Glory of Lord Jagannatha Part 2
Glory of Lord Jagannatha Part 2
Glory of Lord Jagannatha Part 2
श्रीपुरुषोत्तम (जगन्नाथ) क्षेत्रमाहात्म्यम्
(From Sri Skanda Mahapurana)
Swami Nirliptananda
Published by
Tehri-Garhwal, Uttarakhand, Himalayas, India,
First Edition : 2019
(1,000 Copies)
Price: 410/-
Publishers’ Note
Key to Pronunciation of Sanskrit Words
Used in the Translation.
27. The Deities are Installed
28. The Lord manifests as Lord Narasimha
29. Indradyumna gets boon from the Lord
30. Glory of the Five Holy Spots
31. Jyestha-Bath of the Lord
32. The Jyesthapancaka Observance
33. The Great Car Festival
34. Praise of the Lord's Stay in Gundică Open Hall
35. Protection of Chariots and Return Car Festival
36. Festival of the Lord's Sleep
37. Glory of Food offered to the Lord : Story of Svetamadhava
38. Glory of Food offered to the Lord, Nirmalya, etc.; Stories of Sandilya and Damanaka
39. Procedure for Caturmasya Observance
40. Festival of Covering the Lord
41. The Pusya-Bath Festival
42. Festival of Uttarayana
43. The Swing Festival
44. Year-long Observance for Worship of the Lord's Images
45. Festival of the Destruction of Damanaka
46. The Aksaya-Trtiya Festival
47. Worship for Fulfilment of Desires
48. Indradyumna establishes the Lord's Worship
49. Purusottama is Lord Visnu's Own Form
50. Attainment of Self-knowledge etc. by the Dead
51. Story of Two Brahmin Devotees
52. The Brahmin meets his Previous Wife
53. The Brahmin attains Knowledge pertaining to Lord Visnu
54. Glory of Sea-Bath, etc.
55. Story of a Devotee born in Family of the Impious
56. Need to Perform Sraddha
57. Glory of Ardhodaya Conjunction
58. Purusottama is Dasavatara Ksetra
59. Special Observance Pleasing to Lord Jagannatha
60. Completion of the Observance and Procedure for Hearing the Purana
"Dasavatara Stotram" of Sri Jayadeva
नमोऽस्त्वनन्ताय सहस्रमूर्तये सहस्रपादाक्षिशिरोरुबाहवे ।
सुभद्रामध्यस्थः सकलसुरसेवावसरदो
Lord Jagannatha, Lord Balabhadra and Goddess Subhadra at the
“Snana Mandapa” (Pavilion for Bath) on Snana Purnima day (full moon
day of Jyestha month) for the Jyestha Bath (Ch.31).
Lord Janannatha being bathed durng “Jyestha Bath” (Ch.31)
Sri Gajapati (King of Puri) performing Seva (holy service ) to Lord
Jagannatha during Jyestha Bath after the Holy Bath (Ch.31)
“Pahandi” of Lord Balabhadra (Proceeding to His Chariot)
For the Great Car Festival (Ratha Yatra): Ch.33.45
“Pahandi” Of Goddess Subhadra (Proceeding To Her Chariot ) For The
Great Car Festival: Ch.33/45.
“Pahandi” Of Discus Sudarsana (The Post, Proceeding To The Chariot
Of Lord Jagannatha) For The Great Car Festival: Ch.33.
“Pahandi Vije” Of Lord Jagannatha (Triumphantly Proceeding To His
Nandighosa Chariot ) For The Great Car Festival: Ch.33/45.
“Suna Vesa” (Golden Ornamentation) Of Lord Jagnnatha On His
Chariot: Ch.33.
“Suna Vesa” (Golden Ornamentation ) Of Lord Balabhadra On His
Chariot: Ch.33.
“Suna Vesa” (Golden Ornamentation) Of Goddess Subhadra On Her
Chariot: Ch.33.
The Three Chariots Standing With The Respective Deities In Front Of
The Temple, Just Before Commencement Of The Ratha Yatra (Festive
Procession In Chariot): Ch.33.
Lord Jagannatha In His Nandighosa Chariot Before Commencement Of
Ratha Yatra (Festive Procession In Chariot): Ch.33.
“Chhera Pahanra” Seva (Devout Service Of “Sprinkling Holy Water” And
“Sweeping” With A Golden Broom) On The Three Chariots With The
Deities Present, Being Performed By Gajapati Maharaja (King Of Puri)
Before Commencement Of The Festive Procession (Ch.33.).
The Three Chariots With The Deities Proceeding On The Grand Road
During The Car Festival (Ratha Yatra): Ch.33.
The Gundicha Temple (Ch.34).
The Mahaprasada (Sacred Food Offered To The Lord ): Ch.37,38.
Twenty-seventh Chapter
The Deities are Installed
॥ जैमिनिरुवाच ॥
सा क्षितिस्पृष्टमूला वै विधातुरवरोहणे ।
सिद्धविद्याधरान्यक्षगन्धर्वाप्सरसस्तथा ।
स्थूलसूक्ष्माणुमहिमन्स्थौल्यसौक्ष्म्यविवर्जित ।।२०।।
प्रपन्नमृत्युनाशाय सहजानन्दरूपिणे ।
परंपरापरिव्याप्तपरतत्त्वपराय ते ।।३१।।
फणामणिफणाकारक्षितिमण्डलधारिणे ।
फणामणिगणव्याजसंभृताखिलभौतिकः ।।४७।।
When at the time of Cosmic Dissolution, in the swelled waters of the great
ocean the three worlds become one, Thou alone remainest, O Lord,
adorned with thousands of hoods, and collectest all the living beings,
giving them the appearance of clusters of gems on Thy hoods. [46.2-47]
त्वमेव नाथः सर्वेषां स्रष्टा पालयिता विभो ।
हृत्पद्मासनसंस्थासि विष्णुभावानुसारिणी ।
इन्द्रद्युम्ननारदाभ्यामादिष्टपदपद्धतिः ।
नीलाचलमथारोहत्प्रासादं द्रष्टुमुत्सुकः ।।६७।।
Having bowed and extolled the Deities, He returned from the chariots. He
then ascended the Nilacala mountain, along the row of footsteps indicated
by Narada and Indradyumna, eager to see the temple. [66.2-67]
ततः स गत्वा प्रासादसमीपं दैवतैः सह ।
इन्द्रद्युम्नप्रसादेन जीवन्मुक्तत्वमाप्नुवन् ।। ७७ ।।
All the inhabitants of the three worlds who were thus honoured by him,
seeing the Immutable Lord Brahmã Himself present in the middle, as also
Lord Jagannatha directly manifest as the Form of Brahman due to the aid
of Indradyumna, attained the state of being liberated while living. [76-77]
कलेवरं भगवतः प्रासादं सुमनोहरम् ।
ऋषिभिर्नारदाद्यैश्च विद्वद्भिर्ब्राह्मणैस्तथा ।
शङ्खकाहालमुरजभेरीवादित्रवैणवे ॥८२॥
पार्श्वयोर्भुजयोर्मूर्ध्नि पादयोर्न्यस्तपाणयः ।। ८४ ।।
जय लीलादारुतनो जय वाञ्छाफलप्रद ।
जयानुकम्पापाथोधे जय दीनपरायण ।
जयाच्युत जयानन्त जयेशान नमोऽस्तु ते ।। ८८ ।।
सुप्रतिष्ठाखिलव्यापिन्प्रासादे सुस्थिरो भव ।। ९६ ।।
Lord Brahma said: "O Lord who art the support of all the worlds, O Lord
who abidest in all the worlds, O Lord who art perfectly stable, O All-
pervading One ! Pray, O Lord, remain firmly steady in the temple. [96]
त्वयि प्रतिष्ठिते नाथ वयं सर्वे प्रतिष्ठिताः ।
Twenty-eighth Chapter
The Lord manifests as Lord Narasimha
|| जैमिनिरुवाच ॥
इन्द्रद्युम्नादिभिः सर्वैर्ददृशेऽद्भुतदर्शनः । । १ । ।
लेलिहानो जगत्सर्वं समन्ताज्वलज्जिह्वया ।२.१ ।
Jaimini said: Then because of the power of the mantras that Lord was
seen by all - by Indradyumna and others as Lord Narasimha with a
wonderful look. He was licking the whole world on all sides by His flaming
tongue. [1-2.1]
कालाग्निरुद्रं सकलं ग्रसन्तमिव चोत्थितम् ।।२.२।।
अनुग्रहायावतरत्प्रत्युतैष भयप्रदः ।
जानुप्रसारितकरसरोजद्वन्द्वमुन्नसम् ।।२८।।
योगपट्टासनारूढद्वात्रिंशद्दलपद्मके ।
नृसिंहमूर्तिपरिग्रहो नामाष्टाविंशोऽध्यायः ।। २८ ।।
Thus ends the Twenty-eighth Chapter of the Dialogue between Jaimini
and the Sages in Purusottama-Ksetra-Mahatmya (the Glory of the Sacred
Abode of the Supreme Being Lord Jagannatha) in the 'Utkala' Portion
included in Part Two relating to Lord Visnu, in the glorious Skanda
Mahapurana, a compendium of eighty-one thousand verses, entitled
"Manifestation of the Lord in the Form of Lord Nrsimha."
Twenty-ninth Chapter
Indradyumna gets boon from the Lord
|| जैमिनिरुवाच ॥
भगवन्देवदेवेश भक्तानुग्रहकारक ।
चतुर्मुखानुरोधेन महाप्रीतिकरी मम ।। ३७ ।।
यात्रामाहात्म्यवक्तासौ यत्साक्षान्मधुसूदनः ।
जयाखिलजगद्धामन्नन्तर्यामिन्नमोऽस्तु ते ।। ३९ ।।
Victory to Thee, O Remover of the sorrow of the host of the gods
beginning from Brahma, Indra and Siva who bow to Thee! Victory to Thee,
O Resting place of the entire world ! O Inner Controller, salutations be unto
Thee. [39]
जय निर्व्याजकरुणापाथोधे दीनवत्सल ।
मामुद्धरास्माद्दुष्पाराद्भवाम्भोधेरपारतः । ५४.१ ।
O Ocean of mercy for those who have taken refuge, O Friend of the
destitute, salutations be unto Thee. The earth with the moving and the
non-moving things is supported by Thee on top of Thy hood; save me from
this shoreless ocean of worldly existence which is difficult to go across.
परापराणां परम परमेश नमोऽस्तु ते ।।५४.२।।
O Lord who art higher than both the remote and the proximate, O Supreme
Lord, salutations be unto Thee”. [54.2]
स्तुत्वैवं नागराजानं बलं मुसलधारिणम् ।
मामुद्धरास्माद्दुष्पाराद्भवाम्भोधेरपारतः । ५४.१ ।
O Ocean of mercy for those who have taken refuge, O Friend of the
destitute, salutations be unto Thee. The earth with the moving and the
non-moving things is supported by Thee on top of Thy hood; save me from
this shoreless ocean of worldly existence which is difficult to go across.
परापराणां परम परमेश नमोऽस्तु ते ।।५४.२।।
O Lord who art higher than both the remote and the proximate, O Supreme
Lord, salutations be unto Thee”. [54.2]
स्तुत्वैवं नागराजानं बलं मुसलधारिणम् ।
तीर्थराजकृ तस्नानसुसंपूर्णफलप्रद ।
ओष्ठयोः कर्णयोरक्ष्णोर्गण्डयोर्नासयोस्तथा ।
उपैमि ते रूपमनन्यहेतुमानंदसंपन्नमनुप्रविश्य ।। ९० ।।
Fire is Thy source, as also the earth; in Thy body is the seed-giving navel
of the Immortal Lord Visnu. By entering into Thee, I shall attain Thy form
which has no other cause and is endowed with bliss”. [90]
इति मन्त्रं पठन्विप्राः प्रविशेज्जलमध्यतः ।
अमृतस्यारणिस्त्वं हि देवयोनिरपांपते ।। ९९ ।।
Rising, and duly doing purificatory sipping of water, he should pray,
uttering the mantra : “Thou art Fire, O Lord of the worlds, the place of the
Seminal fluid who kindlest love, the original source of all beings, the
Master of all individual souls, O Immutable one! Thou art indeed the
Source of nectar, the Origin of the gods, O Lord of waters. [98-99]
वृजिनं हर मे सर्वं तीर्थराज नमोस्तु ते ।
सिन्धुतर्पणसंतुष्टाः श्राद्धपिण्डसुतर्पिताः ।
कर्पूरखण्डसंयुक्तान्मोदकान्घृतपाचितान् ।
तिष्ठेदविश्वसन्तो ये भगवद्द्रोहिणस्तु ते ।
समुद्रज्येष्ठामन्त्रेण स्नापयेत्सुरपुङ्गवान् ।
सर्वसन्तापशमनमशेषमलनाशनम् ।।७४।।
Thirty-second Chapter
The Jyesthapancaka Observance
।। जैमिनिरुवाच ।।
भगवद्ब्राह्मणांश्चैतान्महाभागवतांस्तथा ।।४।।
ततो नयेद्दक्षिणाभिमुखांस्तांस्त्रिदशेश्वरान् ।
शान्तिपौष्टिककर्माणि सांख्ययोगस्तथैव च ।
चन्दनागुरुकर्पूरलेपनैश्चम्पकस्रजा ।। ४४ ।।
He should worship on the Twelfth day Lord Yajnavaraha made of gold,
with anointing of sandal, aloe and camphor, and with a garland of
champak flowers. [44]
3. Five organs of action, five organs of knowledge, and the mind
नानाविधापूपसारा भक्ष्यभोज्यफलान्विताः ।
तोषयेद्वासुदेवं तु पुराणपठनेन तु ।। ६० ।।
He should please Lord Krsna (Jagannatha) with vigil, song, etc. at night,
as also with offering of various presents and reading of Puranas. [60]
पौर्णमास्युषसि स्नात्वा श्रीकृ ष्णस्यान्तिकं व्रजेत् ।। ६१ ।।
On the full-moon day, having bathed early morning he should go near Lord
Sri Krsna (Jagannatha). [61]
रामं कृ ष्णं सुभद्रां च पूजयित्वा यथाविधि ।
Thirty-third Chapter
The Great Car Festival
॥ जैमिनिरुवाच ॥
विचित्रघटनाकक्षपुत्तलीपरिवेष्टितम् ।।१२।।
The work of making the chariot should be started after performing the
great ceremony of Lord Vighnaraja (Ganesa). The chariot of Lord Visnu
should be made with sixteen strong iron wheels each having sixteen
spokes provided to it, and with firm axles and strong poles. It should have
a wonderfully fashioned chamber beset with small images all around. [11-
नानाविचित्रबहुलमिक्षुखण्डविराजितम् ।
नानाविचित्रबहुलं हेमपट्टविराजितम् ।
चञ्चग्रदष्टभुजगं सर्वालङ्कारभूषितम् ।
दैत्यदानवसंघस्य बलदर्पविनाशनम् ।
किङ्किणीमालिकाभिश्च माल्यचामरभूषिते ।
स वीज्यमानोऽप्सरोभिर्गन्धवैरुपशोभितः ।
अनुव्रजद्भिस्त्रिदशैर्महेन्द्रासनसंस्थितः ।।७४।।
भुनक्ति भोगानतुलान्यावदाभूतसंप्लवम् ।
अज्ञानामप्यविश्वासभाजां विश्वासहेतवे ।
चारुचन्द्रातपे चारुमाल्यचामरभूषिते ।
प्राचीरवलयावीते सुधालेपसमुज्ज्वले ।
कृ ष्णागुरुजधूपैश्च गन्धतैलप्रदीपकैः ।
तोषयेज्जगतां नाथमनेकै रुपहारकैः ।।४।।
The Lord of the world should be made pleased with presents of varieties of
flowers, anointing of fragrant unguents, incenses of black aloe, lamps
burning with perfumed oil, and various other presents. [3.2-4)
बिन्दुतीर्थतटे तस्मिन्सप्ताहानि जनार्दनः ।
गन्धपुष्पाक्षतैर्माल्यैरुपहारैरनुत्तमैः ।
गीतनृत्तादिकै श्चैव धूपदीपनिवेदनैः ।।३।।
With their flags remaining in position, one should daily worship the Deities
Lord Krsna (Jagannatha) etc. with sandal paste, flowers, unbroken rice
grains, garlands and excellent presents, with singing, dancing, etc. and
with incense, lamp, as well as offering of food. [2.2-3]
दिक्पालेभ्यो बलिं दद्यात्पायसान्नेन चान्वहम् ।
नानानृत्तोपहारैश्च व्यजनच्छत्रचामरैः ।
उपायनैर्बहुविधैरुपतिष्ठेद्रथाग्रतः ।। १५ ।।
One should stand in front near the chariot offering prayers, prostrations,
showering of flowers, presenting varieties of dancing and other services,
serving with fan, parasol and chowrie, and various kinds of gifts. [15]
नीलाचले समायान्तं रथस्थं दक्षिणामुखम् ।
Thirty-sixth Chapter
Festival of the Lord's Sleep
।। जैमिनिरुवाच ॥
सुगन्धचन्दनैर्लिप्तान्वस्त्रालङ्करणादिभिः ।।२७।।
तव प्रसादान्निर्विघ्नं सिद्धिमायातु के शव ।। ४५ ।।
"O Lord, the Caturmasya holy Observance has been taken up by me by
Thy grace; may this be successful without any difficulty by Thy grace, O
Lord Kesava (Jagannatha): [45]
व्रतेःस्मिन्यद्यसम्पूर्णे परलोकगतिर्भवेत् ।
द्विजाग्र्यान्पायसैर्मिष्टैर्विष्णुभक्त्या प्रपूजयेत् ।। ५० ।।
On that day after having worshipped Lord Jagannatha, he should please
the Lord as present in the sacrificial fire by offering oblations. Then he
should honour the foremost Brahmins with milk-porridge and sweet-meats
with the same devotion as he has for Lord Visnu. [50]
यथाशक्त्या प्रदद्याद्वै कनकं वस्त्रमेव च । ५१.१ ।
According to his capacity he should also indeed give in charity gold and
clothes. [51.1]
अशक्तः कार्त्तिके मासि व्रतं कु र्यात्पुरोदितम् ।।५१.२।।
If he is unable to perform it for four months, he should perform the holy
Observance in the month of Kartika as told earlier. [51.2]
व्रतं च विविधं विष्णोः कृ च्छ्रचान्द्रायणं तथा ।। ५२।।
सर्वपापप्रशमनं विष्णुलोकगतिप्रदम् ।
भक्षणान्मद्यपानादिमहादुरितनाशनम् । २२.१।
That food after offering is verily nectar and when held on head it destroys
sins; by eating it the great sins like drinking wine, etc. are destroyed. [21.2-
आघ्राणान्मानसं पापं दर्शनाद्दृष्टिजं तथा ।। २२.२।
बहुवित्तव्ययायासभक्तिभावनिरूपकाः ।।३१।।
तत्तद्वैष्णवशास्त्रोक्तचित्रभोगाः पृथग्विधाः ।
अनर्घ्यरत्नमञ्जीरसिञ्जितेन सुरालयम् ।
पूरयन्त्या स्वर्णदर्व्या ददत्या सादरं रसान् ।।४०।।
योगासनाब्जनिलयं वामाङ्गावस्थितश्रियम् ।
मम निर्माल्यभोगेन क्षीणशेषाघसंचयः ।
मदीयाऽऽद्यावतारस्य विष्णोर्मत्स्यस्वरूपिणः ।। ५५ ।।
Thirty-eighth Chapter
Glory of Food offered to the Lord, Nirmalya, etc. : Stories of
Sandilya and Damanaka
॥ जैमिनिरुवाच ॥
अव्रताधीतवेदेन अन्यायाप्तधनेन च ।
दर्शनस्तवनोच्छिष्टभोजनैर्मुक्तिदायकः ।।४६ ।।
In holy places like Salagrama, etc. the Lord is only remembered and His
glories are talked about; but there in Nilacala which is the holy and sacred
place and is the Body of the Lord who is the Knower of the field, He has
become a Living Being for all, taking the guise of the Wooden Body, for the
destruction of the impurities of the Kali Age, mostly of those who are
engaged in sinful deeds. He grants Liberation when one just sees Him,
prays, and eats the leavings of His food. [44.2-46]
उच्छिष्टेन सुरेशस्य व्याप्तं यस्य कलेवरम् ।
नैवेद्याशनमाहात्म्यमजानन्परमाद्भुतम् ।।९१।।
"This exactly is my offence that I showed disrespect to the Lord, not
knowing the supremely wonderful glory of eating the food offered to the
Lord. [91]
अष्टादश चतुर्दश ब्रह्माण्डं यत्पदाम्बुजम् ।
सार्धानां कोटितीर्थानामभिषेकफलप्रदम् ।
सर्वदीक्षाव्रतफलप्रदमैश्वर्यवर्धनम् ।। १२८ ।।
It is the excellent remover of the evil caused due to touching unholy things
like a corpse, grants the benefit of all sacred initiations and holy
observances, and is the promoter of prosperity. [128]
अकालमृत्युहरणं व्याधिव्यूहनिबर्हणम् ।
सुरागोमांसभक्ष्यादिपापसंघविनाशनम् ।।१२९।।
It prevents untimely death and removes the multitude of diseases. It
destroys the collection of sins like taking wine, eating cow's meat, etc.
एतैराप्लुतदेहस्तु श्रृणुयाद्यदि सूतकम् ।
भगवत्प्रसादनिमील्यादिमाहात्म्यकथनं नामाष्टत्रिंशोऽध्यायः ।। ३८ ।।
Thus ends the Thirty-eighth Chapter of the Dialogue between Jaimini and
the Sages in Purusottama-Ksetra-Mahatmya (the Glory of the Sacred
Abode of the Supreme Being Lord Jagannatha), in the 'Utkala' Portion
included in Part Two relating to Lord Visnu in the glorious Skanda
Mahapurana, a compendium of eighty-one thousand verses, entitled
"Description of the Glory of Food offered to the Lord, Nirmalya, etc.”
Thirty-ninth Chapter
Procedure for Caturmasya Observance
।। मुनय ऊचुः ।।
अक्षक्रीडादिभिः पुष्पवस्त्रमाल्यानुलेपनैः ।
बन्दिमागधसूतानां स्तुतिभिर्मंगलस्वनैः ।
शङ्खकाहालमुरजवादनैर्नृत्यगीतकैः ।।४०।।
कु ङ्कु मागुरुकस्तूरीकर्पूरैश्चंदनान्वितैः ।। ४६ ।।
अलङ्कर्यात्पुष्पदामचामरैः सवितानकैः ।
He should erect a white stage, or use one portion of the house. It should
be decorated with flower-garlands, chowries, together with a canopy; the
floor and the walls should be plastered and white-washed, and there
should be pillars covered with colourful silken cloth. [55.2-56]
कालागुरूणां धूपैश्च धूपयेत्तद्दृहं शुभम् ।
वस्त्रयुग्मैर्माल्यगन्धैर्भक्ष्यभोज्यफलैस्तथा ।। ६५ ।।
Then he should worship there Lord Brahma and the celestial Sages like
Narada. He should also honour Brahmins who are verily the forms of Lord
Damodara, each with a pair of clothes, garland, sandalpaste, and food of
various kinds (eatables, drinkables, enjoyables) and fruits. [64.2-65]
तीर्थराजाभिषेकाङ्गं पूजाकर्म यथोचितम् ।
सार्धत्रिकोटितीर्थानामभिषेकफलं तथा ॥। ८४ ।।
Fortieth Chapter
Festival of Covering the Lord
।। जैमिनिरुवाच ॥
मार्गशीर्षे सिते पक्षे षष्ठ्यां प्रावरणोत्सवम् ।
द्युतानस्त्वेतिमन्त्रेणाच्छादयेद्दिव्यवाससा ।५.१ ।
In the centre, the sacred pot should be placed and sprinkled with water
through a cloth, and it should be covered with a beautiful sacred cloth with
the mantra 'dyutanastva, etc.' [4.2-5.1]
सुधूपितं वस्त्रजातमेकविंशतिसंख्यकम् ।।५.२।।
छत्रध्वजपताकाभिक्षामरान्दोलनैस्तथा ।
गुरुभ्यश्चान्यदेवेभ्यो दीनानाथेभ्य एव च ।
शीतप्रावरणं दद्यात्सत्कृ त्य परया मुदा ।
Forty-first Chapter
The Pusya-Bath Festival
।। जैमिनिरुवाच ।।
पूजयेदुपचारैस्तैरादर्शप्रतिबिम्बितम् ।९.१।
O Sages, next morning lighting of the sacred fire for making offering to the
Deities should be done. With the sacrificial fire-wood of the flame-tree,
Caru and ghee, a thousand oblations should be offered each to Lord
Brahma, Lord Visnu and Lord Siva with their respective characteristic
mantras. At the end thereof Lord Jagannatha reflected in the mirror should
be worshipped with the prescribed sacred services. [7-9.1]
ततः पुरुषसूक्ते न कु म्भांस्तानभिमन्त्रयेत् ।।९.२।।
Then by the Purusa Sukta those sacred pots should be consecrated. [9.2]
तेनैवाच्छिद्रधारेण स्नापयेत्पुरुषोत्तमम् ।
सुगन्धसुमनोमाल्यैर्भूषयेत्तदनन्तरम् ।।१३।।
Ornaments as would look beautiful should also be fixed at the appropriate
places, and after that the Lord should be adorned with garlands of fragrant
flowers. [13]
अष्टायुधानि देवस्य चक्रादीनि न्यसेत्पुरः ।
पुष्यस्नानमहोत्सबवर्णनं नामैकचत्वारिंशोऽध्यायः ।। ४१ ।।
Thus ends the Forty-first Chapter of the Dialogue between Jaimini and the
Sages in Purusottama-Ksetra-Mahatmya (the Glory of the Sacred Abode
of the Supreme Being Lord Jagannatha), in the 'Utkala' Portion included in
Part Two relating to Lord Visnu in the glorious Skanda Mahapurăna, a
compendium of eighty-one thousand verses, entitled "Description of the
Great Festival of Pusya Bath."
Forty-second Chapter
Festival of Uttarayana
| जैमिनिरुवाच ॥
दीपिकाशतसंरुद्धतमसो वरणान्तरे ।
छत्रध्वजपताकाभिर्नृत्यवादित्रगीतकैः ।।१३।।
The all-powerful Lord who as Trivikrama (Vamana) had covered the three
worlds with three steps, should be taken round the temple three times
representing that sport of His, and at the end thereof, once more, in the
proximity of the Deities, slowly and gently, and with great pomp. This
should be done amidst hundreds of lamps which would be completely
keeping off darkness from the surrounding area, and in the midst of
parasols, banners and flags, and dancing, music and singing. [11.2-13]
तद्दर्शनपरिक्षीणपातकानां महात्मनाम् ।
कर्पूरखण्डमरिचचूर्णयुक्तान्निवेदयेत् । २७.१ ।
Thus making entreaty to the Lord of gods, the clusters of rice should be
offered. Also, the various kinds of food made with them and fragrant pots
of curd, mixed with camphor, sugar-candy and black-pepper powder,
should be offered. [26-27.1]
ब्राह्मणान्पूजयेद्भक्त्या देवदेवपुरः स्थितान् ।।२७.२।।
Forty-third Chapter
The Swing Festival
।। जैमिनिरुवाच ।।
छत्रध्वजपताकाभिश्चामरैर्व्यजनैस्तथा ।
कोकिलारावमधुरे नानापक्षिगणाकु ले ।
अनर्घ्यरत्नघटितकु ण्डलोद्भासितश्रुतिम् ।
शङ्खचक्रगदापद्मधारिणं वनमालिनम् ।
पुरो व्योमस्थितैर्देवैर्ब्रह्माद्यैर्नतमस्तकैः ।
हाहाहूहूप्रभृतिभिःसत्वरं दिव्यगायनैः ।। ३१ ।।
अहंपूर्विकया नृत्यगीतवादित्रकारिभिः ।
बल्लवीवृन्दमध्यस्थं कदम्बतरुमूलगम् ।
गोपीभिश्चैव गोपालैर्लीलान्दोलितयानगम् ।
सम्पूर्णफलसिद्ध्यर्थं प्रतिष्ठाविधिमाचरेत् ।। २२ ।।
Thus having passed the year indeed with the holy Observance called
'Mürtipañjara22, for the sake of attaining the complete merits, he should
perform the rite of formal completion. [22]
सुवर्णनिर्मिता विष्णोर्मूर्तयो द्वादशैव तु ।
गीतवादित्रनृत्याद्यैस्तथा ब्राह्मणपूजनैः ।
वस्त्रयुग्मैर्द्वादशभिश्छत्रोपानद्युगैस्तथा ।।२७।।
Forty-fifth Chapter
Festival of the Destruction of Damanaka
।। मुनय ऊचुः ।।
चैत्रशुक्लत्रयोदश्यामाहरेत्तत्समूलकम् ||४||
O Sages, on the thirteenth day of the bright fortnight of Caitra month the
grass named Damanaka which has been mentioned before, should be
brought, together with the root. [4]
तन्मध्ये मण्डलं कु र्यात्सुशुभं पद्मसंज्ञितम् ।
Daksa said: "O Lord of the gods, O Lord Jagannatha, O Lord whose very
nature is bliss, O Lord who art devoid of any impurity, protect us who are
sunk in the ocean of the world of transmigration, O Supreme Lord. [24]
नानाविधैश्च सन्तापैः सतंप्तान्मानवानिमान् ।
अवतारोऽयमेतस्मिन्नीलाचलगृहान्तरे ।२७.१।
This incarnation of Thine inside this cave of Nilacala, O Lord of the worlds,
is for saving those who are completely deluded by the impurities of Kali
Age. [26.2-27.1]
चिरकालप्ररूढानां दुस्त्यजानां महांहसाम् ।।२७.२ ।।
प्रसीदानुगृहाणेमान्दीनान्मूढान्विचेतसः ।।३१।।
Victory to Thee, O Lord Krsna ! Victory to Thee, O Lord! Victory to Thee, O
Imperishable Lord ! Victory to Thee, O Immutable Lord! Be gracious, be
kind to these miserable people who are deluded and are ignorant”. [31]
इति स्तुत्वा दण्डपातं पपात चरणाम्बुजे ।
Forty-eighth Chapter
Indradyumna establishes the Lord's Worship
।। मुनय ऊचुः ।।
वराल्लँब्ध्वा जगन्नाथात्साक्षाद्ब्रह्मस्वरूपिणः ।
किञ्चिद्विवक्षुरगमज्जैमिनेरेव सन्निधिम् ।
Fiftieth Chapter
Attainment of Self-knowledge etc. by the Dead
|| जैमिनिरुवाच ।।
अनाद्यविद्यासञ्जातवासनोपप्लुतेन वै ।।३।।
शुभाशुभफलासङ्गादात्मस्वरूपतामियात् ।
काशीराजप्रसङ्गेन भगवत्परिभावितः ।। ३१ ।।
Previously this has been told to you by me in the context of Kasiraja°, how
Lord Siva left it being subdued by the Lord (Krsna). [31]
इति श्रीस्कान्दे महापुराण एकाशीतिसाहस्त्र्यां संहितायां द्वितीये
वैष्णवखण्डान्तर्गतोत्कलखण्डे पुरुषोत्तमक्षेत्रमाहात्म्ये जैमिनिऋषिसंवादे
मृतस्यात्मज्ञानलाभादिवर्णनं नाम पञ्चाशत्तमोऽध्यायः ।। ५० ।।
Thus ends the Fiftieth Chapter of the Dialogue between Jaimini and the
Sages in Purusottama-Ksetra-Mahatmya (the Glory of the Sacred Abode
of the Supreme Being Lord Jagannatha), in the 'Utkala' Portion included in
Part Two relating to Lord Visnu in the glorious Skanda Mahapurana, a
compendium of eighty-one thousand verses, entitled “Narration of the
Attainment of Self-knowledge, etc. by the Dead."
Fifty-first Chapter
Story of Two Brahmin Devotees
।। जैमिनिरुवाच ।।
अव पापप्रवेशो हि कदाचिन्नोपजायते ।
Fifty-second Chapter
The Brahmin meets his Previous Wife
तीर्थयात्राप्रसङ्गेन सुहृद्भिर्बन्धुभिः सह ।
चित्तशुद्धिपरीक्षार्थमन्तर्धानगतोऽभवत् ।। २७।।
After two days, on the way, the Sage who was walking at a distance in a
desolate place, for testing his purify of mind, suddenly disappeared. [27]
पदानि कतिचिद् गत्वा स विप्रो दीनमानसः ।
मृत्युकालप्रभृतिभिरुद्दीपितरुषो भृशम् ।
Without knowing the glory of this sacred place, O Yama, why do you roar
in vain ? Here Lord Jagannatha who is the destroyer of the suffering of the
destitute ones is visibly present with His well-pleased lotus-like face, and
having His arms spread out, out of compassion. [35-36.1]
अस्मिन् क्षेत्रे रमेशस्य देहभूते सदाव्यये ।।३६.२।।
यत्र तत्र सर्वथा ये प्राणांस्त्यजन्ति वै नराः ।
शङ्खचक्रगदाशार्ङ्गपद्योद्यतभुजोत्तमः ।।४७।।
सुप्रसन्नमुखाम्भोजः सजलाम्बुदसन्निभः ।
तद्ज्योतिर्भगवच्चक्रपद्मान्तरमवाप च ।।५२।।
And as Durvasa and others indeed were just looking on, that light at once
entered into the discus and the lotus of the Lord. [52]
ततस्तिरोदधे देवो ह्यन्तर्यामी जगत्प्रभुः ।
Fifty-fourth Chapter
Glory of Sea-Bath, etc.
येनाङ्गफलभूयस्त्वमनुवादनियामकम् ||८||
This is also not any mutual relation between Self- knowledge and death
there, by which the increase in the effect on the limb would be taken as
being regulated by translation from the whole. [8]
दीर्घायुषां बलवतां योगिनां बहुजन्मभिः ।
दशवर्षसहस्राणि निर्जलोऽभून्महार्णवः ।
ब्रह्मलोकमवाप्नोति यावदिन्द्राश्चतुर्दश ।। २७ ।।
In the bright and the dark fortnights of the very auspicious month of Magha
when the Sun is in Capricorn of the zodiac, by taking bath there for three
days, O excellent Sage, a man attains the world of Brahma for the period
of fourteen Indras. [26.2-27]
तस्मिन् मासे तु या शुक्ला भवेदेकादशी द्विज ।
एकविंशोत्तरकु लं भविष्यद्भूतमेव च ।
Fifty-fifth Chapter
Story of a Devotee born in Family of the Impious
आब्रह्मणो ये हि कु लतये च
सुदुर्लभे वर्षसहस्रके च
समीपतोऽस्माकमेव दिव्यस्रग्गन्धभूषणाः ।
पञ्चपञ्चाशत्तमोऽध्यायः ।। ५५ ।।
Thus ends the Fifty-fifth Chapter of the Dialogue between Jaimini and the
Sages in Purusottama-Ksetra-Mahatmya (Glory of the Sacred Abode of
the Supreme Being Lord Jagannatha), in the 'Utkala' Portion included in
Part Two relating to Lord Visnu, in the glorious Skanda Mahapurána, a
compendium of eighty-one thousand verses, entitled "Narration of the
Story of some Devotee of Lord Visnu born in the Lineage of the Impious".
Fifty-sixth Chapter
Need to Perform Sraddha
श्रुत्वेत्थमाकाशगिरं परमं हर्षमास्थितः ।
वैदिकज्ञानसंशुद्धवचसः क्षीणकल्मषान् ।
चतुर्मुखविनिष्क्रान्तलोकं विधिविधानवित् ।
सत्यमेवाह यवाणी दिव्या साऽऽकाशभाषिता ||८||
तावद्दिव्यविमानानि ज्वलद्रत्नगणानि वै ।। १५ ।।
विद्याधरैरप्सरोभिः पुष्पवृष्टिप्रकीर्णकैः ।। १६ ।।
बहुवित्तव्ययायासबहुकालप्रसाधनम् ।।२५।।
सर्वमाङ्गल्यजननं दुःखदुर्गविनाशनम् ।
सौख्यसौभाग्यसम्पत्तिधनसम्पत्तिवर्धनम् ।
पापक्षयार्थिभिर्मर्त्यः स्वर्गादिफलकांक्षया ।। २१ ।।
At that time gifts like gift of land, etc. should be given by men who seek
destruction of sins, with desire for fruits like heaven, etc. [21]
तुलापुरुषदस्तत्र सदाशिवपुरं व्रजेत् ।
सुवर्णपायसपात्रं यस्मादेतत्रयीमयम् ।
पुष्टिमेधाबलारोग्यसम्पदायुष्यवर्धनम् ।
सवत्सवस्त्राञ्च यथोक्तदक्षिणाम् ।
गोधान्यदाता द्विजपुङ्गवाय ।
वैष्णवखण्डान्तर्गतोत्कलखण्डे जैमिनिऋषिसंवादेऽर्धोदययोगमाहात्म्यकीर्तनं
नामाष्टपञ्चाशत्तमोऽध्यायः ।। ५८ ।।
Thus ends the Fifty-eighth Chapter of the Dialogue between Jaimini and
the Sages in Purusottama-Ksetra-Mahatmya (Glory of the Sacred Abode
of the Supreme Being Lord Jagannatha), in the 'Utkala' Portion included in
Part Two pertaining to Lord Visnu in the glorious Skanda Mahapurana, a
compendium of eighty-one thousand verses, entitled "Narration of the
Reason for Renown of Purusottama Ksetra by the Name 'the Sacred
Place of the Ten Incarnations"."
Fifty-ninth Chapter
Special Observance Pleasing to Lord Jagannatha
श्रीमहादेव उवाच
पुरुषार्थैकहेतुर्यत्प्रोक्तं वेदविदांवरैः ।
श्रुतिस्मृतिपुराणेषु सिद्धमष्टाक्षरात्मकम् ।
Sixtieth Chapter
Completion of the Observance and Procedure for Hearing the
श्री महादेव उवाच
अन्यैश्चतुतिगीताः कु तोपनिषदादिभिः ।
तं पूजयित्वा विधिवब्रह्मस्वरूपिणम् ।
सर्वशाखा भूषणैरतिशोभनैः ।
वस्त्रचन्दनमाल्याद्यैर्वृणुयात्पाठसंश्रुतौ ।।५१।।
I shall tell you about all that, listen with attention. For undertaking the
hearing of the Purana, according to one's resources, at first having duly
made the resolve, for the sake of hearing the recital, one should select the
Brahmin who should be born of a pure family, be without deformity of any
limb, calm, belonging to the same school of the Veda as one's own, who
should be his own Priest and knowing the import of the truth of all
scriptures. He should be welcomed with very beautiful adornments like
clothes, sandal paste, garland, etc. [49-51]
कृ ताञ्जलिपुटो भूत्वा ततः सम्प्रार्थयेद्विजम्।
कारवेदव्यासपूजां च श्रीखण्दागुरुपुष्पकैः ।
आचान्तः शङ्खचक्रादितिलकान्वितविग्रहः ।
विशेषाद्वस्त्रमाल्यादिचंदनैर्भूषणैस्तथा ।
श्रीजगन्नाथव्रतप्रतिष्ठाविधिस्तथा पुराणश्रवणविधिवर्णनं
धरणीधरणकिणचक्रगरिष्ठे ।।