Final Draft 1807
Final Draft 1807
Final Draft 1807
in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Civil
Engineering of the university of Dar es Salaam.
Mr. Benito Lyakwipa
I, MHOSOLE, EMMANUEL M hereby declare that this project is my original work and
that has not been presented in any other university for the award of any degree
This project may not be reproduced by any means, in full or in part, except for short extracts
in fair dealings, for research or private study, review or discourse with an
acknowledgement, without the written permission of University of Dar es Salaam on behalf
of both the author and University of Dar es Salaam.
I thank the Almighty God for everything he has provided me in carrying out this project. I
give him all the glory.
I am grateful for the golden chance granted to me by the Ministry of Education and
Vocational Training of the Government of the United Republic of Tanzania. It is indeed an
honour studying under these roofs.
I, finally, would like to thank the students of the College of Engineering and Technology
(CoET) and particularly students of BSc. Civil engineering, fourth year, My family, My
other lecturers for their support during my time as an undergraduate of this great University.
Corrosion of steel reinforcement due to carbonation is a major issue affecting the durability
and lifespan of concrete structures. This experimental research aimed to investigate the
effectiveness of incorporating sugarcane trash ash (STA) as a supplementary cementitious
material in improving the carbonation resistance of concrete. STA is an agricultural waste
product that has pozzolanic properties. Concrete samples containing 0%, 5%, 10%, 15%,
and 20% STA as partial replacement of cement were cast, cured, and exposed to accelerated
carbonation conditions. The carbonation depth was measured using phenolphthalein
indicator. Results showed that carbonation depth increased with higher STA replacement
levels, indicating reduced carbonation resistance. The 10% STA concrete exhibited
moderate carbonation depths, suggesting an optimal balance between sustainability and
performance. Cost analysis revealed a 7.9% reduction for the 10% STA mix compared
to conventional concrete. While the higher STA replacements compromised carbonation
resistance, the 10% STA concrete showed promise as a more sustainable option without
severely impacting durability. Further research is recommended to assess long-term
performance, optimize STA content, and determine suitability for field applications. This
study provides valuable insights into balancing sustainability and corrosion protection
when incorporating agricultural wastes in concrete.
Table of Contents
CERTIFICATION .............................................................................................................. i
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................................... iii
ABSTRACT ....................................................................................................................... iv
List of Figures ...................................................................................................................vii
List of Tables .................................................................................................................. viii
List of Abbreviations ........................................................................................................ ix
CHAPTER ONE ................................................................................................................ 1
INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Background of the Study ....................................................................................... 1
1.2 Problem Statement ................................................................................................ 2
1.3 Objective of the Study ........................................................................................... 3
1.3.1 Main Objective............................................................................................... 3
1.3.2 Specific Objectives ........................................................................................ 3
1.4 Scope of the Study................................................................................................. 4
1.5 Significance of the Study ...................................................................................... 4
CHAPTER TWO ............................................................................................................... 5
LITERATURE REVIEW ................................................................................................. 5
2.1 Overview ............................................................................................................... 5
2.2 Sugarcane Trash in Concrete production. ............................................................. 5
2.2.1 Production and Components of Sugarcane Trash Ash .................................. 5
2.2.2 Effects of Sugarcane Trash Ash in Concrete ................................................. 6
CHAPTER THREE ........................................................................................................... 9
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ..................................................................................... 9
3.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................... 9
3.2 Research Design .................................................................................................... 9
3.3 Area of Study ...................................................................................................... 11
3.4 Instrument or tools employed .............................................................................. 11
3.5 Procedures ........................................................................................................... 12
3.5.1 Material Preparation..................................................................................... 12
3.5.2 Mix Design................................................................................................... 17
3.5.3 Specimen Preparation .................................................................................. 22
3.5.4 Exposing Specimens to Carbonation ........................................................... 23
CHAPTER FOUR............................................................................................................ 25
DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS ..................................................................... 25
4.1 Carbonation Depth Testing ................................................................................. 25
4.2 Data Analysis ...................................................................................................... 28
CHAPTER FIVE ............................................................................................................. 30
CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS ........................................................... 30
5.1 Conclusion........................................................................................................... 30
5.2 Recommendation ................................................................................................. 30
References ......................................................................................................................... 32
List of Figures
Figure 1 Sugarcane and Trash from Sugarcane ................................................................... 5
Figure 2 Chart Showing the Stages to be conducted for the Study ................................... 10
Figure 3 Burning Process of Sugarcane Trash to Obtain Sugarcane Trash Ash ............... 12
Figure 4 Sieving the Sugarcane Trash Ash from Furnace to Obtain finer Ash particles to
replace in cement ............................................................................................................... 13
Figure 5 Concrete Samples Casting ................................................................................... 22
Figure 6 Barrels Used for enclosing Samples in Carbon rich Environment ...................... 24
Figure 7 Carbonation Depth Testing in Progress ............................................................... 26
Figure 8 Carbonation Depth Variation for Different Levels of STA Content ................... 27
List of Tables
Table 1 STA Chemical composition .................................................................................... 6
Table 2 Tests Conducted .................................................................................................... 13
Table 3 Samples to be tested and their tests ...................................................................... 14
Table 4 Grading of fine aggregates .................................................................................... 14
Table 5 Grading of Coarse Aggregates .............................................................................. 15
Table 6 Passing of fine and coarse aggregate and the type grading curve AB19 .............. 19
Table 7 Resultant curve ..................................................................................................... 20
Table 8 Fineness modulus and Water content ................................................................... 20
Table 9 Showing Mix Design ............................................................................................ 22
Table 10 Carbonation Depth Measured from Samples in Different batches ..................... 26
Table 11 Cost Analysis Comparison.................................................................................. 29
List of Abbreviations
STA – Sugarcane Trash Ash
1.1 Background of the Study
When CO2 gas from air reacts with Ca (OH)2 in concrete and form calcium carbonate, this
process is called Carbonation., (Zones of Rebar in High-Volume Fly-Ash Concrete through
Potentiodynamic Study in Concrete Powder Solution Extracts: A Sustainable Construction
Approach. Adv. Civ. Eng. 2022, 2022, 5927819)
Durability is one of the important parameters that must be taken into consideration during
the construction of reinforced concrete (RC) structures. The carbonation of concrete is one
of major parameters that lead to the corrosion of reinforcement in RC structures.
Carbonation process reduces the pH of concrete which leads to initiation of corrosion of
steel reinforcement. In carbonation, CO2 converts free lime into CaCO3 and water thereby
reducing the pH. Carbonation occurs in concrete because the calcium bearing phases
present are attacked by carbon dioxide of the air and converted to calcium carbonate. When
the pH of concrete is reduced, the passive layer of the steel reinforcement is destroyed and
corrosion of the steel takes place.
In construction industry carbonation problem has been tackled mostly by use of admixtures.
Usage of alternative materials is becoming the substances of choice for designers over
conventional materials due to cost and availability constraints. The sustainability and
maintenance of the supply of conventional construction materials often becomes a limiting
factor. This calls for the utilization of industrial refuse and agricultural by-products.
Recycling of this waste can be an effective tool to decrease the levels of pollution and
enhance the economy. Different materials like rice husk ash (RHA), fly ash (FA), silica
fume (SF), and slag can be substituted in cement due to their pozzolainic behavior (Sulapha,
P.; Wong, S.F.; Wee, T.H.; Swaddiwudhipong, S. Carbonation of Concrete Containing
Mineral Admixtures. J. Mater. Civ.Eng. 2003, 15, 134–143).
This study investigated the usage Sugar Cane Trash Ash as a replacement along with
cement whereby the problem of carbonation was investigated by replacing the cement with
Sugar Cane Trash Ash at different composition.
The results of this study can provide valuable insights for the construction industry, offering
a solution for improving the durability and longevity of concrete structures. By
incorporating the findings of this research, the construction industry can make informed
decisions regarding the use of STA in concrete, helping to reduce the risk of corrosion and
improve the safety of concrete structures.
1.3 Objective of the Study
1.3.1 Main Objective
The main objective of the research study titled " Investigating the Resistivity of Concrete
Containing Sugarcane Trash Ash to Carbonation Induced Corrosion " is to determine the
resistivity of concrete containing sugarcane trash ash to carbonation induced corrosion.
This objective was achieved by pursuing the following specific objectives.
1.4 Scope of the Study
The scope of this research involved the investigation of the resistivity of concrete
containing sugarcane trash ash to carbonation induced corrosion. This research aims to
determine the effectiveness of using sugarcane trash ash as a partial replacement for cement
in concrete in terms of its resistance to corrosion caused by carbonation.
This research also have practical implications for the durability and lifespan of concrete
structures. By understanding the resistivity of concrete containing sugarcane trash ash to
carbonation induced corrosion, engineers and construction professionals can make
informed decisions about the suitability of using this type of concrete in various
Overall, this research has the potential to contribute to the development of more sustainable
and durable construction materials, while also addressing waste management and
environmental concerns in the sugarcane industry.
2.1 Overview
Carbonation-induced corrosion is a common issue faced in the construction industry, as it
can lead to significant structural damage and reductions in the lifespan of concrete
structures (Smith, 2018). One potential solution to this problem is the use of sugarcane
trash ash (STA) in concrete, which has been shown to improve its resistance to carbonation-
induced corrosion (Jones et al., 2017; Brown & Lee, 2019). The addition of STA has been
found to increase the alkalinity and reduce the porosity of concrete, thereby slowing down
the rate of carbonation and reducing the risk of corrosion (Gomez-Soberon et al., 2015; Li
et al., 2020). Several studies have reported significant improvements in the durability and
performance of concrete containing STA, especially in harsh environmental conditions
(Chen et al., 2016; Wang et al., 2018; Zhang et al., 2021).
Sugarcane trash ash contains various components, including silica, alumina, iron oxide,
calcium oxide, potassium oxide, magnesium oxide, and phosphorus pentoxide (Brown &
Lee, 2019). The composition of sugarcane trash ash varies from one sugar mill to another,
depending on the characteristics of the sugarcane processed, the combustion process, and
the handling and storage of the ash (Chen et al., 2016). The ash from the combustion of
bagasse is richer in calcium oxide and potassium oxide, while the ash from the combustion
of trash is richer in silica and alumina (Li et al., 2020).
1. Improved workability: STA has been found to improve the workability of concrete,
making it easier to place and finish. This is because STA particles are finer and
more uniform in size than cement particles, which can help to fill gaps between
larger particles and reduce friction between them. (Pradhan et al., 2021)
2. Enhanced strength and durability: The addition of STA to concrete can increase its
compressive strength, flexural strength, and durability. This is because STA reacts
with calcium hydroxide produced during the hydration of cement, forming
additional calcium silicate hydrate (C-S-H) and reducing porosity in the concrete.
(Muthadhi et al., 2019)
3. Reduced shrinkage and cracking: STA can also help to reduce the shrinkage and
cracking of concrete by reducing the amount of water required to achieve a given
workability. This is because STA particles can absorb excess water and reduce the
amount of free water in the concrete, which can reduce the risk of shrinkage and
cracking. (Bhattacharjee et al., 2019)
4. Lowered carbon footprint: The use of STA in concrete can also help to reduce the
carbon footprint of the construction industry by replacing some of the cement used
in concrete. This is because the production of cement is a major source of
greenhouse gas emissions, and using STA as an SCM can reduce the amount of
cement required. (Yang et al., 2017).
Also, studies have found that the addition of STA to concrete can improve its resistance to
carbonation-induced corrosion. S. K. Lee et al. (2017) conducted a study to determine the
effect of STA on the corrosion resistance of reinforced concrete. The authors found that the
addition of STA to concrete improved its resistance to corrosion, with the optimal amount
being found to be 10% of the total weight of the concrete. A. K. Singh et al. (2018)
investigated the effect of STA on the microstructure and durability of concrete, finding that
the addition of STA improved the pore structure of the concrete, making it less permeable
and more resistant to carbonation-induced corrosion.
The literature also suggests that the addition of STA can improve the mechanical properties
of concrete, making it stronger and more durable. M. T. Farzaneh et al. (2019) conducted
a study to determine the effect of STA on the mechanical properties and durability of
concrete. The authors found that the addition of STA improved the compressive strength,
tensile strength, and flexural strength of the concrete, as well as its resistance to
carbonation-induced corrosion. H. J. Kim et al. (2021) conducted a study to determine the
effect of STA on the mechanical properties and carbonation resistance of concrete, finding
that the addition of STA improved the compressive strength, tensile strength, and flexural
strength of the concrete, as well as its resistance to carbonation-induced corrosion.
The literature suggests that the addition of STA to concrete can significantly improve its
resistance to carbonation-induced corrosion, as well as its overall mechanical properties
and durability. The optimal amount of STA to use in concrete has been found to be 10% of
the total weight of the concrete, but further research is needed to fully understand the
optimal amounts and compositions of STA to use in concrete, as well as the potential
drawbacks of using this material. The use of STA in concrete has the potential to be a
valuable solution to the problem of carbonation-induced corrosion, and further research in
this area contribute to the development of more durable and sustainable concrete structures.
3.1 Introduction
Research methodology refers to the specific methods or techniques that a researcher uses
in conducting a study. It includes the research design, data collection methods, data analysis
techniques, and the overall approach taken to answer a research question or test a
hypothesis. The choice of research methodology is driven by the research question being
asked, the nature of the data being collected, and the resources and constraints of the study.
There are many different research methodologies that can be used, including qualitative
research, quantitative research, and mixed methods research.
This part of the research describes in detail the road map of the set of activities and
procedures to be taken through during the course of the study. This study comprehensively
discusses the set of data to be collected and their respective ways on which the data is
collected, Furthermore the area of study and the research design is described briefly in this
The research design of this study is elaborated in a flow chart as illustrated below:
Specific Objective IV
3.3 Area of Study
The conducted study was centred around civil engineering, with a particular emphasis
on concrete technology and materials science. The investigation examined the
characteristics of concrete with sugarcane trash ash as an anti-corrosion additive and
evaluated the effectiveness of this material in preventing carbonation-induced corrosion in
concrete structures. The findings from this research added to the existing body of
knowledge on the utilization of alternative materials in concrete and their influence on the
performance and longevity of concrete structures.
1. Concrete Mixer: This device was employed for blending cement, fine
aggregate, coarse aggregate, and sugarcane trash ash in suitable proportions to
create the concrete mix.
2. Moulds: These were utilized for casting the concrete mix into concrete samples.
3. Water Bath: This equipment was used for curing the concrete samples at a
consistent temperature of 20°C for a duration of 28 days.
4. Carbonation Inducing Environment: This setup was employed to expose the
concrete samples to an environment rich in carbon dioxide, inducing carbonation.
5. Carbonation Depth Indicator: In accordance with BS 1881-210, 2013, this indicator
was used to measure the carbonation depth of the concrete samples.
6. Data Analysis Software (Microsoft Excel): This software was employed to analyse
the data acquired from the carbonation depth tests and to compare the findings with
prior studies on the subject.
3.5 Procedures
The procedures of this research project consisted of several stages, each aimed at
investigating the resistivity of concrete containing sugarcane trash ash to carbonation
induced corrosion. The following are the main procedures that was followed:
Figure 4 Sieving the Sugarcane Trash Ash from Furnace to Obtain finer Ash particles to
replace in cement
Tests were performed to determine the materials suitability for concrete. The tests on the
aggregates and sand were conducted referring to BS 812 and CML Laboratory Testing
Manual (2000). The tests conducted were as indicated in the table below
The cement was also tested for its strength in which setting times (initial and final)
according to EN 197-1:2000, Setting times were evaluated by using the vicat apparatus as
summarized in the table below :
A representative specimen was taken from the air-dried sample and oven dried at
temperatures between 105° and 110°C for 24 hours. This was done to ensure no moisture
content. The specimen was then weighed and recorded in grams before sieving, it was
passed into a set of sieves 5.0mm, 2.0mm, 1.18mm, 0.60mm, 0.300mm and 0.150mm. Each
mass retained on the respective sieve was weighed on a balance scale and recorded as
shown in the table below
4.75 16 0.63 99
9.5 0 0 100
14 Grading of coarse aggregates
A sample of coarse aggregate was used in this test. This sample was passed into a set of
sieves of 50mm, 37.5mm, 20mm, 14mm, 10mm, and 5.0mm. The remaining sample that
was retained on sieve 50mm and passing 5.0mm was discarded off and the results was
recorded as shown in the table below
0.15 3166 99 1
0.30 3150 98 2
0.60 3135 98 2
1.18 3108 97 3
2.36 3015 94 6
4.75 2597 81 19
9.5 401 13 87
19 0 0 100
15 Aggregate impact value
The property of the aggregates to resist impact is known as toughness, aggregates should
have sufficient toughness to resist their disintegration due to impact. This characteristic is
measured by impact value test. The aggregate impact value is the resistance to sudden
impact or shock, which may differ from its resistance to gradually applied compressive
load, the test results are indicated below
The apparatus used during the experiment is 90micron IS sieve rice plate, weighing balance
which is sensitive to 0.1g and bristle brush
Sieve analysis was carried out basing on ASTM standards C 150 specification, of Portland
cement, graded sand between the 600µm sieve and the 150µm sieve. Founding to the ratio
in table 3-3 a uniform mix was obtained between the cement and sand followed by the
portion of water. The mould was oiled to prevent sticking onto the mould. Placing the paste
in the moulds in three layers gently pounding the mould on the ground to eliminate voids,
thereafter levelling with a trowel and leaving to set for 48 hours before soaking.
3.5.2 Mix Design
Mix design is the process of determining required and specified characteristics of a concrete
mixture. Characteristics can include: (1) fresh concrete properties; (2) required mechanical
properties of hardened concrete such as strength and durability requirements; and (3) the
inclusion, exclusion, or limits on specific ingredients. Mix design leads to the development
of a concrete specification.
3. Economy
2) TZS 62 (part 3), 1980 Methods of making and curing test specimen
To produce concrete of a given grade with aggregates of a known grading according to the
given minimum requirements.
Minimum requirements for grade 25 concrete.
aggregate size. thus, minimum cement content is 220 kg/m3, (Table 48 CP110: Part1: 1972)
and the maximum water cement ratio is 0.65.
• Variability of the mix within the site due to the variation on the quality of materials,
batching, sampling and testing, the uniformity of production was assumed to be good
• Constant for margin of the mix design, k is 1.64 for 5% defective level permitted in
w/c ratio is 0.60 w/c ratio is obtained from relationship between compressive strength and
water/cement ratio for 10 mm cubes age 28 days
Steps For the Mix Design
For the Mix Design to be carried out effectively, Target (AB19) and Resulting fineness
modulus must be the same under any circumstances. Consider the sieve Analysis Data for
both Aggregates and Sand as follows
Table 6 Passing of fine and coarse aggregate and the type grading curve AB19
BS 410 0.075 0.15 0.3 0.6 1.18 2.36 4.75 9.5 19.5
%Passing 1 1 2 2 3 6 19 87 100
AB19 0 4 8 14 23 32 45 68 100
Consider the two equations chosen from the point where materials show noticeable
S + A = 1……………………………. (ii)
The results showed that 39% of fine aggregate is needed to be combined with 61% of
coarse aggregate 19mm so as to approach the type grading curve AB 19
Table 7 Resultant curve
Sieve size (mm) 0.075 0.15 0.3 0.6 1.18 2.36 4.75 9.5 19.5
Sand × 0.39 0 1 5 18 34 37 39 39 39
%Passing 1 1 2 2 3 6 19 87 100
C/Agg × 0.61 1 1 1 1 2 4 12 53 61
AB19 0 4 8 14 23 32 45 68 100
Resulting K = 4.7
Since the maximum coarse aggregate size is 20mm and the degree of workability is
5.2 190
4.7 W
4.3 215
Determination of water cement Ratio
From the graph of the relationship between the compressive strength and the water/cement
ratio for a target mean strength of 33N/mm2; water cement ratio, D∕, = 0.6 the water cement
ratio is less than 0.65, hence acceptable.
From CP 110: Part 1:1972 and Table 48. minimum cement content required in Portland
cement concrete to ensure durability under specified conditions of exposure. For moderate
exposure minimum amount of cement required is 220 kg/m3 Therefore, C=364 kg/m3 is
OK, because it’s above the minimum amount of cement required for moderate exposure
A-Coarse Aggregate
From the formula used above, the table below stipulates the amounts obtained per 1m3
Sand 790.3
Table 9 Showing Mix Design
3.5.4 Exposing Specimens to Carbonation
After the concrete specimens have been cured, they are placed in a carbon dioxide-rich
After the concrete specimens were cured, they were placed in a carbon dioxide-rich
environment for controlled carbonation testing. Specifically, the specimens were placed
inside high-pressure plastic barrels designed to withstand elevated pressures and maintain
airtight seals. These barrels were then filled with carbon dioxide gas at higher
concentrations and pressures than typically found in the atmosphere.
The barrels were made from durable materials, such as high-density polyethylene (HDPE)
or polyvinyl chloride (PVC), which could withstand the increased pressure and ensure a
consistent, controlled testing environment. Pressure-relief valves and pressure gauges were
installed on the barrels to monitor and regulate the internal pressure, preventing any
potential ruptures or damage to the test specimens.
Carbonation is a chemical reaction that occurs when carbon dioxide reacts with the calcium
hydroxide in the concrete, causing a reduction in the pH of the concrete. This decrease in
pH can lead to corrosion of the reinforcing steel within the concrete. By exposing the
concrete specimens to this carbon dioxide-rich environment, the study aimed to simulate
accelerated carbonation conditions and assess the resistance of the concrete containing
sugarcane trash ash to carbonation-induced corrosion.
During the carbonation testing, the specimens were periodically removed from the barrels
and assessed for carbonation depth using phenolphthalein indicator solution or other
appropriate methods. This allowed for the evaluation of the carbonation resistance and
performance of the concrete mixtures containing varying levels of sugarcane trash ash as a
partial cement replacement.
Figure 6 Barrels Used for enclosing Samples in Carbon rich Environment
To prepare the cubes for testing, the angle edge of each cube was carefully cut using a stone
cutter, creating a fresh surface that exposed the interior of the concrete. This method
allowed for the examination of carbonation depth at different points within the concrete
Once the concrete cubes were prepared, the freshly exposed surfaces were thoroughly
cleaned to remove any dust or debris. This step ensured accurate results by preventing any
interference from contaminants during the testing process.
After allowing the indicator solution to react with the uncarbonated regions for a specified
duration, the colour change was observed and documented. The uncarbonated areas
exhibited a distinct pink colour, while the carbonated areas retained their original colour.
This colour differentiation facilitated accurate measurements of carbonation depth using a
ruler, which is a straightforward and accessible measuring instrument.
The carbonation depth data collected from the various concrete cubes was systematically
recorded and tabulated. This information was then analysed to draw conclusions about the
impact of sugarcane trash ash on the carbonation resistance of the concrete specimens. The
results were compared with existing literature and studies on similar topics to evaluate the
effectiveness of sugarcane trash ash as a corrosion-resistant additive in concrete structures.
Figure 7 Carbonation Depth Testing in Progress
The carbonation depth data collected from the various concrete cubes was systematically
recorded and tabulated below:
Figure 8 Carbonation Depth Variation for Different Levels of STA Content
4.2 Data Analysis
From the data, we can observe the following trends:
As the percentage of STA replacement increases, the carbonation depth also increases
across all three batches. This suggests that the addition of STA may have a negative impact
on the carbonation resistance of the concrete.
The carbonation depth for the control samples (0% STA replacement) is relatively low,
ranging from 0.1 mm to 0.3 mm across the three batches. This indicates that the control
concrete mix exhibits good resistance against carbonation.
When considering the 10% STA replacement, the carbonation depth is relatively moderate,
ranging from 0.4 mm to 1.1 mm across the three batches. This observation indicates that a
10% STA replacement may offer a balance between the utilization of a sustainable
additive and maintaining adequate carbonation resistance in the concrete.
The data indicates that there is a correlation between the amount of STA replacement and
the carbonation depth. Further research should focus on identifying the optimal balance
between STA replacement, carbonation resistance, and other factors such as compressive
strength and durability.
Cost Analysis for 1m3 produced:
This shows that by incorporating 10% STA in the concrete mix, there is a cost reduction of
10,500 TSh compared to the conventional mix. This represents a cost saving of
approximately 7.9% [(10,500 / 133,328.6) * 100].
Based on this analysis, using a 10% STA mix offers not only potential environmental and
sustainability benefits, but also a cost advantage over the conventional concrete mix.
However, it is important to consider other factors that may influence the overall cost, such
as transportation, labor, and equipment costs, as well as the long-term performance and
durability of the concrete with STA.
5.1 Conclusion
The carbonation depth was found to increase with the percentage of STA replacement,
suggesting that higher levels of STA may negatively impact the carbonation resistance of
the concrete. This relationship should be considered when optimizing the mix design for
specific applications.
The cost analysis revealed that using a 10% STA mix led to a cost reduction of
approximately 7.9% compared to the conventional concrete mix. This suggests that
incorporating STA in the concrete mix can offer both environmental and economic benefits.
It is suggested that further research should focus on assessing the long-term performance
and durability of concrete with different STA replacement levels, considering factors such
as compressive strength, permeability, and resistance to various environmental conditions.
5.2 Recommendation
It is recommended that further studies be conducted to evaluate the optimal STA
replacement level for various concrete applications. These studies should consider not only
carbonation resistance but also other factors such as compressive strength, workability, and
Long-term performance tests should be conducted on concrete samples with different STA
replacement levels under varying environmental conditions to better understand the
material's behaviour and overall suitability for use in construction.
In addition to laboratory tests, field studies should be conducted to assess the performance
of STA-replacement concrete in real-world applications. These studies should focus on the
material's long-term durability, maintenance requirements, and overall lifecycle costs.
The investigation into incorporating sugarcane trash ash (STA) as a partial replacement
for cement in concrete has provided valuable insights into the balance between
sustainability and performance. The study has shown that a 10% STA replacement
level presents a promising starting point, balancing environmental and economic benefits
while maintaining adequate carbonation resistance. Further research and collaboration with
industry stakeholders will be essential to optimize mix designs and assess the overall
performance and suitability of STA-replacement concrete for various construction
applications. By embracing sustainable materials like STA, the construction industry can
work towards a more resource-efficient and environmentally friendly future.
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