Sea Guard List
Sea Guard List
Sea Guard List
Noble (1) • Noble: Sea Guard, Seed of Rebirth, Ruby Ring of Ruin, Battle Standard Bearer, Battle Banner, Full Plate
(213 pts) Armour, Shield
Model: Noble
Weapon: Hand Weapon
Armour: Full Plate Armour, Shield
Base: Base[1]
Magic Standards: Battle Banner
Enchanted Items: Ruby Ring of Ruin, Seed of Rebirth
Unit: Noble
Special Rule: Battle Standard Bearer, Ithilmar Weapons, Sea Guard, Strike First, Valour of Ages
Prince (1) • Prince: Sea Guard, Reaver Bow, Bedazzling Helm, General, Full Plate Armour, Halberd, Shield
(241 pts)
Model: Prince
Weapon: Halberd, Hand Weapon
Armour: Full Plate Armour, Shield
Base: Base[1]
Magic Weapons: Reaver Bow
Magic Armour: Bedazzling Helm
Unit: Prince
Special Rule: General, Ithilmar Weapons, Sea Guard, Strike First, Valour of Ages
Archmage 5 4 4 3 3 3 5 2 8
Noble 5 6 6 4 3 2 5 3 9
Prince 5 7 7 4 3 3 6 4 10
Sea Master 5 4 5 3 3 1 4 2 8
Skycutter[1] - - - 5 4 4 - - -
Skycutter[2] - - - 5 4 (+4) - - -
Swiftfeather Roc 2 5 - 4 - - 4 2 -
Weapon Description
Models whose troop type is ‘cavalry’, ‘monster’ or ‘chariot’ only. A cavalry spear’s Strength and Armour Piercing modifiers apply only during a turn in which the
wielder charged. A model wielding a cavalry spear cannot make a supporting attack during a turn in which it charged.
Unless specified otherwise, all models are assumed to be equipped with a hand weapon.
Shortbow 18" 3 -
Models whose troop type is ‘infantry’ only. A model wielding a thrusting spear cannot make a supporting attack during a turn in which it charged. During a turn
in which it was charged in its front arc, a model wielding a thrusting spear gains a +1 modifier to its Initiative against the charging unit(s).
Armour Value : 4+
Armour Value 4+
Light Armour
Armour Value 6+
A model that carries a shield improves its armour value by 1. For example, a model equipped with light armour has an armour value of 6+. Should that model
also carry a shield, its armour value would be improved by 1 by lowering the target number from 6+ to 5+.
Note that if a model uses a weapon that has the Requires Two Hands special rule in combat, it cannot also use a shield.
Base Base Size
Base[1] 25x25
Base[2] 60x100
Base[3] 25x50
Base[4] 50x50
Magic Standards
Battle Banner
When calculating its combat result, a unit carrying the Battle Banner may claim an additional of +D3 combat result points.
Razor Standard
A unit carrying the Razor Standard gains the Armour Bane (2) special rule.
Arcane Items
Silvery Wand
The bearer of the Silvery Wand knows one more spell (chosen in the normal way) than is normal for their Level of Wizardry.
In combat, a champion that is within the fighting rank fights as normal. Enemy models that are in base contact with a champion can direct attacks against that
champion if they wish. Champions can issue and accept challenges in the same manner as a character.
“Onwards To Victory!” If, once the combat result has been calculated, both sides have the exact same number of points each, the side that has a musician in
the front rank of one or more of its units may claim a bonus of +1 combat result point.
If, however, the opposing side has a musician also, the redoubled efforts (and almighty clamour) cancel each other out and neither side may claim this bonus.
Steadying Rhythm If a fleeing unit contains a musician, it may apply a +1 modifier to its Leadership characteristic whenever it attempts to rally, up to a
maximum of Leadership 10.
Quick Time Should a unit that contains a musician wish to march whilst within 8" of an enemy unit, it may apply a +1 modifier to its Leadership characteristic,
up to a maximum of Leadership 10, when making its Leadership test.
Musicians As Casualties If a musician model is slain, another rank and file model belonging to the same unit, but that is not a command group model, will
retrieve the fallen instrument and take their place. Therefore, a unit cannot lose its musician unless it, the standard bearer and the champion are the only
remaining models in the unit. This applies even if the musician is targeted by an attack that allows a specific model within a unit to be targeted, or finds
themselves lying underneath a template.
If the only other remaining models in a unit are the champion and standard bearer, the musician must be removed as a casualty before either.
Standard Bearer
If a unit includes a standard bearer, it may claim a bonus of +1 combat result point.
If a fleeing unit is run down by an enemy unit, or if a unit is destroyed in combat by an enemy unit, its standard is claimed as a trophy. Standards claimed in
this way are worth bonus Victory Points at the end of the battle. Once a standard has been lost in this way, it cannot be reclaimed.
Magic Weapons R S AP
Magical Attacks
The Reaver Bow counts as a Bow of Avelorn. The wielder of the Reaver Bow may make a number of shooting attacks equal to their Attacks characteristic,
rather than the usual one. This model does not suffer any modifiers for firing multiple shots.
Magic Armour
Bedazzling Helm
May be worn with other armour. The wearer of the Bedazzling Helm improves their armour value by 1 (to a maximum of 2+). In addition, any enemy model that
directs its attacks against the wearer during the Combat phase suffers a -1 modifier to its rolls To Hit.
Enchanted Items
The wielder of the Ruby Ring of Ruin can cast the Fireball spell from the lore of Battle Magic as Bound spell, with a Power Level 2.
Seed of Rebirth
The Seed of Rebirth gives its bearer the Regeneration (5+) special rule.
Armies often include a Battle Standard Bearer – a trusted warrior who holds aloft the General’s personal heraldry. A Battle Standard Bearer is a rallying point
for the army, from The Battlecan Standard which friendly soldiers take heart and draw strength.
Unlike normal standards, the Battle Standard is lost if the bearer is slain – other models cannot pick it up, even if they are in the same unit.
Combat Result Bonus: A Battle Standard grants a bonus of +1 combat result point. Unlike other standards, a Battle Standard grants this bonus even if another
standard is present.
If, by some unusual circumstance, there are two Battle Standards on the same side in the combat, you can only count the bonus for one.
“Hold Your Ground”: To represent the Battle Standard’s steadying presence, unless your Battle Standard Bearer is fleeing, friendly units within the Battle
Standard Bearer’s Command range may re-roll any failed Panic or Rally test. In addition, friendly units within the Battle Standard Bearer’s Command range
may re-roll the 2D6 when making a Break test. However, you must accept the result of the second roll, even if it is worse than the first.
Close Order
A unit consisting of models with this special rule may adopt a Close Order formation.
Elven Reflexes
A model with this special rule (but not its mount) has a +1 modifier to its Initiative characteristic (to a maximum of 10) during the first round of any combat.
• If a unit wishes to declare a charge against an enemy unit that both causes Fear and has a higher Unit Strength, it must first make a Leadership test. If this
test is failed, the unit cannot charge. It does not move and is considered to have made a failed charge. If this test is passed, the unit can charge as normal.
• If a unit is engaged with an enemy unit that both causes Fear and has a higher Unit Strength when its combat is chosen during any Choose & Fight Combat
sub-phase, it must make a Leadership test. If this test is failed, any models in the unit that direct their attacks against the Fear-causing enemy suffer a -1
modifier to their rolls To Hit.
A unit only needs to make one Fear test per turn. Models that cause Fear are immune to Fear. A unit that does not cause Fear does not become immune to
Fear when joined by a character that does.
Fly (10)
A model with this special rule can Fly. Models that can Fly can choose wither to move normally on the ground (using their Movement characteristic), or to
move by flying. How many inches a model can Fly varies from model to model, and will be shown in brackets after the name of this special rule. Models tat
choose to move by flying:
- May move as normal (i.e. they may charge, march and manoeuvre as if moving on the ground), except that they are able to pass freely above other models,
units and terrain features without any penalty, and they can march whilst within 8" of an enemy unit without first having to make a Leadership test.
- May end their movement in terrain, but will suffer its effects if they do. They cannot end their movement 'on top' of impassable terrain or another unit, or
within 1" of an enemy unit.
Models that can Fly must begin and end all their movement on the ground. A character with this special rule cannot join a unit without this special rule, and
vice versa.
Inspiring Presence: Warriors fight all the better under the stern gaze of their General. Unless your General is fleeing, all friendly units within their Command
range can use their Leadership characteristic instead of their own (so rally your General first!).
The number of Impact Hits caused varies from model to model, and will be shown in brackets after the name of this special rile. Often, this is determined by
the roll of a dice.
Resolving Impact Hits: Impact Hits can only be made by a charging model that moved 3" or more and that is in base contact with the enemy. Impact hits are
attacks made in combat that always strike at Initiative 10 (regardless of modifiers), and that hit automatically using the unmodified Strength characteristic of
the model.
Ithilmar Weapons
When engaged in combat, a model with this special rule that is fighting with a hand weapon may re-roll any rolls To Hit of a natural 1.
Note that this special rule only applies to a single, non-magical hand weapon and does not apply to a model’s mount (should it have one). If the model is using
two hand weapons or any other sort of weapon, this special rule ceases to apply.
Lileath's Blessing
Once per turn, a model with this special rule may re-roll a single failed Casting roll.
Lore of Saphery
A Wizard with the 'Lore of Saphery' special rule may discard one of their randomly generated spells as normal. When they do so, they may select instead the
signature spell of their chose Lore of Magic, or one of the following spells: - Hand of Khaine - Courage of Aenarion - Vaul's Unmaking
Martial Prowess
A unit with this special rule can make supporting attacks to its flank or rear as well as to its front.
Naval Discipline
A unit of Lothern Sea Guard may use this special rule when it makes a Stand & Shoot charge reaction. A unit that does so can make a Stand & Shoot charge
reaction regardless of how close the charging unit is. Once this shooting has been resolved, the charged unit may make a free redress the ranks manoeuvre,
after which it will Hold and await the charging unit.
Units that are fleeing, that are already engaged in combat when charged, or that have been joined by a character that does not have this special rule cannot
use this special rule.
Sea Guard
- May only be mounted on a lothern Skycutter (but cannot choose any other mount options).
- May be equipped with a warbow for no additional points. If so, they may not take any additional, non-magical weapons.
A unit consisting of models with this special rule may adopt a Skirmish formation.
Strike First
During the Combat phase, a model with this special rule that is engaged in combat improves its Initiative characteristic to 10 (before any other modifiers are
applied). If a model has both this rule and Strike Last, the two rules cancel one another out.
A unit with this special rule increases its maximum possible charge range by 3" and, when it makes a Charge, Flee or Pursuit roll, may apply a +D6 modifier to
the result.
Valour of Ages
A unit with this special rule may re-roll any failed Panic test caused by taking heavy casualties or by being fled through by a friendly unit.
If the majority of the models in a unit have this special rule, the unit may re-roll any failed Leadership test.
Remains in Play. Whilst this spell is in play, the target friendly unit gains the Unbreakable special rule. If this spell is cast, the effect of any other Enchantment
previously cast on the target unit immediately expire. This spell may target a friendly unit engaged in combat.
A single enemy model the caster is engaged in combat with suffers a single Strength 4 hit with no armour save permitted (Ward an Regeneration saves can be
attempted as normal).
This spell can only target enemy characters. However, it may target an enemy character that is within range and that the caster can draw line of sight to
regardless in the usual rules for targeting characters, and may even target enemy characters that has joined a unit or that is engaged in combat.
The casting player chooses a single item carried by the target. This magic item is inmeditately 'unusable' rendering it completely useless. The chosen magic
item cannot be used for the reminder of the game.
Spell Number Type Casting Value Range
Until your next Start of Turn sub-phase, the target enemy unit suffers a -1 modifier to its Movement and Initiative characteristics (to a minimum of 1). If this
spell is cast, the effects of any other Hex previously cast on the target unit immediately expire.
A single enemy unit the caster is engaged in combat with suffers D6+1 Strength 3 hits, each with and AP of -. These hits have the Flaming Attacks special
Until your next Start of Turn sub-phase, the target enemy unit suffers a -2 modifier to its armour value. This spell may target an enemy unit engaged in combat.
Remains in Play. Place a small (3") blast template so that its central hole is within 15" of the caster. Whilst in play, the template is treated as dangerous terrain
over which no line of sight can be drawn. The template moves D6" in a random direction during every Start of Turn sub-phase. Any enemy unit the moving
template touches or moves over suffers D3+3 Strength 4 hits, each with an AP of -1.
Until your next Start of Turn sub-phase, the target friendly unit gains a 5+ Ward save against any wounds suffered and counts as being behind a defended low
linear obstacle if charged. However, whilst this spell is in play the target unit cannot march or charge.
The target enemy unit suffers D3+3 Strength 5 hits, each with an AP of -1. Once these hits have been resolved, the unit must Give Ground.
If the target friendly unit is not fleeing and has not already moved during this Movement phase, you may immediately remove it from the battlefield and replace
it anywhere within 12" of its original location, but not within 6" of any enemy models. The target friendly unit cannot move again during this Movement phase.