SAP Enterprise Structure
SAP Enterprise Structure
SAP Enterprise Structure
Every organization has some framework or structure according to which the whole
business runs. An enterprise structure is the structure that represents an enterprise in the
SAP ERP system. It is subdivided into various organizational units which, for legal reasons or
business-related reasons, are grouped together.
An enterprise structure defines various levels in an organization. These levels are placed
according to some hierarchy. Each level has some specific functionality associated with it,
which in a combined way describes the working of an organization. In addition, an
enterprise structure defines various organizational units that are present in an enterprise.
The organizational structure in MM consists of the following organizational levels −
Company Code
Storage Location
Purchasing Organization
Purchasing Group
Company Code: -
Within client, a company code is an independent accounting unit. It is a legal entity that
has its own profit, loss and balance statement. It is the smallest unit in an organization for
which a complete independent account set can be replicated.
Plant: -
Plant is an organizational unit within a company where activities take place. A plant will
produce goods and make goods available for the company. It is a unit having manufacturing
facility, warehouse distribution centre, or a regional sales office within logistic. It subdivides
an enterprise in different aspects.
Storage Location: -
Storage location is an organizational unit, which actually differentiates between different
material stocks in a plant. Storage location is a place where stock is kept physically. A plant
can consist of multiple storage locations. All data is stored at storage location level for a
particular storage location.
Purchasing Organization: -
A purchasing organization is an organizational unit under a company or a plant that is
responsible for the procurement activities according to requirements. It is responsible for
external procurement. A purchasing organization can be at the client level, which is known
as a centralized purchasing organization. A purchasing organization can also be at the
company or plant level, which is known as company-specific or plant-specific purchasing
Below are the different types of Purchase Organization: −
Centralized Purchasing: -
Purchasing organization is not assigned to any company code. It procures for all company
codes belonging to different client.
Company Specific Purchasing: -
Purchasing organization is assigned to a company code only. The plant belonging to the
company code can purchase through this purchasing organization.
Plant Specific Purchasing: -
Purchasing organization is assigned to a plant. Only this specific plant can purchase through
this purchasing organization.
Purchasing Group: -
Purchasing group is an organizational unit responsible for the everyday procurement
activities within an organization. It is a buyer or a group of buyers responsible for the
procurement activities in a purchasing organization.
Step by Step Procedure of Creating Enterprise/Organization Structure.
Just Log On SAP Screen (S/4 Hana)
Click on SAP Reference IMG. SAP Customizing Implementation Guide Open as below.
Here we have the option of Enterprise Structure. Double click on this below screen
Here we have the option of Definition & Assignment.
Under the Define Part We Can Define all the term like Plant, Storage Location,
Purchase Org., Purchase Group
Under Assignment we can assign this all the term with each other.
Enter all the required all details as per requirement here & save the data.
Select the Company Code from list you want to make copy & Enter New Company
Code as per requirement here & Click on Tick.
It will Copy all the data for our New Company Code.
As above shown do the changes as per requirement & Save the data.
So like this we can Define Company Code
Most of the time this will be done by only Finance Team. But just showing
purpose I shown you this here.
Like this enter all the details we can create new plant here.
We have the another option of Copy, delete, check plant
Most of the time for Practice we can use this option.
Select the Plant from which you need to copy plant from list & Enter the New Plant
name as per requirement.
It will copy all the data from this plant to our New Plant.
As above shown enter Storage Location name as per requirement. Save the data.
Like this we can maintain Storage Location for both the Plant i.e. MMS1 & MMS2
Step: - 2
# Assignment Part of Enterprise Structure.
1] Assign Company Code to Company
Path to Assign company code to company: -
SPRO->IMG-> Enterprise Structure-> Assignment-> Financial Accounting-> Assign company
code to company
By Double click on this below screen opens.
As while creating Plant we can copy it so this plant is already assign to previous
company code i.e. 0001
So delete this Assignment & Again assign to our Company Code i.e. JDMS.
Click on New Entries.
Enter Purchase Organization for Plant here & Save the data.
Assignment Part Completed here if we want to check the All Data or Check
Enterprise/organization Structure is Correctly assign or Not.
For this Checking Purpose of Enterprise Structure we are using T-Code: -
Go to command Field & Enter T-Code below screen opens.
It will show us list of Plant/Valuation Area with this Company Code here.
Step: - 3
Create Purchasing Groups: -
Path to Create Purchasing Group: -
SPRO->IMG->Materials Management->Purchasing->Create Purchasing Groups
By double click on this below screen opens.
Enter the Purchase Group as per requirement & its Description. Save the data.
Purchase Group Created.
[Type here]
Just for Checking purpose use this Enterprise Structure in PO as below.
[Type here]