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(2024.04.29) 8 Nowych Gatunków Scynków (Eutropis SPP.)

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Herpetological Monographs, 34, 2020, 39–70

! 2020 by The Herpetologists’ League, Inc.

Taxonomic Revision of Philippine Sun Skinks (Reptilia: Squamata: Scincidae: Eutropis), and
Descriptions of Eight New Species
Department of Biology, University of Hawai‘i, Honolulu, HI 96822, USA
Philippine National Museum, Manila, Philippines
Sam Noble Oklahoma Museum of Natural History and Department of Biology, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK 73072-7029, USA
Department of Evolution and Ecology, University of California, Davis, CA 95616, USA
Biodiversity Institute and Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS 66045, USA

ABSTRACT: Species descriptions of reptiles historically have relied exclusively on the use of morphological data; however, these external,
phenotypic data do not always co-vary with lineage divergence. Consequently, it has become increasingly clear that species diversity has been
underestimated in many evolutionary radiations. With the use of an integrative approach, we examined the genetic and morphological diversity
present in a nearly endemic Philippine radiation of Eutropis. Results demonstrated that current taxonomy does not reflect evolutionary history
and that in many cases, morphological divergence has become decoupled from genetic divergence. As a consequence, species diversity is
significantly underestimated. Here, we rectify the major taxonomic problems present in Philippine Eutropis by providing formal descriptions for
eight new species. Three of the four new species in the E. multicarinata species complex are sympatric with (and have long been confused with)
previously described subspecies (which we also elevate to full species here). The fourth species is endemic to the Caroline Islands, clearly derived
from a long-distance dispersal event from the Philippines. The new species in the E. indeprensa species complex are allopatrically or parapatrically
distributed across the archipelago. In contrast to the last review of Philippine Eutropis, which suggested the endemic radiation was composed of
five species (one of which was composed of two subspecies), we demonstrate that this group includes at least 14 distinct evolutionary lineages,
with potential for additional diversity to be discovered pending further study.
Key words: Cryptic species diversity; Eutropis borealis comb. nov.; Eutropis caraga sp. nov.; Eutropis cuprea sp. nov.; Eutropis gubataas sp.
nov.; Eutropis islamaliit sp. nov.; Eutropis lapulapu sp. nov.; Eutropis multicarinata comb. nov.; Eutropis palauensis sp. nov.; Eutropis
sahulinghangganan sp. nov.; Eutropis sibalom sp. nov.; Island archipelagos; Lizard; Mabuya; Morphology; Southeast Asia

THE INCORPORATION of genetic data and statistical phylo- are clearly needed (Graybeal and Cannatella 1995; Pauly et
genetic methods has improved the evolutionary framework al. 2009; Bauer et al. 2011; Miralles and Vences 2013).
within which taxonomic and systematic studies are conduct- Because taxonomic descriptions traditionally relied pri-
ed. In some cases, genetic data have highlighted the marily on morphological data, the recognition of taxa based
impressive skill of some traditional taxonomists in detecting solely on molecular data can be controversial (Leaché and
slight phenotypic differences between populations that are Fujita 2010; Bauer et al. 2011), whereas revisions based
biologically important (Bickford et al. 2007). In others, solely on morphological data sometimes lack the evolutionary
genetic insights have demonstrated the difficulty of relying framework within which species boundaries are ideally
exclusively on the use of morphological characters to identify interpreted. Even when species are described based on
species-level lineages. For example, some studies have morphological data, they may lack diagnostic characters and
resulted in the synonymization of taxa described solely on remain challenging to identify (e.g., many species of Anolis
the basis of morphology (e.g., Andersen et al. 2014; Philips et or Aspidoscelis lizards). Many recent studies have highlight-
al. 2015), and others have led to the identification of cryptic ed the diverse set of challenges associated with describing
species diversity (e.g., Gómez et al. 2002; Stuart et al. 2006). cryptic species (Jörger and Schrödl 2013; Renner 2016).
Although the process of speciation is broadly understood to Although standards for describing pseudo-cryptic or fully
be continuous (de Queiroz 1998), the categorical nature of cryptic taxa have been slow to develop in the field of
taxonomy makes it difficult to incorporate uncertainty into systematics, it is clear that many future taxonomic descrip-
taxonomic decisions explicitly (though some authors have tions will require novel approaches (that encompass broad
used subspecies in this way and others have suggested using geographic and taxonomic sampling, and diverse sources of
candidate species; Vietes et al. 2009). Integrative approaches biological data) so that substantial amounts of diversity
to taxonomy have been promoted as a means to improve the across the tree of life are not left unrecognized (Dayrat 2005;
accuracy of species delimitation studies; however, this Esselstyn 2007), and species boundaries in these groups are
ignores the potential for shared biases across data sets, and accurately and efficiently identified. Perhaps more impor-
even when multiple data types are employed, species tantly, studies that embrace diverse data types and focus on
boundaries may remain unclear and in need of additional the evolutionary processes that have led to species diversi-
data/investigation (Vietes et al. 2009; Schlick-Steiner et al. fication have the potential to provide a deeper understanding
2010). Recent arguments in favor of conservative taxonomy of the biology of poorly understood taxonomic groups than
highlight the fact that partial taxonomic revisions are do studies that rely on a single source of data (Padial et al.
desirable when current data cannot conclusively resolve 2010).
species boundaries within a given clade, but some changes Mabuyine skinks are some of the most recognizable
lizards worldwide because of their circumtropical distribu-
CORRESPONDENCE: email, ajbarley@hawaii.edu tion, diurnal activity patterns, generalist habitat preferences,

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40 Herpetological Monographs 34, 2020

the genus Eutropis belong to four lineages, three of which

include species with widespread ranges outside the Philip-
pines, which likely invaded the archipelago separately
(Barley et al. 2015): E. multifasciata, E. rudis (Brown and
Alcala 1980) and a newly discovered population of E.
rugifera (now only known from extreme southwest Mind-
anao Island; Barley et al. 2015). The fourth lineage was
described by Gray (1845) and, as originally conceived,
consisted of a single widespread species (Mabuya multi-
carinata) with populations throughout the archipelago (Fig.
1). Subsequently, Taylor (1923, 1925) described two
additional species related to this taxon, primarily on the
basis of color pattern and body size differences: E.
bontocensis (described as Mabuya bontocensis) he viewed
as endemic to the Cordillera mountain range of northeastern
Luzon Island, and E. englei (described as Mabuya englei)
from the coast of southeastern Mindanao Island.
The most recent taxonomic treatment of Philippine
Eutropis was undertaken by Brown and Alcala (1980), and
this work made several important advances. The authors
found, for example, that some specimens previously
identified as juvenile E. multicarinata were actually mature
adults with clearly circumscribed distributions. In addition to
expanding appreciation for the possibility of dramatic body
size transitions within Philippine archipelago lineages, the
authors described these distinct populations as Mabuya
FIG. 1.—Map of Philippine Archipelago with major islands and important cumingi (¼Eutropis cumingi; consisting of populations from
geographic areas indicated. A color version of this figure is available online. northern and southwestern Luzon Island) and M. indeprensa
(¼E. indeprensa; consisting of populations from the
high abundances in many regions, and highly generalized remainder of the archipelago). Brown and Alcala (1980) also
external morphology (Miralles et al. 2005; Miralles and divided the widespread taxon E. multicarinata into two
Carranza 2010; Sindaco et al. 2012; Pinto-Sánchez et al. subspecific pattern classes: E. m. borealis from numerous
islands in northern portions of the archipelago, and E. m.
2015). First described by Fitzinger (1826), the genus
multicarinata from the archipelago’s southernmost islands.
Mabuya has long been considered a waste-bin taxon into
This taxonomic decision was based on color pattern
which over 100 species from Asia, Africa, the Middle East,
(southern populations with a dark, narrow vertebral stripe
Central and South America, and the Caribbean were placed
and dark blotches under the chin, versus both states usually
(Greer and Nussbaum 2000). Mausfeld and Schmitz (2003)
absent in northern populations) and size of the interparietal
proposed splitting Mabuya into three genera, based on a scale (southern populations with a relatively long interpari-
phylogenetic analysis of mitochondrial DNA for ~40 etal separating the parietals, versus a short interparietal that
individuals (~27 species). They found the genera Apter- incompletely separates the parietals in northern populations;
ygodon and Dasia to be nested within Mabuya, and rather Fig. 2). However, it was clear that these characters were not
than subsume them, they placed Asian members of the consistent across all specimens examined and thus, the
genus in Eutropis (~31 species), New World taxa in Mabuya extent to which they could serve as diagnostic characters was
(~60 species), and the Middle East/African taxa in Euprepis ambiguous. In summary, a century’s comprehensive, archi-
(~78 species that were subsequently reassigned to Trachy- pelago-wide review of hundreds of specimens suggested that
lepis by Bauer 2003). Despite this taxonomic arrangement the Philippine Eutropis radiation was relatively unremark-
creating multiple, new taxonomic problems, most recent able (in comparison to other vertebrate groups), and possibly
authors have adopted it (Howard et al. 2007; Das et al. 2008; composed of just five endemic species plus two additional,
Skinner et al. 2011; Datta-Roy et al. 2012). Recent molecular widespread taxa shared with the landmasses of Sundaland
work further split up Mabuya by placing the historically (Brown and Alcala 1980; Manthey and Grossmann 1997;
problematic taxon Eutropis novemcarinata into a new genus Grismer 2011).
(Toenayar) and resurrecting the genus Heremites for several More recently, Barley et al. (2013) evaluated species limits
taxa from the Middle East (Karin et al. 2016). in the Philippine Eutropis radiation to revisit the question of
The conserved morphology of mabuyine skinks has the archipelago’s species diversity and to provide an
resulted in a complex and chaotic taxonomic history for integrative survey of the genetic and morphological variation.
many species in virtually all genera within this group (Greer Consistent with the Brown and Alcala (1980) previous work
and Nussbaum 2000; Bauer 2003; Datta-Roy et al. 2015; summarizing morphological data, the Barley et al. (2013)
Pinto-Sánchez et al. 2015), with the Philippine taxa being multilocus phylogenetic estimates supported the presence of
one of the most extreme examples of confusing taxonomy two distinct species complexes: the E. indeprensa complex
and problematic species identification (Taylor 1922; Brown (containing E. indeprensa and E. cumingi) and the E.
and Alcala 1980; Barley et al. 2013). Philippine members of multicarinata complex (containing E. m. multicarinata, E. m.

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FIG. 2.—Illustration of lateral and dorsal head scalation in Eutropis borealis (top) and a new species from the southern Philippines, E. caraga (bottom).

borealis, and E. bontocensis). Within the E. multicarinata restricted to the lineage containing the Mindoro populations
complex, the northern and southern populations do not (the species’ type locality), because the other populations are
appear to represent distinct, monophyletic groups, as not closely related. The lone E. indeprensa complex
hypothesized by Brown and Alcala (1980). Moreover, data individual sampled by Barley et al. (2013) from Borneo also
from Barley et al. (2013) suggest that at least eight appears to be part of this Mindoro lineage (the mitochon-
evolutionary lineages (or nine, if E. englei is included, a drial data, but not the nuclear data, show it to be somewhat
species for which they lacked sampling) possess strong genetically divergent from the Mindoro populations). From a
evidence of species level distinctiveness (several of which biogeographic perspective, Borneo populations might be
occur syntopically in different geographic regions)—and that expected to be more closely related to Palawan populations
this includes an additionally undescribed species endemic to (Heaney 1985; Esselstyn et al. 2004); however, this
Palau (Crombie and Pregill 1999) that is nested within the expectation is rejected by genetic data, which confirm a
Philippine radiation. Although Barley et al. (2013) were relationship suggested by Brown and Alcala (1980) based on
unable to obtain genetic samples of E. englei (a species morphology. Brown and Alcala (1980) also showed that
known only from southwest Mindanao, a region logistically individuals from the Palawan populations tended to have
challenging for biologists to access), this species is likely a lower vertebral scale row counts than other populations of E.
member the E. multicarinata complex based on its indeprensa, but had referred them to this species because
phenotype (A.J. Barley, personal observation). this trait is not diagnostic. Genetic data from Barley et al.
Most of the genetic diversity within the E. indeprensa (2013) indicate unequivocally that the Palawan populations
complex is structured by geography (Brown et al. 2013a), should be recognized as a distinct species.
and major lineages do not exhibit the extensive sympatry that In addition to bringing new data (multilocus DNA
is observed among lineages in the E. multicarinata complex sequences) and approaches (phylogenetic analysis, biogeo-
(Barley et al. 2013). Genetic data indicate the presence of at graphical inference, coalescent analyses) to bear on the
least five divergent lineages, only two of which had problem of species diversity, results from Barley et al. (2013,
previously been considered taxonomic units (E. indeprensa 2015) demonstrated the way in which mensural and meristic
and E. cumingi). Populations assigned to E. indeprensa by data of external morphology have limitations in delimiting
Brown and Alcala (1980) were paraphyletic in phylogenetic species boundaries in some groups, which may be a
analyses, and thus, the taxon E. indeprensa should be consequence of their evolutionarily conserved nature in

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42 Herpetological Monographs 34, 2020

Eutropis. As such, true species boundaries (~14 evolutionary (Ballard and Whitlock 2004; Hinojosa et al. 2019). Because
lineages, sensu Barley et al. 2013) are poorly delineated by in this system, taxonomic decisions are likely to rely heavily
characters of external morphology (i.e., lacking diagnostic on molecular data, here we only describe lineages that also
characters)—because diversification in this group has not are strongly supported by nuclear data (as well as
been accompanied by their evolutionary change. However, information that is available about morphology and geo-
this genetic data, in combination with analyses of phenotypic graphic distributions). We performed separate Bayesian
data and geographic range information have begun to clarify phylogenetic analyses for the E. multicarinata and E.
the evolutionary history of Eutropis and indicate that species indeprensa species complexes using MrBayes v3.2.6 (Ron-
diversity within both the E. indeprensa and E. multicarinata quist et al. 2012). Models of molecular evolution were
complexes is significantly underestimated by current taxon- selected (from among the 20 commonly implemented in
omy. MrBayes) and the optimal partitioning strategy was identi-
Barley et al. (2013) recommended a conservative ap- fied using AICc in PartitionFinder v2.1.1 (Lanfear et al.
proach to revisionary work, emphasizing that additional 2014). MrBayes analyses (consisting of two runs with four
species-level diversity may exist, but that some genetic chains each) were run for 10 million generations, sampling
variation may also simply correspond to geographic structure every 1000 generations, and convergence was assessed using
(Barley et al. 2013). Recent simulation-based and empirical the average standard deviation of split frequencies and
studies of the performance of coalescent approaches to potential scale reduction factor diagnostics in MrBayes, and
species delimitation suggest that these conservative recom- in Tracer v1.6 (Rambaut et al. 2014) by ensuring that all
mendations were well-founded (Sukumaran and Knowles parameters had ESS values .1000. Topological convergence
2017; Barley et al. 2018; Luo et al. 2018; Chambers and was assessed using the R package RWTY (Warren et al.
Hillis 2019). In this paper, we take a major step towards the 2017).
rectification of the taxonomic problems present in the
Morphological Data
Philippine Eutropis radiation. In doing so, we formally
describe eight new species, five in the E. multicarinata We collected specimens primarily by hand between 1991
complex, and three from the E. indeprensa complex. and 2016, and examined older historical specimens (includ-
Additionally, we discuss areas of investigation for future ing types of all Philippine endemic taxa) simultaneously for
research that would help to more comprehensively elucidate the same characters. We fixed all specimens in 10% buffered
the evolutionary history of this uniquely diverse radiation of formalin and subsequently placed them in 70% ethanol for
island archipelago sun skink lizards. long-term storage. We use the museum acronyms of Sabaj
(2016) in reference to specimen numbers. We took
MATERIALS AND METHODS measurements of specimens with digital calipers (to a
precision of 0.01 mm) and determined sex by gonadal
We follow the general metapopulation lineage (de inspection. We examined data for male and female
Queiroz 1998, 1999) concept of species (a logical extension specimens separately and then combined data when no
of the evolutionary species concept; Simpson 1961; Wiley significant differences were detected other than slight
1978; Frost and Hillis 1990). Previous attempts to delimit differences in size (as seen in other groups of mabuyine
species in Philippine Eutropis exclusively using morpholog- skinks; Hedges and Conn 2012). To eliminate interobserver
ical data have had mixed success: In some cases, these taxa error, AJB collected all data.
have not corresponded to distinct evolutionary lineages We measured a series of standard morphological charac-
(Brown and Alcala 1980; Barley et al. 2013) and available ters that have previously been shown to be of systematic
species comparisons included nondiagnostic (overlapping) importance in Eutropis (Brown and Alcala 1980). We
ranges of numerous character states, making practical measured snout–vent length (SVL) from the tip of the snout
identification of named species problematic (Brown and to the cloacal opening, and axilla–groin distance from the
Alcala 1980). This appears to be the result of the extensive posterior insertion of the forelimb to the anterior insertion of
morphological conservatism or convergence in this group, a the hindlimb on the lateral side of the body. We measured
common challenge in scincid lizard taxonomy (Austin 1995; head length from the tip of the snout to the anterior edge of
Bruna et al. 1996). Therefore, we identify species-level the auricular opening, and head width at the anterior edge of
lineages based on a combination of evidence from molecular the auricular opening. We measured forelimb and hindlimb
data, morphological data (when phenotypic differentiation is length in two segments on the right side: (1) forelimb length
present), and geography. Here, we describe lineages that included humerus length (from body insertion to center of
are: (1) geographically isolated and genetically/phenotypi- the elbow) and forearm length (from elbow to where
cally distinct; or (2) sympatric, and genetically/phenotypically differentiated palmar scales begin on the posterolateral
distinct—thus, taking an integrative approach relying on edge) and (2) hindlimb length included femur length (from
multiple lines of evidence. body insertion to the center of the knee) and tibia length
(from knee to where differentiated scales of plantar surface
Genetic Data begin on the anterior lateral edge). Our scale counts
Genetic diversity within Philippine Eutropis was previ- included: number of subdigital lamellae below each toe on
ously evaluated by Barley et al. (2013). As is commonly the the right foot (including the ungual scale and all lamellae
case, the mitochondrial locus in that study was by far the beneath each digit distal to the interdigital skin), upper and
most informative genetic marker. The problems associated lower labial scale counts (including all differentiated labials),
with making taxonomic decisions solely (or primarily) based ventral scale rows between limbs (counted as the number of
on mitochondrial data have been previously recognized scale rows along the venter between the midpoints of

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insertion of the fore- and hindlimbs), vertebral scale rows final lineage within the E. indeprensa complex, which we
(the number of scale rows between parietals and base of the describe later, appears to be endemic to Palawan Island.
tail to the point opposite the cloacal opening), midbody scale Within the E. multicarinata complex, several highly
rows (the number of scale rows around body at midpoint genetically distinct lineages occur syntopically, clearly
between insertion of fore- and hindlimbs), the number of illustrating they are distinct species. In neither case are they
supraciliaries, the number of scales on the upper edge of the even sister taxa, and they are reciprocally monophyletic
lower eyelid, and the number of keels per scale on the clades in multiple nuclear gene trees, providing clear
dorsum (counted for 10 randomly selected scales). We also evidence that there has not been recent gene flow between
counted the number of primary temporal scales and these lineages (Figs. 5–7). For example, one pair of highly
enlarged pretemporal scales following Greer and Nussbaum phenotypically similar taxa occur together in northern
(2000). See descriptions below and Appendix 1 for Luzon, and another pair occur together in northeastern
specimens examined. Mindanao, Samar, and Dinagat islands. Here, we assign one
from each region to previously used taxonomic names and
RESULTS provide new descriptions for the others below.
Finally, Barley et al. (2013) identified two additional
Previous work with morphological data has highlighted species that are clearly genetically distinct that we describe
the largest phenotypic differences among lineages of here, although future work is needed to help better
Philippine Eutropis (Fig. 3; Taylor 1923, 1925; Brown and understand these taxa, as very few specimens have been
Alcala 1980; Barley et al. 2013). The most obvious of such collected. The first has an intriguing distribution (only
characters is the substantial body size difference between currently known from Lubang, Semirara, Samar, and Borneo
taxa in the reciprocally monophyletic, E. multicarinata and islands), and does appear to have several distinctive
E. indeprensa species complexes (with adults, on average, phenotypic characteristics (see the following), though we
being ~1.53 larger in E. multicarinata lineages). Species in are unable to assess variation comprehensively because of
the E. indeprensa complex also appear to be distinctive in limited sampling. The second is a new lineage from
having adult males with brightly colored red chins and more southwestern Mindanao, which appears to be the sister
distinctive dorsolateral striping than is typical of lineages in lineage to the entire E. multicarinata complex and may occur
the E. multicarinata complex. When considered broadly, sympatrically with three other species of Eutropis from the
both of these complexes span the entirety of the Philippine Philippine radiation. The natural history and distributions of
Archipelago, and virtually all regions that have been these and several other unresolved or poorly understood taxa
surveyed extensively have been found to contain a lineage with biogeographically anomalous distributions must, for the
from each complex (AJB, personal observation). This makes present, remain questions for future studies, when sufficient
ecological sense, as lizard species with contrasting body sizes sample sizes of voucher specimens (with corresponding
can, at the very least, readily exploit distinct dietary niches, genetic samples) are available for study.
and thus ecological competition between species might be
limited, or at least sufficiently reduced so as to allow TAXONOMIC ACCOUNTS
coexistence (Vitt 2000; Meiri 2008). The most phenotypically Eutropis caraga sp. nov.
distinct, individual Philippine species of Eutropis are E.
bontocensis and E. englei, both of which have unique and Mabuya multicarinata:
striking dorsolateral striping patterns, and appear to be Taylor 1918:247 [in part, misidentification].
largely habitat specialists (Fig. 3; with E. bontocensis Mabuya multicarinata multicarinata: Brown and Alcala
restricted to high elevation in the Cordillera Mountains 1980:126 [in part, misidentification].
and several small islands north of Luzon, and E. englei being Eutropis multicarinata multicarinata: Mausfeld and Schmitz
restricted to coastal beaches and river mouth habitats in 2003:168 [by implication].
southeastern Mindanao). Available genetic data also support Eutropis Clade E Barley et al. 2013:3563.
these conclusions (Figs. 4 and 5). Holotype.—Female (PNM 9845, formerly KU 334226),
The remaining populations of Philippine Eutropis exhibit collected by R.M. Brown, 13 July 2012 on Mount Lumot at
some phenotypic variation (detailed in Tables 1 and 2, and in 410 m, Municipality of Gingoog City, Misamis Oriental
the Taxonomic Accounts); however, the current evidence for Province, Mindanao Island, Philippines (8.72168N,
their recognition as distinct species lies overwhelmingly in 125.07948E; datum ¼ WGS84 in all cases).
their genetic distinctiveness. For example, of the five Paratypes (paratopotypes).—KU 334225, 334227–
genetically distinct lineages identified within the E. inde- 334229, collected by RMB, M.B. Sanguila, and V. Yngente
prensa complex by Barley et al. (2013) the two that are most 16 July 2012, bearing the same locality data as the holotype.
closely related actually correspond to the only previously Other paratypes.—Seven specimens, all from Philip-
described species within the complex (Figs. 4 and 6; E. pines. KU 314106, collected by J.B. Fernandez, 13 May
cumingi and E. indeprensa). The two most divergent lineages 2008, Barangay San Marcos, Municipality of Bunawan,
within the complex (which were reciprocally monophyletic at Agusan del Sur Province, Mindanao Island. KU 315009,
all six nuclear loci examined) both occur in western Panay, collected by RMB, 18 July 2008 at 760 m, Pasonanca Natural
and the lack of a significant biogeographic barrier in this Park, Sitio Kalinga, Barangay Baluno, Municipality of
region should provide extensive opportunity for gene flow, Pasonanca, Zamboanga City Province, Mindanao Island
although none appears to occur between these lineages (Fig. (7.107598N, 122.028858E). KU 320028, 320030, collected
4). We describe these two lineages as new species here. The by A. Diesmos and M.B. Sanguila, 1 November 2008 at 430

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FIG. 3.—Photos illustrating phenotypic variation among species of Eutropis from the endemic Philippine radiation. Note the distinctive dorsolateral
striping patterns that characterize E. bontocensis from the Babuyan Islands (A and B) and the Cordillera Mountain Range (C, KU 335123, SVL ¼ 62 mm), as
well as (D) E. englei (MCZ 26289, SVL ¼ 69 mm; holotype). Adult body sizes of species in the (E) E. multicarinata complex (exemplified here by E. borealis
from Mount Cagua, Luzon Island) are substantially larger than those of species in the (F) E. indeprensa complex where adult males frequently have bright
orange coloration on the anterior portion of the body (exemplified here by E. cumingi from Lubang Island). All photos by RMB except (C) by AJB, and (D)
courtesy of MCZ and Harvard University. A color version of this figure is available online.

m, Mt. Magdiwata, Barangay Bagusan, Municipality of San River Drainage, Sitio Bangon, Barangay Guinmaayohan,
Francisco, Agusan del Sur Province, Mindanao Island Municipality of Balangiga, Eastern Samar Province, Samar
(8.4730838N, 125.9863178E). KU 332773, collected by J.B. Island (11.20748N, 125.36728E).
Fernandez and V. Yngente, 21 May 2012 at 500 m, Rajah Referred specimens.—Fourteen specimens, all from the
Sikatuna Protected Landscape, Sitio Napo, Barangay Omjon, Philippines. Dinagat Island, Dinagat Islands Province,
Municipality of Valencia, Bohol Province, Bohol Island Municipality of Loreto, Barangay Santiago, Sitio Cambinlia,
(9.7268N, 124.2248E). KU 344229, 344242, collected by Mount Cambinlia: KU 310152, 310154. Barangay San Juan
RMB and J.B. Fernandez 4 April 2016 at 130 m, Kaantulan near Venus Dias Cave: KU 310156. Mindanao Island,

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FIG. 4.—Phylogeny of Eutropis indeprensa species complex based on nine nuclear genes (left) and known localities of each lineage (right). Circles at nodes
indicate posterior probability . 0.95. Data are from Barley et al. (2013, 2015). A color version of this figure is available online.

Agusan del Sur Province, Municipality of Bunawan, 141 mm in E. multifasciata and 76–92 in E. rudis) and the
Barangay San Marcos: KU 314098, 314105. Zamboanga City presence of more numerous (5–10) moderate keels on its
Province, Municipality of Pasonanca, Pasonanca Natural dorsal scales (vs. 3 weak keels in E. multifasciata and 3 strong
Park, Barangay Baluno: KU 315011, 315012. Siargao Island, keels in E. rudis; Fig. 8). Eutropis caraga has more
Surigao del Norte Province, Municipality of Dapa: KU numerous (5–10) keels on the trunk dorsals than E. rugifera
335269, 335270, 335272. Municipality of Bilar: KU 335273– (which has 3–7 more raised and sharply defined keels), a
335275. Municipality of Del Carmen: KU 335271. slightly larger (64–84 mm adult SVL) body size (vs. 49–66
Diagnosis.—A species of Eutropis distinguished by the mm in E. rugifera), a large interparietal scale that separates
following combination of characters: (1) body medium-sized the parietals (vs. a smaller interparietal, with parietals in
(SVL 64–84 mm in adults); (2) interparietal long, narrow, contact posteriorly), and a broad, dark dorsolateral band
separating parietals; (3) paravertebrals 37–43; (4) sum of (absent in E. rugifera). The new species can be readily
subdigital lamellae on all five toes of one foot 80–91; (5) distinguished from E. englei by color pattern, as E. caraga
ventral scale rows 26–30; (6) midbody scale rows 27–34; (7) has a relatively uniform brown to olive-green dorsum (vs. a
keels on dorsal and lateral body scales moderately defined, prominent series of five dark brown and four bluish-white
5–10 per scale; (8) lower eyelid scaly; (9) supraciliaries 6 or 7; stripes on the dorsum in E. englei). It can be distinguished
(10) prefrontals separated; (11) primary temporal scales two; from species in the E. indeprensa complex (such as E.
(12) dorsal and lateral body surface with relatively uniform lapulapu, with which it occurs sympatrically) by its larger
bronze and dark brown coloration, respectively, without (64–84 mm SVL) adult body size (vs. 45–70 mm in E.
pronounced light stripes (Fig. 7). lapulapu), and typically more numerous subdigital toe
Comparisons.—Critical comparisons for Eutropis caraga lamellae (80–91 vs. 70–80 total subdigital toe lamellae). This
include other Philippine species of Eutropis, particularly species is morphologically very similar to E. multicarinata
those known from the southern islands of the archipelago. despite the fact that they occur sympatrically and are highly
Eutropis caraga can be distinguished from E. rudis and E. distinctive genetically (Fig. 5), although E. caraga, on
multifasciata by its smaller size (adult SVL 64–84 mm), more average, does have more subdigital toe lamellae than E.
slender body (vs. a larger, more robust body; adult SVL 101– multicarinata (80–91 vs. 74–80).

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FIG. 5.—Phylogeny of Eutropis multicarinata species complex based on nine nuclear genes (left) and known localities of each lineage (right). Eutropis
englei localities based on specimens collected by Taylor (1922) and Brown and Alcala (1980). Circles at nodes indicate posterior probability .0.95. Data are
from Barley et al. (2013, 2015). A color version of this figure is available online.

Description of holotype.—A large male (SVL 79.9 mm) primary temporals two; enlarged pretemporals six, primary
with hemipenes everted; body robust (axilla–groin distance/ and upper secondary in contact with parietal; mental wider
SVL ¼ 0.5); limbs well developed (hindlimb length/SVL ¼ than long; postmental wider than long, in contact with first
0.3; forelimb length/SVL ¼ 0.2); tail long (SVL/tail length ¼ infralabial and partially contacting second infralabial; en-
0.5); head robust (head length/SVL ¼ 0.2), longer than wide larged chin shields in three pairs, first pair in contact
(head width/head length ¼ 0.9); snout tapered, rounded at medially, second pair separated by a single median scale, and
tip; rostral broader than high, in contact with frontonasal, third pair separated by three scales medially; third pair of
nasals, and first supralabial; frontonasal wider than long, in chin shields separated from infralabial row by a single scale
contact with supranasals, frontal, prefrontals, rostral, and row; lower eyelid scaly; tympanum moderately sunk, without
anterior loreal; prefrontals separated by prefrontal and lobules on margins of auricular opening; auricular opening
frontal, contacting anterior and posterior loreals, first supra- 51.6% of eye diameter; body elongate, paravertebrals 38,
ocular, frontal and frontonasal; two loreal scales; frontal midbody scale rows 34, ventral scale rows 29; dorsal and
longer than wide, in contact with first and second supra- lateral scales with 8–11 keels, ventral scales smooth; tail
oculars; supraoculars four, second largest; supraciliaries five, elongate, 1.73 body length; limbs pentadactyl, forelimbs
third supraciliary distinctly elongate; frontoparietals not smaller than hindlimbs; forelimb scales smaller than body
fused, in contact with second, third, and fourth supraoculars; scales, keeled; relative finger lengths with subdigital lamellae
interparietal long and narrow, separating parietals; head in parentheses (left/right): IV(17/17) ¼ III(18/18) . II(13/
scales embossed; one pair of enlarged nuchals; eye relatively 12) . V(12/12) . I(8/8); hindlimbs moderate (hindlimb
large, diameter 19.0% of head length; nasal pierced in center length/axilla–groin distance ¼ 0.6); relative toe length with
by narial opening, surrounded anteriorly by rostral, poste- lamellae (L/R) in parentheses: IV(25/–) . III(21/–) . V(18/
riorly by anterior loreal, dorsally by supranasal, and ventrally 18) . II(13/13) . I(9/8).
by first supralabial; supranasals long and narrow, not in Measurements of holotype (in mm).—SVL 79.9; tail
contact at midline; six supralabials fifth elongate (from length 155.6; axilla–groin distance 39.2; hindlimb length
anterior to posterior), beneath center of eye; infralabials six; 23.6; forelimb length 17.2; snout–forelimb length 27.7; head

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parietals not in contact

length 16.3; head width 14.6; interorbital distance 9.6;

internarial distance 3.8; eye diameter 3.1; auricular opening
E. palauensis (n ¼ 20)

0.66–0.84 (0.74 6
0.19–0.25 (0.22 6
0.19–0.27 (0.24 6
0.25–0.33 (0.29 6
0.45–0.48 (0.47 6

Interparietal large,
diameter 1.6.

(1,2) (1,2,3) (2,3)

76–90 (84 6 3)
39–46 (43 6 2)
26–30 (28 6 1)
30–34(32 6 1)
44.7–79.6 mm Coloration in preservative.—The following color de-

5–9 (7 6 1)
TABLE 1.—Summary of morphometric and meristic data for species in the Eutropis multicarinata complex. Values are ranges, with mean and standard deviation in parentheses.

scription was written in 2013 following 1 yr of storage in 70%

6–7, 6–7
ethanol. Dorsal ground color dark greenish olive to brown,

with dark brown spots randomly interspersed down the

length of the body. Scales on the margins of the dorsum are
slightly lighter on the anterior portion of the body. Thick,

Interparietal medium,
parietals in contact
dark brown, longitudinal bands extend down lateral surfaces
E. islamaliit (n ¼ 9)

0.67–0.90 (0.77 6
0.20–0.23 (0.21 6
0.23–0.25 (0.24 6
0.30–0.33 (0.31 6
0.39–0.50 (0.46 6

of body from posterior of eye to groin. Venter grayish tan to

86–92 (88 6 2)
41–44 (42 6 1)
30–32 (31 6 1)
31–33 (32 6 1)
70.1–96.4 mm

bluish, with lighter chin and precloacals, and dark flecks,

5–10 (7 6 1) randomly dispersed (primarily on the margins) and extend-
ing from the chin and throat, all the way down the length of
7, 6–7


the tail. Margins of ventral scales dark, gray, with central
portions light tan.

parietals not in contact


On lateral surfaces of body, ventral coloration intergrades

E. multicarinata (n ¼ 7)

into dark brown; a faint, broken, light stripe from the upper
0.74–0.85 (0.77 6
0.21–0.23 (0.22 6
0.22–0.26 (0.24 6
0.28–0.34 (0.31 6
0.46–0.52 (0.48 6

Interparietal large,
labials extends down the lateral surface of the body until
74–80 (77 6 2)
34–39 (36 6 2)
24–29 (27 6 2)
30–33 (31 6 1)
61.1–71.3 mm

approximately just past the axilla. Dorsal surfaces of limbs

5–10 (7 6 1)

(1,2,3) (1,2)

and digits greenish olive brown, mottled with dark brown

spots. Ventral surfaces of limbs mostly light grayish to blue,


intergrading with dark brown coloration on lateral surfaces.


Ventral surfaces of digits dark brown, palmar surface of


manus and plantar surface of pes tan to ivory. Head scales

parietals in contact
E. gubataas (n ¼ 13)

uniformly greenish olive brown, as in the dorsal ground

Interparietal small,
0.67–0.89 (0.76 6
0.18–0.24 (0.22 6
0.19–0.25 (0.22 6
0.25–0.30 (0.28 6
0.43–0.52 (0.47 6

color. Upper portion of supralabials dark brown, lower

78–90 (82 6 3)
37–44 (41 6 2)
27–31 (28 6 1)
30–34 (32 6 1)
60.5–78.7 mm

5–12 (8 6 2)

portion light gray to bluish, lower labials also gray to bluish

(1,2,3) (1,2)

with several dark flecks.

6–7, 6–7

Coloration in life.—Dorsal ground coloration and tail an


iridescent bronze to olive coloration, usually with scattered


dark brown flecks; head and neck brown. The lateral surfaces
0.42–0.51 ( 0.47 6 0.02)

parietals not in contact

0.63–0.92 (0.77 6 0.08)
0.20–0.23 (0.21 6 0.01)
0.19–0.24 (0.22 6 0.01)
0.26–0.30 (0.28 6 0.01)

contain a thick, dark brown band that extends from the eye
(1,2) (1,2,3) (2) (2,3)
E. caraga (n ¼ 20)

to the hindlimb. Chin creamy white with dark markings.

Interparietal large,

Dorsal surfaces of forelimbs, hindlimbs, and digits dark with

80–91 (85 6 3)
37–43 (39 6 1)
26–30 (27 6 1)
27–34 (30 6 2)
64.5–83.9 mm

5–10 (7 6 1)

indistinct spots. Frequently there are traces of light lines

above and below the lateral brown stripes.
6–7, 5–6

Variation.—Eutropis caraga varies in the number of


subdigital lamellae beneath the toes (Toe I 8–10 [9 6 1], Toe


II 14–16 [15 6 1], Toe III 19–23 [21 6 1], Toe IV 22–27 [26

6 1], Toe V 14–19 [17 6 1]), and third finger (16–19 [18 6
parietals in contact
E. borealis (n ¼ 25)

1]). Supralabials (6 or 7), infralabials (5 or 6), supraciliaries

Interparietal small,
0.68–0.85 (0.74 6
0.19–0.25 (0.22 6
0.17–0.27 (0.23 6
0.23–0.35 (0.29 6
0.40–0.54 (0.47 6
80–89 (86 6 2)
37–42 (39 6 1)
25–30 (27 6 1)
28–33 (29 6 1)

(6 or 7), ventrals (26–30 [28 6 1]), paravertebrals (37–43 [39

64.1–82.5 mm

6–11 (7 6 1)

6 2]), and midbody scale rows (27–34 [31 6 2]) all vary
(1,2) (1,2,3)

slightly. The number of keels on the dorsal scales is also


highly variable, both within and among individuals (5–10).


The number of enlarged/differentiated primary temporals is


either one (KU 310152) or two (KU 310154, 314106, 320028,

E. bontocensis (n ¼ 21)

332773, 334229, 335273) and pretemporals range from six

parietals in contact
Interparietal small,
0.64–0.81 (0.72 6
0.19–0.24 (0.20 6
0.19–0.24 (0.22 6
0.23–0.31 (0.27 6
0.45–0.54 (0.49 6

(KU 334229, 335270) to seven (KU 314106, 320028). The

67–76 (71 6 2)
44–50 (45 6 2)
29–33 (31 6 1)
29–34 (30 6 1)

number of scales lining the lower eyelid also varies (16–22

40.1–61.2 mm

5–9 (7 6 1)

[19 6 2]) and anterior loreals contact only the second

supralabial in some individuals (KU 314106), the first and

second in others (KU 334228, 334229), the second and third



in others (KU 335270, 335275), and the first three supra-

Interparietal, parietals
Supralabials contacting
Enlarge pretemporals

labials in KU 332773. The new species’ dorsal color pattern

Hindlimb length/SVL
Forelimb length/SVL

Vertebral scale rows

Upper, lower labials

Midbody scale rows

Lower eyelid scales

Head width/length

Primary temporals

varies slightly in the degree of dark brown streaking/flecking

Ventral scale rows
Total toe lamellae

Dorsal scale keels

Head length/SVL


anterior loreal

present, as some individuals have a nearly continuous


middorsal line (KU 335270) and/or flecking that extends

Adult SVL

nearly the entire length of the body (KU 315009, 335273),

whereas this is highly reduced in other individuals (KU
310152, 314098, 314107). The amount of dark flecking on

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48 Herpetological Monographs 34, 2020

TABLE 2.—Summary of morphometric and meristic data for species in the Eutropis indeprensa complex. Values are ranges, with mean and standard
deviation in parentheses.

E. cumingi (n ¼ 18) E. indeprensa (n ¼ 11) E. lapulapu (n ¼ 23) E. sahulinghangganan (n ¼ 15)

Adult SVL 43.5–60.0 mm 48.8–63.8 mm 45.6–69.7 mm 40.4–62.9 mm

Head width/length 0.65–0.85 (0.74 6 0.05) 0.69–0.82 (0.76 6 0.05) 0.65–0.93 (0.76 6 0.08) 0.75–0.92 (0.82 6 0.06)
Head length/SVL 0.18–0.23 (0.20 6 0.01) 0.19–0.23 (0.21 6 0.01) 0.17–0.23 (0.21 6 0.02) 0.19–0.24 (0.21 6 0.01)
Forelimb length/SVL 0.16–0.22 (0.19 6 0.02) 0.20–0.25 (0.22 6 0.02) 0.17–0.25 (0.22 6 0.02) 0.17–0.25 (0.21 6 0.02)
Hindlimb length/SVL 0.18–0.26 (0.23 6 0.02) 0.26–0.32 (0.28 6 0.02) 0.24–0.30 (0.27 6 0.02) 0.24–0.32 (0.27 6 0.02)
Axilla–groin/SVL 0.32–0.53 (0.47 6 0.06) 0.44–0.50 (0.47 6 0.02) 0.43–0.53 (0.48 6 0.03) 0.37–0.56 (0.46 6 0.05)
Total toe lamellae 59–70 (65 6 3) 71–83(75 6 4) 70–80 (74 6 4) 63–77 (69 6 5)
Vertebral scale rows 42–47 (45 6 2) 41–47 (45 6 2) 39–45 (41 6 2) 38–42 (40 6 1)
Ventral scale rows 28–32 (29 6 2) 28–31 (30 6 1) 25–30 (27 6 1) 26–30 (28 6 1)
Midbody scale rows 26–33 (30 6 2) 30–33 (32 6 1) 27–33 (31 6 2) 28–33 (30 6 1)
Upper, lower labials 6,6–7 6–7,6 6,6 6,6–7
Dorsal scale keels 5–10 (7 6 1) 5–8 (661) 5–9 (7 6 1) 5–10 (7 6 1)
Primary temporals 1–2 2 1–2 2
Enlarged pretemporals 5–6 (usually 5) 6 6–7 5–7
Supraciliaries 5–6 5–6 5–6 5–6
Lower eyelid scales 14–19 16–21 16–19 17–22
Supralabials contacting
anterior loreal 1,2 (1,2) (2) (2,3) (1,2,3) (1,2) (2) (1,2,3) (2) (1,2)
Interparietal large, Interparietal large, Interparietal large, Interparietal large,
Interparietal, parietals parietals not in contact parietals not in contact parietals not in contact parietals not in contact

the ventral surface varies from dispersed across the venter Eutropis gubataas sp. nov.
(KU 310154, 315009, 334229), concentrated on the throat
(KU 320228) to almost none (KU 310152, 332773). The Eutropis Clade F Barley et al. 2013:3563.
thickness of the dark, lateral bands and distinctiveness of the
Holotype.—Male (PNM 9846, formerly KU 304620),
light dorsolateral stripes extending down the side of the body
collected by R.M. Brown and J.B. Fernandez, 7 March 2006
also varies, with some individuals having pronounced light
near Barangay Balatubat, in an area known locally as
stripes and thick, dark bands (KU 332773, 334229), whereas
‘‘Limandok’’ at 320 m, Municipality of Calayan, Cagayan
in others the band is thinner, and the stripe is less
pronounced (KU 335272, 335275). Province, Camiguin Norte Island, Philippines (18.929278N,
Distribution.—Eutropis caraga is known from several 121.898818E).
localities throughout Mindanao Island, as well as Bohol, Paratypes (paratopotypes).—Six specimens, bearing the
Dinagat, Samar, and Siargao islands. same locality and collector data as the holotype, only
Habitat and natural history.—Eutropis caraga inhabits differing by the dates of collection: KU 304618, collected 6
primary and second-growth midmontane forest throughout March 2006; KU 304642, collected 7 March 2006; KU
its range, as well as the natural bonsai forest present on 304688, KU 304689, collected 9 March 2006; KU 304727,
Dinagat Island. It also appears to be able to tolerate some KU 304750, collected 10 March 2006.
disturbance, as it has been found in disturbed, agricultural Other paratypes.—Three specimens, all from Philip-
areas, coconut groves, and residential areas near forest. It is a pines. KU 304940, collected by RMB and J.B. Fernandez, 22
diurnally active, abundant species that has been collected in March 2006 at 300 m, Barangay Magsidel, municipality of
leaf litter on the forest floor, in open habitats near forest, on Calayan, Cagayan Province, Calayan Island (19.3318N,
saplings, and under logs from sea level to 1,500 m. This 121.4398E). KU 323224, collected by A.C. Diesmos and
species is oviparous, with female specimens having been RMB, 2 June 2009, Aurora Memorial National Park,
reported to contain 2–3 eggs, which they lay in leaf litter or Municipality of Maria Aurora, Aurora Province, Luzon
under the bark of fallen logs (Taylor 1922; Brown and Alcala Island (15.667138N, 121.3051838E). KU 329521, collected
1980; Smith 1993). Examination of specimen stomachs by by RMB, 28 June 2011 at 475 m, Barangay Adams,
Smith (1993) suggest they are generalist insectivores, and Municipality of Adams, Ilocos Norte Province, Luzon Island
documented predators include Cyclocorus nuchalis. This (18.4498N, 120.8948E).
species can be found sympatrically with E. islamaliit, E. Referred specimens.—Nine specimens, all from Philip-
lapulapu, and E. multifasciata. It has been found to occur pines. Camiguin Norte Island, Cagayan Province, Munici-
syntopically at multiple sites across northeastern Mindanao, pality of Calayan, Barangay Balatubat: KU 304641, 304767,
Samar, and Dinagat islands with the morphologically similar 308074. Calayan Island, Cagayan Province, Municipality of
E. multicarinata. Eutropis rugifera is also known from Calayan, Barangay Magsidel: KU 304871–304872. Luzon
nearby localities on the Zamboanga Peninsula, so it seems Island, Aurora Province, Municipality of Maria Aurora,
likely the two could be also found syntopically at some sites Barangay Villa Aurora, Aurora Memorial National Park: KU
in extreme western Mindanao Island. 323198, 323207. Ilocos Norte Province, Municipality of
Etymology.—The new name caraga is a feminine noun in Adams, Barangay Adams, Mount Pao: KU 329522–329523.
apposition derived from the Caraga Region of northeastern Diagnosis.—A species of Eutropis, distinguished by the
Mindanao Island and the immediate offshore islands of following combination of characters: (1) body medium-sized
Dinagat and Siargao, which includes the type locality. (SVL 60–79 mm in adults); (2) interparietal small, parietals
Suggested common name: Caraga Sun Skinks. in contact posteriorly; (3) paravertebrals 37–44; (4) sum of

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FIG. 6.—Photos of species in the Eutropis indeprensa complex: (A) E. cumingi (Balbalasang, Cordillera Mountains, Luzon Island), E. lapulapu (B–C,
Camaroan Peninsula, Luzon Island), and E. sahulinghangganan from Palawan (D–E). Eutropis gubataas is a new species in the E. multicarinata complex
that was long confused with E. m. borealis (F, Luzon Island). Photos by RMB, except (D) by Maia Tanedo and (E) by Bogdan Nita.

subdigital lamellae on all five toes of one foot 78–90; (5) those known from the northern islands of the archipelago.
ventral scales rows 27–31; (6) midbody scale rows 30–34; (7) Eutropis gubataas can be distinguished from species in the
keels on the dorsal and lateral body scales moderately E. indeprensa complex (such as E. cumingi, with which it
defined, 5–12; (8) lower eyelid scaly; (9) supraciliaries five; occurs sympatrically) by its larger maximum body size (adult
(10) prefrontals separated; (11) primary temporal scales one SVL 60–79 mm vs. 43–60 mm in E. cumingi), and more
or two; (12) dorsal and lateral body surfaces having relatively numerous subdigital toe lamellae (78–90 vs. 59–70). Eutropis
uniform bronze and dark brown coloration, respectively, gubataas can be readily distinguished from E. bontocensis by
without pronounced light stripes (Fig. 6). color pattern, as it either lacks lateral stripes or has faint,
Comparisons.—Critical comparisons for E. gubataas lateral, light stripes limited to only the anterior portion of the
include other Philippine species of Eutropis, particularly body (compared to two prominent, light stripes on the lateral

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FIG. 7.—Photos of species in the Eutropis multicarinata complex: E. caraga from (A) Mount Lumot and (B) the Zamboanga Peninsula, Mindanao Island,
(C) E. borealis from the Visayan Islands (Siquijor Island), (D) E. palauensis (Ngarchelong, Palau), and E. islamaliit from Lubang Island (E–F, KU 304013, an
adult female, SVL ¼ 79 mm). Photos by RMB except (D) by Thibaud Aronson.

surface that extend the length of the body in E. bontocensis). has a single primary temporal scale, whereas E. gubataas
It can also be readily distinguished from E. bontocensis by tends to have two. Both are known to inhabit northern
more strongly keeled (vs. lightly keeled) dorsal body scales. Luzon (Brown et al. 2012, 2013b) and the Babuyan Island
Eutropis gubataas can be distinguished from E. multifasciata Group (Oliveros et al. 2011), however, they can readily be
by its smaller maximum body size (adult SVL 60–79 vs. 101– distinguished using genetic data—and are not sister taxa
141 mm), and more numerous (5–12 vs. 3) and more within the E. multicarinata complex (Fig. 5).
pronounced keels on the trunk dorsals (vs. lightly to barely Description of holotype.—A large male (SVL 77.9 mm)
keeled). Interestingly, this species does not appear to be with hemipenes everted; body robust (axilla–groin distance/
readily distinguishable from the broadly sympatric E. SVL ¼ 0.5); limbs well developed (hindlimb length/SVL ¼
borealis using external morphology, although E. borealis 0.2; forelimb length/SVL ¼ 0.2); tail long (SVL/tail length ¼

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FIG. 8.—Visualization of different dorsal scale types in Philippine Eutropis. Dorsal scales of E. rudis have three strong keels (A, CAS 259836, Borneo)
compared to three weak keels in E. multifasciata (B, CAS 185954, Negros). Dorsal scales of E. rugifera have 3–7 strong keels (C, CAS 259781, Borneo).
Dorsal scales in E. bontocensis have 5–7 weak keels (D, CAS 61344, Luzon). Species in the E. multicarinata (E, E. caraga, CAS 145890, Mindanao) and E.
indeprensa (F, E. sahulinghangganan, CAS 157302, Palawan) species complexes have 5–12 or 5–10 moderate keels on their dorsal scales, respectively. A
color version of this figure is available online.

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52 Herpetological Monographs 34, 2020

0.6); head robust (head length/SVL ¼ 0.2), longer than wide Dorsal surfaces of limbs and digits greenish olive brown,
(head width/head length ¼ 0.8); snout tapered, rounded at mottled with dark brown spots. Ventral surfaces of limbs
tip; rostral broader than high, in contact with frontonasal, mostly light grayish to blue, intergrading with dark brown
nasals, and first supralabial; frontonasal wider than long, in coloration on lateral surfaces. Ventral surfaces of digits dark
contact with supranasals, frontal, prefrontals, rostral, and brown, palmar surface of manus and plantar surface of pes
anterior loreal; prefrontals separated, contacting anterior and tan to ivory. Head a relatively uniform greenish olive brown,
posterior loreals, first and second supraoculars, frontal, with several dark brown blotches posteriorly, which are
frontonasal, and first supraocular; two loreal scales, anterior particularly prominent on the parietals. Upper labials dusky
loreal in contact with first, second, and third supralabial; brown, lower labials lighter in color with dark splotches.
frontal longer than wide, in broad contact with second Coloration in life.—Dorsal ground coloration and tail an
supraocular; supraoculars four, second largest; supraciliaries iridescent olive brown to gray with scattered dark flecks;
five, third supraciliary distinctly elongate; frontoparietals not head and neck brown. The lateral surfaces with a thick, dark
fused, in contact with second, third, and fourth supraoculars; brown band extending from the eye to the hindlimb. Chin
interparietal small; parietals in contact posteriorly; head creamy white with dark markings. Dorsal surfaces of
scales embossed; one pair of enlarged nuchals; eye relatively forelimbs, hindlimbs, and digits dark with indistinct spots.
large, diameter 22.8% of head length; nasal pierced in center A faint, light line on the anterior portion of the body above
by narial opening, surrounded anteriorly by rostral, poste- the lateral brown stripe; a more distinct light stripe below,
riorly by anterior loreal, dorsally by supranasal, and ventrally extending nearly to the hindlimb.
by first supralabial; supranasals long and narrow, not in Variation.—Eutropis gubataas varies in the number of
contact at midline; six supralabials, fifth elongate (from subdigital toe lamellae (Toe I 8–10 [9 6 1], Toe II 12–16 [14
anterior to posterior), beneath center of eye; primary 6 1], Toe III 18–22 [21 6 1], Toe IV 23–27 [25 6 1], Toe V
temporals two; enlarged pretemporals six, primary and 14–18 [16 6 2]), and Finger III lamellae (16–19 [17 6 2]).
upper secondary in contact with parietal; infralabials seven; Both supralabials and infralabials vary (6 or 7), as do ventrals
mental wider than long; postmental wider than long, in (27–31 [28 6 1]), paravertebrals (37–44 [41 6 2]), and
contact with first infralabial and partially contacting second midbody scale rows (30–34 [32 6 1]). The number of keels
infralabial; enlarged chin shields in three pairs, first pair in on the trunk dorsals is also highly variable, both within and
contact medially, second pair separated by a single median among individuals (5–12). The number of differentiated/
scale, and third pair separated by three scales medially; third enlarged primary temporals is either one (KU 304689,
329522) or two (KU 304618, 304620, 304688, 329521) and
pair of chin shields separated from infralabial row by a single
pretemporals vary between six (KU 329522) and seven (KU
scale row; lower eyelid scaly; tympanum moderately sunk,
329521). The number of scales lining the lower eyelid also
auricular opening 41.7% of eye diameter, without lobules.
varies (16–23) and anterior loreal scales either contact the
Body elongate, paravertebrals 40, midbody scale rows 34,
first two (KU 304688) or three supralabials (KU 304618,
ventral scale rows 30; dorsal and lateral scales with 8–11
329521). In some individuals, the interparietal is fused to one
keels, ventral scales smooth; tail elongate, 1.7 3 body length;
of the parietal scales (KU 304618, 304688). Dorsal color
all limbs pentadactyl, forelimbs smaller than hindlimbs; pattern varies slightly in the degree of dark-brown streaking
forelimb scales smaller than body scales, keeled; relative present. Some individuals exhibit a light stripe beneath the
finger length with subdigital lamellae in parentheses (L/R): thick dark brown lateral band, starting just behind the head,
IV(17/19) ¼ III(18/16) . II(13/13) . V(11/11) . I (7/7); and extending down past the forelimbs (KU 304689,
hindlimbs moderate (hindlimb length/axilla–groin distance ¼ 323224); however, the extent and distinctiveness of this
0.5), scales smaller than body scales, keeled; relative toe stripe is variable among specimens (being less distinct in KU
length with subdigital lamellae (L/R) in parentheses: IV(24/ 304750, 329521, 329522). The extent to which ventral scales
25) . III(20/20) . V(16/17) . II(14/13) . I(8/9). change from light on the anterior portion of the chin to dark
Measurements of holotype (in mm).—SVL 77.9; tail on the posterior is also variable (e.g., KU 323224 has mostly
length 130.4; axilla–groin distance 37.7; hindlimb length dark chin scales vs. KU 304618, in which they are much
18.5; forelimb length 17.0; snout–forelimb length 26.6; head lighter), as is the presence of dark blotches on the posterior
length 15.8; head width 13.1; interorbital distance 7.8; of the head (KU 304767 has extensive blotching vs. nearly
internarial distance 3.7; eye diameter 3.6; auricular opening absent in KU 304727, 304872).
diameter 1.5. Distribution.—Eutropis gubataas is known exclusively
Coloration in preservative.—The following holotype from several islands in the northern Philippines: from
color description was written in 2013 following 7 yr of Calayan and Camiguin Norte islands in the Babuyan Island
storage in 70% ethanol. Dorsal ground color dark greenish Group (Oliveros et al. 2011), as well as northeastern Luzon
olive to brown, with some interspersed dark streaks of Island from Cagayan and Aurora Provinces, and northwest-
brown. Thick, dark brown, longitudinal bands extend down ern Luzon from Ilocos Norte Province (Brown et al. 2000,
lateral surfaces of body from posterior of eye to groin. Venter 2012, 2013b; Siler et al. 2011). This species appears to be
grayish tan to bluish, with lighter chin and precloacals. patchily distributed across northern Luzon, and the extent of
Margins of ventral scales dark, gray, with central portions its range is not well characterized. It may be restricted from
light tan. On lateral surfaces of body, ventral coloration mid- to high-elevation regions in the northern Cordillera and
intergrades into dorsal coloration in a mottled pattern; a Sierra Madre mountain ranges, with a genetically divergent
faint, light stripe from the upper labials extends down the but morphologically similar species (E. borealis) occurring at
lateral surface of the body until approximately halfway lower elevations in these same general areas. However, there
between the axilla and groin. is at least one locality where the two species have been

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collected syntopically in the Sierra Madre (Brown et al. 2000; (10) prefrontal separated; (11) primary temporal scales one
Siler et al. 2011). This species may potentially occur on or two; (12) lateral band sharply defined, lacking dark,
additional islands in the Babuyan Island Group (where E. mottled coloration, and highlighted below by a crisp
borealis also occurs), as well as the Batanes Island Group; transition to light, ventral coloration (Fig. 7).
however, additional survey work will be needed to clarify this Comparisons.—Critical comparisons for E. islamaliit
possibility. include other Philippine species of Eutropis, particularly
Habitat and natural history.—Eutropis gubataas is those known from the central islands of the archipelago.
known from primary and second-growth forest from sea Eutropis islamaliit can be readily distinguished from species
level to 1000-m elevation. The new species apparently of the E. indeprensa complex by its high total number (86–
tolerates moderate habitat disturbance, and specimens have 92) of subdigital toe lamellae (vs. 71–83 in E. indeprensa, 59–
been collected from agricultural and residential areas at the 70 in E. cumingi, or 63–77 in E. sahulinghangganan) and
edge of forests, and in selectively logged areas. Eutropis larger (SVL 70–97 mm) adult body size (vs. 48–64 mm in E.
gubataas can be found diurnally active in leaf litter on the indeprensa, 43–60 mm in E. cumingi, or 40–63 mm in E.
forest floor, on the trunks of trees, on shrubs, and on rocky sahulinghangganan). It can be distinguished from E. multi-
stream banks. This species can be found sympatrically with fasciata by its smaller maximum body size (adult SVL 70–97
four other species of Eutropis: E. bontocensis, E. cumingi, E. mm vs. 101–141 mm), and its more strongly keeled (vs.
borealis, and E. multifasciata. lightly or barely keeled) and numerous (6–9 vs. 3) keels on
Etymology.—The specific epithet is an adjectival deriva- the trunk dorsals. It can be distinguished from E. borealis (its
tion from the Tagalog noun gubat (meaning forest) and sister species) by the presence of a crisply defined lateral
adjective mataas (meaning ‘‘high’’ or ‘‘up high’’) in reference band (vs. a dark, mottling coloration below causing a gradual
to the new species’ preference for montane forested habitats. transition to the light ventral coloration). Eutropis islamaliit
The specific epithet is feminine in gender. Suggested also appears to exhibit a slightly larger body size, more
common name: Upland Sun Skinks. vertebral and ventral scale rows, and a larger interparietal
than E. borealis (though our specimen sample size is small,
Eutropis islamaliit sp. nov. and there is overlap in these characters; Table 1). It can be
Mabuya multicarinata borealis: Brown and Alcala 1980:128 distinguished from E. multicarinata and E. caraga by the
[in part, misidentification]. presence of a crisply defined lateral band (vs. a dark,
Eutropis multicarinata borealis: Mausfeld and Schmitz mottling coloration below causing a gradual transition to the
2003:164 [by implication]. light ventral coloration; Fig. 7) and a smaller interparietal
Eutropis Clade G Barley et al. 2013:3563. scale that does not completely separate the parietals (vs. a
large interparietal scale completely separating the parietals).
Holotype.—Male (PNM 9847, formerly KU 302873), It can also be distinguished from E. multicarinata by the
collected by C.D. Siler, 18 November 2000 near Barangay presence of more total toe lamellae (86–92 vs. 74–80) and its
Tinogboc, Municipality of Caluya, Antique Province, Semi- slightly larger body size (70–97 mm. vs. 61–72).
rara Island, Philippines. Description of holotype.—A large male (SVL 88.6 mm);
Paratypes.—KU 304013, collected by RMB, CDS, V. body robust (axilla–groin distance/SVL ¼ 0.5); limbs well
Yngente, and C.W. Linkem, 12 December 2005, near developed (hindlimb length/SVL ¼ 0.3; forelimb length/SVL
Barangay Vigo, Municipality of Lubang, Occidental Mindoro ¼ 0.3); tail long (SVL/tail length ¼ 0.5); head robust (head
Province, Lubang Island. KU 320491, collected by CDS, V. length/SVL ¼ 0.2), longer than wide (head width/head
Yngente, and J.B. Fernandez, near Sitio Dangay, Barangay length ¼ 0.9); snout tapered, rounded at tip; rostral broader
Vigo, Municipality of Lubang, Occidental Mindoro Province, than high, in contact with frontonasal, nasals and first
Lubang Island at 210 m (13.788858N, 120.163938E). CAS supralabial; frontonasal wider than long, in contact with
127862 (collected 10 May 1970), CAS 127867–127868 supranasals, frontal, prefrontals, rostral, and anterior loreal;
(collected 11 May 1970), collected by L. Alcala, near Barrio prefrontals separated, contacting anterior and posterior
Alegria, Bolagsong, Antique Province, Semirara Island at loreals, first supraocular, frontal and frontonasal; two loreal
300–400 ft. KU 344231, collected by RMB and J.B. scales, anterior loreal contacting first, second, and third
Fernandez, 9 April 2016, in the Kaantulan River Drainage, supralabials; frontal longer than wide, in broad contact with
near Sitio Bangon, Barangay Guinmaayohan, Municipality of second supraocular, fused with frontoparietals; supraoculars
Balangiga, Eastern Samar Province, Samar Island at 145 m four, second largest; supraciliaries five, third supraciliary
(11.20918N, 125.37598E). distinctly elongate; frontoparietals fused, in contact with
Referred specimens.—Philippines, Lubang Island, Oc- second, third, and fourth supraoculars; interparietal medi-
cidental Mindoro Province, Municipality of Lubang, Bar- um-sized; parietals touching posteriorly; head scales em-
angay Vigo, Sitio Dangay: KU 320490, 320492. Malaysia, bossed; one pair of enlarged nuchals; eye relatively large,
Sabah, Turtle Island: LSUHC 6178. diameter 21.7% of head length; nasal pierced in center by
Diagnosis.—A species of Eutropis, distinguished by the narial opening, surrounded anteriorly by rostral, posteriorly
following combination of characters: (1) adult body medium- by anterior loreal, dorsally by supranasal, and ventrally by
sized (SVL 70–96 mm); (2) interparietal medium-sized, first supralabial; supranasals long and narrow, not in contact
parietals in contact posteriorly; (3) paravertebrals 41–44; (4) at midline; seven supralabials, sixth elongate (from anterior
sum of subdigital lamellae on all five toes of one foot 86–92; to posterior), beneath center of eye; infralabials seven;
(5) ventral scales rows 30–32; (6) midbody scale rows 31–33; mental wider than long; postmental wider than long, in
(7) keels on the dorsal and lateral body scales moderately contact with first infralabial and partially contacting second
defined, 5–10; (8) lower eyelid scaly; (9) supraciliaries 5–7; infralabial; enlarged chin shields in three pairs, first pair in

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54 Herpetological Monographs 34, 2020

contact medially, second pair separated by a single median (30–32 [31 6 1]), paravertebrals (41–44 [42 6 1]), and
scale, and third pair separated by three scales medially; third midbody scale rows (31–33 [32 6 1]). Keels on dorsal scales
pair of chin shields separated from infralabial row by a single ranges within and among individuals (5–10). Additionally,
scale row; lower eyelid scaly; tympanum moderately sunk, although the frontoparietals are fused in the holotype, this is
without lobules on margins of auricular opening; auricular the only specimen to exhibit this condition (all others have
opening 36.8% of eye diameter; body elongate, with 44 frontoparietals separate). The number of enlarged/differen-
paravertebrals, midbody scale rows 32, ventral scale rows 32; tiated primary temporals (one or two) and pretemporals vary;
dorsal and lateral scales with 6–9 keels, ventral scales the latter from four (CAS 127868) to six (KU 304013,
smooth; tail elongate, 1.93 body length; all limbs pentadac- 320491, 320492; CAS 127862, 127867) or seven (KU
tyl, forelimbs smaller than hindlimbs; forelimb scales keeled, 302873). The number of scales that line the lower eyelid
smaller than body scales; relative finger length with vary (21–22 [21 6 1]). Dorsal color pattern varies slightly, in
subdigital lamellae in parentheses (L/R): IV(20/20) ¼ the degree of dark brown streaking present (being more
III(18/19) . II(13/14) . V(12/12) . I(8/8); hindlimbs extensive in KU 320491 vs. KU 304013). The color of the
moderate (hindlimb length/axilla–groin distance ¼ 0.7), dark-brown lateral bands also varies, with KU 304013 having
scales smaller than body scales, keeled; relative toe length more dark, mottled coloration on the anterior portion than
with lamellae (L/R) in parentheses: IV(28/28) . III(22/22) . KU 320491. The amount of dark flecking on the dorsum also
V(17/18) . II(13/14) . I(8/9). varies, being extensive in some individuals (KU 344231) and
Measurements of holotype (in mm).—SVL 88.6; tail very limited in others (KU 304013).
length 171.7; axilla–groin distance 41.2; hindlimb length Distribution.—Eutropis islamaliit has an intriguing
27.3; forelimb length 22.2; snout–forelimb length 31.2; head distribution. Thus far, it has only been found on Lubang,
length 17.5; head width 12.2; interorbital distance 9.9; Semirara, and Samar island in the Philippines and few
internarial distance 4.0; eye diameter 3.8; auricular opening specimens have been collected. It has also been found on
diameter 1.4. Turtle Island, Sabah, Malaysia. Presumably this species also
Coloration in preservative.—The following color de- occurs on many of the intervening large islands in the
scription was written in 2013 following 6 yr of storage in 70% Central Philippines, however, it is also possible that it now
ethanol. Dorsal ground color dark greenish olive to brown, exhibits a relictual distribution or is a beach coastal forest
with some interspersed dark streaks of brown. Thick, dark obligate. This species’ curious distribution leaves questions
brown, longitudinal bands extend down lateral surfaces of for future research and highlights the need for natural
body from posterior of eye to groin. Above these bands,
history and ecological studies of Philippine Eutropis in a
some light scales are interspersed that separate the brown
variety of overlooked habitats, in combination with fine-scale
bands from the dorsal ground color. Venter grayish tan to
studies of distributions on large land masses as well as the
bluish, with lighter chin and precloacals, as well as some dark
virtually unstudied small islands of the archipelago.
mottling under the chin and head. On lateral surfaces of
Habitat and natural history.—This species is known
body, ventral coloration sharply transitions to darker dorsal
and lateral dark brown coloration; the ventral coloration from very few specimens; however, it has been found in both
stretches from the upper labials to the groin bordering the primary and second-growth forest. Specimens have been
dark brown lateral bands. collected when found active on stream banks, tree trunks,
Dorsal surfaces of limbs and digits greenish olive brown, and the forest floor. Eutropis islamaliit is known to occur
with some mottling of dark brown spots on the pes and sympatrically with E. caraga, E. cumingi, E. lapulapu, E.
manus. Ventral surfaces of limbs mostly light grayish to blue multicarinata, and E. multifasciata. It may also occur
with tan and dark brown coloring in some regions, sympatrically with E. borealis on some islands in the central
intergrading with dark brown coloration on lateral surfaces. Philippines where distributions of the E. multicarinata
Ventral surfaces of digits brown to grayish, palmar surface of complex species are poorly documented; further survey
manus and plantar surface of pes tan to ivory. Head scales a work is needed. For example, one or more E. multicarinata
relatively uniform greenish olive brown color. Upper portion complex species would be expected to occur on both
of supralabials dusky brown, lower portion tan to ivory, with Palawan and Mindoro islands, but no specimens have been
dark bars separating each scale. Anterior lower labial scales collected. Based on their known distributions, E. islamaliit
ivory to tan, posterior lower labials becoming grayish brown might be expected to occur on Palawan, and both E.
with dark bars. islamaliit and E. borealis on Mindoro Island.
Coloration in life.—Dorsal ground coloration and tail an Etymology.—The specific epithet is an adjectival deriva-
iridescent bronze to olive coloration, with scattered dark tion from the Tagalog noun isla (meaning island) and
flecks; head and neck brown. The lateral surfaces contain a adjective maliit (meaning small) in reference to fact that
thick, brown band with darker edges that extends from the most specimens that have been collected are from small,
eye to the hindlimb. Ventral surface a striking bluish-white offshore islands. We name this species to draw attention to
coloration that borders lateral band. Dorsal surfaces of the importance of these small peripheral islands, which are
forelimbs, hindlimbs, and digits bronze with indistinct spots. usually disregarded in Philippine government and nongov-
Chin cream with dark markings. ernment organization conservation management planning
Variation.—Eutropis islamaliit varies in the number of (Oliveros et al. 2011; Brown et al. 2013a; Siler et al. 2014).
subdigital toe lamellae (Toe I 8–10 [9 6 1], Toe II 13–15 [14 The species’ epithet is feminine in gender. Suggested
6 1], Toe III 20–22 [21 6 1], Toe IV 25–29 [26 6 1], Toe V common name: Striking Philippine Sun Skinks (because of
17–20 [18 6 1]), and Finger III lamellae (17–19 [18 6 1]). its unique color pattern in comparison to other Philippine
Infralabials vary (6 or 7), as do supraciliaries (5 or 6), ventrals Eutropis).

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Eutropis cuprea sp. nov. length; nasal pierced in center by narial opening, surrounded
anteriorly by rostral, posteriorly by anterior loreal, dorsally
Eutropis Clade A Barley et al. 2013:3563. by supranasal, and ventrally by first supralabial; supranasals
long and narrow, not in contact at midline; six supralabials,
Holotype.—Female (PNM 9868, formerly KU 327372),
fifth elongate (from anterior to posterior), beneath center of
collected by J.B. Fernandez, 17 August 2009, Barangay
eye; infralabials seven; mental wider than long; postmental
Tablu, Sitio Datal Mangisi, Municipality of Tampakan, South
wider than long, in contact with first infralabial and partially
Cotobato Province, Mindanao Island, Philippines.
contacting second infralabial; enlarged chin shields in three
Paratypes (paratopotypes).—Two juveniles (KU
pairs, first pair in contact medially, second pair separated by
327370, 327371) bearing the same locality data as the
a single median scale, and third pair separated by three
scales medially; third pair of chin shields separated from
Diagnosis.—A species of Eutropis distinguished by the
infralabial row by a single scale row; lower eyelid scaly;
following combination of characters: (1) adult body medium- tympanum moderately sunk, without lobules on margins of
sized (one specimen measures 83 mm); (2) interparietal auricular opening; auricular opening 39.4% of eye diameter;
large, separating parietals; (3) paravertebrals 38; (4) sum of body elongate, paravertebrals 38, midbody scale rows 30,
subdigital lamellae on all five toes of one foot 76–78; (5) ventral scale rows 30; dorsal and lateral scales with 9–12
ventral scale rows 27–30; (6) midbody scale rows 30–31; (7) keels, ventral scales smooth; tail elongate, recently severed;
keels on dorsal and lateral body scales moderately defined, limbs pentadactyl, forelimbs smaller than hindlimbs; fore-
9–12; (8) lower eyelid scaly; (9) supraciliaries six; (10) limb scales smaller than body scales, keeled; relative finger
prefrontals in contact or barely separated; (11) primary lengths with subdigital lamellae in parentheses (L/R): IV(15/
temporal scales one; (12) dorsal and lateral body surface 16) ¼ III(16/17) . II(12/10) . V(11/11) . I (6/7); hindlimbs
having relatively uniform bronze and dark brown coloration, moderate (hindlimb length/axilla–groin distance ¼ 0.5);
respectively, without pronounced light stripes. relative toe length with lamellae (L/R) in parentheses:
Comparisons.—Critical comparisons for E. cuprea in- IV(23/23) . III(19/19) . V(16/17) . II(12/14) . I(8/8).
clude other Philippine Eutropis from southern portions of Measurements of holotype (in mm).—SVL 83.0; axilla–
the archipelago. Eutropis cuprea can be distinguished from groin distance 42.6; hindlimb length 22.1; forelimb length
E. multifasciata by its smaller size, more slender body, and 17.6; snout–forelimb length 26.7; head length 15.4; head
the presence of more numerous keels on trunk dorsals (adult width 13.6; interorbital distance 8.7; internarial distance 4.0;
SVL ~80 mm with 9–12 dorsal scale keels in E. cuprea vs. eye diameter 3.8; auricular opening diameter 1.5.
adult SVL 101–141 mm with 3 dorsal scale keels in E. Coloration in preservative.—The following color de-
multifasciata). As a member of the E. multicarinata complex, scription was written in 2018 following 9 yr of storage in 70%
E. cuprea can be distinguished from E. lapulapu by having a ethanol. Dorsal ground color uniformly dark greenish olive
larger adult body size (adult SVL ~80 mm in E. cuprea vs. to brown, except at edges where scales are slightly lighter in
45–70 mm in E. lapulapu) and from E. englei by having color. Thick, dark brown, longitudinal bands extend down
relatively uniform dorsal and lateral coloration (vs. promi- lateral surfaces of body from posterior of eye to groin. Dorsal
nent series of five dark brown and four bluish-white stripes edge of band is pronounced by a narrow, dark line. Venter
in E. englei). Because this species is only known from a single grayish tan to bluish, with lighter chin and precloacals.
adult specimen, we are unable to assess variation for Margins of ventral scales have a dark, gray mottled coloration
comparisons to other species confidently. This individual that is more prominent on the posterior portion of the
has a single primary temporal scale and the prefrontal scales venter, and the central portions of the ventral scales are light
are barely separated (whereas E. caraga has two primary tan. The venter also has several, randomly dispersed, dark
temporal scales and prefrontals that are more widely streaks throughout.
separated), but it is certainly possible these traits are not On lateral surfaces of body, ventral coloration intergrades
diagnostic of the species. into dark brown with several dark streaks on the gular region;
Description of holotype.—A large female (SVL 83.0); a faint, broken, light stripe from the upper labials extends
body robust (axilla–groin distance/SVL ¼ 0.5); limbs well down the lateral surface of the body until approximately just
developed (hindlimb length/SVL ¼ 0.3; forelimb length/SVL past the axilla. Dorsal surfaces of limbs and digits a uniform
¼ 0.2); tail recently broken, not regenerated; head robust brown coloration. Ventral surfaces of limbs mostly grayish to
(head length/SVL ¼ 0.2), longer than wide (head width/head blue with dark mottling, intergrading with dark brown
length ¼ 0.9); snout tapered, rounded at tip; rostral broader coloration on lateral surfaces. Ventral surfaces of digits dark
than high, in contact with frontonasal, nasals, and first brown, palmar surface of manus and plantar surface of pes
supralabial; frontonasal wider than long, in contact with have a mottled tan, gray, and ivory coloration. Head scales
supranasals, frontal, prefrontals, rostral, and anterior loreal; uniformly greenish olive brown, as in the dorsal ground
prefrontals barely separated, contacting anterior and poste- color. Upper portion of supralabials dark brown, lower
rior loreal, first supraocular (and second supraocular on left portion light gray to bluish, lower labials also gray to bluish.
side), frontal, frontonasal, and first supraciliary; frontal Edges of labial scales are highlighted by dark brown
longer than wide, in contact with second supraocular (and coloration. Lower eyelid scales and supraciliaries are tan in
first supraocular on right side); supraoculars four, second color; upper eyelid scales are dark brown, as are the upper
largest; six supraciliaries; frontoparietals not fused, in contact portions of the lower preoculars and fifth supralabial, which
with second, third, and fourth supraoculars; scales on form a dark semicircle around the eye.
posterior of head missing due to damage; head scales Coloration in life.—Remains unrecorded, but in our
embossed; eye relatively large, diameter 24.7% of head experience, Eutropis coloration in preservative is usually

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56 Herpetological Monographs 34, 2020

quite similar to that in life, with only minor fading, reduction Dilong Village, Ngcheangel Atoll, Ngcheangel Island,
in brilliance and stark contrasts of light and dark adjacent Kayangel State Caroline Islands, Palau (8.0894368N,
color features, and loss of vibrant reds, blues, and yellows. 134.71598E)
Distribution.—Eutropis cuprea is only known from the Paratypes.—Thirteen specimens, all from Palau. CAS
Municipality of Tampankan, South Cotobato Province, in 238095, 238097, 238098, 238099, 238100, 238101, collected
southwestern Mindanao Island in the Philippines. by R.I. Crombie, 27 March 2006, Ngercheu Island, Belau
Habitat and natural history.—The few available spec- Caroline Islands. CAS 254721, collected by R.I. Crombie, 17
imens were collected in second-growth, regenerating forest. June 2012, Ulimang village, Babeldaob Island, Ngaraad State
Specimens were collected either on top of leaf litter on the (7.6225338N, 134.64258E). CAS 237940, 237941, collected
forest floor or on a stream bank in the forest. Although no by R.I. Crombie, 25 November 2005, Carp Island, Ngercheu
other species of Eutropis were collected at this particular Islands. CAS 238220, collected by R.I. Crombie, 1 June
site, several other species are known to occur nearby and 2006, Dilong Village, Ngerebelas Island, Ngcheangel Atoll
likely occur sympatrically, including E. caraga, E. lapulapu, (8.0825838N, 134.71768E). CAS 248808, collected by R.I.
E. multifasciata, and potentially E. englei. Crombie, 27 April 2008, Ulimang village, Babeldaob Island,
Etymology.—The species name is a Latin adjective Ngaraad State (7.6222838N, 134.64278E). CAS 248247,
meaning ‘‘copper,’’ in reference to this species only being 248248, collected by R.I. Crombie, 28 August 2007, Dilong
known from near Tampakan, Mindanao (which is the village, Ngcheangel Island, Ngcheangel Atoll (8.0827178N,
location of one of the largest copper deposits in the world), 134.71748E).
as well as the general copper coloration of the dorsum in Diagnosis.—A species of Eutropis distinguished by the
species of the E. multicarinata complex, such as this one. following combination of characters: (1) body medium-sized
Suggested common name: The Copper Sun Skinks. (SVL 45–80 mm in adults); (2) interparietal large, separating
Remarks.—Southwestern Mindanao Island appears to be parietals; (3) paravertebrals 39–46; (4) sum of subdigital
a hotspot of Eutropis diversity (Mindanao has previously lamellae on all five toes of one foot 76–90; (5) ventral scale
been regarded as a hotspot of reptile and amphibian diversity rows 26–30; (6) midbody scale rows 30–34; (7) keels on
more generally; Sanguila et al. 2016). In addition to the new dorsal and lateral body scales moderately defined, 5–10 per
species, three widespread species (that occur throughout scale; (8) lower eyelid scaly; (9) supraciliaries 5–7; (10)
Mindanao) are present there: E. lapulapu, E. caraga, and E. prefrontals separated; (11) primary temporal scales one or
multifasciata. Two additional species that are distributed two; (12) dorsal and lateral body surface with relatively
throughout the Indo-Malayan Archipelago have also invaded uniform bronze to olive coloration, respectively, usually
the Zamboanga Peninsula: E. rudis and E. rugifera. Taylor without extensive, pronounced light or dark stripes (Fig. 7).
(1925:102) described an additional species (E. englei) from Comparisons.—Eutropis palauensis appears to be the
the Cotabato Coast (from ‘‘low vegetation on sandy beaches’’ only species of Eutropis found in the Palau and Caroline
and ‘‘open places along rivers near their mouths’’) from Archipelagos. Although some museum specimens have
Tatayan Island and Saub. Brown and Alcala (1980) assigned previously been erroneously identified as the widespread
three additional specimens they collected from near Digos species E. multifasciata, this species does not appear to be
City to E. englei based on vertebral scale count, despite the present, and can be distinguished by having fewer keels on
fact that they differ significantly in terms of color pattern the trunk dorsals (3 in E. multifasciata vs. 5–9 in E.
(three dark brown stripes on the dorsum vs. five in other E. palauensis; Crombie and Pregill 1999). As a member of the
englei specimens). Biogeographically, this locality is also E. multicarinata complex, E. palauensis can be distinguished
separated substantially from the Taylor localities, and the from species in the E. indeprensa complex by its larger (45–
specimens were collected in a different microhabitat (‘‘in 80 mm SVL) adult body size (vs. 45–70 mm in E. lapulapu
debris on the floor of coconut groves at sea level,’’ Brown and 48–64 mm in E. indeprensa) and typically more
and Alcala 1980:122). Based on this information and our numerous toe lamellae (76–90 vs. 70–80 in E. lapulapu
examination of the specimens, we think it is unlikely that and 71–83 in E. indeprensa). Within the E. multicarinata
these specimens (CAS 124842, 124844) correspond to any complex, E. palauensis is most closely related to E. caraga
currently described species (and thus may represent a fourth (Fig. 5). Compared to that species (and others in the
E. multicarinata complex taxon in southwestern Mindanao). complex), the dark lateral band is generally more reduced
Clearly the Eutropis of southwestern Mindanao warrant (being distinct and extending from the eye to the hindlimb in
further study. E. caraga vs. less distinct and only extending to the forelimb
in E. palauensis; Fig. 7). The prefrontal scales in E.
Eutropis palauensis sp. nov. palauensis also tend to be more widely separated than
Mabuia multicarinata: Sternfeld 1920:395 [in part, misiden- species in the E. multicarinata complex. The sister
tification, misspelling]. relationship between E. caraga and E. palauensis makes
Mabuya multicarinata multicarinata: Brown and Alcala biogeographic sense (given that Mindanao is the most
1980:126 [in part, by implication]. geographically proximate Philippine Island); however, these
Mabuya sp.: Crombie and Pregill 1999:59 [misidentifica- two species are highly genetically distinct (Barley et al. 2013)
tion]. and geographically separated by .500 miles, and thus, are
Eutropis sp.: Mausfeld and Schmitz 2003:165 [misidentifi- clearly on distinct evolutionary trajectories.
cation]. Description of holotype.—A large male (SVL 79.3 mm)
with hemipenes everted, body robust (axilla–groin distance/
Holotype.—Male (CAS 248251), collected by R.I. SVL ¼ 0.5); limbs well developed (hindlimb length/SVL ¼
Crombie, 29 August 2007 on west coast road north of 0.3; forelimb length/SVL ¼ 0.2); tail long (SVL/tail length ¼

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0.5); head robust (head length/SVL ¼ 0.2), longer than wide digits dark brown, palmar surface of manus and plantar
(head width/head length ¼ 0.7); snout tapered, rounded at surface of pes tan to ivory. Head scales greenish olive brown
tip; rostral broader than high, in contact with frontonasal, as in the dorsal ground color, with several dark brown flecks.
nasals, and first supralabial; frontonasal wider than long, in Upper portion of supralabials dark brown, lower portion
contact with supranasals, frontal, prefrontals, rostral, and light gray to bluish, lower labials also gray to bluish with
anterior loreal; prefrontals separated, contacting anterior and several dark flecks.
posterior loreals, first supraocular, frontal, and frontonasal; Coloration in life.—Dorsal ground coloration and tail an
two loreal scales; frontal longer than wide, in broad contact iridescent bronze to olive coloration, with few dark brown
with second supraocular; supraoculars four, second largest; flecks, lighter on lateral edge; head and neck brown. The
supraciliaries five; frontoparietals not fused, in contact with lateral surfaces contain a mottled, dark brown band
second, third, and fourth supraoculars; interparietal long and extending from the eye posteriorly, becoming broken and
narrow, separating parietals; head scales embossed; one pair fading past the forelimb. Chin and venter bluish to creamy
of enlarged nuchals; eye relatively large, diameter 17.6% of with few dark markings. Dorsal surfaces of forelimbs,
head length; nasal pierced in center by narial opening, hindlimbs, and digits bronze to brown with indistinct spots.
surrounded anteriorly by rostral, posteriorly by anterior Variation.—Eutropis palauensis varies in the number of
loreal, dorsally by supranasal, and ventrally by first supra- subdigital lamellae on the toes (Toe I 9–13 [10 6 1], Toe II
labial; supranasals long and narrow, not in contact at midline; 10–16 [14 6 1], Toe III 18–21 [20 6 1], Toe IV 23–26 [25 6
six supralabials, fifth elongate (from anterior to posterior), 1], Toe V 13–17 [15 6 1]), and Finger III (15–17).
beneath center of eye; infralabials seven; primary temporals Supralabials (6 or 7), infralabials (6 or 7), supraciliaries (5–
two; enlarged pretemporals five, primary and upper 7), ventrals (26–30 [28 6 1]), paravertebrals (39–46 [43 6
secondary in contact with parietal; mental wider than long; 2]), and midbody scale rows (30–34 [32 6 1]) all vary
postmental wider than long, in contact with first infralabial slightly. The number of keels on the dorsal scales is also
and partially contacting second infralabial; enlarged chin highly variable, both within and among individuals (5–9).
shields in three pairs, first pair in contact medially, second The number of enlarged/differentiated primary temporals is
pair separated by a single median scale, and third pair either one (CAS 238095, 238220, 238101, 248808, 238096,
separated by three scales medially; third pair of chin shields 251937) or two (CAS 237940, 238100, 238098, 238099,
separated from infralabial row by a single scale row; lower 248248, 238097, 237941, 254721) and pretemporals range
eyelid scaly; tympanum moderately sunk, without lobules on
from five (CAS 237940, 248251, 248247) to six (CAS 238095,
margins of auricular opening; auricular opening 54.5% of eye
238100, 248248). The number of scales lining the lower
diameter; body elongate, paravertebrals 43, midbody scale
eyelid also varies (17–20 [19 6 1]) and anterior loreal
rows 32, ventral scale rows 29; dorsal and lateral scales with
contacts the first and second supralabials in some individuals
6–9 keels, ventral scales smooth; tail elongate, 1.9 3 body
(CAS 237940, 238220), the second and third in others (CAS
length; limbs pentadactyl, forelimbs smaller than hindlimbs;
257895), and the first three supralabials in other specimens
forelimb scales smaller than body scales, keeled; relative
(CAS 238095, 238100, 238098). The new species’ dorsal
finger lengths with subdigital lamellae in parentheses (L/R):
IV(14/16) ¼ III(15/17) . II(12/–) . V(12/) . I (8/–); color pattern varies slightly in the degree of dark brown
hindlimbs moderate (hindlimb length/axilla–groin distance ¼ streaking/flecking present, as some individuals have very few
0.7); relative toe length with lamellae (L/R) in parentheses: dark flecks or lines (CAS 238097, 238099, 238100), whereas
IV(25/25) . III(20/20) . V(16/15) . II(13/15) . I(10/10). it is more extensive in others (CAS 238095, 238101). The
Measurements of holotype (in mm).—SVL 79.3; tail thickness of the dark stripe extending down the lateral side
length 152.2; axilla–groin distance 37.0; hindlimb length of the body also varies, with some individuals having a more
24.3; forelimb length 21.9; snout–forelimb length 27.7; head prominent stripe extending down the length of the body
length 18.8; head width 12.8; interorbital distance 9.0; (CAS 238095, 238101), whereas in others it starts to fade just
internarial distance 3.8; eye diameter 3.3; auricular opening past the axilla (CAS 238099, 238100).
diameter 1.8. Distribution.—Eutropis palauensis is known from islands
Coloration in preservative.—The following color de- throughout the Palau Archipelago (including Babeldaob,
scription was written in 2019 following 12 yr of storage in Beliliou, Ngcheangel, Ngercheu, Oreor, Pulo Anna, and
70% ethanol. Dorsal ground color dark greenish olive to Sonsorol), as well as Fais Island and Ulithi Atoll in the
brown, with few dark brown spots randomly interspersed Caroline Islands.
down the length of the body. Dark brown, longitudinal bands Habitat and natural history.—No formal studies of the
extend down lateral surfaces of body from posterior of eye to natural history of this species have been published; however,
just past the insertion of the forelimb where they blend into it presumably exhibits an ecology that is similar to the other
the greenish-brown dorsal coloration. Venter grayish tan to Philippine Eutropis multicarinata complex species. Eutropis
bluish, with lighter chin and precloacals, and dark flecks, palauensis is a diurnally active species that appears to be able
randomly dispersed, primarily on the chin and throat. to tolerate some disturbance and has been successfully
Margins of ventral scales dark, gray, with central portions collected using sticky trapping in and adjacent to villages
light tan. (Crombie and Pregill 1999). It is the only species of Eutropis
On lateral surfaces of body, ventral coloration intergrades that occurs in Palau.
into dark brown. Dorsal surfaces of limbs and digits greenish Etymology.—We derive the new species’ specific epithet
olive brown, mottled with dark brown spots. Ventral surfaces from the Republic of Palau from which this species is known.
of limbs mostly light grayish to blue, intergrading with dark The species’ epithet is feminine in gender. Suggested
brown coloration on lateral surfaces. Ventral surfaces of common name: Palau Sun Skinks.

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58 Herpetological Monographs 34, 2020

Eutropis multicarinata comb. nov. morphologically similar to E. caraga despite the fact that
they occur sympatrically and are highly distinctive geneti-
Tiliqua multicarinata Gray 1845:109. Holotype (BMNH cally (Fig. 5), though E. multicarinata usually has a smaller
1946.8.15.13) from ‘‘Philippines’’ [not examined]. number of subdigital toe lamellae than E. caraga (74–80 vs.
Mabuia multicarinata: Boulenger 1887:185 [in part, mis- 80–91; trait means are significantly different).
spelling]. Coloration in preservative.—‘‘Dorsum tannish olive
Mabuya multicarinata: Taylor 1922:156 [in part]. green to olive brown, occasionally almost uniform but usually
Mabuya multicarinata multicarinata: Brown and Alcala with a narrow, dark brown to blackish vertebral stripe from
1980:126 [in part]. nape to region of fore limbs or slightly more posterior and
Eutropis multicarinata multicarinata: Mausfeld and Schmitz often a series of dark brown to blackish spots along the
2003:164 [misidentification, by implication]. dorsolateral margin at least anteriorly; upper lateral surfaces
dark brown to blackish, frequently with a very narrow, faint,
Holotype.—BMNH 1946.8.15.13, collected by H. Cum- light line along the dorsal edge anteriorly; a somewhat wider
ing, with locality data listed solely as Philippines. light (bluish to grayish) solid or broken stripe from labials
Referred specimens.—Thirteen specimens, all from the through ear to region of fore limbs and occasionally onto
Philippines. Dinagat Island, Dinagat Islands Province, flank; venter bluish or grayish flesh to light slate, frequently
Municipality of Loreto, Barangay Santiago, Sitio Cambinlia, with numerous or scattered small black spots on chin and
Mount Cambinlia: KU 310149, 310151, 310153, 310155, throat’’ (Brown and Alcala 1980:127–128).
310371–72. Leyte Island, Leyte Province, Municipality of Coloration in life.—Remains unrecorded, but in our
Baybay, Pilim, San Vicente: KU 311246. Municipality of experience, Eutropis coloration in preservative is usually
Burauen: CAS-SU 24657. Barangay Dinaayan: KU 343900. quite similar to that in life, with only minor fading, reduction
Mindanao Island, Agusan del Sur Province, Municipality of in brilliance and stark contrasts of light and dark adjacent
San Francisco, Barangay Bagusan, Mount Magdiwata: KU color features, and loss of vibrant reds, blues, and yellows.
320025–26. Samar Island: Eastern Samar Province, Munic- Distribution.—Eutropis multicarinata is known from
ipality of Balangiga, Barangay Guinmaayohan, Sitio Bangon, localities in northeastern Mindanao Island (Agusan del Sur
Kaantulan River Drainage: KU 344245. Municipality of Taft, Province), as well as Dinagat, Samar, and Leyte islands.
Barangay San Rafael, Kadakan River: KU 337426. Habitat and natural history.—Eutropis multicarinata
Diagnosis.—A species of Eutropis, distinguished by the inhabits primary and second-growth, midmontane forest
following combination of characters: (1) body medium-sized throughout its range, and has also been found in the natural
(SVL 61–72 mm in adults); (2) interparietal large, parietals bonsai forest on Dinagat Island. It is a diurnally active
not in contact, or in some cases, interparietal fused to nuchal; species that has been collected on leaf litter on the forest
(3) paravertebrals 34–39; (4) sum of subdigital lamellae on all floor, and rocks on stream banks, from sea level to 400 m.
five toes of one foot 74–80; (5) ventral scales rows 24–29; (6) Specimens have also been collected beneath rotting logs and
midbody scale rows 30–33; (7) keels on dorsal and lateral leaf litter, under bark or debris, and rarely low on tree trunks
body scales moderately defined, 5–10; (8) lower eyelid scaly; (Brown and Alcala 1980). This species can be found
(9) supraciliaries 4–5; (10) prefrontals separated or in sympatrically with four other species of Eutropis: E.
contact; (11) primary temporal scales two; (12) dorsal and lapulapu, E. caraga, E. islamaliit, and E. multifasciata.
lateral body surface having relatively uniform bronze and Remarks.—Gray (1845) initially described E. multicar-
dark brown coloration, respectively, without pronounced inata (the first species described from the endemic
light stripes. Philippine radiation) based on three specimens collected
Comparisons.—Critical comparisons for Eutropis multi- by H. Cuming, but the locality was only labeled as
carinata include other Philippine Eutropis, particularly ‘‘Philippines.’’ Brown and Alcala (1980) found that two of
species from the archipelago’s southern islands. Eutropis the specimens (which Gray mistakenly identified as juve-
multicarinata can be distinguished from members of the E. niles, an assumption that was perpetuated by later research-
indeprensa complex (such as E. lapulapu, with which it ers including Taylor) were mature adults that belonged to a
occurs sympatrically) by its larger (61–72-mm adult SVL), new species they described as E. cumingi. They also
more robust body (vs. 45–70-mm adult SVL in E. lapulapu) suggested that the third specimen (BMNH 1946.8.15.13,
and fewer vertebral scale rows (34–39 vs. 39–45). Eutropis which they assigned as the E. multicarinata holotype) was
multicarinata can be readily distinguished from E. englei by likely drawn from one of the southern populations in the
its relatively uniform brown to olive-green dorsum (vs. a archipelago (which they then described as the subspecies E.
prominent series of five dark brown and four bluish-white m. multicarinata) based on the fact that the interparietal is
stripes on the dosum in E. englei). Eutropis multicarinata relatively long and narrow, and the presence of dark
differs from E. multifasciata by its smaller size, less robust markings under the chin and throat. They designated Leyte
body (adult SVL 61–72 vs. 101–141 mm) and by more (somewhat arbitrarily) as the type locality based on the fact
numerous (5–10 vs. 3) and moderate (vs. weak) keels on its that Cuming was known to have visited several islands in the
dorsal scales (Fig. 8). Eutropis multicarinata can be southeastern portion of the archipelago (including Leyte, but
distinguished from E. islamaliit by color pattern in having also Samar, and Dinagat). Barley et al. (2013) determined
a gradual mottled light and dark color transition between the that the southern Philippine populations of E. multicarinata
light venter and dark lateral band (vs. a crisply defined were actually composed of two distinct species (E. multi-
inferior lateral band border), by a smaller number of total toe carinata and Clade E, which we describe as E. caraga here)
lamellae (74–80 vs. 86–92), and slightly smaller adult body that occur syntopically on Mindanao, Samar, and Dinagat
size (61–72 vs. 70–97). Eutropis multicarinata is very Island, and assumed that the Leyte populations were

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representative of true E. multicarinata. Although these two 125039, collected by L.C. Alcala, June 1968, Gabi Barrio,
species are extremely morphologically similar, they do Iloilo Province, Gigantes South Island. CAS 128445,
usually differ based on lamellae count (74–80 for E. collected by L.C. Alcala, August 1970, Ubo Barrio, Cebu
multicarinata and 80–91 for E. caraga), and each of the Province, Cebu Island. CAS 136794, 136795, 136796,
previous assumptions appears to be correct. Examination of collected by L.C. Alcala, December 1971, Taptap Barrio,
the type specimen suggests it is morphologically similar to Cebu Province, Cebu Island. CAS 145664, collected by Q.
the Leyte populations and has 77 total subdigital toe Alcala, November 1965, Camp 7 Barrio, Cebu Province,
lamellae. Thus, we consider the lineage containing the Leyte Cebu Island. CAS 124050, collected by L.C. Alcala, May
Island populations as representative of true E. multicarinata 1969, Mount Manaphag, Iloilo Province, Pan de Azucar
(Fig. 5). Island.
Referred specimens.—Forty-one specimens, all from
Eutropis borealis comb. nov. the Philippines. Luzon Island, Zambales Province, Subic
Mabuya multicarinata: Taylor 1917:371 [misidentification]. Bay: CAS 15448. Camarines del Sur Province, Municipality
Mabuya multicarinata borealis Brown and Alcala 1980:128. of Baao, Barangay La Medalla: KU 306196. Camarines
Holotype male (CAS 15447) from ‘‘Subic Bay, Luzon Norte Province, Municipality of Labo, Barangay Tulay Na
Island, Philippines’’ [in part, examined]. Lapa: KU 313911. Nueva Vizcaya Province, Municipality of
Eutropis multicarinata borealis: Mausfeld and Schmitz Quezon, Barangay Maddiangat, Sitio Upper Dayog: KU
2003:169. 325793–325794. Kalinga Province, Municipality of Tabuk
City, Barangay Dupag, Situi Patiking: KU 327754. Aurora
Holotype.—Male (CAS 15447), collected by J. Thomson, Province, Municipality of Maria Aurora, Barangay Villa
7 June 1907, near Subic Bay, Luzon Island, Philippines. Aurora, Sitio Dimani, Aurora Memorial National Park: KU
Paratypes.—Eighty-one specimens, all from the Philip- 323199–323206. Municipality of Casiguran, Barangay Ca-
pines (Brown and Alcala 1980). sapsipan: KU 324812. Municipality of Baler, Barangay
CAS 15446–15449, 15453, collected by J.C. Thomson, Zabali, Aurora State College of Technology: KU 323208,
July 1907, vicinity of Subic Bay, Zambales Province, Luzon 323210, 323214, 323220. Municipality of San Luis, Barangay
Island. CAS 61492–61498 collected by E.H. Taylor, April Real Sitio Minoli: KU 323222, 323223, 325050, 325051.
1920, Balbalan, Mountain Province, Luzon Island. CAS Isabela Province, Municipality of Cabagan, Barangay Garita,
61320, collected by E.H. Taylor, May 1920, Majayjay, Mitra Ranch: KU 327560. Municipality of San Mariano,
Laguna Province, Luzon Island. CAS 140047, 140048, Barangay Dibuluan, Sitio Apaya, Apaya Creek: KU 327366.
collected by B. Gargar and G. Carilo, December 1974, Sitio Dunoy, Dunoy Lake: KU 327549. Dibante Ridge: KU
Labnig, Albay Province, Luzon Island. BMNH 1895.1.11.2, 327562. Barangay Del Pilar: KU 327387, 327557. Barangay
1892.10.24.7, 1894.10.24.6, FMNH 161652–161655, 161662, San Jose: KU 327567–327568. Cagayan Province, Munici-
Luzon Island. CAS 62280–62284, collected by E.H. Taylor, pality of Gattaran, Gattaran DENR Reforestation Project
August 1920, Quezon Province, Polillo Island. CAS 124107– Reserve: KU 335107–335108. Municipality of Gonzaga,
124109, collected by L.C. Alcala, May 1969, Buaya, Sicogon Barangay Magrafil, Mount Cagua: 330071–330072. Quezon
Island. CAS 144318, 144319, collected by L.C. Alcala, June Province, Municipality of Real, Barangay Maunlad, Univer-
1976, Mapuyo, Masbate Island. CAS 129292, 129325, sity of the Philippines Quezon Land Grant: KU 345421.
129329, collected by A.C. Alcala, December 1961, Negros Babuyan Claro Island, Cagayan Province, Municipality of
Oriental Province, Negros Island. CAS 131786, 131787, Calayan, Barangay Babuyan Claro: KU 304837. Catanduanes
collected by D. Empeso, May 1964, Siaton, Negros Oriental Island, Catanduanes Province Municipality of Gigmoto,
Province, Negros Island. CAS 134314, 134316–134318, Barangay San Pedro: KU 308125. Polillo Island, Quezon
134320, 134321 (collected by Q. Alcala, December 1960), Province: CAS 62280. Municipality of Burdeos, Barangay
CAS 154956, 154957 (collected by A.C. Alcala, February Aluyon, Sitio Malinao: KU 327369. Municipality of Polillo,
1964), Palaypay, Negros Oriental Province, Negros Island. Barangay Pinaglubayan: KU 302877, 307536.
CAS 145948, 145950, 28781, 28782 (collected by Q. Alcala, Diagnosis.—A species of Eutropis, distinguished by the
January 1964), CAS 145975 (collected 1964), Negros following combination of characters: (1) body medium-sized
Oriental Province, Negros Island. CAS-SU 19852, collected (SVL 64–83 mm in adults); (2) interparietal small, parietals
by A.C. Alcala, Q. Alcala, F. Lusoc, April 1956, Cabagnaan, in contact posteriorly; (3) paravertebrals 37–42; (4) sum of
Negros Oriental Province, Negros Island. CAS-SU 21207, subdigital lamellae on all five toes of one foot 80–89; (5)
21208, 21213, 21214, collected by A.C. Alcala, Q. Alcala, ventral scales rows 25–30; (6) midbody scale rows 28–33; (7)
April 1957, Dungga, Negros Oriental Province, Negros keels on the dorsal and lateral body scales moderately
Island. CAS-SU 26790, 26919, 26920, 28153, 28158 (col- defined, 6–11; (8) lower eyelid scaly; (9) supraciliaries five;
lected by B. Gargar), 26791 (collected by S. Villamil, J. (10) prefrontals separated; (11) primary temporal scales one;
Empeso, B. Gargar), 26792, 28160, 28161 (collected by J. (12) dorsal and lateral body surfaces with relatively uniform
Empeso, M. Pinero), March–April 1962, Mount Canlaon, bronze and dark brown coloration, respectively, without
Negros Occidental Province, Negros Island. CAS-SU 28143, pronounced light stripes.
collected by A.C. Alcala, April 1962, Kalapnagan, Negros Comparisons.—Critical comparisons for E. borealis
Occidental Province, Negros Island. CAS 127862, 127867, include other Philippine species of Eutropis, particularly
127868, collected by L.C. Alcala, May 1970, Alegria Barrio, those known from the northern islands of the archipelago.
Antique Province, Caluya Island. CAS 124493, 124494, Eutropis borealis can be distinguished from members of the
124495, 124496, 124497, collected by L.C. Alcala, June 1968, E. indeprensa complex (including both E. lapulapu and E.
Langob, Iloilo Province, Gigantes North Island. CAS cumingi, with which it occurs sympatrically) by its larger

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60 Herpetological Monographs 34, 2020

(adult SVL 64–83 mm), more robust body (vs. 45–70 mm in the hindlimb, becoming thinner and less distinct posteriorly.
E. lapulapu and 43–60 mm in E. cumingi) and fewer Chin creamy white with dark markings. Dorsal surfaces of
subdigital toe lamellae (80–89 in E. borealis vs. 70–80 in E. forelimbs, hindlimbs, and digits dark with indistinct spots.
lapulapu or 59–70 in E. cumingi). Eutropis borealis can also Frequently there are traces of light lines above and below
be distinguished from E. cumingi by fewer vertebral scale the lateral brown stripes.
rows (37–42 vs. 42–47). It can be distinguished from E. Distribution.—Eutropis borealis is known from localities
multifasciata by its smaller body size (64–83 mm vs. 101–141 throughout Luzon Island (Brown and Alcala 1980; Brown et
mm adult SVL), and more numerous and pronounced (Fig. al. 2000, 2012, 2013b; Siler et al. 2011; Devan-Song and
8) keels on the trunk dorsals (6–9 vs. 3). Eutropis borealis Brown 2012), as well as Babuyan Claro in the Babuyan
can be readily distinguished from E. bontocensis by color Island Group (Oliveros et al. 2011), and Polillo and
pattern, which either lacks lateral stripes or has faint, lateral, Catanduanes islands (Ross and Gonzales 1992). Eutropis
light stripes on the anterior portion of the body (compared to borealis may occur on additional islands in the Babuyan and
two prominent, light stripes on the lateral surface that extend Batanes islands groups; however, additional survey work is
the length of the body). It can also be distinguished from E. necessary in these incompletely studied, isolated small
bontocensis by more strongly keeled dorsal scales (vs. lightly islands. Populations have also been reported from Lanyu
keeled dorsal scales), by a larger number of subdigital toe Island, Taiwan (Ota 1991). Closely related, but genetically
lamellae (80–89 vs. 67–76), and fewer vertebral scale rows divergent populations that may represent one or more
(37–42 vs. 44–50). A phenotypically very similar species (E. distinct species are now also known from the biogeo-
gubataas) appears to be patchily distributed across Northern graphically distinct central Philippine islands of Negros,
Luzon Island and the Babuyan Island Group. It can readily Panay (Ferner et al. 2001), and Siquijor (Fig. 5). However,
be distinguished from E. borealis using genetic data (Fig. 5). we refer them to this species pending further investigation.
Coloration in preservative.—Based on 22 specimens, Presumably this species also occurs on other central
including holotype. Dorsal ground color dark greenish olive Philippine islands within this range (e.g., Romblon Province
to brown. The dorsal coloration is generally uniform, though islands [Sibuyan, Romblon, Tablas], Guimaras, Masbate,
some specimens exhibit dark streaks of brown at the margins Ticao, and Burias islands).
(KU 306196, 323199, 327366). Thick, dark brown, longitu- Habitat and natural history.—Eutropis borealis can be
dinal bands extend down lateral surfaces of body from considered a habitat generalist, as it has been collected in a
posterior of eye to groin. Most specimens exhibit a light
wide variety of habitats across its distribution. It occurs in
stripe extending down the body separating the dorsal surface
primary and second-growth, upper, and lowland rainforest
and the dark brown bands on the lateral surface, though the
from sea level to 1500-m elevation, where it is often one of
extent and prominence of this stripe varies (being very
the most common, diurnally active lizard species at any given
distinct in KU 306196, extending down almost the entire
locality where it has been recorded. It has also been found in
length of the body in KU 323210, and nearly nonexistent in
limestone forest and dry, scrub forest on Luzon Island. This
KU 304837, 313911). Below the dark bands on the lateral
surface, a faint, light stripe extends from the upper labials species can be found in many types of disturbed habitats
down the lateral surface of the body, though the length of including agricultural areas, coconut groves, bamboo forests,
this stripe varies (extending down the entire length of the selectively logged forests, residential areas, and forest edge
body in some cases: KU 306196, 327369; extending just past habitats. It is a diurnally active species that has been
the axilla in KU 304837, 327366, 327562; and being collected on leaf litter on the forest floor, tree trunks, and on
discontinuous in KU 323223). branches of small shrubs, as well as on rocks on stream
Venter grayish tan to bluish, with lighter chin and banks. It can also be found basking in disturbed, open areas,
precloacal region. Some individuals exhibit small, dark flecks and on a variety of ground-cover objects such as coconut
on the anterior portion of their lateral (flank) surfaces (KU husks, fallen logs, or other debris. During the rainy season,
306196, 323223). The transition between the lateral and this species has been reported to spend a significant amount
ventral body surfaces possesses a mottled pattern of grayish of time in arboreal microhabitats (Lagat 2011). Several
to bluish coloration interspersed with dark brown. Dorsal specimens have been collected sleeping under rocks and
surfaces of limbs and digits greenish olive brown, mottled rotten logs in the forest, inside abaca and banana plant husks
with dark brown spots. The mottling is particularly or axils, inside tree crevices, and even sleeping exposed on
prominent on the proximal portion of the forelimb. Ventral leaf fronds hanging over streams at night. Eutropis borealis is
surfaces of limbs mostly light grayish to blue, intergrading oviparous, laying 2–4 eggs, that are apparently sometimes
with dark brown coloration on lateral surfaces. Ventral eaten by the congeneric species Eutropis longicaudata in
surfaces of digits dark brown, palmar surface of manus and Taiwan, where they occur sympatrically (Huang 2006). The
plantar surface of pes tan to ivory. Dorsal ground color diet of this species appears to primarily consist of insects,
continues onto head scales, which are usually uniform, but and has been observed eating butterflies, grasshoppers, and
exhibit dark brown flecks or spots in some cases (KU 306196, beetles (Lagat 2011). This species can be found sympatrically
323199). Upper labials dusky brown, lower labials lighter in with at least four other congeners in the Philippines: E.
color, both usually exhibiting dark bars at margins of scales, gubataas, E. cumingi, E. lapulapu, and E. multifasciata. Its
though this is more common in upper labials (KU 323210). range also encompasses that of E. bontocensis; however, the
Coloration in life.—Dorsal ground coloration and tail an two species have not been collected syntopically, and their
iridescent bronze to olive coloration, usually with scattered ranges may be elevationally segregated (with E. borealis
dark brown flecks; head and neck brown. Lateral surfaces generally occurring at lower elevations and E. bontocensis
with a thick, dark brown band that extends from the eye, past occurring at higher elevations).

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Remarks.—Brown and Alcala (1980) mistakenly desig- Municipality of San Francisco, Barangay Kaimpugan,
nated CAS 15564 as a paratype of this species (which was Agusan Marsh: KU 314104. Zamboanga City Province,
originally described as a subspecies). They identified the Municipality of Pasonanca, Pasonanca Natural Park, Bar-
locality (in error) as Luzon Island; however, the specimen angay Baluno: KU 315006. Barangay Tulosa, Sitio Santa
was actually collected near Lake Lanao on Mindanao Island Clara, Cabo Negro Outpost: 321832. Cebu Island, Cebu
by J.C. Thomson in October 1907 (a locality substantially Province, Municipality of Argao, Mount Lantoy: KU
outside the distribution of E. borealis). 331836–331838. Samar Island, Samar Province, Municipality
of Taft, Barangay San Rafael: KU 306203, 310341, 310782.
Eutropis lapulapu sp. nov. Luzon Island, Camarines del Sur Province, Municipality of
Mabuya multicarinata: Taylor 1918:247 [in part, misidenti- Baao, Barangay La Medalla: KU 306198.
fication] Diagnosis.—A species of Eutropis, distinguished by the
Mabuya indeprensa: Brown and Alcala 1980:122 [in part, following combination of characters: (1) adult body small to
misidentification]. medium-sized (SVL 45–70 mm); (2) interparietal relatively
Eutropis indeprensa: Mausfeld and Schmitz 2003:164 large, separating parietals; (3) paravertebrals 39–45; (4) sum
[misidentification]. of subdigital lamellae on all five toes of one foot 70–80; (5)
Eutropis Clade C Barley et al. 2013:3563. ventral scales rows 25–30; (6) midbody scale rows 27–33; (7)
keels on the dorsal and lateral body scales moderately
Holotype.—Female (PNM 9848, formerly KU 310781), defined, 5–9; (8) lower eyelid scaly (9) supraciliaries five or
collected by C.D. Siler and C.W. Linkem, 13 October 2007, six; (10) prefrontals separated or in contact; (11) primary
near Barangay San Rafael at 180 m, Municipality of Taft, temporal scales one or two; (12) dorsolateral surface with
Eastern Samar Province, Samar Island, Philippines two faint to moderate light stripes that fade or become
(11.829248N, 125.276638E). broken towards the posterior portion of the body, adult
Paratypes (paratopotypes).—KU 310340 (collected by males frequently exhibiting a bright orange coloration on the
RMB 3 October 2007), 310781, 310783 (collected by CDS anterior portion of the body under the chin or suffusing the
13 October 2007), bearing the same locality as the holotype. lateral band (Fig. 6).
Paratypes.—Fifteen specimens, all from Philippines. KU Comparisons.—Critical comparisons for Eutropis lapu-
302876, collected by CDS and C.W. Linkem 24 November lapu include other Philippine species of Eutropis, particu-
2001 at 180 m, Barangay Duyong, Municipality of Pandan, larly those known from the southern islands of the
Antique Province, Panay Island (11.760818N, 122.039748E). archipelago. Eutropis lapulapu can be distinguished from
KU 306194, collected by C.W. Linkem and CDS, 24 June E. rudis and E. multifasciata by its small (adult SVL 45–70
2006, near Barangay Esperanza at 120 m, Municipality of mm) body size (vs. a larger, more robust body; adult SVL 85–
Loreto, Dinagat Islands Province, Dinagat Island 92 mm in E. rudis and 101–141 mm in E. multifasciata).
(10.38168N, 125.61688E). KU 306195, collected by C.W. Eutropis lapulapu also has more numerous keels (5–9) on
Linkem, 26 June 2006 at 40 m, Barangay San Juan, dorsal body scales (vs. only 3 in E. multifasciata and E. rudis)
Municipality of Loreto, Dinagat Islands Province, Dinagat and the new species can readily be distinguished from E.
Island (10.365178N, 125.568738E). KU 306200, 306201 rugifera by having less strongly defined keels of dorsal body
(collected by CDS 16 June 2006), KU 306202, 306204, scales (vs. more raised and sharply defined in E. rugifera)
306205 (collected by C.W. Linkem and CDS 16 June 2006) and a broad, dark dorsolateral band (vs. absent in E.
at 220 m, Taft Forest, Barangay San Rafael, Municipality of rugifera). Eutropis lapulapu also has a smaller interparietal
Taft, Eastern Samar Province, Samar Island (11.831638N, and parietals not in contact (vs. in contact posteriorly in E.
125.283178E). KU 337443, collected by RMB, 14 June 2014 rugifera). As a member of the E. indeprensa complex, E.
at 75 m, Kadakan River, Barangay San Rafael, Municipality lapulapu can be distinguished from species in the E.
of Taft, Eastern Samar Province, Samar Island (11.812078N, multicarinata complex (including E. multicarinata, E.
125.29168E). KU 344246, collected by RMB and J.B. cuprea, E. borealis, and E. caraga) by its smaller maximum
Fernandez, 4 April 2016 at 130 m, Kaantulan River body size, and its tendency to have more prominent, light,
Drainage, Sitio Bangon, Barangay Guinmaayohan, Munici- dorsolateral striping on the anterior portion of the body and
pality of Balangiga, Eastern Samar Province, Samar Island a more mottled dark lateral band, as well as males frequently
(11.20748N, 125.36728E). KU 331836, collected by J.B. having a bright orange coloration on the anterior portion of
Fernandez, 11 December 2011 at 400 m, Mt. Lantoy, the body (vs. less prominent light striping, a more prominent
Municipality of Argao, Cebu Province, Cebu Island dark band and no orange coloration; Tables 1 and 2; Figs. 6
(9.9018N, 123.5308E). KU 306197, 306199, collected by and 7). It can also be distinguished from E. borealis by
C.W. Linkem and CDS, 7 July 2006 at 30 m, Barangay having a large interparietal that separates the parietals (vs. a
Maangas, Municipality of Presentacion, Camarines del Sur small interparietal with parietals in contact). Eutropis
Province, Luzon Island (13.719728N, 123.666668E). CAS lapulapu can be distinguished from E. cumingi by usually
27478, collected by L. Alcala, 9 March 1967, Buhisan Barrio, having more numerous subdigital toe lamellae (70–80 under
Cebu City Province, Cebu Island. CAS 24673 collected by Toes I–V vs. 59–70 in E. cumingi) and generally having more
D.S. Rabor 31 May 1964, Municipality of Mahaplag, Leyte well-developed hindlimbs (0.25–0.30% of SVL vs. 0.18–
del Sur Province, Leyte Island. 0.25%).
Referred specimens.—Sixteen specimens, all from Description of holotype.—A large, gravid female (SVL
Philippines. Panay Island, Antique Province, Municipality 58.0 mm); body robust (axilla–groin distance/SVL ¼ 0.5);
of Pandan, Barangay Duyong: KU 302874–302875, 305174– limbs well developed (hindlimb length/SVL ¼ 0.2; forelimb
305177. Mindanao Island, Agusan del Sur Province, length/SVL ¼ 0.2); tail regenerated; head robust (head

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62 Herpetological Monographs 34, 2020

length/SVL ¼ 0.2), longer than wide (head width/head extends down the lateral surface of the body, below the ear,
length ¼ 0.7); snout tapered, rounded at tip; rostral broader to the groin.
than high, in contact with frontonasal, nasals, and first Dorsal surfaces of limbs and digits greenish olive brown,
supraciliary; frontonasal wider than long, in contact with mottled with dark brown spots. Ventral surfaces of limbs
supranasal, prefrontals, rostral, and anterior loreal; prefron- mostly light grayish to blue, intergrading with dark brown
tals in contact, also in contact with anterior and posterior coloration on lateral surfaces. Ventral surfaces of digits dark
loreals, first and second supraoculars, frontal, frontonasal brown, palmar surface of manus and plantar surface of pes
and first supraciliary; two loreal scales, anterior loreal tan to ivory. Head scales uniformly greenish olive brown, as
contacting first and second supralabials; frontal longer than in the dorsal ground color. Upper labials mostly tan to ivory,
wide, in broad contact with second supraocular; supraoculars though the upper edge of some scales exhibits a dark brown
four, second largest; supraciliaries five, third supraciliary color. Lower labials also tan to ivory, with dark bars on the
distinctly elongate; frontoparietals not fused, in contact with posterior labials.
second, third, and fourth supraoculars; interparietal large, Coloration in life.—Dorsal ground coloration and tail an
separating parietals; head scales embossed; one pair of iridescent bronze to olive coloration, with scattered dark
enlarged nuchals; eye relatively large, diameter 25.0% of brown flecks or lines; head and neck brown. Lateral surfaces
head length; nasal pierced in center by narial opening, contain a thick, dark brown band that extends from the eye
surrounded anteriorly by rostral, posteriorly by anterior to the hindlimb, sometimes suffused with orange in adult
loreal, dorsally by supranasal, and ventrally by first supra- males. Venter a light creamish to green, with few dark
labial; supranasals long and narrow, not in contact at midline; markings. Chin creamy white with dark flecks. Dorsal
supralabials six, fifth elongate (from anterior to posterior), surfaces of forelimbs, hindlimbs, and digits dark with
beneath center of eye; primary temporals two; enlarged indistinct spots. A faint, light line occurs above the lateral
pretemporals six, primary and upper secondary in contact brown stripes, being most distinct above the forelimb. A
with parietal; six infralabials; mental wider than long; more distinct light line extends from the labial scales to the
postmental wider than long, in contact with first infralabial hindlimb below the dark lateral stripe and above a series of
and partially contacting second infralabial; enlarged chin scales that have a mottled brown-white coloration.
shields in three pairs, first pair in contact medially, second Variation.—Eutropis lapulapu varies in numbers of
pair separated by a single median scale, and third pair subdigital toe lamellae (Toe I 8–9 [8 6 1], Toe II 13–14
separated by three scales medially; third pair of chin shields
[13 6 1], Toe III 17–19 [18 6 1], Toe IV 20–24 [22 6 2],
separated from infralabial row by a single scale row; lower
and Toe V 14–15 [14 6 1]). Both the supralabials and
eyelid scaly; tympanum moderately sunk, without lobules on
infralabials vary slightly (6 or 7), as do supraciliaries (5 or 6),
margins of auricular opening; auricular opening 29.0% of eye
ventrals (25–30 [27 6 1]), paravertebrals (39–45 [41 6 2]),
diameter; body elongate, with 42 paravertebrals, midbody
midbody scale rows (27–33 [31 6 2]), and the number of
scale rows 31; dorsal and lateral scales with 8–9 keels, ventral
scales that line the lower eyelid (16–19 [17 6 1]). Numbers
scale rows 29, smooth; tail elongate, but regenerating, 0.83
body length; all limbs pentadactyl, forelimbs smaller than of keels per dorsal body scale ranges both within and among
hindlimbs; forelimb scales smaller than body scales, keeled; individuals (5–9). Prefrontals are usually separated (KU
relative finger length with subdigital lamellae in parentheses 302875, 302876, 306204, 331836), but occasionally in contact
(L/R): IV(19/16) ¼ III(16/16) . II(12/13) . V(11/11) . I (8/ (KU 306201), enlarged/differentiated primary temporals
7); hindlimbs moderate (hindlimb length/axilla–groin dis- vary between one (KU 310340) or two (KU 306194,
tance ¼ 0.5), scales smaller than body scales, keeled; relative 306200, 306201, 310783) and pretemporals vary between
toe length with lamellae (L/R) in parentheses: IV(24/24) . six (KU 306194, 310781) and seven (KU 306204). The
III(19/19) . V(15/15) . II(11/13) . I(8/9). anterior loreal scale either contacts the first two (KU 305177,
Measurements of holotype (in mm).—SVL 58.0; tail 310781) or three supralabials (KU 310340). Dorsal color
length 44.7; axilla–groin distance 26.1; hindlimb length 14.1; pattern varies in the amount of dark streaking and blotches
forelimb length 12.1; snout–forelimb length 12.0; head present (more extensive in KU 202875, 331836 vs. reduced
length 12.4; head width 9.0; interorbital distance 6.2; in KU 306200, 306204). The ventral surface of most
internarial distance 2.7; eye diameter 3.1; auricular opening individuals is relatively uniform, though some individuals
diameter 0.9. have several small dark flecks dispersed randomly (KU
Coloration in preservative.—The following color de- 306200, 331836, 331837). The thick dark stripe on the lateral
scription was written in 2013, following 6 yr of storage in surface of the body varies in color from nearly solid brown
70% ethanol. Dorsal ground color nearly solid dark greenish (KU 310340) to extensively mottled throughout (KU 302876,
olive to brown, though some dark streaks of brown mark the 306200). The light stripe above the dorsolateral band varies
margins of some scales. Thick, dark brown, longitudinal from faint and short (KU 310340, 310783) to bright and long
bands extend down lateral surfaces of body from posterior of (KU 306200, 306202). The stripe below the dorsolateral
eye to groin. Two light stripes extending from behind the band also varies from short (KU 302876) to long (KU
head, down the body halfway between the axilla and groin 306201). Some individuals exhibit dark spots on the head
separate the dorsal surface and the dark brown bands on the scales (KU 306200, 306205).
lateral surface. Venter grayish tan to bluish, with lighter chin Distribution.—Eutropis lapulapu appears to be distrib-
and precloacals. Margins of ventral scales dark, gray, with uted throughout the islands of the central and southern
central portions light tan. On lower lateral surfaces of body, Philippines, and is known from the Bicol Peninsula on Luzon
ventral coloration becomes mottled with streaks of dark island, localities throughout Mindanao island, as well as
brown; a prominent, light stripe from the upper labials Samar, Dinagat, Panay, and Cebu islands.

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Habitat and natural history.—Eutropis lapulapu can be Puerto Princesa. CAS-SUR 28732 (collected by M. Pinero
found in primary and second-growth forest throughout its and S. Magusara, 6 April 1961), 28733 (collected by E.
range, and in peat swamp forest on Mindanao Island. It Dujon, 9 April 1961), 28734 (collected by S. Magusara, 9
appears to tolerate disturbance well, as it has been found in April 1961), Site 465 near Camp 2 at 300 ft, Municipality of
agricultural and residential areas, as well as coconut palm Puerto Princesa. CAS-SUR 28735, collected by L.C. Alcala,
plantations. It is a diurnally active species that can be found 13 April 1961 at 400 ft, Site 484, 1 km NW Camp 2
under logs, on stream banks, and on the forest floor, as well Malatgaw, Municipality of Puerto Princesa. CAS 157302,
as in open areas near forest from sea level to 800 m. This collected by A. Alcala and J. Vindum, 16 June 1984, Tagnipa,
species can potentially be found sympatrically with seven Tinitian Barrio, Municipality of Roxas. CAS-SUR 28678,
other species of Eutropis, but only one (E. multifasciata) is collected by Q. Alcala, 29 March 1961, 1.5 km south of
sympatric throughout its range. Eutropis lapulapu occurs Camp 1, southern slope of Thumb Peak, Malatgaw River,
sympatrically with E. multicarinata in northeastern Mind- Municipality of Puerto Princesa. CAS-SUR 28637, collected
anao and on Dinagat, Siargao, Samar, and Leyte, with E. by Q. Alcala at 400 ft, Site 480, 2 km northwest of camp
caraga throughout Mindanao, Dinagat, Siargao, Samar, and Malatgaw No. 2, Municipality of Puerto Princesa. CAS
Bohol, with E. borealis in the West Visayan Islands and the 157417, collected by A. Alcala and J. Vindum at sea level,
Bicol Peninsula (Luzon), and with E. rugifera on the western near Puerto Princesa Airport, Municipality of Puerto
tip of Zamboanga Peninsula (Mindanao). It also likely occurs Princesa.
sympatrically with E. englei and E. cuprea in southwestern Referred specimens.—Six specimens, all from Philip-
Mindanao. A morphologically similar species (E. sibalom, pines. Palawan Island, Palawan Province, Municipality of
described here) also occurs in western Panay; however, the Puerto Princesa: CAS-SUR 28633–28635, 28639, 28730,
ranges of these two distinct genetic lineages are not well 28736.
understood on Panay Island, as only a single population of Diagnosis.—A species of Eutropis distinguished by the
each has been sequenced to confirm its genetic identity. following combination of characters: (1) adult body size small
Eutropis lapulapu is known from a population in the (SVL 40–63 mm); (2) interparietal large, separating parietals;
Municipality of Pandan in the extreme northwest portion (3) paravertebrals 38–42; (4) sum of subdigital lamellae on all
of the island, whereas E. sibalom is known only from five toes of one foot 63–77; (5) ventral scale rows 26–30; (6)
southern Panay (Municipality of San Remigio and Munici- midbody scale rows 28–33; (7) keels on dorsal and lateral
pality of Sibalom). body scales moderately defined, 5–10; (8) lower eyelid scaly;
Etymology.—We are pleased to name this species in (9) supraciliaries five or six; (10) prefrontals separated; (11)
honor of the Philippine National Hero, Lapu-Lapu, who is primary temporal scales two; (12) dorsolateral surface with
considered to be the first Filipino native to have resisted two faint to moderate light stripes that fade or become
Spanish colonization. Lapu-Lapu was a ruler on the island of broken towards the posterior portion of the body, adult
Mactan in the Visayas, where this species is known to occur. males frequently with a bright orange coloration on the
Suggested common name: Lapu-lapu’s Sun Skinks. ventral portion of the head and/or suffusing the lateral band
(Fig. 6).
Eutropis sahulinghangganan sp. nov. Comparisons.—Critical comparisons for Eutropis sahu-
Mabuya multicarinata: Taylor 1922:156 [in part, misidenti- linghangganan include other Philippine species of Eutropis,
fication]. particularly those known from the western portion of the
Mabuya indeprensa: Brown and Alcala 1980:122 [in part, archipelago. Eutropis sahulinghangganan can be distin-
misidentification]. guished from E. multifasciata by its small body size and
Eutropis indeprensa: Mausfeld and Schmitz 2003:164 [by more numerous keels on the trunk dorsals (adult SVL 40–63
implication]. mm with 5–10 keels on dorsal scales in E. sahulinghang-
Eutropis Clade D Barley et al. 2013:3563. ganan vs. adult SVL 101–141 mm with 3 keels on dorsal
scales in E. multifasciata). The new species can be
Holotype.—Female (PNM 9867, formerly KU 311407), distinguished from E. islamaliit by its smaller adult body
collected by E.L. Rico, J.B. Fernandez, and R.M. Brown, 13 size and fewer total subdigital toe lamellae (adult SVL 40–63
July 2007 on Mount Bintangor at 1070 m, Municipality of mm with 63–77 total subdigital lamallae in E. sahuling-
Rizal, Palawan Province, Palawan Island, Philippines hangganan vs. adult SVL 70–97 with 86–92 lamellae in E.
(8.813068N, 117.643058E). islamaliit). As originally noted by Brown and Alcala
Paratypes.—Eleven specimens, all from Palawan Prov- (1980:123), E. sahulinghangganan (at the time referred to
ince, Palawan Island, Philippines. KU 311449, collected by as the Palawan populations of E. indeprensa) exhibits a
RMB, 31 March 2007, at the boundary between Barangay ‘‘somewhat lower number of vertebral scale rows between
Samarinana and Saubg on Mount Mantalingahan at 800 m the parietals and base of the tail’’ than E. indeprensa. This
(area ‘‘Pitang’’), Municipality of Brooke’s Point (8.75038N, trait is not diagnostic, as the range of values for this scalation
117.68968E). KU 311406, collected by E.L. Rico, J.B. character in each species overlap, though the trait means are
Fernandez, and RMB, 24 June 2007, on Mount Mantalinga- significantly different.
han at 1490 m (Peak 2), Municipality of Rizal (8.812508N, Description of holotype.—A large female (SVL 62.9
117.660838E). CAS-SUR 28729, collected by M. Pinero, 29 mm); body robust (axilla–groin distance/SVL ¼ 0.5); limbs
March 1961 at 100 ft, Site 437: 5 km SE camp Malatgaw on well developed (hindlimb length/SVL ¼ 0.2; forelimb length/
bank of Malatgaw River, Municipality of Puerto Princesa. SVL ¼ 0.2); tail recently broken, not regenerated; head
CAS-SUR 28731, collected by A.C. Alcala, 13 April 1961 at robust (head length/SVL ¼ 0.2), longer than wide (head
300 ft, Site 483: 1 km SE Camp 2, Malakdaw, Municipality of width/head length ¼ 0.9); snout tapered, rounded at tip;

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64 Herpetological Monographs 34, 2020

rostral broader than high, in contact with frontonasal, nasals, broken dark brown streak on the axilla–groin region. Dorsal
and first supralabial; frontonasal wider than long, in contact surfaces of limbs and digits greenish olive brown with dark
with supranasals, frontal, prefrontals, rostral, and anterior brown streaks. Ventral surfaces of limbs tan to ivory,
loreal; prefrontals separated, contacting anterior and poste- intergrading with dark brown coloration on lateral surfaces.
rior loreals, first and second supraoculars, frontal, fronto- Ventral surfaces of digits dark brown, palmar surface of
nasal, and first supraciliary; two loreal scales, the anterior manus and plantar surface of pes tan to ivory. Head scales
loreal in contact with the first three supralabials; frontal greenish olive brown, as in the dorsal ground color, with
longer than wide, in broad contact with second supraocular; several dark brown flecks. Upper portion of supralabials dark
supraoculars four, second largest; supraciliaries six, third brown, fading to light gray to bluish on lower portion, lower
supraciliary distinctly elongate; frontoparietals not fused, in labials also gray to bluish with edges of several labial scales
contact with second, third, and fourth supraoculars; scales on highlighted by dark brown coloration. Lower eyelid scales
posterior of head missing due to damage; head scales and supraciliaries are tan to light gray in color; upper eyelid
embossed; eye relatively large, diameter 28.4% of head scales are dark brown, as are the upper portions of the lower
length; nasal pierced in center by narial opening, surrounded preoculars and fifth supralabial, which extend the coloration
anteriorly by rostral, posteriorly by anterior loreal, dorsally of the dark lateral band to the nasal scale, with the coloration
by supranasal, and ventrally by first supralabial; supranasals fading as it approaches the snout.
long and narrow, not in contact at midline; supralabials six, Coloration in life.—Dorsal ground coloration and tail an
fifth elongate (from anterior to posterior), beneath center of iridescent bronze to olive coloration, with extensive dark
eye; infralabials six; primary temporals two; enlarged brown flecks throughout; head and neck brown, with fewer
pretemporals seven, primary and upper secondary in contact dark flecks. The lateral surfaces contain a dark brown band
with parietal; mental wider than long; postmental wider than that is randomly broken with light spots and extends from
long, in contact with first infralabial and partially contacting the eye to the hindlimb. The lateral band is sometimes
second infralabial; enlarged chin shields in three pairs, first suffused with orange anteriorly in adult males. Chin is
pair in contact medially, second pair separated by a single creamy white with few dark markings, or bright orange in
median scale, and third pair separated by three scales some adult males (Fig. 6). Dorsal surfaces of forelimbs,
medially; third pair of chin shields separated from infralabial hindlimbs, and digits dark with indistinct spots. Frequently
row by a single scale row; lower eyelid scaly; tympanum there are traces of light lines above and below the lateral
moderately sunk, without lobules on margins of auricular brown stripes.
opening; auricular opening 37.3% of eye diameter; body Variation.—Eutropis sahulinghangganan varies in the
elongate, paravertebrals 43, midbody scale rows 33, ventral number of subdigital lamellae beneath the toes (Toe I 7–9 [8
scale rows 28; dorsal and lateral scales with 7–8 keels, ventral 6 1], Toe II 10–13 [11 6 1], Toe III 15–19 [17 6 1], Toe IV
scales smooth; tail elongate, recently severed; limbs penta- 20–23 [21 6 2], and Toe V 10–15 [13 6 1]) and Finger III
dactyl, forelimbs smaller than hindlimbs; limb scales smaller subdigital lamellae (13–17 [15 6 1]). The infralabials vary (6
than body scales, keeled; relative finger lengths with or 7), as do the supraciliaries (5 or 6), the number of ventrals
subdigital lamellae in parentheses (L/R): IV(19/19) ¼ (26–30 [28 6 1]), paravertebrals (38–42 [40 6 1]), midbody
III(17/17) . II(12/13) . V(12/11) . I (7/8); hindlimbs scale rows (28–33 [30 6 1]), and the number of scales lining
moderate (hindlimb-length/axilla–groin distance ¼ 0.6); the lower eyelid (17–22 [20 6 2]). The number of keels on
relative toe length with lamellae (L/R) in parentheses: the dorsal scales is also highly variable, both within and
IV(23/23) . III(19/18) . V(15/15) . II(13/13) . I(8/8). among individuals (5–10). The number of enlarged pre-
Measurements of holotype (in mm).—SVL 62.9; axilla– temporals varies between five (CAS-SUR 28635), six (CAS-
groin distance 29.3; hindlimb length 14.4; forelimb length SUR 28639, 28733, CAS 157417), and seven (KU 311407).
13.0; snout–forelimb length 22.2; head length 11.8; head In most specimens, the nasal scale contacts the first and
width 10.5; interorbital distance 6.2; internarial distance 3.5; second supralabial (CAS-SUR 28735, CAS 157302), unlike in
eye diameter 3.4; auricular opening diameter 1.3. the holotype where it only contacts the first supralabial. The
Coloration in preservative.—The following color de- anterior loreal scale contacts the first and second supralabial
scription was written in 2018 following 11 yr of storage in in some individuals (CAS 157147, CAS-SUR 28733), the first
70% ethanol. Dorsal ground color dark greenish olive to three supralabials in others (KU 311407), or sometimes only
brown, with several dark brown streaks on the anterior and the second supralabial (CAS-SUR 28735, KU 311449).
posterior portion of the dorsum at the edges of several scale Additionally, dorsal color pattern varies slightly in the degree
rows. Additionally, the anterolateral edges of the dorsum of dark brown streaking/flecking present, being extensive
have a light stripe that progressively fades posteriorly. Thick, throughout the dorsum and having a continuous middorsal
dark brown, longitudinal bands extend down lateral surfaces line (CAS-SUR 28735) or nearly absent (KU 311407,
of body from posterior of eye to groin, with the anterior 311449). The amount of dark flecking on the labial scales
portion being darkest, gradually becoming lighter on the varies, being prominent in some individuals (KU 311407)
posterior portion of the body. Venter grayish tan to bluish, and nearly absent in others (CAS-SUR 28733, 28735).
with regions near the chin, anterior limbs, and precloacals Distribution.—Eutropis sahulinghangganan is only
lighter. Margins of ventral scales dark, gray, with central known from Palawan Island of the western Philippines.
portions light tan. Several dark flecks randomly dispersed on Habitat and natural history.—Eutropis sahulinghang-
the chin. ganan is known form primary and second-growth forests
On lateral surfaces of body, ventral coloration intergrades from sea level to 1500 m. This species is also reported to be
into dark brown rather abruptly on the anterior portion of associated with mangrove forests near Puerto Princesa
the body and more gradually on the posterior portion, with a (Dangan-Galon et al. 2015) and can be found sympatrically

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with at least one other species of Eutropis (E. multifasciata). Description of holotype.—A relatively small specimen
It seems likely that an E. multicarinata complex species (SVL 40.86 mm); body robust (axilla–groin distance/SVL ¼
eventually will be discovered on Palawan (such as E. 0.4); limbs well developed (hindlimb length/SVL ¼ 0.3;
islamaliit or E. borealis); however, to date, no specimens forelimb length/SVL ¼ 0.2); tail long (SVL/tail length ¼ 0.6);
appear to have ever been collected, despite extensive head robust (head length/SVL ¼ 0.2), longer than wide
surveys. An adult individual with a bifurcated (presumably (head width/head length ¼ 0.8); snout tapered, rounded at
regenerated) tail is reported from near Barangay Villa tip; rostral broader than high, in contact with frontonasal,
Libertad, Palawan (Sy and Dalabajan 2018). nasals, and first supralabial; frontonasal wider than long, in
Etymology.—The specific epithet is in reference to the contact with supranasals, frontal, prefrontals, rostral, and
fact that Palawan is often referred to as ‘‘the last ecological anterior loreal; prefrontals separated, contacting anterior and
frontier’’ of the Philippines. The name is an adjectival posterior loreals, first and second supraocular, frontal,
derivation from the Tagalog adjective huling (meaning last) frontonasal and first supraciliary; frontal longer than wide,
and noun hangganan (meaning frontier), and thus directly in broad contact with second supraocular; supraoculars four,
translates to ‘‘Eutropis from the last frontier.’’ Suggested second largest; supraciliaries five, third supraciliary distinctly
common name: Palawan Sun Skinks. elongate; frontoparietals not fused, in contact with second,
third, and fourth supraoculars; scales on posterior of head
Eutropis sibalom sp. nov. missing because of damage; head scales embossed; eye
Eutropis Clade B Barley et al. 2013:3563. relatively large, diameter 28.3% of head length; nasal pierced
in center by narial opening, surrounded anteriorly by rostral,
Holotype.—Juvenile (PNM 9869, formerly KU 306811), posteriorly by anterior loreal, dorsally by supranasal, and
collected by R.M. Brown, 11 October 2006 at 340 m, near ventrally by first supralabial; supranasals long and narrow,
Barangay Aningalan, Municipality of San Remigio, Antique not in contact at midline; supralabials six, fifth elongate (from
Province, Panay Island, Philippines (10.80888N, anterior to posterior), beneath center of eye; infralabials six;
122.10138E). primary temporals two; enlarged pretemporals seven; mental
Paratypes (paratopotypes).—KU 306810 collected by wider than long; postmental wider than long, in contact with
RMB, 8 October 2006, bearing the same locality data as the first infralabial and partially contacting second infralabial;
holotype. enlarged chin shields in three pairs, first pair in contact
Diagnosis.—A species of Eutropis distinguished by the medially, second pair separated by a single median scale, and
following combination of characters: (1) subadult body size third pair separated by three scales medially; third pair of
small (SVL 40–48 mm); (2) paravertebrals 39–44; (3) sum of chin shields separated from infralabial row by a single scale
subdigital lamellae on all five toes of one foot 71–72; (4) row; lower eyelid scaly; tympanum moderately sunk, without
ventral scale rows 28; (5) midbody scale rows 34; (6) keels on lobules on margins of auricular opening; auricular opening
dorsal and lateral body scales moderately defined, 3–5; (7) 49.8% of eye diameter; body elongate, paravertebrals 39,
lower eyelid scaly; (8) supraciliaries five; (9) prefrontals midbody scale rows 34, ventral scale rows 28; dorsal and
separated; (10) primary temporals two; (11) dorsolateral lateral scales with three keels, ventral scales smooth; tail
surface with two faint to moderate light stripes that fade or elongate, 1.7 3 body length; limbs pentadactyl, forelimbs
become broken towards the posterior portion of the body. smaller than hindlimbs; limb scales smaller than body scales,
Comparisons.—Critical comparisons for E. sibalom keeled; relative finger lengths with subdigital lamellae in
include other Philippine species of Eutropis, particularly parentheses (L/R): IV(15/16) ¼ III(14/14) . II(11/–) . V(9/
those known from western portions of the archipelago. 10) . I (7/7); hindlimbs moderate (hindlimb length/axilla–
Unfortunately, because this species is only known from two groin distance ¼ 0.6); relative toe length with lamellae (L/R)
subadult specimens, we are unable to assess variation for in parentheses: IV(21/20) . III(17/17) . V(15/15) . II(9/
comparisons to other species confidently. Genetic data 11) . I(9/8).
clearly show it is part of the E. indeprensa complex, which Measurements of holotype (in mm).—SVL 40.9; tail
suggests that adults likely have smaller, less robust body sizes length 68.2; axilla–groin distance 17.8; hindlimb length 11.7;
than E. borealis and E. multifasciata (and is consistent with forelimb length 8.8; snout–forelimb length 15.8; head length
the small body sizes of these two subadult specimens). It also 9.6; head width 7.4; interorbital distance 5.4; internarial
appears to have a smaller number of total toe lamellae than distance 2.7; eye diameter 2.7; auricular opening diameter
E. borealis. Both specimens have low numbers of keels on 1.4.
dorsal scales (3 and 3–5) compared to other E. indeprensa Coloration in preservative.—The following color de-
complex species (which would distinguish it from E. scription was written in 2018 following 12 yr of storage in
lapulapu); however, this is presumably just a function of 70% ethanol. Dorsal ground color relatively uniform, dark
their small size. Juvenile specimens of other species greenish olive to brown. Thick, dark brown, longitudinal
frequently have lower numbers of keels on dorsals than do bands extend down lateral surfaces of body from posterior of
adults of the same species (AJB, personal observation). eye to groin, with the anterior portion being darkest, and
There are no other obvious morphological characteristics of gradually becoming lighter and thinner on the posterior
these specimens that clearly distinguish E. sibalom from portion of the body. Two light stripes extending from behind
other species of Eutropis in the E. indeprensa complex the head down the body, just past the insertion of the
despite the fact that it is highly genetically divergent from all forelimbs, separate the dorsal surface and the dark brown
the other species; future systematic research with additional bands on the lateral surfaces. Venter grayish tan to bluish,
specimens would be valuable for characterizing the mor- with lighter chin and precloacals. Margins of ventral scales
phology of this species. dark gray, with central portions light tan. On the anterior

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66 Herpetological Monographs 34, 2020

portion of the lower lateral surfaces of body, ventral variation in scalation trait ranges that closely abut or overlap,
coloration becomes mottled with streaks of dark brown, rendering the identification of diagnostic character differ-
until a prominent, light stripe from the upper labials extends ences problematic. This might be the result of a combination
down the lateral surface of the body to the insertion of the of factors. First, Philippine Eutropis have not diversified
forelimb. On the posterior portion of the lower lateral ecologically, and thus, these lineages may not have been
surface, the transition from the ventral coloration to the dark subjected to selection for divergence in phenotypic trait
brown coloration is more gradual. values. Rather, selection could be maintaining similar trait
Dorsal surfaces of limbs and digits greenish olive brown values across species due to their ecological similarity.
with several dark brown spots. Ventral surfaces of limbs Second, the Philippine species appear to have arisen
grayish tan to blue proximally and brownish tan distally, relatively recently, particularly in comparison to other Asian
intergrading with dark brown coloration on lateral surfaces. species of Eutropis (Barley et al. 2015). Given that most
Ventral surfaces of digits dark brown to dark gray, palmar species are relatively common and abundant, they also likely
surface of manus and plantar surface of pes tan to ivory. have large population sizes, and thus, trait values among
Head scales greenish olive brown, slightly lighter than the species may not have had sufficient time to diverge via drift.
dorsal ground color. Upper portion of supralabials dark Variation in the degree to which morphological and
brown, tan to ivory on lower portion, lower labials ivory with molecular divergence co-occur renders sole reliance on
dark brown flecks becoming common on posterior labial morphological data to delimit species problematic, which has
scales. Lower eyelid scales are tan to light gray in color; previously been recognized in other groups of scincid lizards
upper eyelid scales are tan to dark brown, as are the upper (Austin 1995; Bruna et al. 1996). This challenge highlights
portions of the lower preoculars and fifth supralabial. the necessity of identifying whether phylogenetically diag-
Coloration in life.—Remains unrecorded, but in our nosed clades are truly genetically isolated, given that this is
experience, Eutropis coloration in preservative is usually the primary criterion for identifying independently evolving
quite similar to that in life, with only minor fading, reduction metapopulation lineages in such circumstances. Although
in brilliance and stark contrasts of light and dark adjacent coalescent approaches to species delimitation have been
color features, and loss of vibrant reds, blues, and yellows. promoted as a means to fill this gap, the extent to which they
Distribution.—This species is only known from south- accurately identify species is still poorly understood (and
western Panay Island in the Philippines. In addition to the previous work suggests one of the most commonly used
specimens collected from near San Remigio, this species has models exhibits poor fit to the Eutropis data set used here;
been collected nearby in Sibalom (see Barley et al. 2013); Barley et al. 2018). However, increased attention directed
however, corresponding specimens (originally deposited at towards identifying processes responsible for genetic differ-
PNM) may have been subsequently lost. entiation in cryptic species complexes may provide additional
Habitat and natural history.—The few specimens that insights into the evolutionary status of these lineages, and the
exist for this species were found on the forest floor in second- manner by which taxonomic hypotheses should be evaluated
growth forest. Several other species of Eutropis are known to in these systems. For example, scincid lizards are known to
occur sympatrically, including E. multifasciata and E. have well-developed chemosensory systems, and phero-
borealis. Eutropis lapulapu also occurs on Panay Island, mones are known to be important to mate choice in some
and future studies characterizing the ranges of the two species (Cooper and Vitt 1986). The extent to which
species, and any potential contact zones, on the island would divergence in chemosensory reception may contribute to
be valuable. sexual selection and speciation in Eutropis is unknown but
Etymology.—We derive the new species’ specific epithet represents an intriguing subject for future research.
(used as a noun in apposition) from Sibalom Natural Park Several taxonomic ambiguities persist in Philippine
(from where this species is known) of southwestern Panay, Eutropis and these represent challenges for future studies.
which is one of the last lowland rainforest habitats left on Additional research should focus on addressing the following
in order to clarify the taxonomic status of several popula-
Panay. The name is feminine in gender. Suggested common
tions. Genetic data have yet to be obtained for the enigmatic
name: Sibalom Sun Skinks.
Mindanao endemic, E. englei, although several lines of
evidence suggest it likely represents a distinct species. It
DISCUSSION possesses a highly distinctive phenotype unlike other species
Philippine Eutropis are a taxonomically challenging in the southern Philippines (notably, a contrasting series of
group, representing the more complex and difficult end of stripes down the dorsum; Fig. 3). Eutropis englei also
the species-delimitation spectrum (Barley et al. 2013), exhibits a unique habitat preference, apparently restricted to
primarily because morphological differentiation does not coastal habitats and open areas along river mouths (Taylor
always appear to accompany speciation. This phenomenon 1925). Determining the phylogenetic affinities of E. englei
has been increasingly observed as molecular data have remains an intriguing question (Taylor 1922 related and
become available for additional taxonomic groups across the compared the species to E. rugifera, whereas Brown and
tree of life (e.g., Highton 2000; Jörger and Schrödl 2013). Alcala 1980 considered it related to E. multicarinata). Future
Although there are extensive opportunities for geographic field-based surveys targeting E. islamaliit, E. cuprea, and E.
isolation in island archipelagos like the Philippines, the sibalom would be useful so that the morphology and
extensive sympatry among Philippine Eutropis is striking geographic distributions of these species can be better
(see Czekanski-Moir and Rundell 2019 for a more extensive characterized.
discussion of this in other systems). Many of the divergent Future taxonomic investigation should also focus on
evolutionary lineages we have identified exhibit intraspecific obtaining additional geographic and genetic sampling to

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determine if several of the morphologically cryptic, divergent diversity in this commonly encountered group of conspicu-
genetic groups identified by Barley et al. (2013) are likely on ous, highly abundant, and near-ubiquitous lizards (found in
separate evolutionary trajectories or reproductively isolated the majority of the archipelago’s habitats) will allow for the
(e.g., lacking gene flow with congeners). Eutropis borealis incorporation of this information into evolutionarily in-
populations in West Visayan islands may warrant taxonomic formed and biologically appropriate conservation and
recognition; individuals from Negros, Panay, and Siquijor are management efforts. This goal has been virtually impossible
somewhat genetically distinct from each other, and from until now.
northern Philippines populations (at both mitochondrial and In some cases (as in many radiations of cryptic/
nuclear loci). However, our sampling also contains substan- taxonomically challenging species), field identification will
tial geographic gaps in the intervening regions; surveys remain problematic due to highly conserved external
targeting these islands (e.g., Mindoro, Sibuyan, Masbate, morphology, however, the use of a species’ geographic
Cebu) will be particularly valuable for characterizing the ranges, in combination with what is known of their
ranges of any potentially distinct lineages. Populations of E. morphological variation, will allow for reliable species
caraga from Mindanao, Bohol, and Samar are somewhat identification in many scenarios (e.g., Sanguila et al. 2011).
genetically divergent from populations on Dinagat and Novel information on the ecology and fine-scale geographic
Siargao (Barley et al. 2013; although this result appears to distributions of these new species relies entirely on
be driven primarily by the mitochondrial data; Fig. 5), and continued faunistic biodiversity survey work, and the
thus warrant further study. Finally, populations of E. collection of voucher specimens and corresponding genetic
cumingi from the Cordillera Mountains on Luzon might samples. Future ecological studies (that integrate genetic
represent an intriguing case of recent or ongoing intraisland information) could potentially provide additional data for
speciation. Genetic data indicate some divergence between distinguishing sympatric species (e.g., microhabitat prefer-
populations in the Cordillera Mountains and those from the ences, elevational zonation, behavioral differences, etc.), and
rest of northern Luzon. In fact, our mtDNA gene tree are grounds for future inquiry.
suggests that the Mindoro populations of E. indeprensa are
more closely related to type locality E. cumingi (Zambales KEY TO PHILIPPINE EUTROPIS
Province, Luzon Island) than the Cordillera Mountain
populations are (Barley et al. 2013:Fig. 2). However, the 1a. Dorsal keels on trunk scales 3, adult body size large
nuclear data suggest the Cordillera Mountain populations (76–141 mm) .................................................................. 2
are sister to type locality E. cumingi, and coalescent species 1b. Dorsal keels on trunk scales . 3, adult body size small
delimitation analyses found weak support for the distinc- to medium (40–89 mm) ................................................ 3
tiveness of these populations (Barley et al. 2013). Intervening 2a. Head scales smooth, keels on the trunk dorsals weak,
geographic sampling would allow a test of whether any of prefrontals in contact............................. E. multifasciata
these observed genetic divergences are geography based 2b. Head scales embossed posteriorly, keels on the trunk
(isolation by distance), or due to one or more speciation dorsals strong, prefrontals separate, southwestern
events. Collection of genomic data to obtain gene flow and/or Philippines...........................................................E. rudis
divergence time estimates will be important to determining 3a. Broad, dark lateral bands absent, sharply defined keels
the extent of genetic isolation among these less divergent, on the trunk dorsals, southwestern Philippines .........E.
population groups. Though of course, even with robust rugifera
estimates of evolutionary and demographic history, species 3b. Broad, dark lateral bands present, dorsal keels
boundaries can still be challenging to identify because of the moderately defined........................................................ 4
(largely) continuous nature of the speciation process, 4a. Highly distinct dorsal or lateral stripes extending the
particularly when species divergences are shallow (Petren length of the body present............................................ 5
et al. 2005; Shaffer and Thomson 2007). Additional 4b. Distinct dorsal or lateral stripes not present or faint... 6
collecting efforts combined with novel statistical approaches 5a. Five dark brownish to black dorsal stripes, Mindanao
(e.g., Ezard et al. 2010; Zapata and Jiménez 2012) may be Island...................................................................E. englei
effective in helping to better characterize phenotypic 5b. Two prominent, light stripes on lateral surface, Luzon,
distributions of quantitative traits in cryptic species; Babuyan, or Batanes Islands................... E. bontocensis
however, field identification of individual specimens will 6a. Adult body size medium (60–89 mm), robust, dorso-
likely remain challenging where trait distributions overlap. lateral striping usually limited and faint to absent, adult
males without bright orange coloration on chin or
CONCLUSIONS anterior lateral surface................................................... 7
Although taxonomy and species identification within 6b. Adult body size small (43–69 mm), slender, dorsolat-
Philippine Eutropis (and the genus in general) will continue eral striping usually faint, but more extensive, adult
to present challenges, this work takes a major step towards males frequently with bright orange coloration on the
the development of a biologically meaningful framework for anterior portion of the body ....................................... 12
understanding species diversity in this unique evolutionary 7a. Interparietal large, parietals separate, southern Philip-
radiation. Additional systematic work on this system will pines ................................................................................ 8
continue to improve our overall understanding of vertebrate 7b. Interparietal small, parietals in contact, northern/
diversification and biogeography of terrestrial communities central Philippines/Borneo ......................................... 10
in the Philippines (Brown et al. 2013a), but also has 8a. Single primary temporal scale, southwestern Mind-
important conservation implications. Understanding species anao ................................................................... E. cuprea

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68 Herpetological Monographs 34, 2020

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radiations. Systematic Biology 56:896–906.
Specimens Examined
Siler, C.D., L.J. Welton, J.M. Siler, J. Brown, A. Bucol, A.C. Diesmos, and
R.M. Brown. 2011. Amphibians and reptiles, Luzon Island, Aurora All specimens from the Philippines.
Province and Aurora Memorial National Park, Northern Philippines: Eutropis bontocensis.—BATAN ISLAND: BATANES PROVINCE: Munic-
New island distribution records. Check List 7:182–195. ipality of Basco, Barangay San Antonia, Sitio Chadpidan (KU 314025);
Siler, C.D., J.R. Oaks, K. Cobb, H. Ota and R.M. Brown. 2014. Critically CALAYAN ISLAND: CAGAYAN PROVINCE: Municipality of Calayan: Barangay
endangered island endemic or peripheral population of a widespread Magsidel (KU 304873–74, 304878, 304881–304883, 304886–304890–92);
species? Conservation genetics of Kikuchi’s gecko and the global SABTANG ISLAND: BATANES PROVINCE: Municipality of Sabtang: Barangay
challenge of protecting peripheral oceanic island endemic vertebrates.
Chavayan (KU 314026–314030–32); LUZON ISLAND: MOUNTAIN PROV-
Diversity and Distributions 20:756–772.
INCE: Municipality of Bontoc (KU 335111–13, 335121–23); Municipality of
Simpson, G.G. 1961. Principles of Animal Taxonomy. Columbia University
Sabangan (CAS 61344 [paratype]); BENGUET PROVINCE: Municipality of
Press, USA.
Baguio (CAS 61327 [paratype]).
Sindaco, R., M. Metallinou, F. Pupin, M. Fasola, and S. Carranza. 2012.
Forgotten in the ocean: Systematics, biogeography, and evolution of the Eutropis borealis.—See referred specimens section.
Trachylepis skinks of the Socotra Archipelago. Zoologica Scripta 41:346– Eutropis caraga.—See holotype and paratypes sections.
362. Eutropis cumingi.—BATAN ISLAND: BATANES PROVINCE: Municipality
Skinner, A., A.F. Hugall, and M.N. Hutchinson. 2011. Lygosomine of Ivana: Barangay Salagao, Sitio Imnadyed (KU 314022, 314023);
phylogeny and the origins of Australian scincid lizards. Journal of CAMIGUIN NORTE ISLAND: CAGAYAN PROVINCE: Municipality of Calayan:
Biogeography 38:1044–1058. Barangay Balatubat (KU 304745, 304746); LUBANG ISLAND: OCCIDENTAL
Smith, B.E. 1993. Notes on a collection of squamate reptiles from eastern MINDORO PROVINCE: Municipality of Lubang: Barangay Vigo (KU 304009,
Mindanao, Philippine Islands part 1: Lacertilia. Asian Herpetological 320489); LUZON ISLAND: AURORA PROVINCE: Municipality of Casiguran:
Research 5:85–95. Barangay Casapsipan (KU 325106); CAGAYAN PROVINCE: Municipality of
Sternfeld, R. 1920. Zur Tiergeographie Papuasiens und der Pazifischen Gonzaga: Barangay Magrafil: Mt. Cagua (KU 330070); Municipality of
Inselwelt. Abhandlungen, Senckenbergishen Naturforschenden Gessell- Pamplona: Barangay Nagattatan (KU 306216); ISABELA PROVINCE: Municipality
schaft 36:375–436. of San Mariano: Barangay Dibuluan, Sitio Apaya, Apaya Creek area (KU
Stuart, B.L., R.F. Inger, and H.K. Voris. 2006. High level of cryptic species 327378, 327382); Sitio Dunoy, Dunoy Lake area (KU 327383); Dibanti Ridge,
diversity revealed by sympatric lineages of Southeast Asian forest frogs. Dibanti River area (KU 327385); KALINGA PROVINCE: Municipality of Balbalan:
Biology Letters 22:470–474. Barangay Balbalasang (FMNH 258984, 259453); LA UNION PROVINCE:
Sukumaran, J., and L.L. Knowles. 2017. Multispecies coalescent delimits Municipality of Baloan (KU 335132–33); MOUNTAIN PROVINCE: Municipality
structure, not species. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Bontoc (KU 335134); LAGUNA PROVINCE: Municipality of Paete: Barangay
114:1607–1612. Saray (KU 345441); NUEVA VIZCAYA PROVINCE: Municipality of Quezon:
Sy, E.Y., and A.C. Dalabajan. 2018. Tail bifurcation in Eutropis indeprensa Barangay Maddiangat, Sitio Dayog (KU 308933); ZAMBALES PROVINCE:
on Palawan Island, Philippines. Southeast Asia Vertebrate Records Municipality of Botolan: Barangay Porac, Ramon Magsaysay Technological
2018:6–7. University Campus (KU 335135, 335139); Municipality of San Felipe (CAS
Taylor, E.H. 1917. Snakes and lizards known from Negros, with descriptions 15473 [holotype]); SABTANG ISLAND: BATANES PROVINCE: Municipality of
of new species and subspecies. Philippine Journal of Science 12:358–381. Sabtang: Barangay Chavayan (KU 314025).
Taylor, E.H. 1918. Reptiles of Sulu Archipelago. The Philippine Journal of Eutropis cuprea.—See holotype and paratypes sections.
Science 13:233–267. Eutropis englei.—MINDANAO ISLAND: COTABATO PROVINCE: Cota-
Taylor, E.H. 1922. The Lizards of the Philippine Islands. Philippine Journal bato Coast, Tatayan and Saub (MCZ 26289 [holotype], MCZ 26290
of Science 17. Bureau of Science, Philippines.
[paratype]). DAVAO DEL SUR PROVINCE: Municipality of Digos City (CAS
Taylor, E.H. 1923. Additions to the herpetological fauna of the Philippine
124842, 124843, 124844).
Islands, III. Philippine Journal of Science 22:515–557.
Eutropis gubataas.—See holotype and paratypes sections.
Taylor, E.H. 1925. Additions to the herpetological fauna of the Philippine
Islands, IV. Philippine Journal of Science 26:97–111. Eutropis indeprensa.—MINDORO ISLAND: OCCIDENTAL MINDORO
Vietes, D.R., K.C. Wollenberg, F. Andreone, J. Köhler, F. Glaw, and M. PROVINCE: Municipality of Calintaan: Barangay Malpalon (KU 306992–93);
Vences. 2009. Vast underestimation of Madagascar’s biodiversity Municipality of Sablayan: Barangay Batong Buhay, Butalai, Mount Siburan
evidenced by an integrative amphibian inventory. Proceedings of the (KU 304027–28, 304032, 304035); Municipality of San Jose: 500 yards south
National Academy of Sciences 106:8267–8272. of Bugsanga River (CAS 86663 [paratype]); Municipality of Victoria:
Vitt, L.J. 2000. Ecological consequences of body size in neonatal and small- Barangay Loyal (KU 302883).
bodied lizards in the neotropics. Herpetological Monographs 14:388–400. Eutropis islamaliit.—See holotype and paratypes sections.
Warren, D.L., A.J. Geneva, and R. Lanfear. 2017. RWTY (R We There Yet): Eutropis lapulapu.—See holotype and paratypes sections.
An R package for examining convergence of Bayesian phylogenetic Eutropis multicarinata.—See referred specimens section.
analyses. Molecular Biology and Evolution 34:1016–1020. Eutropis palauensis.—See holotype and paratypes sections.
Wiley, E.O. 1978. The evolutionary species concept reconsidered. Eutropis sahulinghangganan.—See holotype and paratypes sections.
Systematic Zoology 21:17–26. Eutropis sibalom.—See holotype and paratypes sections.

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