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Castlevania - The Homebrewery

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A Supplement for playing in the world of Castlevania in D&D 5e

Classes in the world of Monsters of Castlevania
Castlevania Dracula's soldiers Vampire Spawn dressed in long robes,
and wielding longswords.
Barbarian Barbarians are one of the more common classes Carmilla's soldiers Vampire Spawn in plate mail, and
one finds in the world of Castlevania. It is easy for someone wielding spears.
to give into their inner rage in such a horrible world and fight Demon army various fiends.
through it. Carmilla Human Vampire with levels in Mastermind
Bard Bards are practically non existant. both due to the Rogue.
lack of much magic, and the fact that somone becoming good Godbrand "Half Orc" Vampire with levels in barbarian.
enough at performance to channel it into magic seems almost Hector human Necromancer Wizard, with a warhammer
comical in the setting. Forge Master's Tool.
Cleric While it is possible for clerics to show up, you will Issac human Battlemaster Fighter, with a dagger Forge
be hard pressed to find a member of the church who would Master's tool and a whip reflavored as a scourge.
develop such powers through their faith, and not immediatly Trevor Vampire Hunter variant human fighter, with a whip
hide them for fear of being called a witch. or morning star, and shortsword.
Druid Druids appear, but are rare and usually do not leave Alucard Oath of damnation paladin daphmyr, with a
their forests for fear of prosecution. Dancing Sword.
Fighter Fighters are the most common class, with many Sypha Human Speaker mage. focus on evocation.
having trained in the armies or through other organizations. Lisa "Half orc" Barbarian ( Just kidding. she's a classless
Monk Monks might be something to the far east, but human.)
seeing one in Transylvania, or any other lands within the
normal scope of Castlevania, would be a very unusual sight.
Paladin being so determined on a goal one develops
powers is something very possible in the world, a few
Belmonts might have been paladins without realizing. Many
who develop magic might hide away for fear of prosecution.
Ranger the wild's of Transylvania are ripe for exploring,
and constantly plagued with horrors. Rangers would be
appreciated as guardians of the woods.
Rogue Rogues are of course common in a land such as
Transylvania, though very few act as thieves. The land not
offering much to steal outside of heavily fortified areas. Many
in fact find employ with corrupt public officials.
Sorcerer Sorcerers happen, but generally try hiding their
powers for fear of prosecution. This has obvious
concequences, especially if they never even attempted to
learn to control their powers.
Wizard Wizards are those who study the theory of magic,
and place it to practical use. Many who follow this path
Actively live as nomads and pretend to be scholars, hoping to
pass under the eye of the church by appearing to just be
knowledge seeking souls.
Warlock Warlocks are those who have truly given into the
darker side of the world, and made deals with some of the
horrifying monsters which exist within it. These are almost
evil in Castlevania just due to the physical and concious
nature of the beings one could make a deal with.

Races of Castlevania
While humans are the only race in Castlevania, one can
easily reflavor a wood elf, a half orc, or any other non magical
medium race as being a human. Only those of the Belmont,
and possibly other monster hunting vampire lines, are variant
Dracula Shapechanger If Dracula isn't in sun light or running
water, he can use his action to Polymorph into a bat
Medium Undead
Neutral Evil swarm, a winter wolf, or a Medium cloud of mist, or
back into his true form. While in bat form, Dracula
can't speak, his walking speed is 5 feet, and he has a
Armor Class 25 (Natural Armor) flying speed of 30 feet. his Statistics, other than its size
Hit Points 696(33d20 + 350) and speed, are unchanged. Anything he is wearing
Speed 40 feet. Flying 50 feet (hover). transforms with him, but nothing he is carrying does.
he reverts to his true form if he dies While in mist
form, Dracula can't take any actions, speak, or
manipulate Objects. he is weightless, has a flying
30 (+10) 25 (+7) 28 (+9) 30 (+10) 15 (+2) 20 (+10) speed of 20 feet, can hover, and can enter a hostile
creature's space and stop there. In addition, if air can
Skills Arcana +15, Athletics +12, Intimidation +15 pass through a space, the mist can do so without
Saving Throws Strength +15, Dexterity +10, squeezing, and he can't pass through water. he has
Intelligence +10 advantage on Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution
Condition Immunities Poisoned, exhausted, charmed, Saving Throws, and he is immune to all nonmagical
frightened. damage.
Damage vuneralbilities physic. Regeneration So long as Dracula has at least 1 hit point,
Damage resistances piercing, slashing, and bludgeoning he regenerates 50 health at the start of his turn.
damage from magical sources; lightning, force, and
thunder. Spide climb Dracula can climb difficult surfaces,
damage immunities Piercing, Slashing, and bludgeoning including upside down on ceilings, without needing to
damage from non magical sources; poison, cold, make an ability check.
necrotic. Old Weakness If Dracula's heart is pierced with a
Senses Passive perception 15, Darkvision 300 feet, piercing weapon made of wood, while he is
True sight 20 feet incapacitated or unconcious, he takes 50 Necrotic
Languages Common, Elvish, Dwarven, Orcish, Giant, damage, and another 50 on the start of every one his
Abyssal, Infernal, Primordial. turns the stake remains in place. While staked Dracula
Challenge 30 (155,000 XP) can not use his actions, bonus actions, or regenerate
health. He loses all damage immunities and resistances
Legendary resistance (3/day) if Dracula fails a saving while staked.
throw, he can choose to succeed it instead
Innate Spellcasting Dracula can cast the following spells
innately. Multi attack Dracula may make 3 claw attacks, or
subsitute one of his claw attacks for a bite attack.
Fireball, Misty Step, control weather. (At Will)
Claw Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach 5ft., one
Summon Greater Demon (2/day)
target. Hit 28 (4d8 + 10) slashing damage. The target
Infernal Calling (2/day) must make a DC 15 constitution saving throw or take
Gate (2/day) an additional 17 (2d6+10) saving throw.
Project Image (1/day) bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5ft., one
target. Hit 26 (4d12). the target must make a DC 15
Delayed Blast Fireball (3/day) constitution saving throw or take an additional 24
Frightful Presence Each creature of Dracula's choice, (4d6+10) necrotic damage.
within 60 feet of him and aware of his presence, must
succeed on a DC18 wisdom saving throw or become Legendary Actions
frightened of him for 1 minute. The creature may Dracula has 5 Legendary Actions, choosing from the
repeat this saving throw at the end of each of their actions below. Only one legendary action option can be
turns, ending the effect on a successful saving throw. If chosen at a time, and only at the end of another
a creature succeeds against this saving throw they are creature's turn. Dracula regains spent legendary actions
immune to frightful presence from Dracula for 24 at the beginning of his turn.
Detect Dracula makes a Wisdom (perception) check.
God's Antithesis All fiends within 500 feet of Dracula
must suceed on a DC 20 wisdom saving throw, or Claw Dracula makes a Claw attack.
immediatly become charmed by him. Following his Bite Dracula makes a Bite attack.
orders without question so long they remain on the
same plane. Throw (Costs two actions). A creature within 5 feet of
Dracula must make a DC 20 dexterity saving throw, or
be thrown 15 feet in a direction of Dracula's choice.
Dracula is the first vampire according to some legends, 1d4+1 of Dracula's soldiers join the fight. These soldiers
though this is near impossible to prove and most vampires use the Vampire Spawn stat block, and are armed with
will object to the statement. Despite this, none can disagree longswords.
with the fact he is the most powerful vampire by far. Luckily
A thick mist fills a 30 foot radius area, which Dracula can
for mortals, Dracula generally holds no desire for conquering
see, until the next initiative count 20. This mist blinds all
the world. Well, anymore.
creatures within it.
Legend holds that once Dracula loved a mortal woman,
who was killed by an inquisition for witchcraft. In his rage The inner mechanisms of the castle begin shifting. All
Dracula called a swarm of demons and devils unlike no other creatures, other than Dracula, in the castle must succeed
onto the world, and was only stopped by the skins of on a DC 15 dexterity saving throw or be knocked prone.
mortality's teeth. However, death does not stop one as strong
as he was, and through unknown means Dracula returned.
Still mentally broken as he was at death. Now he stays in his Special lair actions
ever moving castle. Watching. Waiting for the time where he If Dracula is near the proper room or magic item in his
can come back out and finish cleansing the world, so he may castle, he can do any of the following actions over the course
die in the ashes he leaves behind, and once more be with his of a certain time.
When near a black mirror Dracula can open a portal to
anywhere on the material plane over the course of 3 turns,
Dracula's castle
using his actions, or open a portal to any one of the planes
Dracula's castle is an ever changing monstrousity, which over the course of an hour. This portal is maintained so
constantly changes to suit his needs. long as Dracula keeps his concentration.
The castle contains thousand of years of magical items,
arcane knowledge, and scientific research. The rooms When in the Teleportation mechanism control room
included always include a master bedroom, a teleportation Dracula can teleport the castle and all its inhabitants and
mechanism control room, an arcane labratory, a throne room contents to any point on the material plane over the
in the entrance hall, and a reading room. It also usually course of ten minutes.
contains feeding farms, dining rooms, and several dozen
When in his arcane research room he can cast any wizard
storage rooms, along with everything else that Dracula finds
spell of any level of 7th level or lower, as a ritual.
he needs.
Over the course of a week Dracula can magically change
the layout of his castle, so long as it remains structurally
stable, and make appear any common item he needs so long
as its value is less than 1000gp.

Lair effects
The area around Dracula's castle has the following effects:

Crows follow mortal travelers and crow constantly

wolves follow travelers constantly, but never attack.

blue auras appear around buried treasures.

all wildlilfe except the aformentioned two tend to migrate

far away, only coming back occassionally on the strange
howls of the wolves.

Celestial creatures must make a DC 15 wisdom saving

throw on the dusk of every night, or else be plagued with Credit: Castlevania (2017-2018)
nightmares stopping a good night's sleep.

Devils and demons appear within the area in 10 miles Dracula as an eventuality.
around the castle. Dracula can not be permanently killed. Legend has
it that if he is killed, beheaded, burned to ashes,
Dracula lair actions and a wish spell made upon the first dawn after his
death, he will stay dead. But this is just myth and
On initiative count 20 (losing ties) Dracula may take one of legend.
the following lair actions. He may not pick the same effect If his body is killed, Dracula comes back alive
two rounds in a row. 1D20X10 years later, his physical body and mind
restored to previous condition.
The rooms of Dracula's castle magically rearrange.
Making it to where a currently closed door (or space
through a wall) is now an entrance to a room of his choice.
This turkey randomly appears in the stone foundations of
magic items buildings. consumption of it takes an action, and heals 2d4+1
Some magic items found within the world of Castlevania

The Morning Star Consecrated Whip

weapon (whip), rare.
weapon (flail), very rare.
This whip has been consecrated in a church, by a priest
The ancestral weapon of the Belmonts, the Morning Star is
holding that fire of true and absolute faith. It becomes a +2
a special flail that was crafted for the specific reason of
weapon against most creatures; however, when fiends and
hunting Dracula and other vampires. The weapon counts as a
undead are hit by the whip they must succeed on a DC
normal flail against most creatures, but against undead deals
10+your charisma modifier+your proficientcy bonus
an additional 1d12 radiant damage. Additionally, the wielder
constitution saving throw, or take an additional 1D6 radiant
can choose to attack with disadvantage using their bonus
action, and increae the reach of the morning star to 20 feet.
When an undead creature is killed by the Morning star, the
creature explodes in a 10 foot radius, dealing 4d8 radiant
damage to all undead in the radius. Creature's killed by this
explosion do not cause new explosions.
Credit: Castlevania (2017-2018)

Forge Master's tool

weapon (any), rare.
A weapon made by alchemists for the purpose of
transfering the souls of demons into the bodies of medium
humanoids. This process takes a minute, and requires a DC
15 arcana check. The creature created is generally a barbed
devil, or a bone devil if the check is passed by 5 or more. The
user of this weapon can only directly control a number of
barbed devils equal to their intelligence modifier, with bone
devils counting as 2 barbed devils, with any further creatures
created falling under the control of a creature they see as the
most powerful creature in the area, or acting on their own if
no such creature exists. Use of an anti magic field on the
creature causes it to die from the demon being forced out the
body, and breaking of the weapon results in complete
freedom to all controled creatures.

Looking Glass
Magic Item, rare.
These mirrors come in two forms: one way, and two way.
A one way Looking glass allows for the looking of
particular objects and people. When using to find an object,
one merely needs to know the general idea of what they are
looking for, and make a DC 15 Arcane check in order to see
the object. If the user wishes to see a creature, the creature
may make a DC 15 wisdom saving throw, so long as the
creature has some form of spell casting. If the creature has
no spell casting ability, they automatically fail the saving
throw. On a failed saving throw the user sees and hears the
creature, as if using Scry
A two way looking glass works similarly, but any creature
with their own looking glass can make a DC 10 arcana check
to look and hear through the two way glass. This can be used
for long distance communication, or spying on foolish
collectors of the arcane.

Wall Turkey
Common magic item
Shapechange When the Dhampir reaches 4th level they may
Dhampir Race use their action to polymorph into a swarm of bats or a wolf.
When they reach 10th level they may additionally become a
Vampires often hold few emotions past hatred and pain.
winter wolf (See Monster Manual). You may use this feature a
However, some rise above these instictual ideas and come to
number of times equal to your wisdom modifier (miminum 1),
love, or even cherish others. From these unions a half
before you must take a long rest.
vampire may be produced, a Dhampir, who finds themselves
in a place between worlds. While it is possible for these to be
produced from other, darker, means, but most vampires tend
to kill humans before such things can happen.

Dhampir traits
Make the following adjustments when playing a Dhampir:
Ability Score Improvement Damphyr are tough and fast.
+2 constitution, +1 dexterity
Age Dhampir age faster than their mortal parents,
reaching physical and mental maturity in half the time of
their mortal parent's race, after which they stop aging.
Average Height Dhampir tend to have a height a few
inches above the average of their mortal parent's race.
Average Weight Dhampir tend to be on the heavier side of
their mortal parent's race, but hold the appearence of being
very thin and muscular. The density of muscle is much higher
in these creatures.
Bite as an action you can make a bite attack with your
fangs. doing so does 1d4+strength necrotic damage, and you
regain an amount of HP equal to the damage dealt. The
target's maximum health is decreased by the damae done
until they finish a long rest.
Claws your nails are unnaturally strong and pointed. Your
unarmed attacks deal 1d4+strength modifier slashing
Languages Dhampir often learn languages from their
vampire parent's libraries; however, only those more Credit: Castlevania (2017-2018)
scholarly ones will remember more than the basics. You can
speak, read, and write common and one other language of
your choice.
Size dhampir are medium creatures generally, though
some may be small.
Sleep of the Dead If you suffer from a disease, horrible
injury, or have any of your scores lowered permanently, you
may choose to sleep in a coffin for any amount of time. The
damage done is healed after a week of this sleep, but you can
not wake yourself up from this slumber so long as the coffin
remains sealed. Instead someone or something must open
the coffin for you.
Vampire Hunter (Fighter I Kill Monsters!
When you reach 18th level you have fought enough undead
Subclass) for it to have changed you physically. The constant bloodshed
A shadowed figure attacks from the ally, aiming to rip the of undead creatures around you has made you resistant to
throat out of the lone warrior walking it. Dashing to the side, necrotic damage.
the warrior draws a whip from his side and swings it at the
figure's throat. In a flash of radiant energy, the figure turns to
fire and burns with an ear splitting howl.
"Good riddance," the warrior growls out. Stumbling into an
inn to celebrate his success.
Vampire hunters are those fighters who have specialized in
fighting the undead, and othWer creatures of evil energy.
Often they have been trained from a young age, or have had
horrid experiances with such creatures in the past. There not
always being vampires and undead to kill, some vampire
hunters work as mercenaries and thugs between jobs, where
they are often known as "terrifiers" on the battlefield. This
title is because of the brutal and unpredictable combat that Credit: Castlevania 2017-2018
many vampire hunters use even against humans.

Light to the Darkness Oath of Damnation

Starting at 3rd level, when ever you hit a creature with an (Paladin Subclass)
attack you are proficient in, you deal an extra amount of The paladin stood in the castle entrance hall, staring down
Radiant damage based on your level, as shown on the table the lich in front of him as he drew his sword.
below. "It's over, brother," he finally said, "The people who killed
Level Damage die our mother were your first victims. The others did nothing
against you."
3rd 1D4 "It'll never be over," the lich croaked out, preparing the fire
12th 1D6 ball in his hands, "why should I let this kingdom live, when it
let thugs like those live!"
18th 1D8
For a moment the paladin didn't answer, tears staining his
cheeks as he rose the sword in front of him, "for mother."
Know your enemy Paladins of Redemption and paladins of damnation both
At 3rd level, as an action, you can observe a creature and start from the same place most times, but the difference is in
produce the effect of Detect Good and Evil, as if it were cast, the target of their emotions. Paladins of redemption believe
though this ability is not magical. that evil creatures can be redeemed to good, and be brought
up from evil. Paladins of damnation show up when there is
something they wish they could redeme, but know will never
Fearless accept it. A brother who turned to a lich, a lover who was
Starting at 7th level you become immune to being frightened. turned into a vampire, a father who was possessed by a
demon. What ever it was, the paladin feels there is no way to
Back off ever bring it back to the side of good, and that the kindest
thing would be to kill it before its evil can spread.
At 10th level you've learned to avoid sudden attacks. When a
creature comes within 5 feet of you, you may use your
reaction to move up to 10 feet in a direction of your choice. Tenants of Damnation
You do not trigger attacks of opportunity from the creature as a Paladin of Damnation you have the following tenants.
you are moving away from. Quench the source Your ultimate goal is to destroy the
thing that inspired you to follow this path. You must never let
Brutal finish the creature life if you have the option to kill it, unless it has
somehow come to the side of good.
Starting at 15th level, when you kill a creature, you may use
Intelligence Do not blindly attack the evil. This will only
your bonus action in order to make an example of it. Upon
lead to them letting more people become hurt. Always make
doing so all creatures in a 30 foot radius who can see you,
sure you have some plan and are properly prepared for
must make a DC 10+ your strength or dexterity
attacking an evil, unless not attacking now would cause
modifier+your proficientcy bonus, or else become frightened
catastrophic damage.
of you.
Protection When coming across evils caused by the thing at 15th level you are constantly channeling magical energies
that lead you down this path, or some other evil you could into you. You act as though you are constantly under the
have stopped earlier, you must stay and help clean up the effects of Detect Good and Evil
immediate mess caused by it, unless doing so would be a
greater evil. Form of Damnation
Mourn the Dead even the evil should be mourned for the
At 20th level you can use your action to channel the will to
horrors they must have seen to become what they did. So
bring justice into the world into your pysical body, and gain
long as there is one redeeming factor in those you kill, no
the following benefits for 1 hour.
matter how small a humanising feature, you must include
their passage to a better place within your nightly prayers, or You gain a fly (hover) speed of 40 feet.
in cases of not following a God, within a hearty cheer at an
inn, or war cry against some greater evil. you become resistant to piercing, slashing, and
bludgeoning damage from non magical sources.
Oath spells All friendly creatures in a 30 foot radius of you may add
Paladin Level Spells your charisma modifier on their attack rolls.
3rd Bane, Cause Fear
5th Misty step, flame blade
9th Aura of Vitality, Blink
13th death ward, locate creature
17th Dawn, scrying

This oath and NPCS

This oath brings a semi powerful NPC into your game, which
might erk some DMs. Thus when making a character based
around this oath, one has a few options with how to handle
this NPC. Credit: Castlevania (2017-2018)
1. Have the foe your oath is based around be the BBEG of the
campaign you are in. working with the DM to write the
villain into your past.
Speaker Mage (Wizard
2. Have your character be trying to build up power and subclass)
resources until they are powerful enough to go after their The mob was charging with pitchforks and scythes,
true enemy. With the foe being in some distant land, or screaming for blood against the priest in the midsts. Running
place where they pose no immediate threat. for his life, he trips on the loose bricks of the streets and hits
3. Have you have already killed your foe, but still be living the ground. Blood hazing his vision as he watches his
approaching death.
with the grief of your actions and hope to be able to stop
Then the Old man appeared.
others from going down the same path.
Throwing back his blue hood, he held up his hands and
screamed out a challenge in some language the priest had
never heard, and with a chilling breeze a wall of ice appeared
Channel Divinity between the mob and their target. He was saved.
When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain the following The Speakers are an order of scholars, known for the
two Channel Divinity options. collection of knowledge and legends through oral tradition.
I Will Not Die When brought down to 0 hit points, but not Those wizards that do appear in their rank often learn to gain
killed outright, you may use your reaction to gain a number of magic through complex manipulation of the magical energies
temporary hit points equal to your level X 2. of the world.
No Further As an action, each creature of your choice in a
30 foot radius must make a Wisdom saving throw, or else be Scholarly habits
unable to approach any closer to you or a point of your choice At 2nd level you choose a school of magic. When adding your
for 1 minute. two free spells to your spellbook this level, you gain a third
spell of the school of magic chosen. You internalize this spell
Aura of Determination into your memory. It can never be forgotten, except through
at 7th level you become determined to end each fight as fast magic, and can prepare it normally when choosing spells,
as possible. You, and all friendly creatures within 10 feet of even if you do not have a spell book on you. On even
you, gain advantage on all initiative rolls. At 18th level the numbered levels you gain another free spell of that spell
range of this aura increases to 30 feet. school.

Sense the Fallen

Abjuration As an action you may channel protective magic
Reserved energy around your allies. Choose a damage type: Cold, fire, Force,
Starting at 2nd level, whenever rolling damage for a spell, you poison, Thunder, lightning, Acid, necrotic. For the next ten
may choose to reroll a number of dice equal to double your minutes all friendly creatures in a 30 foot radius of you are
Intelligence modifier. You do not need to reroll all these dice resistant to the chosen damage type. Once you use this
on one spell, and could roll these dice over multiple spells. feature you can not use it again until you finish a long rest.
Once you use this ability you can not use it again until you Transmutation As a ritual lasting two weeks, costing 5000
finish a short or long rest. GP in materials, you may imbue a weapon or armor with
magical energies. At the end of the ritual it counts as a +1
Broad Research weapon or armor. You may repeat this ritual on the weapon
or armor, over the course of four weeks and with 10,000 GP
At 6th level you become more focused in your studies, and
in materials to make it a +2 weapon or armor. At this point
even have learned the basics of a another school's abilities.
most weapons and armor can not be upgraded further,
Choose another wizard subclass. You gain the second level
though a weapon or armor that had been tempered in the
abilities of that subclass.
blood of a fiend of CR 10 or higher may be made +3 over the
course of a year, using 100,000 gp in materials.
Channeled magic.
at 14th level choose a spell school. You gain the associated
benefit, as shown below.
Evocation As an action you may choose a damage type:
Acid, cold, fire, force, thunder, lightning. When using this
ability 6 spikes of the chosen damage type appear around
you.. When attacked you may, destroy one of these spikes to
impose disadvantage on the attack. Additionally, as a bonus
action, you may launch one at a target. Doing so is a Spell
casting attack roll, has a range of 30 feet, and deals 1d8+
Intelligence modifier of the damage type chosen.. once you
use this feature you can not use it again until you finish a long
rest. Credit: Castlevania (2017-2018)
Enchantment Choose a humanoid race. Creatures
attempting to resist your enchantment spells of that race roll
with disadvantage.
Illusion When casting an illusion spell, you may use a spell
slot of equal or higher level as the spell cast (miminum 1) in
order to forgo verbal, somatic, and material elements, so long
as the spell does no damage.
Necromancy Choose bludgeoning, Piercing, or slashing
damage. Undead creatures you raise are resistant to damage
of that type from non magical sources.
Conjuration As an action you may conjure a tiny beast.
This beast must be CR 0, but speaks all the languages you do,
follows your orders, and has an intelligence of 10. This
creature remains in this state for 24 hours, after which point
its intelligence drops back down to what ever the normal is
for their race, they lose all languages, and they are no longer
under your control. You may, as a free action, dispel this affect
and end it early. You must finish a short or long rest before
using this again, and may only have one beast under your
control at a time through this method.
Divination Speaker's hold many legends, which come from
divination wizards in their rank reading information from the
future. Over the course of a long rest you may study this
information as it passes through your time frame. After which
you learn one helpful peice of advice, based on something
you wanted to know. This will usually be very vague
information, and usually only offer a basic place and idea of
what is there. Asking for a way to kill a specific demon might
only say to "look under the city of X". However, this
information will always be truthful. Once you use this feature
you can not use it again for a week.

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