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Learn To Read The Tarot

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Learn to read the tarot, basic guide

If you want to learn to read tarot, you should start here .

Even after many years , it is still not known for sure what the true origin of the
tarot is.

It is believed that it comes from Egypt and that the plates are part of the book of
the god Thoth, in which all the knowledge of life could be found.

The truth is that today, it continues to be a widely used method of consultation

and prediction .

In this post I share with you a basic guide to learn to read tarot.

If you already have your tarot, we can continue moving forward.

If not, I recommend that you get one because without it, it will be very difficult
for you to relate the meanings.

I recommend getting the Rider - Waite Tarot deck, the images are very
illustrative and it will be easier for you to connect the card with its meaning.

learn to read tarot

First of all, you should know that the deck is made up of 78 cards, these are
divided into 22 Major Arcana and 56 Minor Arcana.

Analyze the cards one by one, observe all its elements.

Colors, numbers , symbols , the character's looks (if there is a character), how
he is standing, what he is carrying in his hands...

Although everything is important, try not to want to cover it the first time, with
time and practice , you will be able to discover new messages.

Write on a piece of paper what the meaning is and the words that are linked to
each one, use your intuition .

Since you have done it, compare your meanings with the ones I put in these links:
Ab á sica guide to meanings for Major Arcana and Guide to minor arcana.

The most important thing is to develop your intuition and practice.

If you search on the internet, you will find many ways to shoot.

Since you are just starting out, it is best to ask simple questions and draw 3 cards
after shuffling them.
With the meanings, build your positive or negative response and its complement.

Some extra recommendations to learn to read tarot:

- Find a quiet place where you can concentrate without interruptions.

- If you want, you can use some incense or light a candle to relax.
- Clear your mind of prejudices.

- Listen to your heart , if you feel something when you see a card, take it into

Ab á sica guide to the meanings of the Major Arcana

Find here a basic guide to the meanings of the Major Arcana.

As we already saw in Gu í ab á sica to learn to read the tarot. You just need to
concentrate and give space to intuition to start reading the cards.
Below , you will find the meanings attributed to the Major Arcana.

0 – The crazy
It speaks of a person who is exploring, with a great desire for freedom and to find
his way.
It also advises you to let yourself be carried away by the situation , it invites us
to adventure.
Inverted: Danger due to recklessness, think things through better, do not let
yourself be guided by hunches.
Irresponsibility or immaturity.
1 - The magician
The number one tells us the beginning of everything. It tells you that you are the
one in control of the situation .
He speaks of a determined and focused person, he knows where he is going. It
also shows a balance between the spiritual and material.
Inverted: Energy blockage, fear, indecision , manipulation .

2 – The Priestess
It shows us the journey towards oneself. It is duality. Talk about a very wise
person. Deep feelings. Lose the fear.

Inverted: Repressed feelings. Listen to your inner voice. Prudence

3 – The Empress

Abundance, fertility, fecundity. It refers to the mother. Fruitful actions, someone

who supports you. Birth or pregnancy.

Inverted: Blockades, not a good time to harvest.

Infertility. Blackmail, insecurity, instability.
4 – The Emperor

It represents order and authority. Control and performance . Father, patriarch,

judge, chief. A fair and analytical person. Someone who has your back. The head
must dominate the heart . God with you.

Inverted: Tiraní a. Set limits , cut ties. Legal issues. A person who does not give
in and wants to impose his authority.
5 – Hierophant

Master passions. Follow the rules, do the right thing.

Get closer to your faith. Respect beliefs, abide by protocols. Continue with what
is socially accepted.

Inverted: Suffocating norms. Hypocrisy , break with what is established. Find a

different approach.

6 – The lovers

Attraction , desire, sensuality. There are two options to choose from.

Very romantic. Test, choice . A point of attraction . Something that is about to

Reversed: Dishonesty. Breaking off. Infidelity. Having to choose.

7 – The car

Victory. Move forward without hesitation. You will be the winner of the battle.
Overcome a fear. Inspiration . Positive energy . Motion.

Reversed: Defeat, disaster, arrogance. Overconfidence. Unclear objectives.

Situation that does not progress.
8 – Justice

Law of cause and effect. Karma. Earthly justice. You get what you deserve. Time
to settle accounts.

Inverted: Contract breached. Injustice.

9 – Hermitage

Search within yourself . Maturity.

Need for pause, retreat, meditation . Loneliness. Become aware of the

situation . Reflection . Austerity.

Inverted: Too much isolation. Very far from the world.

Insecurities. Have the need to reconnect with your environment.

10 – Wheel of fortune

Change, ups and downs, unexpected turns. Recognize repetition patterns. Luck
in games of chance. Surprises. Unexpected events.

Reversed: Bad streak, failure.

11 – Strength

Master your feelings. Ability to dominate the situation . A person with a lot of
strength to face what happens. Don't lose control. Bring out the best in you.

Reversed: Paralyzing fear. Absence of motivation . Fear of changes. Endurance.

12 – The Hanged Man

Sacrifice. Change your way of seeing life. Leave something behind . Give more .

Inverted: Useless sacrifice. Endurance. Attachments. Rigidity.


13 – Death

Transformation . Announces the end of a cycle or a situation .

Radical change. Renaissance. Renewal

Inverted: Inability to accept changes and endings.

Stagnations. Pain. Sadness.
14 – Temperance

Moderation , initiative. Self-control. Balance, goodwill, harmony . Need to

value yourself .

Reversed: Anxiety, impatience. Impulsiveness. Imbalance.

15 – The devil

Slavery, doom, attachments.

Warns about a toxic situation . Illegality. Temptations.

Chains. Sexuality, passion n. Low instincts.
Physical attraction without love. Infidelity.

Inverted: Liberation .
16 – The Tower

Destruction , ruin. Painful disappointment . Ideals are broken.

Breakups. Disaster. Frustration . Don't cling to what you believe.

Reversed: Self- pity . Sometimes what we want is not what we need.

17 – The star

Reach your full potential. Peace from within, lucidity, success , good luck, good
star. Self -confidence. Inspiration , creative energy . Harmony to happiness.

Reversed: Pessimism, doubts, insecurity. Low self-esteem. Without illusions or

18 – The moon

Deception , illusions, betrayal . It speaks of a person who is not well planted on

earth. Conflicts, misunderstandings, fantasies .

Inverted: The blindfold falls off.

19 – The sun

Happiness, vitality. Energy , successful completion , abundance, success .

Time to shine and enjoy.

Inverted: Delays, changing attitude to receive good things. Lack of trust

20 – The trial

Renewal , right. Everything comes to light. Pay off debts, forget the blame.

Inverted: Stagnation in a negative situation , you do not accept your faults.


21 – The world

Definitive happiness, fulfillment, serenity, reward, fulfillment . Harmony .

Everything flows.

Things are where they need to be and be where you belong. Blessings,

Inverted: Lack of confidence, carrying too many things, being misplaced, not
finding your place in the world, feeling lost.

Remember that you give it the best meaning according to your intuition and
what you are learning here .

Forget your fears and let yourself be guided by the cards. If you want to
continue studying tarot, continue with the Minor Arcana .
The learning of cartomancy is infinite and the more you practice, the better it
will be for your interpretations.

Ab á sica guide to the meanings of the Minor Arcana

meanings of Minor Arcana.

If you are starting to study card reading, I recommend you first read Learning
to Read Tarot, an Basic Guide .

If you have already gone through the Basic Guide to Meanings for the Major
Arcana, then it is time to study the remaining 56 cards.

The minor arcana are divided into four: pentacles, cups, wands and swords.

Each one corresponds to an area of our life and is related to the four elements
and the signs of the zodiac.


This suit is related to the EARTH element and the signs Taurus, Virgo and
Capricorn. In these letters we find material and economic matters.

• Ace of Pentacles: Prosperity and success . Good financial opportunities.

• Two of Pentacles: Balance, stability. Many issues on your hands but you have
the ability to maintain balance despite everything.

• Three of Pentacles: Teamwork, it's time to take advantage of opportunities to

show what you are capable of.
• Four of Pentacles: Economic security, retain, greed.
• Five of Pentacles: Difficulties, economic crisis, poverty, loss .
• Six of Pentacles: Economic improvement, charity, generosity.
• Seven of Pentacles: Reflection , reward, wait, recapitulation .
• Eight of Pentacles: Period of learning, education , quality, dedication .
• Nine of Pentacles: Abundance, plenitude, harmony .
• Ten of Pentacles: Prosperity, family, wealth.
• Page of Pentacles: Intelligence, entrepreneurship, new opportunities.
• Knight of Pentacles: Discipline, efficiency, confidence, method .
• Queen of Pentacles: Practicality, be realistic, listen to your common sense.
• King of Pentacles: Take care of business, triumph, power, abundance.


The element that rules this suit is WATER and the signs Cancer , Scorpio and

They tell us about feelings and interpersonal relationships (family, partner,

friends, etc.)

• Ace of Cups: Infatuation, love, overflow.

• Two of Cups: Attraction , relationships, partnerships, harmony .
• Three of Cups: Celebration , contagious happiness, plenitude.
• Four of Cups: Dissatisfaction , doubts, giving new meaning to your life,
meditation .
• Five of Cups: Disappointment , irreparable losses , separation .
• Six of Cups: Nostalgia, inner child , memories of the past.
• Seven of Cups: Fantasies , illusions, false expectations.
• Eight of Cups: Starting over, attachments, culmination of a cycle,
disappointment , escape.
• Nine of Cups: Wishes fulfilled, well-being, dreams that come true.
• Ten of Cups: Deep joy, marriage, love, harmony , inner peace.
• Page of Cups: Rebirth, creativity, emotional awakening.
• Knight of Cups: Prince Charming, romance, kindness.
• Queen of Cups: Listen to your heart , intuition , serenity.
• King of Cups: Wisdom , emotions under control, being sincere.


They represent AIR and the signs G é menis, Libra and Aquarius.

They refer to the mental and our inner state.

• Ace of Swords: Intellectual strength, victory, clarity, clear objectives.
• Two of Swords: Indecision , blockages, dilemma, crossroads, worries.
• Three of Swords: Deception , betrayal , sadness, mourning, separation .
• Four of Swords: Seek peace, recovery , rest, reflection .
• Five of Swords: Betrayal , staying away from those who hurt us, warning,
losses .
• Six of Swords: Clearing problems, transition , moving away.
• Seven of Swords: Deception , illegality, evasion of responsibilities, disloyalty.
• Eight of Swords: Dead end, trap, limitations, distrust, need to free oneself.
• Nine of Swords: Get out of mental torture, face what torments you, anxiety,
• Ten of Swords: End, bottoming out, ruin, exaggeration , destruction .
• Page of Swords: Curiosity, someone who thinks before acting, challenges,
challenges .

• Knight of Swords: Decision , objectives achieved, assertive communication ,

putting the mind before the heart .
• Queen of Swords: Independence, think quickly , be true to yourself.
• King of Swords: Intellectual power, analysis , bravery , authoritarian, truth.


Wands refer to the fire element and the signs Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.

They tell us about work, studies, careers and our abilities to do things.

• Ace of Wands: New business, enthusiasm, potential, beginnings.

• Two of Wands: Discovery, progress, productive association , developing
• Three of Wands: work, initiative, solo success .
• Four of Wands: Celebration , realization , strengthening, when everything is
• Five of Wands: Competition, rivalry, disagreements, conflict, tension .
• Six of Wands: Absolute victory, fame, self -confidence.
• Seven of Wands: Situation that requires a lot of courage, not avoiding
conflict, challenge, competition , perseverance.
• Eight of Wands: Changes, actions, travel, surprises, something that is here to
• Nine of Wands: Prudence, resistance, courage, this is not the time to take
• Ten of Wands: Time to stop, lighten the load, oppression , wear.
• Page of Wands: Free spirit, energy , enthusiasm.
• Knight of Wands: Impulsiveness, adventure, exciting moments, passion .

• Queen of Wands: Strength, determination , exuberance, enthusiasm.

• King of Wands: Leader , goals that are met, honor.

Remember that the most important thing is to practice and listen to your
intuition . If you still have doubts, read Discover how to read the tarot
without risks.

5 tarot readings to start reading the cards

on 09/11/2019P or Dianavaz

On the Internet, there are thousands of tarot readings, but how do you choose
the best one to practice?

If you have ever had your cards read , you have probably seen that the tarot
reader usually puts many cards on the table in a certain order and in different

These are called tarot readings.

Each tarot reader has their own methods and we must remember that nothing
is set in stone, for this reason , what works for some, may or may not work
for others.

Taking the above into account, at this point, you should already know the
meanings of the Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana .

Therefore, here I present 5 easy tarot readings to start reading the cards.
I chose spreads of 3 cards because when starting out, it is a little complicated
to relate the meanings of the cards that

They are together and above all, ground them in the situation you are
wondering about.

These are some of the first runs I started making.

Normally, I don't make extravagant formations or anything, I just ask and

draw the cards that resonate with me, from there , I make my interpretation .



With this spread, we can discover the context of a situation .
For example, if you or your consultant want to know what decision to make
about a situation , I recommend that you first draw 3 cards with this
formation , to know the context.

What has already happened , what is happening and what is going to happen.

At this point it is important to keep in mind that the cards are read individually
and if you have any questions or want to expand the reading about any of the
times, take out an extra card.

This will help you have more details of the moment and, later, will give you a
broader overview of the situation .


This is one of my favorite spreads and one of the ones I use the most.

Mainly because it helps me answer questions where I need a very specific


When working with this tarot reading, remember that the questions you ask
must be answered with a YES or NO.

When you take out the cards, interpret their meaning, because beyond giving
you a negative or positive answer, they will tell you why they have responded
that way and describe the situation to you.

liulos by om0v


When you start reading the letters, you will realize that the most frequently
asked questions have to do with love.

Because ?

Because above all on this topic, we like to be certain about what is happening.

This is a very simple test to find out the feelings that exist between a couple.

On the one hand, it describes what she feels and on the other, what he feels .
In the middle is the letter that talks about what unites this couple and there ,
you will be able to realize if they are both in tune and going on the same path.

fear roll
It is very common to feel afraid about something.

With this test, you will be able to discover where that fear comes from and
also give you advice to face it.

Knowing the background of a fear will give you a better perspective to

overcome it.

Fortress Shoot
As in the fear roll, with this training , you will be able to discover what your
greatest strength is in the face of a situation .

It is important to pay attention to what the cards tell you, so that you can use
this as a benefit for yourself.

How to read the tarot without risks

Learn the true way to read tarot without risks.

Since I got into tarot, I realized that there are many myths that warn us about
tarot readings.
They associate it with the devil, dark arts (not even Lord Voldemort), negative
energies or the opening of portals by reading cards at night , bad luck, ghosts,
dead people, zombies, nightmares, evil eye, diseases, karma and even the
extinction of polar bears.

I already invented that; But all these " risks " are very far from reality. Here I
tell you how to read the tarot without risks.

Tarot has earned these negative attributions through ignorance, most people
are afraid of it because they don't really know how it works or what it is

When " strange " things happen before, during and after reading the tarot it is
more than anything by suggestion .

Your head can stay on some thought or on what you perceived while reading
and that is why your brain reacts in these ways.

Although that doesn't mean that card readings are free of bad situations...

For me , you can read the tarot without risks and, in any case, the biggest risk
is knowing things that you really did n't want to know, because as I told you
in Tarot: that 's how I started reading it, this is a tool that It allows you to see
beyond your reality.

Therefore, whenever you want to ask a question to the tarot, ask yourself if you
really want to know the answer and if you are willing to accept it.

In case you feel the need to protect yourself, you can do some rituals to ask your
beings of light to accompany you during the process, lighting a candle or incense
will help you feel calmer ...

All of this will depend on the tarot reader and the rituals he performs to get in
sync with his deck.

Finally , I recommend that if you are starting to learn cartomancy, you clear your
mind of doubts and lose your fear.
Tarot is a wonderful universe of knowledge and a lot has to do with people's
disposition , especially wanting to develop intuition .

Read, practice, consult, ask and connect with your tarot card.

You will build knowledge from your experiences, because in this matter, no one
has the absolute truth.

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