As Others See Us
As Others See Us
As Others See Us
See Us
13 76
Collected insights on Scotland’s cultural attributes and assets
I. 82
II. 86
Attributes and assets
The survey asked respondents to describe Scotland’s sector, and the values
and reputation they associate with it. They were asked what they think
are Scotland’s greatest cultural assets, and to name specific examples and
models of Scottish practice that are renowned in other countries.
The survey ran during May and June 2021 and was circulated in the first
instance to:
Creative Scotland’s 121 RFOs across the arts and creative industries,
for their responses and to disseminate onwards to their own current
international artform contacts
key creative industries and regional agencies identified by the
researchers, to supplement the RFO list
British Council regional offices around the world to disseminate to
local practitioners and policymakers who have engaged in recent years
with Scottish arts, culture and creative industries
international alumni of Queen Margaret University’s MA programme
in Arts, Festival and Cultural Management, who have graduated since
2011 having engaged closely with the sector in Scotland during their
studies. All but one of the responding alumni is currently working
professionally in related sectors around the world.
Our analysis of the survey data gathered seeks to capture the essence
of how Scotland’s culture sector is perceived at home and abroad and to
highlight where these viewpoints converge or diverge.
Data analysis
The nature of our investigation means that our dataset is largely qualitative
in nature. With a total of 111 international and Scotland-based survey
respondents providing answers to our questions, many in impressive detail,
the full survey dataset is substantial and rich.
In order to identify themes among the responses, this report makes use of
word cloud software to help us ‘count’ word frequencies within the data,
generated from our main qualitative questions. These also enable us to
provide an accessible visual representation of key words and themes arising
from the responses received on key issues. To generate the word clouds, key
words/concepts were manually extracted from responses and processed using
the software. Readers are encouraged to inspect the small print in the word
clouds, which displays a myriad of creative practitioners and organisations
name-checked in people’s responses to our questions about Scotland’s arts
and cultural sector.
To help us delve further still into the responses we received, and to draw
out more nuanced themes, we have also applied thematic coding to parts of
the survey dataset to distinguish elements highlighted by respondents that
describe what we have categorised as philosophical, practical or quintessential
attributes and assets. Data from our parallel focus group discussions has been
coded in the same way to enable us to read across all the material gathered.
Readers will see several themes profiled in the document, pulling together
survey testimony on a particular topic that stands out among the survey data
as a whole.
The Survey Dataset: Who Responded?
A total of 111 survey responses were contributed by cultural practitioners
and policymakers in Scotland and around the world.
For the purpose of analysis, we have streamed their responses into two
datasets representing:
eople who are based in Scotland and work in the sector in Scotland:
‘the Scottish dataset’, 48 respondents (n48)
people offering external and international perspectives on the basis
of their professional engagement with the sector in Scotland: ‘the
international dataset’ (n63).
Key Words Associated with Scotland’s Sector
To start, respondents were asked to list key words that they associate
with Scotland’s arts and culture sector. The word cloud diagrams used
throughout this report represent key words provided by either our Scottish
or our international respondents. The frequency of a word or concept’s
appearance in the dataset is reflected in its size on the cloud.
Diagram 3.
Key words used by
respondents to
describe the sector
Many of these same themes arise throughout the survey, underpinning the
sector’s core values and reputation and what it brings to the international
Core Values Associated with Scotland’s Sector
Respondents were asked what kind of values (in terms of standards, ideals,
philosophy) they associate with Scotland’s arts and culture sector.
International perceptions
Over 150 key words and concepts were extracted from the responses
received from international respondents to create the word cloud in
Diagram 4.
Diagram 4.
Values associated
with Scotland’s
arts and cultural
sector by
respondents (n61)
Here are the most dominant themes in our international dataset,
highlighting the Scottish sector’s values:
alue and care for the arts: the perception from outside is that culture
in Scotland is ‘valued’ with ‘strong public policies’ and a commitment to
‘care of the arts’. The arts and culture in Scotland are strongly associated
with social justice values including freedom of expression, fairness and
a sense of egalitarianism whereby ‘the arts and culture are for everyone’.
Observers see a strong community focus in Scotland where the arts are
‘accessible’ and ‘a part of daily life’.
A deep belief in the arts and its role in community and nation building.
Leveraging the arts to push back on hatred of the other. Experimenting
and innovating within the constraints of budgets and beliefs. (Director
of a multi-arts company in India)
uthenticity and attitude: other values that come through from the
responses include honesty and authenticity in Scottish work, along with
the sector’s can-do attitude, ability to ‘make it happen’, its ‘stubbornness’
and commitment.
There is a real desire to make the arts inclusive and accessible to all.
This feels to me like it is making good progress but probably has a long
way to go. (Respondent from a multi arts and digital creators collective
in Scotland)
Diagram 5.
Values associated
with Scotland’s
arts and cultural
sector by Scotland-
based respondents
The country’s attributes of fairness and striving for equality, generosity
and social conscience (‘culture for all’, ‘tackling difficult issues’, ‘addressing
barriers to access’) are also recognised in Scotland as values for the arts and
culture sector.
The values of Scotland’s sector are described more than once in our survey
as sharing commonalities with Nordic neighbours to the North:
An affinity for, and links with, other small, rural, northern nations and
cultures. (Respondent from a film development agency in Scotland)
We are humble to the point that I think we hold ourselves back a little
here. We value humbleness and collective responsibility which I feel as
a community is an important part of who we are but learning how to be
more confident and ambitious on an international stage is something
I’d like to see in the future. (Musician and director from a youth music
organisation in Scotland)
High quality but low monetary value. (Music director at a rural theatre in
Art should be valued of itself and publicly funded. Culture is for all
communities regardless of demographic and wealth. [But] culture is
instrumentalised as an economic driver through tourism visiting our
festivals and events, and the heritage sector. (Local authority cultural
planner in Scotland)
The International Reputation of
Scotland’s Sector
The survey sought perspectives on the international reputation of Scotland’s
arts and culture sector, asking respondents what they tend to expect of
something Scottish.
A total of 149 key words and themes arise from the answers from
international respondents (Diagram 6), for whom the most prominent
reputational features of Scotland’s arts and culture overseas congregate
around the following themes:
Excellence, innovation of style and design and form. Once you move
away from the bagpipes and tartan there is a world of deep intellectual
heft and artistic merit. (Director of a multi-arts company in India)
I expect something that is rooted in the history of the land and its
people, but also forward-thinking, innovative and collaborative. (Film
festival coordinator in Canada)
The reputation is very much linked to what I think Scotland’s arts and
culture sector stands for: uniqueness, inclusiveness, internationality and
multiculturality. I have witnessed artforms and platforms I have never
seen in other countries, and an example of this is the use of churches
as libraries and stages. Culture and art are at the core of Scotland’s
society. (Arts practitioner in Germany)
Q: What do you expect of something from the Scottish arts and culture sector?
I would associate the word ‘brave’ with the culture sector of Scotland.
I would expect something against the grain and not following a trend
in the global art scene but rather something really innovative and an
honest representation of the flavour of Scotland’s arts and culture
sector. (Producer at a multi-arts festival in India)
Socially just, with recurring values of culture for all and fairness.
We have always got what we’ve expected from our Scottish peers:
respect, creative collaboration, human connection and open dialogue.
(Respondent from a charitable arts funding body in Mexico)
For a small nation we punch far above our weight. In my own area of
work for children and young people there is an expectation of quality,
innovation and expertise with a broad appeal to audiences. There is an
expectation that time spent at Scottish [culture] will be time well spent.
(Respondent from a participative youth theatre company in Scotland)
Our artists and producers are known for creating work that is ambitious
and contemporary – as proved by winning numerous Turner prizes
and other awards across artforms. However, there is still a ‘tartan and
shortbread’ part of Scotland’s cultural reputation fuelled by tourism
which is hard to reconcile with the cultural identity felt by most
residents and artists working here. If that’s confusing for Scots in the
sector, it may also be confusing internationally. (Local authority cultural
planner in Scotland)
What International Peers are Most [I’m curious about
Surprised by
working: how do my
Scottish colleagues
combine culturally
The survey asked external and international respondents relevant contents with
what they are: a) most CURIOUS ABOUT, b) most excellent organisational
IMPRESSED by, and c) most SURPRISED by when skills? (Practitioner from
visiting or liaising with Scottish arts and culture the literature, libraries
institutions. Scotland-based respondents were asked to and publishing sectors in
comment on the basis of their experiences interacting with Argentina)
peers from outside Scotland.
ow inclusion and diversity are facilitated: ‘They think they are only
going to see traditional performances, so are curious about the multi-
ethnic nature of our arts scene in particular’ (respondent from an arts
policy/funding body in Scotland), ‘How we engage large and diverse
audiences’ (respondent from a contemporary arts centre in Scotland).
The way that arts and culture are presented and executed – even under
the most restrictive conditions. (Cultural manager in Germany)
How distinct the sector is: ‘the cultural peculiarities of Scotland and its
people’ (multi-arts curator and programmer in Brazil).
How much I still and continue to prefer Scotland and anything Scottish
to the English culture scene, despite the international stereotypical
perception that London is the next best thing since sliced bread.
(Production manager for theatre and film in Malta)
How distinct it feels, we are very familiar with England’s art from a
colonial education system, but there is a different timbre that genuinely
surprises my peers. (Multi-arts practitioner in Canada)
We list these below and show how they start to reveal broad categories
within which we can begin to recognise fundamental assets strongly
associated with the arts and cultural sector in Scotland.
The next chapters in this report build from these attributes and generic
assets to offer further characterisation of what is perceived to be unique to
Scotland, and to generate a more explicit list of cultural assets before going
on to explore the international impacts of these in closer focus.
Elements of Scotland’s Sector Seen as Unique
Our survey asked respondents what elements of Scotland’s arts and culture
sector are particularly special or unique from their vantage point, with
the aim of gaining further, more specified insights into what stands out on
the international stage. These reinforce key attributes articulated in the
previous chapter, and start to profile specific models and examples that we
might recognise as defined cultural assets.
The community engaged and connected and ready to build links and
collaborate, the vision and openness to create new projects, the quality
of work produced, the people who are lovely and passionate, the
horizontality of relationships. (Practitioner working for an international
arts agency in Brazil)
The industrial venues and the city of Glasgow itself seemed like unique
creative spots. (Promoter and festival organiser, Argentina)
The history of your cities, towns and villages make your arts and
cultural sector so unique. The beautiful, rugged, imposing nature of the
landscape inspires creativity. (Film festival coordinator in Canada)
Literally speaking, the elements that come to mind are water and wind.
(Local authority arts funder in Australia)
How art is used to combat social exclusion and improve the wellbeing
of the locals, as I worked with organisations doing activities such as art
therapy and advocating that it should be recognised by the NHS as an
official prescription, training programmes in technical jobs in theatre
to combat youth unemployment, audience outreach programmes, etc.
(Festival manager and programmer in Egypt)
Disability arts
The sector’s ‘lovely’, ‘friendly’ people, and their passion for their work.
Some elements drawn from the New World, especially Canada, US,
Australasia and the British Empire, especially Africa and South Asia.
Participating in the imperial project with all the responsibility that
implies while simultaneously being an early subject of the project.
The inside outsider. (Policymaker/funder in London, noting this as a
unique element)
New Zealand makes a connection with the colonised point of view which
has many parallels to our own experience. The unique music and poetry
of Scotland often inform the dramatic writing deeply. (Director of a
theatre organisation in New Zealand, noting this as a unique element)
Q: What elements of Scotland’s arts and culture sector are particularly special
or unique?
Diagram 9.
Unique elements
perceived by
respondents (n47)
The international respondents highlight many of these same elements,
though their prominent themes focus around heritage and Gaelic culture,
music, theatre, literature, poetry and storytelling. International respondents
highlight festivals, and the Fringe in particular, much more heavily than
those based in the Scottish sector. Significantly, in parallel with those based
in Scotland, international respondents also recognise Scotland’s expertise
in children’s arts, technical training, and the impressive infrastructure
supporting the sector.
ural arts scenes: valuing and supporting rural, island and local culture,
resulting in work that feels culturally rooted and connected to place.
The varying scale of work that takes place from small local festivals to
the national companies. All cultural activity, no matter the scale or its
geographical position all contributes to Scotland’s arts giving a vital
boost to not only local communities and audiences but also the cultural
tourism offer. (Respondent from a visual arts/music organisation in
rtist-led and grassroots models of working, with the visual arts scene
highlighted specifically by two respondents.
The social contract around funding – the public expect arts and culture
to be funded by the Government at all levels without question and to be
done largely free from interference. (Local authority cultural planner in
What are Perceived to be Scotland’s Most
Significant Cultural Assets?
Building from impressions evoked through our questions exploring the
core values, reputation and unique elements of Scotland’s arts and cultural
sector, respondents to the survey were next asked what they perceive to
be Scotland’s most significant cultural assets. They were invited to answer
either generally or by giving specific examples.
The word clouds presented in Diagrams 10 and 11 reflect the full range
of responses to this question and therefore spill a little beyond the
parameters we’ve opted to use in defining ‘assets’ for the purposes of this
study (see Chapter 1). In pulling out key findings for this chapter, we have
foregrounded items that we can confidently classify as ‘assets’.
Scotland’s living (and dead) artists are its most important cultural
asset. Its traditions and stories and its heritage buildings and assets are
also significant. (Local authority arts funder in Australia)
I feel like Scottish people are fair, honest and pragmatic. Budgets can
be tight and negotiations hard but I always feel a real desire to make
things work fairly. (Artistic director of a dance organisation in Canada)
Music, folklore, myths and stories as integrated into all forms of writing.
High quality artists. (Director of a theatre organisation in New Zealand)
The folk music and dance music traditions are what I know best. They
have had a big impact on the cultural circles I engage with. I am also
familiar with the sound art scene through my visits. Additionally, the
contributions made by many of the festivals Scotland hosts have
had major impacts on the global cultural landscape. (Arts education
manager in Bahrain)
Gaelic culture as distinct to Scotland on the world stage, while also being
the root of Gaelic cultures in Canada, the USA and elsewhere.
The Gaelic language. Take care of this, and the arts that spring from it
will flourish. (Traditional musician in USA)
[A cultural asset is] the fact that your national museums and galleries
are free for all. (Film festival coordinator in Canada)
The artists who get together, rent studios, then open up things to other
artists. (Director of a visual arts organisation in Scotland)
Key to the sector’s world-renowned expertise and skill are the arts schools
and production and workshop facilities across the country, which are
recognised by Scotland-based respondents as being significant cultural
assets. These relate to the attribute of artistic development referenced in
earlier questions in the survey.
Its production centres which provide access for artists to make work
and for the public to develop skills and in addition the above combined
with exhibition spaces which are free and open to all. (Respondent from
a photography organisation in Scotland)
Arts for children and young people come through strongly as a cultural
asset in the responses from people based in the Scottish sector. Several
international respondents also highlight this aspect of Scotland’s cultural
provision as a distinctive model of Scottish best practice and as a unique
element that stands out in the international arena. See Profile 2, which
collates specific comments from across our two datasets, reinforcing the
significance of this specialism as a major cultural asset for Scotland.
Likewise Scotland’s disability arts sector and its artists are recognised
as a distinctive asset by respondents at home and internationally: we have
collated testimonies in Profile 3.
Having volunteered with Imaginate (now EICF), I have seen the genuine
dedication of volunteers and the organisers that go into the making and
running of this festival. When I had volunteered in 2017, it was evident
that not only was the programming tailored to cater for every age
group, but also for all learning styles and possible conditions – featuring
sensory rooms at the National Museum, interactive storytelling, and
more. It shows true devotion to making it a festival FOR children and
young people. (Production manager in Malta, citing this as a model of
best practice)
Sistema: all arts sectors should be supported in this way and at this level
to deliver arts activity for children and young people. (Respondent from
a craft development organisation in Scotland, citing this as a model of
best practice)
The sector I work in, for Children and Young People, has been a great
example of how to create, innovate and develop even with the constraints
of funding and a fragile structure. Over 25 years Scotland has created
a repertoire of work by companies and artists like Catherine Wheels,
Shona Reppe, Barrowland Ballet, Curious Seed, Andy Cannon, Andy
Manley, Lyra and many others that successfully tour and regularly win
awards across the globe. Part of this movement has been based around
Imaginate, producer of one of the world’s most popular and successful
Children’s Festivals and also a broad supporter and catalyst for the
development of the artform. (Respondent from a participative youth
theatre company in Scotland)
[A globally distinctive model is] theatre for young audiences, which unlike
much other arts, is developed for and with its audience, through much
testing, workshops etc with target audiences, which results in innovative
but still accessible performance, which is audience focused. (Respondent
from a children’s arts company in Scotland)
Agent for Change [is a model of best practice, with its] role to champion
disabled artists within arts organisations and artform sectors.
(Respondent from an artist-led dance organisation in Scotland)
In the next chapters, this report takes a closer look at what specific
contributions the Scottish sector is seen to offer the world and
suggests further insights on what makes these contributions unique
on the world stage. We conclude with what we might recognise
as key cultural assets in Scotland on the basis of all the findings
presented from this survey.
What Scotland’s Art and Culture Sector
Contributes to the World
In order to gain a deeper insight into what exactly it is about Scotland’s
arts and culture sector that has generated the impressions reported so far,
in this final part of the report we capture what our survey respondents
consider the Scottish sector has contributed to the international arena.
We also present detailed findings on what models of international practice
and inspiration respondents identify as having emanated from Scotland.
AN EXAMPLE OF HOW ‘A benchmark of good production value, ‘High quality production because of
and a textbook case of how strategy the theoretical and physical grounding
TO FLOURISH is fundamental in the survival of an and facilities we provide here’ (director
organisation’ (production manager for of a visual arts production facility in
theatre and film in Malta) Scotland)
CROSS-DISCIPLINARY ‘I think our uniquely vibrant cross-genre
collaboration offers a unique contribution
ARTS to the international music scene’
(musician and director from a youth
music organisation in Scotland)
To provide further insight into why Scotland’s festivals and model make
such an impact, we have collated details of what makes them so distinctive
for our respondents.
The variety and diversity of artforms and festivals within Scotland. Also the
varying scale of work that takes place from small local festivals to the national
companies. (Practitioner and academic from New Zealand, citing this as a unique
Festivals all [A model is] planning a roster of festivals around the whole year stimulates visibility
year round of projects, productions and artists, stimulates tourism year-round and enhances the
opportunities for global distribution in most genres of the cultural sector. (Producer and
programming director in Argentina)
Festivals, all of them that happen year-round, not just the Fringe. (Festival manager
and programmer in Egypt)
Small-scale The Fèis movement and its counterparts in places like Orkney and Shetland; small
festivals with festivals of international standing like St Magnus, Lammermuir, Ullapool Book,
Hippfest Silents, etc. (Respondent from a film development agency in Scotland,
international stating what international peers are most curious about)
Wigtown Book Festival as a high-quality arts project that is delivering meaningful
community benefits for its town. (Respondent from a community arts organisation in
rural Scotland, citing an international model)
While often introduced to Scotland through high-profile festivals, it is often the small-
scale, more experimental practice that international peers are then curious about.
(Respondent from an artist-led dance organisation in Scotland)
While our national companies, galleries and museums are of high quality and able
to hold their own in an international context, I think our real strengths are at the
smaller and distinctive level: festivals, music groups, theatre companies, independent
museums, film-makers, etc. At that level there’s the greatest scope for fruitful exchanges
and interactions, for reaching international audiences. (Respondent from a film
development agency in Scotland, discussing international contribution)
Distinctive What respondents highlighted
The open The Fringe Festival being open to anyone who wants to perform. Every other Fringe
programming I’ve been to has some kind of application with a fee and audition process. (Film festival
coordinator in Canada)
model of the
Fringe I was impressed by the agency model of the Fringe Festival and the scope of its
programming and participants as it is different from any other international arts
festival in the sense that most of them are curated, whereas the Fringe provides services
and democratises the access and equity to both artists and audience. (Producer and
programming director in Argentina)
The Edinburgh Fringe is the best showcase of how flexibly arts can be accommodated,
no matter in venue arrangement, scheduling, audience engagement. It brightens one’s
eyes and refreshes one’s arts experience [and is] most distinctive. (Arts development
funder in Hong Kong)
Festivals as Large-scale festival format, embracing mainstage, midcareer and outsider artists.
platforms (Arts manager from a major museum in USA, citing this as a model)
for artist The most obvious example is the binary of the Edinburgh Fringe being the platform
and artform of all artists, from established to up-and-coming (having debuted some now-established
development playwrights and stand-up comedians), and the Edinburgh International Festival
featuring high-end budgeted productions and exhibitions. (Production manager for
theatre and film in Malta citing this as a model)
Fringe Festival and the collective support of emerging comedy and theatre.
(Practitioner and academic from New Zealand, citing this as a model)
A large-scale festival model over the summer where all artforms are celebrated and
showcased. (Respondent from a contemporary arts centre in Scotland, citing this as a
A global hub for Scotland’s multiculturality and internationality (during, for example the Fringe
international Festival), enables creation and engagement with very different cultures and artforms,
making Scotland the best hub for interacting and engaging with cultures and
networking and arts from all over the world, and also enabling collaborations and networking. (Arts
collaboration practitioners from Germany)
The world’s ‘go- The contributions made by many of the festivals Scotland hosts have had major impacts
to’ international on the global cultural landscape. Over the years, I’ve been impressed looking at festivals
such as the Edinburgh Festival and the Fringe Festival. Those, among others, have become
festival model go-to models for festivals around the world. (Arts education manager in Bahrain)
[I’m most impressed by the] organisational ability of the festival. (Director of a multi-
arts organisation in Palestine)
[An international contribution is as] an example of how to run festivals efficiently and
effectively. (Production manager in Malta)
Imaginate children’s festival is the best example of leadership and execution. (Multi-
arts manager in Bahrain)
In 2019, I visited Glasgow as a delegate at the Sonica Festival. The way the festival
was organised, the type of curation and programming, and how we were also allowed to
engage was very impressive. (Arts education manager in Bahrain)
Creating [A model is] a long history of highly regarded international festivals such as EIFF, the
festival Fringe, EIF that have been running for decades. These festivals present the best films
and performance from all over the world. I think there is an inherent tension between
communities prestige and accessibility, but the combination of festivals creates an atmosphere of
excitement and community that is hard to find. (Film festival coordinator in Canada)
Cromarty Film Festival seemed like [a] really interesting organisation that helped
bring communities together to create and celebrate art. (Film festival coordinator in
Having volunteered with Imaginate (now EICF), I have seen the genuine dedication
of volunteers and the organisers that go into the making and running of this festival.
(Production manager in Malta citing this as a model)
[I am surprised that] that there is always some new innovative idea – be it in the arts
themselves or in the way they are presented in Festivals or Events. I was, for example,
deeply impressed at how Celtic Connections (and Showcase Scotland in it) managed
to build up and strengthen their community even in the online version of their Festival.
(Communications professional for the culture sector in Germany)
Transforming [I’m impressed by] how the city transforms during the Fringe, a real festive environment
spaces is born, in which every spot becomes a venue for performance, and the works are so
diverse that the festival literally caters for all tastes and ages. I have not felt this
genuine embracing of the arts in every corner in any other city. (Festival manager and
programmer in Egypt)
[A model is] the way arts and culture are grounded in the Scottish society: transforming
cities to host festivals, using unique spaces for performances or cultural-related activities
(such as churches). (Arts practitioner in Germany)
The festivals management, particularly the capacity to bring together different sectors
of public management around culture. My feeling during the Fringe/International
festivals and in seminars I’ve participated in in Edinburgh was that the whole city
council was working together to make things happen. (Cultural exporter from Brazil
based in London)
[The Fringe and the International Festival] create a symbiotic business relationship
whereby audience members attracted by one festival, are exposed to the marketing of the
other, resulting in cross-pollination of markets – not to mention the Tattoo which is its
own cash cow. (Production manager for theatre and film in Malta citing this as a model)
Festivals Festivals Edinburgh. It’s an amazing example of many different players working
Edinburgh as a collectively in making the city an epicentre of inspiration. (Multi-arts curator and
programmer in Brazil)
model Festivals Edinburgh as an institution that brings together several festivals in one
platform for common goals, Festivals Edinburgh [is] an inspiring platform for festivals
in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, which then has created the same institution with a different
approach and programmes for the collective strengths of the festivals named Jogja
Festivals. (Director of a festivals management organisation, Indonesia)
[I’m most impressed by] the financial support given to artists for
recording albums. (Traditional musician and dancer in Canada)
[A model is] the funding for the arts which as far as I understood is
not linked to the disciplines or aesthetics but the quality and the artist.
(Music and sonic arts practitioner from Mexico)
1 Question 18. What approaches or models from Scotland’s sector are you aware of that have been
replicated in another country? (Please give as many examples as you like.)
Artform facilities and Visual arts production facilities model à other countries
support (not defined)
Arts sector training/ Staged for Life (technical skills training for 16–24 year olds)
development à replicated in Cairo
Celebrating excellence Scottish Album of the Year Award à inspired the Northern
Irish Music Prize and the Welsh Music Prize
Local community arts Deveron Arts: Town Collection (Huntly) à has been
reinitiated in the town of Bolzano/Italy
The final part of this report pulls all of our evidence and analysis together
to offer concluding insights on what we might understand the attributes
and assets of Scotland’s culture sector to be, based on all the data presented
from our survey.
In this concluding chapter we can now pull together the main findings
from our survey of Scotland-based and international arts and cultural
professionals to consolidate overarching themes and present collected
insights on Scotland’s cultural attributes and assets.
Key attributes of Scotland’s arts and culture sector that have been identified
through our analysis are summarised in the list below. These characteristics
have informed the structure of our companion narrative report, ‘To See
Ourselves’: Cultural Assets and Attributes of Scotland, which reflects further
on their significance in relation to our conversations with the focus groups.
76 Conclusions
skilled workforce, a source of internationally renowned expertise
associated with high standards and a resourcefulness born of its
funding challenges.
A sector nevertheless SUPPORTED by a model of committed
funding and operating within a policy environment seen as
A distinct and positively esteemed SPIRIT OF SCOTLAND that
is brave and authentic, slightly stubborn, resourceful, generous and
hospitable, and proud yet self-effacing.
Diagram 12 enables us to read across the headline findings from this report,
capturing the unique elements of the arts and cultural sector in Scotland,
what our respondents believe are Scotland’s main cultural assets, the
sector’s significant contributions to the world and notable models that have
inspired practice or been replicated overseas.
Unique elements Cultural assets defined Contributions to the Inspiring models of best
by respondents world practice
and THEATRE Creative industries: VIDEO PERSPECTIVE, LEADERSHIP (in sector
RURAL ARTS scenes knowledge relevant for popular ENGAGEMENT
international contexts; WITH CULTURE,
78 Conclusions
A consolidated list materialises from this overview, allowing us to
present an objective summary of the predominant cultural assets
identified from this study, being recognised both at home and abroad.
80 Conclusions
82 Appendices
Master list of organisations specifically cited No of mentions No of mentions in
as models in Q17 (Scotland Q17 (international
dataset) dataset)
Creative Circles 1
Creative Dundee 1
Creative Edinburgh 1
Creative Scotland 11
Cryptic 4
Cultural Coordinators 1
Culture Aberdeen 1
Culture Collective 2
Culture Counts 1
Curious Seed 1
Dance Base 2
Deveron Arts 1
Deveron Arts (Town is the Venue) 1
Eden Court 1
Edinburgh festivals (in general) 2 9
Edinburgh Fringe Festival 1 14
Edinburgh International Book Festival 4
Edinburgh International Festival 1 3
Edinburgh International Science Festival 1
Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop 1
Edinburgh TradFest 1
Fèis movement: Fèis Rois, the Fèisean nan 4 1
Gàidheal (see also Ceòlas distinguished
separately above)
Festival Expo Fund 1
Festivals Edinburgh 3
Glasgow Film Festival 1
Glasgow School of Art 1
Glasgow Women’s Library 1 1
Glass Performance 1
Hospitalfield House 1
Imaginate (EICF) 1 2
INDY Cinema Group’s provision of DCP- 1
based screening services to a range of smaller
communities across Scotland
Is This The Best It Can Be social engagement 1 1
toolkit (Creative Scotland)
Janice Parker (participatory dance artist) 1
84 Appendices
Master list of organisations specifically cited No of mentions No of mentions in
as models in Q17 (Scotland Q17 (international
dataset) dataset)
Stove Network 1
Street Level Photoworks 1
Surge 1
The Blas festival 1
Theatre gu Leor 1
Theatre in Schools Scotland 1
Tinderbox 1
TradBeats, specifically Sophie Stephenson 1
Traditional Music Forum TradMentor scheme 1
Tramway 1
Transmission Gallery 1 1
Traverse Theatre 1
Wigtown Book Festival 1
XpoNorth 1
Youth Music Initiative 1
Full list of questions asked Something not listed here / Dance / Music /
in our survey
Theatre / Physical Performance and Circus /
Visual Arts / Craft / Literature and Poetry /
Storytelling / Traditional Arts / Disability or
Question 1. In order to proceed with the survey Inclusive Arts / Participation of Creative Learning
please confirm the following: / Museums / Galleries / Libraries / Archives /
Historic places and sites / Conservation / Gaelic
I am over 18 years of age. I am happy with the Arts / Digital media and preservation / Film, TV
above and consent to proceed with the survey & Radio / Architecture / Photography / Product
or Graphic Design / Fashion and Textiles / Video
Question 2. What is your name? (Tell us just your and Computer Games / Software
first name if you prefer)
Question 9. What is the nature of your personal
Question 3. In what capacity are you responding to experience and knowledge of Scotland’s arts and
this survey? culture sector?
I am currently based in Scotland and work in I am currently part of the sector in Scotland
the Scottish sector I once did some work or studied in the sector
I am a Scottish practitioner currently based in Scotland
outside Scotland I work internationally with Scottish
I offer an international perspective from organisations or individuals from Scotland’s arts
outside Scotland and culture sector
Another capacity (please specify) I have visited or observed Scotland’s arts and
culture sector as a delegate
Question 4. Where are you currently based? Please I have experienced Scotland’s arts and culture
tell us the city and country sector abroad as an audience member
Something else (please specify)
Question 5. If you’re happy to tell us, what is your
nationality? Question 10. What KEY WORDS would you use to
characterise Scotland’s arts and culture sector?
Question 6. What best describes your relationship
with Arts and Culture? Question 11. What kind of VALUES (i.e. standards,
ideals, philosophy) do you associate with Scotland’s
I am a Practitioner or Manager in the sector arts and culture sector?
I am a Volunteer in the sector
I work in Policy or Funding for the sector Question 12. What REPUTATION do you associate
I am a Student in the sector with Scotland’s arts and culture sector? i.e. What
Something else (please specify) do you expect of something Scottish?
Question 7. If you work or volunteer in an arts and Question 13. If you had to characterise what
culture context (anywhere in the world), what is Scottish arts and culture organisations bring to
your job title and organisation? the international arena, what would you say?
86 Appendices
Question 15. What do you perceive to be Scotland’s
most significant CULTURAL ASSETS? (You can
answer generally and/or list specific things)
Question 16. In your experience what are
international peers, or you if you are responding
from outside Scotland…
… a) Most CURIOUS ABOUT when visiting or
liaising with Scottish arts and culture institutions?
... b) Most IMPRESSED by?
... c) Most SURPRISED by?
Queen Margaret
IMAGES: (clockwise from top left) Pop by Vince Virr at the Edinburgh International
Children’s Festival [photographer Ruth Armstrong], Gateway, Joana-Vasconcelos,
2019 [Photo Allan Pollok-Morris, Courtesy Jupiter Artland], Bothy Project,
Inshriach Bothy, Cairngorms National Park [photo Andrew Ridley], V&A Dundee
[photographer Hufton+Crow], deep dive (pause) uncoiling memory, 2022
Installation shot [photographer Cristiano Corte], © Alberta Whittle. Courtesy the
artist, Scotland + Venice, Thomas Kilpper: The Politics of Heritage vs the Heritage
of Politics. Installation view, Edinburgh Printmakers, Edinburgh, 27 April – 13 July
2019. [photographer Jim Stephenson Architectural Photography]
I welcome the publication of the Art & Cultural Assets
Report, commissioned by British Council Scotland and
Creative Scotland - Artists have always looked beyond
borders to collaborate, share, be inspired...
I invite you to help us shape our place in the world by
contributing to the global conversations that will be
happening around this report.
Angus Robertson MSP
Cabinet Secretary for the Constitution, External Affairs and Culture