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Learning Needs and Interests

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 Lack of reading habits, study  Poor school performance.  Practice of study techniques,
technique and time  Low level of reading comprehension of texts in all areas
organization. comprehension and organization of time
 Permanent tardiness of  Little reading practice in  Use of techniques for developing
some fenced students. problem solving logical-mathematical thinking and
 Difficulty in Logical -  Minimum % of students at a problem solving
Mathematical reasoning. satisfactory level of learning.  Preparation of E – A materials by
Disinterest of some And verbal reasoning.  School malnutrition teachers. Intercultural
parents in  Inadequate nutrition  . Students with rebellious  Constant talks on vocational approach
supporting their  Little interest of some attitudes guidance.
children's parents in their children's  Early pregnancy and early  Dissemination of the nutritional Focus on diversity
educational work education parenthood. value of local products and school
 Family disintegration.  Some Parents do not attend lunch boxes
Gender equality
 Physical and psychological the meetings scheduled by  Parent School Workshops
abuse by the PPFF the Classroom Committees.  Talks with specialized staff of the approach
 Little guidance  Misinformation from some Health Center
 Personal about changes in parents in the activities  Prepare Coexistence Rules. Environmental focus
adolescence and school scheduled in classroom  Family and Sexual Education.
crushes committee meetings.  Visit parents' homes and commit Rights approach
them to attending various meetings
 Low self-esteem  Inability to overcome  Self-esteem and improvement
Pursuit of excellence
 Little socio-cultural identity adversity workshops
 Limited ethical, civic and  Local, regional and national  In tutoring the Cultivation of ethical, approach
citizen awareness. culture is not valued civic and citizen values
 Negative influence of foreign  Little respect for national  Promotion of local and national Common good
youth and the media symbols identity orientation
 Low cultural and moral level  Beginning of alcohol, tobacco  Promotion of Democracy and
of the population and drug addiction Interculturality approach
Little Securities  Lack of respect among  Prone to manipulation of  Proper use of the Internet
Practice students others  Informative talks on the proper use
 Bullying  Use of inappropriate of the media.
language and dress  Support from the Public Ministry
 Gambling addiction through the School Prosecutors
program in the IEP
 Informative talks on prevention
against bullying
 Simultaneous and personalized
support for students with behavioral
 Lack of knowledge of  Insolation  Informative talks on the proper use
personal and collective  Dental caries, conjunctivitis, of toiletries in coordination with the
hygiene habits gingivitis Health Center
Deficient care of your  Junk food consumption  Cholesterol, diabetes  Safe and Healthy Clean
Health and  Little culture of health control  Parasitosis Handwashing Program
Conservation of the  Toilet services in poor  Guidance for the proper use of toilet
Environment condition services
 Maintain toilets in good condition
 Environmental care and
conservation campaigns
 Workshops on recycling paper,
plastics, glass, among others
 Preparation of a healthy lunch box
 Promote the Healthy Kiosk

 Lack of trust of parents with  Academic deficiency  Guidance for the organization and
their children.  Students with violent control of time
STUDENTS  Lack of control in the duties attitudes.  Drug addiction prevention
INCENTIVED TO and rights of adolescents.  Student desertion. workshops.
CONSUME  Lack of interest in  Abandonment of homes.  Detect and carry out permanent
NARCOTIC DRUGS participating in school  Loss of authority of parents monitoring by the psychology
BY FOREIGN parenting programs. towards their children. department.
AGENTS  Disintegrated families  Students with a mythomaniac  Guidance for teachers and tutors to
attitude. be able to support detected cases

2.1.2 VALUES

Our Educational Institution No. 20123 of the Asia district, promotes in students, teachers, parents and the community in general, the daily
experience and practice of the following values:
 Responsibility
 Solidarity
 I respect

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