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Iot 30

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Definition of IoT

 IoT stands for Internet of Things.

 Everyday things have sensors, software and electronics.

 They are connected to internet.

 They collect data and exchange data.

 No human interaction.

 All the things can be controlled from anywhere.

Characteristics of IoT
1) Dynamic and Self Adapting

2) Unique Identity

3) Self Configuring

4) Inter Operable Communication Protocol

5) Integrated into Information Network

1) Dynamic and Self Adapting :-

 IoT device is dynamic.

 IoT device is self adapting.
 Self Adapting means Changing for changing situations.
 CCTV changing from passive mode to active mode.

2) Self Configuring :-

 IoT device is Self Configuring.

 Many devices work together.
 IoT devices has ability to setup network.
 IoT devices has ability to get latest software.
3) Unique Identity :-

 IoT device has a unique identity.

 IoT device has unique IP address.

4) Inter Operable Communication Protocols : -

 IoT device can communicate with other devices.

 IoT devices support many communication protocols.

5) Integrated into Information Network :-

 IoT device is integrated into Information network.

 Hence exchange of data is possible for all devices.

Things in IoT

1) Connectivity : -
 Device used for connectivity are
a) USB Host
b) Ethernet

2) Processor : -
 CPU – Central Processing Unit
3) Video / Audio : -
 To record Video and Audio
a) HDMI (High Definition Multimedia Interface)
b) 3.5 mm audio
c) RCA Video

4) Input / Output : -
 To give input and output
a) UART – Universal Asynchronous Receiver Terminal
b) SPI – Serial Peripheral Interface
c) I2C – Inter Integrated Circuit
d) CAN – Controller Area Network

5) Memory : -
b) DDR1 / DDR2 / DDR3 – Double Data Rate

6) Graphics : -
 GPU – Graphics Processing Unit

7) Storage : -
 SD – Secure Digital
 SDIO – Secure Digital Input Output
 MMC – Multi Media Card

IoT Protocols

The following are IoT Protocols

1) Application Layer Protocol
2) Transport Layer Protocol
3) Network Layer Protocol
4) Link Layer Protocol

1) Application Layer Protocol

 It provides interfaces and connection.

 HTTP – Hyper Text Transfer Protocol.

 CoAP – Constrained Application Protocol.

 MQTT – Message Queue Telemetry Transport.

 XMPP – Extensible Message and Presence Protocol

 DDS – Data Distribution Service

 AMQP – Advanced Message Queuing Protocol

2) Transport Layer Protocol

 It provides data flow and error control

 TCP - Transmission Control Protocol

 UDP- User Datagram Protocol

3) Network Layer Protocol

 It provides addressing and packet routing

 IPV4 – Internet Protocol Version 4

 IPV6 – Internet Protocol Version 6

 6LOWPAN – IPV6 Over Low Power Wireless Personal

Area Network
4) Link Layer Protocol

 It provides medium for sending data.

 802.3 – Ethernet

 802.11 – Wi Fi

 802.16 – Wi Max

 802.15.4 – LR-WPAN (Low Rate Wireless Personal Area Network )

 2G/3G/4G – Mobile

Logical Design of IoT

 Logical Design Means – Only concepts.
 No low level details.

Logical design of IoT has 3 parts

1. IoT Fundamental Blocks

2. IoT Communication Models
3. IoT Communication APIs

1. IoT Fundamental Blocks :-

i) Management :-
 It provides various functions

ii) Applications :-
 It provides interface.

iii) Services :-
 It provides the following services
- monitoring
- control

- publish
- discovery

iv) Security :-
 It provides security like
- Authentication
- Authorization
- Integrity

v) Communication :-
 It provides the communication.

vi) Device :-
 It provides
- Sensing
- Monitoring
- control

2. IoT Communication Models :-

Types of IoT communication models are,

1) Request – Response Communication Model

2) Publish – Subscribe Communication Model
3) Push – Pull Communication Model
4) Exclusive – Pair Communication Model

1) Request – Response Communication Model

 Client sends request to server.
 Server receives the request.
 Process the request.
 Gets the resources.
 Response is ready.
 Sends the response to client.

2) Publish – Subscribe Communication Model

 Publisher sends message to broker.
 Message to topic – 1.
 Message to topic – 2.

 Topic 1 – Subscriber -> Customer -1

Customer -2

 Topic 2 -- Subscriber -> Customer -3

3) Push – Pull Communication Model

 Publisher send message to queue.
 Message pushed to queue.
 Message pulled to consumer.
 Speed of publisher and consumer and different.
 Queue provides buffer.

4) Exclusive Pair Communication Model

 Request for connection.
 Response for connection.
 Message from client.
 Message from server.
 Request for close.
 Response for close.
 It is bidirectional.

3. IoT Communication APIs :-
Types of IOT communication APIs are,
1) REST – Based Communication APIs
2) Websocket – Based Communication APIs.

1) REST – Based Communication APIs

 It uses Request – Response communication model.

 REST – REPresentational State Transfer.

 REST web service is a collection of resources.

 Clients send request to URI ( Uniform Resource Identifier )

HTTP Method Action

GET Get Information

POST Create new resource

PUT Update resource

DELETE Delete resource

2) Websocket – Based Communication APIs

 It is a bidirectional communication.

 It is an exclusive pair communication model.

 Request for websocket connection.

 Response for websocket connection.

 This is called Initial handshake.

 Now data is sent between client and server.

 Request for close.

 Response for close.

 Connection is closed.
IoT Enabling Technologies
1) Big data Analytics
2) Cloud Computing
3) Communication Protocol
4) Embedded Systems
5) Wireless Sensor Networks

1) Big data analytics :-

 Big data :- ( Definition )-- Collection of large data.
Big data uses the following

 Data Processing:-
It is the process of taking out useful information.

 Data Cleaning :-
It is the process of identifying incorrect data.

 Data Munging :-
It is the process of converting raw data in the useful

 Visualization:-
It is the process of visualization of data.

Characteristics of Big data:-

Variety :- Text data
Video data
Audio data
Sensor data
Volume :- Volume of data is very high.
Volocity :- Speed of data is very high.

2) Cloud Computing :-
 It provides various services through internet.

 It uses “Pay per use” model.

 It is platform independent.

 Cloud computing services are,

- SaaS
- PaaS
- IaaS
i. SaaS (Software as a Service) :-

 It provides software through internet.

 SaaS can be used from any device.

ii. PaaS (Platform as a Service) :-

 It provides platform through internet.

 Development tools, APIs and Library are

provided in this method.
iii. IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) :-

 It provides computing and storage through


 It provides virtual machine instances and

virtual storage.

 Infrastructure will be maintained by the

service provider.

3) Communication Protocols :- ( Notes of IoT Protocols )

4) Embedded Systems : -
 Definition: It has hardware and software embedded into the

 Main components of embedded system are

1) Microcontroller
2) Memory (RAM,ROM)
3) Network (WiFi, Ethernet)
4) Input/Output (Keyboard, Display)
 Some embedded systems have special processors
----> Digital Signal processor
----> Graphics Processor
----> Application Specific Processor

 Embedded systems uses RTOS ( Real Time Operating

Systems )

Example for embedded system

1) Digital watch
2) Washing machine

5) Wireless Sensor Networks :-

WSN Consists of
i) Monitoring nodes
ii) Routers
iii) Co-ordinators

 Monitoring nodes has many sensors.

 Routers give route for data packets.

 Co ordinators collect all the data.

 Sensors monitor the conditions.

 WSN uses wireless communication protocols.

 Examples for WSN

i) Weather monitoring

ii) Air quality monitoring

iii) Soil moisture monitoring

iv) Health monitoring

IoT Level – 1

 It has single monitoring node.

 Analysis is done ---- in local.

 Data is stored ---- in local.

 Applications is done ---- in local.

 It is used where data is very less.

 It is used where analysis is very simple.

 Example :- Home Automation

 Light control
 A/C control
 Smoke detector
 Thief detector

IoT Level – 2

 It has single monitoring node.

 Analysis is done ---- in local.

 Data is stored ---- in Cloud.

 Applications is done ---- in Cloud.

 It is used where data is very less.

 It is used where analysis is very simple.

 Example :- Smart Irrigation

 Temperature Sensor
 Moisture Sensor

IoT Level – 3

 It has single monitoring node.

 Analysis is done ---- in Cloud.

 Data is stored ---- in Cloud.

 Applications is done ---- in Cloud.

 It is used where data is very less.

 It is used where analysis is very difficult.

 Example :- Tracking Package System.

 Accelerometer

 Gyroscope

IoT Level – 4

 It has multiple monitoring nodes.

 Analysis is done ---- in Cloud.

 Data is stored ---- in Cloud.

 Applications is done ---- in Cloud.

 It has an observer node in local.

 It has an observer node in cloud.

 It is used where data is very large.

 It is used where analysis is very difficult.

 Example :- Noise Monitoring
Nodes:- Sound Sensor

IoT Level – 5

 It has multiple monitoring nodes.

 Analysis is done ---- in Cloud.

 Data is stored ---- in Cloud.

 Applications is done ---- in Cloud.

 It has an observer node in local.

 It has an observer node in cloud.

 It is used where data is very large.

 It is used where analysis is very difficult.

 It has an Coordinator Device.

 Example :- Forest Fire Detector

Nodes:- Temperature Sensor

Wind Speed Sensor
Smoke Sensor
Carbon dioxide Sensor

IoT Level – 6

 It has multiple monitoring nodes.

 Analysis is done ---- in Cloud..

 Data is stored ---- in Cloud.

 Applications is done ---- in Cloud.

 It has an observer node in local.

 It has an observer node in cloud.

 It is used where data is very large.

 It is used where analysis is very difficult.

 It has centralized controller.

 Example :- Weather Monitoring

Nodes:- Temperature Sensor

Wind Speed Sensor
Wind Direction Sensor
Rain Sensor


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