Bartczak 2004
Bartczak 2004
Bartczak 2004
Samples of propylene-ethylene (EP) and propylene-(1-butene) (BP) random copolymers with various comonomer content (2–3.1 wt%
ethylene, 9.9 wt% 1-butene), were melt-mixed in Brabender internal mixer at various compositions (25/75, 50/50, 75/25). Films of
copolymers and blends, as well as of a homopolymer sample (iPP), obtained by compression moulding and with different thermal history
were characterized by optical and scanning electron microscopy (OM, SEM), small-angle light scattering (SALS), small- and wide angle
X-ray scattering (SAXS, WAXS) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). It was found that all copolymers and blends studied
crystallized exclusively in monoclinic a-modification forming spherulitic structure in a very broad undercooling range. The average size of
spherulites is smaller in the copolymer containing 1-butene as compared to those containing ethylene or to iPP homopolymer, due to
enhanced heterogeneous nucleation in BP copolymer. SEM microscopic observations demonstrated that EP and BP copolymers were
miscible at all examined compositions and form homogeneous blends. Structural and morphological analysis indicated that the comonomer
units are incorporated into growing crystallites in both EP and BP copolymers, while the non-crystallizing material is rejected out of the
crystallites. For small concentrations of comonomer some of non-crystallizing species are pushed ahead of the front of growing spherulite
into interspherulitic regions. For higher comonomer concentration these species are mostly trapped in intraspherulitic regions. Melting
behavior of copolymers reflects the incorporation of comonomer into crystalline phase: melting temperature and crystallinity degree decrease
in copolymers and blends as compared to plain iPP.
q 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
shorter than that of homopolypropylene, and concluded that Polypropylene random copolymers, containing ethylene
inclusion of ethylene unit into the crystals occurs to some or 1-butene as co-units, are largely used in film packaging
extent. On contrary, Monasse and Haudin [6], Feng and Hay for their advantageous optical, mechanical and surface
[7], and Pérez et al. [8] on the basis of the decrease of both properties, improved processability and weldability as
crystallinity and temperature of melting with increasing compared to PP homopolymer. Blending of these copoly-
ethylene content draw an opposite conclusion, i.e. that mers offers an additional opportunity of formulation of
ethylene units are excluded from the crystals. Zimmermann materials whose properties can be suitably and precisely
[9] also postulated exclusion of ethylene units from the modulated by both blend composition and the microstruc-
crystals, which view based on the invariance of the heat of tural characteristics of the components (type and amount of
fusion when reduced to 100% crystallinity and on the comonomer), as well as the processing conditions. It is
decrease of the long period as well as lamellar thickness anticipated that the type as well as concentration of
with increasing ethylene content. The observed changes comonomer would influence the miscibility of blend
were mainly ascribed to the severe disturbance of helical components in the melt and the crystallization process,
regularity of PP by the ethylene units [10]. which in turn, should result in variation of the crystal
The influence of 1-butene comonomer on the overall superstructure and bulk properties.
crystallization rate and melting behaviour of polypropylene This paper is aimed at analysing the morphological
was examined by Crispino et al. [11]. The incorporation of characteristics of blends of propylene-(1-butene) copolymer
1-butene units into the polypropylene lattice was also with propylene-ethylene copolymers having different
reported [12–14]. This results in an increase of lattice ethylene content, crystallized from the melt at high under-
dimensions and in a reduction of crystallization and melting coolings, which are frequently used in production of films
temperature as well as enthalpy of fusion. According to for packaging. In a companion paper [18] a detailed study of
Hosoda et al. [14], 1-butene is easily incorporated in the the isothermal crystallization and melting behaviour of
crystalline phase, which gives rise to expansion of the unit these blends is reported.
cell, so that the amount of comonomer in the crystalline
phase is comparable with that in the amorphous phase. The
degree of inclusion of 1-butene in the crystals was found to 2. Experimental
be much higher than that of ethylene. This was attributed to
the similarity of the chain conformation of isotactic 2.1. Materials
polypropylene and polybutene-1 sequences, while ethylene
units simply interrupt the polypropylene 3/1 helices, which The materials studied were commercial as well as
consequences in shortening of the crystallizable sequence laboratory samples of isotactic propylene-ethylene (EP)
and significant exclusion of ethylene units into amorphous and propylene-(1-butene) (BP) random copolymers sup-
phase. plied by Basell Polyolefins, Italy. One of ethylene-
In recent years several new copolymers of propylene propylene copolymers (coded hereafter EP2) was a
with higher a-olefins have been synthesized and investi- commercial product containing about 3 wt% C2H4 while
gated due to introduction of new metallocene catalysts. the other ethylene-propylene and propylene-(1-butene)
Pérez et al. [8] reported that for fractions of a propylene/ copolymers (coded here as EPS and BPS, respectively)
1-hexene copolymer with different comonomer content the were experimental products with 2 wt% C2H4 and 9.9 wt%
glass transition temperature, temperature and enthalpy of C3H9, respectively. These materials were designed for
melting, and consequently the equilibrium melting tem- quality packaging applications, either as monolayer films or
perature of crystals, decrease with increasing comonomer as welding layers in coextruded multilayer structures and
content. Lovisi et al. [15] studied propylene/1-hexene and were formulated with slip and antiblock agents and
propylene/1-octene copolymers and found that thermo- antioxidants.
dynamic properties–such as crystallization enthalpy and A sample of isotactic polypropylene homopolymer
temperature, melting temperature, glass transition tempera- (Moplen X305, Basell Polyolefins, Italy) of MFIZ
ture–storage modulus and density, all decrease in a linear 9 g/10 min was also studied as a reference material. The
pattern with increasing comonomer content. It was also composition and molecular characteristics of the examined
shown that the longer the alkyl branch, the less comonomer copolymers are summarized in Table 1.
is necessary to decrease the crystallization ability of
copolymer chains and hence to make the material behaviour 2.2. Blend preparation
more rubbery [16].
Nitta et al. reported on the synthesis and characterization Binary blends of BPS and two types of ethylene
of novel block copolymers of isotactic polypropylene and copolymers, EPS and EP2, respectively, were prepared by
ethylene-propylene rubber which showed single glass simultaneous melt-mixing in a Brabender Plasticorder static
transition and large orientational effects of PP phase on mixer at a temperature of 190 8C, using a mixing time of
drawing [17]. 5 min and a rotation speed of 40 rpm. The blends prepared
Z. Bartczak et al. / Polymer 45 (2004) 7549–7561 7551
Table 1
Molecular characteristic of studied polymers
Sample code Comonomer Comonomer content M.F.Ia (g/ Mw Mw/Mn mmmm (mol%)
10 min)
(wt%) (mol%)
EPS C2H4 2.0 3.0 9.5 216,000 3.5 89.3
EP2 C2H4 3.1 4.6 6.0 230,000 4.5 86.1
BPS C4H8 9.9 7.6 7.0 262,000 6.3 96.6
iPP – 0 0 9.0 350,000 7.5 (O95)
Measured at 230 8C and 2.16 kg.
had a BPS content of 25, 50 and 75 wt%, respectively. For (Linkam, model THMSE 600). In this experiment films
comparison the samples of plain iPP and plain copolymers obtained from pellets were sandwiched between a micro-
were also processed in the mixer under identical conditions. scope slide and a cover glass, heated up to 230 8C at a rate of
Films of blends and plain copolymers were obtained by 30 8C/min and kept at this temperature for 10 min to destroy
compression moulding of bulk samples in a Carver press at any trace of crystallinity; then the films were rapidly cooled
230 8C and subsequent quenching in liquid nitrogen to down at a rate of 100 8C/min to the desired crystallization
minimize any phase separation induced by crystallization temperature and allowed to crystallize under isothermal
process. conditions.
These films were used for preparation of samples
crystallized at high undercoolings in the temperature 2.4. Scanning electron microscopy
range of 60–90 8C. For this purpose the isotropic films
obtained previously were sandwiched between two con- Additional morphological study was performed with a
stantan foils, each 40 mm thick, together with an aluminum scanning electron microscope (SEM). The morphology of
spacer of 150 mm thickness. The sandwiched films were the surface of thin samples crystallized at high under-
melted in a laboratory press at 190 8C and 50 atm for 2 min coolings, as well as the internal bulk morphology of thicker
and then quickly transferred to the crystallization cell specimens crystallized by slow cooling from the melt were
consisting of two massive cylindrical aluminum blocks examined.
(approximately 5 kg each) equipped with electrical heaters In order to reveal the morphological details the speci-
and temperature sensors. The temperature of each block was mens were etched with a permanganic etchant [21,22] prior
controlled by an electronic controller with an accuracy to microscopic examination, according to the improved
higher than 1 8C. The block surfaces contacting with the procedure described in Ref. [23]. The reagent consisted of
sample were carefully polished in order to improve heat 10 vol. parts of concentrated sulphuric acid, 4 vol. part of
transfer between the sample and blocks. Other details of the orthophosphoric acid (85%), 1 vol. part of water and 1 wt%/
cell and procedures are given in Ref. [19]. Due to small heat vol. of potassium permanganate. Etching was performed at
capacity of thin sample, the large heat capacity of the cell room temperature for 2 h. Samples crystallized at high
and very good thermal contact between them the sample undercooling were etched without any prior preparation,
could be cooled down to the desired crystallization while in slowly crystallized samples the internal surface to
temperature very quickly. Measurements with thin thermo- be etched was exposed using an ultramicrotome equipped
couple embedded in the sample demonstrated that the with a freshly prepared glass knife. Etched specimens after
crystallization temperature was reached in few seconds after appropriate washing [24] and drying were mounted on the
transferring the molten sample into the cell. This time is microscopic stages, coated with a fine layer of gold (ca.
short enough to provide nearly isothermal conditions for the 20 nm thick) by ion sputtering device (Jeol JFC-1200) and
crystallization process in the temperature range applied then examined with a scanning electron microscope (Jeol
[19]. Constantan foil was chosen as an outer layer material JSM 5500LV).
in the sandwich since it does not induce any excessive
spherulite primary nucleation on the surface of polypropy- 2.5. Light scattering
lene sample being in contact with [20].
Samples crystallized at high undercoolings were inves-
2.3. Optical microscopy tigated by the small-angle light scattering technique (SALS)
in order to determine the average spherulite radius from the
The morphology of the samples of the blends crystallized Hv scattering pattern. A He–Ne laser (lZ632.8 nm) was
at high undercoolings was examined with an optical used to generate the scattering pattern. The 2-D Hv patterns
polarized light microscope (Leitz Ortholux II POL-BK). (obtained with crossed polars) were recorded using a high
For supplementary observations of the crystallization sensitivity video camera coupled to a computer equipped
behaviour the microscope was equipped with a hot stage with miro-VIDEO capture card. From Hv patterns the
7552 Z. Bartczak et al. / Polymer 45 (2004) 7549–7561
scattering light intensity along the scattering angle q was from the position of maximum of corrected curve using the
measured at fixed polar angle mZ458 using the ImageQuant Bragg law.
software (Molecular Dynamics). From the angular position Wide-angle X-ray scattering (WAXS) analysis of the
of the maximum of scattering intensity, qmax, the fifth-order examined materials was performed at room temperature
average spherulite radius hR5i was calculated using the with DRON-2A diffractometer coupled to a source of
following formula [19,24]: filtered Cu Ka radiation (ceramic sealed-tube with line focus
powered by Philips PW3830 generator operating at 50 kV
4:09l and 30 mA). The scans were performed within the range of
hR5 i Z (1)
4p sinðqmax =2Þ 2qZ10–308 with scanning step of 0.01/0.028, in the
reflection geometry.
The number average spherulite radius hRi can be estimated
from the fifth-order average hR5i using the approximate
relation [19,25]: 3. Results and discussion
hRi zhR5 i=k (2)
3.1. Morphology
The value of coefficient k depends on the type of primary
nucleation and changes within the range from 1.25 (pure 3.1.1. Optical microscopy
instantaneous nucleation) to 1.33 (pure sporadic one) [19]. The morphology of the copolymers and their blends was
For most of practical cases however, where the fractions of examined for samples crystallized in the temperature range
instantaneous and sporadic nuclei are not known exactly, an from 60 to 132 8C by using microscopy and SALS
intermediate value of kZ1.3 can be a satisfactory techniques. At higher crystallization temperatures (above
approximation for estimation of hRi [25]. 110 8C) the growth of spherulites in samples of plain
copolymers and blends was observed in real time by optical
microscopy. Few exemplary optical micrographs of copo-
2.6. DSC analysis
lymers and blends, non-isothermally crystallized from the
melt, are shown in Fig. 1. These observations showed that
The melting behaviour of the isothermally crystallized
for all examined samples spherulites were formed on
samples was analyzed with a Perkin–Elmer PYRIS
cooling of the melt to temperatures in the range 100–
Diamond-DSC differential scanning calorimeter, calibrated
130 8C. In all cases the characteristic spherulitic mor-
with indium standard. The samples (5–10 mg) were heated
phology of isotactic polypropylene with a monoclinic
up to 230 8C at the rate of 10 8C/min, under nitrogen
crystal structure (negative birefringence) was observed.
atmosphere (1 bar). The melting temperature and enthalpy
The positive-birefringent spherulites of b-modification were
were calculated from the position of maximum and from the
sporadically observed only in samples of plain iPP. No
area of endothermic peaks, respectively. For the evaluation
change of spherulite appearance was detected with varying
of crystallinity the heat of fusion of 100% crystalline
the copolymer structure or blend composition. The copoly-
polypropylene was taken as DHmZ209 J/g [26].
mer components did not show any phase separation
phenomena during relative slow crystallization at moderate
2.7. Small- and wide angle x-ray scattering undercoolings.
In all observed samples most of the boundaries between
The lamellar structure of copolymers and blends samples impinged spherulites was shaped as straight lines, which is
was probed by 2-D small angle X-ray scattering (2-D typical for instantaneous heterogeneous nucleation [27]. In
SAXS) at room temperature. A Kiessig-type camera (1.1 m fact, morphological observations with scanning electron
long) was equipped with a tapered capillary collimator microscope, reported later in Section 3.1.3, revealed foreign
(XOS) combined with additional pinholes forming the inclusions frequently located in the spherulite centres (cf.
beam, and an imaging plate as a detector and recording Fig. 6b), that evidences the heterogeneous nature of
medium (Fuji). To reduce parasitic scattering the entire numerous primary nuclei. The number of spherulites per
beam-path was evacuated. The camera was coupled to a unit area varied with the type of copolymer and blend
Philips PW1830 X-ray generator (sealed-tube, fine point composition. Among pure copolymers, EP2 exhibited
Cu Ka filtered source) operating at 50 kV and 40 mA. The spherulites of the largest size at a given crystallization
time of collection of the pattern was usually around 4 h. temperature, indicating a reduced nucleation density with
Exposed imaging plates were read with PhosphorImager SI respect to other copolymers.
system (Molecular Dynamics). The spherulitic structure of samples crystallized at high
Long period (LP) was determined from the 1-D sections undercoolings (TcZ60–90 8C) could be observed only in
of 2-D pattern (sectioning made with the ImageQuant completely solidified specimens, due to very high crystal-
software). Background and Lorentz corrections were lization rate at such extreme conditions. Fig. 2 shows the
applied to the curves. Long period was calculated then optical micrographs of copolymer samples crystallized at
Z. Bartczak et al. / Polymer 45 (2004) 7549–7561 7553
Fig. 2. Polarized light micrographs of samples of (a) iPP, (b) EPS, (c) EP2, and (d) BPS, crystallized at temperatures indicated. Every micrograph is
supplemented with the Hv SALS scattering pattern obtained for the respective sample.
7556 Z. Bartczak et al. / Polymer 45 (2004) 7549–7561
Fig. 4. SEM micrographs of the etched internal planes of bulk specimens crystallized non-isothermally from the melt: (a) iPP, (b) BPS. (c) EPS, (d) EP2.
is much more compact than that of b-type spherulites, in growing spherulite into interspherulitic regions. Similarly,
which lamellae orientation and shape can be easily yet even stronger, features can be observed for the EP2
recognized. In a-spherulites, however, the lamellar mor- copolymer, with a higher concentration of ethylene co-units
phology is rather indistinct and only outlines of some (Fig. 4d). Both spherulite interior and interspherulitic
lamellae can be seen at higher magnification. In the interior boundary display a less compact structure than that of PP
of any spherulite several small circular pits are observed, homopolymer.
which presumably are artifacts resulting from over-etching Micrographs of propylene-(1-butene) copolymer (BPS)
(too long and/or too severe etching conditions can lead to an show relatively open and loose structure of spherulites with
excessive local etching in occasional places, e.g. around many visible pits and holes, distributed evenly in the
existing surface defects or inclusions of material of lower observed cross-section of spherulite (Fig. 4b). On the other
etching resistance; this would produce some artificial hand, the interspherulitic boundaries are more irregular and
features which were not necessarily related to the original much more diffuse as compared to PP and propylene-
structure of the sample [22]). The boundaries between ethylene copolymers, but there is no evidence of any over-
a-type spherulites in iPP are compact and filled with etching. These features probably result from relative large
interpenetrating lamellae of adjacent spherulites. amount of non-crystallizable species in this copolymer
The morphology of a-type spherulites in EPS copolymer (9.9 wt% 1-butene), which are most probably rejected
(Fig. 4c) is a little more open and loose than that of preferably into interlamellar layers and trapped here rather
spherulites of iPP. The main difference is in the appearance than pushed ahead by the growing front of the spherulite.
of the interspherulitic boundaries; the pits presumably Due to the large amount of non-crystallizing material the
produced by over-etching are concentrated along these front of growing spherulite becomes quite rough and
boundaries (where the concentration of non-crystalline irregular and the boundaries between adjacent spherulites
material is higher). This suggests some segregation of appear diffused and vague [29].
non-crystallizable molecules that are pushed by the front of Micrographs of the blends BPS/EPS and BPS/EP2 are
Z. Bartczak et al. / Polymer 45 (2004) 7549–7561 7557
3.2. X-ray analysis diffraction curves were all characteristic of the a-mono-
clinic modification of polypropylene, in accordance with the
Fig. 7a presents diffractograms of the plain copolymers, microscopic observations which evidenced mainly the
while Fig. 7b and c show those obtained for BPS/EPS and occurrence of a-spherulites. The only exception was a
BPS/EP2 blends, respectively, all crystallized at TcZ90 8C. sample of iPP crystallized at TcZ90 8C in which a very
The diffractograms obtained for copolymers and blends small fraction of the hexagonal b-modification could be
crystallized at other temperatures do not differ from those detected (small peak centered around 2qZ16.18, which can
shown in Fig. 7, and therefore are not presented. The be attributed to the (300) reflection of the b phase).
Moreover, no trace of the g-modification was found in
any of copolymer or blend samples. The g-modification was
reported to appear in propylene-ethylene copolymers with
relatively high concentration of ethylene units, crystallized
at low undercoolings [3–5]. The samples studied here have a
relatively low concentration of ethylene (2–3 wt%), and
were crystallized at high undercoolings. However, samples
crystallized at moderate and low undercoolings (above
110 8C) also did not reveal any trace of g-modification.
An examination of position of the diffraction maxima
demonstrates that the diffraction peaks of copolymers are
slightly shifted towards lower diffraction angles as com-
pared to the reference iPP homopolymer. This can be easily
seen, especially for (110), (040) and (130) peaks, in the
diffraction curves of copolymers presented in Fig. 7a. The
shift of the diffraction peaks is small for EPS and EP2
copolymers (yet increasing with increasing concentration of
ethylene comonomer) while it is rather pronounced in the
case of BPS copolymer. Such shift can be accounted for by
the expansion of the crystal lattice in copolymers as
compared to plain iPP. In particular, the relatively largest
shift of the peak of (040) plane indicates that the expansion
of the lattice in [010] direction is stronger than in any other
[hk0] direction. An increase of the average size of the unit
cell indicates that the comonomer units had to be
incorporated in crystals at least to some extent. Similar
conclusions were already reported in Refs. [12–14] for
copolymers containing 1-butene. The X-ray data here
reported for propylene-ethylene copolymers show that the
unit cell increases its average size with increasing the
content of comonomer, which suggests that ethylene co-
units were also incorporated within crystals as they grew
[4]. However, the lower expansion of crystal lattice for EP
copolymers, as compared to BP copolymers, is to be
ascribed to the fact that methyl side groups disturb the size
of PP helix much less than the bulky ethyl branches.
The diffraction curves obtained for the blends of BPS
with EPS and EP2 (Fig. 7b and c) show the gradual
expansion of the lattice as the composition of the blends
change from EP-rich to BP-rich. This behaviour can support
the previous conclusion on miscibility of these copolymers.
The lamellar structure of the copolymers and blends was
probed with SAXS. Exemplary one-dimensional scattering
curves extracted from 2-D SAXS patterns are shown in Fig.
8. The long period values (LP), determined from the
Fig. 7. WAXS diffraction curves of (a) plain iPP and copolymers, background and Lorentz-corrected curves, are given in
crystallized at TcZ90 8C; (b) BPS/EPS and (c) BPS/EP2 blends at various Table 2. These data demonstrate that the presence of
composition, crystallized at TcZ90 8C. ethylene units in copolymer chains results in slight
Z. Bartczak et al. / Polymer 45 (2004) 7549–7561 7559
Fig. 8. 1-D raw scattering profiles extracted from 2-D SAXS patterns of
plain iPP and copolymers samples, crystallized at Tc Z90 8C Fig. 9. DSC melting curves of BPS and EPS copolymers and 50:50
ðsZ 2 sinðQÞ=lÞ BPS/EPS blend, crystallized at various temperatures.
7560 Z. Bartczak et al. / Polymer 45 (2004) 7549–7561
Fig. 10. Temperature dependence of the of the lower (TM1) and upper (TM2)
melting peaks on the overall content of PP units in plain copolymers and Fig. 12. Degree of crystallinity calculated from the enthalpy of melting for
blends crystallized at TcZ90 8C. Open symbols indicate upper melting copolymers and blends crystallized at TcZ60 and 90 8C. Symbols and solid
peak, while filled ones the lower peak: (>, %) plain iPP, (B, C) BPS/EPS lines indicate values calculated using DH8m of homopolymer (209 J/g);
blends and (,, -) BPS/EP2 blends. The shaded area marks samples of the broken lines were calculated on the basis of DH8m for plain copolymers
blends, the points outside of this refer to plain components. [18]. Open symbols refer to TcZ90 8C, while filled ones to TcZ60 8C: (>,
%) plain iPP, (B, C) BPS/EPS blends and (,, -) BPS/EP2 blends. The
content of PP units in the system, then a monotonic decrease shaded area marks the samples of the blends, the points outside of this refer
with decreasing content of PP units can be observed. This to plain components.
4. Conclusions
above TcZ80 8C. When crystallization was carried out MIUR-CNR Agreement, PF.29, Project Chemistry (95/95),
below this temperature also homogeneous, sporadic nuclea- Research line ‘Synthesis and Characterization of New
tion became effective. The heterogeneous nucleation was Polyolefin Materials for Food Packaging’, and Polish
stronger in the copolymer with 1-butene than in copolymers Academy of Sciences. The authors are grateful to Basell
with ethylene and even stronger than in the reference iPP Polyolefins Italy for providing the polymer samples used in
homopolymer. This was probably due to larger number of this work and to Dr. Antonio Addeo for his helpful
heterogeneities dispersed in copolymers as compared to contribution. Thanks are also due to Dr. C. Sacchi from
plain iPP. ISM-CNR, Milano, Italy, for the NMR characterization
All copolymers and their blends, crystallized in the data.
temperature range 60–90 8C, formed exclusively crystallites
of the a-modification. No trace of either b or g forms were
detected. As demonstrated by X-ray diffraction the dimen-
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