WARNING! Not suitable for children under 10 years. For use under
adult supervision. Contains some chemicals which present
a hazard to health. Read the instructions before use, follow them and keep them
for reference. Do not allow chemicals to come into contact with any part of the
body, particularly mouth and eyes. Keep small children and animals away from
experiments. Keep the experimental set out of reach of children under 10 years
old. Eye protection for supervising adults is not included.
MADE IN CHINA P38-CM001-81001003
2 Test Tubes with Stoppers 1 Cleaning Brush 1 Test Tube Holder
2 Glass Tubing 1 Rubber Tubing 1 Spirit Lamp
1 Beaker(0-100ml) 1 Stirring Rod 1 Measuring Spoon
6 Filter Papers 8 Universal Indicator Paper 1 Goggles
2 Cork Stoppers with hole 1 Funnel 2 Cork Stoppers
1 Instruction Book 1 Scoop 1 Dropping Pipette
1 Test Tube Rack
General first aid information
In case of eye contact: Wash out eye with plenty of water, holding eye open if necessary. Seek immediate medical advice.
If swallowed: Wash out mouth with water, drink some fresh water. Do not induce vomiting. Seek immediate medical advice.
In case of inhalation: Remove person to fresh air.
In case of skin contact and burns: Wash affected area with plenty of water for 10 minutes.
In case of doubt seek medical advice without delay. Take the chemical together with the container with you.
In case of injury always seek medical advice.
• These goggles are only to be used with the contents and instructions supplied. If goggles become damaged,
do not attempt to repair and discard immediately.
• The goggles are intended for protection against liquids (droplets or splashes).
• Materials which may come into contact with the wearer’s skin could cause allergic reactions to susceptible individuals.
Goggles Markings:
Model no : A15-CM002-24000008
Manufacturer : Edu-Science (HK) Ltd
1 S – EN166 3 S H CE
Chemicals Contents :
CHEMICAL Danger Symbol H-and P-Statements CAS No EINECS No
Copper (II) Sulphate Harmful if swallowed, Causes serious eye irritation, 7758-98-7 231-847-6
Causes skin irritation,Very toxic to aquatic life with
long lasting effects. Very toxic to aquatic life.
Do not eat, drink or smoke when using this
product,Wear eye protection and protective gloves.
doctor/physician if you feel unwell.
IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several
minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and
easy to do. Continue rinsing.
IF ON SKIN: Wash with plenty of soap and water.
Avoid release to the environment.
Contents Page
CHEMISTRY SET CONTENTS .............................................................................................. 3
Section 1 Safety Precautions ........................................................................................... 5
Section 2 Your Laboratory- How to Set It Up ............................................................. 7
Section 3 Laboratory Technique - How to Do Experiments ................................. 9
Section 4 Experiments: ........................................................................................................ 12
Gases ........................................................................................................................ 34
Metals ...................................................................................................................... 36
Fibres ........................................................................................................................ 37
Dyes .......................................................................................................................... 39
7. Cuts Wash a small cut in antiseptic 10. Use of household equipment and
solution, or, failing this, in clean water. products Do not use spoons,
Then put on a plaster. In case of any containers, etc. which are normally in
larger injury you should get first aid use in the house. Do not try
treatment. experiments with household chemicals
except the ones described in the
8. Fire A small fire on your work table, booklet experiments. Dangerous
caused by the spirit burner falling over accidents have occurred by mixing
for example, can be quickly put out by certain cleansing agents with
smothering the fire at once with a damp chemicals.
cloth (which should always be kept
available). In the most unlikely event 11. Mixing chemicals Although any of the
that any larger fire occurs, which you chemicals supplied in your set may be
cannot handle, call the fire brigade safely mixed together, you should not
without delay. mix them with other chemicals unless
instructions in the experimernts direct
9. Very young children Ensure that very you to do so. This can be very
young children cannot touch any of dangerous (see para. 10 above). It is a
your chemicals or apparatus, and do not good safety precaution never to do any
carry out experiments when they are private experiments, i.e. those not
near you. described in the booklet.
siphon bottle
Plastic tubing
Plastic Surface
Waste pail
Section 2 Your Laboratory
How to Set It Up
Your place of work Your may only have a Work bench Your work bench or table
table or bench in the corner of a room, needs to be sturdy and to have a metal or
workshop, or garage. But it is much better PVC or formica surface. A surface of hard
to have a place where you will not be wood, such as teak, is also suitable.
disturbed and where young children are Alternatively, you can do your experiments
not permitted. on a large, unpainted metal tray placed on a
Safety Considerations
1. The room should be well ventilated Additional Equipment
and safe from fire hazards such as
stored petrol and oils, gas or electric Metal lid
fires, etc.
Metal evaporating dish
2. If running water is not available, keep a
bucket of water within reach so that Crystallizing dish
you can wash your hands or quickly
put out a small fire with a damp cloth. Length of thick wire
Have plenty of rags for this and for
mopping up spilled liquids, etc. Pen
Dish needed again. The end of the flexible
tubing must be below the surface of
Wooden splint the water in the container, otherwise
the flow will stop.
Small Candle The above suggestions are depicted in
the illustrations on page 6.
Jar with two lids
Section 3 Laboratory Technique
How to Do Experiments
1. Read the instructions for the fully satisfied that it is the right chemical
experiment carefully and thoughtfully and has not been contaminated with
before starting. Next, get all the anything else. If in doubt, put the
apparatus and chemicals ready. Then do chemical in your chemical waste tin.
the experiment slowly, reading the When removing and replacing stoppers,
instructions again from time to time. be careful not ot break the test tube and
NEVER hurry, and never do experiments cut your fingers. Wash your hands after
when young children are around. touching chemicals.
Orange juice
Tomato juice
Sour milk
Tonic Water
Egg shell
Wood ashes
11. Chemical waste from experiments Fizzy lemonade
You will often finish an experiment with Silk - small piece
some chemical left in a test tube, Wool - small piece
evaporating dish, etc. used in the Cotton - small piece
experiment. Always put such residues Linen - small piece
in your chemical waste tin. They should Rayon - small piece
not be used again. Nylon - small piece
String - small piece
12. Use of Household Chemicals Leather - small piece
Many substances in your home are very Copper foil
useful in your laboratory. Some, which
are not in your chemistry set, are 13. Recording experiments You should
needed in particular experiments. Here always write up your experiments with
is a list of the main ones:- a diagram or list of the apparatus, in a
Baking soda (bicarbonate of soda) chemistry note book. This record is
Citric acid (as bought for home-made often helpful for future reference. But
lemonade) the main reason for it is to learn and
Salt (sodium chloride) practice scientific method, the essence
Sugar (sucrose) of which is care and accuracy in
Vinegar experimental work and recorded
Washing soda (sodium carbonate observation of anything that happens.
crystals) This is the way great discoveries have
Hydrogen peroxide (10 volume) been made.
Aluminium foil or silver milk tops
Iron nails Check the results of your experiment in
Fruit and vegetable juices section 5 of this booklet. If you failed to
Cochineal food colouring obtain the correct results, do the
Methylated spirit (for the spirit burner) experiment again. Finally, read in
Mud Section 6 about the chemistry involved
Milk in the experiment , i.e. the reasons for
Coloured chalk the results.
Blue-black ink
Green food dye
Lemon juice
Baking powder/soda
Section 4 Experiments
Important: Before you do any of the experiments,
read again the pages on Safety Precautions and
Laboratory Technique.
Introductory Experiments
With the exception of the early experiments in Set 1, the instructions do not tell you
what happens in the experiments. You must find out for yourself, as all scientists do,
and this is also the best way to learn chemistry. But when you have done an experiment
and recorded the results, you can then check your results in Section 5 of this booklet. If
you obtained the correct results, you should then turn to Section 6 and find out the
reasons for them. If you did not achieve the correct results you should repeat the
The first six experiments are easy ones, to help you get used to handling the apparatus
and chemicals. The instructions tell you exactly what to do and also the results you
should obtain.
Set 1
Experiment 1 To show that some chemicals change the
Test tube colour of certain substances.
Scoop Put a very small amount of the orange
Methyl orange powder powder (much less than half a scoopful) in
Tartaric acid the test tube and then add water to half fill
the test tube. Shake gently to make the
powder dissolve. Now add a little tartaric
Water acid until the colour changes to red. Keep
this red liquid for the next experiment.
Methyl Orange
Experiment 3 Colour changes with other chemicals.
Test tube Put a very small amount(much less than
Litmus blue half a scoopful) of litmus blue in the test
Tartaric acid tube, and then add water as in Expt. 1.
Shake gently to make the powder dissolve.
Now add a little tartaric acid until the colour
changes to red. Keep the red liquid for the
Water next experiment.
Obtaining Pure Substances
Chemicals are pure substances,and nearly all of them have to be obtained from
mixtures of many different chemicals. Most natural substances, such as earth, oil, air,
wood, rocks, cement, are such mixtures, and many important chemicals can be got from
them. Thus, oxygen is obtained from air, and petrol, diesel fuel, and bottled gas from
crude oil. The next experiments will show you how chemists separate mixtures into the
substances they contain.
Experiment 8 To purify the copper carbonate made in
Filter funnel and paper containing the Experiment 7.
copper carbonate Pour half a test tube of clean warm water on to
Test tubes the copper carbonate so that other chemicals
are washed away. Use a test tube for the water
to drain into. Now very carefully remove the
filter paper from the funnel, open it out, and lay
it on a flat surface where the powder can dry. A
piece of wood or cardboard on a radiator is
suitable. Keep the copper carbonate out of the
reach of young children and label it. When the
copper carbonate is dry, tip it into a spare test
tube or tin, and label it.
Experiment 12 To separate a mixture of salt and sand
Filtration apparatus Before you read on, try to think out for
Evaporation apparatus yourself a way of doing this.
Test tubes Mix the sand and salt together, about one
Salt scoopful of each, and place the mixture in a
Sand test tube half full of warm water. Shake well
for about a minute to make the salt
dissolve. Now filter, collecting the filtrate
(salt water) in a second test tube. Evaporate
this liquid as in Expt. 11 to obtain the pure
salt. Wash the sand on the filter paper with
a little warm water. Then dry it as in Expt. 8.
When the water, and not the solid, is needed from a solution (e.g. salt water), the
process of distillation is used. But before you do distillation experiments you will have
to bend some glass tubing for the apparatus, and this is an opportunity for you to
practice other methods of manipulating glass tubing.
Test tube rack on the other arm. It is easy to slide the rubber
Bent glass tube (from Expt. 14) tubing on if you wet the glass tubing first.
Rubber tubing When you are satisfied that the apparatus is
Copper sulphate solution ready, make up about a quarter of a test tube
of copper sulphate solution and pour it into
the test tube to be heated, replacing the cork
and tubing afterwards. Now heat the
solution, using the test tube holder.
Some substances are so similar in certain respects that they cannot be separated from
each other in a mixture by any of the previous methods. The process of
Chromatography (the word means colour writing or marking) may then be used. The
substances first separated by this method were in fact coloured. It is a complicated
process, but one simple way of doing it is the filter paper method described in the next
experiments, in which the coloured substances form separate coloured areas or rings
on the paper. Such a filter paper is then called a chromatogram, and from it solutions of
the substances can be made.
Experiment 19 To separate a mixture of methyl orange
Crystallizing dish and litmus by chromatography.
Test tubes Mix together a little methyl orange powder
Filter paper and twice as much litmus powder with
Glass tube spatula on a clean paper. Put the mixture
Methyl orange powder into a test tube, add water to about the half
Dropping pipette way mark, and shake well to dissolve the
powders. Allow any excess powder to settle
for a few minutes, and then pour off some
Filter paper of the liquid into another test tube. Place a
filter paper over the crystallizing dish. Use
the provided dropping pipette and put one
drop of the liquid on the centre of the filter
paper. After the drop has spread a little, add
another drop. Repeat the process until you
have added three or four drops. Now let the
liquid spread outwards. Do the two
Crystallizing dish substances separate?
What Happens
When Chemicals are Heated
You will learn at school or by reading a chemistry text book about elements and
compounds. Briefly, there are over 100 elements and all substances are made from
them, rather like buildings from bricks. An element contains nothing but itself.
Thousands of other substances, called compounds, consist of elements combined
together in a special chemical way and in certain weight proportions. They are pure
substances, like elements, having special properties (characteristics) of their own. An
example is water, the formula for which is H2O, as most people know. It consists of the
gases hydrogen and oxygen combined chemically together. It is very difficult to get
these gases out of water; ordinary heating does not split the water into gases
(decompose it), so this has to be done by an electrical method. But many compounds do
decompose when heated, sometimes into the elements of the compound, sometimes
into simpler compounds containing these elements. For example, if silver oxide, is
heated, it decomposes into its elements, the metal, silver and the gas, oxygen. Usually, if
a colour change occurs, the compound being heated has decomposed. This is also true
if steam (from the dry compound) or a gas is given off. Of course, an element cannot
decompose like this (why?), but some elements change into compounds, when heated,
by chemically combining with oxygen in the air. The element sulphur does this, forming
a gas called sulphur dioxide.
In the next experiments you are going to discover for yourself what happens when
some substances are heated. You will know whether they are elements or compounds
from their names; a double chemical name, like copper sulphate, means a compound,
but one name, such as copper or gold indicates an element. You will not find any gold in
your chemistry set!
Experiment 23 Another kind of invisible ink.
Pen You can do this without a chemistry set. Write
Lemon juice with the lemon juice and then warm the paper
as before. What colour is the writing?
You have been heating various compounds, and these contain simpler substances
called elements as you know. Now you are going to try heating some elements, the
ones selected being metals.
Solutions and Solubility
Several of the experiments for Set 1 showed that some substances dissolve in water,
forming a solution, while others do not. In a solution the substance dissolved (called
the solute) is completely mixed up with the liquid (called the solvent) because the
particles (little pieces) are so small, too small to be held back by a filter paper. So the
solution is quite transparent. Substances which do not dissolve in water are termed
insoluble, and even soluble substances differ greatly in their solubility, which is the
amount of substance that will dissolve in a certain quantity of solvent. Most insoluble
substances will dissolve in solvents other than water.
Experiment 34 To grow a large crystal of copper
Spirit burner sulphate.
Home-made stand Make a little less than half a beaker of hot
Beaker saturated copper sulphate solution. Use the
Glass rod glass rod to stir the solution as you add the
Glass non-food container copper sulphate to the beaker on the stand.
Copper sulphate Continue to add the sulphate until the
solution is fairly hot (not boiling) and a
deep blue colour, and a small quantity of
undissolved sulphate remains. Pour the
clear solution slowly into a small jam jar or
cup, being careful not to add any of the
sediment, and allow to cool. Now pick out a
well shaped crystal from Expt. 33 and place
it very gently in the saturated solution in
the jar.
Chemical Reactions
Set 2
Experiment 36 To make iron replace copper in copper
Test tube sulphate solution.
Small iron nail or panel pin Place a little copper sulphate in the test
Copper sulphate tube and add about a quarter of a test tube
of water. Shake to get a blue solution. Drop
in the iron nail, which must not be rusty.
Leave for ten minutes. Now take out the nail
using a measuring spoon provided or
similar tool. Do not place your bare fingers
in the solution.. What do you see? Explain
what has happened by writing a word
equation like the one above.
bent tube to the test tube and, with the end
of the tube dipping into a test tube of lime
water, more strongly heat the copper
carbonate. This bung and tube can be
placed over the end of the test tube as the
tube prevents a seal from being formed. It
changes into another chemical of a
different colour and a gas is evolved which
affects the lime water in a certain way.
Clearly the copper carbonate has
decomposed (split up) into simpler
Acids, Alkalis, and Salts 1
Although your chemistry set contains none of the very strong and dangerous acids and
alkalis, you should always handle with great care even the safer ones needed in the
following experiments. You should of course be extra careful to wash your hands after
touching acids and alkalis, wear an apron to protect your clothing, and goggles,
especially when heating them.
Experiment 43 The reaction of acids with
Beaker carbonates.
Sodium carbonate A carbonate is a compound containing a
Calcium carbonate metal, carbon, and oxygen. You have two in
Acid solutions as in Expt. 41 your Set. Use the sodium carbonate to study
Wooden splint or taper this reaction. Put a little in the beaker and
then add an acid such as tartaric acid
solution. The fizzing or effervescence
indicates that a gas is being evolved. Try
other acid solutions, such as vinegar, lemon
juice, and citric acid solution. And try the
other carbonate, calcium carbonate. The
same gas is evolved in every case. Put a
lighted splint of wood or taper into the
beaker to see if the gas puts it out. Can you
guess what the gas is?
The next experiments concern alkalis. An alkali reacts with an acid, thereby destroying
the acid and itself. They are said to neutralize each other.
Experiment 45 The colours of different indicators when
Test tubes mixed with an alkali.
Test tube rack You probably have solutions of litmus and
Litmus solution methyl orange left from Expt. 42. If not,
Methyl orange solution make some more as described in that
Lime water experiment. Put about half an inch or less of
Any acid solution used in previous each indicator into test tubes and then add
experiments a few drops of lime water to each. Do the
Dropping pipette indicators change colour? Add some acid
solution to each until the colours change.
Now add lime water until different colours
are obtained. You can now make a table in
your chemistry note book to show the
following information:
Experiment 47 To show the process of neutralization.
Test tubes and rack In this experiment tartaric acid is
Glass tube neutralized by the alkali, calcium hydroxide.
Tartaric acid Add a very small a very small amount (much
Lime water less than half a scoopful) of the acid to half
Dropping pipette a test tube of water, to make a weak
solution. To this add lime water (calcium
hydroxide solution) from a test tube, one or
two drops at a time, using the dropping
pipete provided. Continue to add the drops
and eventually you will find that one drop
causes a milkiness to appear in the liquid.
Shake the test tube, and the milkiness will
disappear. Go on adding the lime water and
shaking, and the milkiness will get more
and more pronounced. Finally, it will not
disappear on shaking, and a white solid
settles on the bottom of the test tube when
this is left for a while.
Experiment 49 Another method of demonstrating
Test tubes and rack neutralization
Glass tube Make up solutions of tartaric acid and
Universal indicator paper sodium carbonate. To a quarter of a test
Tartaric acid tube of the acid solution, add one or two
Sodium carbonate drops of the sodium carbonate solution,
Dropping pipette using the dropping pipette provided. Do
not place the bung in the test tube as a gas
is produced. When the fizzing has stopped,
take out a drop of the mixture with a glass
tube and place it on a piece of red litmus
paper. As the mixture contains more acid
than carbonate, the paper should remain
red. Repeat the process of adding drops of
the sodium carbonate and testing the
mixture with red litmus paper until no more
fizzing occurs and a drop of the mixture just
turns the litmus paper blue. The acid and
carbonate have now destroyed each other.
See if you can guess the name of the salt
which has been formed.
Acids, Alkalis, and Salts 2
Litmus is a purple blue substance made from certain lichens. Other types of plants can
also be used for making indicators. Red cabbage juice and any deep coloured fruit
juice are satisfactory, also the colouring matter extracted from red or pink rose petals.
A universal indicator is a mixture of indicators, and when added to acid and alkali
solutions it changes colour according to the strength of the acid or alkali solutions. It is
often very important to know how strong an acid or alkali is, and this is a quick way of
finding out. The table below shows the colour changes:-
Experiment 54 To show the colours of a universal
Dropping pipette indicator.
Beaker In this experiment an alkali, containing
Test tube universal indicator, is slowly neutralized by
an acid being added to it a few drops at a
Glass rod
time. The starting colour is blue, and as the
Lime water acid is added the colour changes from right
Citric acid to left in the above table. This is because
Universal Indicator papers the acid keeps weakening the alkali, then
neutralizes it exactly (pale green colour),
and thereafter gradually builds up its own
When acids and carbonates react together, a salt, water, and carbon dioxide are always
produced, but some carbonates do not react with certain acids. The following
experiments show these differences.
Experiment 56 The reaction of tartaric acid with various
Test tube substances.
Glass tube Many common substances, such as egg
Tartaric acid shell, most soils, contain calcium carbonate,
Substances as described and wood ashes contain potassium
Dropping pipette carbonate. Try the action of tartaric acid on
these substances in a test tube. Do not place
the bung in the test tube as a gas is
produced. Test for carbon dioxide by
holding a drop of lime water, using the
dropping pipette provided, in the mouth of
the test tube.
Sodium hydroxide is a much stronger alkali than calcium hydroxide. In the next
experiment you can make some dilute sodium hydroxide solution for use in the
experiments which follow.
The following experiments show that sodium hydroxide, like other alkalis, can be used
to make insoluble metal hydroxides by double-decomposition reactions.
You have seen that salts are made when acids neutralize alkalis, the particular salt
depending on the acid and alkali used. Another way to make a salt is by the reaction of
an acid with a metal oxide.
Gases can be either elements (like hydrogen and oxygen) or compounds like carbon
dioxide (whose elements are carbon and oxygen). Air is a mixture of several gases, the
main ones being nitrogen and oxygen. You will have read in Section 6 about Expt. 67
and the part played by oxygen in the rusting of iron.
Set 3
Experiment 61 To make carbon dioxide.
Flask Assemble the apparatus as in the diagram,
One-hole cork and place a crystallizing dish or metal lid
Glass delivery tube over the mouth of the beaker as far as
Rubber tubing possible; this helps the carbon dioxide
Beaker displace the air from the beaker. Carbon
Washing soda crystals dioxide is not collected like hydrogen and
Tartaric acid solution oxygen because it is soluble in water. Now
place some large crystals of washing soda
(sodium carbonate) in the flask. (Do not use
the powdered sodium carbonate in your
Crystallizing dish/ Set.) Add about half a flaskful of tartaric acid
Matal lid solution, and replace the cork and tubing.
Do not use the powdered sodium carbonate
in your Set. It is important that the end of
the rubber tubing is near the bottom of the
beaker. Hold a lighted match to the top of
the beaker every now and then. When the
beaker is full of carbon dioxide (it does not
Acid take long) the match will go out. Place a lid
on the beaker.
Sodium Beaker
Experiment 63 Expired air contains carbon dioxide.
Test tube half full of clear lime water Partly blow up a balloon and gently blow
Balloon some of the expired air within the balloon
Rubber tube into the lime water through the rubber
tube. What happens?
Many metals, when heated, combine chemically with some of the oxygen in the air,
forming compounds called oxides.
Magnesium forms magnesium oxide, it is a white powder. Other metal oxides have
various colours.
Natural fibres are either of animal origin, such as wool and silk, or from plants, such as
cotton and linen. Nylon and rayon are two synthetic fibres, being made by chemical
processes. It is important to be able to carry out tests to distinguish between different
types of fibre.
Experiment 73 Another way to distinguish wool from
Spirit burner cotton.
Test tube Place a little of your sodium hydroxide
Sodium hydroxide solution solution (made in Expt. 57) in a test tube
Wool and add a tiny strand of wool. Warm the
Cotton solution. What happens? Try a thread of
cotton and see if the same thing happens.
Most dyes are now synthetic, being made in chemical works. Although natural dyes,
from fruit, vegetables, etc. are not so strong, they are satisfactory for many purposes,
especially if the correct dyeing process is followed. You can prepare several dyes from
fruit juices, jams, beetroot juice, etc.
Section 5 Results of Experiments
6 The filtrate should be clear 36 The iron nail has turned a pinkish
(transparent) water. Mud is left on colour, due to a deposit of copper on
the filter paper. it. Iron + copper sulphate
copper + iron sulphate.
9 Milk cannot be filtered.
39 A white solid (precipitate) of calcium
10 Easily filtered. carbonate is formed. Sodium
carbonate + calcium hydroxide
19 The substances separate into blue calcium carbonate + sodium
and orange areas on the paper. hydroxide.
21 The colours separate into a green 41 Each drop causes a red spot on the
area surrounded by a pink ring. litmus paper. The vinegar contains
an acid.
22 The copper sulphate turns white and
water condenses on the cooler parts 42 Both indicators turn red.
of the test tube.
43 The gas is carbon dioxide, and it puts
23 Brown. the taper out.
24 Colour changes to black. The copper 45 When the lime water is first added,
carbonate has split up into other the indicators do not change colour.
substances. The acid changes their colours, and
when the lime water is added again,
25 Steam is evolved, and the black it changes the red litmus to blue and
residue is carbon (charcoal). the red methyl orange to orange.
51 The indicator turns redder with acids, 73 The wool dissolves, the cotton does
and green with alkalis. not.
54 Citric acid is not a strong acid. 74 Wool burns slowly, appearing to melt
together. It chars and silk burns
55 The lime water turns milky. readily, with an orange-yellow flame.
A black bead of ash is formed. Cotton
59 Copper hydroxide. and rayon burn easily, leaving only a
Sodium hydroxide + little grey ash.
copper sulphate
copper hydroxide + 75 When nylon is heated in a test tube
sodium sulphate. it first melts to a brown liquid, and
ammonia is evolved. It does not burn
Section 6 Explanation of Results
the solute, and the liquid (e.g. water) the 44 Calcium hydroxide (slaked lime) is
solvent. A saturated solution is one only slightly soluble, so its solutions
in which the maximum amount of is weakly alkaline.
solute is dissolved, and when cooled 45 Litmus is blue with an alkali and
some of this solute comes out of methyl orange is orange. So only
solution because the solvent cannot acids change their normal colours.
dissolve so much at the lower
temperature. 46 Many salts in solution form acids,
sometimes only small amounts.
34 As the solution slowly evaporates,
excess solute deposits on the 47 An acid and an alkali neutralize each
crystal, thereby increasing its size. other when reacting together
because they form two different
compounds, a salt and water. When
SET 2 an alkali is slowly added to an acid, it
neutralizes more and more of it until
36 Read the paragraph before this there is no more acid left. If this
experiment in Section 4. exact point is reached, without any
extra alkali being added, only a salt
37 The copper carbonate has been split and water are then present.
up (decomposed) by the heat into
black copper oxide and a gas called 49 Tartaric acid, when neutralized,
carbon dioxide which turns lime forms salts called tartrates, just as
water milky. sulphuric acid forms salts called
38 This reaction is the combination of
an anhydrous salt with water to 52 The explanation of results is given
form a hydrate. with the experiment (Section 4).
58 When sodium hydroxide reacts with Cotton and rayon, which are of plant
fats, soap and glycerol (glycerine) or vegetable origin, do not contain
are formed. nitrogen compounds, so they do not
evolve ammonia. They give acid
60 Nearly all carbonates decompose, vapours when heated. Nylon, a
like copper carbonate, into a metal synthetic (man-made) fibre gives
oxide and carbon dioxide. ammonia when heated, but the way
it melts distinguishes it from animal
Glossary of Chemical Terms
EVAPORATION: Conversion of a liquid into RESIDUE: The insoluble substance left on a
its vapour, e.g. by boiling. filter paper; also the solid remaining after
FILTRATE: The clear liquid obtained by
filtration through a filter paper. SATURATED SOLUTION: A solution which
contains the maximum amount of
HARD WATER: Water containing soluble dissolved solute at a particular
compounds which destroy soap by reacting temperature.
with it.
SOLUTE: A substance which is dissolved in a
HYDRATE: A compound containing solvent to form a solution.
combined water, e.g. a salt containing water
of crystallization. SOLUTION: A homogeneous mixture of two
or more substances, e.g. a solid dissolved in
INDICATOR: A substance which has different a liquid.
colours in acid and alkali solutions.
SOLVENT: A substance in which other
NEUTRALIZATION: The reaction between an substances can be dissoloved.
acid and an alkali.
SUBLIMATION: The conversion of a
OXIDATION: The addition of oxygen to an substance directly into vapour and the
element or compound. condensation of the vapour into the solid
again, without passing through the liquid
PRECIPITATE: An insoluble substance state.
formed in a solution by a chemical reaction.
PRODUCTS: The substances formed in a which contains more solute than the
chemical reaction. amount needed to saturate it.
Many chemicals used in the experiments can be
found at the following stores:
At Drugstores
methylated spirit
hydrogen peroxide
(maximum 3%, 10 volumes)
cotton, absorbent
Periodic Table of The Elements He
3 4 1 5 6 7 8 9 10
Li Be H B C N O F Ne
6.941 9.012 1.008 Ca 10.81 12.011 14.007 15.999 18.998 20.179
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
22.990 24.305 26.982 28.086 30.974 32.06 35.453 39.948
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr
39.098 40.08 44.956 47.88 50.942 51.996 54.938 55.84 58.933 58.69 63.546 65.37 69.72 72.59 74.922 78.96 79.904 83.80
37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54
Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe
85.468 87.62 88.906 91.22 92.906 95.94 98 101.07 102.91 106.42 107.87 112.41 114.82 118.69 121.75 127.60 126.90 131.29
55 56 Rare 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86
Cs Ba earth Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg TI Pb Bi Po At Rn
132.91 137.33 178.49 180.95 183.84 186.21 190.23 192.22 195.08 196.97 200.59 204.38 207.19 208.98 209 210 222
87 88
Fr Ra Actinide
57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71
Rare earth series La Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu
138.91 140.12 140.91 144.24 145 150.36 151.96 157.25 158.93 162.50 164.93 167.26 168.93 173.04 174.97
89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103
Actinide series Ac Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No Lr
227.03 232.04 231.04 238.03 237.05 244 243 247 247 251 252 257 258 259 260