Exhibitors (Company) name: Person completing this method statement Stand number
and contact details:
Item Subject You should complete, and where appropriate add your own notes to the sections below.
Part 1 – General safe working You say and agree that;
1. Risk Assessment. The Risk Assessment Template has been adopted for use and is incorporated within this method statement. It is
understood that this requires completing by the Exhibitor (or their contractor on their behalf) before it becomes
2. Is this a new structure / design? Yes / No
3. Stand design. The design of the stand has incorporated appropriate safety standards and risks associated with its build; use and
deconstruction have been reduced to an acceptable level.
Drawings have been submitted for approval and are within stand size specifications.
4. Person responsible for build / The Manager / Foreman / Supervisor responsible for stand is
deconstruction. ...................................................(name) mobile contact number onsite is...............................................(number)
5. Staff required on site (build and There will be..... (number) of staff / contractors onsite for the exhibition build and deconstruction to ensure the
deconstruction). work can be done safely, including sufficient people to support safe working practices such as footing ladders.
6. Staff competence training, and All staff working onsite will only undertake work for which they are competent to do.
information. Staff will receive safety information before they commence work onsite, to include;
details on the risk assessment and risk controls required to be used,
Security information and access hours,
Fire, Emergency and First aid information,
Welfare facilities,
Site safety rules and instructions,
Wearing of Personal Protective Equipment,
Reporting safety issues,
A copy of the related final drawings, risk assessment and this method statement will be kept on site at all times.
7. Personal Protective Equipment Anyone undertaking manual handling activities during the ‘off’ load or ‘on’ unload of the stand will wear safety
(PPE) required onsite. shoes.
Part 2 Methods for safe The following sections need your input; you can be brief and provide only sufficient detail so that it is clear you
have considered how to undertake the work safely.
construction and de-
construction of stands You do not have to duplicate work you have already done. If you have alredy undertaken method statements
you can copy them here or simply refer to them and attach separately.
8. List the Services required onsite
and how you will ensure your
electrical fittings are safe before
connecting to the supply.