3F Rflib Dpa MCQ
3F Rflib Dpa MCQ
3F Rflib Dpa MCQ
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8. When Data Priva- —It must involve any processing of personal information.
cy Act is APPLIC- —By either natural or juridical persons
ABLE —Whether or not found in the Philippines that uses equip-
ment or maintains an office, branch or
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agency in the Philippines.
—Either acting as a controller or processor
10. No amendment which affords the publishers, editors or duly accredited re-
or repeal of Re- porters of any newspaper, magazine or periodical of gen-
public Act No. 53 eral circulation protection from being compelled to reveal
the source of any news report or information appearing
in said publication which was related in any confidence to
such publisher, editor, or reporter.
11. Extraterritorial The Data Privacy Act applies to entities processing per-
Application sonal information about Philippine citizens or residents,
both within and outside the Philippines, if they have a link
to the country, have business in the Philippines, or have
access to personal information.
12. privileged infor- refers to any and all forms of data which under the Rules
mation of Court and other pertinent laws constitute privileged
19. Right to Data data subjects have the right to obtain an electronic copy
Portability of the information.
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or unlawful destruction, alteration and disclosure, as well
as against any other unlawful processing.
23. determination of must take into account (1) the nature of the personal in-
the appropriate formation to be protected, (2) the risks represented by the
level of security processing, (3) the size of the organization and complexity
of its operations, (4) current data privacy best practices
and (5) the cost of security implementation.
24. personal infor- must further ensure that third parties processing personal
mation controller information on its behalf shall implement the security mea-
sures required by this provision.
25. employees, shall operate and hold personal information under strict
agents or confidentiality if the personal information is not intended
representatives for public disclosure. This obligation shall continue even
of a personal after leaving the public service, transfer to another po-
information sition or upon termination of employment or contractual
controller who relations.
are involved in
the processing
of personal
26. personal infor- shall promptly notify the Commission and affected data
mation controller subjects when sensitive personal information or other in-
formation that may, under the circumstances, be used to
enable identity fraud are reasonably believed to have been
acquired by an unauthorized person, and the personal
information controller or the Commission believes that
such unauthorized acquisition is likely to give rise to a real
risk of serious harm to any affected data subject.
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Notification to shall at least describe the nature of the breach, the sensi-
the Commission tive personal information possibly involved, and the mea-
sures taken by the entity to address the breach.
30. personal infor- accountable for complying with the requirements of the
mation controller Data Privacy Act and shall use contractual or other rea-
sonable means to provide a comparable level of protection
while the information is being processed by a third party.
33. head of each gov- shall be responsible for complying with the security re-
ernment agency quirements mentioned while the Commission shall mon-
or instrumentali- itor the compliance and may recommend the necessary
ty action in order to satisfy the minimum standards.