Article 4 - Muscles - Worksheet
Article 4 - Muscles - Worksheet
Article 4 - Muscles - Worksheet
ARTICLE 4 - Muscles
Comprehension Questions
1. According to the text, what keeps your body going?
2. The author divides the text into sections with subheadings. What does the author
describe in the section with the subheading "Muscles: A Lot of Work!"?
3. Muscles can be injured if you don't take proper care of them. What evidence from the
text supports this statement?
B "The body’s largest muscle is the gluteus maximus muscle in the buttocks."
D "This happened to Anita R., a 10-year-old soccer player from New York City."
4. What is an example from the text of a way that people can strengthen muscles and
prevent injuries?
C making the same hand and wrist motions again and again
FND102/Extensive Reading
A Muscles keep our body going as long as we take proper care of them.
B Sprains and strains keep our body moving as long as we keep getting them.
C Vessels keep our bodies moving as long as we keep taking care of them.
“When you aren’t active, muscles can get weak and shrink. Use them or lose them!”
What does the phrase "use them or lose them" mean in this excerpt?
A If you weaken and shrink your muscles, you can exercise and stay active.
B If you don't exercise your muscles and stay active, they will become too weak or too small to
C If you exercise your muscles and stay active, you will lose them and not be able to find them.
D If you don't weaken and shrink your muscles, you will lose them and not be able to find them.
To avoid hurting your muscles, warm them up before exercising, says David Waymann,
or jog in place for at least five minutes to get blood to your muscles.
A Earlier
B In contrast
C However
D For example
FND102/Extensive Reading
8. Give two examples of how we can take proper care of our muscles. Support your answer
with evidence from the text.
Warm them up before exercising. Walk or jog in place for at least five
minutes to get blood to your muscles. According to David Waymann,an
exercise physiologist at the University of Michigan Health System.
After exercising, cool down by walking slowly. Finally, stretch for a
few minutes to keep joints and muscles from getting stiff. According to
Waymann says “Don’t use stretching as a substitute for a warm-up,".
9. Give two examples of the kinds of injuries you might feel if you don't take proper care
of your muscles. Support your answer with evidence from the text.
10. Why might it be especially important for active people to take care of their muscles?
Because those people may get Sprains, if they trip or fall and strains if
they pick up something heavy. One-third of all sports injuries are