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Ancient Indian Political Thought: Government in Ancient India

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➢ In the Vedic period kingship was the most common form of government.
➢ The king was not an absolute ruler as the states were still tribal in character.
➢ When the State became bigger, the powers of the king also increased; but did not
become absolute.
➢ The king was regarded as the servant of Dharma which was a body of laws based on
custom as well as tradition, supposedly of divine origin.
➢ Another factor that prevented kings from assuming absolute power was the caste
➢ The king was a kshatriya and was responsible for such non-religious functions of
the state as warfare and administration.
➢ Spiritual authority was the concern of the Brahmins who performed the sacrifices
and other sacred rites.
➢ The political practices in India underwent many changes when the empires were
➢ Most of the Republics which were ruled by Aristocracies were destroyed.
➢ The powers and privileges of the king increased and he became the head of
government and directed the entire administrative machine.
➢ He himself appointed the highest officials.
➢ There was no limit to the authority of the king.
➢ Meanwhile the concept of universal emperor had also developed.
➢ It was not merely an ideal of conquest but also of rule according to Dharma
➢ The ideal of kingship, as laid down in Arthasastra, is that “in the happiness of his
subjects, lies the happiness of the king and in their welfare.”


➢ This is a theory , originated in later-vedic age , and the word ‘Brahmaniem’ came
from the word ‘ Brahman’
➢ It dominated Indian religious system till the arrival of Shramanism.
➢ It gives importance to “Vedas”.
➢ “Brahmanism” priest class of hindu religion are called as Brahman, and principles
of priest people is called as Brahmaniem.
➢ The principles and beliefs of brahmans is called as – “Brahmanism”.
➢ Their beliefs
(1) Soul is immortal and it never dies, only body dies.
(2) Believe in work = Good result for good deeds and bad results for bad deeds.
(3) Believe in the classification of society.
(4) Believe in animal sacrifice to gain divine Power and energy.
(5) They believe, King of state is representative of God.
(6) Every body is not equal, all are different.
(7) Believe in Idol – worship.
(8) They believe, God live in different shape of idol.
(9) Give importance to Vedas and believe in it.


➢ Oldest Scripture of Hindu religion is “Vedas”.

➢ In Language of the book is sanskrit.
➢ It was originated in the ancient time of India.
➢ It has four parts.
▪ Rig veda
▪ Sama veda
▪ Yajur veda
▪ Atharva veda

➢ Lord Brahma is the creator of Veda.

➢ Ved-vyasa divided it in four part like Rig, Sama, Yajur, Atharva.
➢ It contains knowledge of math,science, Philosophy, medicines and many more.
➢ Veda, means = To know good and feel god.
➢ It is regarded as the backbone of “Hinduism”
➢ Vedas are a large body of religious text.


▪ Caste System in Society = Brahmanism divided the people of society into tour part
1) Brahman (priest Class)
2) Kshatriya (warriors & King )
3) Vaishya (land owner)
4) Sudra (Servant)

➢ They believe that Brahmans are born from mouth of lord Brahma, and form that
they are regarded as the highest low. Their work is to worship god. They have
religious Power
➢ Kshatriya are born from arm of Lord Brahma , and their work is to rule and protect
the State. They have political power
➢ Vaishya are born from thigh of lord and their work is to do business / trade. They
have economic power.
➢ Sudra are born from feet of land and. Their work is to serve the other three classes
and they have no power.
➢ They believe in imperialism (expanding territory)
➢ Work is god, strongly supported by Brahmanism.


➢ It was created to oppose and suppress Brahmanism.

➢ It was created in between 800 to 600 B.L
➢ Shraman means = who labours.
➢ They prefer living away from worldly life and warm live a peaceful life
➢ They treat every person equally.
➢ They live their life in two ways
(a) Single person will live alone
(b) A group of monk will live together

➢ They oppose discrimination on all the basis like discrimination based on caste,
class, colour, gender, religion, and treat all people equally
➢ It oppose caste system of society.
➢ It resist animal sacrifice
➢ It believe in work means good result for good deeds and bad result for bad deeds
➢ It oppose religious work & principles.
➢ It support and follow the way of non-violence.
➢ It believe to connect with god through meditation
➢ It encourage peace and kindness
➢ It oppose idol worship
➢ They believe, human suffer a lot in worldly

➢ Ancient Indian Political Thought is part of Ancient Indian Philosophy

➢ The Philosophy which originated in the Indian sub continent
➢ Ancient Indian Politics talks about Dharma (Right duty of a Person)
➢ The rules and regulations of Dharma is contained in the “Dharmasastra
➢ Dharma means the duty and responsibility of the individual and the society


➢ It is natural order of things, self expression, ethical behavior or good service to the
➢ A way to get Nirvana/Moksha
➢ Dharma is a method of purification of soul
➢ Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism believed in the concept of Dharma


1. Vyakti Dharma (Dharma of Individual)

2. Parivarika Dharma (Family Dharma/Kudumba Dharma)
3. Samaja Dharma (Dharma of Society)
4. Rashtra Dharma (National Dharma)
5. Manava Dharma (The Dharma of mankind)
6. Varna Dharma (Professional Dharma of each caste
7. Apad Dharma (Duty during crisis/calamity)
8. Yuga Dharma (Dharma of an age)
9. Ashrama Dharma (Dharma for stage of life: Brahmacharya, Grihastha, Vanaprastha
and Sannyasa)


➢ Rajadharma is mentioned in Mahabharata.

➢ Rajyadharma was used in two senses
1. King’s Duties or Royal Studies
2. Disciplinary System or Rashtra Tantra

➢ Rajatantra exists as a way to control the world.

➢ It includes all kinds of dharmas.
➢ The worldly dharmas, light and righteousness are all brought about by Rajadharma
➢ The importance of Rajadharma is justice.
➢ The foremost of dharmas is Kshatriyadharma.
➢ Without Kshatriya dharma people cannot survive.
➢ Being morally superior is renunciation.
➢ Fundamental social and political principles are called Rajadharma
➢ Rajadharma realizes the goals of man and ensures the universal security of the
➢ Rajyadharma is necessary for the survival and security of castes, or the aims of
➢ If it considers Rajadharma in a very broad sense it is positive, fundamental and just.
➢ The duty of Rajadharma is to ensure security and stability

➢ Also known as Vihnugupta, Chanakya

➢ He was the Prime minister of first Maurya emperor Chandragupta Maurya (345-
➢ He is known for his diplomacy and Statesmanship
➢ ARTHASASTRA is the great book on Political Science and Economics
➢ He is called Indian Machiavelli, he believed on the pragmatic method of politics
similar to Machiavelli, a Western Philosopher
➢ Kautilya lived in the 4th century BC.
➢ He wrote his arthashastra which was against the spirit of Manusmriti and
➢ Manusmriti and Mahabharata view politics from a religious perspective.
➢ Arthasastra is free from religious influence.
➢ An attempt has been made here to explain the phenomena of nation and
government only on the basis of logic.
➢ He avoided all references to God.
➢ The nation is explained only by human logic. God was not given any kind of
➢ This is the first time in India’s history that the nation and the government can be
rationally evaluated.
➢ He did not give God a place in the composition of the nation.
➢ Although Kautilya distinguished between God and the nation, he was not an
➢ He was a godly believer.
➢ He analyzed politics through a secular perspective.
➢ Arthasastra is a study of governing theories and their applicability.
➢ It does not involve political philosophy or theory.
➢ It includes instructions to the king
➢ But the genesis of the nation is mentioned in Ardhashastra.
➢ The king must always be vigilant.
➢ The happiness of the subjects is the happiness of the king.
➢ The welfare of the subjects is the welfare of the king.
➢ Arthasastra mentions even the subtlest elements of royal strategy.
➢ He emphasizes law, strict law and strict control as the basic condition of all success.
Justice is the cornerstone of society.
➢ Kautilya’s greatness is that a strong and centralized government is important to the
➢ Kautilya also says about diplomacy in Ardhashastra that two things, strict discipline
and law and order, are the basis of success in all spheres of the country.
➢ He proposes a very fair taxation system.
➢ Welfare should be provided to the people who are poor and need the kindness of
the society.
➢ The state should build orphanages for orphans, widow rehabilitation centers and
take care of other vulnerable groups.
➢ The state should take care of natural calamities, famines, droughts and floods.
➢ The nation was very strong and there was a centralized government.
➢ He classifies the functions of the state into various departments.
• Goldsmiths
• Granaries
• Commerce
• Forestry
• Weights and Measures
• Customs
• Weaving
• Agriculture
• Slaughterhouses
• Naval Sector
• Passports
• Liquor
• Military Sector
• Elephants
• Horses
• Infantry


➢ An invaluable and highly popular work of Sanskrit literature

➢ Periodical articles on state systems.
➢ 6000 slokas dealing with various topics
➢ .socio economic political many issues are presented in it.
➢ It describes Chanakya’s heroic act of subduing the Nanda dynasty.
➢ Administrative justice and social justice are dealt with in Ardhashastra
➢ Chanakya explains many things like politics, philosophy, royal justice, justice,
justice, agriculture, industry.
➢ The first part explains the education and protection of rulers, the qualities that
ministers should have and the qualifications of royal servants.
➢ A king should be able to protect many families in the country just as the head of the
family protects the family.
➢ The king of knowledge should become humble.
➢ The king should choose the ministers to properly decide the administrative affairs.
➢ According to Chanakya, Buddha must have been with the Buddhas and understood
their experiences while in power


➢ Criminal justice means controlling the evils in the society with the help of force.
➢ Danda is considered as a symbol of strength.
➢ The power of the nation is a symbol of power.
➢ He makes a clear distinction between politics and religion.
➢ He evaluates political issues through religious thoughts.
➢ While recognizing the role of religion in social life, he is constituted as a criminal
➢ It is emphasized through 4 Purusharthas.
➢ Ultimately man is trying to build a better life.
➢ History is the result of human response.
➢ On the contrary, the intellectual abilities and creative abilities of man are
represented in history.
➢ Kautilya clarifies that there are four objectives of penal justice
• Acquiring what has been achieved
• Preserving what has been achieved
• Increasing what has been preserved
• Distributing the increased things very justly

➢ Only a disciplined and strong king can achieve these four goals.
➢ He was a person who followed a strong monarchy.
➢ Kautilya envisages a hereditary state.
➢ Therefore, his state is described as a hereditary state and a liberal state.
➢ The main function of the nation is to promote material and spiritual progress and
➢ It is said that the dharma of the nation is to control all aspects of human being.
➢ Monarchy is the best human institution


➢ Introduced the concept of hierarchy and departments for specific jobs ( you have to
obey the order of superior)
➢ Territorial divisions like province , district, village were done

➢ He wants to everyone to obey the rules and follow the ‘rule of law’
➢ Prescribed Duties and functions of Kings, ministers and officials
➢ Strict code of conduct for all govt functionaries
➢ Gave the concept Yatha Raja Tatha Praja ( king must be ideal)
➢ King must be intelligent and possess highest qualities of leadership
➢ He classified offences in to civil and criminal
➢ He suggested fair penalties and proportionate punishment
➢ He recognised the importance of the cooperation of the citizen and honest
governance for national development
➢ He suggested 4 types of policies for good administration that is

I. Sama ( method of persuasion)

II. Dama ( method of reward)
III. Danda (method of punishment)
IV. Bheda ( divide to the people in to good and bad)


➢ We should build a great economic infrastructure if you want economic development

of the country
➢ Reward the good government officers who are making profit for the government
and penalise losers Just and fair wage policy.
➢ The interest of consumer must be taken care of by the state Quality of the products
must be ensured by the producers, acts of adulteration and mixing of articles should
be punished


➢ Emphasis on the importance of agriculture

➢ Taxing of agriculture an important source of revenue
➢ Foreign trade was the third pillar of economic activity after agriculture and local
➢ Develop a mechanism to resolve trade disputes
➢ State should keep the trade routes free of courtiers, state officials, thief’s and front
guards so that traders are able to do their work efficiently
➢ Fraud detection, appointment of spies to keep watch of different departments, give
importance to spread all forms of knowledge.


➢ Political governance is the means to achieve economic governance
➢ Salary of King and officials should be moderate not luxurious
➢ Stability shall prevail if the rulers are responsive, accountable, removable and
➢ State should have well structured administrative machinary divided on the basis of
territorial and geographical Jurisdiction
➢ There were various departments with well defined roles and the departmental heads
have to run the governance with the help of councillors , ministers and high

• Council of Ministers
➢ The Council of Ministers was given the highest position in the nation
because of the complex social system and the wide scope of the nation’s
➢ Ministers supervise the departments of the government.
➢ Ministers should discharge their duties with the help of civil service.
➢ The administration of tax collection was under the ministers

• Structure
➢ The nation was divided into provinces for smooth administration.
➢ Provinces were ruled by viceroys
➢ Each province was divided into sub-divisions called villages.
➢ Officials were appointed to manage them.

• Beurocracy



Sub group


➢ The administrative machinery was in the shape of a pyramid

➢ with all the powers concentrated King and top to bottom

• Rural Administration
➢ Kautilya organized the village administration system to facilitate tax collection.
➢ Tax assessment and adjustment will be done by the bureaucrats.
➢ They are the ones who maintain order and peace in politics

• Military
➢ To bring control over the army he divided the army into several divisions.
➢ Kautilya spoke about highly efficient police system and criminal administration

• Judiciary
➢ Civil and criminal courts existed.
➢ Their cases were settled in cities.
➢ There were also Gramina tribunals
➢ The judicial branch was controlled by the chief justice .
➢ Punishments were severe for different crimes.

• Espionage
➢ Kautilya gave great importance to espionage.
➢ The spies were seen as the eyes and ears of the king.
➢ The main job of spies was to collect information about foreign countries.
➢ Spies were employed to leak information about officials

• Foreign policy
➢ Be at peace with a kingdom under a kingdom.
➢ If a country is above another country, do not make peace with that country.
➢ If there is a war there is no need to be afraid to go to war.
➢ No need to fear the power of another nation in their own capacity in the belief that
no enemy will attack them.
➢ A country should always be neutral to another country.
➢ A nation is incapable of self-defence but must protect another nation.

A nation may make peace with another nation in order to achieve an inevitable goal
and at the same time go to war with another nation


➢ In ancient India, law-making and maintenance of justice were the main functions of
the state.
➢ But the Vedic literature does not speak of any kind of righteous system.
➢ According to Vedic period literature, all kinds of criminal and civil cases were
decided by the king.
➢ The king is thought of as the head of the justice system.
➢ The king always had to spend two hours in deciding the cases
➢ A very impartial approach should be taken in cases.
➢ In ancient India existed not as laws passed by the legislature.
➢ Instead there were very human laws, especially religious laws and secular laws.
Secular laws were the customs of that era.
➢ Sometimes the king gave his job as Chief Justice to others. The king was the head
of the judiciary and there was a body of law enforcers to help them.
➢ If this section could not dispose of cases, the king could use his discretionary
➢ In big cities, all the cases were decided in such institutions, which were known as
criminal courts.
➢ Village rural courts used to exist.
➢ In some major cities, all was administered by three ministers.
➢ All three ministers were acting according to divine laws.
➢ The Chief Justice was the presiding officer of the administration of justice in the
country, Above him was only the king.
➢ The king was assisted by ministers and jurists.
➢ Equality was seen under the law.
➢ Different types of severe punishments were also implemented for different crimes.


➢ Suggested forty methods to remove corruption

➢ Suggested that there should be regular transfer of offices to manage corruption


➢ Monarchy was the most natural form of government in ancient India.

➢ King is a representative of a god.
➢ dharmasastra, mahabaratha, manusmriti deals with Raja Dharma
➢ in ancient India state did not originate from God
➢ basically, it is a material ,but it is guided by the Dharma.
➢ It was the duty of a king to see that to be lived according to his law


➢ The word Raj means Emperor

➢ Rajadharma means the duties of king
➢ The king should never violate moral rules
➢ The prosperity of the people is the duty assigned to the king.

• The king is the Protector of the praja’s
➢ The duty of a king to be the Protector of a his subject is born out in all
➢ The king is seen as the guardian of the law , whose duties are to
monitor the performance of the Varnas and Ashrams
➢ To punish evildoers and to administer justice.
• To protect from attacks.
➢ Manu assets that the king who protect his subjects from attack should
not flee from the Earth.
➢ The Bhagavad Gita says that a king should participate in war
regardless of successor or failure.
• To protect the prajas from rajyasevakas.
➢ It is the duty of king to protect the king’s loved ones from the corrupt
official, thives, Enemies of the king.
➢ What the king should do is not to justify his erring servants but to
protect the interest of the people.
• Public welfare duties.
• Judgement declared.
➢ Manu says that if punishment is carried out after proper consideration.
➢ It should bring happiness to all men.
➢ If it is carried out without proper consideration, it destroy all goodness
• The king is the guardian


➢ State as a necessary institution for the protection of human life as well as for the
achievement of higher ideas

Major Functions of State

1. Law of Enforcement (followed an effective rules and regulations for leading

civic life through a system of law making, law enforcement and adjudication)
Specialization of Powers and checks and balance system

2. Administration (Republican form of government existed in Al. Kautilya strictly

advised for a centralized administration, unity of command, unity of direction)

3. Protection of People, sovereignty, territory (Mauryan state maintained citizen’s
register system, passport and visa


➢ It is also called seven elements of state

➢ Kautilya discussed seven elements of the State in Arthasastra
➢ These elements of sovereignty are interdependent
➢ The king is the most important factor in this elements of state

1. Swami (The Ruler)

➢ It is the first and the most important element.

➢ Swami means the monarch.
➢ He should be a native of the soil and born in a noble family.
➢ He should be brave and well learned.
➢ He makes all the important appointments and supervises the government.
➢ He has to be virtuous and should treat his subjects like his own children.
➢ Kautilya has given extensive powers to the monarch but those powers are meant for
the welfare of them subjects.
➢ In the welfare and happiness of his subjects, lies his own happiness.

2. Amatya (The Minister)

➢ It refers to the council of ministers as well as the supporting officials and

subordinate staffs.
➢ They are meant for assisting the monarch in day to day affairs of the state.
➢ Amatya gives suggestions to king, collects taxes, develops new villages and cities,
ensures defense of the state and all other tasks as assigned by the king.

3. Janpada (The Population)

➢ It refers to territory and people of the state.

➢ The territory of the state should be fertile and should have abundance of forest,
rivers, mountains, minerals, wild life etc.
➢ It should have good climate.
➢ People should be loyal to their king, hard working, disciplined, religious, ready to
fight for their motherland, should pay taxes regularly and happily

4. Durga (The Fortified Capital)

➢ It refers to forts.
➢ The state should have sufficient number of forts across its territory at strategic
locations for ensuring defense against foreign invasions.
➢ Forts should be built near hills/mountains, deserts, dense forests and big water
➢ They garrison soldiers, store food grains for emergency and also serve as a
hideout for the king when his life in danger

5. Kosha (The Treasury)

➢ This means treasury of the state.

➢ Finance is life blood of any state without which it is almost impossible to run it.
➢ Money is needed for paying salaries, building new infrastructure, etc.
➢ The treasury should be full of money and valuable metals and gems.
➢ It can be increased through taxation and plundering enemy states in war.

6. Danta ( military)

➢ It refers to military.
➢ The state should have a regular, large, disciplined and well trained military.
➢ It is crucial for the security of the state.
➢ The soldiers should be recruited from those families which are traditionally
associated with military.
➢ The soldiers should paid well and their families should be taken care of in most
suitable way.
➢ Proper training and equipment should be made available Well fed and well trained
soldiers can win any battle.
➢ The king should take care of the soldiers and the soldiers will be ready to sacrifice
even their life for him.

7. Mitra (Ally and Friend)

➢ It refers to friends of the king

➢ The monarch should maintain friendly relationship with traditional friends of his
➢ He should also make new friendships.
➢ He should send gifts and other pleasantries for his friends.
➢ They should be helped in times of emergency.
➢ They should be loyal. Friends add to the power of the state.
➢ They are also important from foreign trade view point.


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