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REGD. OFFICE : 94, 1st Floor, Shambhu Dayal Bagh Marg,

Near Okhla Industrial Area Phase-III
Old Ishwar Nagar, New Delhi - 110020
Tel: +91 -11-40551200 ; Fax: +91-11-20887232
Website: www.cordscable.com ; Email : ccil @cordscable.com
CIN : L74999DL1991 PLC046092

Date: 24.05.2024

Asst. Vice President Asst. Genera l Manager

National Stock Exchange of India Ltd. Dept of Corp. Services,
Exchange plaza, Bandra Kurla Complex BSE Limited
Bandra (E) P.J. Towers, Da lal Street, Fort,
Mumbai - 400051 Mumbai: 400001.
Symbol :CORDSCABLE Script Code: 532941

Subject: Results / Outcome of Board Meeting

Dear Sir/M a'am,

Pursuant to Regulation 30 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Di sclo su re Requireme nts) Reg ulation s,
2015, this is to inform the exchanges that the Board of Directors of the Comp any at their meeting held
on today i.e . Friday, May 24, 2024 at the Registered Office of th e company intera lia considered and
approved the following:
1. The Audited Standalone Financial Results for the 4th quarter and Financial Year ende d March 31,
2024 along with Cash Flow Statement, Statement of As sets and Liabilities; (Annex. A)

2. Auditors Report (Unmodified opinion) in respect of Audited Standalone Financial Results for the
Financial Year ended March 31, 2024. (Annex. B)

3. Declaration for unmodified opinion in respect of audited standalone financial res ults of the company
for the financial year ended March 31, 2024 . (Annex . C)

4 . Recommendation of final dividend (F .Y 2023-24) on the Equity Shares of the Company @ 10 % i.e .,
Rs .l / - per equity share . The dividend on Equity Share, if declared at the ensuing Annual Genera l
Meeting (AGM) of the Company, shall be paid within 30 (thirty) days from t he co nclu sion of the
ensuing Annual General Meeting (AGM), the date of AGM, Record Date / Book Clo sure for t he
purpose will be intimated in due course.

5. On recommendation of Audit Committee of the Comp any, the Board has approved appointment of
M/s. Gupta Gulshan & Associates, Company Secretaries as Secretaria l Auditor of the Company for
the Financial Year 2024-25 . (Annex. D)

6. On recommendation of Audit Committee of the Company, the Board has approved appointment of
Mis Agarwal Nikhil & Co., Chartered Accountants as Internal Audi tor of the Company for the
Financial Year 2024-25 . (Annex . D)


(UNIT I) :. A-525, E-518, 519, 520, Industrial Area Chopanki, Bhiwadi, Distt. Alwar - 30 1019 (Rajasthan) Tel. No. : +91 -7230003177
(UNIT 1/) . SP·239, 240, 241, Industnal Area Kaharani, Bhiwadi, Distt. Alwar - 301019 (Rajasthan) Tel. No. : +91 -7230003176
In accordance with Regulation 47(1) of the listing regulations, the company would be publishing Audited
Standalone Financial Results for the quarter and financial year ended 31 st March, 2024 in newspaper.

The Board Meeting commenced at 01 :30 p.m. and concluded at ..02:35

.. .... ....p.m.

You are requested to take the above on record and inform all those concerned.

Thanking You.

Digitally signed by NAVEEN SAWHNEY

DN: c=IN, o=Personal,

NAVEEN pseudonym=9rjCG8BMTDvVxcCHYnX3zm0

postalCode=110020, st=Delhi,
Date: 2024.05.24 14:43:13 +05'30'
Annex A

Cords Cable Industrles Limited
Registered Office: 94,1st Floor,Shambhu Dayal Bagh Marg Near Okhla Industrial Area Phase-Il, Old Ishwar Nagar,New Delhi-110020
Tel: 01140551200 * Fax: 011-40551280/81 * E-mail: ccilacordscable.com
website: www.cordscable.com * CIN: L74999DL1991PLCO46092
Statement of Standalone Audited Financial Results for the Quarter and Year Ended 31st March,2024
s intan]
SINo [Particulars Quarter] Quarter] Quarter| Year Ended| Year Ended|
Ended] Ended Ended
31032024 | 3112-2023 | 31.03-2023 | 31.03-2024 | 31.03-2023
Unaudited| _Unaudited| _ Unaudited Audited| ‘Audited
Income from Operations
1 [Revenue from Operations 1792221 167939 1419834| 6277449 52625.51
I [other Income 14752, 5176 a1 52255 13921
1l {Total Income (1+1) 18069.73| 16844.95 14239.46| 63297.04| 5276472
WV [Expenses
Cost of Material consumed 14847.86| 1352246 1097414 5080642 40677.13
Purchases of Stock-in-Trade - - - - -
(Changes In inventories of Finished goods, Work in Progress & Stock in Trade (351.67) (82.68) 367.22 (131.50) 1419.93
Employees Benefit Expenses 844.80 760.85, 719.82 301351 25429
Finance Costs 687.73 485.61 689.76) 2463.69) 2349.29)
: Depreciation & Ammortisation Expense 207.99 217.70 186.02| 814.60) 768.91
Other expenses 137234 1553.02 1037.11 4955.12 403195
Total Expenses(IV) 17609.05| 16456.96| 13974.07| 61921.84| 51790.17)
V. |Profit/ (Loss) before exceptional items and tax (Ill - IV) 460.68| 387.99 265.39 1375.20| 974.55]
VI [Exceptional items - - - - -
Vil [Profit before tax (v- Vi) 460.68 387.99 265.39 1375.20 97455
Vil [Tax Expense
(1)Current Tax{including earlier year tax) 154.23) 74.99 69.03 397.29 306.17)
(2)Deferred Tax Liability/(Assets) (16.42)| 1791 (15.56)] (29.15) (53.56)|
Total Tax Expenses 137.81 92.90 53.47 368.14 25261
X~ {Profit for the period from continuing operations (VII-Vill) 322.87 295.09 .92 1007.06 72194
X {Profit/ (Loss) from discontinued operations - - - - -
Xi|Tax Expenses of discountinued operations - - -
XiI - [Profit / (loss) from Discontinuing operations (after tax) (X-X1) - - - -
Xl {Profit / (Loss) for the period (IX + Xil) 322.87) 295.09 21192 1007.06 721.94]
XV [Other comprehensive income
A. (i) Item that will not be reclassified to profit or loss
Remeasurement of Gratuity Fund/Defined benefit libilities 165 (2.39) (10.02)| (4.85) (11.52)
(il Income tax relating to Item that will not be reclassified to profit or loss
Deferred tax Assest/(Liabllity) on above (041) 059 252 122 290
Net balance of Actuarial Gain/ (Loss) transfer to Other Comprehensive Income 124 (176) (7.50) (363) (8.62)
B. i) Item that will be reclassified to profit or loss - . ~ - -
(il Income tax relating to ltem that will be reclassified to profit or loss - - - - -
/| xv [votal Comprehensive Income for the period (XIll+XIV) comprising Profit / (Loss) and other 32011 . 29333 204.42 1003.43 71332
comprehensive income for the period
XVi_{Paid-up Equity Share Capital(Face value of Rs 10/- each) 129278 129278 129278 129278 129278
XVil[Other Equity(excluding Revaluation Reserve) as shown in the audited Balance Sheet - - - 1563131 14627.88|
XVill |Earnings Per Share (for continuing operations)
(2) Basic 251 227 158 7.76) 552
(b) Diluted 251 227 158 776 552
XIX_ |Earnings Per Share (for discontinuing operations)
(2) Basic - - - -
(b) Diluted - - - - -
XX [Earnings Per Share (for discontinuing and continuing operations)
(a) Basic 251 227 158 7.76) 5.52
(b) Diluted 251 227 158 276 552
Cords Cable Industries Limited
Standalone Statement of Assets & Liabilities as at 31st March, 2024
Rs in Lakhs)
Asat Asaf
— 31032024 31032023
Audited Audited
1 |Non-Current Assets
(a) Property, Plant and Equipment 6,707.55 6.264.01
(b) Capital Work-in Progress - 649.59
(<) Right to use Assets 2,366.74 2427.15]
(d) Financial Assets
(i) Security Deposit 124.37)
Total Non-Current Assets 9,465.12)
2 |Current Assets
(a) Inventories 6.849.22 633003
(b) Financial Assets
(i) Investments 176.05 37.89)
(ii) Trade receivables 1648936 1487009
(iii) Cash and Cash Equivalents 16.88]
(iv) Bank balances other than(iii) above 1,978.96
(<) Other Current Assets 962.78
Total Current Assets 24,196.63|
Total Assets 36,166.12 33,661.75}


1 [Equity
() Equity Share capital 1,292.78 1,292.78)
(b) Other Equity 15,631.31 14,627.88|
Total Equity 16,924.09 15,920.66)

2 |Liabilities
Non-Current Liabil
(a) Financial Liabilities
: (i) Borrowings 167130 1,958.90]
(ii) Lease Liabilities 9.36 3645
(b) Provisions 211.53 191.00
() Deferredtax liabilities (Net) 42425 asa6l
(d) Other non-current liabilities 5.08 3.89]
Total Non-Current Liabilities 2 2 64

Current Liabilities
(a) Financial Liabilities
(i) Borrowings 6,075.48 5,576.40]
(ii) Lease Liabilities 27209 30.13)
(iii) Trade payables
(A)Total outstanding dues of Micro Enterprises & Small - Enterpriscs 39267 17.50
(B)Total outstanding dues of Creditors other than Micro Enterprises & Small Enterprises 9,032.55 8,112.85
i (iv) Others Financial Liabilities 76032 836.00)
(b) Provisions 76.15 62.55
(c) Other current labilities 55625 46081
Total Current Liabilities 16,920.51 196.24]

Total Equity and Liabi 36,166.12 33,661.75

Cords Cable Industries Limited
Standalone Statement of Cash Flows for the Year Ended 31st March ,2024 Rs in Lakhs)|

Patticulars Year Ended Year Ended|

31-03-2024 31-03-2023
Audited Audited|


[Net Profit before tax 1375.20 974.55|
Adjustments for:
Depreciation and amortisation of non-current assets 814.60 76891
(Gain)/Loss on disposal of property, plant and equipment (0.82) &
Finance cost recognised in Profit& Loss 2463.69 234929
Remeasurement gain/(loss) on Defined benefit liabilities (4.85) (11.52)
Remeasurement of Investment (gain)/ Loss (13.11) 034
Investment income recognised in profit & Loss (450.21) (117.22)
Bad Debts 271.26 30.60)
d Operating profit before working capital changes 3995.55]
Adjustments for:
(Increase)/decrease in inventorics (519.18) 628.15
(Increase)/decrease in trade and other receivables (1890.53) (2043.81)
(Increase)/decrease in Loans & Advances/Other Current Assets (61.66) (308.65)|
Increase/(decrease) in Trade/Other payables 137492 150358
Cash generation from operating activities 35931 377482
Less: Direct taxes Paid 376.73 275.21
Net cash generation from operating activities 2982.58 3499.61
[Payments for property, plant and equipment (548.62) (587.63)
Proceeds from disposal of property, plant and equipment 130
[Proceeds / Payments to acquire financial assets (Fixed Deposit) (435.51) (137.03)
Interests received (on Fixed Deposits) 450.21 17.22
Payments / Proceeds on sale of financial assets (125.05) 1107
[Net cash used in investing activities (657.67) (596.37)
[Borrowings (Net) 162.25 (916.86)|
Interest& Finance Charges paid (2490.15) (2337.11))
Net cash from/(used) in financing activities (2327.90) (3253.97)
(Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year 1689 36761
Cash and cash equivalent at the end of the year 13.90 1688

i) The above audited standalone financial results were reviewed by the Audit Committee and approved by the Board of Directors of the Company in their meeting held on 24th May, 2024

ii) The Statutory Auditors of the Company have carried out Audit of these results and the results are being published in accordance with Regulation 33 of the SEBI{Listing Obligations and
Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015. The Auditors have expressed an unmodified audit opinion on the financial results for the year ended March 31,2024,
lii) - The standalone results have been prepared in accordance with Indian Accounting Standardsfind AS) prescribed under Section 133 of the Companies Act,2013 read with rule 3 of the
Companies (Indian Accounting Standards) Rules ,2015 and Companies (Indian Accounting Standards) Amendment Rules, 2016 and in terms of SEBI|Listing Obligations and Disclosure
Requirements) Regulations, 2015
i) The Company s operating in a single segment as defined in Ind AS-108, Hence segment reporting is not applicable to the Company.
‘The figures of the last quarter are the balancing figures in respect of standalone financial results between audited figures of the financial year ended March 31,2024 and the published
Year to date figures upto third quarter of the respective financial year,which were subject to limited review.
vi) - The figures of previous quarters /year are reclassified,regrouped and rearranged wherever necessary so as to make them comparable with current period's figures
vil) - The company does not have any other exceptional item to report for the above periods.
Vi) The above results are also available on company's website www.cordscable.com & on the stock exchange website(wwiw.bseindia.com & www.nseindia.com)
ix) The Board of Directors at its meeting held on 24th May, 2024, has proposed a final dividend of Rs 1/- per Equity Share.

By/Order of the Board

Place: New Delhi

Date : 24.05.2024.
Annex B
REGD . OFFICE : 94, 1st Floor, Shambhu Dayal Bagh Marg,
. Near Okhla Industrial Area Phase-III,
Old Ishwar Nagar, New Delhi - 110020
Tel : +91 -11 -40551200; Fax : +91-11-20887232
Website : www.cordscable.com ; Email: ccil@cordscable .com
CIN : L74999DL1991PLC046092
{\n ne:-;. ~

Date: 24.05.2024

Asst. Vice President Asst. General Manager

National Stock Exchange of India Ltd. Dept of Corp. Services,
Exchange plaza, Bandra Kurla Complex BSE Limited
Bandra (E) P.J. Towers, Dalal Street, Fort,
Mumbai - 400 051 Mumbai: 400001.
Symbol: CORDSCABLE Script Code: 532941

Sub: Declaration of Unmodified Opinion in respect of Audited Standalone Financial

Results of the company for the Financial Year ended Mar ch 31. 2024.

Dear Sir,

Pursuant to Regulatio n 33 of the SEBI (Listing Obli gation s & Di sclo sure Require ments)
Regulations, 2015 ("Listing Regulations") as am end ed tim e to ti me read with SE BI Ci rc ul ar
No. CIRj CFD j CMD j 56 j 2016 dated 27.05.2016, w e here by decl are that Mjs Alok Mi sra &
Co. (FRN: 018734N), the Statutory Auditors of the compa ny have iss ued an Audit Report
with unmodified opinion with respect to the Audited Fina nci al Res ults of th e Company for
the financial year ended March 31, 202 4.

Vou are requested to take the above on record and inform all tho se con ce rn ed.

Thanking Vou.

Na ee ey
Sandeep Kumar
(Ma -a ging Director) CFO

(UNIT I) : A-525, E-518, 519, 520, Industrial Area Chopanki, Bhiwadi, Distt. Alwar - 301019 (Rajasth an) Tel. No. : +91 -7230003177
(UNIT II) : SP-239, 240, 241, Industrial Area Kaharani , Bhiwadi, Distt. Alwar - 30101 9 (Rajasthan) Tel. No. : +91-7230003176
REGD. OFFICE : 94, 1st Floor, Shambhu Dayal Bagh Marg,
Near Okhla Industrial Area Phase-III,
Old Ishwar Nagar, New Delhi - 110020
Te l : +91 -11 -40551200 ; Fax: +91 -11 -20887232
Website : www. cordscable.com ; Email : ccil @cordscable.com .
CIN : L74999DL 1991 PLC046092
Annexure: D
Information as required under Regu lation 30 - Part A of Schedu le III of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disc losure
Requirements) Regulations, 2015 read with read SEBI Circu lar No. SEBI/HO/CFD/CFD-PoD-I/PICIN2)231123 dated
July 13, 2023
Requirement Secretarial Aud itor Internal Auditor Cost Au ditor
Name of Firm(s) Mis. Gupta Gu lshan & Mis Agarwal Nikhil & Co ., Mi s S. Ch ander & Assoc iates,
Associates, Company Chartered Accoun ta nts Cost Accountants
Reason for change; Reappointment Reappointm ent Rea ppo in tme nt
resignation, removal,
death or otherwise;
Date of appointment May 24,2024 May 24, 20 24 M ay 24,2 024
Term of Appointment Mis. Gupta Gulshan & Mi s. Aga rwa l Nikh il & Co. is Mis. S. Chander & Associates,
Assoc iates is appointed as appo inted as Interna l Auditor is appo inted as Cost Aud ito r of
Secretarial Auditor of the of the Comp any at t he Board the Company at t he Board
Company at the Board Meeting Meeting held on 24. 05.2024 Meeting held on 24.05.2024
held on 24.05 .2024 for the for the fin anci al ye ar 2024-25 for the fina ncia l year 2024-25 .
financial year 2024-25 at at remun eration as dec ided by,
remuneration as decided by the Board of Direct ors and firm
the Board of Directors and firm mutually.
Brief Profile Mis. Gupta Gulshan & Mis. Agarwal Nikhil & Co ., an Mis . S. Ch and er & As soci ates,
Assoc iates is a partnership Ind ia n Partn ershi p Firm an In dian Part nershi p Fi rm
firm. Mr. Gulshan Kumar est abl ished in 2001 and estab lished in 1995 . Mr. Satish
Gupta, propri etor of th e above registe red w it h t he Institute of Chander Sharma, Sen ior
firm is a fellow member of ICSI Chartered Accou nta nts of India partner has ric h experience of
with professional ex perience of (ICAI) and the CAG 31 Years in core areas such as
more than two decades . He is (Compt roll er and Auditor Cost Audits, Cost Ma nageme nt,
also a law graduate, registered General of India) offers a w ide Material & Inventory
inso lvency professional and ran ge of se rvices in Aud it, Management, Budgetary
registered Independen t As suranc e, Tax and Advisory Control, Cost Analysis, Financia l
Director. Mis Gupta Gulshan & dom ai n led by ind ustry experts. Analys is, Act ivity Based
Associat es, Company They are specialized in Costing, Operat ing Costing,
Secretaries are primarily provid ing se rvic es like - Audit Product Costing, Systems
engaged in statu t ory and legal Assurance & Allied services; Des igning, Systems Audit,
compliances app licable to Tax & Reg ul atory serv ices, Internal Audit, Internal
Listed and Unli sted Compan ies Lega l & Corporate Law Controls, SWOT Analys is, MIS,
including consultation and Services, Co nsultancy & Cost Account ing & Other
comp liances required under Bu sin ess Advisory Services, peripheral areas such as
Companies Act, Insolvency and Payroll & HR Data Company Law Matters, Income
Bankruptcy Code and ot her M anage ment Services, Foreign Ta x, Sales Tax, VAT, Central
related Corporate Laws . Exch ange & Advisory Services, Excis e & alli ed Matters, Servic e
GST Compliance & Advisory Tax and GST Matters
disclosure of Not Appl icabl e Not Ap plicable Not Applicable D..
relationships between
::':'1 e 'r~~ ~ ',
'"v~ 94\1' '\
directors (in case of
appointment of a b S ~~:r.bh.'g,:u I.~:3it;. .)
director) . I ...<; In \.khl2
(A!Il ~

(UNIT I) : A-525, E-518, 519 , 520, Industrial Area Chopanki, Bhiwadi, Dislt. Alwar - 30 1019 (Rajasthan) Tel. No. : +91-7230003177
(UNIT II) : SP-239, 240, 241 , Industrial Area Kaharani, Bhiwadi, Dislt. Alwar - 301019 (Rajasthan) Tel. No. : +91 -7230003176

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