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Lab 01 ENSP Installation and Setup

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A Software Downloading-eNSP

Please refer below steps to download eNSP V100R003C00SPC100 and CX600/NE40e simulated
software from below link
⚫ visit below links:

⚫ Download eNSP V100R003C00SPC100.

⚫ Download CX600, NE40e or someone else when we need them.

1- Generally speaking, we just choose NE40e or CX600;
2- After download NE40e or CX600 we need unzip them to get IMG files, later we need
these IMG files when we enable these devices inside eNSP.
B Software Downloading-VirtualBox

⚫ visit below links:


⚫ choose “VirtualBox 5.2.30 folder and try to download VirtualBox software to your local
1- since eNSP support Windows only, so please choose “Windows hosts”.
C Software Downloading-wireshark

Please refer below steps to download wireshark from below link

⚫ visit below links:
D Software Downloading-Winpap

Please refer below steps to download winPap from below link

⚫ visit below links:
E Software Downloading-VLC

Please refer below steps to download VLC from below link

⚫ visit below links:
note: choose the one suitable with Win PC.

F Software Installation

Please refer below steps to install software:

⚫ Step1:install VirtualBox;
⚫ Step2:install Wireshark.
⚫ Step3:install Winpap
⚫ Step4: install VLC
⚫ Step5:install eNSP
Note: just click Next and Next by default setting.
G Software Verification

Please refer below steps to verify eNSP software:

a- Start eNSP and check the version, it should be V100R003C00.

Note: if you see below prompt, you can ignore it.

b- Check the “tool setting” whether has some error message.

If met with error message for the “tool path”, such as “wireshark”, please fix it.
c- Register device. /*for AR routers*/

When all successfully, then click “Exit”.

d- Create new Topo and choose 1 CX600 & 1 Router.
Note: if you choose download “NE40e” then please choose NE40e

Note: based on below menu, you can create the links between device.
e- Try to start the above 2 devices.

1-while you start the CX600 devices at the 1st time, system require you import the “Package”,
please choose CX.img. if you are going to use NE40e system will require you choose IMG file
for NE40e.

2- Status

before starting:

while starting:

start success:
1- it may take several minutes to start big routers, such as CX600
2- each CX600 or NE40e may need around 1G PC memory.
f- After start devices success, please try to log in CLI mode.
g- Try to capture packets by wireshark.

eNSP will run wireshark and capture the packets at some port ethernet1/0/0 of CX600

h- Routers functions.

i- LSW functions.
j- PC/Server functions.

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