Stone Age of The Computer Arts
Stone Age of The Computer Arts
Stone Age of The Computer Arts
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1 author:
Roger F Malina
University of Texas at Dallas
All content following this page was uploaded by Roger F Malina on 04 June 2014.
hen Tim Binkley of the School of Visual Arts engineering, and design–and beyond this, whether we could re-
© 2002 ISAST LEONARDO, Vol. 35, No. 5, pp. 463–465, 2002 463
there are artists sufficiently well versed in Kunst und Medientechnologie), Ars Elec- design materials with properties that are
contemporary computer science and tronica, Banff Centre for the Arts, and totally foreign to natural systems. Astro-
engineering that they can carry out their ICC (NTT’s InterCommunication Cen- nauts experience in zero gravity behaviors
own technical work or, as artists, lead ter, Tokyo). The time may be ripe for new that are totally new to human sensory and
multidisciplinary teams both to create art- forms of hybrid institutions that take locomotive experience. And, of course,
works of artistic interest and even to devel- advantage of the distributed strategies computer scientists and engineers have
op innovative engineering and computer- enabled by the Web. provided a globally linked Internet system
science solutions or inventions. We again Ironically, the very name “Digital Salon” that allows such rapid feedback and diffu-
find ourselves in one of those special times has become an anachronism. The rapid sion of human interaction that we are
in cultural history when artists, scientists, mutation of terminology indicates that the entering a space of unknown social phe-
and engineers–because of their use of the heart of the matter has not yet been identi- nomena and behaviors. The human cogni-
same tool (in this case the computer)–can fied. The early practitioners of machine tive system did not develop with these new
share experiences and vocabularies, views art, algorithmic art, electronic art, com- extensions of the human nervous system in
of what problems might be interesting to puter art, digital art, Web art, and new place, nor while interacting with these
solve and of which solutions would be media art [7] have shared few things environments and phenomena. So how do
considered exciting. Inevitably, shared except the use of the computer itself; their we develop our intuition about worlds and
epistemologies, aesthetics, and ethical sys- goals and practices differ widely, and they phenomena that are physically impossible
tems will emerge from this process. The do not share a common aesthetic. In addi- for our human senses to experience direct-
conditions are right for the emergence of tion, many of the artists in new media also ly? How do we build systems of values and
New Leonardos. make use of many other technologies that systems of meanings, of ethics and aesthet-
Many of the New Leonardos will not are not computer-based and are only inci- ics in this new epistemological landscape?
be individuals, but rather teams of several dentally digital. Steve Wilson, in his Ken Goldberg, in his Leonardo book The
or many individuals working together. Leonardo book Information Arts [8] has Robot in the Garden [9], elaborates upon
The Internet as a working environment documented the growing array of areas in these issues in his exploration of “telepiste-
facilitates many forms of cooperative, col- science and technology where artists are mology”; the crucial question is no longer
lective, and collaborative work. The prob- now occupying aesthetic territory. These the location of the “ghost in the machine,”
lems being tackled often require range through all the physical, chemical, but whether humans as primitive robots in
interdisciplinary teams that bring together cognitive, and biological sciences and this new foreign landscape can find a new ori-
disparate expertise from disciplines as include the whole array of nano- to macro- entation and vision for the human condition.
diverse, for instance, as the cognitive sci- technologies. If the computer-based arts This new intuition can be built and
ences, nanotechnologies, biological sci- are still in their infancy, these other art cultural appropriation can occur if we cre-
ences, and cultural theory. Already, the forms are still at the point of conception. ate situations in which contemporary sci-
open-source approaches can point to suc- And yet this work is not peripheral to the ence and technology can be incorporated
cesses in marshalling the creativity of large development of the science and technology into artistic exploration (and vice versa),
teams of geographically dispersed individ- of the future, but is at the heart of the cul- while recognizing the very different disci-
uals on common projects. The institutional tural imagination that creates the very plines of the arts, the sciences, and engi-
frameworks that foster such interdisciplinary desires motivating children to become neering. The creative process may be
work, and that often need to bridge the tomorrow’s scientists and engineers. Not similar, but methodologies, goals, success
non-profit/for-profit societal systems, are only does the interaction between artists, criteria, and institutional contexts are very
still in their infancy. A few pioneering pro- scientists, and engineers create the context different, and no doubt many areas of art,
grams, such as Roy Ascott’s CAiiA-STAR, for improved science and engineering, but science, and technology interaction will
are exploring this education and research different forms of science and engineering will prove to be culturally sterile. The steam
territory. Unfortunately early programs emerge from this period of cross-fertilization. engine, railroad, and telephone may have
such as Xerox PARC's Artist-in-Residence Scientists and engineers now work in transformed the social landscape, but no
program [6] and Interval Research Corpo- realms that are almost totally outside of significant new art forms have emerged
ration are no longer in existence. Leonardo direct human experience. Astronomers out of these particular technologies. Tech-
has recently launched a study under the work with forms of energy, such as gravity nologies of the moving image and cinema
leadership of Michael Naimark, with sup- waves and neutrinos, that are not directly led to the media society we now enjoy, but
port from the Rockefeller Foundation, to accessible to the human nervous system. there is no way of knowing ahead of time
learn lessons from the last 40 years of insti- Physicists and biologists work on such whether the new biologies and genetic
tutional experiments, ranging from the small scales that quantum effects and engineering will lead to crucial art forms of
early E.A.T. (Experiments in Art and group phenomena emerge that are the future until artists get inside them and
Technology) program to today’s leading unknown on the scale that humans can make stories, tinker with the systems, and
institutions, such as ZKM (Zentrum für experience directly. Chemists can now re-engineer their context.
1. Computer art was a subject of discussion from the
earliest issues of Leonardo. See, for instance, Roy
Ascott, “The Cybernetic Stance: My Process and
Purpose,” Leonardo 1, No. 2, 105-112 (1968);
Richard I. Land, “Computer Art: Color Stereo Dis-
plays,” Leonardo 2, No. 4, 335-344 (1969); Robert
Mallary, “Notes on Jack Burnham's Concepts of a
Software Exhibition,” Leonardo 3, No. 2, 189-190