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गलेऽवलम्ब्य लम्म्बिताां भुजङ्गतुङ्गमाललकाम ् ।

चकार चण्डताण्डवां तिोतु िः लिवः लिवम ् ॥१॥

Jatatavigalajjala pravahapavitasthale
Galeavalambya lambitam bhujangatungamalikam |
Damad damad damaddama ninadavadamarvayam
Chakara chandtandavam tanotu nah shivah shivam ||1||

From Lord Shiva’s matted hair flows the holy river, Ganga consecrating His neck,
From His neck hangs the serpent like a garland,
From His damaru (percussion instrument) comes the damad-damad-damad sound
filling the air,
Lord Shiva performs His passionate Tandava dance; may the Lord bless us all!

ववलोलवीचचवल्लरीववराजमािमूर्नव ि ।
ककिोरचनरिेखरे रनतः प्रनतक्षणां मम ॥२॥

Jata kata hasambhrama bhramanilimpanirjhari

Vilolavichivalarai virajamanamurdhani |
Dhagadhagadhagajjva lalalata pattapavake
Kishora chandrashekhare ratih pratikshanam mama ||2||

As the rows of waves of the sacred Ganga move through Lord Shiva’s matted hair, it
glorifies His Head,
The waves of the river flow into the depths of His locks of hair,
A brilliant fire burns on the surface of Lord Shiva’s forehead,
And the crescent moon is a jewel on His Head.
(May we find constant joy in Him!)

र्रार्रे नरिम्नदिीववलासिनर्ुिनर्ुर
स्फुरद्ददगनतसनतनतप्रमोदमािमािसे ।
ु रव ापदद
क्वचचद्ददगम्बिरे मिो वविोदमेतु वस्तुनि ॥३॥
Dharadharendrana ndinivilasabandhubandhura
Sphuradigantasantati pramodamanamanase |
Krupakatakshadhorani nirudhadurdharapadi
Kvachidigambare manovinodametuvastuni ||3||

Salutations to Lord Shiva, who is the sporting consort of the daughter of the
mountain king (Parvati),
In whose mind the universe with all the living beings exist,
Whose all-pervading, compassionate glance removes all hardships,
Who wears the directions as His apparel.
(May my mind find bliss in Him!)

कदम्बिकुङ्कुमरवप्रललप्तददग्वर्ूमुखे ।
मदानर्लसनर्ुरस्फुरत्त्वगुत्तरीयमेदरु े
मिो वविोदमद्‍भुतां बिभतुव भूतभतवरर ॥४॥

Jata bhujan gapingala sphuratphanamaniprabha

Kadambakunkuma dravapralipta digvadhumukhe |
Madandha sindhu rasphuratvagutariyamedure
Mano vinodamadbhutam bibhartu bhutabhartari ||4||

Salutations to Lord Shiva, who shines radiantly because of the luster of the gem on
the reddish-brown hood of the creeping serpent,
Kadambha juice-like red vermilion (kumkum) is smeared on the faces of the
Goddesses of direction,
Who wears a cloak made of elephant hide,
May I find pleasure in that Lord of Bhoota! (ghosts - meaning the mystical beings
guarding Kailasa)

सहस्रलोचिप्रभत्ृ यिेषलेखिेखर_
प्रसूिर्ूललर्ोरणी ववर्ूसराङ्निपीठभूः ।
भुजङ्गराजमालया नििद्र्जाटजूटकः
चियै चचराय जायताां चकोरिनर्ुिेखरः ॥५॥

Sahasra lochana prabhritya sheshalekhashekhara

Prasuna dhulidhorani vidhusaranghripithabhuh |
Bhujangaraja malaya nibaddhajatajutaka
Shriyai chiraya jayatam chakora bandhushekharah ||5||
Salutations to Lord Shiva, whose footrest is decorated by the dust from flowers,
Which fall from the heads of all the gods - Indra, Vishnu and others,
Whose matted locks are bound by the snake-garland,
Whose head holds the moon, a friend of Chakora (a mythical bird that drinks
moonlight), as a crown.
(May Lord Shiva bless us with prosperity!)

निपीतपञ्चसायकां िमम्निललम्बपिायकम ् ।
सुर्ामयूखलेखया ववराजमाििेखरां
महाकपाललसम्बपदे लिरोजटालमस्तु िः ॥६॥

Lalata chatvarajvaladhanajnjayasphulingabha
Nipitapajnchasayakam namannilimpanayakam |
Sudha mayukha lekhaya virajamanashekharam
Maha kapali sampade shirojatalamastu nah ||6||

May Lord Shiva, who devoured the God of Love with the fire burning on His
Who is revered by the celestial leaders,
Whose forehead is enticing with the gleam and cool rays of the crescent moon,
Shower His blessings on us, so we obtain the wealth of the Siddhis.

र्िञ्जयाहुतीकृतप्रचण्डपञ्चसायके ।
र्रार्रे नरिम्नदिीकुचाग्रचचत्रपत्रक
प्रकल्पिैकलिम्ल्पनि बत्रलोचिे रनतमवम ॥७॥

Karala bhala pattikadhagaddhagaddhagajjvala

Ddhanajnjaya hutikruta prachandapajnchasayake |
Dharadharendra nandini kuchagrachitrapatraka
Prakalpanaikashilpini trilochane ratirmama ||7||

Salutations to Lord Shiva, whose forehead burns with a dhagad-dhagad sound,

Who offered the five arrows (of the God of Love) to the fire,
Who is the only artist capable of tracing decorative lines on the tips of the breasts of
Parvati, the daughter of the mountain king.
(May we repose in him!)
िवीिमेघमण्डली निरुद्‍र्दर्
ु रव स्फुरत ्_
कुहूनििीचथिीतमः प्रिनर्िद्र्कनर्रः ।
निललम्बपनिर्वरीर्रस्तिोतु कृवत्तलसनर्ुरः
कलानिर्ाििनर्ुरः चियां जगद्र्ुरांर्रः ॥८॥

Navina megha mandali niruddhadurdharasphurat

Kuhu nishithinitamah prabandhabaddhakandharah |
Nilimpanirjhari dharastanotu krutti sindhurah
Kalanidhanabandhurah shriyam jagaddhurandharah ||8||

Salutations to Lord Shiva, whose neck is as dark as layers of dark clouds on the
night of the full moon,
Who is enchanting as He wears the moon and celestial river on His head,
Who bears the weight of this universe.
(May He bless us with prosperity!)

वलम्म्बिकण्ठकनदलीरुचचप्रिद्र्कनर्रम ् ।
स्मरम्छिदां पुरम्छिदां भवम्छिदां मखम्छिदां
गजम्छिदानर्कम्छिदां तमनतकम्छिदां भजे ॥९॥

Praphulla nila pankaja prapajnchakalimchatha

Vdambi kanthakandali raruchi prabaddhakandharam |
Smarachchidam purachchhidam bhavachchidam makhachchidam
Gajachchidandhakachidam tamamtakachchidam bhaje ||9||

Salutations to Lord Shiva, whose neck shines with the brightness of fully-bloomed
blue lotus flowers (that temples use),
Which look like the blackness of the universe,
Who destroyed Manmatha (God of Love), Tripura (3 cities),
Who destroyed the bonds of worldly life, and the yagnas (sacrifices),
Who destroyed Andhaka (his blind son), who destroyed the elephant demon
(Gajasura), and the God of Death (Yama).
(May He bless us with prosperity!)

ृ भणामर्ुव्रतम ् ।
स्मरानतकां पुरानतकां भवानतकां मखानतकां
गजानतकानर्कानतकां तमनतकानतकां भजे ॥१०॥
Akharvagarvasarvamangala kalakadambamajnjari
Rasapravaha madhuri vijrumbhana madhuvratam |
Smarantakam purantakam bhavantakam makhantakam
Gajantakandhakantakam tamantakantakam bhaje ||10||

Salutations to Lord Shiva, who has bees flying around Him,

Because of the auspicious and sweet scent of the kadambha flowers,
Who destroyed Manmatha (God of Love), Tripura (3 cities),
Who destroyed the bonds of worldly life, and the yagnas (sacrifices),
Who destroyed Andhaka (his blind son), the elephant demon (Gajasura), and the
God of Death (Yama).
(May He bless us with prosperity!)

ववनिगवमत्रमस्फुरत्करालभालहव्यवाट् ।
ध्वनिरमप्रवनतवतप्रचण्डताण्डवः लिवः ॥११॥

Jayatvadabhravibhrama bhramadbhujangamasafur
Dhigdhigdhi nirgamatkarala bhaal havyavat |
Dhimiddhimiddhimidhva nanmrudangatungamangala
Dhvanikramapravartita prachanda tandavah shivah ||11||

Salutations to Lord Shiva, who has a fire on His forehead, that is ever-increasing
Because of the breath of the snake wandering in the sky,
Whose Tandava dance is in tune with dhimid-dhimid,
Victory to Lord Shiva!

व ङ्गमौम्क्तकस्रजोर्_
गररष्ठरत्िलोष्ठयोः सुहृद्ववपक्षपक्षयोः ।
ृ ारववनदचक्षुषोः प्रजामहीमहे नरयोः
समप्रववृ त्तकः कदा सदालिवां भजाम्बयहम ् ॥१२॥

Drushadvichitratalpayor bhujanga mauktikasrajor

Garishtharatnaloshthayoh suhrudvipakshapakshayoh |
Trushnaravindachakshushoh prajamahimahendrayoh
Sama pravartayanmanah kada sadashivam bhajamyaham ||12||

Towards different forms of the world, towards a snake and a garland,

Towards the most precious gem as well as a lump of dirt, and friends and enemies,
Towards a blade of grass or a lotus, towards common people or emperors,
Lord Shiva has an equanimous vision - where can I worship Lord Sadashiva?

कदा निललम्बपनिर्वरीनिकुञ्जकोटरे वसि ्

ु नव तः सदा लिरःस्थमञ्जललां वहि ् ।
ववमुक्तलोललोचिो ललामभाललग्िकः
लिवेनत मनत्रमुछचरनकदा सुखी भवाम्बयहम ् ॥१३॥

Kada nilimpanirjhari nikujnjakotare vasanh

Vimuktadurmatih sada shirah sthamajnjalim vahanh |
Vimuktalolalochano lalamabhalalagnakah
Shiveti mantramuchcharan sada sukhi bhavamyaham ||13||

When can I be happy, living in a cave near the celestial river Ganga,
Clasping my hands together on my head all the time,
Devoted to the Lord with a glorious forehead and with vibrant eyes,
Washing away my impure thoughts with the mantra of Shiva?

इमां दह नित्यमेवमुक्तमुत्तमोत्तमां स्तवां

पठनस्मरनरुवनिरो वविुद्चर्मेनतसांततम ् ।
हरे गुरौ सुभम्क्तमािु यानत िानयथा गनतां
ववमोहिां दह दे दहिाां सुिङ्करस्य चचनतिम ् ॥१४॥

Imam hi nityameva muktamuttamottamam stavam

Pathansmaran bruvannaro vishuddhimeti santatam |
Hare gurau subhaktimashu yati nanyatha gatim
Vimohanam hi dehinam sushankarasya chintanam ||14||

Anyone who reads, remembers, and recites this stotram

Is purified forever and immerses in deep devotion to the great Guru Shiva leading to
There is no other way or refuge,
Just the mere thought of Lord Shiva removes the delusion and detachment.

पूजावसािसमये दिवक्त्रगीतां यः
िम्बभुपूजिपरां पठनत प्रदोषे ।
तस्य म्स्थराां रथगजेनरतुरङ्गयुक्ताां
लक्षमीां सदै व सुमुखीां प्रददानत िम्बभुः ॥१५॥
Puja vasanasamaye dashavaktragitam
Yah shambhupujanaparam pathati pradoshhe |
Tasya sthiram rathagajendraturangayuktam
Lakshmim sadaiva sumukhim pradadati shambhuh ||15||

One who recites this song composed by Ravana

At the end of prayer to Lord Shiva early in the morning,
Gets wealth of chariots, elephants, horses.
Lord Shambhu always gives such people prosperity.

Om Namah Shivay!!

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