(SS) All Economics by Shyam Sunder Sir CD
(SS) All Economics by Shyam Sunder Sir CD
(SS) All Economics by Shyam Sunder Sir CD
(SS) ECONOMICS SHYAM SUNDER SIR real national Income (not nominal) as real NI
adjusts nominal NI for inflation
SOURCES NI Deflator= {Nominal NI ÷ real NI} = measure of
Class notes Budget Inflation
Yellow books Current events
Economy survey NCERT
they use it for wages for workers
{ 0.8 × (H/2) } now wages get deposited in some
different measures of money
other banks where workers have bank accounts
suppose bank”B” Four types given by RBI
Workers divide their wages 1. M◦ or reserve money = {currency in
a) withdrawn as currency { 0.8 × (H/4)} circulation + bank’s deposit with RBI + other
b) left as demand draft { 0.8 × (H/4)} deposits with RBI}
6. Bank’B’ has now { 0.8 × (H/4)} DD and it divides it into Reserve money is part of High powered
two parts and if rdr=0.2 money
a) Reserves { 0.16 × (H/4) } 2. M1 or narrow money = {currency with public
b) Loans to public { 0.64× (H/4) } + DD deposit with banks+ other deposits
NOTE:- this process continuous and if everyone has
with RBI}
bank account this process will be infinite
Total Money supply created in this example (M )
s 3. M2 = { M1 + Short-term time deposit of
M = H + { 0.8 × (H/2) }+ {0.8/2) H + - - - -
s 2 resident with banks }
H cannot be negative 4. M3 or broad money = { M2 + long-term time
So this { 0.8 × (H/2) }+ {0.8/2) H + - - - - } entire
2 deposit of resident with banks + all loans
part must be positive taken by banks from financial institutions
Therefore M > H
As we move from M1 to M3
So called as Money Multiplier process as money a) there is an increase in coverage of Money
supply created in multiple amounts of “H” supply
Money Multiplier = { M ÷ H } b) there is decrease of liquidity of money
It refers to the amount of money supply created supply
out of each rupee increase in High powered Money multiplier = {M3 /H } generally in India it
money (H) by the RBI
is used
Every depositor does not withdraw deposits looks into contribution of money supply not by
from banks simultaneously or at the same time banks but also by post-offices , NBFCs
three in number
If this condition fails or not true then there will
be no credit creation by banks and there will be a) L1
failure of money multiplier process called bank b) L2
Run (means banks fails to create credit ) c) L3
For investment loans needed and so money Read from yellow book
multiplier is very crucial for investment and NBFCS (NON-BANKING FINANCIAL
ultimately GDP growth COMPANIES )
A. Companies with core business related to
MULTIPLIER:- providing financial services like giving loans
Affected by Factors effecting Cdr and rdr Similar to banks and most features are
1. Factors effecting Cdr comparable with banks
a) Number of bank accounts in economy:- B. Some types of loans giving NBFCs
If it increase cdr decrease and money 1. Asset finance companies :- give loans to buy
multiplier (MM) increases assets (moveable assets ) like automobiles ,
Bank accounts↑= cdr↓= DD↑= credit tractors
creation↑=MM↑ E.g Mahindra finance Ltd, Bajaj finance ltd
b) Change in banking habits of public 2. Housing finance companies
Digital transactions↑= withdrawal↓ = cdr↓ 3. Gold loans companies :- gold as security
= MM↑ they provide loans e.g Muthoot finance Ltd
So when cdr is effected mark the answer 4. Micro-Finance Institutions (MFIs)
Provide microfinance based credit
Smaller amounts of credits are given to SHGs
Often at lower interest rates on amount of Also called easy or cheap money policy
Another measure of income-inequality
This is a ration calculated from two areas.
The Gini coefficient is based on the comparison of
cumulative proportions of the population against
cumulative proportions of income they receive, and it
ranges (0-1) between 0 in the case of perfect
equality and 1 in the case of perfect inequality.
𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐚 𝐛𝐞𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐋 𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐯𝐞 &
G.C =
𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐚 𝐨𝐟 𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐟 𝐬𝐪𝐚𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐡 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐋 𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐬 𝐥𝐢𝐞
and was not changed since 1973-74
By uniform here means keeping urban C-
As rural HHs increased
as rural basked was
shifted in calculation
basket same or constant, committee just 2011-12 22% (approx) 29.5%
said that rural C-basket was to be updated (note) As official data Not accepted but
to urban level. {a temporary solution till now on poverty line recommended
As poverty line definition
admitted also by Tendulkar} now became much more
Once this recommendation implemented, complicated and
consumptions basked also
the “poverty ratio will increase” {important}
2) India should move beyond “calorie-based
Quote this data in exam
Poverty Line”. Tendulkar committee poverty Note:- by tendulkar committee method the
line was based on “expenditure on minimum poverty is declining significantly (37% to 22%,
calorie + minimum expenditure on education & fastest decline officially recorded) and some of
health {First time in India} the reasons of this fast decline are
THE PRINCIPLES OF WTO member can give A-box subsidy without reducing
till a level it reaches and this level is named as
1. FREE TRADE:- “De-minimis Level”
Trade without barriers (tariff + non-tariff) De minimis level is decided as
2. FARE TRADE:- a) 5% of agricultural GDP for developed
Means removing unfair trade practicing like countries
a) Dumping is an unfair trade practicing b) 10% of agricultural GDP for developing
b) Export subsidies:- the subsidies given by govt to countries
producers with the goal of increasing exports are Reduction will be needed for a WTO member if
also considered as unfair this level is crossed or increased
Market access in WTO refers to the Lower tariffs a) WTO & Indian Agriculture
(basically same as Free Trade Agreement) b) Food security issue in WTO
2. REDUCTION IN EXPORT SUBSIDIES 2011:- US criticised India for giving higher
An export subsidy reduces the price paid by foreign subsidies on Public stockholding of Food grains
importers, which means domestic consumers pay 2013:- India responded :- Bali Ministerial of WTO,
more than foreign consumers. The World Trade this response of India is called as “Food security
Organization (WTO) prohibits most subsidies directly issue in WTO”
linked to the volume of exports, except for LDCs So in 2013 India said that
3. REDUCTION IN DOMESTIC SUBSIDIES a) MSP related subsidies are given for food security
WTO says that These subsidies should be reduced if it b) The Amber box subsidies are still below De-
directly impacts production and therefore distorts minimis level (despite such policies)
trade c) India also pointed out that there are limitations
Understand by this example:- in Subsidy calculation Formula in WTO
Suppose that with Rs 100 of cost of production and As MSP is referred as “External reference Price”
without any subsidy= 10kg of rice can be produced in by WTO and ERP is based on market price or
India. If the subsidy (like MSP) is given and the cost of prices during 1986-88 and India says how WTO
production is same , the production will increase , can compare its present MSP with so old Market
suppose production goes up to 15kg.
prices (which have been very low)
suppose with same 100Rs of cost of production and
In 2013 director general of WTO offered India
without subsidy 12 kg of the same variety of rice can
be produced in Bangladesh “Peace Clause” and under it India can continue
Now WTO will have a problem with Indian subsidy , as its subsidies till 2017, Indian rejected the peace
now Indian farmer becomes competitor of Bangladesh clause and says we should not be given any
and distorts trade timeline as because India says it provides these
Under WTO there are basically two types of subsidies for food security. Finally India was
Domestic agricultural subsidies allowed in WTO to continue its MSP policy even
a) Green Box Subsidies:- includes non-trade if we cross de minimis level.
distorting subsidies as it doesn’t have direct From 2013 till 2022 we have geneva ministerial
impact on production. Examples like subsidies of WTO , In food security issue India has only one
given on agriculture research, infrastructure, demand that India demands a permanent
environmental development programmes, solution to Food security issue. In permanent
Decoupled payments etc. therefore there is no solution India has two demands
need to reduce these subsidies by any WTO a) Make MSP a green box subsidy
Member b) MSP subsidy formula should be changed
Decoupled payments are:-payments made by (means ERP should be based on recent
govt to the farmers irrespective of their market prices)
production. These are mostly popular in INTERNET ADDITION ON WTO
European Union countries . in India, any type of The World Trade Organization (WTO) is the only global
direct income support to farmers like PM-KISAN international organization dealing with the rules of trade
are considered as decoupled payments. between nations. At its heart are the WTO agreements,
negotiated and signed by the bulk of the world’s trading
nations and ratified in their parliaments. (ITO), which they envisioned as the third leg of the
The WTO has 164 members (including European Union) and system.
23 observer governments (like Iran, Iraq, Bhutan, Libya etc). In Havana in 1948, the UN Conference on Trade and
WHAT ARE THE GOALS OF WTO? Employment concluded a draft charter for the
ITO, known as the Havana Charter, which would have
The WTO’s global system lowers trade barriers through
created extensive rules governing trade, investment,
negotiation and operates under the principle of non-
services, and business and employment practices.
The Havana Charter never entered into force,
The result is reduced costs of production (because
primarily because the U.S. Senate failed to ratify
imports used in production are cheaper), reduced
it. As a result, the ITO was stillborn.
prices of finished goods and services, more choice and
Meanwhile, an agreement as the GATT signed by 23
ultimately a lower cost of living.
countries in Geneva in 1947 came into force on Jan 1,
The WTO’s system deals with these in two ways.
1948 with the following purposes:
One is by talking: countries negotiate rules that are
to phase out the use of import quotas
acceptable to all.
and to reduce tariffs on merchandise trade,
The other is by settling disputes about whether
The GATT became the only multilateral instrument (not an
countries are playing by those agreed rules.
institution) governing international trade from 1948 until
The WTO can stimulate economic growth and employment.
the WTO was established in 1995.
The WTO can cut the cost of doing business internationally.
Despite its institutional deficiencies, the GATT managed to
The WTO can encourage good governance. Transparency —
function as a de facto international
shared information and knowledge — levels the playing
organization, sponsoring eight rounds (A round is a series
of multilateral negotiations) of multilateral trade
Rules reduce arbitrariness and opportunities for
So, the GATT became the only multilateral instrument
The WTO can help countries develop: Underlying the
governing international trade from 1948 until the WTO was
WTO’s trading system is the fact that more open trade can
established in 1995.
boost economic growth and help countries develop.
The Uruguay Round, conducted from 1987 to
In that sense, commerce and development are good
1994, culminated in the Marrakesh Agreement, which
for each other.
established the World Trade Organization (WTO).
In addition, the WTO agreements are full of provisions
The WTO incorporates the principles of the GATT and
that take into account the interests of developing
provides a more enduring institutional framework for
implementing and extending them.
The WTO can give the weak a stronger voice: Small
The GATT was concluded in 1947 and is now referred
countries would be weaker without the WTO. Differences
to as the GATT 1947. The GATT 1947 was terminated
in bargaining power are narrowed by agreed rules,
in 1996 and WTO integrated its provisions into GATT
consensus decision-making and coalition building.
Coalitions give developing countries a stronger voice in
The GATT 1994 is an international treaty binding
upon all WTO Members. It is only concerned with
The resulting agreements mean that all countries,
trade in goods.
including the most powerful, have to play by the rules.
The rule of law replaces might-makes-right. WHY WTO REPLACED THE GATT?
The WTO can support the environment and health: The The GATT was only a set of rules and multilateral
trade is nothing more than a means to an end. The WTO agreements and lacked institutional structure.
agreements try to make trade support the things we really The GATT 1947 was terminated and WTO preserved its
want, including a clean and safe environment, and to provisions in form of GATT 1994 and continues to
prevent governments using these objectives as an excuse govern trade in goods.
for introducing protectionist measures. The trade in services and intellectual property rights
The WTO can contribute to peace and stability: When the were not covered by regular GATT rules.
world economy is in turmoil, the multilateral trading The GATT provided for consultations and dispute
system can contribute to stability. resolution, allowing a GATT Party to invoke GATT dispute
Trade rules stabilize the world economy by discouraging settlement articles if it believes that another Party’s
sharp backward steps in policy and by making policy more measure caused it trade injury.
predictable. They deter protectionism and increase The GATT did not set out a dispute procedure with
certainty. They are confidence-builders. great specificity resulting in lack of deadlines, laxity in
HOW DID WTO CAME INTO BEING? the establishment of a dispute panel and the adoption
From the early days of the Silk Road to the creation of the of a panel report by the GATT Parties.
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) and the It made the GATT as a weak Dispute Settlement
birth of the WTO, trade has played an important role in mechanism.
supporting economic development and promoting peaceful WHAT ABOUT THE COOPERATION
relations among nations.
The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) traces BETWEEN THE WTO AND THE UN?
its origins to the 1944 Bretton Woods Conference, which Although the WTO is not a UN specialized agency, it has
laid the foundations for the post-World War II financial maintained strong relations with the UN and its agencies
system and established two key institutions, since its establishment.
the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World The WTO-UN relations are governed
Bank. by the “Arrangements for Effective Cooperation with
The conference delegates also recommended the other Intergovernmental Organizations-Relations between
establishment of a complementary institution to be the WTO and the United Nations” signed on 15 November
known as the International Trade Organization 1995.
The WTO Director General participates to the Chief Governing the Settlement of Disputes (DSU).
Executive Board which is the organ of coordination within The DSB shall appoint persons to serve on the Appellate
the UN system. Body for a four-year term.
WHAT IS THE STRUCTURE OF GOVERNANCE It is a standing body of seven persons that hears appeals
from reports issued by panels in disputes brought by WTO
OF WTO? Members.
a) Ministerial conference The Appellate Body can uphold, modify or reverse the
The topmost decision-making body of the WTO is the legal findings and conclusions of a panel, and Appellate
Ministerial Conference, which usually meets every two Body Reports, once adopted by the Dispute Settlement
years. Body (DSB), must be accepted by the parties to the dispute.
It brings together all members of the WTO, all of which are The Appellate Body has its seat in Geneva, Switzerland.
countries or customs unions.
The Ministerial Conference can take decisions on all
matters under any of the multilateral trade agreements. GOODS (GOODS COUNCIL)?
b) General council The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) covers
The General Council is the WTO’s highest-level decision- international trade in goods.
making body located in Geneva, meeting regularly to carry The workings of the GATT agreement are the
out the functions of the WTO. responsibility of the Council for Trade in Goods (Goods
It has representatives (usually ambassadors or Council) which is made up of representatives from all
equivalent) from all member governments and has WTO member countries.
the authority to act on behalf of the ministerial The Goods Council has following committees dealing with
conference which only meets about every two years. specific subjects: (1) Agriculture, (2) Market access, (3)
The General Council also meets, under different rules, as Sanitary and Phytosanitary (measures for the control of
The General Council, plant diseases especially in agricultural crops) Measures,
the Trade Policy Review Body, (4) Technical barriers to trade, (5) Subsidies and
and the Dispute Settlement Body (DSU) countervailing measures, (6) Rule of origin, (7) Anti-
Three councils, each handling a different broad areas of dumping measures, (8) Importing licensing, (9)Trade
trade, report to the General Council: related Investment Measures, (10) Safeguards, (11) Trade
The Council for Trade in Goods (Goods Council) facilitation, (12) Customs valuation.
The Council for Trade in Services (Services Council) These committees consist of all member countries.
The Council for Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual WHAT IS THE COUNCIL FOR TRADE IN
Property Rights (TRIPS Council)
As their names indicate, the three are responsible for SERVICES (SERVICES COUNCIL)?
the workings of the WTO agreements dealing with It operates under the guidance of the General Council and
their respective areas of trade. is responsible for facilitating the operation of the General
Again they consist of all WTO members. Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) and for furthering
c) Trade policy review body (tprb) its objectives.
It is open to all WTO members, and can create subsidiary
The WTO General Council meets as the TPRB to
bodies as required.
undertake trade policy reviews of Members under the
Presently, the Council oversees the work of four such
TPRM and to consider the Director-General's regular
subsidiary bodies:
reports on trade policy development.
the Committee on Trade in Financial Services:
In Feb 2021, Nigeria's Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala was appointed
It carries out discussions on matters relating to
as Director-General of the World Trade Organisation
trade in financial services and formulate
(WTO), the leading international trade body.
proposals or recommendations for consideration
Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala is the first African official and the
by the Council.
first woman to hold the position.
the Committee on Specific Commitments,
The TPRB is thus open to all WTO Members.
the Working Party on Domestic Regulation,
d) Dispute settlement body (dsu) and the Working Party on GATS Rules
The General Council convenes as the Dispute Settlement
Body (DSB) to deal with disputes between WTO members. WHAT IS THE COUNCIL FOR TRADE-
Such disputes may arise with respect to any agreement RELATED ASPECTS OF INTELLECTUAL
contained in the Final Act of the Uruguay Round that
is subject to the Understanding on Rules and Procedures PROPERTY RIGHTS (TRIPS COUNCIL)?
Governing the Settlement of Disputes (DSU). It monitors implementation of the Agreement on Trade-
The DSB has authority to: Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (the TRIPS
establish dispute settlement panels, Agreement).
refer matters to arbitration, It provides a forum in which WTO Members can consult on
adopt panel, Appellate Body and arbitration reports, intellectual property matters, and carries out the specific
maintain surveillance over the implementation of responsibilities assigned to the Council in the TRIPS
recommendations and rulings contained in such Agreement.
reports, The TRIPS Agreement:
and authorize suspension of concessions in the event sets the minimum standards of
of non-compliance with those recommendations and protection for copyrights and related
rulings. rights, trademarks, geographical indications (GIs),
e) Appellate body industrial designs, patents, integrated circuit layout
The Appellate Body was established in 1995 under Article designs, and undisclosed information.
17 of the Understanding on Rules and Procedures establishes minimum standards for the
enforcement of intellectual property rights (IPRs)
through civil actions for infringement, actions at the negotiations, initiated in January 2000 under Article
border, XIX of the General Agreement on Trade in
and at least in regard to copyright Services (GATS), and the large number of proposals
piracy and trademark counterfeiting, in criminal submitted by members on a wide range of sectors and
actions. several horizontal issues, as well as on movement of
The Market access for non-agricultural
TILL NOW? The negotiations shall take fully into account the special
The first Ministerial Conference (i.e. MC1) was held in needs and interests of developing and least-developed
Singapore in 1996 and the last one (MC11) was organised in country participants, including through less than full
Buenos Aires in 2017. All these MCs have evolved prevailing reciprocity in reduction commitments, in accordance with
current global trading system. the relevant provisions of Article XXVIII bis of GATT 1994.
Singapore, 9-13 December 1996 (MC1) Transparency in government procurement:
Trade, foreign, finance and agriculture Ministers from more Recognizing the case for a multilateral agreement on
than 120 World Trade Organization Member governments transparency in government procurement and the need
and from those in the process of acceding to the WTO for enhanced technical assistance and capacity building in
participated. this area, it agreed that negotiations would take place on
The following four issues termed as the Singapore the basis of a decision to be taken, by explicit consensus.
issues were first brought up on which the multilateral body Cancún, Mexico 10-14 September 2003
could initiate negotiations:
trade and investment (MC5)
trade facilitation The main task was to take stock of progress in negotiations
transparency in government procurement and other work under the Doha Development Agenda.
trade and competition Hong Kong, 13-18 December 2005 (MC6)
Geneva, Switzerland 18-20 May 1998 (MC2) The WTO member economies aimed to reach a preliminary
The Ministerial Declaration included following work agreement on liberalization of farm trade by reducing
programmes: subsidies, and address other issues at meeting, aiming for a
the issues, including those brought forward by successful conclusion of the Doha Round in 2006.
Members, relating to implementation of existing After an intense talk, WTO Members have
agreements and decisions, produced an interim package for the Doha Round
the future work already provided for under other negotiation:
existing agreements and decisions taken at the deadlines for the elimination of agricultural export
Marrakesh, subsidies (2013) and cotton export subsidies (2006),
possible future work on the basis of the work and also mandates that duty and quota-free
programme initiated at Singapore, access for at least 97% of products originating from
Priority areas for the next round of comprehensive the least developed countries (LDCs) be provided by
negotiations on agriculture include Market access, 2008.
Export subsidies etc. Regarding non-agricultural market access (NAMA),
Members adopted the "Swiss formula" mandating
Seattle, USA November 30 – December 3, greater cuts in higher tariffs, and decided that
1999 (MC3) modalities for tariff reduction be established by April
There were two major issues, 30, 2006.
first, whether to start a new comprehensive round of The Swiss Formula (by the Swiss Delegation to
negotiations such as the Uruguay Round or confine the WTO) is a suggested method for reducing
negotiations to the so-called "built in agenda" tariff on non-agricultural goods (NAMA) by both
of agriculture and services mandated at the last developed and developing countries.
Ministerial. It makes different coefficients for developed and
Secondly, what should the negotiations encompass, developing countries.
more specifically what should be included in the Here, tariff-cuts are supposed to be undertaken
agenda of the meeting. such that it cuts higher tariffs more steeply than
The meeting was unable to resolve both issues, and ended it cuts lower tariffs.
in stalemate. This meeting could have been the final step of the Doha
The deliberations were suspended without agreement on a trade talks launched in 2001.
new round of negotiations and without agreement on a Geneva, Switzerland 30 November - 2
ministerial declaration.
December 2009 (MC7)
Doha, Qatar 9-13 November 2001 (MC4) The theme of the Conference is “The WTO, the Multilateral
Agriculture: The special and differential treatment for Trading System and the Current Global Economic
developing countries shall be an integral part of all Environment”.
elements of the negotiations to enable developing Unlike previous Conferences, this meeting was not a Doha
countries to effectively take account of their development Round negotiating session, but rather a chance for
needs, including food security and rural development. Ministers to reflect on all elements of WTO's work,
Services: The negotiations on trade in services shall be exchange ideas and extend guidance on the best way
conducted with a view to promoting the economic growth forward in the years to come.
of all trading partners and the development of developing
and least-developed countries. Geneva, Switzerland 15-17 December 2011
It recognizes the work already undertaken in the (MC8)