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LMGC90 UserGuide

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User’s guide


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1 Introduction



4 LMGC90 driver

5 Interaction laws description

6 Bulk behaviour parameters description

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LMGC90 files - Introduction

A simulation is performed in a dedicated working directory, which contains various subdirectories :

DATBOX (mandatory) which contains all data files.
OUTBOX (mandatory) which contains all result files.
DISPLAY (optional) which contains visualization files (gmv or paraview).
It also contains a text file named DISPLAYED_GMV.
POSTPRO (optional) which contains post-processing file created during the simulation
Data files may be generated using the LMGC90 PRE. Various examples are also given.
In this document we will explain the content of these files.

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LMGC90 files - DATBOX

The different files necessary to describe the model are :

./DATBOX/BODIES.DAT sample description : geometry, models, etc.
./DATBOX/BULK_BEHAV.DAT bulk behaviour parameters
./DATBOX/TACT_BEHAV.DAT interaction law and visibilty rules
./DATBOX/DRV_DOF.DAT forces and driven degrees of freedom

./DATBOX/DOF.INI initial values of degrees of freedom of bodies

./DATBOX/Vloc_Rloc.INI initial values of interactions

./DATBOX/POSTPRO.DAT post-processing commands and parameters

For sample with deformable bodies, the following files must be added :
./DATBOX/MODELS.DAT numerical models
./DATBOX/GPV.INI initial values at gauss points

A file containing simulation commands and parameters is also necessary :

./command.py ChiPy python instructions

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LMGC90 files - Output

The standard result files can be decomposed in 2 sets.

The first one came from the scanning of data files :


This set of files is useful to check if data files have been read correctly.

The second one are database back-up files :


Using a set of these files, and copying it in the equivalent .INI files, allows to restart a simulation
from an existing initial solution.

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LMGC90 files - Output

The visualisation files for gmv are :

./DISPLAY/DISPLAYED_GMV stores the rank of the last gmv file written
./DISPLAY/agmv.out.xxxx asciii file
./DISPLAY/bgmv.out.xxxx binary file

The visualisation files for paraview are :

./DISPLAY/a_rbdy3_xxxxxx.vtu data stored/computed at centers of inertia of a RBDY3
./DISPLAY/a_mailx_xxxxxx.vtu data stored/computed at nodes of MAILx
./DISPLAY/a_tact_xxxxxx.vtu data stored/computed on contactor
./DISPLAY/a_inter_xxxxxx.vtu data stored/computed at interaction

For post-processing files, the reader could refer to the specific documentation

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This text file gathers the description of rigid bodies or deformable bodies, together with their bulk
properties, degrees of freedom and contactors.

The data are formatted and read as follows :

The symbol ’$’ preceeds a keyword used in scanning files.

The symbol ’bdyty’ stands for ’body type data’.

These data are distributed according to the following species.

The specy ’blmty’ stands for ’bulk element type data’, i.e. part
or total bulk geometric description, and bulk behaviour laws;

The specy ’nodty’ stands for ’node type data’,i.e. degrees of

freedom data;

The specy ’tacty’ stands for ’contactor type data’;

The keyword ’$$$$$$’ ends a body record.

The BODIES.DAT file is made of a collection of “cards” described as previously.

A line starting with # or ! is a comment.

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To describe a 2D rigid body (RBDY2) with 2 boundaries :
PLAIN 1 behav PLEXx avrd= 0.1600000D-02 gyrd= 0.1131200D-02
NO3xx 1 coo1= 0.5808000D-01 coo2= 0.4928000D-01 coo3= 0.0000000D+00
DISKx 1 color BLEUx byrd= 0.1600000D-02
xKSID 2 color REDxx byrd= 0.1600000D-01

avrd and gyrd allow to compute the mass and inertia of the body, independantly of the shape
of the contactors. If these parameters are set to 0, LMGC90 try to compute them using the
shapes of the contactors. In this last case LMGC90 doesn’t manage overlaps of contactors.
usually contactors are described relatively to the center of inertia frame. If the nodal
coordinates are set equal to 0, it means that the contactors are defined relatively to the global
frame. In this case the center of inertia frame is rebuild. You may specify as many contactors
as you want.

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Available boundaries for RBDY2 are :

DISKx, full disc :

DISKx 1 color BLEUx byrd= 0.1600000D-02

xKSID, hollow disc :

xKSID 1 color BLEUx byrd= 0.1600000D-02

DISPx, full pneumatic disc :

DISPx 1 color BLEUx byrd= 0.1600000D-02

xPSID, hollow pneumatic disc :

xPSID 1 color BLEUx byrd= 0.1600000D-02

DISKb, full excentred disc :

DISKb 1 color BLEUx byrd= 0.1600000D-02
coo1= 0.9999582D+00 coo2=-0.0091384D+00

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Available Boundaries for RBDY2 are :

JONCx, full wall :

JONCx 1 color UPxxx ax1 = 0.5000000D+02 ax2 = 0.1000000D+01
POLYG, full polygon :
POLYG 1 color BLEUx nb_vertex= 5 byrd= 0.7250500D+01
coo1=-0.3561507D+00 coo2= 0.5481881D-01
coo1=-0.3561979D+00 coo2= 0.6334220D-01
coo1=-0.3643187D+00 coo2= 0.6593115D-01
coo1=-0.3692904D+00 coo2= 0.5900783D-01
coo1=-0.3642423D+00 coo2= 0.5214002D-01
PT2Dx, a point :
PT2Dx 2 color BLEUx coo1= 0.0000000D+00 coo2= 0.0000000D+00

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To describe a 3D rigid body (RBDY3) :
PLAIN 1 behav xxxxx avrd= 0.2081680D-03
NO6xx 1 coo1=-0.2969270D-02 coo2=-0.2851180D-02 coo3= 0.3336920D-03
coo4= 0.0000000D+00 coo5= 0.0000000D+00 coo6= 0.0000000D+00
SPHER 1 color bleu_ byrd= 0.2081680D-03

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Available Boundaries for RBDY3 are :

SPHER, full sphere :

SPHER 1 color bleu_ byrd= 0.2081680D-03

CYLND, full cylinder :

CYLND 1 color GREE1 High= 0.2000000D+02 byrd= 0.2000000D+01

DNLYC, hollow cylinder :

DNLYC 1 color GREE1 High= 0.2000000D+02 byrd= 0.2000000D+01

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Available Boundaries for RBDY3 are :

cluster of spheres :
PLAIN 1 behav PLEX3 avrd= 0.0000000D+00
NO6xx 1 coo1= 0.0000000D-01 coo2= 0.0000000D-01 coo3= 0.0000000D-01
coo4= 0.0000000D+00 coo5= 0.0000000D+00 coo6= 0.0000000D+00
SPHEb 1 color BLEUx byrd= 0.5000000D-02
coo1= 0.2500000D-02 coo2= 0.4330127D-02 coo3= 0.5000000D-02
SPHEb 1 color BLEUx byrd= 0.5000000D-02
coo1=-0.5000000D-02 coo2= 0.0000000D-02 coo3= 0.5000000D-02
SPHEb 1 color BLEUx byrd= 0.5000000D-02
coo1= 0.2500000D-02 coo2=-0.4330127D-02 coo3= 0.5000000D-02
SPHEb 1 color BLEUx byrd= 0.5000000D-02
coo1= 0.0000000D-02 coo2= 0.0000000D-02 coo3= 1.3660254D-02

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Available Boundaries for RBDY3 are :

POLYR, full polyedra :

POLYR 1 color BLEU1 nb_vertex= 8 nb_face= 12
coo1= 0.1000000D+01 coo2= 0.1000000D+01 coo3= 0.1000000D+01
coo1= 0.1000000D+01 coo2= 0.2000000D+01 coo3= 0.1000000D+01
coo1= 0.1000000D+01 coo2= 0.2000000D+01 coo3= 0.0000000D+00
coo1= 0.1000000D+01 coo2= 0.1000000D+01 coo3= 0.0000000D+00
coo1= 0.3000000D+01 coo2= 0.2000000D+01 coo3= 0.1000000D+01
coo1= 0.3000000D+01 coo2= 0.2000000D+01 coo3= 0.0000000D+00
coo1= 0.3000000D+01 coo2= 0.1000000D+01 coo3= 0.1000000D+01
coo1= 0.3000000D+01 coo2= 0.1000000D+01 coo3= 0.0000000D+00
ver1= 1 ver2= 2 ver3= 3
ver1= 1 ver2= 3 ver3= 4
ver1= 2 ver2= 5 ver3= 6
ver1= 2 ver2= 6 ver3= 3
ver1= 5 ver2= 7 ver3= 8
ver1= 5 ver2= 8 ver3= 6
ver1= 1 ver2= 4 ver3= 8
ver1= 1 ver2= 8 ver3= 7
ver1= 3 ver2= 6 ver3= 8
ver1= 3 ver2= 8 ver3= 4
ver1= 1 ver2= 2 ver3= 5
ver1= 1 ver2= 5 ver3= 7
PLANx, plane :
PLANx 1 color VERTx axe1= 0.0100000D+03 axe2= 0.0100000D+03 axe3= 0.0000100D+03
PT3Dx, point :
PT3Dx 2 color TYTYx coo1= 0.0000000D+00 coo2= 0.0000000D+00 coo3= 0.0000000D+00

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To describe a 2D deformable body (MAILx) with a boundary :
Q4xxx 1 nodes 1 3 4 2
model M2DNL behav Steel
NO2xx 1 coo1= 0.0000000D+00 coo2= 0.0000000D+00
NO2xx 2 coo1= 0.0000000D+00 coo2= 0.1000000D+01
NO2xx 3 coo1= 0.1000000D+01 coo2= 0.0000000D+00
NO2xx 4 coo1= 0.1000000D+01 coo2= 0.1000000D+01
ALpxx 1 color REDxx noda= 2 nodb= 4

Q4xxx 1 nodes 1 3 4 2
model M2DNL behav Steel
NO2xx 1 coo1= 0.0000000D+00 coo2= 0.1000000D+01
NO2xx 2 coo1= 0.0000000D+00 coo2= 0.2000000D+01
NO2xx 3 coo1= 0.1000000D+01 coo2= 0.1000000D+01
NO2xx 4 coo1= 0.1000000D+01 coo2= 0.2000000D+01
CLxxx 1 color REDxx noda= 3 nodb= 1 apab= 0.5000000D+00

you may define “continuous” line :

ALpxx 1 color REDxx noda= 2 nodb= 4
+ALpxx 1 color REDxx noda= 4 nodb= 5
+ALpxx 1 color REDxx noda= 5 nodb= 6

the 2D boundaries must be defined clockwise

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Available Boundaries for 2D MAILx are :

CLxxx, candidate point on a line :

CLxxx 1 color REDxx noda= 3 nodb= 1 apab= 0.5000000D+00

ALpxx, antagoniste line :

ALpxx 1 color REDxx noda= 2 nodb= 4

PT2Dl, point on a line :

PT2Dl 1 color REDxx noda= 3 nodb= 1 apab= 0.5000000D+00

DISKL, full disc :

DISKL 1 color BLEUx noda= 4 nodb= 3 apab= 0.5000000D+00 byrd= 0.1000000D+00

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Available Boundaries for 3D MAILx are :

CSxx3 and CSxx4 candidate point on a surface :

CSxx3 1 color REDxx noda= 3 nodb= 1 nodc= 2
w1 = 0.1000000D+00 w2 = 0.5000000D+00 w3 = 0.4000000D+00
CSxx4 1 color REDxx noda= 3 nodb= 1 nodc= 2 nodd= 4
w1 = 0.2500000D+00 w2 = 0.2500000D+00 w3 = 0.2500000D+00
w4 = 0.2500000D+00
ASpx3 and ASpx4 antagoniste surface :
ASpx3 1 color REDxx noda= 3 nodb= 1 nodc= 2
ASpx4 1 color REDxx noda= 3 nodb= 1 nodc= 2 nodd= 4

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This file contains two types of cards :

some describing the interaction laws

$behav lawty
iqsc0 IQS_CLB fric= 0.9500000D+00

some describing the visibility tables :

cdbdy cdtac cdcol behav anbdy antac ancol alert
RBDY3 PT3Dx TYTYx BIOff RBDY3 PT3Dx TYTYx 0.5000000D+02

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The list of all interaction law is the following :



IQS_CLB_nosldt IQS_CLB_noslds
MD_JKRs DEM_Cohe_Hertz

Rigid/Defo and Defo/Defo


MAC_CZM MAC_CZM_3D_nosldt MAC_CZM_3D_noslds

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This file contains values of some bulk parameters

the fact you give some bulk parameters doesn’t imply any thing on the way the computation
run (see MODELS.DAT and command files)
you have to give the gravity field :
grv1=-0.0000000D+01 grv2= 0.0000000D+01 grv3=-0.9810000D+01
then it works with filters which imply to define subset of parameters :

á rigid bulk parameters :

$behav lawty
tdurx RIGID Umas= 0.2500000D+04

á elastic bulk parameters :

$behav lawty
Steel ELAS Umas= 0.7800000D-08
elas: standard
ani_: isotropic
EYng= 0.2000000D+06 EPss= 0.3000000D+00

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The known filters



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see zooef.pdf file.

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Contains the description of imposed (driven) degrees of freedom.
NO3xx 1
$dofty [CT......+......AMP..*..cos.(..OMEGA.*.time.+.PHI..)]...*...[RAMPI.....+.....RAMP.*.time]
vlocy 1 0.1000000D+00 0.5460000D+00 0.3140000D+00 0.0000000D+00 0.5000000D+00 0.1000000D-01
force 2 -0.6837000D+00 0.0000000D+00 0.0000000D+00 0.0000000D+00 0.1000000D+01 0.0000000D+00
vlocy 3 0.0000000D+00 0.0000000D+00 0.0000000D+00 0.0000000D+00 0.1000000D+01 0.0000000D+00

NO3xx 1
$dofty [CT......+......AMP..*..cos.(..OMEGA.*.time.+.PHI..)]...*...[RAMPI.....+.....RAMP.*.time]
vlocy 1 evolution vx.dat
vlocy 3 0.0000000D+00 0.0000000D+00 0.0000000D+00 0.0000000D+00 0.1000000D+01 0.0000000D+00

Consider the 2D rigid body 1 (RBDY2) equipped with a 3 degrees of freedom node NO3xx.
The degrees of freedom number 1, 3 are submitted to imposed velocities, keyword vlocy.
The degree of freedom number 2 is submitted to an imposed force, keyword force.

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The imposed velocities or forces are :

described by a function :

V = (C + A ∗ cos(ω ∗ (t + φ)) ∗ sign(ramp(t)) ∗ min(1, kramp(t)k),

C, A, ω, φ, are scalar constants ,
ramp(t) = RI + RP ∗ t is an affine function,
RI, RP, are scalar constants.

described by an evolution file

t0 v (t0 )
t1 v (t1 )
tn v (tn )

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The INI files

It describes the displacements,
DATBOX : :Vloc_Rloc.INI

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This text files contain the degrees of freedom results with the same format and meaning than
DOF.INI. These files are written in the subdirectory OUTBOX as called by the following user
commands :
The user command WRITE LAST DOF writes the last computed record of X , V in the output
The user command WRITE OUT DOF STEP p writes the computed record of X , V at step
modulo p (some integer) in the output file OUTBOX/DOF.OUT.int(nstep/p), i.e. the files are
numbered int(nstep/p) the integer part of the ratio nstep/p, where nstep is the current step

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OUTBOX : : Vloc_Rloc.OUT

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Have a look to Manuals/ChiPy.pdf and Docs/ChiPy.html

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TACT_BEHAV.DAT synopsis:
$behav lawty
iqsc1 IQS_CLB fric= 0.5000000D+00


This contact law is used to describe an Inelastic Quasi Shock law coupled with the Coulomb’s
friction law (CLB) . This inelastic shock law is appropriate to simulate large deformation problems
of compact collections of rigid bodies. The normal part is describe by the classical linear
complementarity problem (Signorini condition) :
g ≥ 0 RN ≥ 0 g · RN = 0
and the tangential part by the classical Coulomb condition :
kRT k ≤ µRN if kRT k = µRN then UT = −λ with λ > 0 else UT = 0
kRT k
The only coefficient defining this law is the friction coefficient µ (fric). Note that when contactors
are approaching it allows a relative velocity to impose a null gap after the resolution. Otherwise a
null relative velocity is imposed.

back to tact_behav list

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TACT_BEHAV.DAT synopsis:
$behav lawty
irgr1 IQS_CLB_RGR T/H = 0.5000000D+00 gtol= 0.1000000D-04
fric= 0.2000000D+00


This contact law is used to describe an Inelastic Quasi Shock law coupled with the Coulomb’s
friction law (CLB) with an articial artifact allowing a mild gap violation restoring procedure so called
Radjai Gap Rescue. This law is defined through three coefficient : the friction coefficient µ (fric), a
gap tolerance gtol , and a articial damping parameter τh .

If the gap g(ti ), resulting of the previous contact resolution is greater than the gap tolerance then
the standard IQS_CLB law is applied. Otherwise an artificial repulsive force is applied to body in
contact to retrieve a gap that respect the given gap tolerance :
∗ π2 (g(ti ) − gtol )
RN = −2
Wnnτh2 h

back to tact_behav list

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TACT_BEHAV.DAT synopsis:
$behav lawty
idsc1 IQS_DS_CLB dyfr= 0.3000000D+00 stfr= 0.5000000D+00


This contact law is used to describe an Inelastic Quasi Shock law coupled with a Dynamic/Static
Coulomb’s friction law (CLB) . The IQS_CLB formalism is used but the Coulomb’s law is equipped
with a static friction coefficient stfr when the status at the beginning of the time step is stick and a
dynamical friction coefficient dyfr otherwise.
back to tact_behav list

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TACT_BEHAV.DAT synopsis:
$behav lawty
gapc1 GAP_SGR_CLB fric= 0.5000000D+00


The Signorini condition involving the gap is used as a unilateral constraint, together with
Coulomb’s law. This Signorini condition is a complementary condition between the gap and the
normal reaction impulse. The only coefficient defining this law is the friction coefficient fric.

This law may be used in quasi-static situations when one of the contactor is deformable. When
dynamical problems between rigid bodies are under consideration, this law which has the property
to correct penetrations within a single step introduces correcting impulses well up to cause artifact
burst. This law is not recommended to deal with dynamical contact between rigid bodies.

back to tact_behav list

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TACT_BEHAV.DAT synopsis:
$behav lawty
gdsc1 GAP_SGR_DS_CLB dyfr= 0.3000000D+00 stfr= 0.5000000D+00


This contact law is an enrichment fo the law GAP_SGR_CLB except that static stfr and dynamic
dyfr friction coefficients are considered. The Coulomb’s law is equipped with the static coefficient
when the status at the beginning of the time step is stick, otherwise the dynamical friction
coefficient is used.

back to tact_behav list

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TACT_BEHAV.DAT synopsis:
$behav lawty
velc1 VEL_SGR_CLB fric= 0.5000000D+00


When a contact is fore-casted, a complementary condition between the normal relative velocity
and the normal reaction impulse is used, together with Coulomb’s law. Such a law implies that
unilateral constraints are satisfied (J.J. Moreau). The only coefficient defining this law is the friction
coefficient fric.

This law may be used in quasi-static situations when one of the contactor is deformable. When
dynamical problems between rigid bodies are under consideration, this law which has the property
to correct penetrations within a single step introduces correcting impulses well up to cause artifact
burst. This law is not recommended to deal with dynamical contact between rigid bodies. This laws
is appropriate to deal with dynamical contacts between rigid or deformable contactors. It acts as
an inelastic shock law.

back to tact_behav list

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TACT_BEHAV.DAT synopsis:
$behav lawty
vdsc1 VEL_SGR_DS_CLB dyfr= 0.5000000D+00 stfr= 0.6000000D+00


This contact law is an enrichment to VEL_SGR_CLB except that static stfr and dynamic dyfr
friction coefficients are considered. The Coulomb’s law is equipped with the static coefficient when
the status at the beginning of the time step is stick, otherwise the dynamical friction coefficient is

back to tact_behav list

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TACT_BEHAV.DAT synopsis:
$behav lawty
rstc1 RST_CLB rstn= 0.9000000D+00 rstt 0.5000000D+00
fric= 0.0000000D+00


When a contact is fore-casted, a restitution shock law involving the relative velocity before the
impact time (at the beginning of the time step) and after the impact time (at the end of the time
step) is imposed. This law is a generalization by J.J. Moreau of the classical Newton restitution
law. A normal restitution rstn and a tangential restitution coefficient rstt are used. This shock law
is used together with Coulomb’s law, with a friction coefficient fric.
This law may be used between impacting rigid bodies in granular flows. There are experimental
results proving that this law is relevant for impacting spheres. Nevertheless, the concept of shock
law, a limit law when waves propagation and complex local deformation phenomena occur is not
ascertained. This simple shock law should not be used when the aspect ratio of contactors is high
(...more than 5. or ?). Inelastic shock laws prove to be dissipative in any circumstances, which is
not the case with this restitution law.

back to tact_behav list

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TACT_BEHAV.DAT synopsis:
$behav lawty
rdsc1 RST_DS_CLB rstn= 0.9000000D+00 rstt= 0.5000000D+00
dyfr= 0.3000000D+00 stfr= 0.5000000D+00


This contact law is an enrichment to RST_CLB except that static stfr and dynamic dyfr friction
coefficients are considered. The Coulomb’s law is equipped with the static coefficient when the
status at the beginning of the time step is stick, otherwise the dynamical friction coefficient is used.

back to tact_behav list

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TACT_BEHAV.DAT synopsis:
$behav lawty
mohr1 IQS_MOHR_DS_CLB cohn= 0.9000000D+01 coht= 0.5000000D+00
dyfr= 0.2500000D+00 stfr= 0.5500000D+00


This contact law is the Mohr Coulomb law when the status at the beginning of the time step is
cohesive statusBEGIN = Mstck, otherwise the contact law is IQS_DS_CLB. The coefficients cohn
and coht stand for normal and tangential cohesion thresholds, so that the Mohr-Coulomb cone
has an opening angle φ, tgφ = coht/cohn. Note that this law has been used formerly. It has to
be checked again.

back to tact_behav list

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TACT_BEHAV.DAT synopsis:
$behav lawty
wet01 IQS_WET_DS_CLB cohn= 0.2234379D+01 coht= 0.2234379D+01
Wthk= 0.1000000D-02
dyfr= 0.2500000D+00 stfr= 0.5500000D+00


This contact law takes into account cohesion between contactors, as a Lennard Jones law would
do, but in the non smooth style. When the gap at the beginning of the time step is less than some
given data, gapBEGIN ≤ Wthk, an cohesive law is applied. Otherwise a IQS_DS_CLB law is
applied :
If gapBEGIN ≥ Wthk then g ≥ 0 RN ≥ 0 g · RN = 0
else (g) ≥ 0 (RN + cohn) ≥ 0 g · (RN + cohn) = 0
The status resulting from the contact resolution could be Wstck (Wet sticking), Wslfw (Wet sliding
forward), Wslbw (Wet sliding backward) or Wnctc (Wet no contact). For the next steps, cohesion is
active as long as the gap remains less than the given value Wthk. When the detachment has
occurred, gap ≥ Wthk, the adhesive status is lost and the law IQS_DS_CLB is applied. The
adhesive process is active again if the gap appears to be less than Wthk. On the whole, the
energy to separate the contactors is cohn*Wthk.
The coefficients dyfr and stfr stand for dynamic and static friction coefficient.

back to tact_behav list

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TACT_BEHAV.DAT synopsis:
$behav lawty
wet01 xQS_WET_DS_CLB cohn= 0.2234379D+01 coht= 0.2234379D+01
Wthk= 0.1000000D-02
dyfr= 0.2500000D+00 stfr= 0.5500000D+00


This contact law takes into account adhesion between contactors, as a Lennard Jones law would
do, but in the non smooth style. When the gap at the beginning of the time step is less than some
given data, gapBEGIN ≤ Wthk, an cohesive law is applied. Otherwise a IQS_DS_CLB law is
applied :
If gapBEGIN ≥ Wthk then g ≥ 0 RN ≥ 0 g · RN = 0
else (g) ≥ 0 (RN + cohn) ≥ 0 g · (RN + cohn) = 0
The coefficients dyfr and stfr stand for dynamic and static friction coefficient. Contrary to the
xQS_WET_DS_CL law, this one present an irreversible feature of cohesion. When the cohesive
contact is broken, it could not be again cohesive adn the law acts as the IQS_DS_CLB law.

back to tact_behav list

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TACT_BEHAV.DAT synopsis:
$behav lawty
wet01 GAP_WET_DS_CLB cohn= 0.2234379D+01 coht= 0.2234379D+01
Wthk= 0.1000000D-02
dyfr= 0.2500000D+00 stfr= 0.5500000D+00

comments: :

This contact law takes into account adhesion between contactors, as a Lennard Jones law would
do, but in the non smooth style. When the gap at the beginning of the time step is less than some
given data, gapBEGIN ≤ Wthk, an cohesive law is applied. Otherwise a GAP_DS_CLB law is

This law may be used in quasi-static situations when one of the contactor is deformable. When
dynamical problems between rigid bodies are under consideration, this law which has the property
to correct penetrations within a single step introduces correcting impulses well up to cause artifact
burst. This law is not recommended to deal with dynamical contact between rigid bodies.

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(CNRS) LMGC90 User’s Guide 2012 43 / 62


TACT_BEHAV.DAT synopsis:
$behav lawty
erpcE ELASTIC_REPELL_CLB F/gp= 0.4000000D+05
fric= 0.8391000D+00


This law describes a normal reaction force proportional to the gap (interpenetration), otherwise the
reaction force vanishes when the contactors separate (positive gap). The friction law is Coulomb’s
law. Coulomb’s law. The stiffness between contactors is described by the coefficient F/gp i.e. a
force per unit length (of gap). The coefficient fric is the friction coefficient. This law is useful when
there are physical reasons to take elasticity in consideration, for instance one of the contactor is
soft. Be aware of the fact that dynamical effects (oscillations of the contactors) may occur if the
time step is soft enough.

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TACT_BEHAV.DAT synopsis:
$behav lawty
elawr ELASTIC_WIRE F/st= 0.5000000D+01 prst=-0.5000000D-01


This law describes the behaviour of an elastic wire connecting two contactors, usually points
PT2Dx, but actually any kind of contactors. The reaction force when the wire is under tension is
proportional to the deformation, otherwise the wire does not present any compression and the
reaction force vanishes.The reaction force writes,
RlocN = −F /st ∗ strain,
strain = (gapTT − gapREF )/gapREF − prst,
where gapREF is the gap between contactors in the reference configuration, i.e. the configuration
resulting of the combination of the BODIES.DAT and DOF.INI.
Remark : This law involving elasticity is treated as a so called Derived Signorini Coulomb law :
auxiliary variables obtained by affine change of variables from standard reactions, gaps and
relative velocities, must satisfy the standard Signorini Coulomb relations. The changes of variables
done are relevant for θ = 1. For θ 6= 1 they should be revisited.

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(CNRS) LMGC90 User’s Guide 2012 45 / 62


TACT_BEHAV.DAT synopsis:
$behav lawty
elard ELASTIC_ROD F/st= 0.1000000D+05 prst=-0.1000000D-03


This law describes the behaviour of an elastic rod connecting two contactors, usually points
PT2Dx, but actually any kind of contactors. The reaction force is proportional to the deformation,
RlocN = −F /st ∗ strain,
strain = (gapTT − gapREF )/gapREF − prst,
where gapREF is the gap between contactors in the reference configuration, i.e. the configuration
resulting of the combination of the BODIES.DAT and DOF.INI. The data gapREF may be
considered as an internal parameter and is now being carried on in Vloc_Rloc.INI,
Vloc_Rloc.LAST files.
Remark : This law is treated as a so called Derived Signorini Coulomb law, i.e. auxiliary variables
obtained by affine change of variables from standard reactions, gaps and relative velocities, must
satisfy the standard Signorini Coulomb relations. The changes of variables done are relevant for
θ = 1. For θ 6= 1 they should be revisited.

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(CNRS) LMGC90 User’s Guide 2012 46 / 62


TACT_BEHAV.DAT synopsis:
$behav lawty
vgtwr VOIGT_WIRE F/st= 0.5000000D+01 prst=-0.5000000D-01
F/sr= 0.5000000D-01


This law describes the behaviour of an visco-elastic wire connecting two contactors, usually points
PT2Dx, but actually any kind of contactors. The reaction force when the wire is under tension is
dependant of both deformation and deformation increment, otherwise the wire does not present
any compression and the reaction force vanishes.The reaction force writes,
RlocN = −F /st ∗ strain + F /sr ∗ strain,
strain = (gapTT − gapREF )/gapREF − prst,
where gapREF is the gap between contactors in the reference configuration, i.e. the configuration
resulting of the combination of the BODIES.DAT and DOF.INI.
Remark : This law involving visco-elasticity is treated as a so called Derived Signorini Coulomb
law : auxiliary variables obtained by affine change of variables from standard reactions, gaps and
relative velocities, must satisfy the standard Signorini Coulomb relations. The changes of variables
done are relevant for θ = 1. For θ 6= 1 they should be revisited.

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(CNRS) LMGC90 User’s Guide 2012 47 / 62


TACT_BEHAV.DAT synopsis:
$behav lawty
vgtrd VOIGT_ROD F/st= 0.5000000D+01 prst=-0.5000000D-01
F/sr= 0.5000000D-01


This law describes the behaviour of an visco-elastic rod connecting two contactors, usually points
PT2Dx, but actually any kind of contactors. The reaction force is proportional to the deformation,
RlocN = −F /st ∗ strain + F /sr ∗ strain,
strain = (gapTT − gapREF )/gapREF − prst,
where gapREF is the gap between contactors in the reference configuration, i.e. the configuration
resulting of the combination of the BODIES.DAT and DOF.INI. The data gapREF may be
considered as an internal parameter and is now being carried on in Vloc_Rloc.INI,
Vloc_Rloc.LAST files.
Remark : This law involving visco-elasticity is treated as a so called Derived Signorini Coulomb
law : auxiliary variables obtained by affine change of variables from standard reactions, gaps and
relative velocities, must satisfy the standard Signorini Coulomb relations. The changes of variables
done are relevant for θ = 1. For θ 6= 1 they should be revisited.

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(CNRS) LMGC90 User’s Guide 2012 48 / 62


TACT_BEHAV.DAT synopsis:
$behav lawty
elawr ELASTIC_REPELL_WET_CLB F/st= 0.5000000D+06
cohn= 0.5000000D+00 Wthk= 0.5000000D-04
fric= 0.5000000D+01


This law describes a normal reaction force proportional to the gap (interpenetration) combine with
a cohesive force. The cohesive force acts according to an halo defined by the distance Wthk. For
a gap larger than this value, the reaction force vanishes. The stiffness between contactors is
described by the coefficient F/st and acts at the level of the cohesive force cohn :
RlocN = −F /st ∗ gap − cohn,

The friction law associated is the Coulomb’s law where fric is the friction coefficient.

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(CNRS) LMGC90 User’s Guide 2012 49 / 62


TACT_BEHAV.DAT synopsis:
$behav lawty
elawr CRITICAL_VOIGT_CLB T/H = 0.5000000D+01 v/cv=-0.5000000D-01
fric= 0.5000000D+00


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(CNRS) LMGC90 User’s Guide 2012 50 / 62


TACT_BEHAV.DAT synopsis:
$behav lawty


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(CNRS) LMGC90 User’s Guide 2012 51 / 62


TACT_BEHAV.DAT synopsis:
$behav lawty


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(CNRS) LMGC90 User’s Guide 2012 52 / 62


TACT_BEHAV.DAT synopsis:
$behav lawty


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(CNRS) LMGC90 User’s Guide 2012 53 / 62


TACT_BEHAV.DAT synopsis:
$behav lawty


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(CNRS) LMGC90 User’s Guide 2012 54 / 62


TACT_BEHAV.DAT synopsis:
$behav lawty


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(CNRS) LMGC90 User’s Guide 2012 55 / 62


TACT_BEHAV.DAT synopsis:
$behav lawty
perd1 PERIO_DOF E_xx= 0.1000000D+05 E_yy=-0.1000000D-03 E_xy=-0.1000000D-03


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(CNRS) LMGC90 User’s Guide 2012 56 / 62


TACT_BEHAV.DAT synopsis:
$behav lawty
jkrs1 MD_JKRs kn__= 0.1000000D+05 kt__= 0.1000000D+05
damp= 0.1000000D+00 gamm= 0.1000000D+00
fric= 0.8391000D+00


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(CNRS) LMGC90 User’s Guide 2012 57 / 62


TACT_BEHAV.DAT synopsis:
$behav lawty
dch01 DEM_Cohe_Hertz kn__= 0.1000000D+05 Weth= 0.1000000D+05
damp= 0.1000000D+00 gamm= 0.1000000D+00


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(CNRS) LMGC90 User’s Guide 2012 58 / 62


TACT_BEHAV.DAT synopsis:
$behav lawty
mac01 IQS_MAC_CZM dfrc= 0.1150000D+01 sfrc= 0.1150000D+01
cn = 0.1000000D+08 ct = 0.1000000D+06
visc= 0.0000000D-00 dupr= 0.1000000D+06


This is a Cohesive Zone Model interaction using the Moneri Acary Cangemy model to describe
the evolution of the damage variable β. The coefficients dyfr and stfr stand for dynamic and static
friction coefficient. cn and ct are the normal and the tangential stiffnesses, visc a viscous
parameter and dupr the energy dissipated when the interaction is broken.
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(CNRS) LMGC90 User’s Guide 2012 59 / 62


TACT_BEHAV.DAT synopsis:
$behav lawty
mal01 IQS_MAC_CZM dfrc= 0.1150000D+01 sfrc= 0.1150000D+01
cn = 0.1000000D+08 ct = 0.1000000D+06
sigc= 0.1000000D+07 dupr= 0.1000000D+06


This is a Cohesive Zone Model interaction using the MAL model to describe the evolution of the
damage variable β. The coefficients dyfr and stfr stand for dynamic and static friction coefficient.
cn and ct are the normal and the tangential stiffnesses, visc a viscous parameter and dupr the
energy dissipated when the interaction is broken.
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