JPSP - 2022 - 315
JPSP - 2022 - 315
JPSP - 2022 - 315
2022, Vol. 6, No. 6, 3687-3697
Assistant Professor, PG & Research Department of Commerce, Dr. Ambedkar Government Arts College Vyasarpadi
Chennai 600039,
The technology market is overwhelmed making the bid for talented employees is higher and shows no sign
of slowing down. The companies need to change their strategy in recruiting and in retaining the best staff.
Information Technology has created a level playing field among countries and has a positive impact on the
lives of millions. A country’s IT potential is very important for it to compete globally and attain a healthy
GDP. The IT industry has played a pivotal role in putting India on the global map. IT industry has been one
of the most significant growth contributors for the Indian economy and its cost competitiveness in providing
IT services continues to be its USP. It was instrumental in the transformation of the country from an
agricultural based economy to a knowledge based economy and has contributed significantly towards social
transformation in the country. This paper examined how important the concept of employer branding is
gaining importance in today’s corporate world in order to retain the key talent, therefore organizations are
focusing on building their corporate image in order to attract and retain the talented employees. The primary
objective of this research paper was to study the retention strategies followed in the IT companies and to
measure the impact of the strategies of retention of employees in the IT companies on the employer
branding. This is an empirical study carried out in Chennai city. Employer branding helps the companies
to improve and efficient management of the human resource in the IT sector. Recruitment and retention of
employees are strongly influenced by the employer branding. In this view, 200 employees have been
selected for this study based simple random technique. The primary data have been collected through the
Google forms.
and diligent employees1. They have a thorough projects, etc. Because of the increased staff
understanding of the product over time, and a turnover rate, the company's goodwill is harmed,
trained employee can better handle clients and and competitors begin poking their noses in to
solve difficulties for colleagues who are new to attract the finest personnel from them. Work
the firm. When an employee quits, he takes all efficiency has been severely impacted2.
corporate information with him, including current
Employer Branding – As a New HR Arena market, they will get better response from the
talented employee if not; it’s very difficult to
The term employer branding has evolved around sustain in this competitive world. If the
years and even decades. The employer branding organization has a positive brand image in the
is still relevant in the corporate world and a market, it will help in acquiring right workforce
Strategic lever in finding the best talent in this at right time and at the same time it will have a
Digital Era. This is a result oriented Environment curb over the employee cost4.
in which if Corporate have a good brand value in
Dr. N. Barathi Dasan 3690
was utilised to conduct an analysis of the sectors efficiency). Employer branding strategies in India
of employer brands in terms of the primary that address issues such as recruitment, training,
characteristics of employer brands. The findings employee motivation, employee engagement, and
revealed that employer brands in various retention are the focus of this paper, with the goal
industries (with service sectors dominating the of reducing organization costs, increasing
list) place a strong emphasis on publicity, word- productivity, and improving business
of-mouth endorsements, and advertising, while performance being the overall goal.
placing less emphasis on sponsorship activities.
The young graduates should be evaluated for Need and Importance of the Study
employer brand traits around the globe, rather `The concept of employer branding has been
than only in Pakistan, in order to provide a more gaining momentum, given the crucial role it plays
comprehensive and clear image. However, only in the retention of employees. Effective employer
the young graduates from Pakistan were tested branding leads to competitive advantage, helps
for this study effort. These findings are based on internalize organizational values and assist in
an examination of the main attributes of employer employee retention. Despite the growing
brands among young graduates in Pakistan, in popularity of employer branding practice,
order to determine what their perceptions of academic research in this area is still at its
employer brands are in different sectors, and to infancy. Most of the existing studies on employer
identify the attributes of employer brands that branding are purely theoretical in nature, offering
require further investigation and consideration. frameworks and propositions with no field study.
Shivdasini Singh and ShilpaBhaskar Understanding the role of employer branding in
(2014)12 , examined the development of a theme retaining employees is considered a gap with
and the establishment of an image of the little research focus. In addition, the perception of
employment experience at an organization are current employees on employer branding is often
essential components of successful employment overlooked. Globally, studies on employer
branding, which attracts and keeps qualified branding have been focused on developing a
people for the business. Employer branding is the positive image of the organization as an employer
process of developing and communicating an among potential employees, examining the
organization's culture as a desirable employer in influence of the employment offering on
the marketplace. In addition to communicating applicants’ attitudes and communicating the
the "value proposition" - the sum of the brand externally, i.e., to potential employees but
organization's culture, systems, attitudes, and not to existing employees. The plethora of
employee relationship - it also encourages staff research studies on employer branding, both
members to embrace and share personal and national and international, concentrate only on
professional goals for success, productivity, and attraction of employees, focusing on potential
satisfaction on both a personal and professional employees. These studies discuss employer
level. Throughout the job experience, employer branding as perceived by students who are
branding serves as a focal point, giving touch potential employees on the verge of being
points that begin with initial employer brand recruited. The outcome of such studies cannot be
awareness and continue throughout the length of generalized as potential and current employees
employment, even until retirement. Employer perceive organization’s employer brand in
branding is a distinguishing and relevant different ways.
opportunity for a company to differentiate itself IT industry in India is considered to be
from the competition by establishing its branded the sunshine industry, it is riddled with an all-time
factors as its unique selling proposition (USP) for high attrition rate. Employee Retention is
employee satisfaction and happiness, which in difficult in IT industry due to reasons such as
turn results in employee retention, productivity, demography of population, intense competition
and efficiency (retention, productivity, and etc. Though there are ‘Best Employer’ surveys
3693 Journal of Positive School Psychology
being conducted by several institutions, they do scientifically important as the results will
not capture the perceptions of employees very contribute to the existing knowledge about
well and do not recognize the link between employer branding. This study has theoretical
employer branding and employee retention. implications on the literature in the staffing
Hence, this study aims to understand how domain of Human Resources Management where
employer branding practices leads to employee employer branding is emerging as an important
retention. The outcome of this study will provide construct. The current study exemplifies the
insights into which value propositions are variables under employer branding leading to
considered important for IT employees to stay building a robust instrument which will enable
with their organization researchers in this field to measure the strength of
the employer brand. As it concentrates on the
Scope of the Study current employees and not on students unlike in
Employer branding is more important in the earlier researches, it adds to the generalizability
Indian IT industry as it faces high attrition rates of the results. This work also has implications on
and organizations are finding difficult to retain emerging fields such as ‘great place to work’ and
their employees. The present study aims to throw ‘employer of choice’ as they are basically
light on the employer branding practices in IT outcomes of employer branding. Thus, this
companies in Chennai city and aims to research will be an eye opener to the body of
understand how companies retain their current knowledge and the findings will be a concrete
employees through employer branding. Hence, evidence to show the significant relationship
current employees are chosen for the study as between employer branding and employee
previous research proves that familiarity with the retention. HR practitioners would find this
organization is a relevant condition to assess the research of immense importance as it will help
perception about the employer brand. As the define the expectations of employees and would
study is based on current employee perceptions of help the industry to build their strategies to suit
employer branding, other stakeholders such as the ever changing needs of the employees. This
prospective employees and customers are not study would also provide important cues for
considered. The research on employer branding designing HR policies and interventions in
conducted in India is very limited and thus the making their organizations a ‘great place to
scope of research was set to include only IT work’. Thus, the outcome of this research will be
companies operating in India. This study on the a reference for future improvement.
impact of employer branding on employee Statement of the Problem
retention covers the prevailing scenario of
employer brand and is restricted to Chennai city The research on employer branding conducted in
as it is considered to be the ‘IT hub’ of India, to India is very limited and thus the scope of
Bangalore, with all major IT companies setting research was set to include only IT companies
up shop in Chennai. operating in India. This study on the impact of
employer branding on employee retention covers
Significance of the Study the prevailing scenario of employer brand and is
Employer branding programmes are becoming restricted to Chennai city as it is considered to be
the key factor in retention of employees in many the ‘IT hub’ of India, next only to Bangalore, with
organizations. Though organizations have an all major IT companies setting up shop in
employer brand, it is not a structured one. While Chennai. It is assumed that, knowingly or
there is evidence of strong research conducted unknowingly, each organization selected for the
overseas on the subject of employer branding, no study has an employer branding.
local research has been conducted on this subject, Objectives
as far as the researcher’s knowledge. This
research provides keystones which can be useful The study has the following objectives
for their knowledge about employer branding and
its impact on employee retention. This research is 1. To study the retention strategies followed
in the IT companies
Dr. N. Barathi Dasan 3694
The Table 1 shows that most of the respondents colleges. Level of experience shows that 88
(73) belong to the age group between 30 years (44.0%) respondents have experience between 6
and 45 years, 64 (32.0%) respondents are aged to 10 years, 57 (28.5%) respondents experienced
more than 45 years 63 (31.5%) are aged less than less than 5 years and 55 (27.5%) respondents
30 years. 113 (56.5%) respondents are male and have more than 10 years of experience. Based on
87 (43.5%) are female. Majority (71.0%) of the the Income level, it is found that 114 (57.0%) are
respondents is under graduates and 23.0% of the earning between Rs. 1 Lakh and Rs. 2 Lakhs and
respondents are post graduates. 73 (36.5%) respondents’ income is less than Rs.
According to the educational stream 1 Lakh and 13 (6.5%) respondents; salary is more
studied, the respondents are distributed that 122 than Rs.2 lakhs.
(61.0%) respondents have completed their
education in the Engineering stream and 78 2. Retention strategies of the IT
(39.0%) respondents are from the arts and science companies
3695 Journal of Positive School Psychology
The IT companies’ employees are well educated, strategies of the IT companies. The following
skilled and talented employees. This is one of the retention strategies are analyzed from the opinion
strongest service sectors to provide large of the respondents. The training programs,
employment and foreign exchange. They have mentorship, employee compensation, perks and
proper and efficient human resource management wellness offered, communication, feedback
department which makes proper plan for system, working environment and work life
retention of their employees. The study is balance, recognition etc.
focusing on the employer branding and retention
The regression model summary shows that the R value is 0.800 and adjusted R square value is 0.640 (64%).
It explains that independent variables are having 64% of variance on the dependent variable. The model
shows that the role of all retention strategies on the employer branding of the IT companies. The result of
ANOVA test is given below.
Table 4 ANOVA
Model Sum of df Mean F Sig.
Squares Square
Regression 11889.495 14 849.250 23.393 0.000
1 Residual 6679.801 184 36.303
Total 18569.296 198
a. Dependent Variable: Employer branding
b. Predictors: (Constant), R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, R7,R8, R9, R10, R11, R12, R13 and
The ANOVA table shows the fitness of the model. The calculated F value (23.393) from the ANOVA test
shows fitness of the model (p-0.000). The effect of each strategy on the employer branding is explained in
the following table.
Table 5 Coefficients
Unstandardized Standardized
Model Coefficients Coefficients t Sig.
B Std. Error Beta
(Constant) 10.874 2.883 3.772 0.000*
Wellness offering 1.295 0.598 0.183 2.166 0.032*
On board or orientation 0.439 0.622 0.054 0.706 0.481
Communication 0.208 0.607 0.023 0.343 0.732
Employee compensation 2.804 0.595 0.332 4.709 0.000*
Feedback system 0.173 0.561 0.023 0.308 0.759
Mentorship programs 0.655 0.628 0.078 1.043 0.298
Perks 1.215 0.589 0.137 2.062 0.041*
Training and development 0.867 0.673 0.103 1.288 0.199
Flexible work arrangements -0.162 0.632 -0.024 -0.256 0.798
Work life balance 1.530 0.597 0.183 2.562 0.011*
An emphasis on teamwork -0.510 0.452 -0.064 -1.128 0.261
Recognition and rewards 1.689 0.673 0.148 2.509 0.013*
Effective change management -0.011 0.648 -0.001 -0.017 0.987
Acknowledgement of milestones -0.293 0.463 -0.033 -0.632 0.528
* Significant influence
The Table 5 exhibits that 5 strategies and the balance and recognition and rewards are
constant factor are influencing on the employer significantly influence on the employer branding.
branding. The t values of wellness offering
(2.166), employee compensation (4.709), perks Conclusions
offered (2.062), work life balance (2.562) and
recognition and reward (2.509) are more than Employee turnover is a major problem in the
1.96. Their significance values are less than 0.05. industry. The main causes of turnover are pay
Hence, it is concluded that the retention strategies satisfaction, other benefits obtained from the
of IT companies to offer wellness, employee company and alternative employment
compensation and perks offered, work life opportunities. The employees were also curious
3697 Journal of Positive School Psychology
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