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Raja Santhi Et Muthuswamy - 2023 - Industry 5.0 or Industry 4.0S Introduction To Ind

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International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM) (2023) 17:947–979



Industry 5.0 or industry 4.0S? Introduction to industry 4.0 and a peek

into the prospective industry 5.0 technologies
Abirami Raja Santhi1,2 · Padmakumar Muthuswamy1,2

Received: 18 February 2022 / Accepted: 20 January 2023 / Published online: 5 February 2023
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag France SAS, part of Springer Nature 2023

The Industrial Revolution can be termed as the transformation of traditional industrial practices into new techniques
dominated by the technologies available at that time. The first three industrial revolutions were driven respectively by
mechanization, electrification, and automation which had gradually transformed the agrarian economy into a manufactur-
ing-based economy. It helped in enhancing the lifestyle of the factory workers and the healthcare system, which improved
the overall quality of living. The industries that adapted to the change witnessed a tremendous increase in the production
of goods, competitive advantage, and cross-border business opportunities. While we are currently living to see the fourth
industrial revolution (also known as Industry 4.0) unfolding around us, the world is poised for the next big leap, the fifth
industrial revolution or Industry 5.0. Hence, the first half of the paper outlines the enabling technologies of Industry 4.0
and conceptualizes how they would act as the foundation for the fifth industrial revolution. The socio-economic challenges
of the technologies and the need for Industry 5.0 technologies are also discussed. The second half of the paper outlines the
prospective technologies of Industry 5.0, their potential applications from the perspective of industry leaders and scholars
and conceptualizes how they can overcome the challenges of Industry 4.0. The definition of “sustainability trilemma” a
new term coined by the authors, and the reasoning for calling the next industrial revolution “Industry 4.0S” (another new
term) rather than Industry 5.0 are also presented.

Keywords Industrial revolution · Sustainability · Artificial Intelligence · Internet of things · Collaborative robots ·
Digital twins · Edge computing · Block chain · Cyber-Physical Systems

1 Introduction and moved to neighboring cities to work in factories. It

was believed to have started in Britain before spreading
In the early 1800s, the world witnessed the beginning of to the rest of Europe and America [2]. The late 1800s and
the industrial revolution through which the agrarian soci- the early 1900s witnessed the onset of the second indus-
ety shifted to industrialization and urbanization [1]. Coal, trial revolution which was characterized by the widespread
water, and steam were predominantly used to drive large science-based inventions such as mechanization of agri-
steam engines that were used in the textile and manufactur- culture, textile industries, railroads, machinery, internal
ing industries. During this time, people who worked on the combustion engines, electric power, and the iron and steel
farms and spun textiles by hand abandoned their villages production [229]. Vaclav Smil, a Czech Canadian scientist,
professor, and policy analyst called the period between 1867
and 1914 the “age of synergy” during which the founda-
tion for the 20th -century advancements was laid [3]. How-
Padmakumar Muthuswamy
mpadmakumar86@gmail.com ever, the drawback of both these industrial revolutions was
associated with the poor and dangerous working conditions
Abirami Raja Santhi
abiramirajasanthi@gmail.com which resulted in the formation of labor unions and factory
regulations to safeguard workers.
Communication Business Unit, ThinkPalm Technologies Pvt. The third industrial revolution began in the 1950s with
Ltd, 600119 Chennai, India the inventions of transistors and microprocessors that paved
Technology Center (KSSPL GES), Kennametal India Ltd, the way for automated production, which was supported
560073 Bangalore, India

948 International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM) (2023) 17:947–979

Fig. 1 The various stages of the Industrial Revolution

by various electronic devices. Digital sensors and comput- tremendous advantages for the industries in implementing
ers became a part of the shop floor. Although the work- these technologies to achieve competitive advantage and
ing conditions improved tremendously during this period, higher operational efficiency, there is widespread apprehen-
exploitation of labor continued, cities became overcrowded, sion about the potential job loss for low-skilled laborers due
and widespread pollution and environmental degradation to the high level of automation which can cause economic
became common across the world. The ongoing fourth indus- imbalance and greater inequality in the society [7]. The vari-
trial revolution which is commonly referred to as Industry ous stages of the Industrial Revolution with their timeline,
4.0 or 4IR is built upon the third industrial revolution which driving force, and technologies are shown in Fig. 1.
relied on transistors, sensors, and micro-electronics to gen- While the world is still trying to adapt and realize the
erate data. The term Industry 4.0 was coined by German potential of Industry 4.0, some industrialists and scholars
Professor Wolfgang Wahlster, in the year 2011 at the Han- have started envisioning and discussing the next Industrial
nover Fair. It is the digital transformation of manufacturing Revolution, Industry 5.0. If Industry 4.0 is about digitally
industries that focuses on automation, interconnectivity, and connecting machines to enable a seamless flow of data and
real-time process optimization using enabling digital tech- the highest possible optimization, Industry 5.0 is believed
nologies such as Internet of Things (IoT), Machine Learning to bring humans back into the game for collaboration and
(ML), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Cyber-Physical Systems introduce the human touch to manufactured products while
(CPS), Cloud computing, Additive Manufacturing (AM), simultaneously focusing on sustainable manufacturing [8,
Digital twins, Cybersecurity and so on to communicate and 9]. Elon Musk, a visionary entrepreneur and CEO of one
control each other [4, 5]. In other words, it can be called of the most highly automated factories in the world, Tesla
the computerization of manufacturing in which advanced Inc., has acknowledged the downside of excessive automa-
digital technologies are married to industrial machines and tion through his tweet in April 2018, “Yes, excessive auto-
processes. The interconnection of these technologies into mation at Tesla was a mistake. To be precise, my mistake.
the manufacturing setup is to achieve operational efficiency, Humans are underrated”. He went on to admit that robots
productivity, and automation to the highest possible extent have slowed down production, and humans, not machines,
[6]. This in turn creates a manufacturing ecosystem that is were the solution. This is in line with the predictions that the
smart, connected, and driven by data. next big thing would be the collaboration between humans,
The fundamental model of Industry 4.0 can be divided robots, and digital technologies.
into digital or computing technologies that are married
with the systems of the physical world. While AI, ML, Big 1.1 Need for the study
Data, Cloud Computing, and cyber security form a part of
the core computing technologies, other technologies such Despite the ongoing adaptation of Industry 4.0 in vari-
as Automation and Robotics, IoT, CPS, and AM form the ous sectors and growing discussions on Industry 5.0, this
physical part. These technologies together realize the ben- paper aims to provide a brief background on the enabling
efits of Industry 4.0 systems to enable agile, flexible, and technologies of Industry 4.0 and their application in vari-
on-demand manufacturing which is an essential part of ous functions of manufacturing industries, the prospective
smart manufacturing or smart factories. While there are Industry 5.0 technologies and their potential applications

International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM) (2023) 17:947–979 949

and attempts to answer the following five research ques- findings and conclusions are summarized in a narrative or
tions (RQ), descriptive format. It should be noted that the study does not
RQ1. What are the enabling technologies of Industry 4.0 include all the articles published on the topic but is focused
and their application in manufacturing industries? only to cover the latest and important progress in the area,
RQ2. What are the socio-economic challenges of Indus- to summarize and provide an overview to the readers on the
try 4.0 technologies? Why must the industries overlook status and future direction. The article follows a descriptive
these technologies and upgrade to the prospective Industry review approach, and the overall structure of the paper is
5.0 technologies? shown in Fig. 2.
RQ3. What are the prospective technologies of Industry
5.0 and their application in manufacturing industries?
RQ4. What is “sustainability trilemma” and how does 2 Enabling technologies of industry 4.0
Industry 5.0 technologies help to overcome it?
RQ5. Why “Industry 5.0” must be called “Industry 2.1 Artificial intelligence (AI)
The above questions are answered through various sec- Artificial Intelligence (AI) is an algorithm-based intelli-
tions of this article. The Sect. 2 introduces the various gence fed to machines to impart problem-solving, decision-
enabling technologies of Industry 4.0 and their application making skills, and perform human-like assignments [229].
in manufacturing industries which aims to answer RQ1. The In other words, AI make computers think and behave like
socio-economic challenges of Industry 4.0 technologies and humans. It is a combination of several digital and software
the reason to overlook these technologies and upgrade to technologies that acts as the driving force of Industry 4.0.
the prospective Industry 5.0 technologies are explained in The origin of AI can be traced back to the 1940s [10] and
Sect. 3 which answers RQ2. The Sect. 4 of the article dis- took the first big leap in the 1980s [11]. The subsequent
cusses the predictions from industry leaders and provides inventions such as statistical learning [12], Greedy learn-
the definitions of Industry 5.0 as quoted by industries and ing algorithm [13], Recurrent Neural Network [14], Graph
scholars. The scholarly articles related to the prospective Transformer Network [15], Deep Belief Network [16], and
Industry 5.0 technologies and their application in manu- Convolutional Neural Network [17] paved the way for vari-
facturing industries are discussed in Sect. 5 which answers ous new algorithms that are currently been used and are
RQ3. The definition of “sustainability trilemma” a new being developed on a regular interval.
term coined by the authors, the sustainability dimension The application of AI in Industry 4.0 has shown great
of Industry 5.0 technologies, and how the industries can potential in predictive maintenance, predictive analytics,
embrace sustainable development using the technologies inventory management, machine vision, industrial robotics,
are discussed in Sect. 6 which answers RQ4. The key dif- and supply chain management [231]. Liu et al. [18] have
ference between Industry 4.0 and Industry 5.0 technologies reviewed the application of various AI-driven algorithms
in terms of sustainable development (economic, social, and such as k-NN, Naive Bayes, ANN, and Deep Learning
environmental sustainability) forms the core ideology of the in fault diagnostics of rotating machinery that helped in
paper. The article concludes with the justifications for call- reducing the machine downtime, cost of maintenance, and
ing the next industrial revolution “Industry 4.0S” rather than eliminating safety threats. As each of the algorithms have
“Industry 5.0” which answers RQ5. their strengths and limitations such as accuracy, speed, and
robustness, they propose to develop a hybrid intelligent sys-
1.2 Methodology and structure tem to address future challenges.
Zhao et al. [19] have used Recurrent Neural Networks
To understand the enabling technologies of Industry 4.0, (RNN) based algorithm as a predictive maintenance tool to
prospective Industry 5.0 technologies, and their respective monitor the health of the machine and successfully applied
application in various functions of manufacturing indus- the technique to predict tool wear in a milling operation, and
tries, a comprehensive literature review was performed. fault diagnosis in gearbox and bearings. Wang et al. [20]
The various search terms combinations such as “Indus- have applied Deep Belief Network (DBN), a data-driven
try 4.0”, “Industry 5.0" and various technologies such as technique to build an accurate relationship between various
Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Digital twins, operational parameters used in a polishing operation and the
and so on were used to find the relevant articles in Google amount of material removed. The same technique was also
Scholar, Scopus, and Web of Science. A preliminary screen- used by Deutsch [21] to predict the useful life of a hybrid
ing of the articles to identify their relevance to the study ceramic bearing. As the various operations of manufactur-
was conducted by reading the title and abstract. The main ing industries are nonlinear, stochastic, and have a lot of

950 International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM) (2023) 17:947–979

Fig. 2 The structure of the article

Fig. 3 Opportunities of AI in a manufacturing system

International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM) (2023) 17:947–979 951

Fig. 4 Supervised and unsupervised machine learning algorithm

uncertainties many researchers have tried different AI-based neuron to mimic the human brain. Machine learning meth-
techniques to enable the optimal material flow. The poten- ods can be broadly classified into supervised and unsuper-
tial opportunities of artificial intelligence in the manufactur- vised learning, although few literatures show two more
ing industry are shown in Fig. 3. categories, semi-supervised and reinforcement learning.
The classifications of ML and a few common algorithms are
2.2 Machine learning (ML) shown in Fig. 4.
ML allows the connected systems to transfer data between
Machine learning is a subset of artificial intelligence that them and improve the process on its own based on algo-
uses data, algorithms, and software to predict the outcome rithms. The repeated learning and optimization loop lead
accurately through statistical learning. The historical data is to unprecedented performance that converts a traditional
used to train the system to make predictions and improve automated factory into a smart factory. Condition monitor-
gradually to increase the prediction accuracy. Although ing of machinery, health monitoring of structures, predictive
machine learning, deep learning (DL), and neural network maintenance, predictive quality control, and supply chain
or artificial neural network (ANN) are all a subset of artifi- management are some of the applications of ML in the
cial intelligence, IBM classifies DL as a branch of ML, and manufacturing industry [231]. The data collected through
ANN as a branch of DL. While traditional machine learn- various sensors are processed using machine learning algo-
ing is dependent on human teaching to learn, deep learning rithms to recognize the pattern of failure and even predict
can do it automatically. ANN has an input node layer, out- future failures which can eliminate the routine manual
put node layer, and numerous intermediate hidden layers. inspections. By combining machine vision with ML algo-
Each node that is connected to the other acts as an artificial rithms, real-time monitoring and identification of defective

952 International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM) (2023) 17:947–979

Table 1 Successful applications of machine learning based algorithm (bot-controlled chat messenger), computer vision (self-driv-
S# Authors Application ing cars), recommendation engines (internet search engines,
1 Cao et al. [22] Predict rolling force in hot rolling of
and product search tools in e-commerce websites), and
electrical steel
2 Reddy et al. [23] Predict temperature distributions in
automated stock trading.
electron beam–welded plates
3 Shahani et al. [24] Predict slab behavior in the hot roll- 2.3 Big data & analytics
ing process
4 Hu et al. [25] Predicting failure pressure of com- The wide Variety and Volume of data that comes at a high
posite cylinders for hydrogen storage
Velocity (also known as 3Vs) is Big Data. In simple words,
5 Kazan et al. [26] Prediction model for spring back in
wipe-bending process big data is an enormous amount of data that is usually mea-
6 Umbrello et al. [27] Predict optimal cutting conditions sured in petabytes or zettabytes. The advanced analytic tech-
and residual stresses in machining nique that is used systematically to identify the unknown
7 Jun et al. [28] Stress prediction in SLA additive patterns behind the data and correlate them with certain
manufacturing process behavior that helps to make decisions is Big Data Analytics.
8 Patil et al. [29] Deep learning algorithms for condi- Researchers have added additional “V”s to the original 3Vs
tion monitoring of milling tools
to define the characteristics of Big Data. For instance, Liao
9 Fahle et al. [30] Machine learning algorithms for
various manufacturing processes et al. [31] defined it as 4Vs (3V + Variability), while Gan-
domi and Haider [32] emphasized on 6Vs (4V + Veracity
parts can be performed automatically without human inter- and Value). Perhaps, with the emergence of artificial intelli-
vention. Predicting consumer behavior and managing the gence, sensor-based connected systems, social networking,
supply chain is another area of the business that has a higher and digital communication devices, a massive amount of
impact on profitability due to unsold inventory or lack of data is generated every second that requires real-time pro-
inventory, both of which affect the manufacturer. Machine cessing to predict the outcome and make faster decisions.
learning algorithms have been successfully used in demand The concept of Big Data can be traced back to the early
forecasting and inventory management. A few success- 1960s when the first database management system and data
ful applications of machine learning-based algorithms in a centers were created to collect and store data. Over the
manufacturing environment are shown in Table 1. years with the widespread availability of high-speed inter-
Other real-world common-man applications include net, more and more physical objects got connected to the
speech recognition (Alexa, Siri), customer service internet (IoT) which started collecting an enormous amount

Fig. 5 Various challenges associated with Big Data

International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM) (2023) 17:947–979 953

Fig. 6 Deployment and service

models of cloud computing

of user and machine data. The development of ML and AI Table 2 The major categories of research in cloud manufacturing
further accelerated the growth of data creation which sky- Category of Description Research studies
rocketed the volume of data that is handled and processed. research
So basically, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and Architecture Details the fundamental Qu et al. [39], Wu et
and platform structure of the cloud al. [40], Liu et al. [41],
big data are all interconnected, and one cannot exist inde- design manufacturing system Yang et al. [42], Wang
pendently without the other. As the raw data doesn’t provide and its behavior. et al. [43]
any value, to unlock its potential, industries perform differ- Resource Transformation of Zhang et al. [44], Tao
ent analyses which are fundamentally classified as descrip- description and abstract capabilities to et al. [45], Xu et al.
tive, inquisitive, predictive, prescriptive, and preemptive capabilities formalized cloud manu- [46], Xu et al. [47], Lu
facturing services. et al. [48]
[33]. Such analysis helps large organizations to acquire
Service Integration of distributed Lu et al. [49], Zhou et
and retain customers, targeted advertisements, develop new selection and services into a group that al. [50], Zheng et al.
products, optimize product prices based on customer behav- composition can work together. [51], Zhang et al. [52],
ior, supply chain management, risk management, and faster Zhou et al. [53]
decision making [229]. Resource Allocation of resources Liu et al. [54], Wang et
allocation and scheduling to enable al. [55], Cao et al. [56],
However, storing and handling a large volume of data and service multi-tasking. Thekinen et al. [57],
comes with its challenges. A report by Oracle shows that scheduling Akbaripour et al. [58]
organizations are struggling to handle the data as the vol- Service Search and match the ser- Yuan et al. [59], Tai et
ume of data that is getting generated is doubling every year. searching and vice based on customer al. [60], Cheng et al.
It is not just the storing of data, but the real challenge lies matching demand and fulfill the [61], Sheng et al. [62],
requirement. Guo et al. [63]
in data curation. To be precise, cleaning up unwanted data,
processing, analyzing, and securing the data to give granu-
lar level access to get more insight and make a meaningful the entire infrastructure is managed by professional IT ser-
decision out of it. The various other challenges associated vice providers, the business organizations and individuals
with Big Data as classified by Akerkar [34] and Zicari [35] can get on-demand access through heterogeneous internet
are summarized in Fig. 5. services. As shown in Fig. 6 the three major service mod-
els of cloud computing are, Software as a Service (SasS),
2.4 Cloud computing and cloud manufacturing Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Infrastructure as a Service
(IaaS), and the three major deployment models are public,
The delivery of networking and computing services over private, and hybrid clouds.
the internet is called cloud computing. As the services like The manufacturing sectors adopted cloud computing in
server, storage, database, networking, analytics, and intel- two different ways-one is the direct adaptation of digital
ligence are delivered through the internet (the “cloud”) it technologies to enable “cloud computing in manufacturing”
is cost-effective and highly flexible. Reliability, scalabil- and the other is “cloud manufacturing”. The integration
ity, and centralized management of data and software are of distributed and distribution of integrated manufactur-
some of the benefits of adopting cloud computing. While ing resources such as software applications, machines, and

954 International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM) (2023) 17:947–979

Fig. 7 Various cybersecurity domains

capabilities used for design, manufacturing, and fulfillment connected systems from such malicious digital attacks. As
to manage a product’s manufacturing lifecycle is cloud manufacturing is one of the sectors with less regulated com-
manufacturing. The concept of “design anywhere and man- pliance standards the vulnerability to threats is much higher
ufacture anywhere” that was conceptualized in the early when compared to other sectors. Besides, the complexity in
2000s can be accomplished by cloud manufacturing [36]. It understanding the security system, disparate technologies,
provides manufacturers the benefit of high efficiency, cost- and lack of in-house expertise further intensify the threats to
effectiveness, and flexibility in managing their processes. manufacturing industries.
The modern digital and computing technologies such as According to Honeywell’s “Industrial USB Threat
IoT, Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID), sensors, Report 2021” which details the consolidated findings from
GPS, cyber-physical systems, and cloud computing come various industries across more than 60 countries, threats
together as enablers of cloud manufacturing service [37]. that are designed to take advantage of removable storage
Design engineers get access to various design resources devices such as USB drives have increased from 19% to
whenever and wherever they get access to the internet 2019 to 37% in 2020. Besides, 79% of the threats were
which leads to faster lead time while the manufacturing capable of completely disrupting the operational technol-
engineers can access their resources anytime and anywhere ogy. The report also outlines that the usage of removable
to enable uninterrupted manufacturing even from outside USB drives has gone up by 30% which shows the level
the factory premises. The efficiency of the supply chain can of security exposure that these industries are facing [64].
be increased, and the costs lowered by storing parts digitally Another report from IBM shows that the average cost of a
and manufacturing them only when required [38]. data breach has gone up from USD 3.86 M to USD 4.16 M
The detailed literature review has shown that the numer- globally which is an all-time high in the past 17 years of the
ous studies performed by various researchers on cloud man- report’s history [65]. Ransomware, insider attacks, server
ufacturing can be grouped into five broad categories. They access, theft of credentials, remote access trojans, business
are studies on architecture and platform design, resource email compromise, spam, web script, and misconfiguration
description and capabilities, service selection and composi- are some of the types of threats that are commonly targeted
tion, resource allocation and service schedule, and service at industries. The eight major widely accepted cybersecurity
searching and matching [37]. A brief overview of the studies domains to protect against theft of information as outlined
is shown in Table 2. by IBM are shown in Fig. 7.
Over the past few years, numerous agencies have come
2.5 Cyber security up with guidelines containing documents to assist industries
with procedures to address cybersecurity-related issues.
As many industries have started embracing or preparing to Some of those guidelines for the businesses that are in the
embrace Industry 4.0, more and more isolated systems are process of moving towards Industry 4.0 practices can be
getting connected to the internet which increases the vulner- seen in Table 3.
ability of them getting exposed to potential security risks Researchers have applied various frameworks and meth-
such as, data theft, malware, denial of service, and device odologies to deal with cybersecurity-related threats in an
hacking. Cyber security is the technique to defend the Industry 4.0 environment. Some of them are SDN-based

International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM) (2023) 17:947–979 955

Table 3 Cybersecurity guidelines cyber-attack on Ukraine’s power grid infrastructure in 2015

Document Industrial asset Reference through a malware-infected email was the first known attack
ISA/IEC 62,443 Industrial Automation and Con- Ref [66]
on the power infrastructure which shows the vulnerability
trol Systems (IACS)
IACS Cybersecurity Industrial Automation and Con- Ref [67]
of physical industrial assets [83]. The various risks, security
Certification Frame- trol Systems (IACS) requirements, and the impact of threats to the businesses as
work (ICCF) outlined by Corallo et al. [84] are summarized in Table 4.
ANSSI Cybersecurity Industrial Control Systems (ICS) Ref The studies show that although implementing digi-
for Industrial Control [68–70] tal technologies on a factory shopfloor has a huge poten-
tial, businesses must be cautious of the increasing cyber
API Standard 1164 Supervisory Control and Data Ref [71]
Acquisition (SCADA) threats, and they must develop and invest in suitable data
ICS Security Industrial Control Systems (ICS) Ref [72] security programs to get the real benefits of Industry 4.0
Compendium transformation.
Catalog of Control Control Systems of critical infra- Ref [73]
Systems Security structures and key resources
2.6 Automation and robotics
ICS-CERT Industrial Control Systems (ICS) Ref [74]
NIST 800 − 82 Industrial Control Systems (ICS) Ref [75] Both automation and robotics go hand in hand as their pur-
pose is to work independently and efficiently in the indus-
Table 4 Impact of cyberattacks
tries to improve productivity. By connecting robots to a
Risk Security Business impact centralized computer system, their activities can be con-
requirements trolled which would help them to complete the task without
Availability Availability Denial of service, poor the intervention of humans [85]. With the advancements in
of data when product quality, and loss of machine vision techniques, they take the advantage of high-
required production time
resolution cameras attached to the robotic arms to track
Integrity Protection of data Damage to critical physical
from alterations infrastructure, unsafe work
the movement of objects in real-time and perform visual
conditions for workers, and assignments such as identifying and removing defective
poor product quality parts from the production line. Although automation and
Confidentiality Protection of Loss of trade secrets and robotics are used in industries for many decades, the robots
confidential data competitive advantage, that would be used in Industry 4.0 environment would have
from leaks damage to reputation,
breach of data protection advanced sensors, control algorithms, data communica-
contracts with partners tion channels, navigation and guidance systems, and data
processing abilities [86]. The major differentiating factors
(software-defined networks) [76], DevOps-based approach between the earlier generation and current generation robots
[77], attack tree approach [78], hierarchical model [79], are their capabilities to self-learn, flexibility to perform a
impact assessment model [80], and vulnerability assessment wide variety of operations, and agility which are supported
based on SCADA [81]. by the various complex algorithm-based neural networks.
A recent study shows that businesses that are affected by The significant applications of automation and robotics
cyber-attacks have resulted either in the closure of produc- in Industry 4.0 includes performing complex and dangerous
tion lines, loss in man-hours, enormous financial damage, jobs [87], enabling uninterrupted production [88], improv-
or all the above. Apart from financial losses, it could also ing productivity and reliability [89], extracting data [90],
lead to loss of reputation, losing customer confidence, and working in unpleasant environments [91], perform monoto-
even judicial actions. According to a study by IBM, manu- nous and difficult tasks [92], deliver higher efficiency [93],
facturing industries moved to the 2nd position in 2020 (the working for long hours [94], material handling [95], cus-
financial sector is at the 1st position) from its 8th position tomer service [96], surveillance [97], manage assembly
in 2019 in the list of most targeted industries [82]. This is lines and fabrication [98, 99] which all are supported by
primarily due to the increase in adaptation to digital tech- various digital technologies.
nologies and connected devices. Some typical examples Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is another technol-
of cyber-attacks on big manufacturing industries include ogy that has enormous benefits and use-cases in automat-
website breaches in OXO International and Hanesbrands ing various processes of an organization, especially in
Inc., a whaling attack targeting the accounting department ERP-related (Enterprise Resource Planning) activities.
of FACC AG, ransomware attacks on Norsk Hydro, Visser Various technologies such as AI algorithms, text recogni-
Precision, and Renault-Nissan, and an internet worm infec- tion, and language processing techniques come together to
tion on Daimler Chryslers’ manufacturing units. Besides, a achieve this goal. RPA which is also referred to as a “digital

956 International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM) (2023) 17:947–979

worker” is a software program that is used in the automa- a model to predict the wear of a cutting tool and failure of
tion of high volume, routine, and repeatable production spindle motor bearing. Researchers have shown that IoT
tasks to boost the overall productivity of an organization. systems can be used in predictive maintenance of machine
Automatic singing-in into software applications, data edit- tools [106], anomaly detection [107], and error prediction
ing and migration, autoreply to emails, filling online forms, in machine centers [108]. The IoT system can also be used
report generation, and automatic invoicing are a few appli- in hazardous work environments such as nuclear power
cations of RPA [100]. The major disadvantage of RPA is that plants, chemical factories, wastewater treatment, and manu-
it works based on a set of simple rules and is incapable of facturing industries to collect critical machine data through
using data or analytical models to work in complex, data- appropriate sensors that can be used to monitor and con-
intensive decision-making systems. However, combining trol production and operation. However, as more and more
RPA with ML can overcome this to some extent [101]. “things” are connected, the complexity of protecting sensi-
tive information increases manyfold that needs novel safety
2.7 Internet of things (IoT) and industrial internet algorithms [109].
of things (IIoT)
2.8 Cyber-physical systems (CPS)
The network of various physical objects (“things”) inte-
grated with sensors, software, and digital technologies that A cyber-physical system is an intelligent computer system
allow them to connect and communicate with each other that integrates sensing, computation, control, and network-
using the internet is termed as Internet of Things (IoT). The ing capabilities into physical objects, and connects them
key difference between IoT and IIoT lies in the “things” that to the Internet and to each other. While IoT and CPS look
are connected to the internet. IoT refers to the connected much similar, there is one major difference between them.
devices or systems that are used in general consumer appli- IoT refers to a physical object embedded with critical sen-
cations such as consumer electronics, smart home appli- sors (sensing) that can gather data and transmit (network-
ances, personal health tracking devices, etc., while IIoT ing) it through the internet. On the other hand, apart from
refers to the connected industrial devices or systems used the sensors and internet, a CPS contains components that
to support industrial operations like manufacturing, quality are required for computation and control that make the sys-
control, and supply chain and logistics. tem highly efficient. The diverse application area of CPS
The entire concept of the fourth industrial revolution is includes aviation, self-driving cars, energy, disaster and
built around establishing a communication channel through emergency management, healthcare, smart manufacturing,
the internet that allows a seamless two-way flow of data and smart city.
between human-machine and machine-machine [102]. The In the case of smart manufacturing, CPS can be imple-
small size and cost-efficient IoT sensors would allow the mented in a factory for monitoring production and assembly
connection of more physical objects that make the system lines, monitoring of assets, predictive analysis, and supply
work efficiently, smartly, and safely [103]. In a manufac- chain management. A typical CPS framework has a physi-
turing system, the data from these sensors such as heat, cal layer that contains the physical sensory, communication,
temperature, pressure, moisture level, humidity, vibration, and data processing modules. Various physical components
friction, and movement are collected real-time to build a such as sensors, GPS, RFID, machine vision camera, and
statistical relationship with the product performance. From IoT modules recognize and generates an enormous amount
reducing the manufacturing cost to assisting in preventive of real-time data about their surroundings and send it to the
maintenance and providing a safer work environment the communication layer. The middle layer or the communica-
potential of IoT is enormous in future smart factories. Stop- tion layer is responsible for the real-time transfer of data
ping a production line to fix repairs would result in loss of from the physical layer to the cyber computation layer. The
production time and affect the dependent assembly lines. layer has various communication channels such as local
Hence, identifying the malfunction in advance using appro- area network (LAN), wide area network (WAN), Bluetooth,
priate sensors would support manufacturing by eliminating Wi-Fi, switches, and routers. It creates a channel between
failures which in turn results in saving. external applications, the physical layer, and the cyber layer.
Zhang et al. [104] developed models based on Long The computation layer acts as the third layer that is respon-
Short-Term Memory (LSTM) network and used 21 sen- sible for the intelligent processing of data received from the
sors placed at different locations to collect and monitor the physical layer. It also performs supervisory control, makes
health of an aero propulsion engine system and monitor its decisions based on the data, and sends commands back to
performance and predict its degradation. Using appropriate the physical layer [110]. The guidelines of a cyber-physical
sensors and AI-based algorithms Lee et al. [105] presented

International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM) (2023) 17:947–979 957

Fig. 8 5C architecture of a CPS

system based on 5C architecture as proposed by researchers the manufacturing industry to print highly complex func-
[111, 112] are shown in Fig. 8. tional parts in any required material with very tight preci-
Some of the successful applications of CPS in a manu- sion and good aesthetics which are critical in industries such
facturing environment includes CPS modules for a machin- as aerospace, biomedical, automotive, manufacturing, and
ing cell, plug and work applications, automatic process plan consumer goods [115]. While conventional additive manu-
generation in a dynamic manufacturing unit, CPS based facturing is already used by many manufacturing industries,
automatic process planning and maintenance system, adap- the current interest is on the system’s flexibility in adapt-
tive scheduling and alternative routing, inter-company data ing to different challenging applications such as printing of
transfer, and set up pilot systems for research and devel- smart materials, printable electronics, printable assemblies,
opment activities [113]. Despite their tremendous benefits, and hydraulic components.
industries and researchers are also wary about the associated Soft robotics is one of the emerging fields in robotics that
challenges and risks. Especially the challenges such as the is used to manufacture robots from highly compatible flex-
complexities in design, testing, and validating the holistic ible materials such as thermoset elastomers that can mimic
functionality of the system, and implementation challenges. human motion, and additive manufacturing plays a vital role
Besides the safety and security issues that are typical to any as the key technology enabler [118]. Some of the applica-
system connected over the internet like the threat to data tions of soft robots in a manufacturing setup include soft
privacy and confidentiality, data corruption, and malware actuators [119], stiffness-controllable robot links [120],
are valid for a CPS as well [114]. inflatable robotic arms [121], continuum robots [122], and
adaptive graspers [123]. The smart materials (shape mem-
2.9 Additive manufacturing (3D printing, ory alloys and polymers) printed by additive manufactur-
4Dprinting, and 5D printing) ing technique develop the ability to be flexible and react to
their surroundings by changing their shapes or properties
Additive Manufacturing (AM) is a technique of printing which gives rise to a new technique called “4D printing”
3-dimensional solid objects by building a layer of materi- [124]. MacCurdy et al. [125] have designed and 3D printed
als one over the other using CAD models [230]. Although a novel functional hydraulic force transmitting mechanism
the technology was developed in the early 1980s it started pre-filled with hydraulic liquid that eliminates the need for
gaining traction in the last decade with the adoption of sup- assembly. In the studies conducted by Ota et al. [126] and
porting digital and intelligent technologies in the industries Macdonald et al. [127] they have demonstrated the possibil-
[115]. As mass customization is one of the core contexts ities of 3D printing electronics components such as LEDs,
of Industry 4.0 [116], it is critical in developing unconven- circuits, temperature sensors, and related control electron-
tional manufacturing processes like AM which is expected ics. The other latest addition to the AM portfolio is 5D print-
to become a key technology driver to fabricate highly ing in which the printing head gets additional degrees of
sophisticated customized products with advanced features freedom to print objects from 5 different axis (similar to
that are otherwise not possible to produce with conventional 5-axis machining centers), and hybrid manufacturing that
manufacturing processes [117]. Over the past few decades, combines the possibilities of performing both additive and
the AM technology has matured which currently allows

958 International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM) (2023) 17:947–979

subtractive manufacturing in a single setup to gain the ben- the huge pressure on the low and medium-skilled laborers
efits of both the technologies [128]. could intensify wage disparity. The study also warns that
soon AI-enabled robots can replace even high-skilled pro-
fessions such as software programmers, doctors, and archi-
3 Socio-economic challenges of industry 4.0 tects [130]. While AI and robots continuously encroaching
the fields that were previously thought exclusive to humans,
Before the Industrial Revolution, communities and societ- and UN data estimates a 6 billion working-age population
ies were diversified with varieties of occupations, some of by 2050, the increase in threat to human employment is
them are physically demanding while others depend on the highly likely.
creativity and intellectuality of the human mind. Although
the focus of the industrial revolutions was to improve pro- 3.1.2 Loss of craftsmanship
ductivity and product quality, it has also eliminated humans
from the hazardous and unpleasant working environment. Since the 1980s the chess competition between human chess
The introduction of automation and robots into the indus- masters versus computers is a battle that was keenly watched
tries helped humans to channel their focus on jobs that by more technocrats rather than sports enthusiasts which is
demands decision-making, problem-solving, intuition, believed as a demonstration and successful use case of AI
persuasion, or cognitive skills, while the heavy lifting was algorithms. Besides, there are numerous successful exam-
done by the machines. Especially, various artistic occupa- ples of AI beating humans in visual recognition, reading
tions that are based on expressing human creativity such comprehension, complex strategy games, and autonomous
as poetry, story, painting, sculpture, architecture and so on cars. Some recent demonstrations show that AI can even
which are exclusive to humans are considered a prohibited write original melodies, and even beat experienced lawyers
zone for machines. However, studies show that recent tech- in accurately identifying issues with legal contracts [131].
nology such as AI has the potential even to challenge and In 2016, an attempt was made through an AI project named
even surpass humans in the cognitive space. Hence, apart “The Next Rembrandt” to replicate the artwork of one of the
from the technical challenges such as handling exponential greatest painters, printmakers, and draughtsman of the 17th
data growth, interoperability, data sensitivity, data security, century, Rembrandt. By analyzing and studying the paint-
cost, high processing power and energy consumption the ings pixel by pixel, AI learned Rembrandt’s style and repro-
other critical challenges like human and social factors that duced a highly convincing masterpiece [132]. Recently, the
can be disrupted by Industry 4.0 technologies are discussed AI went further and restored the missing pieces of one of
on this section. Rembrandt’s paintings [133]. The above few examples of
AI’s capabilities show that AI technologies can compete
3.1 Challenges of industry 4.0 with humans not only in labor-intensive and monotonous
jobs but also in creative, artistic, niche, human-only jobs.
3.1.1 Unemployment
3.1.3 Wage disparity
Studies have shown that unemployment is predominantly
influenced by major social events such as the industrial The rapid adoption of new technologies over the past few
revolution, the great depression, and world wars. Although decades has significantly affected the wage difference
the earlier industrial revolutions have increased the demand between different labor categories. A recent study [134] by
for labor which led to urbanization and population concen- the World Bank highlights the polarization of the labor mar-
tration, it also resulted in inequality in the rural and urban ket with increasing wage disparity and a steady decline in
employment market [129]. The machines and robots of the the income of medium-skilled occupations since the 1990s.
earlier industrial revolution assisted humans by providing This was partly attributed to the rise of information tech-
their muscle power to help industries improve productivity nologies and the cognitive job market which has increased
while leaving brainpower to humans. But the real threat of the wages of high-skilled labor. Acemoglu and Restrepo
Industry 4.0 technologies is the challenge of AI’s capability [135] studied the impact of automation on the US labor
to autonomously solve complex problems and attempting market and reported that the employment and wages of low-
to substitute even human intelligence. A study by the UN skilled labor are highly affected, but the high-skilled labor
Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) shows is unaffected. The threat of automation and AI has once
that the risk of job loss due to automation can be over 80% again brought the old idea of universal basic income which
in the low- and medium-income group. While the high- ensures a regular and guaranteed sum of money to every
skilled labor stands to gain from the implementation of AI, adult irrespective of income or financial condition [136].

International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM) (2023) 17:947–979 959

3.2 Key takeaways The European Commission has termed Industry 5.0 as
the vision of industries to think beyond increasing produc-
From the various sections discussed till now, it can be tivity and efficiency and contribute to society by placing
interpreted that the entire concept of Industry 4.0 revolves the workers at the center of the production process. The
around collecting, processing, monitoring, storing, and ana- emphasis was on research and innovation that is sustainable,
lyzing data from various sources in digital form to improve human-centric, and resilient [137].
the process efficiency, make decisions, learn, and improve Esben H. Østergaard, CTO of Universal Robots has
on the go. The data collected from various sensors that are termed Industry 5.0 as the transformation of mass cus-
connected to a physical system are processed in a central- tomization enabled by Industry 4.0 technologies to mass
ized location using AI and ML algorithms to understand personalization and hence labeled it as the “human touch”
the manufacturing processes which helps the industries to revolution. He also forecasts a return of the pre-industrial
optimize their operation and even teach the learnings back way of manufacturing that is supported by technologies in
to the system. The in-depth analysis of data collected from which humans play a critical role rather than being alien-
various processes gives a new level of understanding of the ated. The importance of bringing humans back to the manu-
process which helps industries to operate at the highest pos- facturing loop to provide personalization and human touch
sible efficiency. was reiterated through collaborative robots or cobots [138].
If Industry 3.0 is about generating data, then Industry 4.0 Nexus Integra, a service provider in Big Data and
is about processing and analyzing it to achieve the high- Industrial IoT platforms defines Industry 5.0 as “the next
est possible optimization which improves the quality of the step, which involves leveraging the collaboration between
manufactured parts to an unprecedented extent. Although increasingly powerful and accurate machinery and the
industries can realize the benefits of adopting these digital unique creative potential of the human being” [139].
and computing technologies, the higher implementation The Global Electronic Services repairs and services
cost and requirements on the highly skilled workforce are define Industry 5.0 as “the revolution in which man and
a few deterrents to their rapid adaptation. Besides, many machine reconcile and find ways to work together to improve
organizations are still skeptical about how these new-age the means and efficiency of production” [140].
disruptive technologies would benefit their business consid- Levity, a service provider in Artificial Intelligence terms
ering their size of the business and the cost of restructur- Industry 5.0 as something that “adds a personal human
ing and reskilling requirements. However, rather than the touch to the two main pillars of Industry 4.0, automation
cost and technical challenges, the impact of these technolo- and efficiency. It refers to people working alongside robots,
gies on the socio-economic factor is the serious concern. If smart machines, and technologies.” They have also pointed
left unchecked, the disruption it can have on society would out that the core element of Industry 5.0 would be the per-
be enormous and irreversible. Hence, business leaders sonal touch which cannot be provided by technologies
and policymakers must urgently investigate the technolo- [141].
gies and identify methods to adopt them without affecting Frost & Sullivan calls Industry 5.0 as “a model of the
people and communities. Hence the current need is to find next level of industrialization characterized by the return
ways to include humans in the game rather than alienating of manpower to factories, distributed production, intelligent
them again which may altogether require a different set of supply chains, and hyper customization, all aimed to deliver
technologies or a new Industrial Revolution (Industry 5.0) a tailored customer experience time after time” [142].
which are discussed in the following sections. Association for Advancing Automation has predicted
that the need for greater customization and personaliza-
tion would drive the fifth industrial revolution that would
4 Industry 5.0: definitions from industries revolve around a larger collaboration between machines and
and scholars humans to realize the dual benefits of cognitive computing
and human intelligence [143].
Many industries that are closely associated with digital Andreas Eschbach, founder, and CEO of a software solu-
technologies have come up with different definitions for tions provider says that Industry 5.0 would be an evolution
the impending fifth industrial revolution. While Industry in the manufacturing process in which humans are assisted
4.0 concept itself is yet to get a head start in many devel- by machines to realize the dual benefits of accuracy and
oped and emerging economies, these definitions could be cognitive skills [144].
considered as a wish list or predictions for the upcoming Neil Sharp of JJS manufacturing, a manufacturing solu-
revolution. tion provider has stated that human-centric development,
sustainability, and resilience would be the three pillars of the

960 International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM) (2023) 17:947–979

Fig. 9 The key differential factors of Industry 3.0 Vs 4.0 Vs 5.0

fifth industrial revolution which aims to empower humans 5 Prospective technologies and applications
and not replace them [145]. of industry 5.0
Eric Howard of Simio LLC, a simulation software pro-
vider has also indicated that combining human capabilities From the previous sections, it can be implied that Industry
and automation to meet the demand for personalization 4.0 has solely focused on improving profits by concentrat-
would be the driver of the next industrial revolution [146]. ing only on product quality and process efficiency using dif-
Ozdemir and Hekim [147] proposed Industry 5.0 to be a ferent digital technologies. However, it has widely ignored
much-required evolutionary and incremental development the need for human intelligence and failed to acknowledge
that is built on the concept and practices of Industry 4.0. the impact of digital technologies on the environment and
So far, every industrial revolution had attempted either society. Hence Industry 5.0 is predicted to include the two
to eliminate or alienate humans who stand to lose against key missing elements, the inclusion of humans and sustain-
the superior productivity and efficiency of automation and able development. In addition, it is also expected to pro-
digital technologies. However, for the first time, most of vide flexibility and agility that industries require to quickly
the definitions have confirmed the inclusion of humans and respond to the changing market conditions and customer
sustainability as the additional key pillars of the fifth indus- preferences. However, although most industrial leaders and
trial revolution. Even at the heart of Japan’s “Society 5.0” many scholars have predicted leveraging human creativ-
model, they strive to create a human-centered revolution to ity as the key difference of Industry 5.0, few other schol-
attain economic development by integrating physical and ars argue that Industry 5.0 would just be an evolution or an
cyberspace [148, 149]. incremental advancement of Industry 4.0 technologies and
practices [150, 151]. The key differentiating factors between
the industrial revolutions are shown in Fig. 9.
Despite being conceptualized as an incremental advance-
ment, discussions on various enabling technologies and the

International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM) (2023) 17:947–979 961

Fig. 10 The prospective technologies of Industry 5.0

applications of the fifth industrial revolution have already need a break in the production line which increases the com-
gathered pace. The union between the accuracy and effi- plexities and compromises its efficiency, quality, and results
ciency of digital technologies and the creative thinking abil- in higher cost. In fact, his black-only strategy has helped
ity of humans would create a synergy between humans and Ford to reduce the overall cost of the model by more than
machines. The increasing customer requirements for highly half in a few years. This mass production strategy signifi-
personalized products is believed to be another benefit of cantly changed the American economy and society and even
Industry 5.0 which can leverage various software tools, arti- helped Ford’s own factory workers to afford a car which
ficial intelligence, machine learning, and additive manufac- was until then possible only for rich and elites. Nearly
turing. If the earlier industrial revolution was about mass after a century, the concept of mass production has already
production, the future is predicted to be driven by mass per- started fading in favor of mass personalization in the name
sonalization as “there is no one size that fits all”. of the fifth industrial revolution with the support of digi-
In his autobiography “My Life and Work”, Henry Ford tal technologies which would be discussed in the following
has mentioned that he once said, “any customer can have a sections. The diagrammatic representation of prospective
car painted any color that he wants, so long as it is black”. Industry 5.0 technologies is shown in Fig. 10.
The statement was around the launch of “Model T” in the
year 1909 when mass production was the buzzword of
industries. It was an era during which any minor changes
on the product like even a variation in paint color would

962 International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM) (2023) 17:947–979

5.1 Collaborative robots (cobots) mid-sized German manufacturer of drying machinery prod-
ucts has reported a tremendous improvement in its produc-
Although robots are used in industries for many decades tivity and quality of parts after employing a cobot in their
the highly connected fourth industrial revolution robots are welding cell. The welding operation which typically takes a
designed to work autonomously without human supervi- day was completed by a 6-axis KUKA KR Cybertech cobot
sion, and they already play an active role in many factories with the required precision and top-notch craftmanship in a
currently. However, instead of working independently, the mere 50 min [154]. Few other industries that are realizing
fifth industrial generation robots are expected to collaborate the benefits of employing cobots in their operations include
with humans and work under his guidance. Thanks to the biomedical, agriculture, food processing, electronics man-
advancement in digital technologies such as artificial intel- ufacturing, warehousing, automotive, metal processing,
ligence, machine learning, and conventional robotics that packaging, and logistics. Although cobots prove to be highly
gave rise to the next-gen collaborative robots or “cobots”. efficient in an industrial environment, the other aspects such
Such cobots can sense their surroundings, adapt to them, as safety, trust, loss of shared emotions between workers,
and learn on the go. This makes them highly flexible and and possible job loss for humans still looms large which
adapts to the changes instantaneously to support the manu- must be addressed [155].
facturing of small batch sizes and fulfill highly personalized
products which would be one of the major requirements of 5.2 Smart sensors
future manufacturing. While the current generation robots
work inside fenced surroundings to perform a predefined set A sensor is an electronic device that can sense any changes
of operations, the cobots are released from their confine- in physical properties and convey them through an appro-
ment to enable 3Cs (Coexist, Cooperate and Collaborate) priate change in electrical output. For instance, a thermo-
with their human counterparts. These lightweight, sensitive, couple sensor responds to the change in temperature by
precise, and highly flexible cobots are easily programma- producing a suitable output voltage. While a conventional
ble to work aside humans to relieve them from physically sensor has only the base sensing elements, a smart sensor
demanding, hazardous, or monotonous activities. system can independently perform data collection, data
KUKA, a leading manufacturer of industrial robots conversion, data processing, and establish communica-
and automation systems has already introduced their first- tion to an external system such as a cloud server which are
generation lightweight collaborative robot named “LBR some of the critical requirements of future smart factories.
iiwa” which is currently being used in assembly and pro- Such extended capabilities are achieved through a suitable
duction lines of Ford, Daimler, BMW, Skoda, and many base sensing element, microprocessor, communication, and
other automotive companies. As the cobots are small and memory modules all embedded in one system. Basically,
mobile, they are capable of working in almost all the areas smart sensors and actuators are an integral element of IoT,
of an industrial setup such as laboratories, handling of raw CPS, automation, robotics, and all intelligent systems which
material, production and assembly lines, material handling, are the driving force behind Industry 4.0 and Industry 5.0
transportation, packaging, quality control, and shipping of technologies. Hence the importance and functionality of a
finished products to the customers. Their flexibility to adapt smart sensor can be understood from the various sections
to different job requirements can reduce the dependency of this article.
on conventional industrial robots that significantly reduce
the cost of ownership in the manufacturing industries. The 5.3 Digital twins
recent advancements in technologies such as distributed
artificial intelligence, edge computing, parallel processing, The accurate digital replication of a physical system that
and linked data enable cobots to make real-time decisions acts as its virtual counterpart is the digital twins. In gen-
effectively [152]. As the cobots are highly affordable, ver- eral, using the data gathered from the original model and
satile, and easy to deploy, it gives the advantage of a level mirroring it on its replicate model to simulate and under-
playing field for the small-scale industries to compete with stand the real-time behavior is the core concept of twin-
large conglomerates and multinational corporations. ning [231]. The concept of using “twins” was believed to be
For instance, a cobot installed in Craft and Technik in practice since the late 1960s when NASA was working
Industries in India which is an automotive part manufactur- on the Apollo space mission. NASA scientists have made
ing company has shown a 20% improvement in the prod- two identical spaceships to allow precise mirroring of the
uct quality by handling the monotonous job of loading and conditions that the spaceship in orbit experiences with its
unloading components from a CNC machine while simul- twin on the earth [156]. However, with the advancements
taneously performing inspection [153]. Stela Laxhuber, a in digital technologies, currently, it is possible to mirror the

International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM) (2023) 17:947–979 963

Fig. 11 Types of digital twins

condition on a digital model rather than on a physical model digital model to track the history and evaluation of data and
and hence derived its name, “digital twins”. Even the term this process is called threading. Cloud computing technol-
“digital twins” was first coined by NASA in its 2010 report ogy is used to store these data [159]. As digital twin is an
to denote its Simulation-Based Systems Engineering [157]. ultra-realistic representation of a physical system, it can be
NASA has defined a digital twin as a system that is combined with other digital technologies such as IoT, Big
designed to integrate multi-physics, multi-scale, probabilis- data, Artificial intelligence, and Machine Learning to collect
tic simulation to mirror its twin using sensors and appropri- real-time data and monitor the health of the system, pre-
ate data derived from the source. The system on the digital dict remaining useful life and in preventive maintenance.
twin can prevent the failure of a physical system and extend The various applications of digital twins in the manufac-
its life by suggesting suitable changes and optimizations. turing industries include product design and new product
Although both simulations and digital twins use the digital development, product manufacturing, asset management,
versions of a physical system the main differential factor of process monitoring and optimization, quality control, pre-
digital twins is that they can be used to simultaneously run dictive maintenance, supply chain management, and assist
and study multiple processes. The different types of digital in decision making by supporting cross-functional (engi-
twins as outlined by IBM are shown in Fig. 11. neering, manufacturing, marketing, and sales) collaboration
The three main capabilities of digital twins are mirror- [231,160]. The other industries that benefit from the tech-
ing, shadowing, and threading [158]. The capability to nology are aerospace, space research, bio-medical, energy
accurately mirror the physical system to meet the purpose storage, automotive, electricity production and distribution,
of twinning is mirroring. The synchronization between the and autonomous vehicles. As the scope of the article is to
physical and virtual models is shadowing. The data from the briefly introduce the different digital technologies of Indus-
physical model is transmitted to its digital counterpart at a try 5.0, the scholars interested to know further details and
regular interval through appropriate communication chan- few real-life successful implementations of digital twins can
nels to enable synchronization. The data received from the refer to these articles [161–171].
physical system are stored in the form of a record in the

964 International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM) (2023) 17:947–979

Fig. 12 Ideology of IoE

5.4 Internet of everything (IoE) and artificial preferences and insights (“people”) collected from devices
intelligence of things (AIoT) such as wearables, smartphones, social media, smart appli-
ances, and smart digital systems (“things”) are processed
The term “Internet of Everything” was coined by Cisco to and analyzed by artificial intelligence algorithms (“pro-
describe the all-around connectivity between, people, things, cess”) to provide a personalized experience back to the
data, and processes. The hybrid connection enables to gain “people”. Cisco has estimated that the real benefits of IoE
of more valuable information which can be converted into can be realized once the 99.4% of the currently uncon-
new capabilities, rich experiences, and exceptional oppor- nected physical objects become a part of IoE one day in
tunities. If IoT refers to the connection of physical objects the future. Improving productivity and reduction in costs,
with the internet which is a single technology transition, IoE increase in employee productivity, highly efficient supply
contains many technology transitions in which IoT is one chain and logistics, innovation in new product development
of the parts. The philosophy of IoE revolves around con- and research, and superior customer experience are some of
necting the billions of devices, objects, and common things the benefits that companies stand to gain from IoE [172].
around the world with sensors that give them wide network- The lethal union of Artificial Intelligence and Internet
ing capability and make them smarter. The idea of IoE and of Things gives birth to Artificial Intelligence of Things
its data flow is shown in Fig. 12. (AIoT) which is becoming a new technology topic in indus-
The ideology of IoE is a closed loop in which the real- trial automation. A conventional IoT system consists of sen-
time data flows through its four key pillars. The user sors that have the potential to generate an enormous amount

International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM) (2023) 17:947–979 965

of unstructured data. In an industrial set up as many IoT centralized, it is susceptible to security threats. So, adopt-
devices are connected to form a network, the volume of ing blockchain architecture would ensure data security by
real-time data that needs to be handled and analyzed gets providing secure, private, and encrypted data transfer [173].
too huge. With AIoT, a connected physical device gains The technology helps in solving trust-related problems and
the power to solve problems and make decisions that were enables the automated allocation of resources on a global
impossible for conventional IoT-enabled devices. It is scale. The possibility of distributed data storing, decentral-
achieved by embedding AI algorithms in the components ized P2P transactions, automatic approval process, program-
of a physical system such as programs and chipsets which mable smart contracts, eliminating counterfeit products,
all are connected to an IoT network. An appropriate applica- and dynamic encryption algorithms makes Blockchain an
tion programming interface is deployed to provide interop- attractive option for industries to adopt [174, 175]. As this
erability between the components at device, software, and technology is a new entrant in manufacturing industries, the
platform levels. They operate in unison to optimize the sys- literature review shows that most of the current research
tem and extract the required useful data from it for the data on the topics is around the concept of the technology and
analytics functionality, make decisions, optimize the system its architecture [176–181]. However, studies have recom-
functionality, and learn from it, all without the intervention mended that reducing the size of the blockchain, block size
of humans. As the technology is relatively new the further optimization, and a lightweight blockchain to reduce trans-
capabilities of the system must be explored. However, few action latency and computing power are the potential area
of the many possible applications of the technology include of future research to make the technology sustainable [5].
consumer goods, industrial, enterprise, smart health track-
ing devices, smart home appliances, autonomous vehicles, 5.6 Edge and fog computing
and service sectors.
The current efficiency of cloud-computing technology is
5.5 Blockchain insufficient in analyzing a large volume of data generated
in a shorter time which affects the service quality and the
Blockchain is a digitally managed, distributed, and decen- overall performance of the network and the IoT system
tralized ledger used to store both tangible and intangible [182]. Hence, the disadvantages of cloud computing tech-
assets in a business network in the form of transactions in nology can be overcome by using edge computing. Edge
an immutable format. The characteristics of the technology computing is a distributed computing and storage frame-
in providing trust, transparency, and traceability make it work deployed near the source where the data is created
attractive for applications where transactions are involved which keeps data on the local parts of the network or the
[5]. Each block is a file where the transactions are perma- edge devices, instead of using a centralized data server. It
nently recorded and when a new transaction is performed allows data from IoT devices to be processed at the edge (in
it gets added to the block similar to adding a new page to the local system itself) before sending it to the cloud which
a ledger. In simple terms, the technology can be defined improves the response time and saves network bandwidth. A
as a chain that contains data blocks in the chronological schematic showing the typical functioning of edge comput-
sequence that are permanently stored in encrypted form as a ing is shown in Fig. 13.
distributed ledger that is tamper-proof or fake proof. As all Edge computing and Fog computing are essentially the
businesses rely on data and information flow across various same in terms of leveraging the computing capabilities that
stakeholders it is critical to ensure that the flow is accurate are available within a local network. The key difference
and faster, and Blockchain is the ideal technology that can between cloud, edge, and fog computing lies in the place at
deliver information from a permanent ledger only to the which data processing is done. In cloud computing the data
approved members. Originally created as a hack-proof sys- processing occurs at the centralized cloud servers that are
tem for banking and financial institutions, the Blockchain managed by a few service providers at geographically dis-
technology with its decentralized, distributed, and immu- persed data centers, while in edge computing it occurs at the
table features is proclaimed to be a game-changer for all the physical device in which the IoT sensors are embedded or
sectors that require secure data sharing within and outside at a gateway device that is close to the sensors. However, in
their organizations [5]. Fog computing, the activities are performed on the proces-
The combination of new-generation information tech- sors that are a part of the LAN hardware which are far apart
nologies such as Internet of Things, cloud computing, and from the sensors. The main advantage of cloud computing is
Bigdata along with Blockchain technology has the poten- in its capability to provide in-depth and advanced process-
tial to transform the way data is currently handled in almost ing, while edge and fog are suitable for quick and real-time
all the industrial sectors. As the current IoT architecture is

966 International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM) (2023) 17:947–979

Fig. 13 Data processing in Edge computing

response. The difference between edge, fog, and cloud com- 5.7 Cognitive computing
puting is shown in Fig. 14.
Although cloud computing is considered a critical infra- Cognitive computing refers to the set of technology plat-
structure to support IoT applications, it is prone to latency- forms that uses computerized models to mimic human
related issues in applications that involve high volume and thought processes to solve complex problems [185].
high velocity of data. Hence, the downside of cloud com- Although some scholars classify cognitive computing as
puting can be solved by edge or fog computing architec- a subset of artificial intelligence, basically they are two
tures that provide the service near the IoT device instead of entirely different disciplines but with overlapping method-
centralized cloud infrastructure which is important in criti- ologies. While the focus of artificial intelligence is to reflect
cal applications such as real-time manufacturing, autono- reality and produce accurate results based on a set of theo-
mous vehicles, cognitive assistance, and healthcare [183]. ries and algorithms, cognitive computing is built on par-
In general, cloud computing is high latency, high power ticipation from two distinct interdisciplinary fields such as
consuming infrastructure with high processing capabilities, computing (artificial intelligence, machine learning, pattern
whereas edge and fog computing are low latency, low power recognition, data mining) and cognitive science (visual rec-
consuming infrastructure with low to moderate processing ognition, language processing, psychological, philosophy,
capabilities [184]. Despite their advantages, scalability, ser- and anthropology) to augment human thinking and reason-
vice availability, mobility support, energy management, and ing abilities similar to the human brain [186].
security are a few challenges that must be addressed for a Machine vision, machine learning, deep learning, and
successful implementation of edge or fog computing infra- robotics are some technologies that are a critical part of AI
structure for IoT applications. that supports learning from the vast set of data, reasoning to
make sense of the data, and self-correction to take decisions.
With repeated learning, an AI system is capable of surpass-
ing humans in terms of accuracy and finding new ways to
solve a problem. However, the focus of cognitive computing

International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM) (2023) 17:947–979 967

Fig. 14 Edge, fog, and cloud computing

is to replicate human reasoning using technologies such as day by 2025 which is equivalent to the volume of data that
data mining, image recognition, and language processing to requires approximately 213 million DVDs every day [190].
solve problems and optimize human processes. Hence, the With the number of connected devices increasing every day,
goal of cognitive computing is not to replace humans but to analyzing the data (Big data) generated would be a daunt-
supplement humans in making a decision by processing a ing task for the industries which can be intercepted using
large volume of data [187]. In fact, a system with cognitive cognitive computing to convert the raw data into meaning-
computing capabilities can interact with humans, interpret ful information and invaluable knowledge [191]. The real
contextual language, analyze the data based on experience potential of cognitive computing can be obtained by com-
and make assumptions based on the interaction [188]. bining it with big data analytics and unique human elements
A smart IoT-enabled physical system that has cognitive such as ethics, common sense, and self-directed goals. The
computing capabilities embedded in it can assist humans major difference between cognitive computing and ML tech-
by providing critical suggestions and help in making deci- niques in terms of data processing is that the former works
sions by analyzing the collected data. Such a system that on vectors having objective data while the latter learns by
combines IoT with cognitive computing results in Cognitive performing different mathematical calculations on the data.
Things [189]. According to an article in the World Economic Hence, the unstructured data (the data that are derived from
Forum, it has been estimated that around 463 exabytes (1 texts, pictures, videos, etc.) must be converted to a quantita-
exabyte = 1×106 terabyte) of data would be created every tive value which is derived as vectors to integrate cognitive

968 International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM) (2023) 17:947–979

Table 5 KPIs of 5G and 6G technologies able to use higher frequencies when compared to 5G, it can
S# KPI 5G 6G provide higher capacity and lower latency. However, as the
1 Peak data rate (Gb/s) 20 10,000
expected commercial launch of 6G technology is almost a
2 Experienced data rate (Gb/s) 0.1 1
decade away it is premature to predict the enabling tech-
3 Peak spectral efficiency (b/s/Hz) 30 60
nologies over which it would be built. But the envisioned
4 Experienced spectral efficiency (b/s/Hz) 0.3 3
5 Maximum channel bandwidth (GHz) 1 100 key performance indicators are, very high data rates of up
6 Area traffic capacity (Mbps/m2) 10 1000 to 1Tbps, improved spectral efficiency and coverage, wide
7 Connection density (devices/km2) 106 107 bandwidths of up to 100 GHz, improved energy saving,
8 Latency (ms) 1 0.1 ultra-low latency, and exceptionally high reliability. A brief
9 Reliability (packet error rate) 10− 5 10− 9 comparison of the key performance indicators (KPI) of 5G
10 Mobility (km/h) 500 1000 and 6G technologies as reported by Rajatheva et al. [200]
11 Energy efficiency (Tb/J) Not specified 1 and Strinati et al. [201] is shown in Table 5.
12 Delay jitter (ms) Not specified 10− 3 The usage of 6G and beyond is expected to deliver the
required latency, provide an excellent service quality, net-
computing and ML. To gain the real benefits from cognitive work infrastructure for connected devices, and support
computing, the system must be taught using numerous such integrated artificial intelligence capabilities [202]. AI-based
vectors which it can interpret and learn the underlying pat- autonomous supply chain, e-health, collaborative robots,
terns from the data [188]. massive twinning (digital twins created from humans,
IBM Watson is one of the most popular cognitive com- physical objects, processes, and large infrastructures), tele-
puting-based systems that is revolutionizing the healthcare presence using holographic techniques are some of the use
sector by helping doctors to make superior decisions [192]. cases of 6G technologies predicted by Ericsson [203]. In
Besides, the image recognition algorithm can identify faults addition, with the expected increase in the number of con-
and provide solutions just by reading photographs of the nected devices and the enormous amount of data collected
machine, thus providing cognitive maintenance. The speech to support Industry 5.0 applications, energy management is
recognition can be used by the machine operator to control another critical environmental aspect that needs to be con-
the machine which otherwise requires specialized program- sidered and 6G and beyond is expected to provide a highly
ming skills. The system can recognize texts and pictures, optimized energy consumption strategy.
hear speeches, and interpret the questions to provide solu-
tions. In-process visual inspection, adaptive robotic main- 5.9 Augmented reality (AR), mixed reality (MR), and
tenance, predictive maintenance, improve operational holography
efficiency, and develop personalized products and services
are a few other applications of a cognitive system in manu- Augmented reality (AR) is a technology used to superimpose
facturing industries [193]. Although cognitive computing is digital information into real-world applications to provide a
still in its nascent stage of development there are numer- composite view to the users. It is an interactive 3D environ-
ous studies that highlight the benefits of the technology in ment that combines real and virtual world together [204]. In
analytics-oriented industries such as banking finance [194], virtual reality (VR) a head-mounted display unit is used to
education [195], health care [196], marketing [197], behav- disconnect users from the real world and to give them the
ioral analysis [198], and customer support [199]. experience of a computer-generated virtual world, whereas
AR keeps the real-world details. Although augmented real-
5.8 6G and beyond ity is one of the technologies that is often discussed along
with the digital technologies of the latest industrial revolu-
To fulfill the requirements of a fully connected digital tion, its history can be traced back to the 1960s [205, 206].
world, innovations in digital and computing technologies Mixed reality as the name implies is a mixture of real and
alone are insufficient, but a substantial advancement in com- virtual worlds where the users can also interact and manip-
munication technologies is also critical. However, with the ulate the virtual environment with support from high-end
next gen 5G technologies just around the corners, the tele- sensing and imaging technologies. Holography is another
com giants have already kickstarted their research activities visualization tool that is also called 3-dimensional pho-
towards the next technological breakthrough that is required tography. The technique records the feature of a 3D object
to achieve the 6G goals which are expected for a commer- using lasers which are digitally reconstructed to reproduce
cial launch by 2030. 6G and beyond can help address the the original objects accurately [207].
wireless connectivity requirements of the rapidly growing These technologies are built around advancements in
intelligent devices and services. As a 6G network will be the auxiliary technologies such as digital cameras, optical

International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM) (2023) 17:947–979 969

sensors, display, accelerometers, GPS, gyroscopes, solid and industrial units to focus on protecting the environment
state compasses, motion tracking, radio-frequency iden- and society as well. Hence, sustainability can be categorized
tification, wireless network, and battery. Hence, although as economic sustainability, social sustainability, and envi-
AR, MR, and Holography (which can be collectively called ronmental sustainability which are collectively referred to
“Extended reality technologies”) [208] are not considered as the three pillars of sustainability. However, in addition to
the technology enablers of Industry 4.0 or Industry 5.0, it the three pillars, few authors have added additional pillars
is one of the technologies that is expected to benefit from such as institutional, cultural, and technical [217]. In fact,
the digital adoption and play a key role in the future smart the United Nations’ blueprint to achieve a better and more
factories. For instance, Metaverse, one of the buzzwords of sustainable future which is called the “2030 Agenda” or
the ongoing decade is a fully immersive, interactive envi- “Agenda 2030” has listed 17 interlinked objectives as future
ronment that takes elements of VR, AR, and MR to cre- Sustainable Development Goals.
ate a virtual world. The technologies together would play Although the various Industry 4.0 technologies have
a critical role in reducing the overall lead time in product assisted industries in achieving economic sustainability by
design, prototyping, and process development. It also has reducing and eliminating product waste, improving product
the potential to conduct conferences, product launches, live quality and process performance, streamlining the manufac-
events, and webinars virtually on a real stage without the turing processes to reduce power consumption, optimizing
physical participation of the presenters which can be a cost process time, reducing the number of manufacturing steps,
effective and eco-friendly alternative to business meetings inventory management, and improving the useful life of
and in-person collaborations. Interactive manuals and cata- machinery, it has failed in checking the waste generated in
logs [209], remote expert guidance [210], quality assurance the form of data. Processing such a huge volume of data
[211], assembly and maintenance instructions [212], prod- requires enormous computing power, energy, and time to
uct demonstrations [213], collaborative engineering [214], analyze and make a meaningful decision that affects envi-
error diagnosis [215], and employee training [216] are few ronmental sustainability. Environmental sustainability
other applications of the extended reality technologies. refers to the reduction of waste generated in manufactur-
ing, reduction in resources utilized, promotion of a circu-
lar economy, reduction in energy consumption, and using
6 Sustainability dimension of industry 5.0 renewable energy sources [218]. This is in line with the
report by the World Economic Forum, which details that
From the various sections of this article, it can be inferred about 75% of IoT projects are small and medium-sized, and
that the entire concept of Industry 4.0 and Industry 5.0 tech- they focus only on profitable applications such as energy
nologies revolves around collecting, processing, monitor- efficiency, productivity, competitiveness, and cost reduc-
ing, storing, and analyzing data from numerous connected tion, but sustainability was mostly neglected [219]. The
sources to improve the process efficiency, make decisions, technologies can also cause social disruption by replacing
and learn on the go. The computing, information, and digital low and medium-skilled human labor on the shop floor
technologies come together to achieve this common goal. with automation and industrial robots which affects social
Apart from manufacturing industries, these technologies are sustainability.
used independently or along with other supporting technol- “Sustainability trilemma” refers to the current challenges
ogies in banking, financial, biomedical, health care, social that industries face in achieving all the three sustainability
media, automotive, aerospace, autonomous vehicles, and pillars such as economic, social, and environmental sustain-
numerous other sectors. ability simultaneously. For instance, businesses focusing
The world leaders and industrial behemoths have agreed to achieve higher profits (economic sustainability) through
that data is the new gold. If Industry 3.0 is about generating excessive automation can result in job losses which disrupt
data, then Industry 4.0 is about processing and analyzing it, social sustainability. Of the three sustainability pillars, the
while industry 5.0 must be all about intelligently using it environmental pillar is the largest and the most critical to
with a focus on sustainability. However, sustainability is not focus on as it encompasses both the social and economic
merely about reducing wastes that go into the manufactur- systems inside it. In addition, according to a 2022 report
ing of products, but it’s also about achieving sustainability by World Health Organization, 99% of the global popula-
throughout the product life cycle (from procuring raw mate- tion breathes air that is beyond the recommended air-quality
rial till the product reaches the customer and later bringing limits [220]. Under such circumstances, enforcing stringent
it back for recycling) and identifying ways to achieve it with pollution control norms and instantly moving away from
a minimal amount of data and in less time. In addition, the fossil fuels to achieve environmental sustainability can take
impact of these technologies must go beyond production a huge toll on economic sustainability. Similar would be the

970 International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM) (2023) 17:947–979

case if the usage of plastics is banned altogether. Any such virtual and flexible learning modules) must be considered
drastic efforts can increase inflation, create inequality, and by the industries before embracing these new technologies.
trigger disruptions in society. Social sustainability is another Correspondingly, industries trying to achieve environmen-
important but often ignored factor. Studies have also shown tal sustainability goals through renewable energy sources
that the work environment has a significant impact on the might take a blow on economic targets as the current cost
personal welfare of the workers which in turn has an influ- of green energy is much higher than the energy from non-
ence on social wellness. Focusing on the human aspects such renewable resources. Hence the industries need to incorpo-
as ensuring the well-being of workers, work-life balance, rate a sustainability awareness culture that focuses on all
healthy workplace, and providing suitable employee assis- three sustainability elements and future research must be in
tance can boost productivity, product quality, and efficiency the direction to achieve it. In short, to maintain sustainable
[221]. Hence, a balance between economic growth, environ- practices and a circular economy, the focus of the businesses
mental degradation, and social wellbeing is required. must be on “how the business is made” rather than on “how
However, this problem can be addressed to some extent much is made” [5].
by using next-gen Industry 5.0 technologies such as AIoT,
edge computing, and smart sensors which can filter the
unwanted data at the machine level itself and send only the 7 Key takeaways and future directions
minimum required data to the subsequent stage for process-
ing and making decisions which can provide significant Based on the detailed literature review it can be implied
benefits in terms of processing power and energy require- that Industry 4.0 and 5.0 technologies can be categorized
ments. For instance, while the aim of automation and indus- into three: core technologies, supporting technologies, and
trial robots is to eliminate humans from the shop floor, the beneficial technologies. The technologies such as IoT, IoE,
intention of cobots is to work in collaboration with humans. AIoT, AI, cognitive computing, automation, and robotics
In addition to their agility and adaptability to the changing can be classified as the core technologies or the foundation
shop floor requirements, the processing power and energy technologies around which the next industrial revolution
required to operate them are comparatively minimal due to was built. The technologies such as cloud computing, edge
their size which makes them environment friendly. Simi- computing, big data, blockchain, 6G, and cyber security
larly, while digital sensors are capable of only collecting the can be classified as the supporting technologies which pro-
process data from machines, the smart sensors can indepen- vide critical infrastructure for the functioning of core tech-
dently perform data collection, data conversion, data pro- nologies. Cyber-physical systems, additive manufacturing,
cessing, and establish communication to an external system cobots, digital twins, smart sensors, and extended reality are
such as a cloud server which can save an enormous amount a few of the beneficial technologies that rely on the core
of processing time, money, and energy consumption which and supporting technologies for their functionality and gain
supports environmental sustainability. AI and its associ- benefits from them.
ated technologies can help develop alternative eco-friendly The technologies discussed under Industry 5.0 enablers
materials to plastics. Nevertheless, once these technologies may look like a minor improvement or an upgraded version
evolve and mature over the years, achieving all the three of Industry 4.0 technologies. Although it is partially true, a
key sustainability pillars simultaneously is possible in the closer look at each of the technologies would reveal their
future. Few authors also argue that following lean manu- strong focus on the inclusion of humans, environmental,
facturing practices such as Just-in-Time (JIT), Total Quality and social conscientiousness. ESG (Environmental, Social,
Management (TQM), Total Preventive Maintenance (TPM), and Governance) and Sustainability are the two other
and Human Resource Management (HRM) can help indus- buzzwords of the decade that industries are trying to adapt
tries to address a wide range of sustainability issues [222]. [223]. Going by the dictionary definition although they are
Although some of these next-gen technologies are different, ESG is an evolution of sustainability. In simple
already used by a few industries, the real benefits can be terms both can be together called “doing good to the envi-
obtained only when all the technologies are used together. ronment and society”, and in terms of doing good to the
For instance, big data without AI or ML is just a digital society, it doesn’t get bigger than the inclusion of humans.
waste. Hence, the businesses that want to improve economic From a survey conducted at various manufacturing indus-
sustainability must have a strategy to address the job loss tries, Brozzi et al. [224] have concluded that the focus of
to low- and medium-skilled labor. Employee training such industries is more on economic sustainability while social
as reskilling and upskilling programs, university collabora- and environmental sustainability are often ignored which
tions to facilitate new learning, development of interdis- reemphasizes the need to adopt Industry 5.0 technologies.
ciplinary competencies, and novel training strategies (like Literature also shows that there are no studies that have

International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM) (2023) 17:947–979 971

Table 6 A brief comparison of Industry 4.0 and Industry 5.0 technolo- The industrial revolutions are all about making prod-
ucts in a better way to meet consumer demand. However,
S# Industry 4.0 technologies Industry 5.0 technologies
some scholars have combined all the latest advancements
1 Mass customization Mass personalization
2 Highly automated autono- Individualized human-machine
in other fields such as bionics, synthetic biotechnology,
mous systems interactions genetic engineering, quantum computing, nanotechnology,
3 Automation and Industrial Intelligent automation, Collab- smart self-healing materials, and Brain-computer interfaces
robots orative robots as a few technology enablers of industry 5.0 [225–228].
4 Artificial intelligence, Cognitive computing Although these are some of the important technological
Machine learning
innovations in their respective fields that use one or more
5 Internet of Things (IoT), Internet of Everything (IoE),
Industrial Internet of Artificial Intelligence of Things digital technologies such as AI, their immediate application
Things (IIoT) (AIoT) in an industrial environment is questionable. However, until
6 Cloud computing Edge computing, Fog computing a few decades ago even electronics and computers were
7 Simulations Digital twins considered naïve to production and manufacturing, but their
8 Centralized traditional Decentralized blockchain union with machines has really kick-started the new indus-
databases trial revolutions. Nevertheless, the new-age Industry 5.0
9 LAN, Internet Ultra-low latency high speed
technologies can bring back the lost collaboration between
10 Virtual reality Extended reality (AR, MR,
humans, machines, and software systems and make the shop
Holography) and Metaverse floor a sustainable place to work and the world a sustainable
place to live. After all, we have only one place to live, and it
evaluated the impact of these technologies on social sus- means the world to us.
tainability which must be a focus for future investigations.
Hence, replacing industrial robots with cobots and adopting
technologies such as IoE, AIoT, edge and fog computing, 8 Conclusion
smart sensors, digital twins, 6G and beyond, and extended
reality which either support the inclusion of humans or are If the industry experts are to be believed the world is already
highly environment conscious must be considered. A recent in the midst of the fourth industrial revolution in which a
study has reported that although blockchain technology has myriad of disruptive digital technologies are married to
numerous benefits in the way how transactions are handled, various industrial machines and processes to collect data
extending the network across all the supply chain partners and establish a channel of communication between them
would be expensive, consume more energy, and require to deliver products at a lower cost. The integration of the
enormous networking and computational power. The study various intelligent machines and processes of an industrial
has also recommended that reducing the size of the block- unit with the help of new-age digital and computing tech-
chain, block size optimization, and a lightweight blockchain nologies creates an eco-system that is connected, smart and
to reduce transaction latency and computing power are the agile. Besides, the entire supply chain is controlled, stream-
potential area for future research which can make the tech- lined, and automated to collect, monitor, and optimize real-
nology sustainable [5]. Hence, apart from performance time data to enable high efficiency right from procuring raw
aspects, optimizing and upgrading the existing technologies materials till the product is delivered to the customers.
and inventing new technologies to consciously give impor- If Industry 3.0 was predominantly driven by computer-
tance to all the three sustainability pillars must be the future ization, then Industry 4.0 is driven by marrying digital tech-
direction of scholars. nologies with physical systems that make them smarter and
With more than two-thirds of the manufacturing indus- work independently without human intervention. However,
tries yet to embrace Industry 4.0 and the onset of the COVID from the discussion, it can also be implied that Industry 4.0
19 pandemic further delaying it, there are possibilities that has focused on improving profits by concentrating solely on
industries can directly leap into Industry 5.0 technologies. product quality and process efficiency using different digital
In addition, return on investment, security, privacy, scalabil- technologies. But it has widely ignored the need for human
ity, regulatory compliances, and non-availability of skilled intelligence and failed to acknowledge the impact of digi-
workers are a few other challenges to the implementation tal technologies on the environment and society. Like the
and adaptation of the technologies. So, industries could previous industrial revolutions, the technologies of Industry
slowly start embracing one or the other key technologies 4.0 also have the destructive potential to promote automa-
that are critical to improving their process and may skip the tion and alienate humans from the factory shopfloor which
others. The comparison of the evolution of Industry 4.0 into could result in job loss and create inequality and imbalance
Industry 5.0 technologies is shown in Table 6. in society. Hence the need to either give the technologies

972 International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM) (2023) 17:947–979

Consent for publication Not applicable.

a miss or upgrade them to emphasize the inclusiveness of
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critical, both of which are expected to be fulfilled by the and opinions expressed in the article belong solely to the authors, and
next industrial revolution. they do not purport to reflect the opinions, views, policies, or positions
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or individual.
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