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Rational approach for design of cascade aerator



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Thakre, C.S., and M.N. Hedaoo. 2019. “Rational Approach for Design of Cascade Aerator”. figshare.

26th WEDC Conference Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2000

Rational approach for design of Cascade aerator
C.S. Thakre and M.N. Hedaoo, India

THE TERM AERATION in Water Treatment practices is

applied to that process in which water is brought into
intimate contact with air. In the present day practice,
aeration finds wide application to improve the physical and
chemical characteristics of water for its domestic, commer-
cial and industrial use. Cascade aerators are the most
widely used aerators in the water treatment practices.
Many varieties of cascade aerators are in use.
Pilot plant studies are often desirable in connection with
an engineering analysis of the applicability of aeration
process to water treatment problems. Results of few pilot
plant runs, using relatively simple equipment, may if prop-
erly analyzed, provide useful aerator design criteria. Figure 1. Sectional view of Cascade aerator
The literature on design practice of aerator reveals that
systematic studies to rationalize the design of this unit have
not been made. At present the design of cascade aerator is Observations
carried out purely on empirical basis. The design of cascade
aerator is usually carried out on the basis of 0.015 to 0.045 Time of Exposure in aeration system
sq.m of plan area per cum/ hour of flow . It does not speak The time of exposure in the aeration system is the time
of any oxygen transfer requirements of water treatment taken by water to flow from the upstream to downstream
plant. positions of the system. For this purpose a graphs have been
The paper presents the rational approach for cascade plotted using the data collected doing the tracer studies
aerator design based on oxygen addition on the basis of undertaken at Wena water works. The nature of sponding
actual plant studies conducted at three different water to any desired flow through the system.
works having 100 MLD, 30MLD & 20 MLD capacity.
The present paper highlights the data and the results
obtained during the study conducted at Wena water works,
Nagpur of 30 MLD capacity.

In general the Methodology for determination of oxygena-
tion capacity of cascade aerator consists of assessment of
dissolved oxygen at various positions of the aerator using
modified winkler’s method as per standard methods. An
assessment of time of exposure is separately carried out by
using tracer studies with respect to flow.
The performance of cascade aerator would certainly
depend on the time of exposure. In a practical system
however, this exposure time may be significantly different
than the theoretical values. The conventional methods of
estimation of residence time can not be used, since the
magnitude of the time is only a few seconds. Tracer studies
have been conducted to assess the actual exposure time at
Wena water works, Nagpur by using equipment of high
Sectional view of the cascade aerators along with the Figure 2. Variation of time of travel with flow
sampling position is presented in Figure. 1.


It also reveals that as the flow through cascade aerator By taking clue from correlation for Oco v/s AP or AT
increases, the time of exposure decreases for all positions. for a typical result, an attempt is made to correlate the
This is evident from the converging nature of the curve. entire data for Oco v/s AP and Oco v/s AT. The variation of
During the study, it was also observed that the actual oxygenation capacity (Oco) with plan area (AP) and total
time of exposure at the plant is significantly higher than the area (AT) is presented in Figure-3.
theoretical time of exposure. The line of best fit using least square method is also
depicted in figure 3 for the entire data collected.
Dissolved oxygen changes through the
The data presented in table 1 indicates that as the tempera-
The data collected during the studies regarding D.O. values
ture increases, there is increase in dissolved oxygen addi-
has been classified to observe the oxygen level changes with
tion . Similarly the dissolved oxygen increase in cascade
reference to temperature ranges of 20-24; 24-28 and 28-32
aerator is inversly proporional to the flow.
C. and flow ranges of 4.5- 6.5 and 6.5- 8.5 MGD for the
The increase in D.O. addition at higher temperature
system 1-6 and 1-7. The abstract of these observations for
may be attributed due to the increase in molecular diffusibilily
D.O. increase with flow and temperature is presented in
at higher temperature. The decrease in D.O. addition
Table- 1.
through cascade aerator with increase in flow may be due
to increase in thickness of liquid film and thus lesser area
Assessment of reaeration constant and exposed per unit volume of water at higher flow rate.
oxygenation capacity Figure 3 shows that Oco varies with AP or AT more
The assessment of Reaeration constant at 200C. (KLa20) or less linerarly at
and Oxygenation capacity at 200C. (Oco) has been carried least in the initial stages.The result of the computer
out by using computer model for the entire data collected analysis for the typical run also indicates that the correla-
during the study. The whole data is finally complied at the tion index is 0.928 for Oco v/s AP and 0.953 for
end of the program. The program also includes the deter- Oco v/s AT..The Figure 3 indicates that the relashionship
mination of standard deviation and 95% confidence limits. between Oco and AP or
AT can be expressed by the following equations.
Correlation of data • Oco= 0.19676 AP +0.5180
It is observed that it is not possible to satisfactorily correlate • Oco = 0.1123 AT + 1.786
the entire data between KLa20 and AP or AT.This fact is also This study indicates that the correlation index for Oco
substantiated by the low correlation index (0.444 for KLa20 with respect to AP or AT is quite high. It may further be seen
v/s AP and0.405 for KLa20 v/s AT ). The systemwise variation that the data of Oco with respect to AT orrelates slightly
of KLa20 with respect to AP or AT indicates that the KLa20 better than AP. The total area expose may therefore serve
value is vary specific with respect to a particular system. better for design of cascade aerator than only the plan area.

The following conclusions can be drawn from the study.
• As the flow through the cascade aerator increases, the
time of exposure decreases for all position. This is evident
from the converging nature of the curves.
• The actual time of exposure at the plant is significantly
higher than theoretical time of exposure.
• Other factors being constant, the D.O added to the water
by cascade aerator increases as the temperature in
• D.O. addition to the water by cascade aerator is inversly
proportional to flow of water.
• Satisfactory correlation can be shown between Oco and
AP or AT
• The total area of cascade aerator may serve better as
design parameter in place of only the plan area.
• The relationship between the Oco an the total area of
cascade aerator may serve more rationally as the basis of
design of cascade aerator, compaired to the present
practice of empirical design.
Figure 3. Sectional view of Cascade aerator • Further studies on cascade aerator at different water
works with reference to surface roughness may be


Table 1. Abstract of data for D.O. Increase with flow and temperature

* **
systems Flow Temp Average SX P1 P2
Range in Range in D.O.
C increase 95% confidence limits

1-6 4.5-6.5 20-24 - - - -

(5.230) 24-28 - - - -
28-32 1.2134 0.06614 1.14726 1.27954
6.5-8.5 20-24
(7.855) 24-28
28-32 1.1674 0.06155 1.10584 1.2289
1-7 4.5-6.5 20-24 - - - -
(5.85) 24-28 0.9012 0.1800 0.7212 1.0812
(5.48) 28-32 1.2366 0.1585 1.0789 1.39511
6.5-8.5 20-24 0.8551 0.3030 0.5520 1.1581
(8.338) *(23.1)
24-28 0.8809 0.09636 0.78454 0.97726
(8.44) *(25.915)
28-32 1.0243 0.09664 0.92766 1.1209
(8.04) *(28.86)

desirable for better understanding and developing Cascade Aerator Proceedings of Institute of Enginers
appropriate rational approach for design of cascade (India) Nagpur local centre page 29. (1982).
aerator. C.S. THAKRE et al, Variation of Dissolved Oxygen through
water treatment plant Journal of IWWA vol. XV no. 1
References (1983).
LANGELIER W.F., The theory and practice of Aeration,
Journal of AWWA, page 24-82 (Jan 1932). Abbreviations
SCOTT G. R., Committee Report, Aeration of water MLD - Million Litres per day
Journal of AWWA, 47: 873 (Sept 1955). MGD - Million gallons per day
FAIR, GEYER & OKUN, Water and Wastewater Engi- D,O. - Dissolved Oxygen, Kg/hr
neering, volume 2, John wiley & sons, Inc. New york, KLa20 - Reaeration constant at 200 C per Sec.
London, Sydney. Oco - Oxygenation capacity, Kg/hr
COX C.R, Operation & control of water treatment proc- Ap - Plan Area in sq. m.
esses WHO publication, monograph series no. 49 (1969). AT - Total area in sq. m.
ASCE, AWWA, CSSE, Water Treatment Plant Design,
American water works Association , Inc. New york, N.Y
C.S. Thakre and M.N. Hedaoo, India.
C.S. THAKRE et al, Determination of Exposure time in


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