Council Tax and Housing Benefit Claim Form (PDF 788kb)
Council Tax and Housing Benefit Claim Form (PDF 788kb)
Council Tax and Housing Benefit Claim Form (PDF 788kb)
If you cannot get out easily and need help filling in the form, we can come out and help you.
Please contact us on the number above.
Date of issue
Date Received
Issued by
Notes for filling in the claim form
About this form
This Council Tax Support and Housing Benefit claim form has been specially designed to be easy to fill in. It is
but we have to ask a lot of questions to make sure that everyone who claims gets the right amount of award.
You may not have to fill in all parts of the form, but you must fill in any part that is relevant to you. Every
part starts with a question to help you decide if you need to fill in that part.
We need to see evidence of some of the things you tell us about. The checklist at the end of the form will
help you. If you are not sure if we need to see evidence of something, get in touch with us. We will tell you
what we need to see. We cannot pay your award until we have seen the evidence we have asked for.
Changes you must tell us about Tell the Council's Benefit Department straight away if;
• any of your children leave school or leave home; or
• anyone moves in or out of your home (including lodgers, joint tenants and subtenants); or
• your income or the income of anyone living with you, including benefits, changes; or
• your capital, savings or investments change; or
• you or anyone living with you becomes a student; goes on a Youth Training Scheme; goes into hospital or a
nursing home; goes into prison; or gets, changes or leaves a job; or
• you or your partner are going to be away from home for more than a month; or
• you receive any decision from the Home Office; or
• anything you have told us about changes; or
• you move house; or
• you or any one in your household receives or ceases to receive DLA or PIP.
If you don’t tell us about these changes, you may lose money you are entitled to or you may be paid
too much benefit or support.
You must make sure that you tell us about these changes. Don’t rely on someone else to pass on the message.
It is an offence not to tell us about any change of circumstance that affects your award. We may take
court action against you. If we pay you too much support, in most cases, you will have to pay it back.
page 3
Council Tax Support and
Housing Benefit Claim Form
No X
Are you living away from
home at the moment?
Yes Tell us why you are not living at home.
When did you last live at home? When do you expect to go back home?
/ / / /
Tell us the address where you are living at the moment.
If your home has been sublet, tell us who lives there now.
What name did you claim in? What name did they claim in?
David Walter
What address did you claim for? What address did they claim for?
15 wellington court
hp3 9nq
Postcode Postcode
Postcode Postcode
Were you the home owner, Home owner
a private tenant, a council
tenant or a boarder at this
Have you or your partner
come to live in England, X
No No
Northern Ireland, Scotland,
Wales, the Republic of Ireland, Yes We will write to Yes We will write to
the Channel Islands or the Isle you about this. you about this.
of Man in the last 2 years?
What is your nationality? British
• on youth training X
• in legal custody X
• registered blind X
First name(s)
Date of birth / / / / / / / /
How much do you How much do you How much do you How much do you
pay a week? pay a week? pay a week? pay a week?
£ £ £ £
Part 3 About other people who live with you page 7
Do any adults usually live with No X Go to Part 4.
you and any partner you have?
Yes Answer all questions in this section.
By adults we mean people over 16 who nobody gets Child Benefit for. Do not tell us about people who just share a hall,
bathroom or toilet with you. If you want to tell us about more than 3 people, use a separate sheet of paper.
If you are sending a separate sheet of paper, tick this box.
First person Second person Third person
Surname or family name
Other names
Date of birth / / / / / /
£ £
Please attach separate sheet ifyou have more than 2 pensions
Date of next increase / / Date of next increase / /
Pension Protection Fund
Payments £ £
Annuities £ £
Youth Training Scheme
£ £
payment or Training Credits
Maintenance for you £ £
Maintenance for your child
- including CSA £ £
Student grant or loan £ £
Payments from boarders £ £
Weekly amount from letting
or sub-letting part of a property £ £
Payments from a charity £ £
Any other income e.g. Redundancy
or Loan Protection Payments £ £
(please give name)
We must see evidence of any money or pension coming in before we can decide how much Support you can get.
Read the checklist at Part 17 to see what you can use as evidence.
Part 7 About working for an employer page 10
What is your employer’s
name and address?
Postcode Postcode
We must see 5 weekly, 3 fortnightly or 2 monthly consecutive of your most recent pay slips before we can
decide how much Support you can get. Read the checklist at Part 17 to see what you can use as evidence.
Part 8 About being self-employed page 11
Postcode Postcode
Are there any other partners No Yes Tell us their name No Yes Tell us their name
in the business? and address. and address.
Postcode Postcode
How many hours a week
do you usually work?
Do you get a Business No Yes How much? No Yes How much?
Start-up Allowance?
£ £
How often? How often?
Every Every
Do you pay into a private No Yes How much? No Yes How much?
pension scheme?
£ £
How often? How often?
Every Every
We must see evidence of your earnings before we can decide how much Support you can get. Read the checklist
at Part 17 to see what you can use as evidence.
Part 9 About any other work page 12
Postcode Postcode
When did you start this work? / / / /
£ £
How often? How often?
Every Every
We must see evidence of any earnings before we can decide how much Support you can get.
Read the checklist at Part 17 to see what you can use as evidence.
Please answer these questions for yourself and your partner. Please include empty and overdrawn accounts, whether
in one name or jointly held with anyone else. Your Partner's
Account number/name/other details balance/value balance/value
15665741 £ 35.52 £
Do you have bank, building No
society or post office accounts? X £ £
(including current accounts)
£ £
If yes, please tell us the balance
of your accounts £ £
£ £
£ £
£ £
£ £
We may ask to see evidence of all capital, savings and investments. Read the checklist at Part 17 to see what you
can use as evidence.
Part 10 About bank accounts, savings, investments and property page 13
How many rooms are there in In the whole Just for you and That you share with
the building? building? your household? other people?
Living rooms
Bedsitting rooms
Separate toilets
Other rooms
Part 13 How you will be paid and the choices you have.
• If you pay rent to a private landlord we will pay any benefit directly to you. If you feel this will cause you difficulties., please
call 01442 228000 for advice. Email:
• If you are awarded Council Tax Support, we will pay this into your Council Tax Account.
If you do not have a bank or building society account you must set one up. You can get advice about opening and running a
bank or building society account from any bank or building society of your choice. If you have any difficulties in opening one
of these accounts please contact us on 01442 228000 for advice. Under the Local Housing Allowance Scheme you will have
your Housing Benefit paid directly to you (unless you are considered by us to have difficulty in managing your financial
affairs). You will be informed in writing when this will take effect.
Part 13 How you will be paid and the choices you have - continued page 17
To accept direct payments of Housing Benefit into your account please complete the following:
Sort code
Roll No.
Date / /
Part 14 Backdating
We can usually award benefit from the Monday after the day we get your claim. Sometimes, we can pay Housing Benefit and Council
Tax Support from an earlier date if you have a good reason for not claiming earlier. If you want us to consider paying your Housing
Benefit and Council Tax Support from an earlier date, tell us when you want Housing Benefit and Council Tax Support to be paid
from and provide reasons why you didn’t claim earlier in the box below. If you are a working age customer, you can request your
Housing Benefit claim to be backdated for up to one month and your Council Tax Support award for up to one month.
Tell us the date you want to
claim benefit from / /
page 18
Part 15 Anything else you need to tell us
Use the box below to tell us anything else you think we should know about. Use a separate sheet of paper and
attach it to this form if you need to.
If you are sending separate sheets of paper with this form, tell us how many. X
Part 16 Declaration p
Even if someone else has partly or fully filled in this form for you, you MUST sign this declaration if you can.
If you have a partner, it would be helpful if they sign below to confirm that all the details about them are correct.
Please read this declaration carefully before you sign and date it.
I understand the following:
• If I give information that is incorrect or incomplete, you may take action against me. This may include court action.
• You will use the information I have provided to process my claim for Housing Benefit or Council Tax Support or both, or to
assess any discount or grant for Council services. You may check the information with other sources as the law allows.
• You may use any information I have provided for this and any other claim for social security benefits that I have made
or may make. This includes any Discretionary Housing Payment. You may give some information to other government
organisations, such as government departments and local councils, if the law allows this. The council may share data with
the government in order to combat fraud and reduce error and this includes the use of tracing agents.
I know I must let the Council's Benefit Section know immediately in writing about any change in my
circumstances or the circumstances of anyone living with me, which might affect my claim. If I do not, you may take action
against me. This may include court action.
I declare that this is my claim for Housing Benefit and/or Council Tax Support and the information I have given on this form is
correct and complete. I authorise the Council to make any necessary enquiries to check that the information is true and correct.
I have read and understood this declaration, and my responsibilities in reporting any changes in my circumstances to the
Signature of Date 27 / 03 / 23
person claiming
signature Date / /
If this form has been partly or fully filled in by someone who is not the person claiming, please tell us why you are
filling in this form for the person claiming.
As far as possible, I have confirmed with the person claiming that the answers I have written on this form are correct.
If I am making this claim on behalf of the above person, I understand that I am liable for what I have written on the form
and accept that the declaration applies to me.
Name of the person who filled in the form Signature of the person
If you know or suspect someone is committing benefit fraud, you can report them direct without having to give your
name or details by:
• writing to the Council
• phoning: 01442 228291 - or National Hotline number 0800 854 440;
• e-mailing to; or going on our website:
Part 17 Checklist
Please tick to tell us what evidence you are sending with this form. We must see original documents, not copies. If you
bring them to our Office, we will take the details we need and give you the documents back straight away.
If you do not provide all the evidence we need, we might not be able to pay you any support. We need the same
evidence for your partner, if you have one, and for any other adults living in your home.
If you cannot send the evidence we need at the moment, send the form back to us now and send the evidence later.
We can start to process your claim, but we will not be able to pay you any benefit until we have all the evidence.
Please tell us now in Part 15 if you cannot supply the evidence within one month.
• Evidence of identity - This is usually anything that has your full name and date of birth on it
• Evidence of your National Insurance Number - This could be any document that has your National Insurance
Number on it
• Evidence of your rent - This means a tenancy agreement or a rent account showing payments that you have made.
• Evidence of savings, investments and property - This means all of your bank accounts, savings accounts, shares,
premium bonds or other investments or property. We will need to see the last 2 months statements for any accounts.
• Evidence of earnings for all adults in the property – We need to see your payslips (your last 5 if you are paid week-
ly, your last 3 if you are paid every 2 weeks or your last 2 if you are paid monthly). If you are self-employed, you
will need to complete an additional form. Please contact us so that we can send you one.
• Evidence of other income – this means money from pensions or gifts of money that people have given to you.
• Evidence of benefits, Tax Credits or Pension Credit – any letters from the DWP or HMRC confirming how much you
• Evidence of other money you pay out – this means receipts from registered child carers or financial help you give
to a student.
• If you would like us to discuss your claim with someone else who is helping you, you will need to complete a third
party authorisation form. Please contact us so that we can send you one.
Part 18 Ethnic Background
The government has asked us to gather information about our customer’s ethnic background. It’s your choice whether to fill
in this section. Please show which of the following groups you and your partner (if any) consider you belong to by ticking
one box for you and one for your partner.
Anything else you want to tell us about that may affect your claim