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POSITRON Vol. 13, No. 02 (2023), Hal.

166 - 174

DOI: 10.26418/positron. v13i2.60389

Analysis of Projected Temperature Changes in Aceh Province

Yopi Ilhamsyaha*, Yustya Rahmyb, Marwanb, Kadarsahc
aDepartment of Marine Sciences, Faculty of Marine Sciences and Fisheries, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Banda
Aceh, Indonesia 23111
bDepartment of Geophysics Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh,

Indonesia 23111
cAgency for Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics, Jakarta, Indonesia 10620

*Email : yopi.ilhamsyah@usk.ac.id
(Received 15 December 2022; Revised 24 May 2023; Accepted 17 November 2023; Published 30
November 2023)


The objective is to analyse temperature changes and their future projection in Aceh. The activities consist of
collecting past and future temperature data, preparing materials for processing, and analyzing past and
future temperature data (climate change projections). The data used are monthly average temperature data
from data global climate model, e.g., csiromk3.6-hist-1986-2005-tas, csiromk3.6-rcp45- 2016-2035-tas,
csiromk3.6-rcp45-2046-2065-tas, csiromk3.6-rcp45-2081-2100-tas, csiromk3.6-rcp85-2016-2035-tas,
csiromk3.6-rcp85-2046-2065-tas, and csiromk3.6-rcp85-2081-2100-tas. The study began with reading
climate data in NetCDF format using GRADS software, data processing using CDO software, providing a
coordinate system using QGIS software, making climate change projection maps using ArcGIS software, and
making climate change graphs using spreadsheet program. Two scenarios, i.e., RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 are used to
analyse the projected temperature changes in the short-term (2016 – 2035), medium-term (2046-2065), and
long-term (2081-2100). The results show that the RCP4.5 projection shows a lower change in temperature rise
than the RCP 8.5. A change in a temperature rise of up to 5°C was found in the RCP8.5 scenario.
Keywords: temperature changes, RCP4.5, RCP8.5, 5°C
stressed by variations in sea surface heat by moving
1. Background
heat from the oceans to the land, which heats the
Climate change has an impact on human health land surface [5]. The lowest and highest
and the agriculture economy. The distribution or temperatures in numerous years are caused by the
pattern of rainfall is highly reliant on temperature inverse comparison between land surface
increases. It is projected that wetter areas will temperature and ocean surface temperature.
become wetter and drier areas will become drier, Climate scenarios try to track changes in
causing water resources to be disrupted [1,18]. climate conditions in a given area over time and
High latitudes receive the largest increase in air compare them to baseline circumstances. This
temperature, which has an impact on global forecast was created to better comprehend the
environmental changes such as biodiversity, repercussions of anthropogenic climate change
vegetation distribution, and ice melting at the poles based on the output of climate impact models [6].
[2,19,20]. Meanwhile, low latitudes show a slight The Representative Concentration Pathways (RCP)
change in annual temperature. The altitude of a scenario was employed in this study. Climate
location also influences the temperature over a change is defined as a shift in the distribution of
certain regional surface. The lower the position of a weather events relative to average conditions.
region, the higher the air temperature, and vice Climate change occurs over decades or longer and
versa, the higher the position of a region, the lower can usually be detected using statistical tests to
the air temperature [3,4]. Heat transport anomalies examine the variability of its features or changes in
carry heat from the land to the oceans where the its average temperature [7]. Climate change has a
climate is stressed by growing CO2 concentrations significant impact on the frequency and intensity of
in the atmosphere, causing the sea surface to warm. severe events or natural disasters, as well as the
Heat transport anomalies compensate for the "lost" extent to which these occurrences affect
radiation pressure over land when the climate is

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POSITRON Vol. 13, No. 02 (2023), Hal. 166 - 174

ecosystems and socioeconomic elements that cause Kriging method in terms of interpolation accuracy.
environmental and societal damage [8,9]. This is because all of the IDW method's results give
Aceh Province has a mountainous to flat values near to the minimum and maximum values
topography. About 32% of Aceh's area has flat and of the data samples. While the Kriging method
sloping topography and around 68% has hilly to occasionally produces interpolation results with a
mountainous topography. The central part of Aceh narrow range. The power settings and sample
has a mountainous topography which is a part of count have no discernible effect on the
Bukit Barisan mountains. The northern and eastern interpolation results.
parts of Aceh have hilly and sloping topography Temperature changes are projected in order to
[10]. detect temperature anomalies or fluctuations in
Besides its high rainfall variability [11], values in the future. Temperature change is
differences in temperature are also noticeable in projected by subtracting the projected temperature
both the west and the east of Aceh Province. The value from the base temperature value from 1986
objective is to analyze temperature changes and to 2005. This projection produces spatial data that
their future projection in Aceh. This research is has been interpolated using IDW.
expected to be able to provide education and Reading climate data in NetCDF format using
information regarding climate change projections GRADS software, data processing using CDO
for Aceh Province, in this case, the temperature software, providing a coordinate system to data
changes. using QGIS software [14], making climate change
projection maps using ArcGIS software, and making
2. Methodology
climate change graphs using spreadsheet program
The data used in this processing are monthly are the work steps of this research. Figure 1 depicts
average temperature data from global climate the flow chart of this study.
atmospheric model (GCAM) outputs, e.g.,
csiromk3.6-hist-1986-2005-tas, csiromk3.6-rcp45-
2016-2035-tas, csiromk3.6-rcp45-2046-2065-tas,
csiromk3.6-rcp45-2081-2100-tas, csiromk3.6-
rcp85-2016-2035-tas, csiromk3.6-rcp85-2046-
2065-tas, and csiromk3.6-rcp85-2081-2100-tas.
The RCP scenarios considered in this study
were RCP8.5 and RCP 4.5. RCP 8.5 is a scenario that
results in ongoing increases in greenhouse gas
emissions. The MESSAGE model and IIASA, Austria
were used to creating this scenario. RCP4.5 is a
scenario for stabilizing radiative forcing beyond
2100 without surpassing the long-term radiative
forcing target limit [12,13]. The GCAM modeling
adapted to this scenario is from the US Pacific
Northwest National Laboratory JGRCI.
Figure 1. The flow charts.
In this study, temperature spatial projection
data were interpolated using the Inversion Distance 3. Results and Discussion
Weighted (IDW) approach. The IDW method is a The csiromk3.6-hist-1986-2005-tas data
type of interpolation that produces results that are shows that the lowest average monthly
limited to the values in the sample data. This temperature from 1986 to 2005 occurred in
approach employs the sample data's average, February, i.e., 20.9 °C, and the highest average
therefore the value cannot be less than the monthly temperature occurred in October, i.e., 28. 6
minimum or more than the sample data. As a result, °C. Seasonal average temperatures from 1986 to
the interpolation results of this model cannot 2005 show that the lowest monsoon temperatures
represent the highest summits of hills or the are in the DJF (December January February)
deepest valleys. The IDW method outperforms the months which is 28.1 °C and the highest

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POSITRON Vol. 13, No. 02 (2023), Hal. 166 - 174

temperatures are in the SON (September, October, The annual average temperature trend from
November) months which is 28.5 °C, whereas in the 1986 to 2005 in Aceh Province is shown in Figure 4
transition months MAM (March, April, May) and JJA where the lowest annual average temperature was
(June, July, August) the temperature is 28.3 °C. The in 1994, i.e., 27.4 °C, and the highest temperature
monthly average temperature pattern from 1986 to was in 1998, 1999, 2003, 2004, and 2005 which is
2005 can be seen in Figure 2. 28.6 °C. The trend of the seasonal average DJF
temperature in Figure 5 shows that the highest
temperature occurred in 2003, i.e., 28.5 °C, and the
lowest temperature occurred in 1994, i.e., 27.3°C, a
change in temperature this season was 0.026°C. It
is due to a positive IOD event that occurred in 2003
which then affected climate variability in the
province of Aceh. A study by [15] showed the
annual IOD time-series where it is shown that at the
end of 2003 a positive IOD signal appeared which
further cause the air temperature on December
remains high. This condition emerges as a result of
the cold sea surface temperature around Aceh
Figure 2. Average monthly temperatures for the Waters which cause a low rate of evaporation so
period 1986-2005. that the cloud cover in the sky becomes less. Hence
the exposure of direct sunlight on the ground may
Figure 3 where Gayo Lues area which has a lead the air temperature to rise. Meanwhile in 1994
higher altitude than other Aceh regions, i.e., around there was no climate anomaly. As shown by work
3448 meters, is the area that has the lowest done by [15], IOD signal was still within the normal
temperature ranging from 15.9-18 ℃. In contrast, range, thus, the temperature remains in average
the lowest areas which are generally on the coast condition ranging between 26-27°C.
have temperatures ranging from 28-30 ℃. Hence,
we could notice that topography is a local factor
that influences temperature variations in Aceh
Province. In addition, the areas in the back of the
mountains which encounter leeward condition, for
instance on the north and east coasts of Aceh may
have high temperatures, particularly during the
southwest monsoon which lasts from May to
September. Those could be the examples of local
factor that may affect temperature variations in
Aceh Province.
Figure 4. The annual average temperature trend
from 1986 to 2005 in Aceh Province.
The trend of the MAM seasonal average
temperature in Figure 5 shows that the highest
temperature occurred in 2003, i.e., 28.5°C, and the
lowest temperature occurred in 1995, i.e., 27.2°C, a
change in temperature this season was 0.033°C.
The seasonal average temperature trend JJA in
Figure 5 shows that the highest temperature
occurred in 1991, i.e., 29 °C, and the lowest
temperature occurred in 1994, i.e., 27.1 °C, the
Figure 3. The annual average temperature for the
temperature change in this season is 0.021 °C. The
period 1986-2005 and the topography of Aceh
seasonal average temperature trend SON in Figure
5 shows that the highest temperature occurred in
1997, i.e., 28.9 °C, and the lowest temperature

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POSITRON Vol. 13, No. 02 (2023), Hal. 166 - 174

occurred in 1994, i.e., 27.4 °C with a temperature Temperatures in 1994-1995 were the lowest of
change this season of 0.013°C. On March, Aceh all temperature data from 1986 to 2005, possibly
Province is situated in the Inter-Tropical because the El Niño event occurred in 1994-1995,
Convergence Zone (ITCZ) zone, which is the path on
causing sea surface temperatures to rise, and land
the Earth surface with the highest average
temperature where the sun is directly above Aceh surface temperatures to fall. The temperature in
Province. However, the maximum temperature 1999-1998 became the highest in the annual
does not occur when the sun is directly above Aceh average temperature from 1986 to 2005,
Province. There is a lag between the moment of presumably because another incident occurred this
maximum irradiation and the moment of maximum year in which the sea surface temperature declined,
temperature increase. Although the sun is right on causing the land surface temperature to rise. A
the Equator on March 21, the annual maximum
study by [17] showed a moderate correlation
temperature in Indonesian is not precisely rise on
March, but there is a delay of about one month [16]. between ENSO and rainfall variability in Greater
It is also happening in Aceh. Therefore, the air Aceh district. It is revealed that ENSO might
becomes uncomfortable in Aceh Province is on influence the fluctuations of air temperature in
April. Lack of wind and high humidity on April lead Aceh where during El Niño temperature is rising
the air temperature to feel hotter and exhausting while rainfall is reducing leading to prolonged
from April to May in Aceh Province. drought in Aceh Province.

Figure 5. Annual average temperature trends and

seasonal average temperature trends.

Figure 7. Spatial projection of monthly average

temperature in Aceh Province.

Figure 7 depicts spatial projections of monthly

average temperatures in Aceh Province derived
from csiro mk3.6 RCP 4.5 and RCP 8.5 data and
interpolated using IDW. The monthly average
temperature projection is separated into three time
periods: short-term (2016-2035), medium-term
(2046-2065), and long-term (beyond 2065), (2081-
2100). Figure 7 depicts the anticipated maximum
Figure 6. Projected Changes in Monthly Average temperature in the long-term RCP 8.5 scenario,
Temperatures for the Period 1986-2005. which is around 30 °C, as well as the expected
minimum temperature in the short-term RCP 4.5

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POSITRON Vol. 13, No. 02 (2023), Hal. 166 - 174

scenario, which is less than 18 °C. Figure 4.5 depicts DJF, MAM, JJA, and SON. The temperature
a projection diagram of the monthly average classification is divided into nine colors, i.e.,
temperature at a longitude of 95.3723 and a temperature < 18°C, 20°C -22°C, 22°C -24°C, 24°C -
latitude of 5.3747. RCP4.5 is a scenario of 25°C, 25°C -26°C, 26°C-28 °C, 28°C-30°C, > 30°C.
greenhouse gas concentrations where there is a The seasonal spatial projection for each period
mitigation effort to cope with it. RCP4.5 represents shown in Figures 4.8 to 4.11 shows that the
a stable scenario. Although there is an increase in maximum temperature projected in the long-term
temperature due to the increased concentrations of period RCP 8.5 scenario is around 30 °C and the
greenhouse gases, with proper implementation of minimum temperature is projected in the short-
mitigation, the temperature is expected to stabilize term RCP 4.5 scenario, which is less than 18 °C. As
in the future. Meanwhile, RCP8.5 represents a Aceh is located in Equatorial region, no fluctuation
worse scenario where there is no act on mitigation of air temperature is found in the warming of the
to combat the changing climate. Consequently, hot Earth's surface. The intensity of daily heating is
temperatures hit the world which at last threaten relatively similar throughout the year. Even if it is
our food security. found a difference in warming in each season, it
does not have any significant impact.
The monthly average temperature in Aceh
Province is projected from csiro data mk3.6 RCP4.5
and RCP8.5 throughout three time periods: short-
term (2016-2035), medium-term (2046-2065), and
long-term (2081-2100). Figure 8 depicts a
projection diagram of the yearly average
temperature at a longitude of 95.3723 and latitude
of 5.3747. Figure 4.7 depicts the anticipated
maximum temperature in the long-term RCP 8.5
scenario, which is around 31.55 °C, and the
estimated minimum temperature in the short-term
RCP 4.5 scenario, which is less than 28.89 °C.

Figure 8. Annual average temperature projection

Figures 9 to 12 show spatial predictions of Figure 9. The projected spatial seasonal mean
seasonal average temperatures in Aceh Province temperature for the DJF period.
using csiro data mk3.6 RCP 4.5 and RCP 8.5
The results of spatial projections of average
interpolated using IDW. The seasonal average seasonal temperatures show that the temperature
temperature projection is separated into three time distribution has the highest values in the months of
periods: short-term (2016-2035), medium-term JJA and the months of MAM. While the lowest
(2046-2065), and long-term (beyond 2065). (2081- temperature distribution is in the months of DJF
2100). The anticipated seasonal average and followed by the months of SON.
temperature is further separated into four periods:

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POSITRON Vol. 13, No. 02 (2023), Hal. 166 - 174

Figure 10. Projection of the spatial seasonal mean Figure 12. Projection of the spatial seasonal mean
temperature of the MAM period. temperature of the SON period.
The projection diagram of the monthly average
temperature change at the point of longitude
95.3723 and latitude 5.3747 is shown in Figure 15
that the highest change in temperature increase
occurs in the RCP 8.5 scenario for the period 2081-
2100, where the highest increase occurs in July,
which is 4°C. The lowest temperature increase
occurs in the projected RPP 4.5 scenario for the
2016-2035 period, i.e., in December at 0.554°C.

Figure 11. Projection of spatial seasonal mean

temperature for the JJA period.
Figure 13. Projected Changes in Monthly Average
Temperature for the period 1986-2005.

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Changes in annual average temperature increase

continue to increase from the period 2016-2035 to
the period 2081-2100 with the highest temperature
increase occurring in the RCP 8.5 scenario.

Figure 14. Projected changes in monthly average

temperature in Aceh Province.
The spatial projection of changes in the monthly
average temperature in Aceh Province is shown in
Figure 14. The classification of temperature
changes in Aceh Province is divided into 11 Figure 16. Projected changes in the seasonal
classifications. The highest temperature increase is average temperature for the JJA month
shown by the projection of the RCP 8.5 scenario for Spatial projections of seasonal average
the period 2081-2100, i.e., in Subulussalam region. temperature changes in Aceh Province are shown in
The lowest temperature increase is shown by the Figure 16 for JJA. The classification of temperature
projection of the RCP 4.5 and 8.5 scenarios for the changes in Aceh Province is divided into 11
period 2016 to 2035. classifications. The seasonal average temperature
projection is divided into four periods, i.e., months
of DJF, months of MAM, months of JJA, and months
of SON. The results of the spatial projection of
seasonal average temperature changes show that
the highest increase in temperature values is in the
months of JJA (Figure 16) and the months of MAM.
While the lowest temperature increase is in the
months of DJF and followed by the months of SON.

4. Conclusion
Figure 15. Projected annual average temperature The RCP 4.5 scenario and the RCP 8.5 scenario
change. are used to analyze expected temperature changes
The projected diagram of the annual average in the near term (2016-2035), medium term (2046-
temperature change is shown in Figure 15. 2065), and long term (2081-2100). The forecast
Projected changes in the annual average using the RCP 4.5 scenario indicates less change in
temperature are carried out using scenarios RCP temperature rise than the projection using the RCP
4.5 and 8.5. The projected period for changes in 8.5 scenario, which shows a temperature rise of up
average temperature is divided into three periods, to 5°C.
i.e., 2016-2035, 2046-2065, and 2081-2100.

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POSITRON Vol. 13, No. 02 (2023), Hal. 166 - 174

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