Lesson 1-2
Lesson 1-2
Lesson 1-2
What type of content will the document budget limit the number of people you can enlist
include? How will the content aid problem to help you or limit the size or shape of the
solving? Does your subject dictate what kind of document? Does your schedule limit how much
document (such as a report or a blog post) you information you can include in the document?
choose to write? Does your subject dictate what Does your schedule limit the type or amount of
medium (print or digital) you choose for your document testing you can do? Will the document
document? Do you need to provide audiences with require updating or maintenance?
content in more than one medium? If you’re using
a document template, how should you modify it Because all these factors interact in complicated
for your audiences and purposes? Does the ways, every technical document you create
application call for a particular writing style or involves a compromise. If you are writing a set of
level of formality? (For the sake of convenience, instructions for installing a water heater and you
we will use the word document throughout this want those instructions to be easily understood by
book to refer to all forms of technical people who speak only Spanish, you will need
communication, from written documents to oral more time and a bigger budget to have the
presentations and online forms, such as podcasts document translated, and it will be longer and thus
and wikis.) a little bit harder to use, for both English and
Spanish speakers. You might need to save money
PROCESS-RELATED FACTORS by using smaller type, smaller pages, and cheaper
paper, and you might not be able to afford to print
What process will you use to produce the it in full color. In technical communication, you do
document? Is there an established process to the best you can with your resources of time,
support the work, or do you need to create a new information, and money. The more carefully you
one? Do you have sufficient time for planning think through your options, the better able you
tasks, such as analyzing your audience and will be to use your resources wisely and make a
purpose, choosing writing tools, and researching document that will get the job done.
and reading background information? Does your
What are technical writer’s ethical CLEAR - Your written work is clear if, on one
responsibilities when communicating this reading, your readers are able to get a quick
to audience? understanding of the main message or point of the
whole composition. You can easily achieve this if
• With regard to purpose, technical writers ask: you always remember that clear writing always
what should this document accomplish? What results from clear thinking, as well as from the use
should it do? Should it: of simple, concise, specific, and grammatically
correct language structures. How the person
✔ Inform ✔ Request ✔
around you express themselves or how you
express the ideas as they come to your mind
✔ Suggest ✔ Order ✔ Report serves as your guide or pattern in writing things on
the paper.
✔ Reply ✔ Analyse/ critique ✔ Compare
For the sake of clarity, it is important too, that you
3. Use language that is simple, concrete, and apply in your work all the principles of good
familiar. sentence construction like parallelism, consistency
of tense, dangling modifiers, split infinitive,
• Different types of writing have different choppy sentences, run-on sentences, comma
audiences, and each audience has its own splice, wordiness, and so on. Applying the
linguistic needs, which the writer respects with qualities of a good paragraph writing such as
tone and word choice. unity, coherence, and emphasis are likewise
4. At the beginning and end of every section of essential to making your technical written work
your report, check your writing according appear clear to your readers. (Gustavi, 2008; and
to this principle: First you tell the reader Marsh, 2005)
what you’re going to tell him, then you tell FORMAL - In technical writing, you cannot just
him what you’ve told him. write anything you like in any way you want on
5. Make your report attractive to look at. your writing paper, because some writing
CHARACTERISTICS OR PROPERTIES OF standards underlie the structure, pattern, format,
TECHNICAL WRITING and language of this kind of writing. You have to
adhere to these agreed upon technical writing rules
The following descriptive words sum up all the because your readers judge the value or reputation
characteristics or properties of technical writing of your output based on the how you conform to
that experts or authoritative people named in the the conventions governing this kind of writing.
book (Technical Writing in this Era Globalization
and Modern Technology) clearly expressed in their GRAPHICAL - Graphs like tablets, charts,
books. figures, diagrams, maps, pictures, and other
illustrations are absolutely necessary in technical
ACCURATE - A technical written work is writing. This is so because this kind of writing
accurate when it deals with the facts that are deals with topics that are technical; meaning, it
completely true, instead of things whose identity, deals with things appealing only to certain group
appearance, or measurements are so difficult to of people, or uses words expressing specialized
determine. An accurate report uses words, meanings or ideas known only to a specific set of
sentences, numbers, or figures that exactly express people. Considering that this nature of technical
what the written work intends to convey (Bantin, writing makes the technical work not readable to
2008). It avoids the frequent use of expressions for all types of readers in this world, you then have to
hedging such as may, perhaps, maybe, seem, include in your work non-prose materials like
apparently, would, etc. Using an expression that graphs to stress, clarify, simplify, or sum up ideas
conveys one and only one meaning instead of an which you textually present in your written
ambiguous term with multiple meaning will help compositions. (Bertoline, 2009)
readers get an easy and quick understanding of the
whole composition (Ling, 2004).
OBJECTIVE - This characteristic of technical course of writing acts. It presents facts and
writing is shown by any written work of yours that information in a systematic or methodical manner.
avoids revealing your individual thinking, Here, you act like a scientist following a certain
personal meaning, or emotional attitude about procedure or a step-by-step method in proving
your subject matter. Whatever understanding you your point about your subject matter. For instance,
have about your written work comes from outside first you have to identify and analyse your
yourself; meaning, from the results of your problem, collect data about it, and present your
environmental observations or sensory conclusions, discoveries, or findings about the
experiences. Avoiding to include in your technical object of your study.
paper, your inner thoughts, sentiments or feelings
means adopting an impartial or impersonal stand SPECIAL - Writing something to cater to a
or attitude towards what you’ve written. specific set of people rather than to any group of
people using expressions quite understandable and
This is what others call as the “You Attitude” or familiar only to this specific set of readers, not to
“Scientific Attitude”, whereby, in your writing, all kinds of people, is what makes technical
your focus is on your reader’s point of view rather writing special. Inclined to be exclusive and
than on your views as the writer. The following selective of its topic, language, methodology, and
are some ways to maintain an objective or readers, this kind of writing is special, unique, or
impersonal tone your technical written work. extra different from the other modes of writing.
Hence, to realize this objective, the language of on the reader or to elicit an immediate and positive
your written work has to be direct, specific, and response from him, see to it that your written work
simple enough to make you and your readers come is free from any grammatical and typographical
to terms with you immediately. The use of errors. Present it nearly whether it is handwritten,
complex, highfalutin or pretentious words typewritten, or computerized.
demands longer time for the reader to think or
decide about the effectiveness of your offer. This The layout, order, or placement of the various
consequently hampers or delays the decision- parts of your work likewise makes your work
making power of any person you want to agree presentable. In addition, focusing your attention
with what you have written. on these basic elements of a written prosaic work;
margin, spacing, punctuation marks, size/style of
AUTHORITATIVE - To describe technical the letter, and quality/size of the stationery or bond
writing as authoritative is to think of it as one paper contributes a lot to making your entire
clothed with full rights, powers, and influence to composition presentable or capable of getting
do a thing, to command or be obeyed, or to serious and favourable attention from your
enforce something on any one. The authority or readers.
power that you technical writing may wield over
your reader springs form the fact that the contents QUALITIES OF A TECHNICAL WRITER
of your output does not mainly come from your In view of these properties and principles of
our intelligence but also from other people’s technical writing, the technical writer should
expertise, knowledge, and experience that could possess the following basic qualification:
command respect or belief.
1. Adequate knowledge of the subject
Proofs of the authoritativeness of your technical matter.
paper are the properly cited and documented ideas 2. Ability to compile information.
of knowledgeable writers of technical writing 3. Ability to organize facts or ideas.
books in your work, specifically, the in-text 4. Ability to analyze and synthesize.
citations, footnotes, and bibliographical entries in 5. Ability to learn and use specialized
your paper. Another proof is the reality that you vocabularies.
are the creator of the paper, and, such as, you have 6. Ability to write at the reader’s
an idea of the extent of its excellence, and have the comprehensive level.
full control over the quality, kind, or extent of 7. Ability to use the inductive and
ideas to go into your paper, including the way you deductive methods of reasoning.
react to inquiries about your output. 8. Accuracy of language.
PRESENTABLE - The physical appearance of a 9. Objectivity in presenting facts and
technical writing output somehow mirrors the issues.
person who produced such kind of paper. A dirty- 10. Ability to write concise prose.
looking technical written work diminishes its 11. Ability to determine the effectiveness
power, influence or authoritativeness. So, if you of words, sentences, and paragraphs.
want your technical paper to have a strong impact 12. Ability to conform to the code of ethics
in the technical writing professions.