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Mmaculate Conception Church: External Solemnity of Corpus Christi June 11, 2023

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Omaha’s Traditional Latin Mass Parish

A Parish of the Archdiocese of Omaha Served
by the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter (FSSP)

Pastor Assistant Pastor

Rev. John Berg, FSSP Rev. John Paul Audino, FSSP

Pastor@latinmassomaha.org Assistant@latinmassomaha.org

Weekday Masses
Sunday Masses Adoration
Monday-Saturday Confession
7 AM Low Mass Thursday
6:45 AM Low Mass Daily 30 minutes before
10 AM Sung Mass 7:30 AM—12 PM
Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday each Mass
1 PM Low Mass 6-7 PM
6 PM Low Mass Thursday 6-7 PM
Vespers and Adoration First Friday
Saturday P. Audino Habla Español.
Sunday 2:30-3:30 PM 7:30-8 PM
9 AM Low Mass

External Solemnity of
Corpus Christi
June 11, 2023
Parish Office: (402) 342-1074 · office@latinmassomaha.org · accounting@latinmassomaha.org

Recreation Center: (402) 346-9731 · recreationcenter@latinmassomaha.org

2708 South 24th Street, Omaha, NE 68108

Mass Calendar and Intentions Upcoming Events

June 11: Corpus Christ Procession follow-

Sunday, June 11
ing the 10:00 am Mass
External Solemnity of Corpus Christi (II Cl)
7:00 AM Pro Populo June 24: Contra Dance
10:00 AM High Cynthia Coffey rb BR June 19-23: Fr. Berg away on yearly retreat
1:00 PM Celebrant's Intention August 14-19: Camp St. Michael for boys
Monday, June 12 from ICC & St. Francis
St. John of San Facundo, Confessor (III Cl)
Comm. Ss Basilides, Cyrinus, Nabor & Nazarius
6:45 AM Rosemary B. Turner † rb TH
Tuesday, June 13 Wedding Banns
St. Anthony of Padua, Confessor & Doctor (III Cl) Let it be known to all here present that An-
6:45 AM Fr. Frank Parrinello † rb JK&LR
thony Regis Criste, son of Vincent and Barbara
6:00 PM Lillian Gordon † rb KC
of the Christe family, and Kathleen Marie Sulli-
Wednesday, June 14
van, daughter of James and Erin of the Sullivan
St. Basil the Great, Bishop, Confessor & Doctor (III Cl)
6:45 AM Mary Rose Turner rb T&AB family, intend to contract marriage between
6:00 PM Lawrence & Dorothy Haiar † rb M&BK themselves. Therefore, we admonish all that if
Thursday, June 15 anyone is aware of any existing impediment
Feria (IV Cl) that would prohibit marriage between them,
Comm. St. Vitus & Companions that he is obligated to reveal it as soon as possi-
6:45 AM Celebrant's Intention
ble to the Parish Priest or the Archbishop, and
Friday, June 16
this serves as the first publication of these
Sacred Heart of Jesus (I Cl)
6:45 AM David & Teresa Paal Family rb D&TP Banns
6:00 PM Celebrant's Intention
Saturday, June 17
St. Gregory Barbarigo, Bishop (III Cl)
6:45 AM Karen Ciaccio Family rb Anonymous
9:00 AM Celebrant's Intention
Parish Giving (June 4)
Sunday, June 18
Third Sunday After Pentecost (II Cl) Envelopes $3,412.00
7:00 AM Celebrant's Intention
10:00 AM High Pro Populo Online Giving 325.33
1:00 PM Samuel Kirwan † rb M&BK
Cash & Coin 1,600.32

Welcome Children’s Fund —-

Welcome to Immaculate Conception Church (ICC), a Tradition- Fuel 796.36

al Latin Mass Parish in the Archdiocese of Omaha. If you are
Maintenance Fund 108.00
here for the first time and unfamiliar with the Rite of Mass,
there are red missalettes at the church entrance. Please return Insurance 20.00
them at the end of Mass.
Holy Day 905.00
All sacraments at ICC are performed according to the Tradi-
Memorials 100.24
tional Latin rites. Preparation for Marriage must begin at least 6
months prior to the desired date. Please call in advance to ar- Total $7,267.25
range for baptisms.
No Morning Adoration this Thursday more. They should gather in the narthex of the church af-
The Fraternity of St. Peter is holding its study days this ter receiving Holy Communion in order to receive baskets
coming week. The priests of ICC will be participating in of flower petals to throw before the blessed Sacrament. All
the conferences, when possible. For this reason, there will other girls of the parish under first communion age are
no be adoration on Thursday morning, June 15. The rest of also invited to bring a basket of their own and help in the
the weekly schedule will remain unchanged. dispersing of petals. All parishioners are also asked to
No Coffee and Donuts this Sunday bring flower petals if they have them in abundance.
We will not have coffee and donuts following the 10:00 am Archdiocesan Corpus Christ Procession
Mass and Procession this Sunday. We will have ice pops Each year, St. Peter’s Church organizes the largest Corpus
available instead for the hot day outside the front entrance Christi procession in the Archdiocese. The procession will
of the church. begin this year at Our Lady of Lourdes Church at 2:30 pm
OLGS Seminarians at ICC this Summer and end at St. Peter Church with final Benediction before
ICC will be hosting a number of seminarians from OLGS 5:00 pm. It is an excellent way to render public adoration
this summer for their apostolates. Most will be coming for to God on this feast of Corpus Christi.
the week of Camp St. Michael. During this month of June, Youth Group
Josh Ladehoff will be coming for his apostolate. We will The Youth Group will meet this Friday, June 16th, follow-
also have Jacob Jurkoic June 22nd - July 13th. Peter Vise ing the 6:00 pm Mass, in the St. Joseph Loft.
will be going to OLGS for his summer apostolate during Adult Education this Thursday
the month of July, which will end his time of apostolate This Thursday, June 15th, we will have the final class for
here at ICC. We are very grateful to him for all that he this academic year on the Most Blessed Sacrament. Fr.
contributed to the life of the parish during his months Berg will continue the Effects of the Sacrament. It will take
here. place as always at 7:00 pm in the church basement and will
All Night Adoration in Reparation to the Sacred Heart be streamed via zoom.
The Sons of Mary will be organizing a night of Adoration in Weekly Adult Catechism for the Undercatechized Start-
Reparation to the Sacred Heart starting at the end of the ing June 22nd
6:00 pm Mass on the feast of the Sacred Heart, June 16th, Once again, this summer we will take a break from these
up until the start of the Saturday 6:45 am Mass on June subjects and continue the very popular “Catechism for the
17th. There is be a sign-up sheet in the back of the church Undercatechized”. We will pick back up where we left off
to help fill the hourly slots of Adoration. Please join us to last summer (Lesson 23) with commentaries on the sub-
make reparation in particular for the sins of the month of jects in Baltimore Catechism n. 2. These classes will take
June. place each Thursday night throughout the summer.
Marian Hymn for the time After Pentecost Volleyball Tournament Fundraiser
With the feast of the Most Holy Trinity we say goodbye to On Saturday, July 8th, at 12pm the ICC Youth Group will
the Regina:Coeli:as the Marian hymn of the season (the host its annual Parish Summer Project Fundraiser Volley-
hymn is based upon the one which is sung as the last pray- ball Tournament in the gymnasium. There is a sign-up
er of the day at the end of the Office of Compline). During sheet for teams in the back of the church. Team Entry Fee
the time after Pentecost the hymn is the Salve:Regina. is $125. Please bring cash or check and minimum entry do-
Since the Salve:Regina:is prayed in the prayers after Low nation for spectators will be $3 ($15 for a family of 5 or
Masses, we will sing the oldest Marian hymn, the Sub:Tu- more). Concessions will be available so plan on eating
um Praesidium following¼all¼low¼Masses⁴¼There¼is¼a¼holy¼ lunch at the tournament. All proceeds will benefit the ICC
card with this hymn and the Gregorian notation available Youth Group's summer project to prep the Rec Center for
in the back of church to help all learn it. when our church is closed for renovation. Donations to
Summer Schedule during July and August the "ICC Youth Group" are welcome even if you cannot
Once again this summer we will have a summer schedule make it to the tournament.
following the feast of Ss. Peter & Paul on June 29. We will Archconfraternity of the Holy Face
not have the evening Mass on Tuesdays and Wednesday In reparation for blasphemy and for profanation of
during July and August. The evening Masses on Tuesday the Holy Name and of the Lord’s Day, the Archconfraterni-
and Wednesday will resume on September 5th. ty of the Holy Face meets every third Saturday at 7:45 am,
Corpus Christi Procession this Sunday following the 6:45 am Mass. The next meeting is June 17th,
ICC is holding its solemn Mass and procession for Corpus inside the main part of the church, on the side of the bap-
Christi as an External Solemnity next Sunday, June 11th, at tismal font. We pray the chaplet of the Holy Face and oth-
the 10:00 am Mass. We will once again have two outdoor er prayers from the Manual. For more detail, you may con-
altars along the procession route. All the First Communi-
tact Justin Stein (paxchristi@proton.me) or Sonja Whis-
cants are encouraged to wear their suits and dresses once
man (sonjarene15@gmail.com).
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