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DBMS Unit 2

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Database Design and ER Diagrams:

 Database Design:
The database design process can be divided into six steps.
Requirements Analysis: The very first step in designing a database applications is to understand what data
is to be stored in the database, what applications must be built on the database and what operations must be
performed on the database.
Conceptual Database Design: The information which is gathered from requirement analysis step is used to
develop a high-level description of the data to be stored in the database along with the conditions. The goal
is to create a description of the data that matches to how both users and developers think of the data. This
facilitates all the people involved in the design process ie. Developers and as well as users who have no
technical background. Thus, the conceptual database design phase is used in drawing ER model.
Logical Database Design: This step converts the conceptual database design into a database schema in the
data model of the DBMS. It means, convert the ER model diagrams into a relational database schema.
Schema Refinement: This step is used to analyze the collection of relations (tables) in our relational
database schema to identify the future problems and to refine (clear) it.
Physical Database Design: This step involve for building indexes on some tables and clustering some
tables or it may involve redesign of parts of the database schema obtained from the earlier design steps.
Application and Security Design: Any software project that involves a DBMS must consider applications
that involve processes and identify the entities. Examples: users, user groups, departments etc.

E-R diagrams: The following diagrams are using to construct or build the ER models.

Strong entity Weak entity

Relationship Identifying relationship

Single Attribute Multivalve attributes

Derived attribute Associative entity

Key Attribute

Date_of Course_id
Sno Sname


Beyond ER (Entity-Relationship) Design: The Entity-Relationship (ER) data model allows us to describe
the data involved in real-world enterprises in terms of objects (entities) and their relationships and is widely
used to develop an initial database design.
The important role of ER model in database design is to provide a useful concept that allows
changing the detailed and informal description of what users want to implement in DBMS. The E-R
diagram is built up from the following components,

1. Rectangles: Which represent entity sets.

2. Diamonds: Which represent relationship among entity sets that are connected to the rectangles by lines.
3. Ellipses : Which represent attributes and are connected to the entities or relationship by lines.
4. Lines : Which link attributes to entity sets and entity sets to relationships.

Date_of depart_id
emp_id ename

employee Works_in department

E-R MODEL[Entity Relationship Model]:

A logical representation of the data for an organization (or) for a business area is called E-R Model.

E-R MODEL CONSTRUCTS: The basic constructs of the entity-relationship model are entities,
relationships, and attributes.
Entities : An entity is a thing, person, place, object, event, or concept in the user environment about which
the organization wishes to maintain data.

Entity type: A collection of entities that share common properties or characteristics(attributes). Each entity
type in an E-R model is given a name. The name represents a collection of items and is always singular.

Entity Instance : A single occurrence of an entity type .

Relationship type: The Relationship type is a meaningful association between entity types. An association
between entity instances where each relationship instance includes exactly one entity from each participating
entity type is called relationship instance.
Attribute: An attribute is a property or characteristic of an entity type that is of interest to the organization.


Entity: An entity is an object in the real world that is distinguishable from other objects”. For examples
Building, room, chair, transaction, course, machine, department, employee etc.

Entities are the basic units used in modeling classes. Entities can have constitute ideas or concepts.

Entity Set: An entity set is a collection of similar entities or objects which maintains the data. Example, job
details, course details, staff details manager details, flight details etc.

Entity Types: Entities are two types. They are 1. Strong entity 2. Weak entity.

Strong entity : An entity that exists independently of other entity types is called Strong entity. Eg:


Weak entity : An entity type whose existence depends on some other entity type is called Weak entity and
which does not have a primary key.

Attribute: An entity is represented by an ellipse symbol. An attribute is a property or characteristic of an

“entity type” of an organization. For example, employee entity has its own attributes such emp_number,
ename, salary etc.

Single valued attribute: The attributes that have a single value for a particular entity is known as single
valued attribute. For example, emp_number can be only a single value for a particular employee.

Multivalued valued Attribute: An attribute that may take on more than one value for a given entity instance.

Derived attribute: An attribute whose values can be calculated from related attribute values.

In this, the attribute “year employed” calculated from join date and present date.
Composite attribute: An attribute that can be broken down into component parts.
Null Attributes: A null attribute is an attribute that uses a null value when a entity does not have a value for
an attribute.
Relationship and Relationship Sets: The Relationship is an association between two or more entities.
This relation is denoted by a diamond symbol that containing the name of the relationship.

Date_of Course_id
Sno Fee

Completes COURSE

Relationship instances: It is an association between among entity instances which establish the relationship
with more than one instance. For example, A student may taken more than one course at the same time. I.e.

Student course

Identifying Relationship : The relationship between strong entity type and weak entity type is called
“Identifying Relationship”
Date_of Course_id
Sno Sname

Completes COURSE

In the above example in student entity property „sno‟ is primary key and course entity property „course_id‟
is discriminator key

Associative entity: An entity type that associates the instances of one or more entity types and contains
attributes that are peculiar to the relationship between those entity instances.

Certificat_no C_Title

Sname Course_id
Sno Fee


Unary relationship: A unary relationship exists when an association is maintained within a single entity.
For example boss and worker distinguish the two employees participating in the manage association

Binary relationship: A binary relationship exists when two entities are associated. For example the book,
publisher relationship shown below.

Ternary Relationship: A ternary relationship exists when there are three entities associated for example,
the entities teacher, subject and student are related using ternary relationship called „teaches‟.

Quaternary relationship: A quaternary relationship exists when there are four entities associated. An
example of quaternary relationship is „studies‟ where four entities are involved student, teacher, subject and

Mappin Cardinalities: mapping cardinalities the number of entities to which another entity can be
associated via a relationship set.
For a binary relationship set R between entity sets A and B, the mapping cardinalites must be one of the
One to one: An entity in A is associated with at most one entity in B, and an entity in B is associated with
at most one entity in A.

A1 B1

A2 B2

A3 B3

A4 B4

Example: A customer with single account at given branch.

Customer Account

One-to-many: An entity in A is associated with any number in B. An entity in B is associated with at most
one entity in A


A1 B2

A2 B3

A3 B4

A4 B5


Example: A customer having two account at given branch.

Customer Account

Many-to-one: An entity in A is associated with at most one entity in B. An entity in B is associated with any
number of entities in A.


A2 B1


A4 B3


Example: Many employees works for a company. This relationship is shown by mant-to-one

Employee Works for Company

Many-to-Many: An entity in A is associated with any number of entities in B. An entity in B is associated
with any number entities in A.

A1 B1

A2 B2

A3 B3

A4 B4

Example: Employee works on number of projects and project is handled by number of employees.
Therefore the relationship between employee and project is manu-to-many

Employee Works in Company

Cardinality constraints: It specifies the number of instances of one entity that can be associated with each
instance of another entity.
Mandatory one: It means an instance of entity must be associated with another instances of entity. For
example, examine the following relationship “PROFESSOR GUIDE THE STUDENTS” . In this,
professor must guide the students.
One one

A professor guide only one student

Optional one : It means an instance of entity optionally associated with another instance of entity. For
example, examine the following relationship “PROFESSOR GUIDE THE STUDENTS” . In this, professor
may or may not guide the students.
One one

A professor may guide only one student

Mandatory many: It means the number of instances of an entity must be associated with another instance of
take course

Many students take many courses

Optional many : It means, the number of instances of an entity optionally associated with another instance of
entity. student take course

Many students optianally take many courses

Minimum cardinality: A cardinality constraint specifies the minimum number of instances of one entity that
can be associated with each instance of another entity.
Maximum cardinality : A cardinality constraint that specifies the maximum number of instances one entity
that can be associated with each instance of another entity.

Rules for naming relationships:
1) A relationship name is verb phrase.
2) A relationship name is in lower case letter.
3) Relationship names represents action being taken , i.e., usually in present tense.
Rules for defining relationships:
A relationship definition explains what relationship is and what is important.
1) It may be important to state that who does the action.
2) It may be important to give examples to clarify the action.
3) The definition should explain any optional participation.
4) A relationship definition should explain any restrictions on participating in relationship.

Additional Features of ER model:

The additional features of ER model allow us to describe some common properties (attributes) of the data.
Key constraints: The Key constraints are used to provide the restrictions to an entity. So that allows unique
instance. Consider the “Works_In relationship” example shown in fig that an employee can work in several
departments and a department can have several employees.


Emp_no-2 5

Emp_no-4 7

Employee Works_in (date) Department

In the above fig. each employee is denoted by its “emp_no” and each department is denoted by number such
as 5,8,9,7. Here “works_in” is a relationship that establish the relationship b/w employee and department.
Here the emp_no 2 works in 5 & 8 departments and emp_no4 works in 9 & 7 departments.

Now consider another relationship set called “manages” b/w employee and department entities. This is
shown in following Dept_Title
Date_of Dept_id
Emp_no ename budget

manages department

In this example, we applied “key constraint” by indicating the arrow mark from “department” entity to
“manages” relationship. So that each department entity appears in at most one manages relationship. Thus,
the arrow mark said that given a department entity is uniquely determine the “manages” relationship in
which it appears.

Participation Constraints: The participation of entity set E in a relationship set R is said to be total if
every entity in E participates in at least one relationship in R.
If only some entities in E participate in relationships in R, the participation of entity set E in relationship
R is said to be partial.
For example, we expect every loan entity to be related to at least one customer through the borrower
relationship. Therefore, the participation of loan in the relationship set borrower is total. While, a bank

customer may or may not have a loan. Therefore, the participation of customer in the borrower relationship
is partial.

Class Hierarchies: To classify the entities in an entity set into subclass entity is known as class hierarchy.
This hierarchy contains the model that has resulted from extending the original E-R model with new
modeling constructs. Such type of new modeling constructs are Sub type/Super type relationship. This
facility allows us to model a general entity type, called super type and then subdivide it into several
specialized entity types, called subtype.

For example, the entity type EMPLOYEE can be modeled as a super type with subtypes such as “hourly
employees”, “salaried employees”, and “contract consultants”.
super type entity and sub type entity.

Sub type: A sub grouping of entities in an entity type that is meaningful to organization and that share the
common attributes that are distinct from other attribute of other type.

Super type : It is a generic entity type that has a relationship with one or more subtypes. The relationship of
Super type and sub type is shown in simple example. Suppose that an organization has three basic types of
employee: i.e. hourly employees, salaried employees, and contract consultants.

Ex: Hourly employees contain Employee no, emp name ,address, date hired, hourly rate.

Salaried employees contain emp no,emp name ,address, date hired, annual salary, stock option.

Contract consultants contain emp no ,emp name, address, date hired, contract no, billing rate .

Emp name Super type




Contact no
Billing rate
Hourly rate

In the above example, the subtype entities inherit the values of all attributes of the super
type. This type of process is called Attribute inheritance. i.e. emp no, empname, address etc are also
assigned to subtypes.

Extended E-R model:
The E-R model that is supported with the additional semantic concepts is called the extended entity
relationship model or EER model. The EER model includes all the concepts of the original E-R together
with the following additional concepts:
 Specialization
 Generalization
 Aggregation
“Specialization is the process of designating sub grouping within an entity set.”
Specialization is a top-down process. Consider an entity set person, with attributes name, street, and city. A
person may be further classified as one of the following
 Customer
 Employee
Each of these person types is described by a set of attributes that includes all the attributes of entity set
person plus additional attributes. For example, customer entities may be further described by customer_id
and employee entities by employee_code and salary.
Specialization which is represented by triangle. The lable ISA stands for “is a” and represents for example
that customer “is a” person. The ISA relationship may also be referred to as a super class-subclass

“Generalization is the process of defining a more general entity type from a set of more specialized entity
Generalization is a bottom-up approach. This approach results in the identification of a generalized super
class from the original subclasses.
Consider that the attributes of „customer‟ entity are customer_id, name, street, city and an „employeee‟
entity attributes are employee_code, street, city and salary. Thus, the entity sets employee and customer
have several attributes in common. This commonality can be expressed by generalization which is a
containment relationship that exists between a higher-level entity set and one or more lower-level entity sets.
Person is higher-level entity set and customer and employee can lower-level entity sets. In other words,
person is a super class if customer and employee are subclasses.

One limitation on E-R model is that cannot express relationships among relationships.
Consider a quaternary relationship manages between employee, branch, job and manager, Using the
basic E-R modeling constructs, we obtain the E-R diagrams as shown below,

There is redundant information in the resultant figure, since every employee, branch, job combination in
manages is also in Works_on.
The best way to model above situation is to use aggregation. Aggregation is an abstraction through hich
relationships are treated as higher-level entities. Thus, the relationship set Works_on relating the entity sets
employee, branch and job is considered as a higher_level entity set called Works_on. We can then create a
binary relationship manages between Works_on and manager to represent who manages what tasks.

1. Generalization :
It works on the principle of bottom up approach. In Generalization lower level functions are combined to
form higher level function which is called as entities. This process is repeated further to make advanced level
In the Generalization process properties are drawn from particular entities and thus we can create generalized
entity. We can summarize Generalization process as it combines subclasses to form superclass.
Example of Generalization –
Consider two entities Student and Patient. These two entities will have some characteristics of their own. For
example Student entity will have Roll_No, Name and Mob_No while patient will have PId, Name and
Mob_No characteristics. Now in this example Name and Mob_No of both Student and Patient can be
combined as a Person to form one higher level entity and this process is called as Generalization Process.

2. Specialization :
We can say that Specialization is opposite of Generalization. In Specialization things are broken down into
smaller things to simplify it further. We can also say that in Specialization a particular entity gets divided into
sub entities and it’s done on the basis of it’s characteristics. Also in Specialization Inheritance takes place.
Example of Specialization –
Consider an entity Account. This will have some attributes consider them Acc_No and Balance. Account
entity may have some other attributes like Current_Acc and Savings_Acc. Now Current_Acc may have

Acc_No, Balance and Transactions while Savings_Acc may have Acc_No, Balance and Interest_Rate
henceforth we can say that specialized entities inherits characteristics of higher level entity.

After applying generalization and specialization, the structure of resultant figures are same.

Difference between Generalization and Specialization :


Generalization works in Bottom-Up Specialization works in top-down

approach. approach.

In Generalization, size of schema gets In Specialization, size of schema gets

reduced. increased.

Generalization is normally applied to We can apply Specialization to a

group of entities. single entity.

Generalization can be defined as a Specialization can be defined as

process of creating groupings from process of creating subgrouping within
various entity sets an entity set

Specialization is reverse of
In Generalization process, what actually Generalization. Specialization is a
happens is that it takes the union of two process of taking a subset of a higher
or more lower-level entity sets to level entity set to form a lower-level
produce a higher-level entity sets. entity set.

Generalization process starts with the Specialization process starts from a

number of entity sets and it creates single entity set and it creates a
high-level entity with the help of some different entity set by using some
common features. different features.

In Generalization, the difference and

similarities between lower entities are In Specialization, a higher entity is
ignored to form a higher entity. split to form lower entities.

There is no inheritance in
Generalization. There is inheritance in Specialization.


Developing an ER diagram presents several design issues including the following:

1. Entity versus Attribute.
2. Entity versus Relationship
3. Binary versus Ternary Relationships
4. Aggregation versus Ternary Relationships.

Entity Versus Attribute: While identifying the attributes of an entity set, it is sometimes not clear whether
a property should be modeled as an attribute or as an entity set.
For example Should address be an attribute of Employees or an entity (connected to Employees by a
Depends upon the use we want to make of address information, and the semantics of the data:
If we have several addresses per employee, address must be an entity (since attributes cannot be set-valued).
If the structure (city, street, etc.) is important, e.g., we want to retrieve employees in a given city, address
must be modeled as an entity (since attribute values are atomic).

Entity Vs Relationship: It is not always clear whether an object is best expressed by an entity set or a
relationship set.
For example, A bank loan is modeled as an entity. An alternative is to model a loan not as an entity, but
rather as a relationship b/w customers and branches, with loan number and amount as descriptive attributes.
Each loan is represented by a relationship b/w a customer and a branch.
If every loan is held by exactly one customer and customer is associated with exactly one branch,
we may find satisfactory the design, where a loan is represented as a relationship.But, with this design, we
cannot represent conveniently a situation in which several customers hold a loan jointly. We must define a
separate relationship for each holder of the joint loan. Then we must replicate the values for the descriptive
attribute loan_number and amount in each such relationship. Each such relationship must of course, have the
same value for the descriptive attributes loan_number and amount.

Consider another situation

One possible guideline is determining whether to use an entity set or a relationship set to designate a
relationship set, an action that occurs b/w entities. This approach can also be useful in deciding whether
certain attributes may be more appropriately expressed as relationships.

Binary Vs Ternary Relationships: It is always possible to replace a non-binary relationship set by a

number of distinct binary relationship sets.
This example an employee can own several policies each policy can be owned by several employees and each
dependent can be covered by several policies.
suppose that we have the following additional requirements.
A policy cannot be owned jointly by two or more employees.
Every policy must be owned by some employee.

Aggregation Vs Ternary Relationship: The choice b/w using aggregation or a ternary relationship is
mainly determined by the existence of a relationship that relates a relationship set to an entity set. The
choice may also be guided by certain integrity constraints that we want to express.
Example, Consider the constraint that each sponsorship be monitored by at most one employee. We can
express this constraint in terms of the sponsors relationship set. On the other hand, we can relationship
sponsors to the relationship monitors. Thus, the presence of such a constraint serves a another reason for
using aggregation rather than a ternary relationship set.

INTRODUCTION TO THE RELATIONAL MODEL: The relational data model was first introduced in
1970 by E.F.Codd at IBM research laboratory. The second at the university of California in 1980 and
named as RDBMS.
Definitions: The relational data model represents data in the form of tables. This model consists of three
1) Data structure : In RDBMS data are organized in the form of tables with rows and columns.
2) Data manipulation : In data manipulation the powerful operations are used to manipulate data stored in
the relations.
3) Data integrity: In RDBMS, facilities are included to specify business rules, that maintain the integrity
of data when they are manipulated.
The E.F. Codd proposed the relational data model in 1970. At that time, the hierarchical and network
models were using for database. To reduce the draw backs of hierarchical and network models, introduced
relational database system. The relational database model is the product of DBMS. The relational model
were introduced by IBM‟s DB2 family (Oracle, Sybase) and other are Microsoft‟s Access, SQL server,
Foxbase, Foxpro etc.

What is relational model? How to create a relational table? Explain with suitable example.The E.F.
Codd proposed the relational data model in 1970 To reduce the draw backs of hierarchical and
network models.
The relational model is very simple and elegant. A database is a collection of one or more relations.
This relation is table with rows and columns. In this, the users can easy to understand and easy to permit the
high level languages to query the data.
The relational model uses Data Definition Language (DDL) and Data Manipulation Language
(Query language) for creating, accessing, manipulating, and querying data in a relational DBMS
The relational model represents both data and relationship among data in the form of tables. Each
table has multiple columns and each column has a unique name. This is created by create command.
Consider the following relational model.
SQL> Create table customer(cid number(6), customer_city varchar(20), customer_street varchar(10),
customer_city varchar(10));
Customer Relation
cid customer_name Customer_street customer_city

5555 Chaitanya Gandhi nagar Ongole

6666 Bhagya sujatha nagar Ongole

7777 Sumathi jyothi bazzar Ongole

An important of a relational model is that it specifies some conditions that must satisfied while accepting the
values from the user which prevents the entry of incorrect information. Such conditions are called Integrity

What is Relation? Define the terms relation schema, relation instance, unary, degree of relation and
domain constraints and its types.
Representing the data in the relational model is called relation. A relation contains set of records in
the form of two-dimension table which contain rows and columns of data. A relation consists of two things,
such as a relation schema and a relation instance.
Relation schema: A relation schema contains the basic information of a table or relation. This information
includes the name of the entire table, the names of the column and the data types associated with each
For example: A relation schema for the relation called students could be expressed using the following
Students (sid : string, name :string, course: string, age: integer, fees : real);
In this table, contain five column attributes with respective data types such as string, integers, real are
associated with it.
Relation instance: A relation instance is a set of rows (also known as records) that when combined together
forms the schema of the relation. A relation instance can be a table which each tuple (record) is a row and
all rows has same number of fields (columns).
For example,
cid customer_name Customer_street customer_city

5555 Chaitanya Sri nagar Ongole

6666 Anusha Madhuri nagar Ongole

7777 Nithisha Swathi bazzar Ongole

Relational Database Schema: A relational database schema is a collection of relation schemas, describing
one or more relations.
Domain: Domain is synonymous with data type. Attributes is a column in a table. Therefore an attribute
domain refers to the database associated with a column.
Relational Cardinality: The relation cardinality is the number of tuples (rows or records) in the relation.

Relation Degree: The relation degree is the number of fields (column or attribute) in the relation.
Tuples/Records: The rows of the table are also known as fields or attributes.
Unary: A relation with only one attribute and have only one degree is called a unary relation.

How to create the relation and modify the relation using SQL:
1) Creating relation in SQL (Structured Query Language) : Relations are created in SQL using create
SQL> Create table customer(cid number(6), cname varchar(20), accno number(6), amount number(8,2));

2)Inserting records in a table : Records are inserted in a table using an integer command as,
SQL> insert into customer(cid, cname, accno, amount) values (5, „badri‟, 5555,15000.00);
SQL> insert into customer values (5, „badri‟,
SQL> insert into customer values(&cid, „&cname‟, &accno, &amount);

3) Deleting tuples from a table : Tuples in the table can be deleted using delete command in SQL
as, SQL> delete from customers where accno = 5555;

4) Modifying the column values: Values in a particular row can be changed using an update command
as, SQL> update customer set cname = „Chaithanya‟ amount = 15000.00;
SQL> update customer set amount = amount + 1000 where accno <= 5555;

Importance of NULL values: The SQL NULL is the term used to represent a missing value. A NULL
value in a table is a value in a field that appears to be blank.
A field with a NULL value is a field with no value. It is very important to understand that a NULL value is
different than a zero value or a field that contains spaces.
Principles of NULL values:
 Setting a null value is appropriate when the actual value is unknown or when a value would not be
 A null value is not equivalent to a value of zero.
 A null value will evaluate to null in any expression: null multiplied by 10 is null.
 When a column name is defined as not null, then that column becomes a mandatory column. It implies that
the user is forced to enter data into that column.


What is an integrity constrain? Explain “Integrity constraints over relations”.
Integrity constraint is a condition (rule) that ensures the correct insertion of the data and prevents
unauthorized data access thereby preserving the consistency of the data.

For example, the roll number of a student cannot be a decimal value. The database enforces the constraint
that the instance of roll number can have only integer values.

The Integrity constraints can be applied in the following cases.

1. At the time of defining the database, the constraints are must be specified.
2. Validity of the data must be checked while executing the application.

The major integrity constraints are 1) Domain Constraints. 2) Key constraints

3) Referential integrity constraints 4) General Constraints.

1) DOMAIN CONSTRAINTS : The domain constraints are used to prevent from null values and allows
specified range of values. A domain definition consists domain name, meaning, data type and size (or)
length. The domain integrity constraints are classified into two types.

NULL/NOT NULL: The word „NULL‟ means zero and it is a default value in a column_name. The word
„NOT NULL‟ means not zero, it is used with one or more column_names that do not accept zero‟s.
Note: 1)zero and null are not equivalent. 2)One null is not equivalent to another null
Eg: Create table bvsr_table(stu_id number(6) not null);

CHECK constraint : The CHECK constraint can be specified to column_name to allow only a particular
range of values. The CHECK constraint contain a condition that must satisfy in each row. These conditions
governed by logical expressions (or) Boolean expression. Note: Check constraint cannot be allowed in sub-
Eg: 1)CREATE TABLE student(sno number(6) CHECK (sno <=100), sname varchar2(20)
NOT NULL, course varchar2(10) CHECK(course IN(„btech‟,‟mtech‟,‟degree‟)));

2) KEY CONSTRAINTS : Key constraints are used in relations to uniquely identify the records of the
relation. A Key constraint can be defined as a statement that consists of minimal subset of attribute that
uniquely determine a record in a table. The different types of key constraints are,

i) Entity Integrity Constraint : An entity represents a table and each row of table represents an instance of
the entity. Each row in a table can be uniquely identified by using the entity constraint. This constraint can
be classified into two types. They are a) Unique constraint b) Primary key constraint.
a) UNIQUE constraint: It is defined with column to handle unique values. This can be used to prevent from
duplication values within the rows of specified column (or) set of columns. It means, it cannot allow
duplicate values in the table. But it allows NULL values. It can be defined in more than one column. (i.e
up to 16 columns).

Eg: 1) CREATE TABLE emp_table(emp_id number(6) unique, emp_name char(20));

b) Primary Key : A PRIMARY KEY is a constraint that uniquely identify each row in a table. The
primary key cannot accept NULL value and same value (i.e duplicates). A table can allow only one primary
key. For example, the primary key for the student is defined to stu_id (or) Employee is emp_id.
Eg: CREATE TABLE student(sno number(6) PRIMARY KEY, sname char(20), fname
char(20), fee number(7,2), date_of_join date);
Eg: CREATE TABLE student(sno number(6), sname char(20), fname char(20),
fee number(7,2), date_of_join date, PRIMARY KEY(sno));

ii) Candidate Key: A candidate key is a collection of fields / columns / attributes that uniquely identifies a
tuple (record). For example, in customer relation (table) the attribute “cid” is a key that uniquely defines a
tuple in a relation. No two rows in a “customer” relation of “cid” can have same value.
For example, customer (cid, cname) in this, either cid or cname can be taken as key but not both. Each of
them uniquely identifies a particular row. The alternate keys are the candidate keys that are not taken as
iii) Composite Key: Composite key consist of more than one
attribute that uniquely identifies a tuple in a relation. All the Super key
attributes that form a set of keys and all of them taken together
determines a unique row in a table. For example, the set (cid,
accno) is a composite key which maintains the uniqueness of each Candidate Composite
row. Both cid, accno are taken as keys. key key

iv) Super Key: A super key is a combination of both candidate key Primary
and composite key. That is a super key is a set of attributes or a key
single attribute that uniquely identifies a tuple in a relation. For
example, consider the super key, {cid, accno, cname}

Here all the three attributes taken together can identify a particular record or a combination of any two
attributes can identify a particular record or any one of the attribute can identify a particular record.

3) Referential Integrity Constraint : It establish the relation between two tables when having a common
column in both tables. A referential Integrity constrain is a rule that states the relation between primary key
value and foreign key value. It means, it establishes the relation between two tables. In this case, the
primary key value will be referenced in another table by a foreign key and that cannot be deleted. The
referential integrity constraints are a) Referenced key b)Foreign key

a) Referenced key: It is a unique (or) primary key which is defined on a column belongs to the parent
table. The referential integrity constraint does not use foreign key to identify the column that make up the
foreign key . The foreign key is automatically enforced on the columns.

Eg: 1. CREATE TABLE student(sno number(5) PRIMARY KEY, sname char(20) NOT NULL, fname
char(20) NOT NULL, fee number(7,2) NOT NULL, course char2(10));

Eg: 2. CREATE TABLE library (sno number(5) NOT NULL, sname char(20) NOT NULL,
issued_book_name char(20) NOT NULL, issued_book_id number(7,2) NOT NULL, course varchar2(10),
CONSTRAINT sno REFERENCES student(sno));
 In the library table, the value of sno is referenced in the student table (sno).

b) Foreign Key : Foreign key provides links between two tables. Foreign keys are used to maintain data
consistency. A foreign key is a set of attributes or a single attribute in one relation that forms a point of
candidate key in other relation. A column (or) combination of columns included in the definition of
referential integrity which would refer to a referenced key. The foreign key operation is only in one table.
For example,
Eg: 1 CREATE TABLE dept(deptno number(4) primary key,dname varchar2(20), loc varchar2(20);
CREATE TABLE emp(emp_id number(5) primary key, ename char(20), sal number(7,2), hiredate date,
deptno number(4) constraint FK FOREIGN KEY(deptno) references dept(deptno));

4) General Constraints: Domain, primary key, foreign key constraints are considered to be a fundamental
part of the relational data model and are given special attention in most systems. Sometimes, it is necessary
to specify more general constraints.

Default constraint: The DEFAULT constraint is used to provide a default value for a column. The default
value will be added to all new records IF no other value is specified.

Ex: create table sailors(sid number(4),sname varchar2(10),addtress varcahr2(15) default 'ONG');

In general constraints, the domain, primary key and foreign key can also specify the maximum limit.
For example, we require a student whose age is greater than 16 must have a gpa less than 3.5.
There are two types of general constraints. They are,
1) Table constraints: These are applied on a particular table and are checked every time whenever that
specific table is updated.
2)Assertions: These assertions are applied on collection of tables and are checked every time
whenever these tables are updated.


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