Light Up 4
Light Up 4
Light Up 4
Settling Down Getting to know each • Likes and dislikes • Present Simple and Present Let me introduce my family A play script Drama Day
other • People’s character Continuous • Who's this ... ? • Writing a play script • A performance
page 6
A play • Clothes – Patterns and materials • Defining relative clauses: who, Where are they?
which, where • This is the place where ...
• Adjectives describing character and
their opposites – prefixes: in-, un-, dis-
• Nouns and adjectives related to
Workbook page 76
Notre-Dame on Where there's a will, • Adjectives describing personal • Narrative tenses: Past Simple, Past Telling anecdotes and stories from the past Telling a story A storytelling event
there's a way experiences Continuous, when / while • That was an unforgettable and really rewarding experience. • Sequencing • Telling unexpected endings
Fire An online news article • Collocations - Experiences • Present Perfect Simple • That was the most embarrassing experience ...
page 16
• Intensifiers • been and gone I don’t understand your jokes!
• so and such • I don’t like them at all!
Workbook page 82
A Hard Day’s Life! Travel mishaps • Means of transport • Past tenses: Past Simple and Travelling anecdotes Describe a timeline Persistent lives
A magazine opinion • Ticket categories Past Continuous, Past Simple • ... was getting on a carriage. • Sequential order How these people became
page 28
section • Travel problems and Present Perfect Simple, Past • ... to give passengers a better flying experience. famous.
Perfect Simple, Past Perfect Simple • The story chronicles a real-life journey across the world ... • A timeline presentation
and Past Simple • ... who has lived on a cruise ship ...
• Reflexive pronouns
• each other / one another
Workbook page 88
Down Memory Three coexisting • Ambitions: Would like + to infinitive • Used to Dialogue with Grandpa Stating our point Presentation on a
generations • Technology development • Conditional Type 2 • We didn’t have television of any kind ... • Using linking words comparison of devices
Lane Which group do you • Conditional Types 0, 1 and 2 Let’s play a game! • A virtual museum of
page 38
belong in? compared • Let’s start our game. technology
An online article
Workbook page 94
Environmental Intelligence might be • Environment – collocations • Passive voice Preparing for the Science Fair Newspaper headlines Science Fair - class
affected by pollution • Environmental issues • Reported speech - Instructions, • ... our design is quite original ... inventions
Issues An online scientific • Describing devices - Materials requests and advice: tell, ask and • What is the name of this device? • A presentation
page 50
article advise At the Science Fair
• What’s this ...?
• What is it used for?
• How does it work?
Workbook page 100
Tell Me Everything Students' positive • Festival / Performance – Collocations • Reported speech People commenting on the boss’s instructions after the burglary Write a police report 'Songs with a message' Day
review • Crime • Tense changes in Reported speech • The boss told us to ... • What happened to the old lady?
about It! A review • Other changes in Reported speech Tell me all about it!
page 60
- Words of time and place • The policeman is asking ...
• Reporting questions • The boss tells him that ...
Workbook page 106
Games page 72
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1 Read Francisco’s email from Egypt. 2 J oin a classmate. Imagine he / she is doing 6 ou have to face these situations. Join a
Francisco’s trip. Which questions would classmate and ask for advice. Then change
NEW MESSAGE you ask him / her? Write them down. roles and give advice to your friend.
Check that you are using the correct
tenses. Play the roles. Then change roles. 1 You have an exam and you don’t understand the
From: Francisco
To: Fiona 2 You have a headache.
Subject: Egypt 3 You feel under the weather.
4 Your friendship with a close friend seems to have
Hi Fiona!
come to a dead end.
Hope everything’s OK there.
5 Your workload is increasing.
I’m writing from Cairo, the capital city of Egypt.
You know I love travelling. I’m never at home on holiday.
We arrived last month and we’ve been here for two weeks already. We're having the time of our lives! I have ridden on a camel
and my brother, Alex, has visited an archaeological excavation.
Your turn!
Tomorrow, we are going to the pyramids. The guide is coming for us at 6 a.m. If we don’t get up very early, we won’t have time Write your New Year's resolutions.
to have breakfast. I think I’ll buy some sandwiches just in case. The trip might be long and tiring. I will
We would like to visit the market. When people spend the day there, they find good bargains. I hope we won’t be the
exception! 3 You’ve just arrived home and this is what you
I must go down for dinner now. find. What will you do? Match the problem to I won’t
I’ll write to you soon. the solution. There are 2 extra solutions. .
Hugs and kisses I think I might
Francisco 1 The tap is dripping. a I’ll call the roofer. .
2 The door is broken. b I’ll call the electrician. I don’t think I will
4 An experience 11 A hope
4 5
1 Settling Down
Moving can be both exciting and stressful. Brenda is starting university, so she’s settling down. 5 Which picture is not mentioned?
Look at the pictures and see what she’s doing.
Think it up!
1 Discuss with a classmate what you see.
• You are going to act in a play about interviewing a prospective roommate.
• Think about that moment. Are you working or studying? Where are you living? What do you like /
dislike / don’t mind / hate doing?
• What do you expect your roommate to be like?
6 7
Getting to know each other 3 Read the text again and choose the correct People’s character Clothes – patterns and materials
1 Match the opposites. 3 Read the descriptions and identify the person.
1 In the play, these girls are …
1 tidy a cold and unfriendly
a friends. b roommates. c students.
2 warm and friendly b tense
2 They are …
3 easy-going and c untidy
a both at home. b one visiting c in an
the other. interview. relaxed d horrible and
a b c
3 They are talking about … 4 kind unpleasant
a sharing the flat. b renting the flat. c buying the flat. 5 nice and pleasant e dishonest
1 This person is wearing a plain green pleated woollen
4 The name of the play is … 6 honest f pessimistic
skirt, a flowery cotton blouse and a brown corduroy
a The Meeting. b Fixed Rules. c It’s a Deal. 7 optimistic g unkind
blazer. She’s wearing white spotted socks and
8 generous h unreliable
caramel ballet flats.
9 cheerful i mean
4 Read again and find words or expressions 2 She’s very elegantly dressed in her evening attire.
meaning the same as: 10 reliable j miserable
She’s wearing a blue crepe evening dress with
1 I take responsibility. 2 Order the letters to form the adjectives from embroidered sleeves, silver high-heeled sandals and
1 Look at the picture and choose the best option. 2 I’ll enter university. Exercise 1 to complete the paragraph. she’s carrying a silver clutch bag.
These girls are … 3 It’s the rule! 3 She’s wearing green baggy denim trousers, a loose
a students. b actresses. c friends. 4 Sit down and relax. grey and black striped jumper, and black leather
5 The part that corresponds to you. combat boots. She’s carrying a black nylon backpack.
2 Read the text and confirm your guesses. 6 We agree.
7 It’s not my preferred choice. I was a bit 1 SENTE 4 Use words from the descriptions in Exercise 3
to complete the lists.
8 I don’t find anything wrong with it. at first because I didn’t know my future
roommate, but when I saw that she
Scene I 9 Meanwhile … Clothes items Shoes Materials
Setting 10 In equal parts. was so 2 CINE and
The front doorbell rings. Brenda hurries to open the door and invites skirt ballet flats wool
Heidy, the girl who is waiting at the door, to come in. Then Brenda is
interviewing Heidy, the girl who wants to be her roommate. 4
5 Read once more and answer.
Characters really FERECHUL
Brenda and Heidy, two girls who are about 18 years old. 1 What does Heidy want to do?
POTIMCISTI about this
Brenda is wearing green trousers and a pink shirt. Heidy is wearing new life. Patterns Accessories
blue boots, red trousers, a blue shirt and a trendy scarf. 2 Is she studying at university?
She is really THOSEN7
plain clutch bag
Brenda Hi! 1 Make yourself comfortable. So your name is … and 8 REBLELIA .
Heidy Heidy. Heidy Westfront. 3 How does Brenda know about Palmyra?
Brenda You’re the girl who phoned me yesterday evening, aren’t
Heidy Yes. That’s me!
Brenda And you’re studying at West University, aren’t you? 4 What does Brenda love doing?
Heidy I’m sitting my entrance exam tomorrow. But I’m sure 2 I’ll
get in!
Your turn!
Brenda That’s how to be positive! Good! Where are you from, 5 Can you add more words to the categories?
5 Why is that good? Join a classmate and discuss.
Heidy I don’t think you know the city where I come from. It’s
Palmyra, a small city near New York.
I’ve got a friend who lives there! But I’ve never visited her. 6 Where can the girls do the laundry?
1 What characteristic would you like a
roommate to have?
Your turn!
Do you think you’ll feel comfortable here? It’s not a big
flat, is it? 2 What is more important? Fun or What do you wear …
Heidy It’s perfectly OK with me.
Brenda And you don’t smoke, do you? 7 How does Heidy plan to pay her share? responsibility? Generosity or reliability? 1 to go cycling?
Heidy No. I don’t think it’s healthy. What about housework?
Brenda Well, we keep the house clean and tidy. 4 It’s a must! 3 Make a list with the most important 2 to go dancing?
I love cooking. What about you? 8 What’s the deal?
Heidy Oh, that’s the best news ever! I hate cooking. characteristics. Do you agree? 3 to come to school?
Brenda OK. 5 I’m in charge. What about washing up?
Heidy Well … 6 It’s not my cup of tea, but I could share
responsibility with you.
Brenda Good! 7 Half and half. And to do the laundry, we can use
the washing machine which is in the basement.
What about the rent? You can pay 8 your share, can’t
In action!
Heidy Well, it’s a bit expensive, but I’m looking for a part-time • Now you have an example of a one-scene play.
job. And, 9 for the time being, my parents are backing • You have a possible plot.
me. • You have vocabulary to describe the setting,
Brenda So … 10 It’s a deal! When can you move in?
characters and costumes.
8 9
Present Simple and Present Continuous 3 Circle the correct options.
1 A dentist is a professional who / which fixes people’s 3 A dinosaur is an animal which / who lived in pre-
We use the Present Simple to: We use the Present Continuous to: teeth. historic times.
• talk about things we do regularly with time expressions: • talk about things that are happening at the moment we 2 A church is a building which / where people pray. 4 Paris is a city which / where a lot of people visit.
always, never, every week, once a year. are speaking with time expressions: right now, at the
E.g. I always get up early. moment. 5 A worker is a person which / who works.
• talk about permanent situations with no time expression.
E.g. He works for the Town Hall.
E.g. I’m reading this book now.
• talk about temporary situations with time expressions: ɑː Adjectives describing character and their opposites – prefixes
• talk about future events that are on a timetable or today, this month.
programme. E.g. We’re staying at a hotel this week.
4 Write the opposites in the corresponding column. Use a dictionary if necessary.
E.g. The bus leaves at 5 p.m. • describe pictures.
E.g. My sister is smiling in this photo. in- un- dis-
• talk about arranged plans.
E.g. I’m giving a lecture tomorrow evening. 1 kind
2 flexible
3 sensitive
11 strong k reliability
(teach) at the school that our children will attend.
4 Santa Fe is a city. There are important museums 12 stupid l laziness
b I7 (pack) my clothes because
Martin 8 (take) me to the station
soon. The train 9 (leave) at 9 a.m.
5 Gandhi was a pacifist. He lived in India.
and I 10 (hate) arriving just on time.
I 11 (prefer) to be early. I really
(feel) more relaxed then.
10 11
Let me introduce my family Where are they?
4 06 Listen to these people speaking and identify where they are. There is an extra picture.
a b
c d
e f
1 Jannice is Glen’s new roommate. Look at the 3 05 Listen again and answer.
pictures and answer.
1 Who is Sophie?
1 How is Glen introducing her family to Jannice? 2 What is she doing?
2 Is Glen’s family very big? 3 Why are Glen’s parents wearing evening attire?
3 How would you describe Glen in the family? 4 What does Glen think about Bonny?
2 Listen and write the names.
04 5 Why does Jannice say ‘You’re kidding’?
Who …
1 … is wearing a tracksuit? Your turn!
Join a classmate and discuss.
2 … loves wearing evening dresses and high-heeled
1 Do you keep photos of your family on your
sandals? 5 07 Listen again and complete the sentences.
1 Mum is the person always helps 4 The doctor is the person tells me
2 Who is your best friend in your family?
3 … is Glen’s best friend in the family? me and cares about me. what medicine I should take.
3 What kind of clothes do you like wearing?
2 The university is the place I 5 I’m looking for a blazer matches
4 Do you mind dressing up in honour of a
4 … sleeps under Glen’s bed? study to become a professional. my pleated blue skirt.
relative or a friend?
3 At the baker’s, I always buy things
5 … loves having a photo of herself in school uniform? make me fat.
12 13
A play script GO FOR IT!
Writing a play script
• Give the play a title. • If necessary, describe the costumes in detail.
• Divide the play into scenes. Every time the setting Sometimes they represent the time when the events Drama Day
changes, you have to write a new scene. take place.
• In the setting, you describe things that help the director • In the dialogue, write the names of the people who Let’s complete the Project!
to imagine the scene. (E.g. the time when the story speak. Use one line for each actor / actress.
takes place, the social level of the characters, etc.) • Include stage directions, between brackets, to tell 1 You now have a one-scene play script.
• The props are things you need to set the scene. actors how to move on the stage. 2 In your group, read all the scripts and vote for the one you are going to perform.
(E.g. furniture, devices, lamps, etc.) • Use CAPITAL LETTERS to express that someone is 3 Improve the chosen script with phrases and ideas from the other scripts.
• Describe the characters so that the actors who perform shouting or shocked.
4 Think about the props and costumes you will need.
can represent them accurately. • Don’t include more than three or four characters.
• The plot is the series of events that build the story of
5 Borrow the sound
equipment from the
the play.
school or check where
you can get some.
1 Read the rules in the box and write the headings on the play script. 6 Assign the roles.
7 Rehearse. Pay attention
to body language and
My new roommate 8 Enjoy the ‘Drama Day’.
Scene I
(Ruth and Martha, two girls who are about 18 years old.)
(Ruth is wearing a tracksuit and trainers. Martha is wearing a long black dress with an old-fashioned hat. On her feet,
she’s got white socks and black ballet flats.)
Ruth 5
(Opening the door) Hi, Martha! Glad to meet you! Come in!
Martha (Looking down and ashamed) Hi, Ruth. I’m sorry I’m half a minute late. I’m so worried.
Ruth It’s OK, Martha.(sitting firmly on the sofa) So you want to share the flat, don’t you?
Martha Well, I don’t know … (sitting at the edge of the sofa, timidly) Maybe you won’t like me … I’m not sure … My learning record
Ruth Oh, Martha! YOU’RE GREAT! CHEER UP!
Martha I’m a bit pessimistic …(looking down and grabbing her bag nervously) I always think everything will go
Ruth Oh, Martha. (inviting Martha to leave the house with a tender gesture) I think I’ll go on living alone.
Talk about settling down in a new home
In action! = I need to
• Now you have your play script.
• Share it with your group to check for possible
14 15
2 Notre-Dame on Fire
1 Two firemen arrived at the cathedral 6 Students were attending class when
immediately and were fighting they heard the distinctive sound of
the fire for many hours. They helped ambulance sirens. They interrupted
n 15th April 2019, the Notre-Dame Cathedral
in Paris caught fire. The iconic building, to stop the church’s total destruction. the class to try to identify where the
which was also a museum guardian of sacred 2 Mrs Bourdin was doing her shopping ambulances were heading.
elements and valuable pieces of art, suffered severe in the supermarket nearby. She left 7 A bus driver was driving her
damage while it was being repaired. It was devastating her trolley and ran to see what was daily route when she saw the barriers
to see the flames destroying this 850-year-old cathedral. happening. across the street. She changed
Everybody was commenting on this horrible news.
3 Some tourists were visiting the direction and continued driving.
Television and radio broadcasting companies and
social networks were constantly showing images and cathedral. They saw the fire and 8 The ambulance driver was waiting
repeating details of this heartbreaking event. But what rushed away. at the hospital emergency room
were ordinary people doing at the time? 4 Mr Labarden was walking across when he received an emergency call.
the park heading to his office. He got on the ambulance and drove
He was shocked. to Notre-Dame Cathedral.
5 Some nurses were working at the 9 I was at home watching the disaster
hospital. They heard the news and on television. I felt really sad.
1 Look at the pictures and match them to the descriptions.
got ready to receive patients.
Think it up!
• You are going to participate in a storytelling session.
• Think of the funniest / most exciting / saddest / most unexpected ending for your story.
16 17
1 Read the text and discuss the meaning of the title with a classmate. Adjectives describing personal Collocations – experiences
3 Match the columns.
1 Write the adjectives in the box in the
corresponding column. 1 be a friends
9 open i your own business
omás Videla was born in Santa Rosa, the capital city of La Most jobs were full time, so he would have had to 9 give up his
Pampa province, in Argentina, into a middle class family. studies and that wasn’t an option for him. 10 move j abroad alone
He wanted to be an architect. He studied hard at After a while, he and his roommate found a way to work and 11 drive k for someone with a terminal
secondary school and won a 1 scholarship. Besides, his family study. They started selling tissues in the street. They could sell
could help him financially so he 2 headed off to Mar del Plata. them while they were travelling to and from university. They also 12 pass / fail illness
He soon found a roommate to share a flat with and 3 went in offered them while they were walking the university galleries. By 13 go l a car
for architecture. He was busy with his second year at university working hard and spending little money, the two boys managed
14 travel m from university
when his mother got pregnant and a had a daughter. The baby 10
to make ends meet.
needed more attention and Tomás stopped receiving his family’s Tomás has 11 made his dream come true. He has graduated as 15 care n in love for the first time
backing. Unexpectedly, his scholarship 5 came to an end and an architect. He sat his last subject a week ago. When we met o an important test
Tomás was left with almost no way to 6 scrape by. him at the university entrance, dressed in his graduation robes
But he was determined to become an architect. He always 7 and preparing to ‘celebrate’, he was crying 12 out of happiness.
dreamt of giving his family a good life and decided to 8 make his He was celebrating the reward for his effort. He was shouting Your turn!
way towards his target. He was looking for a job, but he needed “I’ve done it!”
to have a flexible timetable because he was attending university. Name an experience you’ve had which was …
a painful:
2 Circle the correct options. b commonplace:
2 Read again and find words and phrases 3 Read once more and answer. 1 Meeting new friends on the first day of school was c unforgettable:
meaning ... a memorable / painful / magic experience. d scary:
1 Where was Tomás born?
1 achieved a very important aim 2 People visiting Medjugorje have had a e fantastic:
2 What was he doing when his baby sister was commonplace / religious / hurtful experience
2 financial support born? when they saw the Virgin Mary silhouette in the
sky. ɑː Intensifiers
3 moved to 3 What was Tomás’s dream? 3 Joaquín had a pleasant / traumatic / religious
experience when he saw the dog which was
We use intensifiers to strengthen the meaning of
4 to stop doing something 4 When did he sell the tissues? running and barking angrily at him. The dog was as
other expressions and show emphasis.
big as he was.
5 due to 5 How did the boys manage to make ends meet? 4 The most commonplace / humiliating / pleasant absolutely, completely, extremely, highly, rather,
experience I’ve ever had was the day when I failed really, so, too, totally, utterly, very and at all
I don’t like your jokes at all.
6 finished 6 What has Tomás done? my entrance exam at university. And the most She was utterly scared.
painful / formative / rewarding experience was I’m absolutely proud of you
7 to have just enough money to live 7 When did he sit his last subject? when I passed the same exam with an A. Why are you so annoyed?
Her dog was rather sad until she came home.
He was completely sure about making that
8 to get to the end of the month with a little money 8 What was he celebrating at the university decision.
9 strongly aimed at
4 Choose the correct options.
10 started the course 1 The boy was utterly / too angry and couldn’t stop
11 financial support given by institutions 2 Mum was rather / highly annoyed.
3 He didn’t like the movie too / at all.
12 to work to achieve an aim 4 I’m absolutely / utterly happy with my promotion.
5 Why are you extremely / so annoyed?
18 19
Narrative tenses 1 Match sentences 1 and 2 to A and B. Present Perfect Simple so and such
Past Simple a 1 When Alice a We started
arrived, we reading the
We use the Present Perfect Simple to: She is so nice and She is such a nice
We use the Past Simple to: read the story. story before • talk about past experiences in our lives and we so + adjective girl.
• talk about a simple finished action in the past. 2 When Alice Alice arrived. don’t care about when they happened. E.g. I she speaks so clearly such + a / an +
E.g. I bought a jumper yesterday. arrived, we b Alice brought have travelled a lot. so + adverb adjective + noun
• talk about repeated actions in the past. • talk about things that happened a short time
were reading the story. ago and that have a result now. E.g. Alice has
E.g. I phoned you five times last night.
• talk about a sequence of events in the past. the story. arrived. (She’s here now.)
E.g. I unlocked the door, opened it and turned b 1 I was listening a Her arrival
on the light.
to the concert interrupted my We say:
when she listening to the He’s such a clever boy. NOT He’s a such clever boy.
Past Continuous arrived. concert. We often use the Present Perfect Simple with
He’s so clever. OR He’s such a clever boy.
2 I listened to the b We started superlative adjectives to speak about experiences.
concert when listening to the E.g. That is the most interesting book I’ve ever
We use the Past Continuous to: read.
she arrived. concert together.
• describe a scene in the past. We can use:
E.g. It was raining and there was nobody c 1 The kids were a The kids were They are so nice that we enjoy meeting them.
walking in the street. laughing when having fun been and gone They are such nice people that we enjoy meeting
• describe an action that was interrupted by them.
another. they heard the before they
E.g. We were talking until the teacher came story. heard the story. It was so windy that we stayed inside.
into the classroom. 2 The kids b The story made She’s been sick all day. (And she still is.) It was such a windy day that we stayed inside.
laughed when the kids laugh. She’s gone to the dentist’s. (And she is still there.)
they heard the but
They’ve been to England. (They visited England in 4 Complete the sentences with so, such or such a,
story. the past and now they’re not there.) such an.
They’ve gone to England. (They are still in
We don’t normally use the continuous form with
feeling verbs, thinking verbs or sense verbs.
2 ɑː ircle the correct options.
C England.)
1 Your parents are
20 21
Telling anecdotes and stories from the past I don’t understand your jokes!
1 09 Listen and match the anecdotes to the pictures.
a b
A storytelling event!
A complicated trip Let’s complete the Project!
1 Now you have your story.
ast week, I visited New York to attend a
2 You have swapped stories with a classmate to check for errors.
conference. While I was there, I decided to visit 3 Rehearse reading your story with the correct intonation. Remember that you have
the MoMA. To start off, my flight was delayed. to keep the audience engaged.
Next, the airline lost my luggage, so I had to wait over an 4 Record yourself and listen to your recording.
5 If you dare, try to
hour at the airport while they tracked it down. Suddenly, memorise the story to
they found my luggage in a corner of the hall. be able to establish
As soon as they found my luggage, I took a taxi to eye contact with the
the hotel. During the ride, the driver told me that 6 Reinforce the ending to
the MoMA was closed. After I arrived at the hotel, get the expected feelings
everything was OK again. The conference was very (fun, sadness, surprise,
interesting, but I couldn’t visit the museum. Finally, I 7 Enjoy the event!
caught my flight back to Los Angeles.
Eventually, I arrived home just in time to kiss my
daughter goodnight.
24 25
An Overview of European History 1 Cross out the word that doesn’t complete each sentence appropriately.
Europe, the second smallest continent in the world, is comprised of forty-four countries. Some of these countries
are in both Europe and Asia. It is home to a population of a little over seven hundred and forty-one million 1 With proper planning, moving out can actually be 3 My university roommate is a bit untidy / cheerful
(741 million) people, who speak twenty-four (24) languages. a pleasant / positive / rewarding / painful and / tense / pessimistic, but other than that she is
Europe is also considered the birthplace of Western culture and civilisation. Historical developments in Europe organised experience and help set the stage for really sweet and intelligent.
have influenced all aspects of life in modern-day Europe, the Americas, Australia and parts of Africa.
the next chapter in your life. 4 I saw some high-heeled / corduroy / leather /
2 When you move into a new flat, it can be a bit nylon chairs at that shop, but I prefer plastic.
A Timeline of European History painful / traumatic / unforgettable / scary for 5 I didn't know my roommates and how our
Prehistoric Middle Ages Early Modern
before c.* 3500 BCE ** c. 400 CE *** to c. 1400 CE c. 1600 to 1800 your cat because cats are very territorial. relationship would be, but living with them was
absolutely / at all / so / totally amazing!
/ 10
Ancient Renaissance Modern
3000 BCE to 1400 CE c 1400 to 1600 after c 1800 2 Match the words to the correct sentences.
*c = circa; around; about; approximately
** BCE = Before Common Era (before the birth of Christ) 1 commonplace a I’ve hired very and competent builders to build my new house.
*** CE = Common Era (after the birth of Christ)
Prehistoric: This era was characterised by visual culture such as Italy. The invention of the printing press led to a dramatic increase 2 highly b The only thing I don’t like in my new flat is the wallpaper. It’s so ugly!
cave drawings, and occured before written history. During this in literacy rates. The Catholic Church faced challenges from Martin
period, humans learned to farm and domesticate animals. This Luther, leading to the Protestant Reformation. 3 lazy c She wasn’t comfortable with living with roommates because of her .
paved the way to a transition from a nomadic way of life. Early Modern:This period was characterised by scientific, political
Ancient: The great early civilisations such as the Greeks, Ancient and economic revolutions, and conflicts between the Catholic and 4 plain d You're so lucky that you got a roommate who's not and help you at home.
Egyptians and Romans lived in this time period. Humans first Protestant church. Countries grew, redefined and solidified national
applied reason to understanding the world around them. Western borders, but expanded their power, reach and wealth through
philosophy, mathematics, science and democracy all developed in colonisation. The French Revolution took place in this period and
5 reliable e It can be to buy a house because it is a big decision.
this era. the middle and working classes emerged, starting the quest for
Middle Ages: The Roman Empire was invaded by waves of political power. 6 scary f The view from the window has become so that people don't even notice it
migrants, which also saw the spread of Christianity. The Christian Modern: This period is characterised by the growth of capitalism, anymore.
Church became a power in the West, The Orthodox Church ruled labour unions, individual political power and an overall increased
in the East and Islam was born. Society was organised around standard of living for many. Many people moved to the cities. Two
Feudalism. The Late Middle Ages saw increasing stability, with the world wars occured in the twentieth century, which was also 7 shyness g The location of the flat was perfect.
re-establishment and growth of towns. marked by the fight for human rights.
Renaissance: There was renewed interest in the ancient cultures 8 strength h It is unlikely that I won't get along with my roommate. She's very nice.
of Greece and Rome. Prosperity in Europe increased, especially in
9 striped i Living alone is hard. I don't know if I will have the to go through all this.
1 Which era is each word / phrase associated with? Do some research and use a dictionary to help you.
10 utterly j In my personal experience, it is best to choose colours for your bedroom.
Word/s 1 rebirth 2 industrialism 3 Stone Age 4 Aristotle
/ 10
Word/s 5 serf 6 Shakespeare 7 natural rights 8 colony 3 Complete the testimonial with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.
Era I1 (come) to England in 2012 to study English and continued my studies to a Master’s degree. Then I
(apply) for a Permanent Resident Visa and eventually I 3 (become) a British citizen.
9 hunter-gatherer 10 Atlantic slave trade 11 vassal 12 Athens
I4 (go) back home twice since I came here. The first time was in 2016 for my brother’s wedding.
At that time, I 5 (not work) and I had to live on my student’s scholarship. I 6 (go) to
Argentina a second time in 2019 for my grandmother’s funeral.
2 Each era was marked by specific movements, changes, and actions. Do research and fill in the table
with the relevant information in each column. I7 (never be) homesick and never regretted emigrating to England. Of course, I miss dulce de
leche and a good parrilla, but I 8 (not miss) the weather, nor the traffic jams in Buenos Aires. I
Government Art Religion Commerce 9
(live) in a neighbourhood where I can find some Argentinian products and there is good football
Ancient times Government took different Architecture: Polytheistic - the belief in Local, regional and
here too, which makes me happy. As for my family, we talk almost daily on the internet and they also visit me every
forms as the Ancient Parthenon multiple deities or gods. international trade.
Greeks sought ways to Sculpture: Use of coins. year. In fact, they 10 (come) next week!
govern themselves Stone and metal / 20
Democracy Pottery: 4 Read the statements about working in the film industry and circle the correct options.
Monarchy Terracotta figures were
Oligarchy painted with religious or 1 He's a well-respected director where / when / who hasn't directed a bad film yet.
Tyranny mythological scenes. 2 We're thrilled to have worked with so / such / very an incredible cast to bring our story to the screen.
Middle Ages 3 If you were an actor and received a script that was so / such / very well-written that you felt like you didn’t
need to change a line, then why would you change a line?
4 The main actor's been / gone / good for the day so we can’t continue filming.
Early Modern
5 His character has so / such / been unforgettable lines as “I’ll be back!” and “Hasta la vista, baby.”
Modern / 10
Total: / 50
3 Research one major event that occurred from the 1700s until today. Present your findings to the class.
26 27
forget get on
It’s been a busy and messy day for Marissa.
get back get away get trapped
1 Look at the pictures and describe what was happening in each of them.
go go into
a go off
start stay wait
Your turn!
Join a classmate and try to reconstruct
Marissa’s account.
Use the verbs in Exercise 4 to help you.
Think it up!
• You are going to prepare accounts of persistent people’s lives.
• Pay attention to how tenses are used to organise the events in stories.
28 29
Travel mishaps Means of transport
1 Read the problems and identify the means of transport. 1 Use the words in the box to complete the table. Use a dictionary if necessary.
airport carriage coach dock flight gate (x2) get off land plane platform
port sail ship station take off train voyage
30 31
Past tenses 2 Which action is first in each sentence?
Write 1 – 2 or 2 – 1. We use reflexive pronouns:
Past Simple and Past Continuous Past Simple and Present Perfect Simple 1 Sam had heard a noise when he
• when the subject and the object of a sentence
Page 20 Page 21 1–2 are the same person or thing.
hid under the bed. E.g. I’ve hurt myself with this glass.
2 Freddie was angry after he had • to emphasise the subject of the sentence.
I entered the house, turned on the lights and found the We use the Present Perfect Simple when the heard the news. E.g. I did it myself! (And I’m proud of it.)
burglar. event is more important than the time when it took • in the expression by myself / yourself /
3 The girls had left their umbrellas
place. themselves meaning without help / alone.
I entered the house turned on the lights found the burglar. at home and it started to rain. E.g. She has bought her house by herself.
We use the Past Simple when the time when the
event took place really matters. 4 When we got to the supermarket, (Nobody has given her any money.)
I was running in the park, when I met Andrew.
I was running in the park it had closed.
I have studied English. (What matters is that I know 5 The police had arrived when
English because I have studied it.)
met Andrew. I studied English two years ago. (What matters we phoned Mary.
is that I did it two years ago. Maybe now I don’t 6 Patrick started university because Some verbs are often used with reflexive pronouns.
Mum was cooking while dad was hoovering the floor.
remember how to speak.) he hadn’t found a job. We enjoyed ourselves at the tournament.
Mum was cooking while
Don’t be shy and help yourself.
3 Complete the text with the correct form of the They blame themselves for the loss, but they really
verbs in brackets. tried hard to win.
Please, behave yourselves while we visit aunt Celia.
dad was hoovering the floor.
When George 1 (arrive) home
Some verbs do not have a reflexive pronoun.
yesterday, he 2 (see) the Do you remember your last year at primary school?
telephone light 3 (flicker). Can they relax in the middle of this mess?
Past Perfect Simple I always get up very early and feel great all day.
Someone 4 (leave) a message.
Affirmative Negative Interrogative Short answers He 5 (hurry) to listen to it. The woman
who left the phone message 6 (cry),
I had played a game. I hadn’t run 3 km. Had you seen it? Yes, I had. / No, I hadn’t. 4 Complete the sentences with the correct
so George 7
(worry). But when he
She had played a game. She hadn’t run 3 km. Had she seen it? Yes, she had. / No, she hadn’t. reflexive pronouns.
We had played a game. We hadn’t run 3 km. Had we seen it? Yes, we had. / No, we hadn’t.
(finish) listening to the message, he
(be) happy again. The message 1 It was my fault. Don’t blame .
(be) from his sister, who 2 Tell the girls to help . There
We use the Past Perfect to show which action 11
(come) back from her trip and she are plenty of biscuits.
happened first in the past. 3 We are grown-ups, Mum! We can look after
(cry) out of happiness to be back
I had arrived home the lights went off
home. .
4 Children! You can’t see that film by
Past Perfect Simple and Past Simple 1 Circle the correct options. . An adult must accompany
Reflexive pronouns
5 What he did was really wrong. He was ashamed of
We usually use the Past Simple if:
Subject Object Reflexive .
• the order of actions is clear.
E.g. I had a shower after I got up. pronouns pronouns pronouns
• the order of actions is the same as the order of each other / one another
I me myself
the verbs in the sentence. you you yourself
Wendy 1 was / had been so happy
E.g. When I got to the restaurant, everybody he him himself
ordered their meals. (First, I got to the because that was the best trip she 2 ever
she her herself We use each other and one another when the
restaurant, then, everybody ordered their meals.) taken / had ever taken. She 3 sat / had sat it it itself
When I got to the restaurant, everybody had subject and the object are different.
her last subject when her father 4 gave / we us ourselves E.g. Alicia and Joaquín were helping each other
ordered their meals. (First, everybody ordered you you yourselves
their meals, then I got to the restaurant.) had given her the envelope with the tickets / one another. (= Alicia was helping Joaquín and
they them themselves Joaquín was helping Alicia.)
for the trip. She 5 dreamt / had dreamt of
We use the Past Perfect Simple to give a reason this trip for years, but that day, her best
for an action or situation, often with because.
gift 6 was / had been to return home with
E.g. She was happy because her husband had
invited her to go to the Caribbean. her diploma. She 7 cried / had cried out In action!
of happiness much in the same way she • Now you know how to use tenses to help you
We often use the Past Perfect (+ ever) with 8
cried / had cried out of nerves before to organise the events in a text.
superlative adjectives. • You can tell some anecdotes to practise them.
taking her final exam.
E.g. That was the most beautiful dress I had ever
32 33
Travelling anecdotes
1 Which of the words in the cloud do you associate with the title?
3 15 The people in Exercise 2 are associated
with travelling. Listen to their anecdotes and
identify the means of transport corresponding
to each of them.
power whim stubbornness plane train various means of transport
cooperation resilience patience mindfulness
1 Mahatma Gandhi
2 Richard Branson
3 Elizabeth Gilbert
2 Look at the pictures and discuss with a classmate. 4 16 Listen again and complete the sentences.
Your turn!
Join a classmate and discuss.
Which anecdote have you liked the most?
Draw a timeline showing the events.
Join a classmate and tell him / her the anecdote.
Did he / she like the same one? Why? Why not?
What have you learned from the anecdote?
In action!
• Now you have heard some travel anecdotes.
• You have heard how events are organised in a
34 35
Describe a timeline GO FOR IT!
Tim Cope
Persistent lives. How these people became famous.
2004 – 2007 2006 2007 2010 2013 At present Let’s complete the Project!
Travelling by Australian National Filmed the TV Published his Presents
horse from Adventurer of the Geographic documentary bestseller On the his personal
1 You already have examples of anecdotes.
Mongolia to Year Adventure about his journey. Trail of Genghis discoveries 2 Find travels that changed people’s lives on the internet.
Hungary, on the Honouree Khan, which to schools, 3 Decide who you are going to write
trail of Genghis won the Grand organisations about and collect information.
Khan. Prize at the Banff and community 4 Choose a picture that represents
Wrote the International groups through the person you are going to talk
chronicles of his Mountain Film the medium of about and the anecdote you are
journey. and Book Festival. lectures, film and going to refer to.
articles. 5 Draw a timeline showing all the
important events in the person’s
1 Read the text and follow the information in the 2 Read again and check the use of tenses to life.
timeline. organise events. See page 32. 6 Decide which events you want to
highlight and organise the text.
3 Answer the questions. 7 Prepare a slide-show. You can
im Cope is an Australian adventurer include some key words that
1 Which journey changed Tim’s life? will help you to speak without
who became famous when he travelled reading.
10,000 km alone on horseback from 8 Rehearse speaking in a loud voice
Mongolia to Hungary on the trail of Genghis and to use adequate sounds and
Khan. While he was travelling, he wrote the 2 Why did he do it? 9 Enjoy your presentation.
chronicles of his journey. Later, in 2013, he
published his bestseller book On the Trail of
Genghis Khan, which won the Grand Prize
at the Banff International Mountain Film 3 Why is the event that took place in 2013
and Book Festival. Before that, he had been mentioned before the events that took place earlier?
My learning record
named the Australian Adventurer of the Year
in 2006. He had also received the National
Geographic Adventure award in 2007 and he
4 What is Tim’s present profession?
had filmed a TV documentary in 2010. Talk about past events
Every time he comes back from his Read and understand a text about
adventures, he presents his personal travel problems
discoveries to schools, organisations and Describe means of transport
community groups through lectures, films 4 Choose a person you want to write about. Write
a timeline. Decide which events you want to Describe travel problems
and articles. He has made this his profession. highlight and organise your writing. Remember,
you can organise events by using different Highlight events in a timeline
Use reflexive pronouns
36 37
? ?
? QUI? ?
2 Label the pictures with words from the box.
? ?
camera CD player dial telephone floppy disk
? ?
hi-fi map mimeograph portable radio
? ?
How many of these devices do you know?
tape recorder television set typewriter
? ? ?? ?
Have you ever seen them?
Can you name them?
What can we do with them?
? ? ? ?
Your turn!
? ? ? ? ? ?
Join a classmate and discuss.
Which devices have replaced the ones in the
? ?
? ?
What do you use today to do the functions
? ? ? ?
described in Exercise 1?
? ? ?? ?
Exchange ideas using the following pattern:
? ? ? ? ?
People in the 60s and 70s used to (keep
voice messages) with the ,
? ? ? ? c d
now we use .
? ?
a b
? ?
? ?
Think it up!
? ? ? ? ? ? ?
? ?
• You are going to design a virtual museum
?? ? ? ? ?? ? ?
of ICT technology.
• Ask your grandparents and older relatives
for information, or do research on the
? ?
internet to learn how technology has
? ?
changed since the 60s and 70s.
? ?
? ?
? ? ? ? ?
h i
? ?
? ?
e f
? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ?
If you can answer these questions, you must be over 60, or you
are a historian!
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
38 39
1 Look at the text and choose the correct option. Ambitions Technology development
1 We can find this text in a(n) …
Would like + to infinitive 2 ɑː Circle the correct options.
a print newspaper. b print magazine. c online magazine.
2 It is about … 1 Look at the pictures of Alicia and Luis and
a similar people. b different people. c different technology. complete the sentences.
Z Mag
40 41
ɑː Used to ɑː Conditional Type 2
Affirmative Negative Interrogative Short answers CONDITION (if …) Past Simple RESULT would / wouldn’t + infinitive without to
I used to run 3 km a day. I didn’t use to work here. Did you use to study Law? Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t. If you won the lottery, you would buy a new house.
She used to smoke. She didn’t use to go to the gym. Did she use to train hard? Yes, she did. / No, she didn’t. If the Earth were flat, people wouldn’t travel around the world.
We used to sleep late. We didn’t use to go out. Did we use to watch films? Yes, we did. / No, we didn’t.
2 Which generation does Jannet belong in? 5 Complete the following conditions.
We use used to + infinitive to: We use the Conditional Type 2 to:
• talk about regular past actions that do not 3 Complete the text with used to, didn't use to • describe a situation that we are imagining
1 Win the lottery / have a lot of money
happen now. E.g. I used to work at university, and a verb from the box to learn about Peter’s in the present or the future. E.g. If I found a
If I won the lottery, I would have a lot of money.
but now I’m working in a factory. past. treasure, I’d become rich. 2 Have a lot of money / travel a lot
• talk about past situations that are no longer true. • describe future situations that probably won’t
be cry enjoy get play spend
E.g. That building used to be a disco. (But now happen. E.g. If he applied for the position, he’d
it’s a shopping centre.) 3 Travel a lot / go to Europe
be hired. (But he doesn’t want to do it.)
• say how often things happened in the past (with • describe present situations that are not
always, never, once a week, every day, etc.). E.g. When I was nine, I 1 really possible. E.g. If I had wings, I wouldn’t get 4 Go to Europe / visit museums
I often used to go to the cinema. They never stuck in traffic jams. (But I don’t have wings.)
shy and I 2
a lot. My eyes
used to swim in winter. • give advice, with the condition ‘If I was / were
were always red. I 3 with any you …’ E.g. If I were you, I’d talk things over 5 Visit museums / learn a lot about Fine Arts
of my classmates. I 4
breaks once more. (= I think you should talk things
alone. I 5 travelling back then over.) 6 Learn about Fine Arts / give lectures
because I 6
carsick every time
There is no present form of used to.
I used to go to work by bus. I go to work by bus. I got on the school bus. 7 Give lectures / become famous
1 Jannet has changed her lifestyle. Read and write 4 Ask questions about Peter. ɑː Conditional Types 0, 1 and 2 compared
sentences about her using used to and didn’t 1 When / really shy?
use to.
Type 0: for real situations in the present If you don’t stop at the red light, you get a ticket.
2 What / do a lot?
Type 1: for something that might happen If you arrive early, you will meet her.
3 How / spend breaks?
Type 2: for something that probably won’t If you sang on television, you would become a celebrity.
Jannet stopped Jannet started
happen or is not possible
4 Where / get carsick?
reading paper books. reading e-books.
preparing posters. preparing slide-show presentations.
sending letters. texting. Your turn! 6 Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Use Conditional Types 0, 1 or 2.
developing photographs. taking digital photographs. Write 3 things you used to do in primary school 1 Every time you press this key, the lights go off. 5 You won't pass the exam because you didn't study
and that you don’t do anymore; and 3 things you If you , the lights go off. hard enough.
didn’t use to do in primary school and that you 2 Maybe the bus leaves while you go on talking. If you , you would pass the
do now. Then discuss them with a classmate.
1 Jannet used to read paper books. If you , the bus will leave exam.
Are they the same for both of you? Or are they
She didn’t use to read e-books. different? without you. 6 Will you wait while I ask my parents' permission?
2 1 I used to and 3 I can’t go to the party because I’ve got a sore throat. If you , I will ask my parents'
. If I a sore throat, I would go permission.
3 2 to the party.
. 4 I think you should try once more.
4 3 . I once more if I were you.
4 I didn’t use to and
now .
42 43
Dialogue with Grandpa Let’s play a game!
1 Look at the picture and describe what you see. 5 Look at the picture and say which game they are playing. Why do you think so?
1 Who are they?
2 What are they doing?
3 What are they talking about?
44 45
Stating our point GO FOR IT!
Linking words / phrases can be used to:
• give extra information. Furthermore, / In addition, / Besides, / Moreover, they don’t remember a time before social
media or mobile phones.
Presentation on a comparison of devices
• introduce a difference. She is an adult. However, / Nevertheless, she depends on her parents’ help.
Although / Even though + clause. Even though she is an adult, she depends on her parents’ help. Let’s complete the Project!
• introduce a result. As a result, / For this reason, / Consequently, they don’t settle down.
1 You have already listed old and new ICT devices.
2 Each student will prepare a virtual presentation of the evolution of one ICT device.
1 Circle the words that give extra information, 2 Fill in the blanks with the correct linking words. Draw lots to make sure the distribution of responsibilities is fair.
frame the words that introduce a difference and 3 Do research on the internet for information about the original device and how it
underline the words that introduce a result. has changed over time. You can also ask an older relative to help you with more
practical information.
Most students use ICT devices in everyday life.
4 Organise pictures of the evolution and describe what people used to do with it,
Education is very important today. Students need 1
, not all of them know how to use what it was like, etc.
to learn how to learn. Even though information is at these devices correctly. 2 , they are 5 Prepare a paragraph describing your ICT evolution, rehearse reading it aloud and
their fingertips, they need to learn how to access that often cheated by adults who contact them with fake record it. Check that the recording is clear and comprehensible.
information. Besides, they need to develop social and identities. 3 , we have to organise
6 Prepare a video with the pictures and upload the recording. Check that the
recording coincides with the
emotional skills. For this reason, teachers need to workshops to help them to develop ICT and social picture it describes.
work with students on activities that trigger the use media skills. 7 Join all the videos into a
of the 21st century skills. single presentation. Prepare
an introduction and enjoy
the virtual museum of
3 Write a paragraph about ICT development and In action!
its place in education. Use at least one linking
word to add extra information, one linking word • You can now use linking words to organise
to introduce a difference and one linking word your ICT descriptions for your virtual
to introduce a result. Remember, we generally museum of technology.
use a comma after the linking words. • Keep your paragraph. It might be used to
Use the following questions as a guide. introduce your video.
1 Has ICT developed in the last decade?
2 Have ICT devices changed?
3 Are all the uses positive? My learning record
4 How should teenagers use ICT devices?
46 47
Famous inventors and inventions 1 Read the testimonial from a woman who used to be a flight attendant in the 1970s and circle the
Where would we be today without devices like the traffic light, electricity and the telephone? Do you know how correct options.
these devices came to be? Who invented them? When? Where? To understand the difference inventions have
In the 1970s, if you wanted to travel by plane, you 1 have / have had / had to be rich. Air travel 2 used to be / was /
made in our lives, look at what life was like before the invention of some of the most basic things we use today.
had been much more expensive. People sometimes 3 save / saved / were saving up for years to go on a flight. It really
was a luxury. I 4 was never / am never / had never been on an aeroplane before I 5 had become / became / become a
Life before electricity Life before the telephone flight attendant! It was such an occasion! People 6 used to wear / wore / were wearing business suits, not shorts and
Lighting: People used candles, kerosene lamps Mail was delivered by Stagecoach and Pony sneakers. The meals 7 were / had been / are much better and the forks and knives were made of metal, not plastic.
and fireplaces to light up homes after sunset. Express.
Food storage: Meat was stored away from Of course, some things are better today. There are more destinations available, and the flights are cheaper. Back then the
sunlight, in the coolest part of the house. Messages were sent cross-country via telegraph. in-flight entertainment 8 used to be / were / had been simple: you could only read your newspaper or book. If you travel
Techniques like smoking, salting and drying were The telegraph was invented in 1838 and by 1861 today, you usually have your smartphone, laptop and e-reader to keep you busy. And we 9 watch / have watched / used
used to extend the shelf life of food. the United States was completely connected.
to watch the same film at the same time, but we enjoyed 10 yourselves / myself / ourselves. It was like going to the
Indoor heating: Log fireplaces were used to heat
homes, as well as for cooking. cinema.
/ 10
Invention-related vocabulary
2 Put the words in order to make sentences and questions.
Inventor – Someone who is the first to think of or make Prototype – A standard or typical example.
something. Trade secret – A piece of secret information about a 1 to / used / slow / be / and / the / very / Scanning / boring / in / documents / past / .
Patent – Document granting an inventor sole rights to particular business that is only known by the people
an invention. who work there. 2 wrote / the / time / you / last / someone / a / letter / When / was / to / ?
Innovation – The act of starting something for the first Copyright – A document granting exclusive right to
time, introducing something new. publish and sell literary, musical or artistic work.
3 so / lost / made / of / my / documents / I / am / them / glad / I / before / I / photocopies / had / .
1 Complete the sentences with words from the vocabulary list above.
4 your / thumb drive / you / case / Travel / need / access / with / to / files / any / in / .
1 Sometimes an does not get the credit for his / her creation if he / she doesn’t register the .
2 In the creative industries, a gives authors the right to exploit a piece of work.
5 social / If / grandparents / a / your / when / were / would / young / they / share / had / life / on / smartphone /
3 The next step after inventing something is usually building a .
they / media / their / , / ?
4 One of the biggest in the world is the recipe for Coca-Cola.
5 When it was launched in 2007, the iPhone was seen as a huge . / 20
2 Do some research and match the inventors to their inventions and the year in which they were invented. 3 Match the parts of these conditional sentences.
Inventor Invention Year 1 You should go back to the hotel a you might be interested in our road trip tour.
1 IBM a the telephone I 1927 2 The tourists had helped one another b but now I avoid packing heavy items in check-in bags.
2 Garrett Morgan b the light bulb II 1876 3 If you would like to experience travelling in Europe, c if you are not enjoying yourself.
3 Thomas Edison c the automobile III 1995 4 He was sick but decided to travel with us d because he had already paid for the weekend.
4 Alexander Graham Bell d the traffic light IV 1879 5 I used to pay $100 per trip in overweight luggage, e and made sure it was safe to pass.
5 Philo Taylor Farnsworth e the television V 1923 / 10
6 Karl Friedrich Benz f the smartphone VI 1885 / 86
4 Read the story about a technological problem and complete it with the verb phrases from the
3 Do some research and complete the same information (inventor and year invented) for the following box. Two verb phrases will not be used.
inventions. accessed deleted didn’t know erased had blamed had disappeared had forgotten
hadn't used have just found out used to backup was playing was taking
I1 myself for years for losing my family photos from our holiday in Australia. I 2 how,
but they all 3
from my thumb drive when I 4 it at home. I 5 all photos
on this thumb drive before I 6 them from my camera so I always thought I 7 to do
it that time. But I 8
that it was my brother who accidentally 9 the photos while he
Inventor: Igor Sikorsky Inventor: Inventor: 10
with my camera. Can you believe that? And he never said a word about it!
Year invented: 1939 Year invented: Year invented:
/ 10
4 Inventions usually happen when the inventor seeks to solve a problem. Work in a group. Identify a
problem and invent a solution or product to solve the problem. Total: / 50
48 49
5 Environmental Issues
2 Tick the environmental issues represented
by the pictures.
3 Join 2 or 3 classmates, discuss and make
What causes …
›› Talk about some problems that affect the environment 2 visual pollution 1 air pollution?
›› Talk about how to avoid damaging the environment 3 carbon dioxide 2 sea pollution?
›› Read and learn about how pollution can affect intelligence 3 sound pollution?
4 sound pollution
›› Describe devices and their uses
5 air pollution 4 industrial pollution?
›› Identify materials
›› Report instructions, requests and advice 6 marine pollution 5 global warming?
›› Listen and learn about devices to help the environment 7 sustainable development
›› Write and rephrase news headlines 4 Which items have not been ticked in
›› Project: Science fair – class inventions 8 industrial pollution Exercise 2? Why?
9 chemical pollution
10 global warming Your turn!
11 urban sprawl
Join a classmate and discuss.
12 ozone-friendly products What do you do to keep the environment safe?
ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES 13 eco-friendly communities Do you do anything that could damage the
Most developed countries find that, due to the continuous growth of their population, they are affected by 14 deforestation environment?
some environmental issues. They need to raise awareness among their population so that they can fight
different kinds of pollution. In this way they might prevent some unwanted consequences. 15 recycling
16 fumigation
1 Look at the pictures and try to explain what issue each of them represents.
b i
c h
j k
d e
Think it up!
f • You are going to design an ideal device to protect the environment.
• Then you are going to describe it to your class and explain what it would be used for.
50 51
1 Look at the text and answer the questions. Environment – Collocations ɑː Environmental issues
1 This is an online …
1 Write + (positive) or – (negative) next to each 3 Circle the correct options.
a encyclopaedia. b general interest magazine. c scientific publication. verb associated with the environment.
2 Before you read the text. Do you think that what the title expresses will be confirmed in the text? 1 In order to protect the environment, we should
1 affect 5 pollute
recycle / use paper and plastic.
2 clean up 6 preserve
2 Air / Sound pollution is caused by impatient drivers 3 damage / harm 7 protect
constantly blowing their car horns.
4 destroy
3 Forests should be cut down / preserved to avoid
BioPages ABOUT ARTICLES FOR AUTHORS SUBMIT AN ARTICLE 2 Put the letters in the correct order to form
words to complete the sentences. 4
weather / air pollution.
We should ban / emit pollutants that damage the
1 Some concrete measures must be taken to environment.
REPESVER the environment. 5 Climate change is caused by global warming /
52 53
Passive voice 3 Ask questions in the passive voice. Use the Reported speech
Present Simple or the Past Simple.
Active Passive 1 They invented the smartphone. When?
Instructions, requests and advice
We say what the subject does. We say what happens to the subject. Tell, ask and advise
Present Simple Careless drivers cause accidents. Accidents are caused by careless drivers. 2 They call Peter. Why?
They don’t accept violence here. Violence isn’t accepted here. verb + object + infinitive
Do pesticides pollute the environment? Is the environment polluted by pesticides?
3 They kept these books here. How long? Instructions:
Past Simple Shakespeare wrote Hamlet. Hamlet was written by Shakespeare.
? Teacher: ‘Listen to the Our teacher told us to
They didn’t use pesticides on this farm. Pesticides weren’t used on this farm.
Did they cut down the trees in the area? Were the trees cut down in the area? 4 They throw toxic waste in the river. Why? instruction.’ listen to the instruction.
? Teacher: ‘Don’t run in the Our teacher told us not to
corridor.’ run in the corridor.
5 They bought a new computer. When?
1 Complete the second sentence so that it has the
? Requests:
same meaning as the first sentence.
Horns cause sound pollution. Mother: ‘Lay the table, Sue’s mother asked her to
1 Someone broke the glass. 4 Write questions and answer them. You must please, Sue.’ lay the table.
Sound pollution is caused by horns. The glass . use the Present or Past passive.
Mother: ‘Don’t turn on Mother asked me not to
The object of an active sentence becomes the 2 No one follows the rules. 1 The light bulb / invent / Franklyn? / Edison the TV, please.’ turn on the TV.
subject of a passive sentence. Rules . Was the light bulb invented by Franklyn?
3 They plant more trees. No, it wasn’t. It was invented by Edison.
Fred: ‘I think you should Fred advised me to see a
More trees . 2 The Eiffel Tour / place / Spain? / France see a doctor.’ doctor.
4 Someone blamed me for the fire. Fred: ‘I think you shouldn’t Fred advised me not to
We form the passive of the Present / Past Simple
I . smoke.’ smoke.
with be (am / is / are / was / were) + the past
participle. 5 They told us to keep silent. 3 Romeo and Juliet / write / Cervantes? / Shakespeare
We .
Object pronouns in the active become subject
pronouns in the passive. E.g. Someone follows me. 2 Circle the correct options. When we report instructions, requests and advice,
I am followed. 4 “Guernica” / paint / Van Gogh? / Picasso we can use the verbs tell, ask and advise.
When we report an affirmative sentence, we use
We use the passive when: the infinitive with to after these verbs.
• we are more interested in the action than in When we report a negative sentence, we use not
the person who did it. E.g. The building was 5 “El David” / sculpt / Botero? / Michelangelo BEFORE the infinitive with to.
repaired two years ago.
• we don’t know the person. E.g. A lot of money This is the historical Saint Francis’ Convent.
was stolen from the bank. (We don’t know who It 1 was / were build 2 by / from the original 5 When Ms Ronson came into the classroom,
6 “La Pedrera” / build / Niemeyer? Gaudi students were talking and playing. Look at what
did it.) people of Argentina. It 3 was / were used
• when the action is a law or rule. E.g. Pets are she told them and report the sentences using
as a temple and as a cemetery. Nowadays, tell, ask, or advise in the corresponding form.
not allowed in this supermarket.
it 4 is / are visited by many tourists because
1 “Sit down, please.”
of the wonderful images that 5 is / are kept
in it. Many sculptures 6 is / are made of
2 “Look at the blackboard.”
porcelain. The building 7 are / was made
If we want to say who does the action or what of mud and wood. The wooden doors and
3 “Don’t forget to copy the sentences.”
causes the action, we use by … windows 8 was / were carved with knives
E.g. The building is cleaned by a cleaning company.
and they 9 was / were built in the frames
/ The forest was destroyed by fire. 4 “I think you should study for the exam.”
because they didn’t have hatches.
54 55
Preparing for the Science Fair At the Science Fair
1 Look at Marcos and Adela and discuss.
1 Where are they?
2 What is on the table?
3 What is it for?
56 57
Newspaper headlines GO FOR IT!
The headline is the title of a newspaper report or article, which is printed in large letters above it.
They are very short and they usually do not include punctuation, articles, or auxiliary verbs. Science Fair – class inventions
They are often written in the passive.
Let’s complete the Project!
1 Read the following headlines and tick the 2 Read the following headlines and write the
correct option. piece of news they head. 1 You have made a list of environmental
1 1 Robbers judged at big trial tomorrow 2 Join your group and discuss their relevance
Poor service at new hotel in your area. Choose an issue to fight.
2 Count Radicht blamed for deforestation campaign 3 Think of the type of device you would like
a The poor is serviced at the new hotel. to create and where you would put it.
b There is poor service at the new hotel.
4 In your groups, design the device. Think of
3 3000 questions a day asked at university platform
what it might be used for, how you would use it,
what it would be made of, etc.
A baby panda bear 4 Name of new Star Wars film announced 5 Rehearse your description so it is clear when you present your design.
6 Use an app to design a 3D model or just draw your design on a poster.
born in a zoo in China 5 Strange deep-sea creatures found near Australia 7 Display all the posters in class, or bring your tablets or laptops to show your
8 Share with the class.
a A baby panda bear was born in 9 You could vote for the most useful, most original, most unreal, etc. design.
3 Read the following piece of news and write a
a zoo in China. headline. Remember to use the rules stated in 10 If you have a class page, you can upload your models to share with other
b A baby was born in a panda bear the box above. classes.
zoo in China.
World’s biggest bookshop
sold to developer
My learning record
a The world’s biggest bookshop sold
books to a developer.
b The world’s biggest bookshop he city of Santa Fe in
was sold to a developer. Argentina is developing Talk about some problems that affect
an ambitious plan to plant the environment
FASHION PARADE FAILS trees in areas with relevant levels of Talk about how to avoid damaging the
pollution. The project is called the Read and understand a text about how
“The city goes green”. The project
a Granby accused someone
pollution can affect intelligence
as fashion parade fails.
b Granby is accused as fashion parade fails. director explained that the project Describe devices and their uses
58 59
Think it up!
• You are going to participate in a “Songs
with a message” event.
• Think of songs which you like and the
message in their lyrics.
f Frankie
d Matthew e Anna
c Javier
b Viktor
a Mary
60 61
Students’ positive review Festival / Performance – Collocations
Students at school organised a Culture Festival and they wrote a review to share in their online magazine. 1 Circle the correct options. 2 Write + / ++ / - next to the adjectives that
qualify performances and festivals.
1 There is a 1 local / locally festival taking place
1 Read the review and find out if the festival was successful or not.
this week. It is going to 2 be held / hold at school. 1 bad 9 impressive
It is very 3 important / beautiful because it is a 2 brilliant 10 outstanding 3 disappointing 11 poor
culturing / culture festival. The members /
It was so wonderful to see the baritone under the
light spot / spotlight.
WAS A SUCCESS! 3 Look at the list of crimes and put the letters in order to name the criminals.
62 63
Reported speech Other changes in reported speech Reporting questions
Words of time and place
When we repeat what another person has said, we a S
ome verb forms don’t change. When we report a question:
can use direct speech or reported speech. Past Perfect: “I hadn’t finished the book.” He Direct Reported • we change the order of the question and it
said he hadn’t finished the book. becomes the same as a statement.
When we use direct speech, we use the exact Modal verbs: could, would, should, mustn’t today that day • we do not use the auxiliaries do, does, did.
words the other person has said and put quotation “We could start at 10 a.m.” He said we could tonight that night • we do not use question marks (?).
marks around them. E.g. She said “I’m tired”. start at 10 a.m. tomorrow the day after / the
“You mustn’t arrive late.” She told us we following day / the next
Reported speech: mustn’t arrive late. day
Direct Reported question
• If we use a reporting verb in the present, we next week / month / year the next / the following
question if / whether / wh-word question
use the same tenses but we have to change the b There are special occasions when we can week / month / year
(+ subject) + verb
pronouns and verb forms when necessary. choose not to change the tense of verbs in ago before
E.g. She says she is tired. reported speech: yesterday the day before Are you busy? They asked if we were
• If we report someone’s words some time after • when the situation or feelings / opinions in the last week / month / year the previous / the last busy.
we have heard them, we use a verb in the past original speech are still true. week / month / year Where is the She asked where the party was.
to introduce them, and we change the tense of E.g. “My brother is very intelligent.” He said his now then party?
the verbs as well. E.g. She said she was tired. brother is very intelligent. here there What did you He asked what I had
• We can use that after said, but we usually leave “I hate ironing.” She said she hates ironing. this (place) that (place) buy? bought.
it out. E.g. He said (that) he would come. Compare:
“I am travelling tomorrow.”
He said he is travelling tomorrow. (reported on 2 Read the dialogue and write it in the reported
the same day) speech.
Tense changes in reported speech He said he was travelling the following day. • We introduce reported yes / no questions with
(reported some days after) ask / want to know + if / whether.
Original words Reported speech • when the verb follows the linking word after. • We introduce reported Wh- questions with ask
E.g. “I left the house after I turned off the lights.” / want to know + wh- question.
“We live in London.” They said they lived in Juan I’m not going to be here tomorrow. I • We do not use an object after want to know.
She told us she’d left the house after she turned
London. can’t receive your package.
off the lights.
“I’m reading.” He said he was reading. Marta Don’t worry. I'll tell Fiona to fetch it.
“We played a match.” They said they had played Juan I haven’t seen her because she arrived
a match.
She told us she’d left the house after she’d 3 Alex is very curious. Report what he wanted to
turned off the lights. yesterday and I was working. know.
“My friends haven’t left.” She said her friends hadn’t Marta She is very happy with her trip.
left. 1 “Is Mary coming tomorrow?”
“You are going to receive They said I was going to
a letter.” receive a letter. 1 Tell your friends what Lucas told you. He said:
“We will visit the They said they would visit
1 “I’m from Córdoba.” 2 “How long is she going to stay?”
museum.” the museum.
“I can wait.” He said he could wait.
2 “I live in Carlos Paz.”
3 “Have you booked a hotel room for her?”
3 “I’m studying History.”
64 65
People commenting on the boss’s instructions after the burglary
1 Look at the picture and answer.
1 How many people are there? 3 What can be seen through the door pane?
2 Why do you think they are there? 4 What do you think they are talking about?
Your turn!
Join two classmates and discuss.
Read the dialogue with two classmates. Try
to imitate the intonation to show the people’s
Report the words of the person whose role you
played. Check for errors with the other members
of the group.
66 67
Write a police report GO FOR IT!
When we report a crime, policemen ask questions and then write an account of the answers to complete the formal report.
3 “Could you drive me to the police station?” Report what people say
68 69
Deforestation 1 Read the article about the role of indigenous people in the preservation of nature and complete it
There are five major rainforests in the world: with the words / phrases in the box. Two words / phrases will not be used.
• The Amazon Rainforest in South America
climate change conservation damaged environment exploitation global warming knowledge
• The Congo Rainforest in Central Africa
murdered preserve protecting respect sustainable
• Southeast Asian Rainforest
• Papua Rainforest in Papua New Guinea
Kaitiakitanga is a Maori word that means “1 the ancestors and secure the future by 2
• Madagascar Lowland forests in Madagascar
the 3
.” The Maori people live in New Zealand and are an example of how many indigenous peoples
Although rainforests cover only around 6% of the Earth’s around the world have a relationship with their lands and the natural world. They 4 traditions and
surface, they house more than 50% of the plant and animal beliefs based on treating nature with respect and the 5 use of natural resources. But these ideas
species in the world and produce 20% to 40% of the world’s about nature 6 are getting many of them killed.
oxygen. According to Global Witness, an international NGO that aims at breaking the links between natural resource
Rainforests are important because: 7
, conflict, poverty, corruption, and human rights abuses worldwide, in 2015 almost two hundred
• they help regulate the Earth’s temperature and weather patterns; people in sixteen countries were 8 while defending their land, forests and rivers from the economic
• the trees absorb harmful carbon dioxide and produce oxygen and; and political interests of modern life. And many of them were from indigenous communities.
• about 20% of the world’s medicines come from the rainforests, but only 1% of the rainforests have been If we want future generations to have a healthy Earth, then we need to learn from these indigenous communities
explored. The rainforests may hold cures yet to be discovered.
and combine their 9 with long-term planning skills. You can help fight global deforestation and
by supporting these groups, protecting their land, questioning policies of governments and
Deforestation is the cutting down and removal of trees from forested areas and is a result of:
• mining • agriculture • oil and gas exploration. learning about the strategies of conservation organisations.
• cattle ranching • logging / 10
2 Read the dialogue about how to save the environment and circle the correct options.
1 Match the words or expressions to their meaning. Eric The remote control batteries are dead. I’m going to buy new ones.
1 mining a cutting down trees in a forest Samantha We should use 1 new / recycled / rechargeable batteries at home and save the cost and energy of
making new batteries.
2 cattle ranching b growing crops and rearing animals for food, wool and other products
Eric I’ll check if they sell those at the supermarket. I also need to buy some food.
3 logging c removing gold, coal and minerals from the earth Samantha Take a bag with you. We should avoid those plastic bags; they create so much 2 global warming /
acid rain / waste. Look for products that have less packaging, OK?
4 agriculture d plants and animals with common characteristics and that are found in Eric OK. Why are you so worried about these things?
a particular environment, like the rainforests Samantha I’m just trying to 3 recycle / ban / reduce our environmental impact and live a sustainable life.
5 oil and gas exploration e rearing large numbers of cattle on large farms Eric Is that why you are letting clothes dry naturally and not using the clothes dryer?
Samantha That’s right. It’s summer, we don’t need to use it. We should also 4 cut down / conserve / clean out
6 biome f searching for oil and gas in the earth water and only do the laundry when necessary.
Eric So I should use public transport, a bicycle or walk instead of driving to the supermarket?
2 Work with a partner to complete the table with the environmental and social impacts of deforestation. Samantha Exactly. Do not 5 preserve / pollute / protect the air if there’s a better alternative.
/ 10
Environmental impacts Social impacts
1 Loss of biodiversity (plants, insects, animals and 1 Social conflicts and struggles over land and natural 3 Read the dialogue in Exercise 2 and complete these sentences.
indigenous communities). resources. 1 Samantha told Eric rechargeable batteries at home.
2 Samantha asked Eric a bag with him.
2 2 3 Samantha advised him products that have a lot of packaging.
4 Eric asked Samantha why she so worried about things like batteries and packaging.
5 Samantha told Eric the clothes dryer in the summer.
3 3 / 20
70 71
Unit 4
Unit 1
Who are you? (pair work)
Devices bingo (pair work)
1 Each student completes
Conditions chain (small group work: 4–5 students)
1 Follow the example from page 43, Exercise 5. A
Definitions game (pair or group work: 3–4 students) the grid with 9 devices, student starts with a conditional sentence. E.g. “If I
1 Invent a new identity for yourself. 1 Write 10 nouns naming people, places and objects on 10 present or past. were older, I would live alone.”
2 Complete the information in the table. slips of paper. (E.g. architect, school, pen) 2 One student names a device. If his / her partner has 2 The next student has to start the next condition with
3 Ask your classmate questions to complete the 2 Put the papers in a box or bag. it in the grid, he / she crosses it out. the consequence from the previous sentence. E.g. “If I
information about his / her new identity. 3 One student at a time picks a paper and has to define 3 The other student does the same. lived alone, I would cook my meals.”
4 You can only answer questions which are correct. the person, place or object that is written on it using 4 The process repeats until a student has crossed out all the 3 The game goes on until a member of the group cannot
5 The first student to complete the table correctly is the winner. relative clauses with who, where, which (E.g. “It is an items in his / her grid. add another sentence to the chain.
object which we use to write and we can erase.” = pencil; 5 The winner is the one who doesn’t cross out all the items.
Name and age
Town / city
and country
Family Occupation
Hobby / free-
time activity
“It is the person who is at the front of the classroom.” = A variant:
Your new teacher; “It is the place where we live.” = home) Instead of naming the device, students have to say what
Your class- 4 If the other student guesses, both students get 1 point. they do or used to do with the items.
5 If the other student doesn’t guess, the student who
mate’s new
Unit piece of paper and a pen.
2 Students sit near each other. The first
every day on strips of paper.
2 Put all the papers in a box or a bag.
student writes a word associated E
3 One student picks a paper.
Changing the ending (pair or group work) Sentence building challenge (small group work) with environmental issues. 4 One student at a time has to ask a yes / no question.
1 Write words qualifying story endings on strips of paper. 1 Join 2 or 3 classmates to start the game. 3 The other student must use one letter from the word E.g. “Is it used to …?” / “Is it made of …?” / “Is it used by …?”
(E.g. happy, sad, shocking, etc.). Put the papers in a box 2 The first member starts with a sentence about a place, a written by his / her classmate to write his / her own word. 5 The student who guesses, says ‘Got it!’ and names the
or bag. person, etc. E.g.“San Martín was an Argentine hero.” It doesn’t need to be any special letter. The only rule item. If it is correct, he / she picks the next paper.
2 One student picks a strip and tells a story with an ending 3 The next member has to expand the sentence adding is that this word must leave at least 2 letters above or 6 This game can be played:
corresponding to the feeling written on the paper. information. E.g. “San Martín, who was a General, was an below the chosen letter from • in pairs, and the winner is the one who guesses more
3 Another student picks another strip and has to make the Argentine hero.” the previous word. items.
necessary changes to give the story the kind of ending 4 The process continues until one person in the circle makes 4 The first student must use a • in small groups and the same process is used.
written on the paper. a factual mistake or someone gives up. letter from the second word • with the whole class, divided into 2 teams. The winner
4 The game ends when students cannot retell the story 5 If you want to give points, you can count 1 point for each to write his / her new word. is the team whose members guess more items.
with a different ending. time the student participates. The winner is the one who The same rule applies.
doesn’t give up, or the one who participated the most. 5 The game continues until
students can no longer add
any new words.
Unit 3 s
Brainstorming challenge (pair work) vel p
Discover the lie (pair or group work: 3–4 students)
Travel problems 1 Students each write a personal anecdote. In the middle
1 Students sit facing each other.
2 The first student mentions a travel
problem and tells an anecdote that
of the anecdote, they include an event which is not
true. It shouldn't be so evident.
2 Each student reads his / her anecdote and the others
Unit 6 Chained reports (small group work: 4–5 students)
shows the meaning clearly. have to guess which event is not true. They have to Definitions (Pair work) 1 Students sit in a circle.
3 The other student has to do the same, without identify the lie by asking a question. E.g.“Were you 1 To play this game, draw a grid and 2 The first student reports what ‘was said’. E.g. “It was
repeating the travel problem. checking in when you met your write a different criminal in each said that Peter invited Betty to dance.”
4 They continue doing the same until one of the friend?” or “Did you meet a friend square. 3 The next student repeats what the first student said
students can’t continue. when you were checking in?” 2 Each student chooses whether to and adds another report. E.g. “It was said that Peter
5 The winner is the student who doesn’t give up and 3 The student who asks the play as X or O. invited Betty to dance and that she answered no.”
doesn’t make mistakes while telling the anecdote. questions correctly and guesses 3 In order to get the square, students 4 The 3rd student repeats what the 2nd said and adds
A variant: most of the lies, wins the game. have to say what the criminal in the square he / she something else. E.g. “It was said that Peter invited
Each member writes a list of possible travel problems. chooses does without naming the criminal. E.g. a Betty to dance and that she answered no because she
One student at a time reads a problem. If the other burglar breaks into houses to steal things. was tired.”
student has the same, both cross out the problem. If 4 One student at a time plays. If he / she answers 5 This continues until a student either makes a mistake or
the other student doesn’t have the problem in his / her correctly, he / she writes his / her sign in the square. cannot add any other piece of news.
list, the one who mentioned it gets a point. The winner 5 Players have to write their sign in 3 squares in a line to 6 The game starts again with another “It was said …”
is the student who writes more problems. win.
72 73
Unit 4
text1 1Put
Each player puts a counter at 1.
the counters at “Start”.
text 56 Slide
Take an extra turn if you roll a 6.
down chutes (from the top only).
1 Each player puts a counter at “START”.
1 2PutRoll
counters at “Start”. 56
have answered the question in the circle.
Slide downtochutes
2 Roll the dice. The player with the highest number 7 You have to roll the exact number to get to the finish. dice. The player with the highest number You have roll the(from
exactthe top only).
number to get to the
1 text
in a clockwise direction. 1 textIf you don't, move your counter to the finish and then
2 Decide 6 Take an extra turn if you roll a six. 2 Decide who goes
starts. Take turnsfirst.
in a clockwise direction. 6 Take
finish. If you don't, move yoursix.
an extra turn if you roll a counter to the finish
3 Roll the dice and move your counter the number of move it back. E.g. the counter is on square 34. The
3 Roll the die and move. 7 Land exactly on the last square to win. 3 3RollRoll
and and
move.move your counter the number of and then
7 Land exactlymove it back.
on the E.g. thetocounter
last square win. is on circle
squares shown. Answer the question. dice shows 5. The counter moves 35, 36, 35, 34, 33. circles shown. Answer the question in the circle. 24. The dice shows 5. The counter moves 25,
4 4Climb
(fromthe bottom
the only).
bottom only). 8 The winner is the first player who lands EXACTLY on 4 Climb up ladders (from the bottom only).
4 If you cannot answer the question, go back to finish, 25, 24, 23.
5 Slide down chutes (from the top only). 36. where you were. 7 The winner is the first player who lands EXACTLY
5 If you land on a circle with a bridge, you have to on “FINISH”.
move to the circle at the end of the bridge after you
36 35 34 33 32 31
2 3 5
Unit 2
25 26 27 28 29 30 Unit 5 6
Start 10
11 9 8 7
24 23 22 21 20 19
13 14 15 16 17 18 19
17 18
14 20
15 16
12 11 10 9 8 7
25 24 22
1 2 3 4 5 6 Unit 6 FINISH 23
1. When do you respond with “You’re kidding!? ” 14. Name 3 adjectives that describe positive 26. When do we get on a tender?
2. Define a firefighter. experiences. 27. What’s a return ticket?
3. Name 3 things you never do in the 15. What do you call a scary experience? 28. What’s the difference between: He’s been
morning. 16. Put the verbs in the correct form: to Rome. and He’s gone to Rome.
4. Ask your classmate on your right about his Yesterday, while I (run) in the park, I (fall) 29. SORRY! 1. What was the floppy disc used for? 10. What causes air pollution? please. The woman .
/ her place of birth. down and (hurt) my knee. 30. Which action is first in Peter was angry 2. What’s this? 11. What do you do with a sample if you rule 19. Who do we speak about when we mention
5. Name 3 parts of a play script. 17. Choose the correct option: Your parents are after he had heard the news. 3. What has replaced maps it out? our ancestors?
6. Which tense do you use to tell a story so / such a / such nice people! 31. Choose the correct option: Please, behave to help us find our way
12. What is a sustainable development?
13. Name 5 materials.
20. What is the icing on the cake in a
about a personal experience? 18. When do you say “take it easy ” to yourself / myself at the meeting.
7. Define a shoe shop. someone? 32. Where are you if you are bumper-to- 4. Complete the question: If 14. What is a kettle used for? 21. Report this sentence: When are you
8. Give the nouns corresponding to ambitious, 19. When do we make our dreams come true? bumper? you were an animal, ? 15. Complete the second sentence so that it going to visit us? They asked Mary
lazy, and punctual. 20. What do you do when you make ends meet? 33. Complete: She was very proud because she 5. Complete the rule : If you don’t stop at has the same meaning as the first one. .
9. Name 4 materials you can use to make 21. Complete the saying: “Where there is a had baked the cake . the red light, . No one answers the question. The question 22. What does a forger do?
clothes. will ...” 34. Make one sentence out of these two: First, 6. Use a conditional to express this idea: . 23. Report this sentence: I have never had such
10. Define an easy-going person. 22. What were you doing yesterday at this time? the girls went out. Then, it started to rain. Maybe you will catch a cold because you 16. Ask the question in the passive voice: They a good time. Mary said .
11. Which tense do you use to express feelings? 23. SORRY! 35. What’s the difference between: They are don’t take a coat. If . repaired the street. When ? 24. Report this sentence: What were you doing
12. Name 3 different material patterns. 24. Name 3 adjectives that describe negative looking at each other and They are looking 7. Which generation are digital natives? 17. Report this sentence: Stop talking! The when I phoned you, Mary? Alfred wanted to
13. What do you do if you scrape by? experiences at themselves? 8. What did you use to do when you were 5? teacher . know .
25. Where do you find potholes? 36. FINISH!!! CONGRATS!!! 9. Name 4 environmental issues. 18. Report this sentence: Open the window, 25. What do bribers do?
74 75
1 Settling Down 1
1 Make a list of what needs to be done in the house. 4 Cross out the incorrect words to form correct
1 Victor keeps his room clean and tidy / untidy.
2 My host family was warm and friendly / cold and
Trevor Nichols Emily Goodard
55 Main Road Admissions Department unfriendly. I felt very welcome in their home.
Flat 21 City University 3 Frankie was quite optimistic / pessimistic. He didn’t
Colchester 24High Street think he would get into the university of his choice.
CH7 4WA London
4 The eight-year-old was very honest / dishonest. He
1st May 2019 1 do the shopping 2
SW7 2AZ returned the extra change to the shop.
Tel: 44 20 8751 5513 5 My classmate is always smiling and cheerful /
Dear Mr Nichols miserable.
On behalf of everyone at City University, I am pleased to congratulate you on our acceptance of your application. We were very
6 Unfortunately, my roommate is reliable / unreliable.
impressed by your academic history, athletic achievements and volunteer work. We feel that you would make an excellent addition to
the City University alumni. As you know, City University is the oldest university in the area and we are known for accepting only the best She never pays her share of the rent on time.
students. After careful review of your application, we are delighted to say that we believe you meet our criteria for acceptance.
Please find all the necessary enrollment forms on our website. We appreciate your filling them out and submitting them to us by 5 Describe the clothes in the pictures with 2
1st August 2019, in order to ensure your enrollment at City University and facilitate the acceptance process for the first semester. If you words – the pattern and the name of the item.
have any questions or problems, please feel free to contact us at 44 20 8751 5513 or by email – We 3 4
look forward to hearing from you.
If you are interested in finding out about student housing, please visit the Student Housing section of our website, which will provide all
the information you need. We offer both on-campus and off-campus accommodation, individual or shared, so there are many different
possibilities for your consideration. Your accommodation application needs to be submitted by 15th August in order to guarantee a ks
space. We also offer meal plans, where students can have breakfast, lunch and dinner at our on-campus restaurants. Applications also bedroom
need to be submitted by 15th August.
We look forward to having you with us in September as you start this new and exciting journey in your life.
k itch e n
Yours sincerely,
EmilyGoodard 5 6
Emily Goodard
Admissions Department 2 Complete the sentences with the tasks from
City University Exercise 1. striped T-shirt
1 2
1 The moving boxes are piled high. They need to be
1 Read the text and choose the correct option. 3 Read the text once more and answer the unpacked .
1 This document was most likely … 2 They need to . It’s a mess.
a an email. b a printed letter. 1 After Trevor enrolls, what is the next step? 3 Andy should . He is almost
2 It is from … out of food.
a City University. b Trevor Nichols. 4 When you get up in the morning, you should
3 It is to … 2 What type of accommodation does the university .
a City University. b Trevor Nichols. offer? 5 One of my chores on Saturdays is to do the laundry.
I in the laundry room in the
2 Read the text again and answer the questions.
1 What is the main piece of information being 3 Where can Trevor get more information about 3 4
6 I always after dinner.
communicated in this letter? accommodation?
Trevor Nichols was accepted to City University. 3 Match the sentence halves.
2 When was the letter written? 1 Peter is working a his cup of tea.
hard to get b “I am the
4 What is the deadline for submitting accommodation
2 “Please come in. Make supervisor. How
3 Who wrote the letter? application forms? 3 We share the bills may I help you?”
fifty-fifty, so you c yourself
4 What reasons does the letter state for the acceptance? have to comfortable.”
4 Sam hates housework. d into his preferred
5 What else can Trevor apply for?
It’s not university.
5 What is the university known for? 5 “Who is in charge e time being, she
here?” is volunteering to
5 6
6 What does Trevor need to do next? 6 What meals does the plan offer? 6 She is waiting to get help the elderly.
into university. For the f pay your share.
76 77
1 1
6 What should they wear? Complete the tables with Yes or No. 9 Are the sentences below correct (✓) or 12 Join the sentences with who, where or which.
incorrect (✗) ?
1 The boxes over there. They need to be unpacked.
Situation: A formal party Situation: Dinner at a nice restaurant 1 I met a new girl. I am liking her? ✗
1 4 The boxes over there which need to be unpacked.
a baggy trousers, a plain shirt and No a baggy trousers, a plain jumper and 2 Where do they live? 2 The girl in the cafeteria. She is my roommate.
combat boots combat boots 3 They are going on holiday.
b a flowery evening dress Yes b skirt, blouse and sandals 4 The teachers are not believing me. 3 I am selling my car. It has only ten thousand miles
5 Are you taking Science this term? on it.
2 Situation: A job interview 5 Situation: Cinema with friends 6 Do they having activities
a a blazer, tailored pants and high heels a a leather skirt, blouse and ballet flats after school? 4 I am moving into a house. My friends live there.
b a plain evening dress b an embroidered skirt, blazer and high heels 10 Complete the sentences with the Present
Simple or Present Continuous form of the 5 She lives in a building. Her friends live there too.
3 Situation: A casual party at a friend’s house 6 Situation: Relaxing at home
1 THINK 6 The computer on the table. I use it.
a a flowery evening dress a a spotted evening dress
a I am thinking about your proposal.
b baggy trousers, an embroidered b baggy trousers and a plain jumper b I you are right.
blouse and sandals 13 Add one of the prefixes un-, in- or dis- to the
c She he is a bright young man. words in brackets to complete the sentences.
7 Complete the text with the words and phrases from the box. d W
hat you unkind
1 She was a very (kind) person.
2 He is an (flexible) negotiator.
cheerful do the laundry do housework eat fast food half-and-half honest tidy used to the big city 2 SEE
3 They are being (sensitive) to his
a I what you are saying.
b They a clear path ahead.
This year, I will move to another city to go to university. Many things will change in my life. To start off, I will have to 4 This is a very (pleasant) situation.
c They the girl in the distance.
1 do housework
. Fortunately, my mother taught me how to 2 and 3 my room, but 5 Unfortunately, they were (honest)
d He about his documents.
I don't know how to cook. I think I will have to 4 until I learn. Another big adjustment will be getting about their business dealings.
. I come from a small village in the countryside, so it will take some getting accustomed to. I will 6 My roommate is (reliable), I never
a He a meal with his family.
have a roommate, so we will share the expenses 6 . I hope to have a 7 and more know if she is going to do her part or not.
b They a new car.
importantly, 8 roommate. Let’s hope for the best.
c She a test later today. 14 Circle the correct options.
d They a cup of coffee. 1 These young people are very hard-working and
ambition / ambitious.
8 Identify how the Present Simple is used in the sentences below. 11 Circle the correct relative pronoun.
2 We chose this accountant because we need
1 What is the name of the professor who / where / confident / confidentiality.
To talk about future
To talk about things To talk about events that are which teaches Science? 3 I need a job that allows me the flexible / flexibility
we do regularly permanent situations on a timetable or 2 A hospital is a place who / where / which people to work from home sometimes.
programme go when they are not well. 4 They are the most reliable / reliability couple
1 He lives downtown. ✓ 3 A meteorologist is a person who / where / which I know.
predicts the weather. 5 Her shy / shyness really holds her back from
2 The flight arrives at 5:30 a.m. 4 An evening dress is an item of clothing who / making friends.
where / which women wear to formal occasions. 6 I admire her inner strong / strength.
3 He plays football with his friends every
5 What do you call someone who / where / which
reads the news on TV?
4 He never cooks dinner.
6 Is that the shop who / where / which you bought
5 The class starts at 9 a.m. your jumper?
78 79
1 1
1 30 Listen and choose the correct option. 1 Complete the sentences with the words and 3 Complete the table with the opposites.
phrases from the list.
1 The recording is of a … 1 tidy a
a face-to face-conversation. b telephone call.
2 easy-going and b
2 What is the relationship between the two people?
6 stupid f
80 81
2 Notre-Dame on Fire 2
1 Put a dollar sign next to the words and expressions related to money.
News Today
1 scholarship $ 5 to scrape by
2 to give up 6 to dream of
3 backing 7 to make ends meet
4 to come to an end 8 to head off
ineteen-year-old Jafar Howe has have contacted him to help close the gap
won a partial scholarship to the in his tuition and total donations on his
prestigious Princeton University GoFundMe page jumped from $2,000
to $7,000 in a matter of hours.
Down 3
1 Nice
1 Read the text and choose the correct option. 2 Something that makes you feel
1 This text appears in a newspaper. Where else would you expect to see a text like this? happy and satisfied
a on a news site on the internet b in a glossy magazine 3 Not special or unusual 4
2 The article is about … 8 The opposite of positive
a a teen’s struggle to raise money to travel abroad. b a teen’s struggle to raise money to study abroad.
3 The university to which he has been accepted is …
4 Something that makes you feel
a in the USA. b in the UK. 5
ashamed, embarrassed and /
2 Read the text again and answer the questions. 3 What do these numbers refer to? or angry
1 How old is Jafar? 1 1540 5 Something unusual, exciting or
informative that catches your
2 Was he granted a full scholarship? 2 1600 attention
6 Believing in religion 8
3 What has Jafar been doing to make more money? 3 $400,000 7 Something that gives you
4 What happened after his story was published? 4 $20,000
82 83
2 2
4 Complete the sentences with some of the words from Exercise 3. 9 Complete the sentences with the correct Past 12 Complete the sentences with the Present
1 Although they were invented a little over a decade
Simple form of the verbs in brackets. Perfect form of the verbs in brackets.
4 We had a meal yesterday.
ago, smartphones are commonplace nowadays. 1 We cleaned (clean) the house from top to 1 I have never been (not be) abroad.
5 I'm reading an book at the moment.
2 It is always to take a walk in the park 6 I don’t go to church because I am not very bottom last week. 2 you
when the weather is nice. . 2 Kyle (try out) for the school's (ever be) to Europe?
3 I don’t like being around people. football team. 3 The room is different!
3 They (arrive) home, Yes, I (paint) it.
5 Rewrite the sentences with the expressions from the box. (have) a snack and 4 She (not study) physics
go on a family holiday pass an exam travel abroad alone to be promoted (start) their homework. before.
to graduate from university to open one's own business 4 They (go) to the pool every day 5 What’s wrong with the baby? She
during their holiday. (be) sick all day.
1 She got a better job in her company. 4 She was successful in the exam.
5 Vinnie (eat) a hamburger for 6 I (finish) the book. I need to
She was promoted.
lunch today. take it back to the library.
2 They successfully completed university. 5 I will be going to another country by myself for the
6 They (text) me to meet them at
first time. 13 Complete the text with the correct forms of
the party. the verbs in brackets.
3 They are travelling together to relax on the beach.
6 Gina is opening her own company in June. 10 I s the underlined verb tense in the sentences
in the Past Simple or Past Continuous?
The Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris 1 caught
1 I danced at the ballet recital
6 Match the sentence halves to form complete sentences. last month. Past Simple (catch) fire on 15 April 2019. On the other side of
1 She makes a falling in love for the first time. the world, Jean 2 (work) at his desk
2 I was working all week last
2 They are studying a lot because tomorrow b friends easily. when he 3
(hear) the news. Jean, who
3 She met someone and she is c they need to take a test. is originally from Paris, immediately 4
3 They took our school
4 I am upset because d for a relative with a terminal illness. (log) onto his computer to see the details. He could
pictures yesterday.
5 Next year, my family might move e I lost something important. see that the firefighters 5 (do) their
4 I was studying so much in the
6 He doesn’t work because he is caring f to another town. best to fight the flames and that all emergency
last month that all I want to
personnel and hospitals 6 (be) on
7 Complete the sentences with the intensifiers from the box. do now is sleep.
alert. Jean was worried about his family, but he
5 She wrote two books when she
absolutely at all completely rather so utterly
(know) that they were fine. He was
was in her twenties.
sad to see what 8
(happen) to such
1 She was more than sad, she was utterly 4 I like this ice cream. Where did 6 Her parents bought her a
an important monument in his hometown.
devastated. you get it? new smartphone.
2 I don’t have any money . 5 They forgot about her birthday. 11 Complete the sentences with the Past Simple
3 She was happy to see her sisters 6 This pie is delicious. or Past Continuous forms of the verbs in
14 Complete the sentences with so or such.
that she jumped for joy. brackets. 1 She is so beautiful.
1 We were having (have) dinner when my father. 2 She is such a beauty.
8 Tick the correct use of the Past Simple. 3 They were late for the meeting that
arrived (arrive).
simple finished actions repeated actions a sequence of events 2 I (study) last night when he we had to cancel.
in the past in the past in the past (call) me. 4 It was an interesting exhibition that
1 Yesterday she went to the ✓ 3 Who you I went to see it a second time.
shopping centre to buy new shoes. (speaking) to when I (come) in? 5 He is tired that he fell asleep
2 I went to the bank several times 4 We (go) to Bath when we during dinner.
last week. (visit) England. 6 She is a hard worker that she was
3 I ate all my vegetables. 5 He (get) annoyed because they quickly promoted.
(interrupt) him.
4 She parked the car, got out and
6 It (snow) when I
took the kids inside the house.
(leave) home.
5 I called him every day last week.
84 85
2 2
1 Listen to the recording and choose the
33 Have you always wanted to play the
1 Complete the sentences with the words and 4 Complete the sentences with when or while.
correct option. piano or guitar? phrases from the list.
1 I was cooking dinner
Do you already play but need to
1 The recording is … improve your skills? suddenly the children burst into the kitchen.
a a conversation between friends.
Do you want to learn how to read backing 2 They had a coffee they
music? cried out of happiness
b an argument between friends. were waiting for the check.
going in for
2 Julia … Music with Natasha make his dream come true 3 They were sleeping their
a needs advice. scholarship parents arrived.
is here to help.
b gives advice. scraping by 4 The doctors prepared to receive patients
3 Marco … I am a classically-trained the police dealt with the
musician and music teacher 1 Simon was a degree in physics in
a needs advice. with three years of teaching chaos on the streets.
b gives advice. experience. I teach kids, teens 5 the adults were having
and adults to play their favourite 2 When she got the news, she .
songs in a fun-filled one-hour dinner, the children were playing video games in
2 34Listen to the first half of the conversation 3 He is working hard to .
class. the TV room.
again and answer the questions. 4 I was able to go to university thanks to a sports
Call me for a demo class. 6 They were already doing the dishes
1 Why is Julia worried? .
I got home.
Music with Natasha
2 Why doesn’t Julia ask her parents for money? studies. 5 Are the sentences correct or incorrect? Circle
6 Money was short and the family was . the incorrect part of the sentence and correct it.
3 What are Marco’s two suggestions? 1 Jeff was going to Paris when he
1 Natasha is a trained musician. What jobs could 2 Put the words in order to make sentences.
meet his girlfriend.
she have as a professional? 1 She / hurtful / things / very / me / to / said / .
4 Why isn’t selling lemonade a good idea? 2 Why did you move to Madrid?
1 Music teacher
3 I was walking down the street
5 What does Marco suggest instead of lemonade? 2 2 were / They / a / positive / on / life / influence / my / .
when I was approaching by
a stranger.
6 What does Julia think of this idea? 4 3 It / memorable / a / trip / was / .
4 I was very passionate about
2 What special skills do you have that you can painting when I was younger.
4 life / was / She / during / there / formative / the / of /
use to make ends meet? 5 They were thinking about what to
3 35Listen to the second half of the his / years / .
conversation again and write T (true) or F 1 I bake very well. I can make cakes and other treats do when she made a great
(false). to sell at school. suggestion.
5 play / fantastic / was / The / .
1 Julia is a great baker. 2 6 I was running a marathon last year,
2 Julia will ask her sister for help. while I was prepared for a triathlon.
6 painful / The / was / injury / .
3 They will sell the cupcakes in 3
6 Write complete sentences using the Present
front of the supermarket. Perfect.
4 Cupcakes are fashionable 4 3 Complete the sentences with complete
expressions. The main word of the expression is 1 I / already / do / homework.
right now.
provided for you.
5 Marco is getting excited about
3 List some reasons why you might need to make 1 I work hard because I want 2 We / just / prepare / dinner.
the idea. some extra money.
6 Marco has offered to help sell to a managerial position.
1 I need to make some money to help pay for the
PROMOTED 3 They / not / complete / project.
the cupcakes.
school trip next month.
2 He hopes to so he could
2 be independent and rich one day. BUSINESS 4 She / not / received / any / news.
86 87
3 A Hard Day’s Life! 3
1 Match the sentence halves to form a complete 3 Match the words in the box to the definitions.
To: The General Manager Customer Services sentence.
ABC Airlines coach depart gate platform port railway station
23 Main Street 1 I was so sad a the carousel.
London, England that I felt 1 A place where trains stop for passengers
to get on and get off platform
Dear Sir 2 There was no b bumper-to-
I am writing to inform you of one of the worst travel experiences I have ever had. traffic, so we bumper traffic. 2 The area in an airport where
As you know, flight AA276 from Toronto to London on 5th January 2019 was delayed due to severe weather conditions. I was able to board the following day, were passengers board the plane
but of course, I had also missed my connecting flight in New York. At the airport in New York there were over one hundred fellow passengers in the same
situation as I was. 3 Right before c parking in the 3 A place where ships stop
Unfortunately, the employees of ABC airlines at the airport in New York were more than unhelpful, they were downright rude to us. They provided the holidays wrong place. 4 A bus usually used for
absolutely no information on when we would be able to travel. After we had been there for more than six hours, we were tired, hungry, thirsty and had no there is always
idea of what was happening. Instead of your staff helping us, they either ignored us or, in one instance, shouted at some of the passengers, myself included.
longer trips
As night fell, people started settling in for the night, right there on the floor of the terminal. There were families with babies and small children, elderly 4 This road has a d like crying. 5 A raised place in a railway station
people and people with physical limitations. It was humiliating. lot of potholes, where trains stop and passengers
After twelve hours, we were given some information and we finally embarked after eighteen hours of waiting. By that time, we had no idea if our luggage
would meet us at the carousels when we arrived. People had spent much more money than they had planned to on meals and water. Everyone was tired, sore 5 We need to e so we can’t drive get off and get on trains
and irritable. pick up our too fast. 6 Another word for when
We are writing this letter collectively to request compensation of $5000 per passenger for the pain and suffering we endured at the hands of your company. luggage at
If we do not receive a satisfactory response within five working days, we will be forced to take legal action
vehicles leave
6 I got a fine for f making good time.
We look forward to hearing back from you and to an amicable conclusion to this situation.
4 Complete the sentences with the words from
Sincerely, Exercise 3.
2 Choose the correct option to complete the
Adam Sands sentences. 1 My train departs from six at
1 I didn’t have breakfast today, so I .
2 The was already crowded when
1 Read the text and tick the correct answer. 3 Read the text once more and write T (true) or F a feel dizzy b delayed
we got there, so there was a long line to board the
(false). 2 I don’t have my ticket, but I do have my
1 The text is a … plane.
1 The employees of the airline .
a formal letter. b friendly email. 3 We can get to Oxford by train or .
were helpful. a tender b booking number
2 The text is … Which one do you prefer?
2 The passengers slept on the floor. 3 Our flight has been , so we will
a an informative letter. b a letter of complaint. 4 They arrived at the just in time,
3 Families, children and people of arrive a few hours later than expected.
3 The sender is … so they had to run to catch their train.
age were affected. a delayed b merge
a Adam Sands. b ABC Airlines. 5 The ferry is in for repairs.
4 They embarked after twenty-four hours. 4 This highway has less traffic, but we have to pay
4 The recipient is …
5 People spent their own money to eat. several . 5 What kind of ticket do I need?
a Adam Sands. b ABC Airlines.
6 The passengers are seeking a moors b tolls
1 I am going abroad and coming back in a week’s
2 Read the text again and answer the questions. compensation of $1,000 each. 5 These four lanes will into two
1 What is the purpose of the letter? lanes further up on the highway. return
I need a ticket.
To inform the airline of his travel experience and a merge b tender
2 When travelling, we need to have a real ticket.
to seek compensation. 6 If we miss the correct , we will
I need a ticket.
2 When did the incident take place? have to drive an extra six kilometres to get there.
3 If I take the underground every day,
a carousel b exit
I need a .
4 I am travelling only one way.
3 Where was the writer flying from? I need a ticket.
5 I love basketball and I want to see all the games.
I need a ticket.
4 Where was the writer flying to?
88 89
3 3
6 Complete the expressions with the phrases from the box. 10 Complete the sentences with the Past Simple 12 Complete the text with the Past Simple, Past
or the Present Perfect form of the verbs in Continuous or the Present Perfect Simple
the bus the train your boarding card your flight your passport your ticket brackets. form of the verbs in brackets.
1 We left (leave) home at 6 a.m. this
morning and have made (make) good time
to miss to lose since then.
90 91
3 3
1 Listen to the recording and tick the correct
36 1 Match the columns according to their meaning. 4 Complete the sentences with the appropriate
Essay Notes reflexive pronoun.
answers. 1 sad a go to a carousel
Title – The best trip I have ever taken
1 The recording is … 1 I would like to try to do it .
2 the cars are b merge
a a conversation between friends. 2 He is quite talented and built his house
Where – Patagonia hardly moving
b a business phone call. .
When – July 2018 3 go over the c to feel like crying
2 The caller wants to … 3 She couldn’t find a partner to work with, so she did
Why – speed limit
a buy travel insurance. the project .
family holidays 4 pick up my d get a traffic fine
b book a flight. 4 The store allows customers to put the furniture
my favourite because it was my first luggage
3 The caller wants to … together .
time on a plane and Patagonia was so 5 leave e bumper-to-
a travel to London. 5 Would you like to help ?
beautiful bumper traffic
b travel to Buenos Aires. 6 The baby is too small to feed .
we had a good time 6 join f exit
2 37 Listen again. What do the following days, How – by plane 5 Are the underlined verbs Past Simple, Past
dates and values represent? What – 2 What is it? Continuous, Past Perfect or Present Perfect?
The south of Argentina and Chile 1 Yesterday I did my homework
1 30th September bus terminal coach depart gate land platform
The date the caller wants to travel three oceans – Pacific, Atlantic and before dinner.
Southern Oceans 1 The place where I catch 2 Have you ever visited Japan?
2 $759
Whale watching, bird watching and the bus. 3 She was doing the gardening
penguins 2 I wait here to board the train. when he called.
3 $579
Who – Mum, dad, my sister and me 3 The plane leaves. 4 They had already packed the
How much – I don’t know – do research 4 A comfortable bus for a picnic when we arrived.
4 18th October
on cost. long-distance trip. 5 He left really early in
5 I wait here for a plane. the morning.
5 Wednesday 28th
6 The plane arrives. 6 She had never heard of
1 Look at Luca’s notes for an essay he is going to
write. Write your own notes on the same topic. him before.
6 Fridays 3 Which expression (a–f) best suits the words
1 and expressions (1–6)? 6 Complete the text with the Past Simple or Past
2 Perfect Simple form of the verbs in brackets.
3 38Listen once more and write T (true) or 1 too late for my a a traffic jam
F (false). 3 plane
1 The caller wants to travel on 4 Last year, I 1 (plan) on travelling
2 can’t find my b delay
30th September. 5 passport through South-East Asia, when I 2
2 The caller books a flight for 6 (get) a call from my agent. I'm an actor. I
3 my suitcase is c miss my flight
30th September. 7 too heavy
always (want)
92 93
4 Down Memory Lane 4
1 What did they use before? Fill in the blanks with 3 Match the sentence halves to form complete
the words from the box. sentences.
1 My mother a arriving on the
camera CD players dial telephone
came of age scene soon.
floppy disk maps typewriters
2 It’s not good for b male than female
1 My father used to carry a big camera kids if lawyers in the
United Kingdom.
with him to take pictures. Now he just uses his
mobile phone. 3 The police will c in the seventies.
2 In the past, my parents had a
at home. Nowadays, everyone has their own 4 People born d his physical
after prowess on the
Happy Father’s Day 3 My older cousins used to listen to music on their
5 On average e the year 2000 are
Today is Father’s Day so I was thinking about my dad and everything he means to me. He is one of the most progressive people that I . Now they listen on their mobile
there are more digital natives.
know. Even when I was a child, he was always one of the first people I knew to embrace new technology. I think part of it is because of his 6 Usain Bolt is f they have a
4 People used to save their work on a
known for permissive
job as a journalist, but part of it is also his personality, he embraces new technology in both his professional and personal lives. Before I was . Now everyone uses a thumb upbringing.
born, he used to write all his articles on a typewriter. He was one of the first people I knew to get a computer. Of course, it was one of drive.
4 Complete the sentences using would like + to
5 In the past, people would travel with infinitive and your own words.
those old computers with a black screen and green font and those huge floppy disks – so ancient when I think about it now. He was also
. Now everyone uses GPS maps
1 I love Beyoncé, so I would like to go to one of her
one of the first people to get a mobile phone. His very first one was the size and shape of a brick!! My friends used to think that my dad on their mobile phones. concerts one day.
was the coolest. 6 Journalists used to write their stories on
2 She is studying law and she
Nowadays, my dad continues to be one of the most progressive people that I know. He uses technology that even I don’t use. He listens to . Nowadays, they all use
music using an online streaming service, he has a Fitbit, he blogs and vlogs, and has a YouTube channel to teach creative writing. He uses 3 They are very tired and
2 Complete the sentences with would rather, .
social media and has a large following.
nevertheless or even though. 4 She studies theatre and
What I admire most about my dad is that he is proof that age is just a number. His mind, his behaviour and his use of technology is as fresh 1 I am tired, so I would rather stay home than .
and as modern as a person half his age. He is an example to me and to everyone around him. go to a party. 5 Victor is studying hard for his upcoming test and
2 He was late, the meeting .
went ahead. 6 It’s a hot summer day and the kids
1 Read the text and choose the correct options. 3 Read the text once more and complete the 3 we have new technology, my .
1 This text is … father still uses a typewriter.
1 Nowadays the writer’s father is still one of the
5 Put the words from the list into the appropriate
a a diary entry. b a letter. 4 she loves cakes, she turned column.
most progressive people he knows.
2 The text is about … down dessert.
a the writer’s father. b the use of technology. 2 The father’s first mobile phone was
5 The project was not very well done, computer map
3 The occasion is … .
he got a passing grade. dial telephone smartphone
a a birthday. b Father’s Day. 3 He listens to music floppy disk text messages
6 you have
chicken or beef?
GPS typewriter
2 Read the text again and write T (true) or 4 He teaches creative writing letter thumb drive
F (false).
1 The writer’s father embraces
5 The writer admires that
technology easily. Old technology New technology
2 The writer admires his father.
dial telephone smartphone
3 The writer is a journalist.
4 The father doesn’t use technology
in his personal life.
5 The father still uses a typewriter.
6 The writer’s friends thought his
father was modern.
94 95
4 4
6 Complete the sentences with some of the words 8 This is Alan. Write 5 more sentences about 10 Write complete sentences using used to, the 12 Ask questions using the prompts in the list
from Exercise 5. things he used to do when he was young. actions in the list, and the frequency given in and the Wh- words provided.
1 The smartphone has replaced many old devices
• get around
such as cameras, tape recorders and CD players.
• go to school
2 If I placed a in front of a teenager, • like to do at weekends
• cook (always)
he most probably wouldn't know how to make a • shop
• do research in the library (x0)
phone call. • spend on clothes
• go dancing (x0)
• take the train instead of the bus
3 It’s very cumbersome to travel with a • go roller skating (sometimes)
. A GPS is so much more • go to the beach (x1)
• listen to the radio (sometimes 1 Why did you use to take the train instead of the bus?
convenient. 2 How
• play video games (x0)
4 My father writes novels, but he is old-fashioned. He • take the bus to school (every day) 3 What
uses a instead of a computer. 4 Where
5 Sharon saves all of her work on a . 5 How much
1 Amy used to always cook dinner.
6 I don’t know how we ever navigated this city
2 6 Where
without a .
When Alan was a baby, he used to cry a lot. 3 13 What would happen if …? Use the information
7 Find the words from the list in the word search. 4 in the pictures to write sentences about what
5 Paula imagines her life would be like.
com puter 7
floppy dis k 8
lap top 11 A
sk yes / no questions about what these
let ter 9 Look at the information in the table and write 5 people used to do.
more sentences about what Peter and Ana used
sm art ph one to do.
teleph one
tex t Peter Ana
typ ew riter
Play the guitar ✗
Be in a theatre group
Do dance classes ✗
N Z T X M Y W O L V R Y H Q I 1 If Paula had a lot of money, she would travel all over
Study a lot ✗
the world.
H P S J P T H M K E T F L K E 1 Did Mateo use to play 2 Did Maria
Help mum prepare dinner ✗
2 If Paula were rich,
U F L D U P X A R K P Q T Y W basketball?
A L K A T H V E E B Z H S L K Watch a lot of TV ✗ ✗
3 If Paula won the lottery,
P Z A L R P L V I Y G A O N P 1 Peter used to play the guitar when he was younger.
D M I F X L F O R N N Z P F E 2
S Z D F E M K M W V W M O W V 3
X R K T R D T J E M S F J I Y 4
S R T E I W P Y P U H Z T R H 5 14 Lucia is very sad. She's not doing well in
6 school, she's arguing with her parents and
H E G F L O P P Y D I S K H G she's not playing any sports or doing any
R P O T P A L H T S O Q T U C school activities. What advice would you give
B V X F T W Q N E P S R W K V 3 Did Elena 4 Did Ben her?
1 If I were you, I would get a tutor to help with my studies.
96 97
4 4
1 39 Listen and choose the correct option.
Read the following product descriptions. 1 Complete the text with the words from the list. 3 Choose the correct option to complete the
1 This conversation is taking place …
Basic Black Rotary Phone 1 Aaron had no self-control and respect for his
a in a classroom. Our modern telephone allows you the
ease of communicating with the world camera smartphone teachers because he had a very .
b in a café.
from the comfort of your home. Call short a prowess b permissive upbringing
2 Benjamin is a … and long distance by dialling friends and
computer thumb drive
2 There was an accident so the police will be
a teacher. family directly, without the need for an maps typewriter
operator, and talk for hours. Models also any minute now.
b a student.
come in Baby Pink and Powder Blue. a on average b arriving on the scene
3 Benjamin is …
3 Michael Phelps is known for his physical
a introducing himself.
Functional Flip Phone in the pool.
b explaining something. Weighing just 3.1 ounces, this phone a prowess b on average
fits in your pocket without the bulk
2 40 Listen again and write True (T) or False (F). and weight of other models. Our 4 Teenagers are at a time of
1 Benjamin is from Buenos Aires. new technology ensures 95% calls unprecedented environmental change.
completed. For the busy and discreet
2 Benjamin likes playing video games. I'm afraid that my parents are rather behind the times a coming of age b permissive upbringing
businessman on the go, you can switch
3 Benjamin used to like comics. your alerts to vibrate – the only device on in terms of technology. While most people do almost 5 Girls do better than boys in school.
the market to offer this feature. a on average b prowess
4 Benjamin only draws his favourite everything on their 1 , my parents
superheroes. haven’t joined the technological revolution yet. My 6 If you were born in the last fifteen years, then you
Sensational Smartphone
5 Benjamin hasn’t seen the films This device has a 6.4-inch high- father still takes pictures with his old film are a .
based on the comics. resolution display with high-speed 2
. He even develops the pictures a permissive upbringing b digital native
processor and expanded storage
6 Benjamin learnt to draw by himself. capability. The long-lasting battery himself. My mother loves to write in her spare time 4 Julia used to have great summers on the beach
allows you more time to enjoy the and she does all her writing on a 3 . when she was a child. Write 4 sentences about
3 Listen once more and complete the
cameras, video recording features, Wi-Fi what Julia used to do.
sentences. capabilities and internet. This is not just a
Wouldn’t it be easier to use a 4
98 99
5 Environmental Issues 5
1 What’s the result of these problems? Complete 3 Match the sentence halves to form complete
Status Report the table with the words from the list. sentences.
The City of Caledonia 1 We take all our a endangered
bottles and species.
Date: 20th February 2019 From: The City of Caledonia Environmental Committee cans
To: Mayor Valeria Sanchez Subject: Annual Environmental Status Report
air pollution
chemical pollution 2 Every b unrecyclable
Introduction spring my materials and
industrial pollution neighbourhood excessive waste.
The city of Caledonia, located in the province of Buenos Aires, has been a large player in the country’s petrochemical industry since the 1940s. It sound pollution has a
is home to two large refineries and a large port which exports important commodities such as grain and wool, playing an important role in the
economy of the country. urban sprawl 3 I contribute c clean-up
Due to the presence of large industrial players such as the oil refineries and shipping, in 2011 Caledonia was identified as having the worst air
quality in the province, affecting the health of the population, the flora and fauna and potentially, in the long run, the economy of the city.
visual pollution to a charity campaign to pick
which works to up rubbish from
This document will report on the status of the air quality and the action taken in 2018 on issues affecting the environment.
protect the streets and
Air pollution parks.
Problem Result
In 2011, it was recognised that the poor air quality in the city of Caledonia was affecting the health of the city’s population. Hospital visits for 4 We need to cut d concrete
respiratory complaints such as asthma and bronchitis were at an all-time high, reaching 2,354 hospital visits in 2011. Since then, due to the actions 1 Heavy traffic a sound pollution down on the measures to
taken to reduce air pollution, hospital visits have been declining, reaching 974 in 2018, the lowest since measures were put in place to improve air use of reducing industrial
quality. There has been an even sharper decline in respiratory complaints among children and newborns, reaching a low of 119 in 2018.
2 Excessive billboards a
Actions to improve air quality in the city b 5 The only way e to be recycled.
• Industrial processes have been improved, machinery updated and emissions of harmful pollutants such as sulphur dioxides, nitrogen oxides, to solve our
carbon monoxide, and carbon dioxide reduced by 65%. 3 Uncontrolled a environmental
• Cars have been banned in the city centre and public transportation is subsidised. There has been an 80% reduction in the use of cars and 56% industrial expansion b problems
increase in the use of public transportation.
• One hundred and fifty kilometres of bicycle paths have been built. Since 2011, the use of bicycles as the main mode of transportation to get to 4 Lack of urban a 6 Many f is through
and from school and work has increased by 73%. This increase has also been facilitated by the fact that cyclists feel safer with fewer cars on the planning and b companies are sustainable
population growth taking development.
• Five hundred and fifty new trees were planted last year. Trees have been proven to filter harmful particles in the air and contribute to a cooler
city. The tree planting initiative is expected to reduce harmful particles in the air by a further 13%.
2 Complete the sentences with the words from 4 Match the materials to the objects from the box.
the list.
belt cup gloves jeans plate shirt
1 Read the text and choose the correct option. 4 974
carbon dioxide 1 plastic cup
1 The text is … deforestation
5 119 2 paper
a a letter. fumigation 3 denim
b a newspaper article. global warming
6 65% 4 cotton
c a report. marine pollution
5 leather
2 The text was prepared by … sustainable development
6 rubber
a The City of Caledonia. 3 Read the text once more. Put numbers to the
b The City of Caledonia Environmental Committee. events. 1 The city is full of old cars, buses and lorries, 5 Complete the sentences with the correct form of
c Mayor Valeria Sanchez. 1 The fall in the use of cars: 80% releasing carbon dioxide into the air. the phrases from Exercise 4.
3 The text is addressed to … 2 The rise in the use of 2 Chemicals in the water and soil get washed into the 1 I served food on made from
a The City of Caledonia. public transportation: ocean, contributing to . recyclable materials yesterday. It wasn’t bad.
b The City of Caledonia Environmental Committee. 3 New bicycle paths: 3 Government needs to work with industry to ensure 2 allow the skin to breathe.
c Mayor Valeria Sanchez. 4 The increase in the use of bicycles . 3 He always wears a to match his
as the major source of transportation 4 Expanding cattle farms often contribute to shoes.
2 Read the text again. What do the following
numbers refer to? from Monday to Friday: increased . 4 She uses when she is cleaning
5 The number of trees planted 5 with dangerous pesticides is the house.
1 2
in 2018: bad for consumers and for the environment. 5 We’ve stopped using disposable
The number of large refineries in the city.
6 The expected fall in harmful 6 Governments are working together to battle when we have parties. We now use reusable ones.
2 1
particles in the air: . 6 He usually wears to work on
3 2,354 casual Fridays.
100 101
5 5
6 Complete the text with the words and phrases 8 Transform the following sentences from the 10 Complete the text with the passive voice of 12 Rewrite the sentences using reported speech.
from the list. active voice to the passive voice. the verbs in brackets.
1 Camila: “We need to reduce air pollution.”
1 Cattle ranchers cut down trees to expand fields for Camila said that we need to reduce air pollution.
Last year, concrete steps 1 were taken (take)
acid rain grazing.
cut down to reduce all forms of pollution in the city where I
Trees were cut down by cattle ranchers to expand live. In the past, rivers 2 (pollute),
notable 2 Julieta: “You should recycle.”
took concrete measures fields for grazing. streets 3 (litter) and toxic gases
urban sprawl 2 The volunteer group cleaned up the neighbourhood
(emit) into the air. These days,
visual pollution it 5 (recognise) that these and
park. other kinds of pollution are bad for humans and 3 Martin: “Please take these bottles to the recycling
for the environment, and efforts are being made to plant.”
ensure that our environment 6
(preserve) for future generations.
3 Industrial emissions pollute the city.
4 Sara: “Do not use plastic cups and straws.”
11 Change what they are saying to reported
The city used to be extremely polluted, but 4 The NGO protects the endangered animals. speech.
after the government 1
to 2 on chemical and 5 The doctor: “Cut down on meat.”
industrial pollution, there was a
fall in problems 5 The government ruled out extreme measures.
such as 4 . Now, the
government is tackling other problems such as 6 Lucia: “Clean up after yourself”
, caused by a growing
population and the 6 from 6 The city banned industrial waste coming from the
all the billboards around the city. surrounding factories.
13 Daniel and Flavia are having a barbecue and
1 a “Write down the notes.” their friends are bringing things for the party.
7 Are the sentences active or passive? Tick the Our teacher told us to write the notes down. Rewrite what was said in reported speech.
correct box. 9 Use the information below and supplement with 1 “I’ll bring the drinks,” said Benjamin.
b “Work with a partner.”
your own information to write sentences in the
Active Passive passive voice.
1 domestic waste / dump / city 2 “I’ll bring meat,” said Andrea.
1 Cars and factories
Domestic waste is being dumped in a city near here.
contribute to air
2 Billboards are the 2 glass and aluminium / recycled / weekly 3 “I won’t be able to make it,” said Juan.
cause of all the
visual pollution in
the city.
3 only recyclable packaging / use / our company 4 “Nadia and I will bring snacks,” said Laura.
3 Air pollution was 2 a “Please give the baby a bath.”
cleaned up by the
last government.
4 reduce / use of plastics / drastically / last year b “Turn up the heat, please.” 5 “Valentina promised to bring cups and plates,” said
4 Oil spills is a big
cause of marine Flavia.
5 endangered species / not protect / in the past
5 Sound pollution is
caused mainly by 6 “Can you bring some bread?” asked Daniel.
cars in the city.
6 Cotton is the most
commonly used
fabric on earth.
102 103
5 5
1 Listen and choose the correct option. 1 What is happening in these pictures? 3 Complete the text with the words from the box.
m the sky
minimum levels. he city is struggling to meet its clean air goals. Set 2 The garden was planted by my mother.
2 Fines are used to … in 2010, the city has yet to implement measures to
ensure that factories and the general population make 3 The food is prepared by a special chef.
environmentally sustained choices which would positively
b .
affect the quality of the air and their health. In 2010 and 4 The animals were protected by the NGO which my
3 Companies have promised to 2011, there were discussions at federal, provincial and
aunt supports.
. municipal levels on how these goals could be achieved,
4 Planting new trees is a way to but very little has been done since then.
5 6 5 The waste was dumped illegally.
. 2 Headline:
5 The efforts have been having
. S ilver City High School has won first prize for the
second year in a row in the provincial Environment
Awareness Awards. Grade 9 students Gabriella Mendoza
2 Match the problems to the solutions.
Problem Solution
6 Pollutants were emitted by factories in the industrial
6 Tomorrow’s report will discuss
and Adriana Fernandez created and implemented a water
. recycling project in their school which has allowed the 1 rubbish on the street a cut down on
school to save 1,000 litres of water a day and pay 45% less 5 Rewrite the questions in the passive voice.
on their water utility bill. 2 endangered species b clean up
1 Do they recycle rubbish in your city?
3 Headline:
3 heavy use of glass and c sustainable
ate yesterday evening, Ben Santos was seen out with
aluminium development 2 Did they ban industrial pollutants?
his dog on Highway 7. While this is not unusual, what
caught the attention of passers-by was that Ben seemed to 4 use of unrecyclable d recycle
be sleepwalking. He was in his pyjamas and house slippers 3 Did they reduce the number of billboards in the city?
and was unresponsive when spoken to. One concerned
citizen called the police to check on him. Ben and his dog 5 global warming e preserve
4 Did the government rule out new measures to
Spark are doing well. control urban sprawl?
Brass Quartet Sacred Christmas Music dressed up order of our appearances, was designed by my
Julieta, Victoria, Valentino & School Junior Choir
Mateo O Come all Ye Faithful proud friend Paulo.
A Selection of Christmas Music a brochure b programme
Secular Christmas Carols took place
Violin Solo School Junior and Senior 3 Paulo was not in the show, but he
Santiago Blanco Choirs did a lot of the work behind the scenes.
Violin Concerto No. 2 Jingle Bells, Deck the Halls & others
Audience can sing along a performing b living
Welcome family and friends to the St Nicholas 1 The school concert took place in December.
High School 10th annual concert. We are
A Christmas Medley (see list and lyrics on pages 3 4 Fernanda performed a dance
very proud of both this tradition and The Senior School Choir & 4) 2 Our family members were to be
this year’s line-up of talented students A Variety of Christmas Carols number.
and staff. We ask that everyone arriving The Grand Finale there.
early sit up front, leaving the back seats a solo b lonely
open for anyone who may be late. We Interval – 20 minutes Teachers and Staff 3 My parents and teachers were quite
also kindly request that you save applause (drinks and food available A Christmas Musical 5 The students performed and the teachers and
for the end of each performance. Finally, in the lobby) of our performance.
we ask that you do not boo anyone. All our parents acted as .
performers have worked really hard to give 4 Daniel’s parents are Scottish, and he played the
the best performance for you this evening and they a organisers b members
deserve your appreciation. at the concert.
We would like to thank teachers, administrators, parents and 6 Many of the performances were related to our
friends who have contributed and helped to make this concert 5 The stage was to hold the
a reality. culture.
whole class of twenty-five students.
Enjoy the evening. a locally b local
6 My friend Ana was like a
The Principal
Ana Vasquez watermelon.
3 Place the words from the box along the line according to how positive or negative they are.
a programme.
The text is about …
b brochure. a some instructions. b no instructions.
- + ++
a St Nicholas High School. b S
t Nicholas High
School’s Christmas bad brilliant
concert. 4 Complete the text with words from Exercise 3. 5 Complete the blanks in the table.
2 Read the text again and write T (true) or F (false). 3 Complete the sentences with information from
Our annual school concert was held last Saturday at Act Person
the text.
1 This concert has been held the community centre, which was an 1 excellent
nine times before. 1 The principal is Ana Vasquez. 1 arsonist
location because it had everything we needed. Overall
2 Only students will perform 2 The duet will be performed by .
the concert was 2 , there were some 2 burglary
at the concert. 3 Santiago Blanco is performing . 3
performances which were almost 3 forger
3 Many people have helped 4 The Senior Choir will sing and
professional, while others were a little 4
make this concert happen. . , 4 mugging
because we expected more. Audience attendance
4 The show has only one act 5 The Junior Choir will sing and
was 5 , it wasn’t bad, but wasn’t great 5 robber
and no interval. .
either. The most 6
performance was
5 One of the acts is a ballet. 6 The audience will sing along with the 6 shoplifting
from the teachers’ choir. It was so 7
6 The audience can participate songs and can find the lyrics on
that all the children in the audience were yawning and 7 vandal
in one of the performances. page .
moving around and many parents took the opportunity 8 hijacking
to get drinks at the concession stand. They should have
practised more.
106 107
6 6
6 Complete the sentences with words from 8 Complete the text with the words from the list. 10 How would you use the following time and 12 Rewrite the questions in reported speech.
Exercise 5. place expressions in reported speech?
1 “Do you like rock music?” Peter asked.
1 The robbery was a complete failure. cybercrime Peter asked if I liked rock music.
The criminals left the bank with nothing and were cybercriminals Used in direct speech Used in reported speech
2 “Do you play any musical instruments?” she asked.
caught by the police. muggers
muggings 1 today
2 The specialises in mid-
robberies 2 tomorrow
3 “Are they in this class?” Isabella inquired.
twentieth century American paintings. vandals
3 The teenagers were caught at 3 yesterday 4 “Was she a dancer?” asked the director.
the shopping centre. Being located in a big city, the police
4 here
4 There have been several department was accustomed to dealing with
5 “Where did you study?” the interviewer asked.
many different types of crimes and criminals. 5 now
downtown. My mobile phone was stolen last week.
In the past, they dealt with a lot of bank
5 The drunk men were accused of 1 robberies , but with the arrival of 6 “When are they arriving?” the kids kept asking.
6 next week
after they spray-painted the shop fronts. the internet, 2 has become
6 The has been setting fires since much more common. On the other hand, it
was much more complicated dealing with 11 Rewrite the sentences in direct speech. 13 Rewrite the questions in direct speech.
he was a child. 3
, as they could affect the
1 Maria said she was going to perform in the concert 1 The teacher asked if I had ever studied chemistry
local population, but the criminals could be
7 Match the sentence halves to form complete that night.
anywhere in the world. 4 in before.
the downtown region were still pretty common “I am going to perform in the concert tonight.” “Have you ever studied chemistry before?” asked the teacher.
1 Glenn was a held at the and easy to deal with, as the police knew who 2 Fernanda said she hadn’t started the project yet but 2 The doctor asked when my last visit to a doctor had
proud of his Odeon theatre the regular 5 were. They have
culture and downtown. recently caught several 6 that she was getting to it then. been.
who had spray-painted people’s garage doors.
2 The concert b his Scottish There is never a dull day in this big city police
was great, but ancestors. 3 Ben told us that he had played the guitar for friends 3 My sister asked if we could meet up for coffee.
the the previous week.
3 The next c locally. 4 The agent asked if I was interested in seeing more
concert is to be 9 Change the direct speech to reported speech. 4 Nadia asked if we would be there on time. houses.
Pay attention to the verb tenses.
4 All our food is d icing on the cake
sourced was the final 5 Lucia said we could pick up the donations then. 5 The salesman inquired if we wanted to get any
performance by Direct speech Reported speech
extra accessories.
the staff. 6 Paulo said that he would be working on the house
He said he played the
1 “I play the bagpipes.”
5 Her singing e showed that they bagpipes. that day. 6 The bank teller asked if we had any further
was impressive needed more
“I am studying for my transactions.
and she moved practice. 2
6 The poor f to the next round
“We danced at the
performance of the competition. 3
of the dance
troupe “They haven’t practised
14 What did they tell you? Use reported speech to say what each of the following people told you: your
4 mother, your father, your friend, your teacher, your neighbour, your brother or sister.
for the show.”
“He is going to take
“She will edit the
“We can wait for him.”
108 109
6 6
1 45 Listen and choose the correct option. 1 Choose the correct option to complete the 2 Match the descriptions to the correct words.
Almost all shows and movies are reviewed, either sentences. 1 physically attractive a programme
1 The recording is a … in the newspaper or online. It’s no different for the
1 Is the conference room for the and pleasing to the
a radio programme. school Christmas concert in the Reading exercise.
In this exercise you will write a review for the show. meeting this afternoon?
b university lecture. Here is an example of a review. 2 related to a specific b lonely
a take place b big enough c proud
2 The recording discusses the importance of … area within a
2 The ballet recital will in the new restricted area and
a dance and music education.
theatre downtown. close by
b music education. Lion King: King of Musical Theatre a take place b be big enough c be delighted 3 information on a c organiser
3 Next week’s talk will look at … Performances play or concert and
3 The families were with the
a different styles of dance. The Lion King recently came to town and finally Silverton who the performers
children’s performances.
b different styles of music. City will have the opportunity to experience the beauty are
and opulence of this show which has been travelling the a dressed up b icing on the cake c delighted
world for almost twenty years. The brilliant use of costumes 4 the person d beautiful
2 Listen again and match the sentence
transmits the feeling of being on the African savannah. For
4 The teacher was of her students’ who makes
halves to form complete sentences. those who love the film, the stage version is even better, performance this term. arrangements for a
with remarkable use of music, voice and movement, fully planned action or
1 The talk will look a memory loss. engaging the audience to evoke unexpected emotions. a proud b delighted c icing on the
first at There is nothing average about this spectacle, nor a dull cake event
moment to be had. 5 The company had a great year and the fantastic 5 a sad feeling e culture
2 Music and dance b abstract The Lion King is on at the Mervish Theatre until July 25th.
Christmas sales were just the . because one is
are important reasoning. Don’t miss it.
alone and / or has
3 Dancing helps c for physical and a proud b delighted c icing on the no one to talk to
fight mental health. cake
1 Performances can be good, bad or average. Write 6 the art, behaviours, f local
6 The kids were as cupcakes for the
4 For the elderly, d dance then music. some adjectives for each category. You will be and customs shared
falls are using these adjectives later to write the review. school concert. by a specific group
a dressed up b proud c take place of people
5 Dancing is an e common and can
be fatal. Good Bad Average
6 Music develops f excellent form of 3 How would you describe the following? Use the words from the box.
bad disappointing impressive outstanding remarkable satisfactory
3 47Listen once more and write T (true) or F
(false). 1 Grade C (55%) on a test 4 a performance that was
2 Make a list of the aspects of a show which you 2 a well-choreographed dance not as good as expected
1 Most parents do not pay for can mention in your review. Look at the review
above for some ideas and expand on them. 3 a TV show that has been 5 Grade A+ (95%) on a test
music or dance for their children.
successful for ten years 6 Grade B (70%) on a test
2 Dancing improves muscle strength. 1 4
3 Dancing is not good for the elderly. 2 5 4 Rewrite the sentences in reported speech. 5 Rewrite the questions in reported speech.
4 Dancers tend to have physical grace. 3 6
1 “How was the concert?” my mother asked.
5 Studying music does not contribute
3 Match the adjectives from Exercise 1 to the
to cognitive development. aspects of the show from Exercise 2. 2 “Which performance did you think was the best?”
6 Studying music helps with life skills.
1 4 asked my father.
2 5
3 6 3 “Did you enjoy yourself?” asked the teacher.
1 “I played football yesterday with my friends.”
4 Following the example from the review provided
above and your work in Exercises 1, 2 and 4 “What did you do in the show?” asked my cousin.
3, write a review of the school concert in the 2 “I have never played at Lincoln Football Field.”
reading section or a concert or show you have 5 “When will the next concert be?” asked my aunt.
attended recently. 3 “Has Anthony registered for the tournament?”
6 “Did you rehearse for a long time?” inquired my
4 “Where were you last week?” uncle.
110 111