Cabinet - (En 14749) - 20211209-V1-Pass
Cabinet - (En 14749) - 20211209-V1-Pass
Cabinet - (En 14749) - 20211209-V1-Pass
EAN No. : --
Supplier : LIANYUN
Conclusion : PASS
Test Sample
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Test Report
Report No: BSL-ILT-02576 Report issue date: Dec 09, 2021
Test Conducted: BS EN 14749:2016 Domestic and kitchen storage units and worktops – Safety requirements and test
Test Item Standard Test Method/Requirement
Vertically moving roll fronts and vertically moving sliding doors (Clause 5.2.4)
All roll fronts and doors sliding vertically including those constructed from NA
hinged elements shall not move by themselves from any position higher than
200 mm measured from the closed position if this can cause any injury.
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Test Report
Report No: BSL-ILT-02576 Report issue date: Dec 09, 2021
Test Item Standard Test Method/Requirement
The tests and requirements in 5.3.2 to 5.3.9 apply to any component only
Structural when:
Clause 5.3.1 --
requirements - at or above 900mm and whose total mass equals or exceeds 10kg.
- at or above 350mm and whose total mass equals or exceeds 35kg.
Shelf retention-vertical downward:
Apply a vertical downward force of 100 N to any point 25 mm with diameter NA
50mm loading pad in from the front edge. Unloaded shelves shall not fall
Clause Shelf retention-horizontal outward:
EN Apply a horizontal outwards force of 50 % of the weight of the unloaded shelf NA
16122:2012, to the middle of the front edge. Unloaded shelves shall not fall down.
If the clear height is less than 200mm the test is not carried out.
Load the shelves to be tested uniformly with the load specified in Table 1,
except at 220 mm from one support, where the impact plate (5.9) shall be
Clause 5.3.3 tipped over 10 times at a point as close to the support as possible. The striking
Shelf supports surface of the impact plate (5.9) shall be that faced with rubber. NA
16122:2012, All supports of the shelf shall be tested, except identical shelf support.
After the test, the shelf and the shelf supports shall show no fracture or other
damage that can affect the safety.
This requirement is only applicable to units with shelves which are designed to
carry heavy appliances.
Storage area/- Clause 5.3.4
This test is only applicable to tops which are ≤ 1 000 mm from the floor and to
volume for EN all bottoms. NA
heavy 16122:2012,
appliances Load the area uniformly with the load specified in Table 1 for one week.
After the test, the shelf, tops, bottoms and the shelf supports shall show no
fracture or other damage that can affect the safety.
Clause Load the door with a load of 30 kg in position 100mm from the edge furthest from the hinge.
EN Swing the door 10 full cycles (back and forth) from a position 45° from fully
16122:2012, closed to a position 10° from fully opened, up to a maximum of 135°.
7.1.1 & 7.1.2
Opening and closing can be done by hand using 3 s to 5 s for opening and 3 s
to 5 s for closing.
Pivoted doors
After the test the door shall remain attached to the unit.
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Report No: BSL-ILT-02576 Report issue date: Dec 09, 2021
Test Item Standard Test Method/Requirement
Clause Apply the horizontal static load of 60N for 10 times, which perpendicular to the plane of the door on its horizontal centerline 100mm form the edge furthest
from the hinge. This test is not applicable for door with opening angle more NA
EN than 135°.
7.1.1 & 7.1.3 After the test the door shall remain attached to the unit.
Place the extension elements on its runners and load with glass marbles (5.7)
according to Table 1. Close the extension element to a position 300 mm from
the fully open position (or fully close the extension element if the travel is less
Clause than 300 mm).
Apply the force to the handle or, in case of two handles in the middle between
EN the handles. In case of extension elements without a handle applied the force
at the same level as the runners. NA
7.5.4 The slamming force shall be applied until (10 ±5) mm before the extension
elements reaches its end travel.
Slam the extension elements open 10 times.
Extension Throughout the test, the extension elements shall not fall out of the cabinet.
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Test Report
Report No: BSL-ILT-02576 Report issue date: Dec 09, 2021
Test Item Standard Test Method/Requirement
This test only applies to flaps intended to be loaded when used in the open
position, e.g. as a work surface.
Clause 5.3.8
The flap shall not be loaded according to Table 1.
Bottom hinged With the flap in its fully opened/extended position, load with the static force 200
flaps N. Apply the force ten times, 50 mm from the weakest corner.
After the test, the flap and/or the unit shall show no fracture or other damage
that can affect the safety.
Close the flap and apply a vertical static load of 150 N. The load application
points shall be at the surface 50 mm from the left, right and bottom edges.
Top hinged Carry out five times at each side.
Clause 5.3.9 NA
After the test there shall be no fracture or other damage that can affect the
safety and the flap or components of it shall not become detached.
Kitchen- (Height of
Tests and requirements are applicable to all kitchen-worktops and all other top-
worktops and Clause top
surfaces regardless of their mass and with a height ≤ 1 000 mm and with a
other top surface:
depth of the top surface ≥ 250 mm.
surfaces 785 mm)
Apply a vertical force 10 times with 1 000 N at the position most likely to cause
failure but not less than 50 mm from the edge using the loading pad (5.4).
Static load During each application maintain the load for 10 s. NA
test for
kitchen- After the test the worktop surface and/or unit shall show no fracture or other
worktops damage that can affect the safety.
Apply a vertical force 10 times with 750 N at the position most likely to cause
Clause failure but not less than 50 mm from the edge using the loading pad (5.4).
Static load
test for other EN During each application maintain the load for 10 s. P
top surfaces 16122:2012,
After the test the top surface and /or unit shall show no fracture or other
damage that can affect the safety.
The tests in 5.3.11 shall be carried out on all wall hanging units and top
hanging units with a total mass ≥ 10 kg.
All components shall be tested irrespective of their total mass. But the safety
requirements specified in (Total
5.3.1 to 5.3.10 do not apply to components with a total mass < 10 kg. weight:(
Clause The unit(s)/component(s) shall be mounted and adjusted according to the
General manufacturer's installation instructions. If mounting or assembly instructions )
are not supplied, adjustable wall attachment devices shall be adjusted to the
maximum depth (as far from the wall as possible) and to the mid of the height NA
adjustment range.
The unit shall then be levelled by means of distance devices placed as low and
as far apart as possible.
Movable Clause Load according to Table 1. As soon as possible after the loading, carry out the --
parts, shelf following tests regardless of mass and height of center of gravity of
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Test Report
Report No: BSL-ILT-02576 Report issue date: Dec 09, 2021
Test Item Standard Test Method/Requirement
These tests shall be carried out on those components most likely to cause
failure to the wall attachment.
After the test the unit shall remain attached to the building (wall/ceiling) and
shall carry the test load.
It is acceptable that for each test components with a total mass less than 10 kg
can become detached.
After carrying out the tests in, increase the load on the shelf according
to the principle in EN 16122:2012, 10.1.3.
The specified load is 250 kg/m2.
With the exception of shelves and worktops, load all of the storage elements
with the specified load.
Clause For shelves and worktops, load according to the following principle. If the number of shelves is not determined by the structure of the unit(s) or
Overload specified in a requirement document divide the internal height of the unit(s) in NA
EN millimeters by two hundred and take the lower integer.
16122:2012, This number shall then be the number of shelves to be used during testing.
10.1.3 Load on bottom: Specified load;
Load on first shelf: Specified load x 0,6;
Load on second shelf: Specified load x 0,4;
Load on third and following shelves: Specified load x 0,25;
Load on top surfaces: Specified load x 0,2.
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Test Report
Report No: BSL-ILT-02576 Report issue date: Dec 09, 2021
Test Item Standard Test Method/Requirement
The following requirements apply to free standing storage units with a height to (Height:
General the top of the unit ≥ 600 mm above the floor level and when the potential 785 mm
requirements energy (3.15) exceeds 60 Nm.
Clause 5.4.1 Potential
for free standing Energy (Nm) = total mass (kg) x 10 x height for center of gravity (m)
storage units Energy:
During the test the unit shall not overturn. 55 Nm)
Doors, extension elements and flaps closed, all storage units unloaded – Units
that are, or can be adjusted to a height of 1 000 mm or less. EN
Apply the specified vertical force of 750N by means of the loading pad (5.4) on NA
the top surface acting 50 mm from the outer edge of the unit at any point likely
to cause overturning
methods for Doors, extension elements and flaps closed, all storage units unloaded – Units
that are, or can be adjusted to a height of more than 1 000 mm
storage units Vertical force, 350N
Clause EN Outward horizontal force resulting in an overturning moment, 50 Nm NA
Apply the specified vertical force of 350N together with the specified outward
horizontal force of 50Nm on the top surface acting 50 mm from the outer edge
of the unit at any point likely to cause overturning.
Clause All storage areas unloaded and all doors, extension elements and flaps open EN
All doors shall be opened to 90° and all extension elements shall be fully NA
opened, except where there are no open stops, in which case they shall be
11.4.1 opened to two thirds of the internal length. All flaps shall be fully opened.
Interlock mechanisms shall not be overridden.
Extension elements and flaps shall be opened across the full width of the unit.
Only one extension element in each vertical line of extension elements shall be
opened so as to produce the configuration most likely to cause overturning.
Apply the specified vertical force of 75N to any point likely to cause
overturning, on the centerline of the front of an extension element or 50 mm
from the outer edge of a door or flap.
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Test Report
Report No: BSL-ILT-02576 Report issue date: Dec 09, 2021
Test Item Standard Test Method/Requirement
Apply a vertical force to any point most likely to cause overturning, on the
centerline of the front of an extension element or 50 mm from the outer edge of
a door or flap.
Apply the specified horizontal outwards force of 100N in turn to all locked
doors, extension elements and flaps. The force shall be applied to the center of
the handhold, handle, knob etc. in the direction of opening.
Stability of
Kitchen floor Clause 5.4.2 In addition to the tests in 5.4.1 carry out the test by applying a horizontal
units with outwards overturning moment of 200 Nm on the top 50 mm from the outer NA
kitchen- edge most likely to cause overturing. During testing, all doors, flaps and
worktops extension elements shall be closed and won’t be overturning.
Clause The requirements for TV-furniture specified in and are --- additional to the requirements in 5.4.1.
Clause One door, extension element or flap opened – storage areas unloaded
In addition to the tests in 5.4.1 carry out the test according to A.2.1 with a force NA
Stability of TV-
furniture of 150 N.
Doors, extension elements and flaps closed – storage areas unloaded.
Clause Carry out the test according to A.2.2 with a mass of 27 kg.
Place stops in front of the feet or castors of the unit and apply an outwards NA
overturning moment of 60 Nm in the direction most likely to cause it to
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Test Report
Report No: BSL-ILT-02576 Report issue date: Dec 09, 2021
Test Item Standard Test Method/Requirement
The requirements only apply to storage units where the height to the top of the
Floor standing unit is 600 mm or more above the floor level, and when the potential energy
(3.15) exceeds 60 Nm.
units intended
Clause 5.5 Carry out the test according to EN 16122:2012, 10.2 with a horizontal outwards P
to be attached
force of 200 N.
to the building The force shall be maintained for not less than 10 s and not more than 15 s.
After the test, the unit shall remain attached to the structure.
Table 1:
Component Load
All horizontal storage areas, including shelves, bottoms, tops and flaps 0,65 kg/dm2
Table 2
Component Load
All horizontal storage areas, including shelves, bottoms, tops and flaps 0,325 kg/dm2
Extension elements and baskets with internal height, H, ≤ 1 dm: 0,2 kg/dm3
Extension elements and baskets with internal height, H,between 1 dm and 2,5 (0,2667 − 0,0667H)
dm: kg/dm3 (H in dm)
Extension elements and baskets with internal height, H, ≥ 2,5 dm clear height: 0,1 kg/dm3
# Project Measurement
1 Total weight 2.8 kg
2 Overall dimension 340W x 250D x 785H mm
Test photo(s):
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Test Report
Report No: BSL-ILT-02576 Report issue date: Dec 09, 2021
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Test Report
Report No: BSL-ILT-02576 Report issue date: Dec 09, 2021
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