Certificado Piso Falso Ztfloor PS1000
Certificado Piso Falso Ztfloor PS1000
Certificado Piso Falso Ztfloor PS1000
dated 16 February 2012
Note: This report is issued subject to TÜV SÜD PSB's "Terms and Conditions Governing Technical Services". The
terms and conditions governing the issue of this report are set out as attached within this report.
Testing of access floor system submitted by Changzhou Wujin Zhongtian Computer-room Equipment
Co.,Ltd on 18 December 2011.
3 numbers of “ZTFLOOR” SC1000 HPL panel classified as heavy grade, 600mm x 600mm x 16.4kg
access floor panels with pedestals were submited for 25mm square point load test (see photo 1).
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Test Report No. M09MDC05626/A1/DDK
dated 16 February 2012
1. Results of the testing/calibration in the form of a report will be issued immediately after the service has
been completed or terminated.
2. Unless otherwise requested, a report shall contain only technical results. Analysis and interpretation of
the results and professional opinion and recommendations expressed thereupon, if required, shall be
clearly indicated and additional fee paid for, by the Client.
3. This report applies to the sample of the specific product/equipment given at the time of its
testing/calibration. The results are not used to indicate or imply that they are applicable to other similar
items. In addition, such results must not be used to indicate or imply that TÜV SÜD PSB approves,
recommends or endorses the manufacturer, supplier or user of such product/equipment, or that TÜV
SÜD PSB in any way guarantees? The later performance of the product/equipment.
4. The sample/s mentioned in this report is/are submitted/supplied/manufactured by the Client. TÜV SÜD
PSB therefore assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of information on the brand name, model
number, origin of manufacture, consignment or any information supplied.
5. Additional copies of the report are available to the Client at an additional fee. No third party can obtain
a copy of this report through TÜV SÜD PSB, unless the Client has authorized TÜV SÜD PSB in writing
to do so.
6. TÜV SÜD PSB may at its sole discretion add to or amend the conditions of the report at the time of
issue of the report and such report and such additions or amendments shall be binding on the Client.
7. All copyright in the report shall remain with TUV SUD PSB and the Client shall, upon payment of TÜV
SÜD PSB’s fees for the carrying out of the tests/calibrations, be granted a license to use or publish the
report to the third parties subject to the terms and conditions herein, provided always that TÜV SÜD
PSB may at its absolute discretion be entitled to impose such conditions on the license as it sees fit.
8. Nothing in this report shall be interpreted to mean that TÜV SÜD PSB has verified or ascertained any
endorsement or marks from any other testing authority or bodies that may be found on that sample.
9. This report shall not be reproduced wholly or in parts and no reference shall be made by the Client to
TUV SUD PSB or to the report or results furnished by TÜV SÜD PSB in any advertisements or sales
10. Unless otherwise stated, the tests are carried out in TÜV SÜD PSB Pte Ltd, No.1 Science Park Drive
Singapore 118221.
Feb 2012
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