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Stanford Online AI Professional Program

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Artificial Intelligence


Quick Facts Overview
DELIVERY: Online, Instructor-paced cohort Artificial intelligence is revolutionizing nearly every aspect
of our society, and the pace of AI advancement in the last
HOURS TO COMPLETE: 10 weeks per
few years has been truly remarkable. Recent technologies
course | 10-15 hours per week
in neural networks, deep learning, and foundation models
PRICING: $1750 per course have led to powerful new AI capabilities and applications.
But how do you stay on top of a field where things are
• Depth and breadth of content
In the Artificial Intelligence Professional Program, you can
• Industry examples
access the same rigorous, cutting-edge content we teach
• Online lectures
• Auto-graded coding assignments in our graduate courses at Stanford, but on a flexible
• Personalized support from Course schedule designed for working professionals.
Facilitators In each course, you will join a group of more than a
• Collaboration via Slack
hundred other learners who wish to grow and deepen their
• Live group sessions
knowledge and skills in artificial intelligence. You’ll have
the opportunity to meet your peers from organizations
around the globe, test your know-how in challenging
assignments, and get support and feedback from Course
Facilitators who have taken the graduate courses and are
working in industry.

Taking this course has been a transformative
experience for me. The curriculum is
meticulously structured, offering a
challenging yet exciting array of tasks that
truly test your understanding, and the
competitive edge provided by the
leaderboard adds a thrilling twist to the
learning process. The opportunity to work on
a final project paper was immensely
beneficial, solidifying my knowledge and ACADEMIC DIRECTOR
providing practical experience. The hype Christopher Manning
surrounding OpenAI and advanced
Professor of Computer Science and of Linguistics
prompting techniques is well-deserved, and
this course has enriched my comprehension, Director, Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
enabling me to harness these tools more
effectively and achieve results that closely Associate Director, Stanford Institute for
approach perfection.” Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence

Shai V., R&D Team Lead (XCS224U, Natural

Language Understanding)

Who Is This Program For?
This program is designed for working professionals who wish to study Artificial Intelligence at an advanced level, but
without the constraints of a traditional graduate program. Courses in the program offer the rigor and depth expected of
graduate-level education, providing learners with a comprehensive understanding of both the theoretical and practical
aspects of the subject matter.

More than 3,000 people from over 70 countries have successfully completed courses in the program.


United States 62% Software 20% Information 27%

Engineer Technology
India 4%
Data Scientist 17% Financial Services 14%
United Kingdom 4%
Machine Learning 7% Insurance 8%
Germany 4% Engineer
Consulting 7%
Canada 3% Director/VP 6%
Manufacturing 6%
Switzerland 2% Researcher 6%
Aerospace & 6%
France 2% Solutions 6% Defense
Mexico 2% Medicine & 5%
Systems Engineer 5% Healthcare
Singapore 1%
Consultant 5% Higher Education 3%
Spain 1%
CTO 4% Government 2%

CEO 2% Transportation 2%

This course offers an in-depth exploration of the mechanisms powering ChatGPT, providing clarity on its
effectiveness. The course skillfully blends theoretical knowledge with practical applications, equipping learners to
tackle real-world problems using AI.”

Samir R., CEO (XCS224N: Natural Language Processing with Deep Learning)


• Machine Learning
• Deep Learning
• Natural Language Processing and Understanding
• Supervised and Unsupervised Learning
• Reinforcement Learning
• Graph Neural Networks
• Multi-Task and Meta-Learning



• Build your own models and algorithms without the constraints of

off-the-shelf solutions.

• Innovate and create new models, tools, and algorithms to tackle

real-world challenges.

• Effectively debug your code, and fine-tune and optimize model

parameters for better results.

• Evaluate the performance of AI models and implement generative

language models.

• Perform few-shot and zero-shot learning with pre-trained

language models.

• Understand research results and conduct your own research in

the field.

The Stanford AI Professional Program has been a rigorous and

rewarding experience for me, providing a strong foundation in
cutting-edge technologies taught by renowned researchers and
educators from Stanford. Despite the challenges of balancing a
full-time job, I dedicated early mornings, late nights, and
weekends to successfully complete the program. As I reached
the end of the program, I felt exhausted but fulfilled.

During my last course, I became interested in the application of

meta-learning to supply chain challenges. This led me to write a
paper on the topic, which was accepted by the prestigious IEEE
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2023.”

–Beilei Z. Data Scientist,

Intel Corp.

• Explore computational, algorithmic, and modeling
• Get a solid understanding of foundational artificial challenges specific to the analysis of graphs.
intelligence principles and techniques, such as machine • Leverage state-of-the-art graph neural networks to
learning, state-based models, variable-based models, make better predictions over graph-structured data.
and logic. • Master the mechanics of PyTorch Geometric to build
• Implement search algorithms to find the shortest paths, your own graph neural networks.
plan robot motions, and perform machine translation. • Learn to identify recurrent and significant patterns of
• Adapt to preferences and limitations using constraint interconnection in real-world data through network
satisfaction problems (CSPs). motifs, subgraph algorithms, and graph-based
• Define logic in your algorithms with syntax, semantics, recommender systems.
and inference rules.



• Gain a broad introduction to machine learning and • Explore the fundamental concepts of deep learning for
statistical pattern recognition. NLP.
• Develop a deep understanding of machine learning • Design, implement, and understand your NLP neural
algorithms as you learn to build them from scratch. network models using Pytorch.
• Build the theoretical and practical skills you need to • Represent word meaning, identify semantic
apply machine learning to real-world problems. relationships between words, and make large-scale
• Explore recent applications of machine learning, such as word predictions with language models.
robotic control, data mining, bioinformatics, and text and • Train a re-implementation of GPT to answer questions
web data processing. through pre-training and finetuning.


• Develop systems and algorithms for robust machine • Understand the foundations of modern deep learning
learning understanding of human language. methods for learning across tasks.
• Build neural information retrieval systems using large • Design and implement state-of-the-art deep multi-task
language models. learning and meta-learning algorithms.
• Understand semantic and syntactic relations between • Explore case studies of recommender and classification
words with contextual word representation models systems and large language models.
such as transformers, BERT, ELECTRA, and GPT. • Pre-train models for few-shot learning with contrastive
• Design and conduct an NLU research project of your learning and masked language modeling.


• Develop a deep understanding of the role of generative
• Gain a solid introduction to the field of reinforcement models across artificial intelligence and machine
learning and learn about the core approaches and learning.
challenges in the field, including generalization and • Explore challenges and complexities of the practical
exploration. implementation of generative models across various AI
• Design and implement RL algorithms on a large scale tasks.
with linear value function approximation and deep RL • Implement a range of generative models, such as
techniques. autoregressive models, normalizing flow models,
• Model and optimize your strategies with policy-based energy-based models, and score-based models.
RL such as score functions, policy gradient, and • Design generative models using popular frameworks.
• Evaluate and enhance your RL algorithms with bandits
and MDPs.

Is the program in-person or online?

The courses are fully online.

How many courses are in the program?

There are currently eight courses in the program. We regularly assess

our offerings and incorporate new courses into the program to ensure
we provide the most advanced and up-to-date content.

How long are the courses?

Courses take place over a 10-week period.

Do I have to take courses in a prescribed order?

No, you can take the courses in any order you choose as long as you
meet the prerequisites. If you are less familiar with the subject, we
recommend that you consider taking Artificial Intelligence: Principles
and Techniques (XCS221) first.

Do I have to take all the courses in the program?

No, you can take a single course, or you can take all of the courses.
The choice is yours, based on your interests, schedule, and budget.

Can I take more than one course at a time?

We don’t recommend taking more than one course at the same time,
but it is not prohibited.

How many people are in the courses?

Each course has approximately 100-200 learners.

Do I need to apply before I can enroll in the program?

Yes, you must complete this short application prior to enrolling in

courses in the program. The application allows you to share more
about your interest in joining, as well as verify that you meet the
prerequisite requirements needed to make the most of the experience.

What are the prerequisites for enrolling?

• Proficiency in Python: Coding assignments will be in

Python. Some assignments will require familiarity
with basic Linux command line workflows.
• College Calculus and Linear Algebra: You should be
comfortable taking (multivariable) derivatives and
understand matrix/vector notation and operations.
• Probability Theory: You should be familiar with basic
probability distributions (Continuous, Gaussian,
Bernoulli, etc.) and be able to define concepts for both
continuous and discrete random variables:
Expectation, independence, probability distribution
functions, and cumulative distribution functions.

What can I expect from the lectures?

The pre-recorded lecture videos are adapted from the

original Stanford on-campus graduate courses. They will
be available to stream at your convenience.

What can I expect from the course assignments?

Each course is different, but courses typically include a

combination of coding assignments and written
homework. Coding assignments will require an
environment set-up; autograders are available for
troubleshooting and feedback. All assignments are
adapted from the original graduate course homework.

Where are students located?

Our AI courses attract learners from all over the world.

While the majority are located in North America, we have
many learners from Europe, Asia, and South America.
Learners often form study groups with classmates located
in the same time zone.

This is a very thorough course, combining What resources are available if I need help with a
lectures in cutting edge research and concept or assignment?
hands-on coding examples. It is very intense
Stanford-affiliated Course Facilitators are available to help
with lots to pack in (which is what I’d expect
with content-related questions. All Course Facilitators have
from a Stanford course) but very engaging
thrived in the graduate-equivalent course at Stanford and/
and enjoyable”.
or demonstrated significant industry experience. You can
Matt C., Data Scientist (XCS224W, Machine schedule 1-1 calls with them and contact them via Slack or
Learning with Graphs) email. Some Course Facilitators also hold office hours.
There is approximately one Course Facilitator for every 30

Will I have the opportunity to interact with the What type of grade will I receive?
course faculty?
Courses are pass/fail. To pass a course, you will need to
This program utilizes pre-recorded lecture videos with complete the required assignments and receive an overall
Stanford faculty. Throughout the program, you will get a score of 70% or higher for the course.
chance to interact with Stanford-affiliated Course
Facilitators who took the original graduate course and What credential will I earn?
work in the industry. While not guaranteed, we always
try to schedule a session with faculty, where you can ask You will earn a digital Certificate of Achievement for each
questions about the field. course you successfully complete. The Certificate of
Achievement will be specific to the course completed.
For example, when you complete the Machine Learning
Will I be able to interact with other people
course you will receive a Certificate of Achievement in
in the courses?
Machine Learning.
Yes. Each course has a lively Slack community that enables
In addition, when you successfully complete three courses
you to ask questions, share ideas, and network with your
in the program you will receive a digital Professional
fellow learners. Course Facilitators are also active on the
Certificate in Artificial Intelligence from the Stanford
Slack channel.
School of Engineering.

When was the content last updated?

How long will I have access to the materials?
All courses are up to date. After each graduate course ends,
Course materials are available for 90 days after
we lead a conversation with faculty to determine whether
the course ends.
any changes are needed for the professional course
offering and make them based on faculty guidance.



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