Glucose Insuline
Glucose Insuline
Glucose Insuline
Rawalpindi, Pakistan, 18-19 October, 2008
Abstract-Biomedical signal processing has exponentially been Diabetics are at increased risks for developing chronic
expanding and demanding area for research and subsequent complications such as heart attacks, strokes, kidney failure,
applications in its respective quarters. Exploration on diabetes is blindness and amputations. The majority of diabetic
one of the main segments of this area which is being addressed
population is classified as Type-I or Type-II. The former is
for the decades. One of the main functions of the pancreas is to
regulate glucose concentration in blood through release of the insulin dependent which accounts for 5-10% of the diabetic
enzyme insulin. Some theoretical analysis of the control of blood population whereas the latter is a non-insulin dependent
glucose level in diabetic individuals is undertaken using a simple diabetes mellitus, which accounts for 90-95% for the diabetic
mathematical model of the dynamics of glucose and insulin population [1].
interaction in the blood system developed by Stolwijk and Hardy
dynamic model [1]. This paper is focused to envisage the For patients with diabetes especially for Type-I, insulin-
regulation and management of the concentration of glucose and dependent diabetes, tight control of glucose level is essential.
insulin in the blood of a diabetic. The model was modified by Regulating blood glucose concentration using the insulin
adding a term for exogenous insulin infusion. Using this model, a
infusion device is important for these patients, because they
closed-loop feed back system which regulates and manages the
blood glucose-insulin has been designed, implemented and have deficiency of insulin production by pancreas that
analyzed using Matlab/Simulink. This system imitates as an prevents appropriate metabolism of glucose. Many patients,
artificial pancreas on day-to-day basis. A time-consuming and who take insulin infusion in their diabetes therapy, inject
tedious series of diabetes experiments was carried out and results insulin with needles and syringes that deliver insulin just
were analyzed on the basis of medical parameters. The obtained under the skin, so that the functions of the pancreas are
results showed significant regulation and management of the replaced by some external devices. An external insulin pump
glucose-insulin delivery in the blood. Hence, we are reasonably is an electro-medical device that delivers insulin through
confident of having contribution in the subject area. narrow and flexible plastic tubing that ends with a needle
Keywords-Insulin; pancreas; glucose-insulin, closed-loop control;
inserted just under the skin near the abdomen. The pump
Matlab/Simulation; diabetes, diabetic releases doses of insulin at meals and during the periods when
blood glucose is too high based on measured values of glucose
sensors [1].
1. INTRODUCTION A patient’s glucose concentration may change dynamically
depending mostly on his /her physical activities and nutrition,
Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder in which insulin, a and therefore, the amount of insulin needed varies from time
kind of hormone which promotes the uptake of glucose into to time. A number of diseases may occur, possibly resulting in
cells, cannot properly perform its role. People with diabetes life-threatening health conditions if the supply of insulin is not
cannot produce enough insulin that is required to convert in time or not correctly dosed or fails for some reasons. For
sugar, starches and other food into energy needed for daily example, sustained hyperglycemia (blood glucose exceeding
life. Diabetes Mellitus is so far an incurable disease affecting 120 mg/dL) may lead to most of the long-term complications
million of people worldwide. Approximately 177 million associated with diabetes, such as nephropathy and retinopathy.
people have diabetes, and this number is expected to increase
to 300 million by the year 2025 [1].Scientists are focusing on The current medical treatments suggest three to four daily
developing a manifold of new techniques and feasible glucose measurements and an equivalent amount of
instrumentation to offer wearable solutions and improve the subcutaneous insulin injections. This method is not only
life of patients. The patient is totally dependent on an external inconvenient and painful but also unreliable due to the
source of insulin to be infused at an appropriate rate to approximation involved in the amount and type of insulin
maintain blood glucose level. The blood glucose level should delivered. Fortunately, a significant amount of research is
be controlled within the range of 60-120mg/dl . being carried out to overcome the shortcomings of the current
medical practice in which signal processing being dominating
field of Electrical Engineering has contributed noticeably.
Glucose inflow into the blood can be either through absorption The steady state level of glucose and insulin in the blood
from the gastrointestinal tract or through production from the under a given set of conditions can be predicted from solving
liver. In addition, as seen from the parameter descriptions these equations simultaneously. Further, the following
above, the coefficients have physiological significance, and parameter values are used for pancreatic model.
also differ depending on the condition of the patient. Type-1
Diabetic Mellitus (DM) patients lack the capacity to produce Table 1: Parameters for Pancreatic Model
adequate amounts of insulin, The glucose-insulation Parameters Values
regulation model, which is described in equations (1) and (2) G(t) 2.5 mg/mL
and comprises an internal feedback loop provided by the µ 7200 mL/h
pancreas, can be thought of as a two-input and two-output λ 2470 mL/h
dynamic system as shown in Fig.3 ν 139000 l/(mUh)
φ 0.51mg/mL
β 1430mUmL/(mgh)
α 7600mL/h
QG (t) 8400mg/h
Based on the parameters shown in Table 1, glucose-insulin or fasting or random because it really plays a very important role
pancreatic model, Figure 4, is designed; implemented and in the management of insulin for diabetic.
analyzed using Matlab/Simulink Release 14. The model
exhibits the pancreatic functionality by adopting the closed-
loop feedback system approach.
[5] Jiming Chen, Kejie Cao, 1 You Xian Sun, Yang Xiao, and Xu
A closed-loop pancreatic model for the regulation and (Kevin) Su, “Continuous Drug Infusion for Diabetes Therapy: A
Closed-Loop Control System Design” Received 15 July 2007;
management of glucose-insulin has been designed, Revised 25 November 2007; Accepted 5 December 2007
implemented and analyzed by using dynamic equation
parameters for the diabetics. The model is simulated with the
help of Matlab/Simulink and performed variety of experiments
over the period of last one year. The analysis based on the
results obtained on the proposed model show significant
regulation and management of the glucose-insulin by
exhibiting notable proportion of parameters. Though various
aspects of the diabetic are catered for in the implementation
and subsequent exercise of results, nevertheless, we
understand that it is so demanding and absorbing area for
research that the work could substantially be carried forward
in following directions as a future work: