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RR District

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Department &
Sl. Mandal/ Extent Un-
HMDA File No. Sy.No. Orders, G.O.No. Utilized Details
No. Village (Ac - Gts) Utilized
& Details of
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Collr, R.R. Lr.No. The land is covered with compound

1 B5/10660/05 65 1.27 E5/2568/96, 0.27 1.00 wall, entire extent is under possession
Dt. 11-2-2002 of HMDA.

An extent of Ac. 25-00 handed over to

HUDA on 3-11-2007. The land is
Collr, R.R. Dist covered by single sheet rock. Vacant
Ghatkesar Lr.No. land.
2 B5/1017/2013 96 25-00 - 25-00
Edulabad Lc4/786/2007, One temple is existing in the middle of
Dt. 1-7-2007 the area, covering an extent of 100

Collr, R.R. An extent of Ac. 100-00 handed over to

Ghatkesar District Lr.No. HMDA on 23-2-2008 for R&R Package
3 276 100-00 100.00
Kondapur LC1/667/2008, to ORR land loosers.
Dt. 6-2-2008
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No. Village (Ac - Gts) Utilized
& Details of
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

The Hon'ble High Court in WPMP.No.

17351/09 in WP.no. 13349 of 2009 Dt.
6-7-2009, issued directions not to
interfere with the possession of the
members of the petitioner association in
Hayathnagar B5/8905/ 5617/C1/87,
4 71/1 71-35 71-35 respect of the land without following
Sahebnagar Kalan HMDA/84 Reve Dept, (Q)
due process of law". WP is pending.
Dt. 12-7-87
Further OS.no. 20/2006 in the court of
AP Wakf Tribunal, the suit is pending.
Land vacant, one site office is existing
(room) entire land in possession of

Proc. Of the
Vacant land located adjacent to Sy.No.
Collr, R.R. Dist
Hayathnagar 71/1. This land is abutting to the
5 B5/9506/07 162 4-39 No. - 4-39
Sahebnagar Kalan Sy.No. 71/1 between these Sy.No. one
road is passing.
Dt. 10-12-87

Under cover of for R&R package to Outer Ring Road

6 B4/6414/08 244 44-02 panchanama Dt. 44-02 land loosers. Develop the land by
Pedda Amberpet
22-1-2008 forming a layout plots.
Memo No
Hayathnagar 77603/Assn. V Urban Forestry
7 10878/A/99 126 22-00 22-00
Injapur (2)/1996-10,
Dt. 17-11-1999
Proposed for Logistic Park.
8 10 40-00 40-00 Vacant Pillars required. No
Bata Singaram
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No. Village (Ac - Gts) Utilized
& Details of
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
for R&R package to Outer Ring Road
Hayathnagar land loosers. Possession of land is taken
9 B5/1036/13 507 103-22 - 103-22
Koheda on

Developed as Vanasthalipuram Resi

Complex in the year 1985, AP
10 201 367-00 367-00 - Secretariat Empl. Hyderabad City
Sahebnagar Kalan

Leased to Syria Orphan School for 25

199th Board
1000 years vide Doc.No. 132/09, Dt. 20-1-09.
Hayatnagar 1000 Sq.Yds meeting of
11 201 Sq.Yds - Lease rent regularly paying 300 Sq.Yds
Sahebnagar Kalan 0-08 gts HMDA
0-08 gts excess land is under encroachment of
Dt. 31-12-2007
school, as such a lease will be executed.

Meant for Bus Terminal land resumed

under POT. The land has to be
12 242 5-00 5-00 - identified through tippan survey by the
Dy.Ios, HMDA.

Hayatnagar for R&R Package

13 17/A 37-00 37-00 -
Piglipur to ORR land loosers.
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Department &
Sl. Mandal/ Extent Un-
HMDA File No. Sy.No. Orders, G.O.No. Utilized Details
No. Village (Ac - Gts) Utilized
& Details of
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

An extent of Ac. 22-32 gts assigned

lands is handed over to HUDA in the
following Sy.Nos.
1) 124/20 Ext. Ac. 2-30
2) 124/21 Ext. Ac. 5-03
3) 124/22, Ext. Ac. 4-38
4) 124/23, Ext. Ac. 2-15
5) 124/25, Ext. Ac. 3-26
6) 124/26, Ext. Ac. 4-00
Ac. 22-32
in it Ac. 5-03 gts not resumed land in
Collr, R.R. Dist
Sy.No. 124/21 is covered.
Ibrahimpatnam Lr.No.
14 B5/6417/10 124 22-32 - 22-32 Hence the District Collector, RR is
Mangalpally Lc1/786/2007,
requested to allot the compact block
Dt. 1-7-2007
containing the following Sy.Nos. and
1) 124/22 (4-38)
2) 124/23 (1-05)
3) 124/24 (0-27)
4) 124/25 (4-00)
5) 124/26 (3-27),
6) 124/27 (5-00)
7) 124/28 (2-00)
Total Ac. 21-17 gts

Collr, RR Lr.No. Reverted back to Collector, Rangareddy

15 B5/4226/81 258 44-06 LC3/389/2000, - 44-06 in 2012 -
Dt. 9-2-2000
Keesara Land resumed under POT.
16 113/5 18-38 - 18-38
Yadgarpally Covered by Rock
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Sl. Mandal/ Extent Un-
HMDA File No. Sy.No. Orders, G.O.No. Utilized Details
No. Village (Ac - Gts) Utilized
& Details of
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Keesara Utilized for R&R purpose to ORR land
17 201 51-05 51-05
Yadgarpally loosers
Utilized for R&R purpose to ORR land
18 Thimmaipally 73 & 87 61-21 61-21

Maheshwaram B5/1513/2011 192 183-03 G.O.Ms.No.8763 - 183-03 The Govt through Memo No.
Srinagar 1689/3/HUDA Rev. (Assn.V) 8763/Assn. (v)/2009, dt. 27-8-2009
/ORR/St/10, (1)/2009, directed the Collr, R.R Distirict to
(ORR) Dt:23.03.2009 initiate action for resumption of
assigned land to an extent of Ac. 183-03
gts in Sy.No. 192 at Srinagar village for
development of Integrated Township as
proposed by HUDA with Joint venture
M/s Ramky Estates and Farms Ltd.
Cash compensation @ 20 lakhs per
acre has been paid to the assignees,
(which is deposited by M/s Ramky
Estates and Farms Ltd) Plot
compensation i.e. 300 Sq.Yds per acre
of developed plot is to be provided to the
assignees. Project report is being
submitted to Govt for approval.

Maheshwaram For ORR R&R Package (taken over from

20 114/P 25-00 25-00
Srinagar APIIC). No encroachments.

Location identified. Survey required,

covered by Big bushes, rocks, one
21 Muraharipally 60/A, 61 18-00 - 18-00
temple, one house, one small tank.
Resumed back Collector, RR Dist
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No. Village (Ac - Gts) Utilized
& Details of
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Land resumed under POT.

22 510 10-00 10-00 Vacant. The mutation copy is awaited
from Tahsildar Office, Moinabad

Meant for Construction of Mini

23 285 5-00 5-00 Stadium
This land is covered with deep valley.

Land resumed under POT and handed

over to HMDA. Part of encroachment is
24 Moinabad Chilkur 632 58-20 58-20 covered with Mango gardens in an
extent of Ac. 4.00, the balance land is

Ac. 2-00 Hill area and small temple on

Collr, R.R. Lr.No. the hill.
25 124 4-23 E5/2568/96, Dt. 4-23 - Ac. 2-23 covered with houses and this
11-2-2002 land is covered under court case which
is existing with rock.

The Hon'ble High Court dismissed the

petition of Sri Venkaiah in WP.No.
Collr, R.R. Lr.No.
3656/2004 who is claiming the land Ac.
26 Malkajgiri Yapral 128 4-17 E5/2568/96, Dt. 4-17 -
2.20 gts as per the patta certificate.
Now it is possession of HMDA. Parlty
extent is covered with Graveyards.

Auctioned in Feb 2006 . The land is

Collr, R.R. Lr.No.
under dispute with regard to survey
27 Malkajgiri Yapral B5/1250/06 204 1-14 E5/2568/96, Dt. 1-14 -
boundaries between contonment
(Defence) and HMDA.
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No. Village (Ac - Gts) Utilized
& Details of
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

357/1 &
Malkajgiri Auctioned to Smt A. Satyavathi and 2
28 3, Pl.No. 0-06 0-06
Malkajgiri others

The Govt has allotted to Jawaharlal

Nehru Journalist Coop Housing Society.
But in this land several court cases are
WP. 2194/13, OS No. 18/11, OS.No.
Qutubullapur 26/11. In addition to that Saber Ali and
29 25/2 38-00 38-00
Pet Basheerbad others are claiming to an extetn of Ac. 8-
00 in this Sy.No. This land is allotted to
HMDA for safeguard, subsequently, a
letter was sent to Govt. to take back the
land, as it is involved in several cases,
reply is awaited.

An extent of Ac. 2-00 covered by Court

case vide OS.No. 1200/03. Partly Area
Qutubullapur 233/1 4-00 4-00
30 under encroachment, meant for Mini
Bus Stand. Demarcation is required.
Allotted to IAS officers for housing.

Demarcation required.
31 332 32-00 32-00 Allotted to IAS officers for housing. It is
existing with hillock.

32 149/2 5-22 5-22 Utilized as Road (For Steel City)
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HMDA File No. Sy.No. Orders, G.O.No. Utilized Details
No. Village (Ac - Gts) Utilized
& Details of
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Govt Rev
(Assn.V) Dept, Handed over to Dy. E.E. HCIIP HMDA
Qutubullapur memo NO. for development of Eco Park on 22-8-
33 342 5-00 5-00 -
Gajularamaram 17130/Assn.V 2013 for dumping of Hussainsagar lake
(3)/2013-2, Dt. silt.

Developed as Sites and services and

disposed of (Mushk Mahal Resi
36, 63,
A) There is a HMDA site office in 1600
65, 337/8, Govt Memo No.
Rajendranagar Sq.Yds approxi., the local people (sikhs )
34 337/9, 53-26 1230/Q1/1976, 53-26
Attapur are not allowing to measure the land
338, 238, Dt. 17-8-1976
B) Septic Tank approxi. 1800 Sq.Yds
348, 366
abutting to this site there is one temple.
While constructing a compound wall by

Developed plots in Attapur layout to an

35 366 18-14 09-04-1979 15-14 3-00 extent of Ac.15.14, balance vacant land
covered with rock.

Auctioned to Modi Builders

Ac. 9-38
36 33 11-31 11-31 Auctioned by the HMDA to Modi
Builders, but the modi builders did not
take the possession of the land.

1) Ac. 6-00 court case pending vide

WP.No. 8020/05, OS.No. 181/89, WP.
4712/09, 8507/09
37 42 12-32 12-32 Ac. 6-00 is under encroachment
2) The balance extent 6.00 is in
possession of HMDA and constructed
compound wall.
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HMDA File No. Sy.No. Orders, G.O.No. Utilized Details
No. Village (Ac - Gts) Utilized
& Details of
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

1) Layout extent involved in

Tanashanagar & Plots disposed Ac.30-
20 gts
2) Extent auctioned to M/s Neptune
enclave Pvt Ltd Ac. 8-02 gts
3) Extent leased to Jesus Nazereth
38 4 51-06 51-06 - Ministries Ac. 4-00
4) Extent leased to Commitments
available on ground Ac. 0-05 gts
5) extent in occupation of the weaker
section people of appeal suit petitioner
in AS No. 1512 & AS 1613 of 2000 : Ac.
8-19 gts

210, 211,
Rajendranagar Allotted to HUDA and the Govt.
39 212 & 63-36 63-36
Manikonda reallotted to APIIC.

Govt Memo No.

V(2)/98-1, Dt. 7-
Rajendranagar 9-1998
40 50/1 2-20 2-20 Nursery is existing with compound wall.
Bomrukknuddowla Collr, R.R. Dist
Dt. 15-10-98.

Miralam Tank (FTL). This land allotted

41 34/1/2 5-00 5-00 to the GHMC by the Engineering Dept,

Falls under G.O. 111, allotted to IAS

42 132 33-00 33-00 officer, MLA's and Mp's. But it is in
possession of the HMDA.
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No. Village (Ac - Gts) Utilized
& Details of
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

SLP Nos. 18755 & 18756 of 2013 (title

SLP Nos. 10946, 10944, 11043, 11044,
11048, 11051, 11145, 11146, 2900,
12134 of 2013 (Refund cases)
Case is pending.
GO Ms No.
Rajendranagar B2/7768/Aucti Sy.No. 100, 109, 114, 116, 117 & 147
43 100 12-24 21542/06, dt: 1- 12-24 -
Kokapet on/06 developed as Golden Mile Project and
Auctioned on 20-7-2006.
An extent of Ac. 6-04 gts allotted to
Water Marke Pvt Ltd through Auction.
An extent of Ac. 5-16 gts allotted to
Iconic pioneer Designs through Auction.
The vacant land is Ac. 1.20 gts
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No. Village (Ac - Gts) Utilized
& Details of
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

SLP Nos. 18755 & 18756 of 2013

(title case)
Case is pending.
Sy.No. 100, 109, 114, 116, 117 & 147
developed as Golden Mile Project and
Auctioned on 20-7-2006.
An extent of Ac. 5-14 gts allotted to IBC
Knowledge park pvt Ltd through
GO Ms No.
An extent of Ac. 14-08 gts allotted to
28764/06, dt: 6-
Rajendranagar B2/7768/Aucti Prestige Garden Estates Ltd through
44 109 65-37 7-2006 and 65-37 -
Kokapet on/06 Auction.
An extent of Ac. 4-02 gts allotted to
dt: 5-7-2006
Lake Point Builders Pvt Ltd through
An extent of Ac. 5-28 gts allotted to
Madhucon Pvt Ltd through Auction.
An extent of Ac. 4-02 gts allotted to
Today Hotel Pvt Ltd through Auction. To
an extent of Ac. 12.00 gts return back
to the Revenue Dept for allotment to the
land losers.
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Sl. Mandal/ Extent Un-
HMDA File No. Sy.No. Orders, G.O.No. Utilized Details
No. Village (Ac - Gts) Utilized
& Details of
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

SLP Nos. 18755 & 18756 of 2013 (title

GO Ms No. Case is pending.
21542/06, dt: 1- Sy.No. 100, 109, 114, 116, 117 & 147
Rajendranagar B2/7768/Aucti
45 114 1-22 7-06 and 1-22 0-00 developed as Golden Mile Project and
Kokapet on/06
LC1/4954/05, Auctioned on 20-7-2006.
dt: 30-6-2006 An extent of Ac. 1-22 gts allotted to
Kailash Ganga Constructions through
Auction in Sy.No. 114.

SLP Nos. 18755 & 18756 of 2013 (title

GO Ms No. Case is pending.
21542/06, dt: 1- Sy.No. 100, 109, 114, 116, 117 & 147
Rajendranagar B2/7768/Aucti
46 116 3-22 7-06 and 1-19 2-03 developed as Golden Mile Project and
Kokapet on/06
LC1/4954/05, Auctioned on 20-7-2006.
dt: 30-6-2006 An extent of Ac. 1-19 gts allotted to
Lake Point Builders Pvt Ltd through

SLP Nos. 18755 & 18756 of 2013

(title case)
Govt. Memo No. Case is pending.
Rajendranagar B2/7768/Aucti
47 117 8-04 21542/2006, dt: 8-04 0-00 Sy.No. 100, 109, 114, 116, 117 & 147
Kokapet on/06
1-7-2006 developed as Golden Mile Project and
Auctioned on 20-7-2006 to an extent of
Ac. 8.04 gts
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No. Village (Ac - Gts) Utilized
& Details of
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

SLP Nos. 18755 & 18756 of 2013

(title case)
Case is pending.
Sy.No. 100, 109, 114, 116, 117 & 147
developed as Golden Mile Project and
Auctioned on 20-7-2006.
Govt memo No.
An extent of Ac. 8-08 gts allotted to My
Rajendranagar 28764/Assn.
48 kokapet 147 31-00 31-00 - Home constructions Ltd through
HUDA (V)(1)/2006-1,
Dt. 4-7-06
An extent of Ac. 3-03 gts allotted to
Soma Enterprises through Auction.
As on possession taken, there is burrial
grounds, some pattas issued and
constructed houses to Weaker Section
by Govt.

B4/15890/07 The Collr, R.R. District vide Lr.No.

(Eden Lc1/7443/99 has given directions to
Buildcon) the MRO, Rajendranagar Mandal to
Rajendranagar No deliver the advance possession of the
Kokapet 181/HUDA/OR Land allotted Sy.No. 239 Ext. Ac. 218.33 and in
R/Kokapet/08 218.13 + Sy.No. 240 to an extent of 291.14
(DLF Home 291.14 = including an extent of 25.22 covered by
Rev. Dept Memo
Developers) 509.27 gts But court cases.
No. 77603/Assn
239 & 240 handed over by 217.12 281.33 The MRO Rajendranagar has handed
V(2) 96-10,
the Rev. Dept deliver the possession in Sy.No. 239 to
dt: 17-11-1999
192-31 + an extetn of 192.31 gts and in Sy.no.
306.14 = Total 240 to an extent of Ac. 306.14 gts
499.05 Totalling 499.05.
Out of an extent of 499.05 gts, in an
extent of Ac. 217.12 gts has been
allotted to (11) IT companies and Eden
deliver the advance possession of the
Land allotted Sy.No. 239 Ext. Ac. 218.33 and in
218.13 + Page 14 of 26 Sy.No. 240 to an extent of 291.14
291.14 = including an extent of 25.22 covered by
Rev. Dept Memo
Department &
509.27 gts But court cases.
Sl. Mandal/ Extent
239 & 240 handed over by 217.12 Un-
281.33 The MRO Rajendranagar has handed
HMDA File No. Sy.No. G.O.No. Utilized
V(2) 96-10,
Orders, Details
No. Village (Ac
the - Gts)
Rev. Dept Utilized deliver the possession in Sy.No. 239 to
& 17-11-1999
Details of
192-31 + an extetn of 192.31 gts and in Sy.no.
306.14 = Total 240 to an extent of Ac. 306.14 gts
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
499.05 Totalling 499.05.
B4/15890/07 Out of an extent of 499.05 gts, in an
(Eden extent of Ac. 217.12 gts has been
Buildcon) allotted to (11) IT companies and Eden
Rajendranagar No Buildcon, DLF and Movie Towers.
Kokapet 181/HUDA/OR
(DLF Home

Collr. R.R. Lr.No.

Rajendranagar Auctioned on 22-2-2006
51 B3/5/2002 73 1-05 E5/2568/96, 1-05 -
Neknampur Growell Shelters India Pvt Ltd
Dt. 11-2-2002

Govt Memo No.

V(2)/98-1, Dt. 7-
Developed and Auctioned as
Rajendranagar 9-1998
52 134 13-39 13-39 Neknampur Residential Complex in
Neknampur Collr, R.R. Dist
Dt. 15-10-98.

Ac. 55-00 covered with MLA House sites

Under cover of
Rajendranagar Ac. 17-21 gts covered by Nala, & Water
53 276 72-21 panchanama Dt. 55-00 17-21
Poppalguda Body and it is in possesison of the

Excluding area to an extent of Ac. 5.00

approxi covered by Dargah and templex.
54 452/1 154-00 154-00 The overlapping is found to extent of Ac.
8.00 gts. Thus the net extent is
approximately Ac. 141.00 gts.
Handed over to
HUDA on 20-12-
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HMDA File No. Sy.No. Orders, G.O.No. Utilized Details
No. Village (Ac - Gts) Utilized
& Details of
Handed over to
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
HUDA on 20-12-
The land to an extetn of 63.05 gts
reverted back to Revenue Dept. From
55 454/1 109-05 63-05 46-00 the balance extent, Ac. 12.00 is
covered with Graveyards, temples, the
remaining extent Ac. 34.00 gts

Rajendranagar Developed as Madhuban Residential

56 156/1 100-00 100-00 0-00
Mailerdevpally Complex in the year 1985, disposed off.

1) Allotted to M/s Unitech Ltd

Ac. 41-00 through Auction.
GO Ms No. 664, 2) Allotted to HMWS &SB Ac. 1-00
Rajendranagar 165-00 Rev (Assn.V) TSIIC Ac. 72-00 +10-00 = 82-00
57 282 to 299 57-15 107-25
Budvel Dept, including road covered
dt: 21-5-1999 3) Ac. 15-15 gts reverted back to the
Collector, RR Dist for house sites.
The balance vacant extent is available is
108.10 gts.

Miini Stadium under construction,

58 48/27 12-31 12-31 - allotted by APIIC. Lower court case is

Developed and Auctioned as plots in the

year 2004, 2006 and Saroornagar
Saroornagar Commercial Com Resi Complex.
59 9/1 31-16 31-16
Saroornagar Encroached some plots are vacant,
physically verified, records to be

60 66/10 5-02 5-02 Sites and Services
61 143, 187 2-23 2-23 Laid a Road
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No. Village (Ac - Gts) Utilized
& Details of
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Developed and Auctioned as plots in the

year 2004, 2006 (Chitra layout)
covering an extent of Ac. 25.22 gts.
1) 2250 Sq.Yds leased to Anadha
11747 Vidyarthi Gruha
Saroornagar Sq.Yds 2) 5497 Sq.Yds allotted to Deccan
62 13, 14, 15 27-20 25-22
Saroornagar or Holdings Ltd
2.22 gts 3) H1, H2, H3, (3) plots remained extent
2000 Sq.Yds approxi.
4) Leased to Bhagyanagar Gas vide
G.O.Ms.No. 340, MA & UD Dept
Dt. 8-7-03 admeasuring 2000 Sq.yds

63 6 0-22 0-22 Developed as Road.

Leased to Radha Institute of Mentally

Saroornagar 190, B.M. Dt. 2- Retarded vide no. 6036/10, Dt. 8-9-10.
64 125 2-00 2-00 -
Gadddiannaram 12-05 Termination orders issued, court case is

Auctioned to Prajay Engineer Syndicate

65 72 1-23 1-23 Ltd Rep by Sri D. Vijay Sen Reddy to
an extent of Ac. 1.23 gts.
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No. Village (Ac - Gts) Utilized
& Details of
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Developed as a Shamshabad Res.

Layout an extent of Ac. 339-31 is
earmarked for allotment to house sites
to the ORR Phase.I land loosers.
66 626/1 348-31 348-31 - In an extent of Ac. 6.00 is covered by
Urban Forestry, Nursery.
A piece of land is encroached. Yet to be
surveyed. unauthorized occupation
covering an extent of Ac. 3.00 gts.

As per the Land Bank Register upto

2010, it is mentioned that the land is
134, 139,
taken over possession on 29-10-2007,
Shamshabad 140, 144,
67 46-29 - 46-29 but no panchanama is available in the
Peddashapur 145, 161
office. Physically it was under
to 164
encroachments of farmers by
cultivating crops.

Bio Conservative village project scheme

(Under 111 G.O.) in 80-00 acres is in
Shamshabad possession of HMDA. The remaining
68 54 115-17 35-17 80-00
Kotwalguda area is covered under ORR road Ac.
35.17 gts.

M/s Brilliant Bio-Pharma Pvt. Ltd as

per G.O. Ms No. 269 MA&UD Dept dt.
30-6-2010. Notice issued for
Shamshabad compensation in
69 775 3-15 3-15 - cancellation as the G.O. Is not in
Shamshabad lieu of acquired
confirmity with the G.O.Ms No.14. The
land for ORR
land case is pending in the Hon'ble
High Court
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No. Village (Ac - Gts) Utilized
& Details of
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Developed and Auctioned in shape of as

Memo No.
Serilingampally plots in the year 1987, 2002, 2004
70 B/274/77 366 37-04 4517/Q1/704, 37-04 -
Chandanagar Some plots are available. Open spaces
Dt. 21-7-1978
are encroached, temple etc.

Serilingampally Some plots are available. Open spaces

71 B/274/77 367 133-19 133-19 -
Chandanagar are encroached, temple etc.

Collector, R.R.
Serilingampally District Proc.No. Revert back to Collector, Rangareddy
72 B5/2022/2010 91 1-35 1-35 -
Gachibowli D5/12081/87, District.
Dt. 10-12-87.

Allotted to following Hospital

1) Quality care Medical Ac. 1-00
Memo No. 600 2) Asian Gastro Health Ac. 1-09
Serilingampally 23908/Assn. Sq.Yds 3) Maxivision Health Ac. 1-07
73 B5/15413/07 136 7-00 6-36
Gachibowli (V)(1)/2008, or 4) Rainbow institute Ac. 1-01
Dt. 9-8-2008 0.04 gts 5) Sarveejana Institute Ac. 1-02
Ac. 1-11 covered by road within Health
City and 0-10 gts meant for parking
area of the Health City.

J.C. R.R. Lr.No.

Dt. 1-4-2000,
Serilingampally B5/2022/C/ MRO Covered with boulders and rocks Ac. 0-
74 157 0-31 0-31
Hafeezpet 2000 Serilingampally 31 gts.
Dt. 4-1-2002

Serilingampally B4/2160/2001- Auctioned in Feb 2004, P. Raja Rao and

75 165 0-24 0-24
Hafeezpet 4 6 others
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MRO, Court orders for not to interfere in the

Serilingampally, peaceful possession of the writ
Lr.No. petitioner in WP.No. 3302/2006 to an
Serilingampally B/1795/2000, extent of Ac. 0-36 gts
76 B4/2319/01 76/2 0-36 0-36
Hafeezpet Dt. 4-1-2002 Case is Pending, as the land is
Collr, R.R. Lr.No. auctioned to Prajay Engineers
Lc4/786/2007, Syndicate, WP.No. 3355/06, 21803/07.
Dt. 1-7-2007 the possession is not given.

There are some agricultural

encroachments, cement bricks, water
plants etc. (Demarcation is to be done.
Serilingampally Govt.Memo.2768
77 B5/428/2012 149 38-06 16-06 22-00 covering an extent of 22-06 gts. An
Nanakram-guda 7/Assn.V/2004
extent of Ac. 16.06 covered by Kohinoor
Society (IAS) which is allotted by the

Layout developed and auctioned as

plots in the year 1996, 2000. (Techno
Proposals Enclave)
submitted Leased to P. Ravinder Reddy and and G.
78 B/6113/78 64 35-00 B/1056/91, 35-00 Prasanth Reddy an extent of 200
dt.09.03.98, Sq.Yds, WP. 28/2012 is pending.
LC1/6177/89 Leased to Image Hospital an extent of
362 Sq.Yds vide file No. B5/4976/20,
Dt. 30-4-10.

Serilingampally Developed and Auctioned in the year
79 64/1 49-35 49-27 or
Madhapur 1996,2000
0.08 gts
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Serilingampally Developed and Auctioned as plots in the

80 64 0-35 0-35
Madhapur year 1996, 2000 (Techno Enclave)

An extent of Ac. 271-31 gts Developed

G.O.Rt.No. 840, and auctioned as plots in the year
81 B/6113/78 20 244-00 Rev (J1) Dept, 1987, 2002, 2004, an area of 104 acres
Dt. 28-4-2007 is available. Out of which Ac. 55-00 has
been allotted to Bus terminal and to an
104-00 extent of Ac. 28.00 gts reserved for
Mantri Developers as the land was
purchased by him through auction.
G.O.Rt.No. 840,
82 B5/6113/78 28 131-31 Rev (J1) Dept,
Dt. 28-4-2007

In Sy.No. 159 Ac. 21-34 handed over on

23-8-94, and it is developed and
auctioned and Ac. 46-00 handed over
on 6-7-2000 and it is covered by court
GO.Ms.No.398, case OS.No. 1511/2009 Kastajeevula
Serilingampally 5258/Dt.Plg/2 dt.09.05.94, Sangatana and Appeal petitions under
83 159 67-34 21-34 46-00
Miyapur 002 D1/7468/90, Application Nos. 850, 851, & 852 of
B/869/90 2010 are pending before the Hon'ble
High Court in applications Nos. 1096,
1097, & 1098 of 2002 in CS.No. 7/58
are pending. AS No. 217/2014 against
orders in OS.No. 1511/2009 is pending.
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SLP Nos. 14917/03 & 14928/03.

17463/03, 14938/03, 15758/03,
15751/03, 17467/03, 17462/03,
7281/04, 14939/03, 15760/03,
14934/03, 17182/03, 15697/03,
15750/03, 15017/03, 17179/03,
Collr, R. R. 17180/03, 17181/03, 1940/05 are
Serilingampally Lr.No. pending in Hon'ble Supreme Court. The
84 100 & 101 445-34 445-34
Miyapur LC1/5779/03, court cases were pending even before
Dt. 20-8-03 handing over possession to HUDA.
HMDA filed objections adn applications
submitted under G.O. 166, by Prasanth
Nagar Welfare Association, Ayyappa Co-
op Housing Society, Maithri Co-op
Housing Society and Deepthi Sri Co-op
Housing Society

G.O.Ms.No. 775,
Rev (Assn.V)
Serilingampally 301 Dept, Developed and auctioned as
85 B5/6019/A/82 31-23 31-23
Nallagandla 323 Dt. 24-6-2008 to Nalagandla Extension Site.I & Site.II
an extet of Ac.
31-23 gts

Handed over to A.D. A.P. Forest

Collr. R.R. Lr.No.
Serilingampally B5/2022/B/ Development Corporation Ltd on 17-9-
86 62 6-24 Lc1/1824/2000, 6-24
Kothaguda 2000 2002 for Hyderabad Botanical Garden
Dt. 1-4-2000
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Allotted to TSIIC on 19-5-2016 : 62-24

1) J. Kasturibhayamma
& Fortune Heights lease Ac. 2-30
2) Umak Resorts lease Ac. 5-00
3) Maruti Suzuki
(Allotment on sale Ac. 2-00
G.O.Ms.no. 4) Alexandria Health Ac. 5-00
Serilingampally 1484, Rev Assn. 5) Covered by Road Ac. 5-00
87 41/14 105-13 85-30 19-23
Khanamet V Dept, Dt.12- 6) Covered by Court case Ac. 19-23
12-2008 7) Vacant covered with
hills Ac. 3-16
Total Ac. 85-30
Balance Available Ac. 22-39

88 36 20-07 20-07 Kunta Ac. 20-07 gts

Being developed as Hyderabad Habitat

Centre. A detailed project report (DPR)
submitted to Govt.
The land is located in 3 pockets, which
G.O.Ms.No. 227,
is taken from the possession of
Serilingampally 5/2 to 32-91 cents Trans. Roads & 32-91
Izzatnagar 5/23 (32-36) Buil (R.III) Dept, (32-36)
Site. I : 15-48
Dt. 14-8-2008
Site.II : 8-20
Site.III : 9-23
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In an extent of Ac. 3.00 excess land as

against the handover extent by the
Revenue Dept Ac. 6.00 is in possession
of the HMDA. The owner of the land Ac.
3.00 has filed petition in the High Court
90 74 6-00 6-00 - WP No. 17091/09 and court allowed
his petition and subsequently he was
constructed the villas and sold away.
An extent of Ac. 6.00 allotted to HMDA
is developed layout and sold away the

Serilingampally Utilized as 45 mtrs CDA master plan

91 37 3-34 3-34
Gopanpally road. Covered with 3.34 gts
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No. Village (Ac - Gts) Utilized
& Details of
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
602-20 1563-14 Bit Pilani : 200-00
AP TRANSCO : 40-00
Secy. Empl. Coop
Society : 100-00
Rajiv Gruha Kalpa : 50-00
Genpact : 50-00
Tourism Dept :160-00
ARCO : 2-20

Govt Memo No.

25830/Assn .
V(1)/94-2, Dt. Covered under Socia
Shamirpet 2 to 11 30-11-99, Economic Survey
92 2370-05
Jawaharnagar etc Panchanama Dt. (conducted by District
6-10-00, 4-11- Revenue Authorities
02, 30-12-2002, on encroachments of huts/
9-2-2004 houses by the weaker sec : 204-11
Covered by 47 WP's : 372-13
O.S. pending in lower
Court : 74-19
L.G. Cases shifted
to Medchal : 33-00
Balance land Ac. 1563-14

93 Shamirpet 102 50-20 50-20 Auctioned as plots in 2000

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With regard to 63.06, Land resumed
under POT by the Revenue Dept and
handed over to HMDA. Presently, Urban
Forestry wing has developed Nursery in
Shankerpally 96, 63-06 27-11
94 an extent of Ac. 10.00 and the balance
Mokila 197 27-11
extent Ac. 53.00 gts is under possession
of HMDA.
With regard to Ac. 27-11 gts has been
handed over to TSIIC

Collector, RR Auctioned on 22-2-2006 to surender

Uppal Lr.no. reddy, amount paid, but the possession
95 11 2-02 2-02
Bandlaguda E5/2568/96, Dt. was not given to him, due to land
11-2-02 dispute.
96 633 1-10 1-10 Utilized as road for Inner Ring Road
Uppal Re- allotted to EE (Housing JNNURM
97 109 4-18 4-18 -
Mallapur Housing division on 15-4-2010.

Auctioned to Jalandher Reddy, But this

land was acquired by the LAO, HMDA
for Musi river front project and
subsequently it was developed layout
Uppal and plots were distributed to the land
98 525 1-29 1-29
uppal Bhagath losers by drawing a lot. As such,
Jalandhar Reddy and 2 others filed WP
No. 11243/2013 in WA. 564/2016 in
the Hon'ble High Court and now the
case is pending.
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