1. The Capability Maturity Model (CMM) was developed by the Software Engineering
Institute at Carnegie Mellon, and is widely used by both the private and public sectors.
What is the purpose of the CMM framework and how does it achieve this?
The purpose of the Capability Maturity Model (CMM) framework is to help organizations
improve their software development processes by providing a structured approach to assess
their current maturity levels and implement best practices, leading to enhanced quality,
efficiency, and predictability in software development.
2. List the Five maturity levels, and briefly describe each of them.
- Processes are organic, erratic, and frequently disorderly. Success depends more on the
abilities and efforts of the individual than it does on defined procedures.
- Projects can be managed more consistently thanks to the establishment of
fundamental project management procedures. Processes inside the company are not
entirely uniform, though.
- Within the company, procedures are standardized, recorded, and integrated. A well-
defined collection of procedures that are adapted to certain projects exists.
- By employing statistical methods and measurements, processes are managed
quantitatively. To guarantee consistency and quality, processes are tracked and
- The emphasis is on continuous process improvement. Based on creative techniques and
quantitative feedback, organizations proactively look for ways to improve their
processes. To reach better performance levels, innovation and optimization are
3. What is the essential purpose of the sign phase? How does it accomplish tills? How are
technological solutions incorporated in this phase? What are some common synonyms for
this phase used by other methodologies? Who are the typical participants in tills phase?
What is agile modeling and what is its purpose? What are the deliverables coming out of
this phase? In terms of the development team, what critical transition takes place by the
end of this phase?
- In the CMM framework, the essential purpose of the "sign phase" is to establish clear project
objectives, assess feasibility, identify risks, and secure commitments from stakeholders before
initiating software development activities.
- The sign phase in the CMM framework accomplishes its objectives through thorough
planning, risk assessment, stakeholder engagement, and documentation to ensure alignment
with project goals and secure commitments before initiating software development activities.
- Technological solutions are incorporated in the sign phase through feasibility studies, proof of
concept demonstrations, technology selection, risk assessment, and resource planning.
- Some common synonyms for this phase used by other methodologies include initiation phase,
inception phase, project kickoff, pre-planning phase, and definition phase, all marking the
beginning stages of a project where objectives are defined, stakeholders are identified, and
initial planning activities occur.
- The typical participants in the "sign phase" or its equivalents in other methodologies include
project sponsors, stakeholders, project managers, business analysts, technical leads, and
sometimes representatives from relevant departments or teams such as finance, legal, and
human resources.
- Throughout the software development lifecycle, agile modeling is a practice that falls
within the agile software development approach. It places an emphasis on flexibility,
collaboration, and continuous improvement in the modeling and design processes.
Agile modeling aims to streamline the modeling and design processes in order to
produce high-quality software products quickly. It also fosters collaboration among
team members and facilitates effective communication.
- After the sign phase, deliverables usually include of a project charter, scope
statement, preliminary project plan, paperwork related to the risk assessment, and
agreements with stakeholders.
- By the end of this phase, the development team transitions from planning and analysis
to the execution phase of the project.
4. The requirements analysis phase is an essential pan of a system development
methodology. According to the FAST methodology, which stakeholders typically
participate in this phase? What is the primary focus of requirements analysis? What is not
the focus? How should ead1 proposed requlremei1t be evaluated? What critical error
must be avoided?
- Stakeholders including project sponsors, key users, business analysts, and project
managers usually take part in this phase of the FAST process.