500 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
E495HCBG132 20.82
E500HCBG132 21.03
E385HCMW108 19.74
E390HCMW108 20.00
ix Mono c-Si PERC Module E395HCMW108 E395HCMW108 20.25 108 Half Cut Cells 1500 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
E400HCMW108 20.51
E405HCMW108 20.76
E480HCMW132 20.18
E485HCMW132 20.40
x Mono c-Si PERC Module E490HCMW132 E490HCMW132 20.61 132 Half Cut Cells 1500 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
E495HCMW132 20.82
E500HCMW132 21.03
47 M/s. Jyotitech Solar LLP Plot No R-456, Rabale MIDC, TTC R-71018171 36 JTSP72F305 15.36
Industrial Area, Navi Mumbai-400701, JTSP72F310 15.62
Maharashtra, India. JTSP72F315 15.87
i Multi C-Si Modules JTSP72F320 (320 Wp) JTSP72F320 16.12 72 FULL CELL 1500 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
JTSP72F325 16.37
JTSP72F330 16.62
JTSP72F335 16.88
ii Multi C-Si Modules JTSP72F340 (340 Wp) JTSP72F340 17.13 72 FULL CELL 1500 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
JTSP66F270 14.79
JTSP66F275 15.07
iii Multi C-Si Modules JTSP66F280 (280 Wp) JTSP66F280 15.34 66 FULL CELL 1500 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
JTSP66F285 15.62
JTSP66F290 15.9
JTSP66F295 16.16
iv Multi C-Si Modules JTSP66F300 (300 Wp) 66 FULL CELL 1500 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
JTSP66F300 16.43
JTSP60F250 15.01
JTSP60F255 15.32
v Multi C-Si Modules JTSP60F260 (260 Wp) JTSP60F260 15.62 60 FULL CELL 1500 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
JTSP60F265 15.92
JTSP60F270 16.23
vi Multi C-Si Modules JTSP60F275 (275 Wp) JTSP60F275 16.56 60 FULL CELL 1500 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
JTSP54F230 15.28
JTSP54F235 15.61
vii Multi C-Si Modules JTSP54F235 (235 Wp) 54 FULL CELL 1500 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
JTSP54F240 15.95
JTSP54F245 16.28
JTSP48F200 14.87
JTSP48F205 15.24
viii Multi C-Si Modules JTSP48F210 (2100 Wp) 48 FULL CELL 1500 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
JTSP48F210 15.61
JTSP48F215 15.99
ix Multi C-Si Modules JTSP42F200 (200 Wp) JTSP42F200 16.95 42 FULL CELL 1500 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
JTSP36F150 14.66
x Multi C-Si Modules JTSP36F155 (155 Wp) JTSP36F155 15.15
36 FULL CELL 1000 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
JTSP36F160 15.63
xi Multi C-Si Modules JTSP36F165 (165 Wp) JTSP36F165 16.12
JTSP72C200 15.6
JTSP72C205 16.02
xii Multi C-Si Modules JTSP72C210 (210 Wp) JTSP72C210 16.41
JTSP72C215 16.8
JTSP72C220 17.19
72 CUT CELL 1500 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
JTSP72C250 15.24
JTSP72C255 15.55
xiii Multi C-Si Modules JTSP72C260 (260 Wp) JTSP72C260 15.85
JTSP72C265 16.16
JTSP72C270 16.46
xiv Multi C-Si Modules JTSP72C275 (275 Wp) JTSP72C275 16.77 72 CUT CELL 1500 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
xv Multi C-Si Modules JTSP36C030 (30 Wp) JTSP36C030 12.78 36 CUT CELL 1000 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
xvi Multi C-Si Modules JTSP36C35 (35 Wp) JTSP36C35 11.83 36 CUT CELL 1000 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
xvii Multi C-Si Modules JTSP36C040 (40 Wp) JTSP36C040 13.52 36 CUT CELL 1000 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
xviii Multi C-Si Modules JTSP36C045 (45 Wp) JTSP36C045 15.21 36 CUT CELL 1000 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
xix Multi C-Si Modules JTSP36C050 (50 Wp) JTSP36C050 13.5 36 CUT CELL 1000 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
xx Multi C-Si Modules JTSP36C055 (55 Wp) JTSP36C055 14.84 36 CUT CELL 1000 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
xxi Multi C-Si Modules JTSP36C060 (60 Wp) JTSP36C060 14 36 CUT CELL 1000 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
xxii Multi C-Si Modules JTSP36C065 (65 Wp) JTSP36C065 15.17 36 CUT CELL 1000 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
xxiii Multi C-Si Modules JTSP36C070 (70 Wp) JTSP36C070 13.03 36 CUT CELL 1000 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
xxiv Multi C-Si Modules JTSP36C075 (75 Wp) JTSP36C075 13.96 36 CUT CELL 1000 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
xxv Multi C-Si Modules JTSP36C080 (80 Wp) JTSP36C080 14.89 36 CUT CELL 1000 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
xxvi Multi C-Si Modules JTSP36C085 (85 Wp) JTSP36C085 15.82 36 CUT CELL 1000 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
xxvii Multi C-Si Modules JTSP36C090 (90 Wp) JTSP36C090 12.66 36 CUT CELL 1000 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
JTSP36C095 13.36
xxviii Multi C-Si Modules JTSP36C100 (100 Wp) JTSP36C100 14.07 36 CUT CELL 1000 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
JTSP36C105 14.78
JTSP36C110 15.48
xxix Multi C-Si Modules JTSP36C115 (115 Wp) JTSP36C115 14.64 36 CUT CELL 1000 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
JTSP36C120 15.28
JTSP36C125 15.92
xxx Multi C-Si Modules JTSP36C130 (130 Wp) JTSP36C130 16.55 36 CUT CELL 1000 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
JTSP36C135 17.19
JTSP36C140 14.45
xxxi Multi C-Si Modules JTSP36C145 (145 Wp) JTSP36C145 14.96 36 CUT CELL 1000 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
JTSP36C150 15.48
JTSM72F370 18.64
JTSM72F375 18.9
JTSM72F380 19.14
xxxii Mono PERC C-Si Modules JTSM72F385 (385 Wp) JTSM72F385 19.36 72 FULL CELL 1500 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
JTSM72F390 19.65
JTSM72F395 19.89
JTSM72F400 20.15
JTSM66F335 18.36
JTSM66F340 18.63
JTSM66F345 18.9
xxxiii Mono PERC C-Si Modules JTSM66F350 (350 Wp) 66 FULL CELL 1500 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
JTSM66F350 19.18
JTSM66F355 19.45
JTSM66F360 19.73
JTSM60F300 18.29
JTSM60F305 18.58
JTSM60F310 18.9
xxxiv Mono PERC C-Si Modules JTSM60F310 (310 Wp) 60 FULL CELL 1500 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
JTSM60F315 19.2
JTSM60F320 19.51
JTSM60F325 19.81
JTSM54F280 18.6
JTSM54F285 18.53
xxxv Mono PERC C-Si Modules JTSM54F290 (290 Wp) JTSM54F290 19.26 54 FULL CELL 1500 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
JTSM54F295 19.6
JTSM54F300 19.93
JTSM48F245 18.21
JTSM48F250 18.59
xxxvi Mono PERC C-Si Modules JTSM48F250 (250 Wp) 48 FULL CELL 1500 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
JTSM48F255 18.96
JTSM48F260 19.33
xxxvii Mono PERC C-Si Modules JTSM42F220 (220 Wp) JTSM42F220 18.64 42 FULL CELL 1500 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
JTSM36F180 17.59
xxxviii Mono PERC C-Si Modules JTSM36F185 (185 Wp) JTSM36F185 18.07 36 FULL CELL 1000 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
JTSM36F190 18.57
48 M/s. Suryakamal Energy Survey No 1303, Shade No 4, Radhika R-72004596 27 SK72C330W 17
Pvt. Ltd Enterprise, Undrel, Daskroi, SK72C325W 16.7
Ahmedabad, Gujarat-382433, India i Multi C-Si Modules SK72C315W (315 Wp) SK72C320W 16.5 72 FULL CELL 1000 27.09.2022 26.09.2024
SK72C315W 16.2
SK72C300W 15.5
49 M/s. Abhishek Solar P.O- Vikash Neori, Beside Premchand R-58000086 25 ASPD-315 16.19
Industries Pvt. Ltd Mahto High School, Ranchi-835217, i Multi C-Si Modules ASPD-325 (325 Wp) ASPD-325 16.81 72 Full Cells 1500 25.01.2023 24.01.2025
Jharkhand ASPD-335 17.35
ASP-315 16.19
ii Multi C-Si Modules ASP-325 (325 Wp) ASP-325 16.81 72 Full Cells 1500 25.01.2023 24.01.2025
ASP-335 17.35
ASP-260 15.9
ASP-265 16.25
iii Multi C-Si Modules ASP-265 (265 Wp) 60 Full Cells 1500 25.01.2023 24.01.2025
ASP-270 16.54
ASP-275 16.93
ASPD-260 15.95
ASPD-265 16.15
iv Multi C-Si Modules ASPD-265 (265 Wp) 60 Full Cells 1500 25.01.2023 24.01.2025
ASPD-270 16.56
ASPD-275 16.48
ASPD-230 15.67
v Multi C-Si Modules ASPD-240 (240 Wp) 54 Full Cells 1500 25.01.2023 24.01.2025
ASPD-240 16.35
ASPD-190 15.12
vi Multi C-Si Modules ASPD-200 (200 Wp) 42 Full Cells 1500 25.01.2023 24.01.2025
ASPD-200 16.31
vii Multi C-Si Modules ASPD-160 (160 Wp) ASPD-160 16.1 36 Full Cells 1000 25.01.2023 24.01.2025

viii Multi C-Si Modules ASPD-125 (125 Wp) ASPD-125 16.05 36 Cut Cells 1000 25.01.2023 24.01.2025

ix Multi C-Si Modules ASP-100 (100 Wp) ASP-100 15.5 36 Cut Cells 1000 25.01.2023 24.01.2025

x Multi C-Si Modules ASPD-75 (75 Wp) ASPD-75 14.55 36 Cut Cells 1000 25.01.2023 24.01.2025

xi Multi C-Si Modules ASP-75 (75 Wp) ASP-75 14.55 36 Cut Cells 1000 25.01.2023 24.01.2025

xii Multi C-Si Modules ASPD-60 (60 Wp) ASPD-60 14.8 36 Cut Cells 1000 25.01.2023 24.01.2025

xiii Multi C-Si Modules ASPD-40 (40 Wp) ASPD-40 13.87 36 Cut Cells 1000 25.01.2023 24.01.2025

50 M/s. Aatmanirbhar Solar Survey no 192, Dudhathal, Kheda, R-72005940 100 ASPL365MP72 18.39
Pvt. Ltd. Gujarat - 387620, India ASPL370MP72 18.64
ASPL375MP72 18.89
i Mono C-Si PERC Modules ASPL380MP72 (380 Wp) ASPL380MP72 19.14 72 FULL CELL 1500 25.01.2023 24.01.2025
ASPL385MP72 19.4
ASPL390MP72 19.65
ASPL395MP72 19.9
ASPL305P72 15.72
ASPL310P72 15.98
ASPL315P72 16.23
ii Multi C-Si Modules ASPL320P72 (320 Wp) ASPL320P72 16.49 72 FULL CELL 1500 25.01.2023 24.01.2025
ASPL325P72 16.75
ASPL330P72 17.01
ASPL335P72 17.26
51 M/s. Ameya Solar & Survey No. 161/1/1A, Rajpeta Road, R-66001040 14 i Multi C-Si Modules ASSPL-1210 (10 Wp) ASSPL-1210 9.52 36 (Cut Cells) 600 25.01.2023 24.01.2025
Semiconductor Pvt. Ltd. Maridimamba Temple, Nagavaram ii Multi C-Si Modules ASSPL-1240 (40 Wp) ASSPL-1240 12.4 36 (Cut Cells) 600 25.01.2023 24.01.2025
Village, Munugapaka Mandlam, iii Multi C-Si Modules ASSPL-1250 (50 Wp) ASSPL-1250 13.43 36 (Cut Cells) 600 25.01.2023 24.01.2025
Vishaka Patnam, Andhra Pradesh-
531033, India iv Multi C-Si Modules ASSPL-1275 (75 Wp) ASSPL-1275 14.01 36 (Cut Cells) 600
25.01.2023 24.01.2025
v Multi C-Si Modules ASSPL-12100 (100 Wp) ASSPL-12100 14.53 36 (Cut Cells) 600 25.01.2023 24.01.2025
vi Multi C-Si Modules ASSPL-12160 (160 Wp) ASSPL-12160 16.2 36 (Full Cells) 1000 25.01.2023 24.01.2025
ASSPL-20250 15.19
vii Multi C-Si Modules ASSPL-20260 (260 Wp) ASSPL-20260 15.8 60 (Full Cells) 1500 25.01.2023 24.01.2025

ASSPL-20270 16.4
ASSPL-24300 15.32
viii Multi C-Si Modules ASSPL-24310 (310 Wp) ASSPL-24310 15.83 72 (Full Cells) 1500 25.01.2023 24.01.2025
ASSPL-24320 16.34
ASSPL-24330 16.85
ASSPL-24340 17.36
ix Multi C-Si Modules ASSPL-24340 (340 Wp) 72 (Full Cells) 1500 25.01.2023 24.01.2025

ASSPL-24350 18.87

52 M/s. Agrawal Renewable Plot No. 66/0, Dhoop Building, Volvoi R-71013536 60
DHOOP PM72 330Wp 17
Energy Pvt. Ltd Road, Culti, Ponda, South Goa -
403401, India
DHOOP PM72 335Wp 17.26
i Mono C-Si PERC Modules DHOOP PM72 345 (345Wp) 72 (Full Cells) 1500 25.01.2023 24.01.2025
i Mono C-Si PERC Modules DHOOP PM72 345 (345Wp) DHOOP PM72 340Wp 17.52 72 (Full Cells) 1500 25.01.2023 24.01.2025
DHOOP PM72 345Wp 17.78
DHOOP PM72 350Wp 18.03
DHOOP PM72 355Wp 18.3
DHOOP PM72 360Wp 18.55
DHOOP PM72 370Wp 19.01
DHOOP PM72 375Wp 19.26
DHOOP PM72 380Wp 19.52
ii Mono C-Si PERC Modules DHOOP PM72 385 (385Wp) DHOOP PM72 385Wp 19.78 72 (Full Cells) 1500 25.01.2023 24.01.2025
DHOOP PM72 390Wp 20.04
DHOOP PM72 395Wp 20.29
DHOOP PM72 400Wp 20.55
DHOOP PP48 200Wp 15.2
DHOOP PP48 205Wp 15.64
iii Multi C-Si Modules DHOOP PP48 210 (210Wp) 48 (Full Cells) 1500 25.01.2023 24.01.2025
DHOOP PP48 210Wp 15.89
DHOOP PP48 215Wp 16.27
DHOOP PP48 220Wp 16.64
DHOOP PP48 225Wp 17.02
iv Multi C-Si Modules DHOOP PP48 225 (225Wp) 48 (Full Cells) 1500 25.01.2023 24.01.2025
DHOOP PP48 230Wp 17.4
DHOOP PP48 235Wp 17.78
DHOOP PP60 250Wp 15.16
DHOOP PP60 255Wp 15.46
v Multi C-Si Modules DHOOP PP60 260 (260Wp) DHOOP PP60 260Wp 15.76 60 (Full Cells) 1500 25.01.2023 24.01.2025
DHOOP PP60 265Wp 16.07
DHOOP PP60 270Wp 16.37
DHOOP PP60 275Wp 16.67
vi Multi C-Si Modules DHOOP PP60 280 (280Wp) 60 (Full Cells) 1500 25.01.2023 24.01.2025
DHOOP PP60 280Wp 17.08
DHOOP PP72 300Wp 15.41
DHOOP PP72 305Wp 15.67
DHOOP PP72 310Wp 15.92
vii Multi C-Si Modules DHOOP PP72 315 (315Wp) DHOOP PP72 315Wp 16.18 72 (Full Cells) 1500 25.01.2023 24.01.2025
DHOOP PP72 320Wp 16.44
DHOOP PP72 325Wp 16.69
DHOOP PP72 330Wp 16.95
DHOOP PP72 335Wp 17.26
vii Multi C-Si Modules DHOOP PP72 335 (335Wp) 72 (Full Cells) 1500 25.01.2023 24.01.2025
DHOOP PP72 340Wp 17.52
ix Multi C-Si Modules DHOOP PP36 100 (100Wp) DHOOP PP36 100Wp 14.63 36 (Cut Cells) 1500 25.01.2023 24.01.2025
x Multi C-Si Modules DHOOP PP36 110 (110Wp) DHOOP PP36 110Wp 16.18 36 (Cut Cells) 1500 25.01.2023 24.01.2025
xi Multi C-Si Modules DHOOP PP36 120 (120Wp) DHOOP PP36 120Wp 16.51 36 (Cut Cells) 1500 25.01.2023 24.01.2025
xii Multi C-Si Modules DHOOP PP36 150 (150Wp) DHOOP PP36 150Wp 15.01 36 (Full Cells) 1500 25.01.2023 24.01.2025
xiii Multi C-Si Modules DHOOP PP36 160 (160Wp) DHOOP PP36 160Wp 16.14 36 (Full Cells) 1500 25.01.2023 24.01.2025
xiv Multi C-Si Modules DHOOP PP36 40 (40Wp) DHOOP PP36 40Wp 13.31 36 (Cut Cells) 1500 25.01.2023 24.01.2025
xv Multi C-Si Modules DHOOP PP36 50 (50Wp) DHOOP PP36 50Wp 13.35 36 (Cut Cells) 1500 25.01.2023 24.01.2025
xvi Multi C-Si Modules DHOOP PP36 60 (60Wp) DHOOP PP36 60Wp 13.74 36 (Cut Cells) 1500 25.01.2023 24.01.2025
xvii Multi C-Si Modules DHOOP PP36 75 (75Wp) DHOOP PP36 75Wp 14.27 36 (Cut Cells) 1500 25.01.2023 24.01.2025
xviii Multi C-Si Modules DHOOP PP36 80 (80Wp) DHOOP PP36 80Wp 14.75 36 (Cut Cells) 1500 25.01.2023 24.01.2025
53 M/s. Sunify Solar LLP Sr. 624 on N/H- 947, Village Sarvad TA R-72005800 89 SS72F315P 16.23
Morbi-363660, Gujarat, India SS72F320P 16.49
i Multi C-Si Modules SS72F330P (330 Wp) 72 (Full Cell) 1500 25.01.2023 24.01.2025
SS72F325P 16.75
SS72F330P 17.01
SS66F280P 15.67
SS66F285P 15.95
ii Multi C-Si Modules SS66F290P (290 Wp) SS66F290P 16.23 66 (Full Cell) 1500 25.01.2023 24.01.2025
SS66F295P 16.51
SS66F300P 16.79
SS60F250P 15.4
iii Multi C-Si Modules SS60F255P (255 Wp) SS60F255P 15.71 60 (Full Cell) 1500 25.01.2023 24.01.2025
SS60F260P 16.01
SS60F265P 16.32
iv Multi C-Si Modules SS60F265P (265 Wp) 60 (Full Cell) 1500 25.01.2023 24.01.2025
SS60F270P 16.63
SS72F370M 18.62
SS72F375M 18.87
v Mono C-Si PERC Modules SS72F385M (385 Wp) SS72F380M 19.12 72 (Full Cell) 1500 25.01.2023 24.01.2025
SS72F385M 19.38
SS72F390M 19.63
SS66F325M 17.86
SS66F330M 18.12
SS66F335M 18.41
vi Mono C-Si PERC Modules SS66F340M (340 Wp) SS66F340M 18.67 66 (Full Cell) 1500 25.01.2023 24.01.2025
SS66F345M 18.95
SS66F350M 19.22
SS66F355M 19.49
SS60F295M 17.75
SS60F300M 18.05
SS60F305M 18.36
vii Mono C-Si PERC Modules SS60F310M (310 Wp) SS60F310M 18.67 60 (Full Cell) 1500 25.01.2023 24.01.2025
SS60F315M 18.98
SS60F320M 19.26
SS60F325M 19.59
SS144C375M 18.67
SS144C380M 18.92
viii Mono C-Si PERC Modules SS144C390M (390 Wp) 144 (Half Cut Cell) 1500 25.01.2023 24.01.2025
viii Mono C-Si PERC Modules SS144C390M (390 Wp) 144 (Half Cut Cell) 1500 25.01.2023 24.01.2025
SS144C385M 19.17
SS144C390M 19.42
SS132C480M 20.21
SS132C485M 20.45
ix Mono c-Si PERC Module SS132C490M (490 Wp) SS132C490M 20.64 132 (Half Cut Cell) 1500 25.01.2023 24.01.2025
SS132C495M 20.85
SS132C500M 21.06
SS144C505M 19.55
x Mono c-Si PERC Module SS144C505M (505 Wp) 144 (Half Cut Cell) 1500 25.01.2023 24.01.2025
SS144C510M 19.75
SS144C515M 19.94
SS144C520M 20.13
SS144C525M 20.32
SS144C530M 20.52
SS144C535M 20.71
xi Mono c-Si PERC Module SS144C535M (535 Wp) 144 (Half Cut Cell) 1500 25.01.2023 24.01.2025
SS144C540M 20.9
SS144C545M 21.1
SS144C550M 21.29
SS144C555M 21.48
SS144C560M 21.68
SS156C565M 20.21
SS156C570M 20.39
xii Mono c-Si PERC Module SS156C565M (565 Wp) SS156C575M 20.57 156 (Half Cut Cell) 1500 25.01.2023 24.01.2025
SS156C580M 20.75
SS156C585M 20.93
54 M/s. Unique Sun Power BL No. 2281/2/1/1, Sub Plot 1-A, R-72005550 43 i Multi C-Si Modules SUN36P075 (75 Wp) SUN36P075 7.45 36 (Cut Cell) 600 25.01.2023 24.01.2025
LLP Tadkeshwar, Near Areth Minnor ii Multi C-Si Modules SUN36P100 (100 Wp) SUN36P100 9.94 36 (Cut Cell) 600 25.01.2023 24.01.2025
Canal, Mandvi, Surat, Gujarat-394170, iii Multi C-Si Modules SUN36P150 (150 Wp) SUN36P150 14.91 36 (Cut Cell) 600 25.01.2023 24.01.2025
India SUN36P155 15.41
iv Multi C-Si Modules SUN36P160 (160Wp) SUN36P160 15.94 36 (Full Cell) 1000 25.01.2023 24.01.2025
SUN36P165 16.41
SUN48P205 15.23
v Multi C-Si Modules SUN48P210 (210 Wp) SUN48P210 15.6 48 (Full Cell) 1000 25.01.2023 24.01.2025
SUN48P220 16.34
SUN60P260 15.61
SUN60P265 15.91
vi Multi C-Si Modules SUN60P265 (265 Wp) 60 (Full Cell) 1500 25.01.2023 24.01.2025
SUN60P270 16.21
SUN60P275 16.51
SUN72P310 15.56
SUN72P315 15.88
SUN72P320 16.13
vii Multi C-Si Modules SUN72P325 (325 Wp) SUN72P325 16.39 72 (Full Cell) 1500 25.01.2023 24.01.2025
SUN72P330 16.64
SUN72P333 16.79
SUN72P335 16.9
SUN144P550 21.34
SUN144P545 21.14
SUN144P540 20.95
viii Mono PERC C-Si Module SUN144P535 (535 Wp) SUN144P535 20.76 144 (Half Cut Cell) 1500 25.01.2023 24.01.2025
SUN144P530 20.56
SUN144P525 20.37
SUN144P520 20.18
SUN120P465 21.45
SUN120P460 21.23
SUN120P455 21.01
ix Mono PERC C-Si Module SUN120P445 (445 Wp) SUN120P450 20.79 120 (Half Cut Cell) 1500 25.01.2023 24.01.2025
SUN120P445 20.55
SUN120P440 20.30
SUN120P435 20.07
SUN108P420 21.43
SUN108P415 21.16
x Mono PERC C-Si Module SUN108P410 (410 Wp) SUN108P410 20.90 108 (Half Cut Cell) 1500 25.01.2023 24.01.2025
SUN108P405 20.65
SUN108P400 20.39
55 M/s. Ankur Traders & D-130, B.S. Road, Industrial Area, R-93009695 45 ASM560 20.03
Engineers Private Limited Ghaziabad-201009, Uttar Pradesh ASM565 20.21
ASM570 20.39
i Mono PERC C-Si Module ASM585(585 Wp) 156 (Half Cut Cells) 1500 25.01.2023 24.01.2025
ASM575 20.57
ASM580 20.75
ASM585 20.93
ASM505 19.55
ASM510 19.74
ASM515 19.94
ASM520 20.13
ASM525 20.32
ii Mono PERC C-Si Module ASM530 (530 Wp) 144 (Half Cut Cells) 1500 25.01.2023 24.01.2025
ASM530 20.52
ASM535 20.71
ASM540 20.9
ASM545 21.09
ASM550 21.29
ASM500 21.7
ASM495 20.85
ASM490 20.64
ASM485 20.43
iii Mono PERC C-Si Module ASM480 (480 Wp) ASM480 20.22 132 (Half Cut Cells) 1500 25.01.2023 24.01.2025
ASM475 20.01
ASM470 19.8
ASM465 19.59
ASM460 19.38
ASM450 20.79
ASM445 20.57
ASM440 20.33
ASM435 20.1
iv Mono PERC C-Si Module ASM430 (430 Wp) ASM430 19.87 120 (Half Cut Cells) 1500 25.01.2023 24.01.2025
ASM425 19.64
ASM420 19.41
ASM415 19.18
ASM410 18.94
ASM250 18.87
ASM255 19.25
v Mono PERC C-Si Module ASM260 (260 Wp) ASM260 19.62 72 (Half Cut Cells) 1500 25.01.2023 24.01.2025
ASM265 20
ASM270 20.38
ASM125 18.39
vi Mono PERC C-Si Module ASM130 (130 Wp) ASM130 19.12 36 (Half Cut Cells) 1500 25.01.2023 24.01.2025
ASM135 19.86
AS325WP 16.62
AS330WP 16.87
vii Multi C-Si Module AS330WP (330Wp) AS335WP 17.13 72 (Full Cell) 1500 25.01.2023 24.01.2025
AS340WP 17.38
AS345WP 17.64
56 M/s. Bharat Heavy P.B No-1245, Malleshwaram West, R-62001350 214 L20265P-255W 15.46
Electricals. Ltd Bangalore-560012, Karnataka L20265P-260W 15.76
i Multi C-Si Modules L20265P-265W (265 Wp) L20265P-265W 16.07 60 (Full Cells) 1000 25.01.2023 24.01.2025
L20265P-270W 16.37
L20265P-275W 16.67
L24315P-300W 15.4
L24315P-305W 15.7
L24315P-310W 15.9
ii Multi C-Si Modules L24315P-315W (315 Wp) L24315P-315W 16.2 72 (Full Cells) 1000 25.01.2023 24.01.2025
L24315P-320W 16.5
L24315P-325W 16.7
L24315P-330W 17
PSAAA1B-250W 15.4
PSAAA1B-255W 15.71
iii Multi C-Si Modules PSAAA1B-260W (260 Wp) PSAAA1B-260W 16.02 60 (Full Cells) 1500 25.01.2023 24.01.2025
PSAAA1B-265W 16.33
PSAAA1B-270W 16.64
PSAAB1B-300W 15.48
PSAAB1B-305W 15.73
PSAAB1B-310W 15.99
iv Multi C-Si Modules PSAAB1B-315W (315 Wp) 72 (Full Cells) 1500 25.01.2023 24.01.2025
PSAAB1B-315W 16.25
PSAAB1B-320W 16.51
PSAAB1B-325W 16.77
MSABB1B-370W 18.5
MSABB1B-375W 18.75
MSABB1B-380W 19
v Mono PERC C-Si Modules MSABB1B-385W (385 Wp) MSABB1B-385W 19.25 72 (Full Cells) 1500 25.01.2023 24.01.2025
MSABB1B-390W 19.5
MSABB1B-395W 19.75
MSABB1B-400W 20
57 M/s. Credence Solar Plot No. 19&19, Survey No. 142/2, R-72006165 120 CS-QU650-132 20.44
Panels Private Limited Rajkot-Jamnagar Highway, Padadhari, CS-QU645-132 20.28
Rajkot, Gujarat CS-QU640-132 20.13
i Mono PERC C-Si Module CS-QU650-132 (650 Wp) CS-QU635-132 19.97 132 (Half Cut Cell) 1500 25.01.2023 24.01.2025
CS-QU630-132 19.81
CS-QU625-132 19.66
CS-QU620-132 19.5
CS-QU590-120 20.76
CS-QU585-120 20.58
CS-QU580-120 20.41
CS-QU575-120 20.23
ii Mono PERC C-Si Module CS-QU575-120 (575 Wp) CS-QU570-120 20.05 120 (Half Cut Cell) 1500 25.01.2023 24.01.2025
CS-QU565-120 19.88
CS-QU560-120 19.7
CS-QU555-120 19.53
CS-QU550-120 19.35
CS-QU540-110 20.67
CS-QU535-110 20.48
CS-QU530-110 20.28
CS-QU525-110 20.09
iii Mono PERC C-Si Module CS-QU525-110 (525 Wp) CS-QU520-110 19.9 110 (Half Cut Cell) 1500 25.01.2023 24.01.2025
CS-QU515-110 19.71
CS-QU510-110 19.52
CS-QU505-110 19.33
CS-QU500-110 19.14
CS-QB650-132 20.47
CS-QB645-132 20.31
CS-QB640-132 20.15
Mono PERC Bifacial C-Si
iv CS-QB650-132 (650 Wp) CS-QB635-132 19.99 132 (Half Cut Cell) 1500 25.01.2023 24.01.2025
CS-QB630-132 19.84
CS-QB625-132 19.68
CS-QB620-132 19.52
CS-QB590-120 20.77
CS-QB585-120 20.6
CS-QB580-120 20.42
CS-QB575-120 20.25
Mono PERC Bifacial C-Si
v CS-QB575-120 (575 Wp) CS-QB570-120 20.07 120 (Half Cut Cell) 1500 25.01.2023 24.01.2025
CS-QB565-120 19.89
CS-QB560-120 19.72
CS-QB555-120 19.54
CS-QB550-120 19.37
CS-QB540-110 20.67
CS-QB535-110 20.48
CS-QB530-110 20.28
CS-QB525-110 20.09
Mono PERC Bifacial C-Si
vi CS-QB525-110 (525 Wp) CS-QB520-110 19.9 110 (Half Cut Cell) 1500 25.01.2023 24.01.2025
CS-QB515-110 19.71
CS-QB510-110 19.52
CS-QB505-110 19.33
CS-QB500-110 19.14
CS-HN550-144 20.95
CS-HN545-144 20.76
CS-HN540-144 20.57
CS-HN535-144 20.38
CS-HN530-144 20.19
vii Mono PERC C-Si Module CS-HN525-144 (525 Wp) CS-HN525-144 20 144 (Half Cut Cell) 1500 25.01.2023 24.01.2025
CS-HN520-144 19.81
CS-HN515-144 19.62
CS-HN510-144 19.43
CS-HN505-144 19.24
CS-HN500-144 19.04
CS-SN340-144 17.1
CS-SN335-144 16.85
CS-SN330-144 16.6
viii Multi C-Si Module CS-SN325-144 (325 Wp) CS-SN325-144 16.35 144 (Half Cut Cell) 1500 25.01.2023 24.01.2025
CS-SN320-144 16.1
CS-SN315-144 15.85
CS-SN310-144 15.59
58 M/s Ganesh Electricals Survey No. 319/320/321, Tundali, R-72005886 69 SGM-400 20.61
Pvt. Ltd Tundali approach road, Behind Honest SGM-395 20.36
Restaurant, Near Nadasan Flyover, SGM-390 20.01
i Mono PERC C-Si Modules SGM-390 (390 Wp) 72 (Full Cell) 1500 25.01.2023 24.01.2025
Mehsna - 382732, Gujarat SGM-385 19.84
SGM-380 19.58
SGM-375 19.33
SGM-345 19.3
ii Mono PERC C-Si Modules SGM-345 (345 Wp) 66 (Full Cell) 1500 25.01.2023 24.01.2025
SGM-340 19.02
iii Mono PERC C-Si Modules SGM-330 (330 Wp) SGM-330 20.33 66 (Full Cell) 1500 25.01.2023 24.01.2025

iv Mono PERC C-Si Modules SGM-150 (150 Wp) SGM-150 15.03 36 (Full Cell) 1500 25.01.2023 24.01.2025

SG-330 17.01
SG-325 16.75
SG-320 16.49
v Multi C-Si Modules SG-315 (315 Wp) 72 (Full Cell) 1500 25.01.2023 24.01.2025
SG-315 16.23
SG-310 15.98
SG-300 15.46
vi Multi C-Si Modules SG-300Z (300 Wp) SG-300Z 16.78 66 (Full Cell) 1500 25.01.2023 24.01.2025

vii Multi C-Si Modules SG-250 (250 Wp) SG-250 15.4 60 (Full Cell) 1500 25.01.2023 24.01.2025

viii Multi C-Si Modules SG-200 (200 Wp) SG-200 15.2 48 (Full Cell) 1500 25.01.2023 24.01.2025

ix Multi C-Si Modules SG-200Z (200 Wp) SG-200Z 16.89 42 (Full Cell) 1500 25.01.2023 24.01.2025

x Multi C-Si Modules SG-150 (150 Wp) SG-150 15.03 36 (Full Cell) 1500 25.01.2023 24.01.2025

59 M/s. HR Solar Solution Raghudebpur, NH-6, Panchla, Block- R-51001686 62 H300P72 14.9
Private Limited Uluberia-II, Uluberia, Howrah - H305P72 15.14
711322, West Bengal i Multi C-Si Modules H315P72 (315 Wp) H310P72 15.39 72 (Full Cell) 1500 25.01.2023 24.01.2025
H315P72 15.64
H320P72 15.89
H325P72 16.14
ii Multi C-Si Modules H335P72 (335 Wp) H330P72 16.39 72 (Full Cell) 1500 25.01.2023 24.01.2025
H335P72 16.63
H150P36 14.76
iii Multi C-Si Modules H155P36 (155 Wp) H155P36 15.26 36 (Full Cell) 1500 25.01.2023 24.01.2025
H160P36 15.75
60 M/s. Innovative Solar No. 102/C Shed, 2nd main Road, R-62002550 24
i Multi C-Si Modules INV-P-24V-320wp INV-P-24V-320wp 16.5 72 (Full Cell) 1500 25.01.2023 24.01.2025
Solutions Machohalli, Bapagrama (Post)
Bangalore-560072, Karnataka
ii Multi C-Si Modules INV-P-24V-260wp INV-P-24V-260wp 15.97 72 (Cut Cell) 1500 25.01.2023 24.01.2025

iii Multi C-Si Modules INV-P-24V-200wp INV-P-24V-200wp 14.91 72 (Cut Cell) 1500 25.01.2023 24.01.2025

iv Multi C-Si Modules INV-P-20V-260wp INV-P-20V-260wp 15.97 60 (Full Cell) 1500 25.01.2023 24.01.2025

v Multi C-Si Modules INV-P-12V-160wp INV-P-12V-160wp 16.2 36 (Full Cell) 1000 25.01.2023 24.01.2025

vi Multi C-Si Modules INV-P-12V-125wp INV-P-12V-125wp 14.9 36 (Cut Cell) 1000 25.01.2023 24.01.2025

vii Multi C-Si Modules INV-P-12V-100wp INV-P-12V-100wp 14.8 36 (Cut Cell) 1000 25.01.2023 24.01.2025

viii Multi C-Si Modules INV-P-12V-80wp INV-P-12V-80wp 15.5 36 (Cut Cell) 1000 25.01.2023 24.01.2025

ix Multi C-Si Modules INV-P-12V-60wp INV-P-12V-60wp 13.5 36 (Cut Cell) 1000 25.01.2023 24.01.2025

x Multi C-Si Modules INV-P-12V-50wp INV-P-12V-50wp 13.6 36 (Cut Cell) 1000 25.01.2023 24.01.2025

xi Multi C-Si Modules INV-P-12V-40wp INV-P-12V-40wp 14.1 36 (Cut Cell) 1000 25.01.2023 24.01.2025

61 M/s Plaza Power & 923/56, Village Katha, Baddi, Solan- R-96003131 31
i Multi C-Si Modules PS36CPD040Wp (40 Wp) PS36CPD040Wp 13.9 36 (Cut Cells) 600 25.01.2023 24.01.2025
Infrastructure Co 173205, Himachal Pradesh

ii Multi C-Si Modules PS36CPD050Wp (50Wp) PS36CPD050Wp 13.76 36 (Cut Cells) 600 25.01.2023 24.01.2025

iii Multi C-Si Modules PS36CPD055Wp (55 Wp) PS36CPD055Wp 15.15 36 (Cut Cells) 600 25.01.2023 24.01.2025

iv Multi C-Si Modules PS36CPD060Wp (60Wp) PS36CPD060Wp 16.53 36 (Cut Cells) 600 25.01.2023 24.01.2025

v Multi C-Si Modules PS36CPD065Wp (65 Wp) PS36CPD065Wp 17.9 36 (Cut Cells) 600 25.01.2023 24.01.2025

vi Multi C-Si Modules PS36CPD070Wp (70 Wp) PS36CPD070Wp 13.53 36 (Cut Cells) 600 25.01.2023 24.01.2025

vii Multi C-Si Modules PS36CPD075Wp (75Wp) PS36CPD075Wp 14.51 36 (Cut Cells) 600 25.01.2023 24.01.2025

viii Multi C-Si Modules PS36CPD080Wp (80 Wp) PS36CPD080Wp 15.48 36 (Cut Cells) 600 25.01.2023 24.01.2025

ix Multi C-Si Modules PS36CPD090Wp (90 Wp) PS36CPD090Wp 14.91 36 (Cut Cells) 600 25.01.2023 24.01.2025

x Multi C-Si Modules PS36CPD100Wp (100Wp) PS36CPD100Wp 14.92 36 (Cut Cells) 1000 25.01.2023 24.01.2025

PS36CPD110Wp 16.42
xi Multi C-Si Modules PS36CPD115Wp (115 Wp) PS36CPD115Wp 14.43 36 (Cut Cells) 1000 25.01.2023 24.01.2025
PS36CPD120Wp 15.05
PS36CPD125Wp 15.68
xii Multi C-Si Modules PS36CPD130Wp (130Wp) 36 (Cut Cells) 1000 25.01.2023 24.01.2025
PS36CPD130Wp 16.31
xiii Multi C-Si Modules PS36CPD140Wp (140 Wp) PS36CPD140Wp 13.75 36 (Cut Cells) 1000 25.01.2023 24.01.2025

PS36FP150Wp 14.73
xiv Multi C-Si Modules PS36FP155Wp (155 Wp) PS36FP155Wp 15.22 36 (Full Cells) 1000 25.01.2023 24.01.2025
PS36FP160Wp 15.72
xv Multi C-Si Modules PS36FP165Wp (165Wp) PS36FP165Wp 16.21 36 (Full Cells) 1000 25.01.2023 24.01.2025

PS36FPD150Wp 14.73
xvi Multi C-Si Modules PS36FPD155Wp (155 Wp) PS36FPD155Wp 15.22 36 (Full Cells) 1000 25.01.2023 24.01.2025
PS36FPD160Wp 15.72
PS60FPD250Wp 15.48
PS60FPD255Wp 15.79
xvii Multi C-Si Modules PS60FPD260Wp (260 Wp) PS60FPD260Wp 16.1 60 (Full Cells) 1500 25.01.2023 24.01.2025
PS60FPD265Wp 16.41
PS60FPD270Wp 16.72
PS60FP250Wp 15.48
PS60FP255Wp 15.79
xviii Multi C-Si Modules PS60FP260Wp (260 Wp) PS60FP260Wp 16.1 60 (Full Cells) 1500 25.01.2023 24.01.2025
PS60FP265Wp 16.41
PS60FP270Wp 16.72
PS72FP305Wp 15.44
PS72FP310Wp 15.7
PS72FP315Wp 15.95
xix Multi C-Si Modules PS72FP320Wp (320 Wp) PS72FP320Wp 16.2 72 (Full Cells) 1500 25.01.2023 24.01.2025
PS72FP325Wp 16.46
PS72FP330Wp 16.71
PS72FP335Wp 16.96
PS72FPD300Wp 15.19
PS72FPD305Wp 15.44
PS72FPD310Wp 15.7
xx Multi C-Si Modules PS72FPD315Wp (315 Wp) PS72FPD315Wp 15.95 72 (Full Cells) 1500 25.01.2023 24.01.2025
PS72FPD320Wp 15.2
PS72FPD325Wp 16.46
PS72FPD330Wp 16.71
PS72FMP355Wp 17.97
xxi Mono C-Si Modules PS72FMP360Wp (360Wp) PS72FMP360Wp 18.22 72 (Full Cells) 1500 25.01.2023 24.01.2025
PS72FMP370Wp 18.73
PS72FMP380Wp 19.24
xxii Mono C-Si Modules PS72FMP390Wp (390 Wp) PS72FMP390Wp 19.75 72 (Full Cells) 1500 25.01.2023 24.01.2025
PS72FMP395Wp 20
62 M/s Urjastrot Enterprise Survey No. 47, Nr. Ramdev Pir R-72005673 43 USEL365MP72 18.39
Pvt Ltd Temple, Bedwa, Anand– 388320, USEL370MP72 18.64
Gujarat USEL375MP72 18.89
i Mono PERC C-Si Modules USEL380MP72 (380 Wp) USEL380MP72 19.14 72 (Full Cell) 1500 25.01.2023 24.01.2025
USEL385MP72 19.4
USEL390MP72 19.65
USEL395MP72 19.9
USEL305P72 15.72
USEL310P72 15.98
USEL315P72 16.23
ii Multi C-Si Modules USEL320P72 (320 Wp) USEL320P72 16.49 72 (Full Cell) 1500 25.01.2023 24.01.2025
USEL325P72 16.75
USEL330P72 17.01
USEL335P72 17.26
63 M/s. Fujiyama Power Plot No. 51,52 Sector-Ecotech-1, R-93022209 95 UTL540-72M 20.75
Systems Private Limited Ecotech Extn-1, Greater Noida, UTL535-72M 20.55
Gautam Buddha Nagar, Uttar Pradesh i Mono PERC C-Si Modules UTL530-72M (530 Wp) UTL530-72M 20.35 72 (Full Cell) 1500 27.02.2023 26.02.2025
UTL525-72M 20.15
UTL520-72M 20
UTL540-144M 20.75
UTL535-144M 20.55
ii Mono PERC C-Si Modules UTL530-144M (530 Wp) UTL530-144M 20.35 144 (Half Cut Cell) 1500 27.02.2023 26.02.2025
UTL525-144M 20.15
UTL520-144M 20
UTL440-72M 20.2
UTL435-72M 19.97
iii Mono PERC C-Si Modules UTL435-72M (435 Wp) 72 (Full Cell) 1500 27.02.2023 26.02.2025
UTL430-72M 19.78
UTL425-72M 19.51
UTL440-144M 20.2
UTL435-144M 19.97 1500 27.02.2023 26.02.2025
Mono PERC C-Si Modules UTL435-144M (435 Wp) 144 (Half Cut Cell)
UTL430-144M 19.78
UTL425-144M 19.51
UTL400-72MI 20.06
UTL395-72MI 19.8
v Mono PERC C-Si Modules UTL395-72MI (395 Wp) 72 (Full Cell) 1500 27.02.2023 26.02.2025
UTL385-72MI 19.3
UTL380-72MI 19.05
UTL400-72M 20.06
UTL395-72M 19.8
vi Mono PERC C-Si Modules UTL395-72M (395 Wp) UTL390-72M 19.55 72 (Full Cell) 1500 27.02.2023 26.02.2025
UTL385-72M 19.3
UTL380-72M 19.05

UTL335-72PI 16.89 1500 27.02.2023 26.02.2025
Multi- C-Si Modules UTL335-72PI (335 Wp) 72 (Full Cell)
UTL330-72PI 16.65
UTL335-72P 17.26 1500 27.02.2023 26.02.2025
Multi- C-Si Modules UTL335-72P (335 Wp) 72 (Full Cell)
UTL330-72P 17.01
UTL275-60PI 16.9
ix Multi- C-Si Modules UTL270-60PI (270 Wp) UTL270-60PI 16.6 60 (Full Cell) 1500 27.02.2023 26.02.2025
UTL265-60PI 16.3
UTL275-60P 16.9
x Multi- C-Si Modules UTL270-60P (270 Wp) UTL270-60P 16.6 60 (Full Cell) 1500 27.02.2023 26.02.2025
UTL265-60P 16.3
UTL200-36MI 19.7
xi Mono PERC C-Si Modules UTL195-36MI (195 Wp) UTL195-36MI 19.2 36 (Full Cell) 1500 27.02.2023 26.02.2025
UTL190-36MI 18.75
UTL205-36M 20.2
xii Mono PERC C-Si Modules UTL200-36M (200 Wp) UTL200-36M 19.7 36 (Full Cell) 1500 27.02.2023 26.02.2025
UTL195-36M 19.2
UTL190-36M 18.75
UTL165-36PI 16.7
xiii Multi- C-Si Modules UTL160-36PI (160 Wp) UTL160-36PI 16.15 36 (Full Cell) 1500 27.02.2023 26.02.2025
UTL155-36PI 15.65
iv Multi- C-Si Modules UTL150-36PI (150 Wp) UTL150-36PI 15.15 36 (Full Cell) 1500 27.02.2023 26.02.2025

UTL165-36P 16.7
v Multi- C-Si Modules UTL160-36P (160 Wp) UTL160-36P 16.15 36 (Full Cell) 1500 27.02.2023 26.02.2025
UTL155-36P 15.65
vi Multi- C-Si Modules UTL150-36P (150 Wp) UTL150-36P 15.15 36 (Full Cell) 1500 27.02.2023 26.02.2025
vi Multi- C-Si Modules UTL150-36P (150 Wp) UTL150-36P 15.15 36 (Full Cell) 1500 27.02.2023 26.02.2025

vii Multi- C-Si Modules UTL125-36PI (125 Wp) UTL125-36PI 16.78 36 (Cut Cell) 1500 27.02.2023 26.02.2025

viii Multi- C-Si Modules UTL125-36P (125 Wp) UTL125-36P 16.78 36 (Cut Cell) 1500 27.02.2023 26.02.2025

UTL110-36P 16.38
xix Multi- C-Si Modules UTL105-36P (105 Wp) UTL105-36P 15.63 36 (Cut Cell) 1500 27.02.2023 26.02.2025
UTL100-36P 14.89
UTL110-36PI 16.38
xx Multi- C-Si Modules UTL105-36PI (105 Wp) UTL105-36PI 15.63 36 (Cut Cell) 1500 27.02.2023 26.02.2025
UTL100-36PI 14.89

xxi Multi- C-Si Modules UTL85-36PI (85 Wp) UTL85-36PI 16.6 36 (Cut Cell) 1500 27.02.2023 26.02.2025

xxii Multi- C-Si Modules UTL80-36PI (80 Wp) UTL80-36PI 15.62 36 (Cut Cell) 1500 27.02.2023 26.02.2025

xxiii Multi- C-Si Modules UTL85-36P (85 Wp) UTL85-36P 16.6 36 (Cut Cell) 1500 27.02.2023 26.02.2025

xiv Multi- C-Si Modules UTL80-36P (80 Wp) UTL80-36P 15.62 36 (Cut Cell) 1500 27.02.2023 26.02.2025

xv Multi- C-Si Modules UTL75-36P (75 Wp) UTL75-36P 14.65 36 (Cut Cell) 1500 27.02.2023 26.02.2025

xvi Multi- C-Si Modules UTL75-36PI (75 Wp) UTL75-36PI 14.65 36 (Cut Cell) 1500 27.02.2023 26.02.2025

xvii Multi- C-Si Modules UTL60-36P (60 Wp) UTL60-36P 15.04 36 (Cut Cell) 1500 27.02.2023 26.02.2025

xviii Multi- C-Si Modules UTL60-36PI (60 Wp) UTL60-36PI 15.04 36 (Cut Cell) 1500 27.02.2023 26.02.2025

xxix Multi- C-Si Modules UTL55-36PI (55 Wp) UTL55-36PI 13.78 36 (Cut Cell) 1500 27.02.2023 26.02.2025

xxx Multi- C-Si Modules UTL50-36PI (50 Wp) UTL50-36PI 14.05 36 (Cut Cell) 1500 27.02.2023 26.02.2025

xxxi Multi- C-Si Modules UTL50-36P (50 Wp) UTL50-36P 14.05 36 (Cut Cell) 1500 27.02.2023 26.02.2025

xxxii Multi- C-Si Modules UTL45-36PI (45 Wp) UTL45-36PI 16.11 36 (Cut Cell) 1500 27.02.2023 26.02.2025

xxxiii Multi- C-Si Modules UTL40-36P (40 Wp) UTL40-36P 14.32 36 (Cut Cell) 1500 27.02.2023 26.02.2025

64 M/s. Genus Innovation SPL-2B, RIICO Industrial Area, Tonk R-84003395 22 GM360F72 18.55
Limited Road, Sitapur, Jaipur-302022, GM365F72 18.81
GM370F72 19.07
i Mono PERC C-Si Module GM375F72 (375 Wp) GM375F72 19.33 72 (Full Cells) 1500 27.02.2023 26.02.2025
GM380F72 19.58
GM385F72 19.84
GM390F72 20.1
GI305F72 15.72
GI310F72 15.98
GI315F72 16.23
ii Multi C-Si Module GI320F72 (320 Wp) GI320F72 16.49 72 (Full Cells) 1500 27.02.2023 26.02.2025
GI325F72 16.75
GI330F72 17.01
GI335F72 17.27
GI165F36 16.71
iii Multi C-Si Module GI165F36 (165 Wp) 36 (Full Cells) 1000 27.02.2023 26.02.2025
GI170F36 17.22
iv Multi C-Si Module GI150F36 (150 Wp) GI150F36 15.19 36 (Full Cells) 1000 27.02.2023 26.02.2025

65 M/s. Spark Solar N-4, Rajlaxmi Hitech Textile Park, R-71023310 42 SS 545-144R M10 21.12
Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Sonale Village, Off. Mumbai Nasik SS 540-144R M10 20.92
Highway Bhiwandi, Thane-421302, i Mono PERC C-Si Modules SS 535-144R M10 (535 Wp) SS 535-144R M10 20.73 144 (Half Cut Cell) 1500 31.05.2023 30.05.2027
Maharashtra SS 530-144R M10 20.54
SS 525-144R M10 20.34
SS 500-132R M10 21.06
ii Mono PERC C-Si Modules SS 495-132R M10 (495 Wp) SS 495-132R M10 20.85 132 (Half Cut Cell) 1500 31.05.2023 30.05.2027
SS 490-132R M10 20.64
66 M/s. Rhine Solar Limited Killa No. 80/6, Janti Kalan Rd, Sersa, R-91008249 71 RSL72FM-390WP 19.6
Kundli, Sonipat-131028, Haryana i Mono PERC C-Si Module RSL72FM-380WP, (380 Wp) RSL72FM-380WP 19.4 72 (Full Cell) 1500 31.05.2023 30.05.2027
RSL72FM-370WP 19.2
RSL600M 21.28
RSL595M 21.11
RSL590M 20.94
ii Mono c-Si PERC Module RSL590M (590 Wp) 156 (Half Cut Cell) 1500 31.05.2023 30.05.2027
RSL585M 20.77
RSL580M 20.60
RSL575M 20.40
RSL570M 22.07
RSL565M 21.87
RSL560M 21.68
RSL555M 21.49
RSL550M 21.30
iii Mono c-Si PERC Module RSL545M (545 Wp) 144 (Half Cut Cell) 1500 31.05.2023 30.05.2027
iii Mono c-Si PERC Module RSL545M (545 Wp) 144 (Half Cut Cell) 1500 31.05.2023 30.05.2027
RSL545M 21.10
RSL540M 20.91
RSL535M 20.72
RSL530M 20.51
RSL525M 20.33
RSL520M 21.70
RSL515M 21.48
RSL510M 21.28
RSL505M 21.06
RSL500M 20.86
iv Mono c-Si PERC Module RSL500M (500 Wp) 132 (Half Cut Cell) 1500 31.05.2023 30.05.2027
RSL495M 20.65
RSL490M 20.44
RSL485M 20.23
RSL480M 20.03
RSL475M 19.81
RSL470M 19.61
v Mono c-Si PERC Module RSL470M (470 Wp) 132 (Half Cut Cell) 1500 31.05.2023 30.05.2027
RSL465M 19.40
RSL460M 21.04
RSL455M 20.82
RSL450M 20.59
RSL445M 20.35
vi Mono c-Si PERC Module RSL440M (440 Wp) RSL440M 20.13 120 (Half Cut Cell) 1500 31.05.2023 30.05.2027
RSL435M 19.89
RSL430M 19.68
RSL425M 19.44
RSL420M 19.22
RSL395M 20.03
RSL390M 19.76
vii Mono c-Si PERC Module RSL380M (380 Wp) RSL385M 19.51 108 (Half Cut Cell) 1500 31.05.2023 30.05.2027
RSL380M 19.26
RSL375M 19.01
RSL360M 20.48
RSL355M 20.20
RSL350M 19.92
viii Mono c-Si PERC Module RSL345M (345 Wp) 96 (Half Cut Cell) 1500 31.05.2023 30.05.2027
RSL345M 19.63
RSL340M 19.35
RSL335M 19.07
67 M/s Swelect HHV Solar SF – No. 169/1-2 , 168/3A-3E,169/4- R-61003433 153 SWM11BN6540 20.77
Photovoltaics Pvt. Ltd 9,166/1B1B,166/1B2A- SWM11BN6535 20.57
2E,166/1B2L,166/1B2M, SWM11BN6530 20.38
Kuppaepalayam Village, Avinashi SWM11BN6525 20.19
Taluk, Coimbatore-641107, Tamil i Mono-PERC C-Si Module SWM11BN6520 (520 Wp) SWM11BN6520 20 144 (Half Cut Cell) 1500 31.05.2023 30.05.2027
Nadu SWM11BN6515 19.81
SWM11BN6510 19.62
SWM11BN6505 19.42
SWM11BN6500 19.23
SWM11BN4495 20.71
SWM11BN4490 20.5
SWM11BN4485 20.29
SWM11BN4480 20.09
ii SWM11BN4475 19.87 1500
Mono-PERC C-Si Module SWM11BN4475 (475 Wp) 132 (Half Cut Cell) 31.05.2023 30.05.2027
SWM11BN4470 19.66
SWM11BN4465 19.46
SWM11BN4460 19.25
SWM11BN4455 19.04
SWM11BN2450 20.65
SWM11BN2445 20.42
SWM11BN2440 20.19
iii Mono-PERC C-Si Module SWM11BN2430 (430 Wp) SWM11BN2435 19.96 120 (Half Cut Cell) 1500 31.05.2023 30.05.2027
SWM11BN2430 19.73
SWM11BN2425 19.5
SWM11BN2420 19.27
SWM11BN2415 19.04
SWM11BN0405 20.57
SWM11BN0400 20.32
SWM11BN0395 20.06
iv Mono-PERC C-Si Module SWM11BN0390 (390 Wp) SWM11BN0390 19.81 108 (Half Cut Cell) 1500 31.05.2023 30.05.2027
SWM11BN0385 19.55
SWM11BN0380 19.3
SWM11BN0375 19.05
68 M/s. SAEL Solar Mfg Village-Hukumat Singh Wala, Moga R-97001058 117 SL72M6-380 19.15
Private Limited Road, Ferozepur-142052, Punjab SL72M6-385 19.4
SL72M6-390 19.64
i Mono C-Si PERC Module SL72M6-390 (390 Wp) 72 (Full Cell) 1500 31.05.2023 30.05.2027
SL72M6-395 19.9
SL72M6-400 20.15
SL72M6-405 20.4
SL144HC-505 19.54
SL144HC-510 19.73
SL144HC-515 19.93
SL144HC-520 20.12
SL144HC-525 20.31
ii Mono c-Si PERC Module SL144HC-530 (530 Wp) SL144HC-530 20.5 144 (Half Cut Cells) 1500 31.05.2023 30.05.2027
SL144HC-535 20.7
SL144HC-540 20.97
SL144HC-545 21.08
SL144HC-550 21.28
SL144HC-555 21.47
69 M/s. Insolation Green Khasra No 11/1, 1136/9, Chomu, R-84003549 167 INA-144MHC-WF-520 20.14
Energy Pvt. Ltd Jatavali, Jaipur-302001, Rajasthan INA-144MHC-WF-525 20.33
INA-144MHC-WF-530 20.53
i Mono PERC c-Si Modules INA-144MHC-WF-530 (530Wp) 144 (Half Cut Cell) 1500 31.05.2023 30.05.2027
INA-144MHC-WF-535 20.72
INA-144MHC-WF-540 20.91
INA-144MHC-WF-545 21.11
INA-144MHC-TF-520 20.14
INA-144MHC-TF-525 20.33
Bifacial Mono PERC c-Si INA-144MHC-TF-530 20.53
ii INA-144MHC-TF-530 (530Wp) 144 (Half Cut Cell) 1500 31.05.2023 30.05.2027
Modules INA-144MHC-TF-535 20.72
INA-144MHC-TF-540 20.91
INA-144MHC-TF-545 21.11
INA-132MHC-WF-480 20.19
INA-132MHC-WF-485 20.41
iii Mono PERC c-Si Modules INA-132MHC-WF-490 (490Wp) INA-132MHC-WF-490 20.62 132 (Half Cut Cell) 1500 31.05.2023 30.05.2027
INA-132MHC-WF-495 20.83
INA-132MHC-WF-500 21.04
INA-132MHC-TF-480 20.19
INA-132MHC-TF-485 20.41
Bifacial Mono PERC c-Si
iv INA-132MHC-TF-490 (490Wp) INA-132MHC-TF-490 20.62 132 (Half Cut Cell) 1500 31.05.2023 30.05.2027
INA-132MHC-TF-495 20.83
INA-132MHC-TF-500 21.04
INA-120MHC-WF-435 20.04
INA-120MHC-WF-440 20.27
v Mono PERC c-Si Modules INA-120MHC-WF-440 (440Wp) 120 (Half Cut Cell) 1500 31.05.2023 30.05.2027
INA-120MHC-WF-445 20.5
INA-120MHC-WF-450 20.73
INA-120MHC-TF-435 20.04
Bifacial Mono PERC c-Si INA-120MHC-TF-440 20.27
vi INA-120MHC-TF-440 (440Wp) 120 (Half Cut Cell) 1500 31.05.2023 30.05.2027
Modules INA-120MHC-TF-445 20.5
INA-120MHC-TF-450 20.73
INA-108MHC-WF-390 19.86
INA-108MHC-WF-395 20.11
vii Mono PERC c-Si Modules INA-108MHC-WF-395 (395Wp) 108 (Half Cut Cell) 1500 31.05.2023 30.05.2027
INA-108MHC-WF-400 20.37
INA-108MHC-WF-405 20.62
INA-108MHC-TF-390 19.86
Bifacial Mono PERC c-Si INA-108MHC-TF-395 20.11
viii INA-108MHC-TF-395 (395Wp) 108 (Half Cut Cell) 1500 31.05.2023 30.05.2027
Modules INA-108MHC-TF-400 20.37
INA-108MHC-TF-405 20.62
70 M/s. Australian Tajpur, National Highway No. 08, R-72001791 25 APSAM-545/144 21.12
Premium Solar (India) Ta: Prantij, Dist: Sabarkantha - APSAM-540/144 20.91
Pvt. Ltd 383205, Gujarat APSAM-535/144 20.73
APSAM-530/144 20.53
APSAM-525/144 20.35 1500 01.09.2023 31.08.2027
Mono c-Si PERC Module APSAM-520/144 (520Wp) 144 (Half Cut Cell)
APSAM-520/144 20.16
APSAM-515/144 19.98
APSAM-510/144 19.79
APSAM-505/144 19.60
APSAM-500/144 19.42
APSAM-495/132 20.85
APSAM-490/132 20.64
ii Mono c-Si PERC Module APSAM-485/132 (485Wp) APSAM-485/132 20.43 132 (Half Cut Cell) 1500 01.09.2023 31.08.2027
APSAM-480/132 20.22
APSAM-475/132 20.01
APSAM-450/120 20.73
APSAM-445/120 20.50 1500 01.09.2023 31.08.2027
Mono c-Si PERC Module APSAM-440/120 (440Wp) 120 (Half Cut Cell)
APSAM-440/120 20.27
APSAM-435/120 20.04
APSAM-410/108 20.98
APSAM-405/108 20.72
iv Mono c-Si PERC Module APSAM-400/108 (400Wp) APSAM-400/108 20.47 108 (Half Cut Cell) 1500 01.09.2023 31.08.2027
APSAM-395/108 20.21
APSAM-390/108 19.96
APSAM-365/96 20.92
APSAM-360/96 20.64 1500 01.09.2023 31.08.2027
Mono c-Si PERC Module APSAM-360/96 (360Wp) 96 (Half Cut Cell)
APSAM-355/96 20.35
APSAM-350/96 20.06
APSAM-275/72 20.82
APSAM-270/72 20.45 1500 01.09.2023 31.08.2027
Mono c-Si PERC Module APSAM-265/72 (265Wp) 72 (Half Cut Cell)
APSAM-265/72 20.07
APSAM-260/72 19.69
71 M/s. Orb Energy No. 95, Digital Park Road, 2nd R-62001708 71 Orb410M66-15 21.02
Private Limited Stage, Yeshwanthapura, Orb405M66-15 20.77
Bangalore - 560022, Karnataka i Mono c-Si PERC Modules Orb410M66-15 (410Wp) Orb400M66-15 20.51 66 (Full Cell) 1500 01.09.2023 31.08.2027
Orb395M66-15 20.25
Orb390M66-15 20.00
Orb450M72-15 21.19
Orb445M72-15 20.95
ii Mono c-Si PERC Modules Orb450M72-15 (450Wp) Orb440M72-15 20.72 72 (Full Cell) 1500 01.09.2023 31.08.2027
Orb435M72-15 20.48
Orb430M72-15 20.25
72 M/s. Solex Energy Plot No 1A, Block 938, R-72008125 249 SMF72HM10-500 19.36
Limited Tadkeshwar, Kim Mandvi Road, SMF72HM10-505 19.55
Mandvi, Surat-394110, Gujarat SMF72HM10-510 19.74
i Mono c-Si PERC Module SMF72HM10-510 (510Wp) 144 (Half Cut Cell) 1500 01.09.2023 31.08.2027
SMF72HM10-515 19.94
SMF72HM10-520 20.13
SMF72HM10-525 20.32
SMF72HM10-530 20.52
SMF72HM10-535 20.71
SMF72HM10-540 20.91
ii Mono c-Si PERC Module SMF72HM10-540 (540Wp) 144 (Half Cut Cell) 1500 01.09.2023 31.08.2027
SMF72HM10-545 21.10
SMF72HM10-550 21.30
SMF72HM10-555 21.49
SMFB72HM10-500 19.36
SMFB72HM10-505 19.55
SMFB72HM10-510 19.74
iii Mono c-Si PERC Module SMFB72HM10-510 (510Wp) 144 (Half Cut Cell) 1500 01.09.2023 31.08.2027
SMFB72HM10-515 19.94
SMFB72HM10-520 20.13
SMFB72HM10-525 20.32
SMFB72HM10-530 20.52
SMFB72HM10-535 20.71
SMFB72HM10-540 20.91
iv Mono c-Si PERC Module SMFB72HM10-540 (540Wp) 144 (Half Cut Cell) 1500 01.09.2023 31.08.2027
SMFB72HM10-545 21.10
SMFB72HM10-550 21.30
SMFB72HM10-555 21.49
SMF66HM10-460 19.37
SMF66HM10-465 19.59
v Mono c-Si PERC Module SMF66HM10-475 (475Wp) SMF66HM10-470 19.80 132 (Half Cut Cell) 1500 01.09.2023 31.08.2027
SMF66HM10-475 20.02
SMF66HM10-480 20.24
SMF66HM10-485 20.44
SMF66HM10-490 20.65
vi Mono c-Si PERC Module SMF66HM10-495 (495Wp) SMF66HM10-495 20.86 132 (Half Cut Cell) 1500 01.09.2023 31.08.2027
SMF66HM10-500 21.07
SMF66HM10-505 21.28
SMFB66HM10-460 19.37
SMFB66HM10-465 19.59
vii Mono c-Si PERC Module SMFB66HM10-485 (485Wp) SMFB66HM10-470 19.80 132 (Half Cut Cell) 1500 01.09.2023 31.08.2027
SMFB66HM10-475 20.02
SMFB66HM10-480 20.24
SMFB66HM10-485 20.44
SMFB66HM10-490 20.65
viii Mono c-Si PERC Module SMFB66HM10-495 (495Wp) SMFB66HM10-495 20.86 132 (Half Cut Cell) 1500 01.09.2023 31.08.2027
SMFB66HM10-500 21.07
SMFB66HM10-505 21.28
SMF60HM10-420 19.37
SMF60HM10-425 19.61
SMF60HM10-430 19.83
SMF60HM10-435 20.06
ix Mono c-Si PERC Module SMF60HM10-440 (440Wp) SMF60HM10-440 20.29 120 (Half Cut Cell) 1500 01.09.2023 31.08.2027
SMF60HM10-445 20.51
SMF60HM10-450 20.75
SMF60HM10-455 20.98
SMF60HM10-460 21.21
SMFB60HM10-420 19.37
SMFB60HM10-425 19.61
SMFB60HM10-430 19.83
SMFB60HM10-435 20.06
x Mono c-Si PERC Module SMFB60HM10-440 (440Wp) SMFB60HM10-440 20.29 120 (Half Cut Cell) 1500 01.09.2023 31.08.2027
SMFB60HM10-445 20.51
SMFB60HM10-450 20.75
SMFB60HM10-455 20.98
SMFB60HM10-460 21.21
SMF54HM10-375 19.20
SMF54HM10-380 19.46
xi Mono c-Si PERC Module SMF54HM10-385 (385Wp) SMF54HM10-385 19.73 108 (Half Cut Cell) 1500 01.09.2023 31.08.2027
SMF54HM10-390 19.98
SMF54HM10-395 20.23
SMF54HM10-400 20.49
SMF54HM10-405 20.73
xii Mono c-Si PERC Module SMF54HM10-405 (405Wp) 108 (Half Cut Cell) 1500 01.09.2023 31.08.2027
SMF54HM10-410 21.00
SMF54HM10-415 21.24
SMFB54HM10-375 19.20
SMFB54HM10-380 19.46
xiii Mono c-Si PERC Module SMFB54HM10-395 (395Wp) SMFB54HM10-385 19.73 108 (Half Cut Cell) 1500 01.09.2023 31.08.2027
SMFB54HM10-390 19.98
SMFB54HM10-395 20.23
SMFB54HM10-400 20.49
SMFB54HM10-405 20.73
xiv Mono c-Si PERC Module SMFB54HM10-405 (405Wp) 108 (Half Cut Cell) 1500 01.09.2023 31.08.2027
SMFB54HM10-410 21.00
SMFB54HM10-415 21.24
SMF48HM10-335 19.21
SMF48HM10-340 19.50
xv Mono c-Si PERC Module SMF48HM10-345 (345Wp) 96 (Half Cut Cell) 1500 01.09.2023 31.08.2027
SMF48HM10-345 19.780
SMF48HM10-350 20.06
SMF48HM10-355 20.34
SMF48HM10-360 20.62
xvi Mono c-Si PERC Module SMF48HM10-365 (365Wp) 96 (Half Cut Cell) 1500 01.09.2023 31.08.2027
SMF48HM10-365 20.91
SMF48HM10-370 21.19
SMFB48HM10-335 19.21
SMFB48HM10-340 19.50
xvii Mono c-Si PERC Module SMFB48HM10-345 (345Wp) 96 (Half Cut Cell) 1500 01.09.2023 31.08.2027
SMFB48HM10-345 19.78
SMFB48HM10-350 20.06
SMFB48HM10-355 20.34
SMFB48HM10-360 20.62
xviii Mono c-Si PERC Module SMFB48HM10-365 (365Wp) 96 (Half Cut Cell) 1500 01.09.2023 31.08.2027
SMFB48HM10-365 20.91
SMFB48HM10-370 21.19
SMF42HM10-295 19.21
SMF42HM10-300 19.54
SMF42HM10-305 19.88
xix Mono c-Si PERC Module SMF42HM10-305 (305Wp) 84 (Half Cut Cell) 1500 01.09.2023 31.08.2027
SMF42HM10-310 20.2
SMF42HM10-315 20.5
SMF42HM10-320 20.8
SMFB42HM10-295 19.21
SMFB42HM10-300 19.54
SMFB42HM10-305 19.88
xx Mono c-Si PERC Module SMFB42HM10-305 (305Wp) 84 (Half Cut Cell) 1500 01.09.2023 31.08.2027
SMFB42HM10-310 20.2
SMFB42HM10-315 20.5
SMFB42HM10-320 20.8
SMF36HM10-255 19.25
SMF36HM10-260 19.63
xxi Mono c-Si PERC Module SMF36HM10-265 (265Wp) SMF36HM10-265 19.99 72 (Half Cut Cell) 1500 01.09.2023 31.08.2027
SMF36HM10-270 20.36
SMF36HM10-275 20.73
SMFB36HM10-255 19.25
SMFB36HM10-260 19.63
xxii Mono c-Si PERC Module SMFB36HM10-265 (265Wp) SMFB36HM10-265 19.99 72 (Half Cut Cell) 1500 01.09.2023 31.08.2027
SMFB36HM10-270 20.36
SMFB36HM10-275 20.73
SMB72HM10-500 19.36
SMB72HM10-505 19.55
SMB72HM10-510 19.74
SMB72HM10-515 19.94
SMB72HM10-520 20.13
Bifacial Mono c-Si PERC
xxiii SMB72HM10-525 (525Wp) SMB72HM10-525 20.32 144 (Half Cut Cell) 1500 01.09.2023 31.08.2027
SMB72HM10-530 20.52
SMB72HM10-535 20.71
SMB72HM10-540 20.91
SMB72HM10-545 21.10
SMB72HM10-550 21.30
SMBB72HM10-500 19.36
SMBB72HM10-505 19.55
SMBB72HM10-510 19.74
SMBB72HM10-515 19.94
SMBB72HM10-520 20.13
Bifacial Mono c-Si PERC
xxiv SMBB72HM10-525 (525Wp) SMBB72HM10-525 20.32 144 (Half Cut Cell) 1500 01.09.2023 31.08.2027
SMBB72HM10-530 20.52
SMBB72HM10-535 20.71
SMBB72HM10-540 20.91
SMBB72HM10-545 21.10
SMBB72HM10-550 21.30
SMB66HM10-455 19.16
SMB66HM10-460 19.37
Bifacial Mono c-Si PERC
xxv SMB66HM10-465 (465Wp) SMB66HM10-465 19.59 132 (Half Cut Cell) 1500 01.09.2023 31.08.2027
SMB66HM10-470 19.80
SMB66HM10-475 20.02
SMB66HM10-480 20.24
SMB66HM10-485 20.65
Bifacial Mono c-Si PERC
xxvi SMB66HM10-490 (490Wp) SMB66HM10-490 20.86 132 (Half Cut Cell) 1500 01.09.2023 31.08.2027
SMB66HM10-495 21.07
SMB66HM10-500 21.28
SMBB66HM10-455 19.16
SMBB66HM10-460 19.37
Bifacial Mono c-Si PERC
xxvii SMBB66HM10-465 (465Wp) SMBB66HM10-465 19.59 132 (Half Cut Cell) 1500 01.09.2023 31.08.2027
SMBB66HM10-470 19.80
SMBB66HM10-475 20.02
SMBB66HM10-480 20.24
SMBB66HM10-485 20.44
Bifacial Mono c-Si PERC
xxviii SMBB66HM10-490 (490Wp) SMBB66HM10-490 20.65 132 (Half Cut Cell) 1500 01.09.2023 31.08.2027
SMBB66HM10-495 20.86
SMBB66HM10-500 21.07
SMB60HM10-415 19.13
SMB60HM10-420 19.37
SMB60HM10-425 19.61
SMB60HM10-430 19.83
Bifacial Mono c-Si PERC
xxix SMB60HM10-435 (435Wp) SMB60HM10-435 20.06 120 (Half Cut Cell) 1500 01.09.2023 31.08.2027
SMB60HM10-440 20.29
SMB60HM10-445 20.51
SMB60HM10-450 20.75
SMB60HM10-455 20.98
SMBB60HM10-415 19.13
SMBB60HM10-420 19.37
SMBB60HM10-425 19.61
SMBB60HM10-430 19.83
Bifacial Mono c-Si PERC
xxx SMBB60HM10-435 (435Wp) SMBB60HM10-435 20.06 120 (Half Cut Cell) 1500 01.09.2023 31.08.2027
SMBB60HM10-440 20.29
SMBB60HM10-445 20.51
SMBB60HM10-450 20.75
SMBB60HM10-455 20.98
SMB54HM10-375 19.2
Bifacial Mono c-Si PERC SMB54HM10-380 19.46
xxxi SMB54HM10-385 (385Wp) 108 (Half Cut Cell) 1500 01.09.2023 31.08.2027
Modules SMB54HM10-385 19.73
SMB54HM10-390 19.98
SMB54HM10-395 20.23
Bifacial Mono c-Si PERC SMB54HM10-400 20.49
xxxii SMB54HM10-405 (405Wp) 108 (Half Cut Cell) 1500 01.09.2023 31.08.2027
Modules SMB54HM10-405 20.73
SMB54HM10-410 21.00
SMBB54HM10-375 19.20
Bifacial Mono c-Si PERC SMBB54HM10-380 19.46
xxxiii SMBB54HM10-385 (385Wp) 108 (Half Cut Cell) 1500 01.09.2023 31.08.2027
Modules SMBB54HM10-385 19.73
SMBB54HM10-390 19.98
SMBB54HM10-395 20.23
Bifacial Mono c-Si PERC SMBB54HM10-400 20.49
xxxiv SMBB54HM10-405 (405Wp) 108 (Half Cut Cell) 1500 01.09.2023 31.08.2027
Modules SMBB54HM10-405 20.73
SMBB54HM10-410 21.00
SMB48HM10-335 19.21
SMB48HM10-340 19.50
SMB48HM10-345 19.78
Bifacial Mono c-Si PERC
xxxv SMB48HM10-350 (350Wp) SMB48HM10-350 20.06 96 (Half Cut Cell) 1500 01.09.2023 31.08.2027
SMB48HM10-355 20.34
SMB48HM10-360 20.62
SMB48HM10-365 20.91
SMBB48HM10-335 19.21
SMBB48HM10-340 19.50
SMBB48HM10-345 19.78
Bifacial Mono c-Si PERC
xxxvi SMBB48HM10-350 (350Wp) SMBB48HM10-350 20.06 96 (Half Cut Cell) 1500 01.09.2023 31.08.2027
SMBB48HM10-355 20.34
SMBB48HM10-360 20.62
SMBB48HM10-365 20.91
SMB42HM10-295 19.21
SMB42HM10-300 19.54
Bifacial Mono c-Si PERC SMB42HM10-305 19.88
xxxvii SMB42HM10-305 (305Wp) 84 (Half Cut Cell) 1500 01.09.2023 31.08.2027
Modules SMB42HM10-310 20.20
SMB42HM10-315 20.50
SMB42HM10-320 20.80
SMBB42HM10-295 19.21
SMBB42HM10-300 19.54
Bifacial Mono c-Si PERC SMBB42HM10-305 19.88 01.09.2023 31.08.2027
xxxviii SMBB42HM10-305 (305Wp) 84 (Half Cut Cell) 1500
Modules SMBB42HM10-310 20.20
SMBB42HM10-315 20.50
SMBB42HM10-320 20.80
SMB36HM10-255 19.25
SMB36HM10-260 19.63
Bifacial Mono c-Si PERC
xxxix SMB36HM10-265 (265Wp) SMB36HM10-265 19.66 72 (Half Cut Cell) 1500 01.09.2023 31.08.2027
SMB36HM10-270 20.36
SMB36HM10-275 20.73
SMBB36HM10-255 19.25
SMBB36HM10-260 19.63
Bifacial Mono c-Si PERC
xl SMBB36HM10-265 (265Wp) SMBB36HM10-265 19.99 72 (Half Cut Cell) 1500 01.09.2023 31.08.2027
SMBB36HM10-270 20.36
SMBB36HM10-275 20.73
JKM-SMF-530P-72HL4-V 20.52
JKM-SMF-535P-72HL4-V 20.71
xli Mono c-Si PERC Module JKM-SMF-540P-72HL4-V (540Wp) JKM-SMF-540P-72HL4-V 20.91 144 (Half Cut Cell) 1500 01.09.2023 31.08.2027
JKM-SMF-545P-72HL4-V 21.10
JKM-SMF-550P-72HL4-V 21.30
73 M/s. Goldi Solar Pvt Block No:149, Plot No: J&K1, R-72001805 396 GS10-M144-WF-500 19.36
Limited Beside IOC petrol Pump, National
Limited Beside IOC petrol Pump, National GS10-M144-WF-505 19.56
Highway No 8, Pipodara, Surat- GS10-M144-WF-510 19.75
394110, Gujarat GS10-M144-WF-515 19.94
GS10-M144-WF-520 20.14
i Mono c-Si PERC Module GS10-M144-WF-525, (525Wp) GS10-M144-WF-525 20.33 144 (Half Cut Cell) 1500 20.09.2023 19.09.2027
GS10-M144-WF-530 20.53
GS10-M144-WF-535 20.73
GS10-M144-WF-540 20.92
GS10-M144-WF-545 21.12
GS10-M144-WF-550 21.31
GS10-M132-WF-480 20.22
GS10-M132-WF-485 20.43
GS10-M132-WF-490 20.64
ii Mono c-Si PERC Module GS10-M132-WF-490, (490Wp) 132 (Half Cut Cell) 1500 20.09.2023 19.09.2027
GS10-M132-WF-495 20.85
GS10-M132-WF-500 21.06
GS10-M132-WF-505 21.28
74 M/s. Tata Power Solar Sy No. 43P and 44(P), Electronic R-62001090 499 TP455HGZ(H) 20.46
Systems Ltd City, 2nd Stage, Consisting Hosur TP450HGZ(H) 20.23
Road, Bangalore-560100, Karnataka TP445HGZ(H) 20.01
i Mono c-Si PERC Module TP440HGZ(H), (440Wp) TP440HGZ(H) 19.78 144 (Half Cut Cell) 1500 20.09.2023 19.09.2027
TP435HGZ(H) 19.56
TP430HGZ(H) 19.34
TP425HGZ(H) 19.11
TP595LG10 21.36
TP590LG10 21.18
TP585LG10 21.00
TP580LG10 20.83
ii Mono c-Si PERC Module TP570LG10, (570Wp) TP575LG10 20.65 156 (Half Cut Cell) 1500 20.09.2023 19.09.2027
TP570LG10 20.47
TP565LG10 20.29
TP560LG10 20.11
TP555LG10 19.93
TP550HG10 21.34
TP545HG10 21.14
TP540HG10 20.95
TP5435HG10 20.76
TP530HG10 20.56
iii Mono c-Si PERC Module TP525HG10, (525Wp) 144 (Half Cut Cell) 1500 20.09.2023 19.09.2027
TP525HG10 20.37
TP520HG10 20.17
TP515HG10 19.98
TP510HG10 19.79
TP505HG10 19.59
TP500VG10 20.82
TP495VG10 20.61
TP490VG10 20.40
TP485VG10 20.19
iv Mono c-Si PERC Module TP480VG10, (480Wp) TP480VG10 19.98 132 (Half Cut Cell) 1500 20.09.2023 19.09.2027
TP475VG10 19.77
TP470VG10 19.57
TP465VG10 19.36
TP460VG10 19.15
TP455MG10 20.81
TP450MG10 20.58
TP445MG10 20.35
TP440MG10 20.12 20.09.2023 19.09.2027
v Mono c-Si PERC Module TP440MG10, (440Wp) 120 (Half Cut Cell) 1500
TP435MG10 19.89
TP430MG10 19.66
TP425MG10 19.43
TP420MG10 19.21
TP410SG10 20.72
TP405SG10 20.47
TP400SG10 20.21 20.09.2023 19.09.2027
vi Mono c-Si PERC Module TP400SG10, (400Wp) 108 (Half Cut Cell) 1500
TP395SG10 19.96
TP390SG10 19.71
TP385SG10 19.46
75 M/s. Surya International Plot No. S4-E1-21, EMC Park, R-52000175 77 SI585M10-156 20.93
Enterprise Private Infovally II, Harekrushnapur, SI580M10-156 20.75
Limited Jatani, Bhubaneswar-751019, Orissa SI575M10-156 20.57
SI570M10-156 20.39
SI565M10-156 20.21 16.11.2023
i Mono PERC c-Si Modules SI565M10-156 (565) 156 (Half Cut Cell) 1500 15.11.2027
SI560M10-156 20.03
SI555M10-156 19.85
SI550M10-156 19.68
SI545M10-156 19.5
SI540M10-156 19.32
SI550M10-144 21.27
SI545M10-144 21.08
SI540M10-144 20.89
SI535M10-144 20.69
SI530M10-144 20.5
ii Mono PERC c-Si Modules SI525M10-144 (525) SI525M10-144 20.31 144 (Half Cut Cell) 1500 16.11.2023 15.11.2027
SI520M10-144 20.11
SI515M10-144 19.92
SI510M10-144 19.73
SI505M10-144 19.53
SI500M10-144 19.34
SI495M10-132 20.84
SI490M10-132 20.63
SI485M10-132 20.41
SI480M10-132 20.2
iii Mono PERC c-Si Modules SI475M10-132 (475) SI475M10-132 19.99 132 (Half Cut Cell) 1500 16.11.2023 15.11.2027
SI470M10-132 19.78
SI465M10-132 19.57
SI460M10-132 19.36
SI455M10-132 19.15
SI450M10-120 20.78
SI445M10-120 20.55
SI440M10-120 20.31
SI435M10-120 20.08 16.11.2023
iv Mono PERC C-Si Modules SI430M10-120 (430) 120 (Half Cut Cell) 1500 15.11.2027
SI430M10-120 19.85
SI425M10-120 19.62
SI420M10-120 19.39
SI415M10-120 19.16
SI405M10-108 20.69
SI400M10-108 20.44
SI395M10-108 20.18
v Mono PERC C-Si Modules SI390M10-108 (390) SI390M10-108 19.93 108 (Half Cut Cell) 1500 16.11.2023 15.11.2027
SI385M10-108 19.67
SI380M10-108 19.41
SI375M10-108 19.16
SI365M10-96 20.87
SI360M10-96 20.59
SI355M10-96 20.3 16.11.2023
vi Mono PERC C-Si Modules SI345M10-96 (350) 96 (Half Cut Cell) 1500 15.11.2027
SI350M10-96 20.02
SI340M10-96 19.44
SI335M10-96 19.16
SI320M10-84 20.78
SI315M10-84 20.45
SI310M10-84 20.13 16.11.2023
vii Mono PERC C-Si Modules SI305M10-84 (305) 84 (Half Cut Cell) 1500 15.11.2027
SI305M10-84 19.8
SI300M10-84 19.48
SI295M10-84 19.15
SI270M10-72 20.38
SI265M10-72 20.01 16.11.2023
viii Mono PERC C-Si Modules SI260M10-72 (260) 72 (Full Cell) 1500 15.11.2027
SI260M10-72 19.63
SI255M10-72 19.25
SI240M10-64 19.99
ix Mono PERC C-Si Modules SI230M10-64 (230) SI235M10-64 19.61 64 (Full Cell) 1500 16.11.2023 15.11.2027
SI230M10-64 19.24
76 M/s Inter Solar Systems Village Sundran, Derabassi, P.O – R-97001139 49 ISSM10-500-144 19.92
Private Limited Mubarkpur, District Sas Nagar, ISSM10-505-144 20.12
Mohali-140507, Punjab ISSM10-510-144 20.23
ISSM10-515-144 20.28
ISSM10-520-144 20.38
i Mono c-Si PERC Module ISSM10-525-144 (525Wp) ISSM10-525-144 20.47 144 (Half Cut Cells) 1500 16.11.2023 15.11.2027
ISSM10-530-144 20.51
ISSM10-535-144 20.59
ISSM10-540-144 20.67
ISSM10-545-144 20.71
ISSM10-550-144 20.83
77 M/s. ReNew Plot No-DTA-02-40 to 45, Domestic R-84003778 2842 RPS2MH72MB515 19.93
Photovolotics Private Tariff Area Phase-II, Mahindra RPS2MH72MB520 20.13
Limited World City, Tehsil-Sanganer, Jaipur- RPS2MH72MB525 20.32
302037, Rajasthan RPS2MH72MB530
i 20.52 16.11.2023
Mono PERC C-Si Modules RPS2MH72MB530 (530Wp) 144 (Half Cut Cell) 1500 15.11.2027
RPS2MH72MB535 20.71
RPS2MH72MB540 20.9
RPS2MH72MB545 21.1
RPS2MH72MB550 21.29
RPS2MH72BD515 19.93
RPS2MH72BD520 20.13
RPS2MH72BD525 20.32
Bifacial Mono c-Si PERC RPS2MH72BD530 20.52
ii RPS2MH72BD530 (530Wp) 144 (Half Cut Cell) 1500 16.11.2023 15.11.2027
Module RPS2MH72BD535 20.71
RPS2MH72BD540 20.9
RPS2MH72BD545 21.1
RPS2MH72BD550 21.29
78 M/s Abhishek Solar Khata No. 67 Plot No. 53, Mesra, PO R-58000140 142 AS-555-HM156 19.88
Industries Private – Neori Vikas, Near NH 33, Ranchi, AS-560-HM156 20.05
Limited Unit II Jharkhand - 835217, India AS-565-HM156 20.22
AS-570-HM156 20.40
i Mono c-Si PERC Module AS-575-HM156 (575 Wp) AS-575-HM156 20.59 156 Half Cut Cells 1500 24.01.2024 23.01.2028
AS-580-HM156 20.78
AS-585-HM156 20.96
AS-590-HM156 21.13
AS-595-HM156 21.30
AS-500-HM144 19.36
AS-505-HM144 19.54
AS-510-HM144 19.75
AS-515-HM144 19.94
AS-520-HM144 20.13
ii Mono c-Si PERC Module AS-525-HM144 (525 Wp) AS-525-HM144 20.32 144 Half Cut Cells 1500 24.01.2024 23.01.2028
AS-530-HM144 20.52
AS-535-HM144 20.70
AS-540-HM144 20.92
AS-545-HM144 21.11
AS-550-HM144 21.31
AS-455-HM132 19.18
AS-460-HM132 19.37
AS-465-HM132 19.60
AS-470-HM132 19.80
iii Mono c-Si PERC Module AS-475-HM132 (475 Wp) AS-475-HM132 20.01 132 Half Cut Cells 1500 24.01.2024 23.01.2028
AS-480-HM132 20.23
AS-485-HM132 20.44
AS-490-HM132 20.64
AS-495-HM132 20.85
AS-375-HM108 19.21
AS-380-HM108 19.47
iv Mono c-Si PERC Module AS-385-HM108 (385 Wp)
AS-385-HM108 19.73 108 Half Cut Cells 1500 24.01.2024 23.01.2028
AS-390-HM108 19.99
AS-395-HM108 20.27
AS-400-HM108 20.47
AS-415-HM120 19.20
AS-420-HM120 19.42
AS-425-HM120 19.64
v Mono c-Si PERC Module AS-430-HM120 (430Wp)
AS-430-HM120 19.87 120 Half Cut Cells 1500 24.01.2024 23.01.2028
AS-435-HM120 20.11
AS-440-HM120 20.33
AS-445-HM120 20.56
AS-450-HM120 20.79
F. No. 28315*/2018-
xII{iTTffaF'I{/ Government of India
rffq ofu Tffiq uuf qTmq, Ministry of New & Renewable Energy
Ffg+tsqf gqrrT/ Grid solar Power Division
Atal Akshay Urja Bhawan,
Lodhi Road, New Delhi - 110003
Dated: 24tn January, 2024
I\,I/s. Gautam Solar Private Limited
Plot No: 67 -70,Sec-8A, ll E,
S id cul, Har idw ar -249 403

Uttarakhand, India
Email id: gautamsolar@gmail.com

Sub: l'rovisional ALMM enlistment of Additional Solar PV Module Models of AzI/s. Gautam Solar
Private Limited - reg.

I his is in reference to the application received from IWs. Gautam Solar Private Limited
requesting for provisional enlistment of its additional models in ALMM List-I.

2. In this regard, the undersigned is directed to convey that in accordance with MNRE's O.M. No.
283/22/2023-GRID SOLAR/Pt. dated 10.05.2023,provisional enlistment in MNRE's Approved
List of Models and Manufacturers (ALMM) List-I, is hereby granted to M/s Gautam Solar Private
I-inrited, Plot No: 67-70, Sec-9A, II E, Sidcul, Haridwar-249403, Uttarakhand, India in respect of 02
adclitional solar PV module models as mentioned in Appendix-I. The final enlistment in ALMM
r.r'ill be done subsequently, subject to the applicant fulfilling the conditions/ provisions
mentioned in the ALMM Order / Guidelines or any other instructions issued / conveyed to the
applicant and the scrutiny by the Government.

3. Neither Ministry of New & Renewable Energy (MNRE), Government of India and National
Institute of Solar Energy (NISE), nor any of their officers, employees, representatives shall be
iiable for anv loss, liabilitl,, damage or expense arising out of or in connection with the Solar PV
Module Models which have been granted Provisional Enlistment in MNRE's Approved List of
Modc'ls ancl Manufacturers (ALMM) List-I, but fail to get Final enlistment in MNRE's ALMM
List- L

4. I'his is being issued w,ith the approval of competent authority

Yours faithfully,

(Sanjay G. Karndhar)
Email karndhar.sg@nic.in

Copy to: I)irector General, National Institute of Solar Energy (NISE).

C-opy for internal circulation to: PS to Secretary / PPS to JS (DDl)

Copy to NIC, MNI(II. for uploading on MNRE's Website as additional page(s) to the ALMM List-I
hosted on MNRE's website.
Name of Manufacfurer M/s. Gautam Solar Private Limited
Plant Address Plot No: 67-70, Sec-9A, II E, Sidcul, Haridwar-249403.
Uttarakhand, India
VVhether Manufacturer already es
enlisted in ALMM

Already Enlisted Capacity 319 MW/Year

Applied Capacity 400 MW/Year

Application Type Model Addition

Details of Additional Models:

S. Type of Applied Enlisted

Module No. of System
No. Module Model
Efficiency BIS R.No. Cells in Voltage Remarks
(,1,) Module in Volt
G2X'1752- R- -144
HAD 22.6^l Provisionally
Mono c-Si UHAD 83006041
7 (s7swp) Half Cut 1500 Enlisted in
Module c2xs83-
(5s1wp- 22.57 Cells ALMM
c2x1728T -
G2X1773T -
G2X7473T -
HAA 22.38 120 Provisionally
Mono c-Si HAA
2 (a80wp) Cut 1500 Enlisted in
Module c2x487-
(461wp- 22.33 Cells) ALMM
c2x1428T -
F. No. 283/S+/2018-
l{fkT SltF'I{/ Government of India
Tft{ ofuTffiqG-qf {'Trtrqf Ministry of New & Renewable Energy
Ff,ggt{G-qf qqFI/Grid Solar power Division
Atal Akshay Urja Bhawan,
Lodhi Road, New Delhi - 110003
Dated: 24m January, 2024
l\,I/s. Waaree Energy Limited
S. No. 1934, 1939,1941,1942,
NH-48, Degam, Chikli, Navasari,
Cujarat, India-396530
Email id: deepentrivedi@waaree.com

Sub: Provisional ALMM enlistment of Additional Solar PV Module Models of I\4/s. Waaree Energy
I-imited - reg.

This is in reference to the application received from IVI/s. Waaree Energy Limited requesting
for provisional enlistment of its additional models in ALMM List-L

2. tn this reg,arc-I, the undersigned is clirected to convey that in accordance with MNRE's O.M. No.
283/22/2023-GRID SOLAR/Pt. dated 10.05.2023, provisional enlistment in MNRE's Approved
List of Models and Manufacturers (ALMM) List-I, is hereby granted to M/s Waaree Energy
Lin'rited, S. No. '1,934, 1,939, 1941, 1942, NH-48, Degam, Chikli, Navasari, Gujarat, India-396530 in
respect of 02 additional solar PV module models as mentioned in Appendix-I. The final enlistment
in ALMM will be done subsequently, subject to the applicant fulfilling the conditions/
provisions mentioned in the ALMM Order / Guidelines or any other instructions issued /
conveved to the applicant and the scrutiny by the Government.

3. Neither Ministry of New & Renewable Energy (MNRE), Government of India and National
lnstitute of Solar Energy (NISE), nor any of their officers, employees, representatives shall be
liable for any loss, liability, damage or expense arising out of or in connection with the Solar PV
Module Models which have been granted Provisional Enlistment in MNRE's Approved List of
Models and Manufacturers (ALMM) List-I, but fail to get Final enlistment in MNRE's ALMM
List- 1.

4. l'his is beirrg issued with the approval of competent authority

Yours faithfully,

(Sanjay G. Karndhar)
Email: karndhar.sg@nic.in

Copy to: Director General, National Institute of Solar Energy (NISE).

Copy for internal circulation to: PS to Secretary / PPS to lS (DDl)

Copy to NIC. MNRE. for uploading on MNRE's Website as additional page(s) to the ALMM List-I
hosted on MNIII's website.

ame of Manufacfurer /s. Waaree Energy Limited

Address No. 1934, 1939, 1.941, 1942, NH-48, Degam, Chikli,
avasari, Gujaraf India-395530

ther Manufacturer alreadylY es

ted in ALMM

y Enlisted Capacity naw/vear

Capacity tvtw/ v"*

Details of Additional Models:

Type of Applied Module No. of System

S. Enlisted
No. Module Model Models
Efficiency BIS R. No. Cells in Voltage Remarks
("1,) Module in Volt

20.59 144 Provisionally
Mono c-Si WSMD- 530
1. Half Cut 1s00 Enlisted in
PERC Module 535 WSMD-
20.78 Cells ALMl\4
20.98 R-72002038
Bi-55-520 20.20
Bi-s5-525 20.39
Mono c-Si Bi-55-530 20.59 1.44 Provisionally
2 PERC Bi-55-535 Bi-s5-535 20.78 Half Cut 1500 Enlisted in
Bi farial l\,,[nrir r lo Bi-55-540 20.98 Cells AI,MM
Bi-s5-54s 2'1.-t7
Bi-55-550 2't.36
li. No. 283/SU20t8- GRID SOLAR- Part (1)
tIl{f,TRE'[{/ Government of India
Tfiq efu i-ffi tsiqf qflmqZ Ministry of New & Renewable Energy
Ffggksqf qqFI/Grid Solar power Division
Atal Akshay Urja Bhawan,
Lodhi Road, New Delhi - 110003
Dated: 24tn Jarus,ary, 2024
I\4/s. Agrawal Renewable Energy Private Limited
Plot No: 66/0,DHOOP Building, Volvoi Road,
Curti, Ponda, South Goa, Ponda-403401,
Goa, India
Email id : py @agr aw alsroupgoa.com

Sub: Provisional ALMM enlistment of Additional Solar PV Module Models of IvVs. Agrawal
Ilenewable Energy Private Limited - reg.

This is in reference to the application received from M/s. Agrawal Renewable Energy Private
Limited requesting for provisional enlistment of its additional models in ALMM List-I.

2. In this regard, the undersigned is directed to convey that in accordance with MNRE's O.M. No.
283/22/2023-GRID SOLAR/Pt. dated 10.05.2023, provisional enlistment in MNRE's Approved
List of Models and Manufacturers (ALMM) List-I, is hereby granted to M/s Agrawal Renewable
Energl'Private Limited, Plot No: 66/0,DHOOP Building, Volvoi Road, Curti, Ponda, South Goa,
Ponda-403401, Goa, India in respect of 22 additional solar PV module models as mentioned in
Appendix-I. The final enlistment in ALMM will be done subsequently, subject to the applicant
fulfilling the conditions/ provisions mentioned in the ALMM Order / Guidelines or any other
instructions issued / conveyed to the applicant and the scrutiny by the Government.

3. Neither Ministry of New & Renewable Energy (MNRE), Government of India and National
lnstitute of Solar Energy (NISE), nor any of their officers, employees, representatives shall be
liable for any loss, liability, damage or expense arising out of or in connection with the Solar PV
Module Models which have been granted Provisional Enlistment in MNRE's Approved List of
Models and Manufacturers (ALMM) List-I, but fail to get Final enlistment in MNRE's ALMM

4. This is being issued with the approval of competent authority

Yours faithfully,

(Sanjay G. Karndhar)
Email karndhar.sg@nic.in

Copy to: Director General, National Institute of Solar Energy (NISE).

Copy for internal circulation to: PS to Secretary / PPS to JS (DD])

Copy to NIC. MNRE. for uploading on MNRE's Website as additional page(s) to the ALMM List-I
hosted on MNRE's website.

Name of Manufacfurer M/s. Agrawal Renewable Energy Private Limited

Plant Address Plot No: 66/0, DHOOP Building, Volvoi Road, Curti, Ponda,
South Goa, Ponda-403401, Goa, India.

Whether Manufacturer already Yes

enlisted in ALMM

Already Enlisted Capacity 60 MW/Year

Applied Capacity 160 MW/Year

Application Type Model Addition

Details of Additional Models

Module No. of System

S. Type of
Applied Enlisted BIS
Efficiency Cells in Voltage Remarks
No. Module Model Models R. No.
vt Module in Volt

495 19.1 1

500 19.30
505 19.50
510 "19.69
Bifacial Provisionallv
DHF. DHF.72HG. 144 Hatf
1 Mono c- 1500 Enlisted in
72HG-520 515 19.88 Crrt Cells
520 20.08
525 20.27
530 20.46
535 20.66
540 20.8s
Bifacial -144 Provisionallv
DHF- DHF-72HG. Half
2 Mono c- 1500 Enlisted in
72HC-545 545 21.04 Cut Cells


"132 Half
Cut Cells
460 19.33
465 19.54
Bifacial Provisionally
470 19.75
Mono c- Enlisted in
180 20.17
485 20.38
490 20.59
Bifacial Provisionally
DHF- 495 20.80 132 Half
.l Mono c- 1500 Enlisted in
661tC-495 DHF-66HC- Cut Cells
500 21.01
505 21.22
410 20.97
Bifacial 2.t.42 Provisionally
DTtF. 420 120 Half
5 Mono c- 1500 Enlisted in
60t IC-425 DHF-6OHC- Cut Cells
Si PERC 21.68 ALMM
Bifacial 22.70 Provisionally
DHF- 445 120 Half
6 Mono c- 1500 Enlisted in
60HC-450 DHF-6OHC- Cut Cells
Si PEI{C 22.95 ALMM
Bifacial Provisionally
DI IF- DI-IF-54HG. "t9.64 108 Half
Mono c- 1500 Enlisted in
5.lHC-380 385 Cut Cells
DHF-54HC- '19.89
DHF.54HG. 108 HaIf
20.40 1500
400 Cut Cells
Bifacial 20.66 Provisionally
DHF. 405
Mono c- Enlisted in
8 54H DHF-54HG-
Si PERC 20.91 ALMM
Bifacial Provisionally
DHF- DHF.6OHG- 120 Half
9 Mono c- 19.88 1500 Enlisted in
60HC-57s 575 Cut Cells
DHF-6OHG. "t9.54
DHF.6OHG- "t9."t9
DHF.6OHC. "t9.20
Bifacial 20.01 Provisionally
DHF. 520 108 Hali
10 Mono c- 1500 Enlisted in
54HG-515 DHF.54HG. Cut Cells
Si PERC 19.81 ALMM
DHF-54HG- "t9.62
DHF-54HG- 't9.43
Bifacial 96 Provisionallv
11 Mono c- 20.48 Half Cut 1500 Enlisted in
48HC-460 475
Si PERC Cells At-MM
20.16 -144 Provisionally
Mono c- DHF. 530 Half
12 1500 Enlisted in
Si PERC 72H-525 DHF-72H- Cut Cells
20.27 ALMM
19.30 Provisionally
Mono c- DHF- s00 144 Half
13 1500 Enlisted in
Si PERC 72H-500 DHF-72H- Cut Cells
19.11 ALMM
DHF-661 t-
20.59 Provisionally
Mono c- DHF- 490 732 Halt
l.t 1500 Enlisted in
Si PERC 66Fl-490 DHF-66H. Cut Cells
20.38 ALMM
Mono c- DHF. DHF.66H. "19.54 132 Half
t5 1500
Si PERC 66H-460 465 Cut Cells
19.33 Provisionally
Enlisted in
19.12 ALM M
Mono c- DFIF.
"16 DHF.60H- 120 Half
22.44 r 500 Enlisted in
Si PERC 60H-.135 440 Cut Cells
Mono c- DHF- DHF.6OH-
"17 120 Half
2t.17 1500 Unlisted in
Si PERC 60H-415 415 Cut Cells
20.40 Provisionallv
Mono c- DHF. 400 108 Half
18 1500 Enlistecl in
Si PERC 54H-400 DHF.54H- Cut Cells
20.15 ALMM
19.38 Provisiona llv
Mono c- DHF- 380 108 Half
79 1500 [:nlisted in
Si PERC 54H-380 DHF.54H- Cut Cells
19.13 A l . t\,flvl
DHF-60I I-
20.40 Provisionallv
Mono c- DHF. 590 120 Ilalf
1500 Enlisted in
60H-575 DHF-6OH- Cut Cells
20.23 ALMM
20.01 Provisionally
Mono c- DHF- 520 108 Half
27 1500 Enlisted in
Si PERC 54H-5i5 DHF.54H. Cut Cells
19.81 AI,MM
DHF-54t.t- "19.21
20.05 96 Provisionally
Mono c- DHF. 465
22 Half Cut 1500 Enlisted in
Si PERC 48H460 DHF-48H-
19.83 Cells ALMM
DH F-48H-
F. No. 28315t/2018- GRID SOLAR- Part (L)
qf{ilIfilif'fi[/ Government of India
Tft{ 3for TffQTufrq uq! {zrcql Ministry of New & Renewable Energy
Ff,sTfucqf gqFI/Grid solar power Division
Atal Akshay Urja Bhawan,
Lodhi Road, New Delhi - 110003
Dated: 24th January, 2024
HR Solar Solution Private Limited
Raghudebpur, NH-6, Panchla,
Raghudebpur, Block-Uluberia-II, Uluberia,
Howrah, West Bengal-7 "11322
Email id: ambarish@hrsolarsolution.com

Sub: Provisional ALMM enlistment of Additional Solar PV Module Models of lt4/s. HR Solar
Solution - reg.

This is in reference to the application received from l\d/s. HR Solar Solution Private Limited
requesting for provisional enlistment of its addifional models in ALMM List-I.

2. In this regard, the unclersigned is directed to convey that in accordance with MNRE's O.M. No.
283/22/2023-GRID SOLAR/Pt. dated 10.05.2023, provisional enlistment in MNRE's Approved
List of Models and Manufacturers (ALMM) List-I, is hereby granted to M/s HR Solar Solution
Private Limited, Raghudebpur, NH-6, Panchla, Raghudebpur, Block-Uluberia-ll, Uluberia,
Ilowrah, West Bengal-71"1322 in respect of 01 additional solar PV module models as mentioned in
Appendix-I. The final enlistment in ALMM will be done subsequently, subject to the applicant
fulfilling the conditions/ provisions mentioned in the ALMM Order / Guidelines or any other
instructions issued / conveyed to the applicant and the scrutiny by the Government.

3. Neither Ministry of New & Renewable Energy (MNRE), Government of India and National
lnstitute of Solar Energy (NISE), nor any of their officers, employees, representatives shall be
liable for any loss, liability, damage or expense arising out of or in connection with the Solar PV
Module Models which have been granted Provisional Enlistment in MNRE's Approved List of
Moclels and Manufacturers (ALMM) List-I, but fail to get Final enlistment in MNRE's ALMM

4. This is being issued with the approval of competent authority

Yours faithfully,

(Sanjay G. Karndhar)
Email: karndhar.sg@nic.in

Copy to: Director General, National Institute of Solar Energy (NISE)

Copy for internal circulation to: PS to Secretary / PPS to lS (DDJ)

Copy to NIC, MNIiE, for uploading on MNRE's Website as additional page(s) to the ALMM List-I
hosted on MNI{Il's website.

Name of Manufacturer Hn Solar Solution Private Limitecl

Address , NH-6, Panchla, Raghudebpur, BIock-
Uluberia, Howrah, West Bengal-711322, lndia

: Manufacfurer alreadylY ES

y Enlisted Capacity vw/v"o'

Capacity vtw/vea'
Application Type Addition

Details of Additional Models:

Module No. of System

S. Type of Applied Enlisted BIS
Efficiency Cells in Voltage Remarks
No. Module Model Models R. No.
("1') Module in Volt

H500M144 't9.36%
H505M144 '1.9.550/.

H510M144 1.9.740/.
Mono c-Si H515M144 19.94%
"144 Provisionallv
Bifacial H520M144 20.13% R-51001686
1. Half Cut 1500 Enlisted in
PERC (s25Wp) H525M144 20.32%
Module Cells ALMM
H530M144 20.52%
H535M144 20.7't%
H540M144 20.90%
H545M144 21,.'10y,
F. No. 2$/Sq/20\8- GRID SOLAR- Part (1)
qlikf gltfT{/ Government of India
ffi 3fu TfiqtTUftq wl {zroqZ Ministry of New & Renewable Energy
Ffg +t s-slf garrr/ Grid Solar power Division
Atal Akshay Urja Bhawan,
Lodhi Road, New Delhi - 110003
Dated: 248. J anuary, 2024

N4/s. Sahaj Solar Limited,

Plot No. D4, Survey No. 742 &745, Gallops Industrial Park,
Village Rajoda, Sarkhej-Bavla Road, NH 88,
Ahniedabad, Gujarat-382220, India.
Email id : hshah@sahajsolar.com

Sub: I'rovisional ALMM enlistment of Additional Solar PV Module Models of IVI/s. Sahaj Solar
Limited - reg.

'Ihis is in reference to the application received from I\tI/s. Sahai Solar Limited requesting
for provisional enlistment of its additional models in ALMM List-I.

2. In this regard, the unclersigned is directed to convey that in accordance with MNRE's O.M.
No. 283/22/2023-GRID SOLAR/Pt. dated 70.05.2023, provisional enlistment in MNRE's
Approved List of Models and Manufacturers (ALMM) List-I, is hereby granted to M/s Sahaj
Solar Limited, PIot No. D4, Survey No. 742 & 745, Gallops Industrial Park, Village Rajoda,
Sarkhej-Bavla Road, NH 88, Ahmedabad, Gujarat-382220,India in respect of 03 additional solar
PV module models as mentioned in Appendix-I. The final enlistment in ALMM will be done
subsequently, subject to the applicant fulfilling the conditions/ provisions mentioned in the
ALMM Order / Guidelines or any other instructions issued / conveyed to the applicant and
the scrutiny by the Government.

3. Neither Ministry of New & Renewable Energy (MNRE), Government of India and
National lnstitute of Solar Energy (NISE), nor any of their officers, employees,
representatives shall be liable for any loss, liability, damage or expense arising out of or in
connection with the Solar PV Module Models which have been granted Provisional
Enlistn'rent in MNRE's Approved List of Models and Manufacturers (ALMM) List-I, but fail
to get Final enlistment in MNRE's ALMM List-I.

4. l'his is being issued with the approval of competent authority

Yours faithfully,
(Sanjay G. Karndhar)
Email: karndhar.sg@nic.in

Copy to: Director Ge.eral, National Institute of solar Energy (NISE).

Copy for internal circulation to: pS to Secretary ppS to

/ IS (DDJ)

eQPY to NIC'MNRE1f9r uEloeding on MNRE's Website as additional page(s) to the ALMM

Listj hosted on MNRE's website.
Name of Manufacturer M/s Sahaj Solar Limited

Plant Address Plot No. D4, Survey No. 742 & 745, Gallops Industrial Park,
Village- Raioda, Sarkhej-Bavla Road, NH 88, Ahmedabacl,
Gujarat-382220, tndia

Whether Manufacturer aheady Yes

enlisted in ALMM

Already Enlisted Capacity 100 MW/Year

Applied Capacity vw/vea.

Application Type Mo<1el Addition

Details of Additional Models:

Type of
Module No. of System
S Applied Enlisted BIS
Efficiency Cells in Voltage l{cmarks
No. Module Model Models R. No.
(/"1 Module in Volt

s9520 20.12%
s9525 20.31v"
ss530 20.51%
PERC c- s9535 1t!4 Half
7 s9535 20.707. 1500
Si (s3s wp) Cut Cells
Module s.+540 20.897"
ss545 21.09%
s95s0 21 .284/"
s9132C480 20.22%
s9132C485 20.43% Provisionallv
Mono s9132C490 20.64% R-72005630 Enlisted in
PERC c- s9132C495 20.867" 132Half
2 132C495 1500
Si s9132Cs00 2t.07v. Cut Cells
(ae5 Wp)
Module s9132C505 21.277"
ss132C510 21.497"
s9132C5r5 2-t.70't
Mono s9120C440 2034%
59 s9120C445 20.s7% 120 Half
PERC c- "120c445 1500
Si s9120C450 20.79% Cut Cells
(aas wp)
Module sg120c4s5 2-t.02%
F. No. 283/54/2018- GRID SOLAR- Part (1)
8TRaHT6R / Government of India
Hdtv dR Hdt%wftqm# #TIm/ Ministry of New & Renewable Energy
Bl=qfh( nRt V8TTT / Grid Solar Power Division
Atal Akshay Urja Bhawan,
Lodhi Road, New De]hi - 1 10003
Dated: 27111 October, 2023
M/s. Credence Solar Panels Private Limited
Plot no. 18 & 19, Survey No. 142/2,
Rajkot-Jamnagar HIghway, Padadhari,
Rajkot, Gujarat, IndIa- 360110.
Email id: operations@credencesolar.com

Sub: Provisional ALMM enlistment of Additional Solar PV Module Models of M/s. Credence
Solar Panels Private Limited - reg.
This is in reference to the applicatIon received from M/s. Credence Solar Panels Private
Limited requesting for provisIonal enlistment of its additional models in ALMM List-I

2. In this regard, the undersigned is directed to convey that in accordance with MNRE's O.M. No.
283/22/2023-GRID SOLAR/Pt. dated 10.05.2023, provisional enlistment in MNRE's Approved
List of Models and Manufacturers (ALMIM) List-1, is hereby granted to M/s. Credence Solar Panels
Private Limited, Plot no. 18 & 19, Survey No. 142/2, Rajkot-Jamnagar Highway, Padadhari, Rajkot,
Gujarat, India- 360110, in respect of 01 additional solar PV module models as mentioned in
Appendix-1. The final enIIstment in ALMM will be done subsequently, subject to the applicant
fulfilling the conditions/ provisions mentioned in the ALMM Order / Guidelines or any other
instructions issued / conveyed to the applicant and the scrutiny by the Government.

3. Neither Ministry of New & Renewable Energy (MNRE), Government of India and National
InstItute of Solar Energy (NISE), nor any of their officers, employees, representatives shall be
liable for any loss, liabiIIty, damage or expense arising out of or in connection with the Solar PV
Module Models which have been granted Provisional Enlistment in MNRE’s Approved LIst of
Models and Manufacturers (ALMM) List-1, but fail to get Final enlistment in MNRE’s ALMM List-

4. This is being issued wIth the approval of competent authority.

(Sanjay G. Karndhar)
Email: karndhar.sg@nic.in

Copy to: Director General, National Institute of Solar Energy (NISE).

Copy for internal circulation to: PS to Secretary/PSO to JS (LB)

Copy to NIC, IVINRE, for uploading on MNRE's Website as additional page(s) to the ALMM List.,I
hosted on MNRE’s website.
Name of Manufacturer :redence Solar Panels Private Limited

o M
ljkot, Gujarat, India- 3601 10

,pplied Capacity Fi2tm'$@@;i

,pplicam®e BBaimaM

Details of Additional Models:

Type of Applied Enlisted Module No. of Im

Module Model IVlodel$ Efficiency Cells in iVottage
(%) Module 1(in Volt}
Mono c- 21.30 Provisionally
QU670- 132 132 Half
Si PERC Enlisted in
132 CS-.QU665- Cut Cells
Module 21.50 ALMM
(670WP) 132
F. No. 283/54/2018- GRID SOLAR. Part (1)
HRa TRqR / Government of India
adtH dk HdtvwfM 3d May/ Ministry of New & Renewable Energy
fIts +t( nRt qHPT / Grid Solar Power Division
Atal Akshay Urja Bhawan,
Lodhi Road, New Delhi - 1 10003
Dated: 27111 October, 2023

HI/s. Insolation Green Energy Private Limited

Khasra No. 11/1, 1136/9,
Chomu, Jatavali, DIst. Jaipur,
Rajasthan - 302001, India.
EmaII id: operations@insolationenergy.In

Sub: Provisional ALIVIM enlistment of Additional Solar PV Module Models of M/s. Insolation
Green Energy Private Limited - reg.

This is in reference to the application received from M/s. Insolation Green Energy Private
Limited requesting for provisIonal enlistment of its additional models in ALMM List-I

2. In this regard, the undersigned is directed to convey that in accordance with MNRE's O.M. No.
283/22/2023-GRID SOLAR/Pt. dated 10.05.2023, provisional enlistment in MNRE's Approved
List of Models and Manufacturers (ALMM) List-1, is hereby granted to M/s. Insolation Green Energy
Private Limited, Khasra No. 1 1/1 , 1136/9, Chomu, Jatavali, Jaipur, Rajasthan - 302001, India, in respect
of 02 additional solar PV module models as mentioned in Appendix-1. The final enlistment in
ALMM will be done subsequently, subject to the applicant fulfilling the conditions/ provisions
mentioned in the ALMM Order / Guidelines or any other instructions issued / conveyed to the
applicant and the scrutiny by the Government.

3. Neither Ministry of New & Renewable Energy (MNRE), Government of India and NatIonal
Institute of Solar Energy (NISE), nor any of their officers, employees, representatIves shall be
liable for any loss, liability, damage or expense arising out of or in connection with the Solar PV
Module Models which have been granted Provisional EnIIstment in MNRE' s Approved LIst of
Models and Manufacturers (ALMM) List-1, but fail to get Final enlistment in MNRE’s ALMM List-

4. This is being issued wIth the approval of competent authority.

(Sanjay G. Karndhar)
Email: karndhar.sg@nic.In

Copy to: Director General, National Institute of Solar Energy (NISE).

Copy for internal circulation to: PS to Secretary /PSO to JS (LB)

Copy to NIC, MNRE, for uploading on MNRE's Website as additional page(s) to the ALMM List-l
hosted onMNRElsw ebsll e.
ame of Manufacturer iolation Green Energy Private Limited
Address mili3MHnapli:-Masthan nim

e Ian ’es
eady enlisted in ALMM

lied Capacity FmMM
lplication Type Edelnc®lon

Details of Additional Models:

Type of Applied Enlisted Module o a

Module Model Models Efficiency Cells in 1Voltage
(%) Module 1(in Volt)
ono c.Si INA, 21 .29
WF-555 .144MHC. 144 Half
555 Cut Cells
21 .68
Enlisted in
EIBBaaMa–iNT 21 .29
PERe 144r\4Hc-
dule TF-555 FBT£74aiB: m1 144 Half
,555 Cut Cells
I m1
F. No. 283/54/2018- GRID SOLAR- Part (1)

HTTaqRHF[ / Government of India

8dtv#tTRdt©wfkr nsf #qrRq/ Ministry of New & Renewable Energy
fBSdtTngtv8TrT / Grid Solar Power Division
Ata I Akshay Urja Bhawan,
Lodhi Road. New Delhi - 1 laDD3
Dated: 27&1 October, 2023

M/s. Mundra Solar Energy Limited

Taluka Mlundra, SUIvey No.180/P,
Sector-01, South Of APL/CGPL Power
Plant, Near EMC Bridge, Tunda,
Kachchh- 370435, Gujarat.
Email id: cs@adani.com

Sub: Provisional ALIVIM enlistment of Additional Solar PV Module Models of Mls. Mundra Solar
Energy Limited - reg.
This is in reference to the application received from M/s. Mundra Solar Energy Limited
requesting for provisional enlistment of its additional models in ALMM List-I

2. In this regard, the undersigned is directed to convey that in accordance with MNRE’s O.M. No.
283/22/2023-GRID SOLAR/Pt. dated 10.05.2023, provisIonal enlistment in MNRE's Approved
List of Models and Manufacturers (ALMM) List-I, is hereby granted to M/s. Mundra Solar Energy
Limited, Taluka Mundm, Survey No.180/P, Sector-01, South Of APLJCGPL Power Plant, Near EMt)
Bridge, Tunda, Kachchh- 370435, Gujarat, in respect of 02 additional solar PV module models as
mentioned in Appendix-l. The final enlistment in ALMM wHI be done subsequently, subject to the
applicant fulfilling the conditions/ provisions mentioned in the ALMM Order / Guidelines or any
other Instructions issued / conveyed to the applicant and the scrutiny by the Government.

3. Neither Ministry of New & Renewable Energy (MNRE), Government of India and National
Institute of Solar Energy (NISE), nor any of their officers, employees, representatIves shall be
liable for any loss, IIability, damage or expense arising out of or in connection with the Solar PV
Module Models which have been granted Provisional Enlistment in MNRE’s Approved List of
Models and Manufacturers (ALMM) List-1, but fail to get Final enlistment in MNRE’s ALMM List-

4. This is being issued with the approval of competent authority.

Yours faithfully,

(Sanjay G. Karndhar}
Email: karndhar.sg@nic.in

Copy to: Director General, National Institute of Solar Energy (NISE).

Copy for internal circulation to: PS to Secretary /PSO to JS (LB)

Copy to NIC, MNRE, for uploading on MNRE's Website as additional paqefs) to the ALMM Li,st..I
hosted on MNRE's website.

Name of Manufacturer Indra Solar Energy Limited

m Address mM-ml m p, Sector-01, South OfAPL/CGPL

ant, Near EMC Bridge, Tunda, Kachchh- 370435, Gujarat, India

eady enlisted in ALMM

y Enlisted Capacity M\hINear

plied Capacity !000 MW/Year

ml tion Type lodel Addition

Details of Additional Models:

pe o J Module No. of m
ule Model Efficiency Cells in 1Vbttaae
(%) Module 1(in Volt)
M-MI O-144- 21.06
SM-MI 0..144-
Mona c-SI ASM-.M1 O- Provisionally
bSMl-q 0-144- 144 Half Enlisted in
PERC 144-543 1500
Cut Cells ALMM
Module (543WP) a
M-MI O-144-

B-MI O-144- m1
,SB-MIO-144- 21.10
Bifacial 1542
ASB-MI O- Recommended
Mono c-SI ,B-MIO-144- 21.14 144 Half
PERC 144-543, Cut Cells 1500 1for Provisional
(543WP} Enlistment
Module m1

SB-MI O-144-

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