Study Regulations
Study Regulations
Study Regulations
The English text is not legally binding. Only the original German document has legal validity. The
official language at TU Dresden is German. German jurisdiction applies.
On the basis of § 36 para. 1 of the Act on the Autonomy of Institutions of Higher Education in
the Free State of Saxony (SächsHSFG) in the version published on January 15, 2013 (SächsGVBl. p.
3), Technische Universität Dresden issues the following Study Regulations as statutes.
Table of contents
§ 1 Scope
§ 2 Objectives of the degree program
§ 3 Admission requirements
§ 4 Start and duration of the degree program
§ 5 Teaching and learning methods
§ 6 Structure and organization of the degree program
§ 7 Content of the degree program
§ 8 Credit points
§ 9 Academic advisory and counseling service
§ 10 Amendments to module descriptions
§ 11 Entry into force, publication and interim arrangements
On the basis of the Act on the Autonomy of Institutions of Higher Education in the Free State of
Saxony (SächsHSFG) and the examination regulations, these Study Regulations stipulate the objec-
tives, content, structure and organization of the consecutive Master's program Advanced Compu-
tational and Civil Engineering Structural Studies – ACCESS at Technische Universität Dresden.
Objectives of the degree program
(1) Upon completion of the consecutive Master's program Advanced Computational and Civil
Engineering Structural Studies – ACCESS, students will have gained sound theoretical, practical as
well as fundamental knowledge and skills in this field required for professional life. In particular,
they are proficient in innovative computer-aided methods for modeling, analysis, and retrofitting,
as well as for the design of structures in civil engineering and diverse areas of mechanical engi-
neering in which structural calculations and dimensioning are relevant. Students will be supported
in developing a sense of responsibility and in their personal growth. They will also be able to criti-
cally self-reflect and engage with society. Moreover, students will be able to reflect on topics rele-
vant to a pluralistic and open society and put them into context. The program imparts the rules of
good scientific practice in both academia and professional life.
(2) Due to their knowledge and command of current concepts and scientific methods, and fol-
lowing an initial training period, graduates will be qualified to handle diverse and complex tasks in
all engineering fields in which load-bearing structures and field problems for solids, in the broadest
sense, are needed. Potential areas of employment include planning and monitoring, dimensioning
and sizing of components and systems, as well as production, operation and dismantling of struc-
tural facilities. The areas of activity comprise civil engineering and structural engineering, road con-
struction, the building materials and construction supply industry, as well as software develop-
ment. The main occupational fields are planning offices, construction companies and project de-
velopment. Other professional fields include teaching, scientific institutions, testing and assess-
ment centers, and freelance work both in Germany and abroad.
Admission requirements
(2) Proof of the required English language skills pursuant to para. 1 no. 2 is provided by exami-
nation certificates or language certificates. This includes in particular a certificate for a university
degree completed entirely in English, or a language certificate on the basis of the result of an in-
ternationally offered test (preferably IELTS: level 6.5, TOEFL 79 points (internet-based test, iBT), or
UNIcert II). Proof of this special aptitude pursuant to para. 1 no. 3 is provided by an aptitude as-
sessment in accordance with the aptitude assessment regulations.
Start and duration of the degree program
(2) The standard period of study is four semesters and includes on-site attendance, independ-
ent study and the final thesis.
Teaching and learning methods
(1) The curriculum is structured in modules. In the individual modules, the course content is
taught, consolidated and deepened through lectures, practicals, mentoring, seminars, projects and
independent study.
(2) The individual teaching and learning forms according to para. 1 sentence 2 are defined as
1. Lectures serve to impart fundamental knowledge and to introduce the subject matter of the
2. Practicals allow to apply the subject matter in exemplary sub-areas.
3. Mentoring is done in individual and group settings and enhances the procedural skills in the
use of the various forms of teaching and learning, it serves as guidance in the elective compul-
sory field and improves the students' capacities to find solutions in a team.
4. Seminars enable students to familiarize themselves under supervision in a selected subject area
on the basis of specialist literature, documentation, and other material, to report on the results
of their work, to discuss them within the group and to present them in writing.
5. Projects serve to apply the subject matter taught and to acquire practical skills in potential areas
of employment.
6. Independent study allows students to deepen and expand the knowledge and skills they have
acquired and to independently relate them to adjacent applications and research areas.
Structure and organization of the degree program
(1) The program is organized in modules. The curriculum is divided into three semesters. The
fourth semester is dedicated to the preparation of the final thesis including the colloquium. The
third semester is particularly suitable for a temporary stay at another university (mobility window).
Part-time study is possible in accordance with the regulations on part-time study.
(2) The degree program comprises nine compulsory modules and five elective compulsory mod-
ules, which allows students to choose their concentration. The selection is binding. The modules
can be re-selected twice in total; the student must submit a written request to the Examination
Office stating the module to be replaced and the newly selected module.
(3) Learning goals, content, teaching and learning methods included, requirements, applicabil-
ity, frequency, workload, and duration of the individual modules are all listed in the module de-
scriptions (Annex 1).
(5) The appropriate allocation of the modules to the individual semester, the observance of
which makes it possible to complete the program within the standard period of study, as well as
the type and scope of the respective courses included, and the number and standard time of the
required study achievements and examined assessments are defined in the study schedule at-
tached (Annex 2), or in an individual study schedule for part-time studies approved by the faculty.
(6) Upon proposal of the Academic Affairs Committee, the Faculty Board may change the range
of elective compulsory modules as well as the study schedule. The current selection of elective
compulsory modules available will be announced in the usual manner at the beginning of the se-
mester . The amended study schedule shall apply to all students who have been informed about
this in the usual manner at the beginning of their studies. The Examination Committee shall decide,
upon application by the student, on any exceptions to sentence 3.
Content of the degree program
(1) Advanced Computational and Civil Engineering Structural Studies – ACCESS is a research-
oriented Master’s program.
(2) The degree program comprises the fundamentals of computational mechanics, materials
science, numerical mathematics, and software engineering, as well as advanced issues in civil en-
gineering, materials science, and computational mechanics. Moreover, it includes numerical mod-
eling and analysis of the load-bearing behavior and durability of engineering structures, focusing
in particular on the structural systems of civil engineering.
Credit points
(1) ECTS credits document the average workload of the students and their individual study pro-
gress. One credit point corresponds to a 30-hour workload. Normally, 60 credit points are awarded
per academic year, i.e. 30 credit points per semester. The total workload for the program corre-
sponds to 120 credit points and comprises the teaching and learning methods according to type
and scope stipulated in the module descriptions, the study achievements and examined assess-
ments, the final thesis and the colloquium.
(2) The module descriptions indicate the number of credits that can be earned by each module.
Credits are awarded upon passing the module examination. § 34 of the examination regulations
shall remain unaffected.
Academic advisory and counseling service
(1) General advice will be provided by the Central Student Information and Counseling Service
at TU Dresden. It covers questions regarding study options, enrollment modalities and general
student affairs. Subject-specific advice during studies will be provided by the Academic Advisory
Service of the Faculty of Civil Engineering. This subject-specific advisory service assists students
with regard to the design of their studies.
(2) At the beginning of the third semester, each student who has not yet provided proof of aca-
demic performance must make use of the subject-specific advisory services.
§ 10
Amendments to module descriptions
(1) In order to amend to changed conditions, module descriptions may be changed in a simpli-
fied procedure in order to optimize study organization, with the exemption of the fields “Module
name”, “Learning goals”, “Content”, “Teaching and learning methods”, “Requirements for earning
credit points”, “Credit points and grades” and “Module duration”.
(2) In a simplified procedure, the Faculty Board will adopt the amendments to the module de-
scriptions upon proposal of the Academic Affairs Committee. The amendments must be published
in the usual manner.
§ 11
Entry into force, publication and interim arrangements
(1) These Study Regulations shall enter into force on the day following their publication in the
Official Announcements of TU Dresden.
(2) They apply to all students newly enrolled in the consecutive Master's program Advanced
Computational and Civil Engineering Structural Studies – ACCESS in the 2022/2023 winter semester
or later.
(3) For students enrolled earlier than the 2022/2023 winter semester, the version of the Study
Regulations for the consecutive Master's Advanced Computational and Civil Engineering Structural
Studies – ACCESS previously valid for them continues to apply.
(4) From the 2023/24 winter semester, these Study Regulations apply to all students enrolled in
the consecutive Master's program Advanced Computational and Civil Engineering Structural Stud-
ies – ACCESS. In this process, primarily the module examinations already taken including the
grades, and subordinately also individual examination achievements will be transferred ex officio
on the basis of equivalence tables which have been determined by the Examination Committee
and announced in the usual manner. With the exception of § 21 para. 5 of the Examination Regu-
lations for the Master’s program in Advanced Computational and Civil Engineering Structural Stud-
ies – ACCESS, module examinations and examined assessments not graded with at least “pass”
(4.0) or not assessed as “passed” will not be transferred. The module grade is generally not recal-
culated based on exclusively transferred examined assessments; exceptions are listed in the equiv-
alence tables.
Issued based on the resolution of the Faculty Board of the Faculty of Civil Engineering as of July
20, 2022, and the approval of the University Executive Board as of 09th August 2022.
The Rector
of Technische Universität Dresden
Appendix 1:
Module descriptions
Learning goals The students know the structure, composition and properties of dif-
ferent building materials and are able to evaluate repair materials
and structures. They can apply methods for material modelling and
numerical simulation.
Prerequisites Basic knowledge about building materials and their physical, chemi-
cal and mechanical properties at a level of a Bachelor’s degree is re-
Requirements for The credit points are acquired when the module examination is
earning credit points passed. The module examination consists of a written exam lasting
180 minutes. The examination language is English.
Credit points and Eight credit points can be acquired through the module. The module
grades grade corresponds to the grade of the examination.
Workload The total workload is 240 hours.
Module number Module name Module coordinator
Learning goals The students master the applied tensor calculus and know the basics
of continuum mechanics. The students have an overview of the cen-
tral topics, work and application fields of continuum mechanics and
tensor calculus.
Content Contents of the module are topics on linear algebra, tensor algebra
and analysis as well as topics on the basics of continuum mechanics.
Topics covered include vector calculus, matrix algebra, vector spaces
with and without an inner product, normalized spaces, linear map-
pings/tensors, products of tensors, eigenvalue problems, tensor-val-
ued tensor functions and their derivatives, tensor fields and differ-
ential operators, and the kinematics of deformations, stress tensors,
conservation and balance equations, and elastic material models.
Teaching and learning 4 hours of lectures, 2 hour of exercise per week, and self-study.
Requirements for The credit points are awarded if the module examination is success-
earning credit points fully passed. The module examination consists of a written exam of
90 minutes and an ungraded portfolio of 60 hours. The examination
language is English.
Credit points and Eight credit points can be acquired for this module. The module
grades grade results from the weighted average of the grades of the written
exam and the portfolio, taking into account § 15 paragraph 1 clauses
5 and 6 of the examination regulations. The written exam is
weighted twice and the portfolio is weighted once.
Module frequency The module is offered every academic year in winter semester.
Module number Module name Module coordinator
Learning goals The students have a deep knowledge about energy methods, the ba-
sis of the Finite-Element-Method (FEM) as well as the modelling of
linear and non-linear FEM. They are able to apply the theoretical
knowledge of the methods on their own.
Content Contents of the module are themes with respect to variational cal-
culus, tensor computations, principles of minimization of the poten-
tial energy, approximate solutions according to Ritz and Galerkin, en-
ergetic stability criteria and their applications, displacement modes
of the FEM, general variational principle and hybrid finite elements,
geometrical non-linear FEM, physical non-linear FEM and numerical
simulations of crack propagation.
Requirements for Credit points are earned if the examination of the module is success-
earning credit points fully passed. The examination is an exam with a duration of 120
minutes and an ungraded portfolio with a scope of 40 hours. The
language of the exam is English.
Credit points and Eight (8) credit points are achievable by this module. The grade of
grades the module is determined under consideration of §15 paragraph 1
sentence 5 and 6 of the examination regulations by the weighted
average of the grades of the exam and the portfolio. The exam is
weighted doubled and the portfolio is weighted single.
Module number Module name Module coordinator
Learning goals Students are able to apply basic and advanced numerical methods
to solve engineering and scientific issues of civil engineering. Stu-
dents will have the necessary programming knowledge to imple-
ment the numerical methods. They are able to apply their
knowledge to questions in their field and critically evaluate the re-
Content Contents of the module are design and analysis of algorithms for the
numerical solution of continuous mathematical problems, direct
methods that give the exact solution to a problem in a finite number
of steps and for an infinite computer accuracy, iterative methods to
compute approximations that converge to the exact solution of a
problem, linear algebra and analytical geometry, solutions for linear
and nonlinear equations, systems of equations, extremum and ei-
genvalue problems, numerical integration, interpolation, regression
and implementation of the algorithms in software solutions.
Requirements for The credit points are acquired when the module examination is
earning credit points passed The module examination comprises a 90-minute written test.
Prerequisite is an assignment about 40 hours. The examination lan-
guage is English.
Credit points and Five credit points can be acquired through the module. The module
grades grade is equivalent to the examination grade.
Module number Module name Module coordinator
Learning goals The students possess knowledge of early diagnosis and manage-
ment of learning barriers and know methods to prevent abandoning
a study program. They are capable of upholding the planned dura-
tion of study and have a command of the practice of the scientific
method, through which they are capable of presenting results in ap-
propriate verbal and written form, as well as discussing them. They
are exceptionally capable of completing assigned tasks on time and
self critically assessing and evaluating mistakes and problems. The
students know the rules of scientific conduct and are sensitive to rec-
ognizing and handling scientific misconduct. The students are em-
powered towards personal development as well as societal engage-
ment, and understand their meanings.
Content Contents of the module are topics of individual and personalized de-
sign of studies, of personal studying and learning strategies, prob-
lem management in their field, and general study and learning com-
Applicability The module is compulsory for the Master‘s program Advanced Com-
putational and Civil Engineering Structural Studies – ACCESS. The
first semester of the module prepares the prerequisites for the mod-
ules Form Finding of Lightweight Structures, Timber and Lightweight
Structures, Constitutive Modeling of Soils, Safety Concepts, Building
Physics, Computational Dynamics, Modeling and Simulation in Pave-
ment Engineering, Building Information Modelling: Methods and
Concepts, Applications of Computational Engineering Methods and
ACCESS Application-Based Science Project.
Requirements for The credit points are earned upon passing the module examination.
earning credit points The module examination consists of an ungraded portfolio of at
most 20 hours. The language of the examination is English.
Credit points and Five credit points are available through the module. The module ex-
grades amination grades are „pass“ and „fail“.
Module frequency The module is offered every academic year, starting in the winter
Module number Module name Module coordinator
Content The teaching and learning content emphasizes on: (i) Concepts of
BIM, (ii) Strategies and methods for process and team management
in BIM, (iii) Concepts and methods for quality management in BIM.
Requirements for earn- Credit points are awarded after successful completion of the exam-
ing credit points ination. Written examination of 90 minutes’ duration.
Language of instruction: English.
Recommended André Borrmann, Markus König, Christian Koch, Jakob Beetz: Build-
reading list ing Information Modeling: Technology Foundations and Industry
Practice; Springer; 1. Ausgabe. 2018.
Module number Module name Module coordinator
Learning goals The students know the application of computer-aided modelling for
structural analysis in general and structural detailing in particular.
They are ready to deepen their field-specific knowledge and capabil-
ities in a chosen area and are capable of formulating scientific inquir-
Applicability The module is compulsory for the Masters program Advanced Com-
putational and Civil Engineering Structural Studies – ACCESS.
Requirements for The credit points are earned upon passing the module examination.
earning credit points The module examination consists of a test lasting 120 minutes. The
language of the examination is English.
Credit points and 5 credits are available in this module. The module grade is the ex-
grades amination grade.
Module number Module name Module coordinator
Learning goals The students are able to apply their acquired knowledge, abilities
and scientific method and work skills independently or in a team to
a concrete task formulation, are able to clearly document their work
progress and know the rules for good scientific practice. They can
develop concepts for the production of project results and present
the results to an audience through a discussion. The students are
strengthened in their personality development; their social commit-
ment is empowered along with their understanding of the im-
portance of these attributes. The students are reinforced in their
abilities through group work, task organization, research, the prepa-
ration and presentation of results, the critical discussion of such re-
sults and their communicative and social skills through team work.
They are equipped to appropriately present and discuss results in
word and writing.
Content Contents of the module are concrete task formulations from civil en-
gineering, material science and computational mechanics, especially
tasks which require interdisciplinary solution approaches. The task
formulations can focus either on research or on application. Further
contents include scientific writing, the preparation of presentations
and carrying out critical discussions.
Requirements for The credit points are obtained if the module exam is passed. The
earning credit points module exam consists of a complex task with a duration of 300
hours. English is the examination language.
Credit points and Fifteen credit points can be obtained from the module. The module
grades grade corresponds to the grade of the exam.
Module number Module name Module coordinator
Learning goals The students are able to clearly document their acquired
knowledge, work progress, abilities and scientific method and work
skills independently or in a team and are able to present the results
to an audience through a discussion. In addition, they can present
application based scientific project results. The students are rein-
forced in their abilities through group work, task organization, re-
search, the preparation and presentation of results, the critical dis-
cussion of such results and their communicative and social skills
through team work. They are equipped to appropriately present and
discuss results in word and writing.
Content Contents of the module are the written and oral presentation of con-
crete task formulations from civil engineering, material science and
computational mechanics, especially tasks which require interdisci-
plinary solution approaches. Further contents include scientific writ-
ing, the preparation of presentations and carrying out critical discus-
Requirements for earn- The credit points are obtained if the module exam is passed. The
ing credit points module exam consists of a complex task with a duration of 110
hours. English is the examination language.
Credit points and Six credit points can be obtained from the module. The module
grades grade corresponds to the grade of the exam.
Module number Module name Module coordinator
Learning goals Students can assess the load-bearing capacity of existing structures,
determine the necessary rehabilitation and strengthening
measures, and calculate related design parameters. They under-
stand and are capable of implementing basic calculation methods
relevant to the knowledge acquired during the course and interpret-
ing the measured values obtained through tests, calculations, and
examinations. The content of the course enables them to analyze
and evaluate complex problems in the subject, as well as to weigh
up options for action and assess consequences. Through the course,
the students are given the means to conduct safe and responsible
Applicability The module is one of twelve elective modules in the master's pro-
gram Advanced Computational and Civil Engineering Structural
Studies - ACCESS, five of which must be chosen.
Requirements for The credit points are acquired if the module examination is passed.
earning credit points The module examination consists of a written paper of 90 minutes
duration. The language of the examination is English.
Credit points and Five credit points can be acquired through the module. The module
grades grade corresponds to the grade of the examination performance.
Recommended Eurocode 2: Design of Concrete Structures
reading list Fib bulletin 14: Externally bonded FRP-reinforcement for RC struc-
tures; Fib bulletin 17: Management, maintenance, and strengthening
of concrete structures.
Module number Module name Module coordinator
Learning goals Students will master selected form finding methods for lightweight
structures in theory and in practical application. The focus is on shell
structures, cable nets and membrane structures subject to tensile
Content The module will cover various strategies and form finding methods
for lightweight structures subject to membrane forces. The course
comprises an introduction to the conceptual design, static calcula-
tion and structural design of lightweight structures as well as an in-
troduction to theoretical foundations of different form finding meth-
ods. In addition, the module contains both theoretical principles and
practical applications.
Applicability The module is one of twelve elective modules in the master's pro-
gram Advanced Computational and Civil Engineering Structural
Studies - ACCESS, five of which must be chosen.
Requirements for earn- Credit points are awarded upon passing the module examination.
ing credit points The module examination consists of a portfolio of 85 hours. The ex-
amination language is English.
Credit points and Five credit points can be acquired through the module. The module
grades grade corresponds to the grade of the examination performance.
Module number Module name Module coordinator
Learning goals The students have an overview of central and fundamental topics,
work and application fields of timber and lightweight structures.
They are able to create designs in the field of timber and lightweight
structures, carry out important calculations and evaluate construc-
tions. Thus, they can analyse and evaluate complex problems of the
subject as well as weigh up options for action and assess conse-
quences. The students are able to act responsibly in this area.
Applicability The module is one of twelve elective modules in the master's pro-
gram Advanced Computational and Civil Engineering Structural
Studies - ACCESS, five of which must be chosen.
Requirements for The credit points are acquired when the module examination is
earning credit points passed The module examination comprises a 150-minute written
test. The examination language is English.
Credit points and Five credit points can be acquired through the module. The module
grades grade is equivalent to the examination grade.
Module number Module name Module coordinator
Learning goals The students have an overview in key and fundamental topics on the-
ory and application of the constitutive models for soils. They can per-
form the calibration for advanced geotechnical analyses and apply
their knowledge in engineering practice. They are able to analyse and
evaluate complex tasks, make their own decisions and judge their con-
Content The content of the module consists of fundamental aspects of the me-
chanical behaviour of soils and their description using linear and non-
linear elasticity, perfect plasticity, limit stress conditions, critical states,
hardening elastoplasticity and Cam clay models.
Teaching and learning 2 hours of lectures, 1 hour of exercise per week, self-learning
Prerequisites Basic knowledge of elementary soil mechanics at the level of BSc is as-
sumed. Moreover, basic knowledge of continuum mechanics, tensor
calculus and the competence obtained from the mentoring module
are expected.
Applicability The module is one of the twelve optional modules in the Master course
Advanced Computational and Civil Engineering Structural Studies, five
of which should be selected.
Requirements for earn- The credits are awarded if the module examination is successfully
ing credit points passed. The module examination consists of a written examination (90
min). A collection of written assignments with a total extent of 30 work-
ing hours is a prerequisite for the examination.
Module frequency The module is offered every summer semester of the academic year.
Module number Module name Module coordinator
Learning goals The students know basic concepts in the field of glass structures and
are able to apply glass as a building material in the field of structural
glass and façades through design and construction detailing. They
know the safety concepts and can carry out calculation procedures
and modeling within the given framework of the building standards.
In this way, they can analyse complex problems on the subject, eval-
uate and compare design options and assess consequences.
Content Contents of the module are aspects of glass and façade engineering,
including mechanical and physical basics of processed and non-pro-
cessed glass, safety concepts in glass construction, designing and
building with glass, analytical description of glass as a building ma-
terial, analytical description of mechanically joined and bonded con-
nections as well as all-glass structures, calculation methods and
Prerequisites Knowledge in the field of structural design including the load as-
sumptions obtained at bachelor level is assumed.
Requirements for The credits are acquired if the module examination is passed. The
earning credit points module examination consists of a 90-minute written examination.
The examination language is English.
Credit points and Five credits can be acquired through the module. The module grade
grades corresponds to the grade of the examination performance.
Module number Module name Module coordinator
Other lecturers:
Prof. Dr. Uwe Reuter
Learning goals Students have an overview of central and fundamental topics and
applications of safety concepts. Students are able to apply advanced
computational methods in order to assess the safety of load-bearing
structures. Thus, they are able to analyse and evaluate complex en-
gineering problems as well as weigh up options for action and assess
consequences. The students are empowered to act responsibly in
this field.
Applicability The module is one of twelve required elective modules in the Mas-
ter’s program Advanced Computational and Civil Engineering Struc-
tural Studies – ACCESS of which students must choose five.
Requirements for The credit points are acquired when the module examination is
earning credit points passed The module examination comprises a 90-minute written test.
Prerequisite is an assignment about 40 hours. The examination lan-
guage is English.
Credit points and Five credit points can be acquired through the module. The module
grades grade is equivalent to the examination grade.
Module duration Students have an overview of central and fundamental topics and
applications of safety concepts. Students are able to apply ad-
vanced computational methods in order to assess the safety of
load-bearing structures. Thus, they are able to analyse and evalu-
ate complex engineering problems as well as weigh up options for
action and assess consequences. The students are empowered to
act responsibly in this field.
Module number Module name Module coordinator
Weitere Dozierende:
Dr. Peggy Freudenberg
Learning goals The students are able to apply internationally available and the insti-
tute's own software models in the subject areas of indoor climate,
coupled heat, air and moisture transport (HAMT) processes in enve-
lope constructions, integral building simulation - energy and hygro-
thermics. The students are made aware of ecological and related so-
cial topics and have a knowledge of environmentally relevant scien-
tific facts.
Content The contents of the module include subject areas on indoor climate
such as comfort and indoor air quality, pollutant emissions, external
and internal climatic loads, user behaviour, overheating protection
and warm climate zones, coupled heat, air and moisture transport
(HAMT) processes in envelope constructions, in particular hygrother-
mal dimensioning of construction details, Aspects of durability, dam-
age potential and protective measures, protection of structural cul-
tural assets and the built environment, integral building simulation -
energy and hygrothermics in the development of building physics
models, passive and active measures for storing energy and mois-
ture in structural components, energetic optimisation of buildings in
relation to their environment.
Prerequisites The knowledge acquired in the first semester in the module Mentor-
ing Program on Study and Methodological Competence is assumed.
Applicability The module is one of twelve mandatory elective modules in the Mas-
ter's program Advanced Computational and Civil Engineering Struc-
tural Studies - ACCESS, five of which must be chosen.
Requirements for The credit points are obtained when the module examination is
earning credit points passed. The module examination consists of a written examination
lasting 180 minutes. The exam language is English.
Credit points and Five credit points can be obtained through the module. The module
grades grade corresponds to the grade of the exam performance.
Recommended H. Hens: Building Physics and Applied Building Physics, Ernst &
reading list Sohn; 2. Edition. 2012.
Module number Module name Module coordinator
Learning goals The students have an overview of the main goals, work and applica-
tion areas of multiscale modeling of composite materials. They know
the essential mechanical principles, approaches and methods for
the homogenization of heterogeneous materials and can determine
effective elastic parameters of these materials.
Teaching and learning 2 hours of lectures, 1 hour of exercise per week, and self-study
Prerequisites Knowledge from the module Continuum Mechanics and Tensor Cal-
culus as well as basics of fracture mechanics from the module Build-
ing Materials in the first semester are required.
Applicability The elective module is one out of twelve in the Master’s program
Advanced Computational and Civil Engineering Structural Studies, of
which five have to be chosen.
Requirements for The credit points are awarded if the module examination is success-
earning credit points fully passed. The module examination consists of a written exam of
90 minutes and an ungraded portfolio of 40 hours. The examination
language is English.
Credit points and Five credit points can be acquired for this module. The module grade
grades results from the weighted average of the grades of the written exam
and the portfolio, taking into account § 15 paragraph 1 clauses 5 and
6 of the examination regulations. The written exam is weighted twice
and the portfolio is weighted once.
Module frequency The module is offered every academic year in summer semester.
Module number Module name Module coordinator
Learning goals The students have an overview about the central and basic themes,
fields of work as well as applications of computational dynamics.
They are able to solve dynamical problems of structures by applying
enhanced numerical methods. Thus, they are able to analyze and
evaluate difficult as well as complex problems of this subject. They
are also able to weigh options of action and estimate consequences.
The students are enabled to act carefully in this subject.
Applicability The module is one of the 12 elective modules within the Master’s
Program Advanced Computational and Civil Engineering Structural
Studies – ACCESS. Five of them have to be chosen.
Requirements for The credit points are gained, if the examination of the module is suc-
earning credit points cessful. The examination is an exam with a duration of 120 minutes.
The language of the exam is English.
Credit points and 5 credit points are to be gained from this module. The grade of the
grades module is the grade of the exam.
Workload The workload is 150h in total.
Module number Module name Module coordinator
Further lecturer:
Dr. Sabine Leischner
Learning goals The students have insight into central and fundamental topics, work
and application fields of modeling of pavements for the design and
prognosis calculations. The students are able to apply analytical and
numerical methods for modeling and simulating the behavior of
pavements. They will be able to analyze, model and evaluate prob-
lems in the field, as well as develop solutions and assess conse-
quences. Students will be able to work responsibly in this area.
Applicability The module is one of twelve elective modules in the master's pro-
gram Advanced Computational and Civil Engineering Structural
Studies - ACCESS, five of which must be chosen.
Requirements for earn- Die Leistungspunkte werden erworben, wenn die Modulprüfung be-
ing credit points standen ist. Die Modulprüfung besteht aus einer Klausurarbeit von
120 Minuten Dauer. Die Prüfungssprache ist Englisch.
Credit points and Durch das Modul können fünf Leistungspunkte erworben werden.
grades Die Modulnote entspricht der Note der Prüfungsleistung.
Recommended O'Flaherty, C. A.: Highways. The location, design, construction and
reading list maintenance of road pavements, Butterworth Heinemann, 4th Edi-
tion 2002.
Croney, D. and Croney P.: Design and Performance of Road Pave-
ments, McGraw-Hill Professional, 3rd Edition, 1997.
Module number Module name Module coordinator
Learning goals Students shall be able to plan and design concrete, steel and com-
posite bridges on traffic routes and their crossings. They shall be
proficient in the strategies of conceptual design and are able to de-
velop different structural and construction variants taking into ac-
count specific boundary conditions. They can understand the as-
sessment criteria for bridge designs. They are able to select suitable
variants for realisation and justify their selection in a well-founded
The students are capable of modeling and calculating bridge struc-
tures. They are proficient in the computer-aided engineering (CAE)
calculation of internal forces as well as the preliminary design and
the construction stages of bridges.
Teaching and learning 2 hours of lectures, 1 hour of exercise per week and self-study
Applicability The module is one of twelve optional modules in the Master's pro-
gram Advanced Computational and Civil Engineering Structural
Studies - ACCESS, five of which have to be chosen.
Requirements for The credit points are acquired if the module examination is passed.
earning credit points The module examination consists of a complex effort of 60 hours.
The examination language is English.
Credit points and Five credit points can be acquired through the module. The module
grades grade is calculated from the grade of the examination result.
Workload The total workload is 150 hours.
Module number Module name Module coordinator
Learning goals Students understand the concepts of Zero Carbon Building Design
and Cyber-Physical Systems in the context of the holistic applica-
tion of information modeling, management and analysis.
Students can use information technology to identify, model, moni-
tor and optimize complex engineering systems and processes exe-
cuted on related system’s components.
Students are able to link systems for building information modeling
with monitoring and control systems. They can critically evaluate
created simulation models and calibrate such simulation models us-
ing sensor data.
Content The teaching and learning content emphasizes on: (1) Concepts and
methods for Zero Carbon Building Design, (2) Concepts and meth-
ods to design and implement cyber-physical systems, (iii) Methods
for information modeling.
Requirements for earn- Credit points are awarded after successful completion of the exam-
ing credit points ination. Written examination of 90 minutes’ duration.
Language of instruction: English.
Appendix 2:
Study schedule
with the type and scope of the courses in SWS as well as the required services, the type, scope and structure of which can be found in the
module descriptions
Compulsory modules
BIW-MA-AC-O-01 Building Materials 8
BIW-MA-AC-O-02 Continuum Mechanics, Tensor Calculus 8
BIW-MA-AC-O-03 Energy Methods, Finite Element Method 8
BIW-MA-AC-O-04 Numerical Methods 5
BIW-MA-AC-O-08 ACCESS Application-Based Science Project 15
1. semester 2. semester 3. semester 4. semester
Module number Module name cr
V/Ü/Ment/S/P V/Ü/Ment/S/P V/Ü/Ment/S/P V/Ü/Ment/S/P
elective modules*
BIW-MA-AC-E-02 Form Finding of Lightweight Structures 5
BIW-MA-AC-E-03 Timber and Lightweight Structures 5
BIW-MA-AC-E-04 Constitutive Modeling of Soils 5
BIW-MA-AC-E-05 Structural Use of Glas 5
BIW-MA-AC-E-06 Safety Concepts 5
BIW-MA-AC-E-07 Building Physics 5
BIW-MA-AC-E-08 Multiscale Mechanics 5
1. semester 2. semester 3. semester 4. semester
Module number Module name cr
V/Ü/Ment/S/P V/Ü/Ment/S/P V/Ü/Ment/S/P V/Ü/Ment/S/P
BIW-MA-AC-E-09 Computational Dynamics 5
BIW-MA-AC-E-11 Bridge Design 5
Master’s The-
Colloquium 5
cr 30 29 31 30 120
SWS Semester hours per week M) Mobility window pursuant to § 6 para. 1 sentence 4 Study Regulations
cr credit points
V lecure
Ü tutorial
Ment Mentoring
S Seminar
P Project
PL Examined Assessment(s)
PVL Preliminary examinations