Analytic Energy Derivatives in Manybody Methods. I. First Derivatives
Analytic Energy Derivatives in Manybody Methods. I. First Derivatives
Analytic Energy Derivatives in Manybody Methods. I. First Derivatives
First derivatives
E. A. Salter, Gary W. Trucks, and Rodney J. Bartlett
Citation: The Journal of Chemical Physics 90, 1752 (1989); doi: 10.1063/1.456069
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Implementation of analytical first derivatives for evaluation of the manybody nonadiabatic wave function with
explicitly correlated Gaussian functions
J. Chem. Phys. 96, 9013 (1992); 10.1063/1.462259
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Analytic energy derivatives in many-body methods. I. First derivatives
E. A. Salter, Gary W. Trucks, and Rodney J. Bartlett
Quantum Theory Project, University ofFlorida, Gainesville, Florida 3261 1
(Received 13 June 1988; accepted 19 October 1988)
The theory of analytic energy derivatives is developed for the coupled cluster (CC) model
using diagrammatic techniques. Explicit expressions for the derivative energy and response
density for thefull coupled-cluster singles, doubles and triples (CCSDT) model are presented.
Analytic derivatives for the finite-order MBPT models through MBPT ( 4) and the recently
proposed "quadratic" CI models are derived as special cases of the theory. First derivatives of
the energy correspond to first-order response properties and molecular gradients; the analytic
expressions for the derivative energy are given in terms of the response (or "relaxed") density
for efficient evaluation. The theory of analytic second derivatives of the CC/MBPT energy is
presented in part II.
1752 J. Chem. Phys. 90 (3), 1 February 1989 0021-9606/89/031752-15$02.10 © 1989 American Institute of Physics
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Salter, Trucks, and Bartlett: Energy derivatives in many-body methods. I 1753
nite-order MBPT approximations,8,9,15-17 the energy is not well. 29 The most recent gradient work 21 ,27 has incorporated
optimal with respect to the molecular orbital coefficients or the procedure of Handy et al. 30 for the elimination of singu-
the determinantal coefficients. Thus, it is necessary to take larities which arise when there are degenerate or near-degen-
into account the derivative of the CC energy with respect to erate orbital eigenvalues or has eliminated the singularities
the SCF coefficients and with respect to the determinantal by factorization. 28
coefficients, and in turn, the derivative of the SCF coeffi- In this discussion of the theory of analytic derivatives in
cients and the determinantal coefficients with respect to the many-body methods, the full CCSDT derivative energy ex-
perturbation parameter. It might appear that, for the evalua- pressions are derived using diagrammatic rules developed
tion of several properties and/or the 3N molecular gradients for second-quantized operators. The expressions apply to all
(for a system of N nuclei), it is necessary to evaluate ac / aX CCSDT-n 13 approximations to the CCSDT model, to
and ac/aX for each atomic displacement or each external MBPT models through MBPT( 4) and to the recently pro-
field perturbation of interest. However, the equation govern- posed "quadratic" CI methods 31 (QCI) since the latter are
ing the response of the SCF coefficients is a linear equation, simply restricted CC methods and are consequently special
as is the equation governing the response of the CC deter- cases of the general theory. The finite-order MBPT deriva-
minantal coefficients. Consequently, we were able to tive models through full fourth order are obtained by iter-
show l8 ,19 that the first and second terms of the CC/MBPT ation of the CC derivative equations. The theory of first de-
energy derivative expression can be transformed into a com- rivatives will prepare for the development of the theory of
putationally efficient form by using the Z-vector method, analytic second derivatives presented in the following paper.
previously used only to avoid solving CPHF equations for
several perturbations. 20 The determinantal coefficient de- II. THE COUPLED-CLUSTER MODEL
rivatives for each perturbation need not be determined; only Consider the Schrodinger equation corresponding to a
a single, perturbation-independent linear equation must be molecular system, where the electronic Hamiltonian H(X),
solved. This has made it possible to efficiently compute its eigenfunction 'I'(x) , and its eigenvalue E(X) are depen-
CCSD and CCSDT-1 gradients. 21 The full CCSDT gradient dent upon some parameter X:
equations presented here are far more complex, and we have
been required to develop more powerful derivational proce-
dures to obtain them. To facilitate the derivation, we intro-
duce a second-quantized operator A; the A-amplitude equa-
H(X) = - 112I Vi - I
i ~a
Za r;;; 1+ IxQ;
rij I.
tion becomes the desired perturbation-independent linear The parameter may control the displacement of an atomic
equation. nucleus in the molecular system, or it may be the strength of
Analogously, the evaluation of the SCF coefficient de- an external one-electron potential energy perturbation QjJ
rivatives for each perturbation can be avoided 20; once again, such as a uniform electric field applied in the z-direction: xQ;
it is necessary to solve only a single, perturbation-indepen- = xz;. In correlated methods, we seek the solution to Eq.
dent linear equation in order to evaluate the energy deriva- ( 1) in the space of the N-electron determinants (antisymme-
tive. A special property, the response or "relaxed" density, trized products) formed from a basis of orthonormal one-
emerges naturally from the transformation to perturbation- electron spin-orbitals {cp(X)}. The solution is built upon an
independent expressions. approximate single-determinant wave function, called the
Analytic gradients for the SCF, I MCSCF,2 CI,3 and reference function and denoted by 10). The total energy of
MBPT(2)4 models have been available for some time. The the molecular system, within the Born-Oppenheimer or
analytic evaluation of CC/MBPT gradients is partly built "fixed nuclei" approximation, is obtained by adding the nu-
upon the CC response theory22; molecular orbital and atom- clear repulsion energy to the electronic energy E(X)'
ic basis relaxation, ignored in that approach, were subse- The reference energy is defined as the expectation value
quently incorporated. 18,19,24 The first reports of the theory of of the Hamiltonian over the reference wave function
MBPT(3), D-MBPT(4), and CCD gradients 25,26 were not (OIH(X) 10). Subtraction of the reference energy from each
suitable for routine applications since they did not take ad- side of Eq. (1) yields
vantage of the linear nature of the CC derivative equations.
[H(X) - (OIH(X) 10) ]'I'(X)
The general theory of CC derivatives was later presented in
an efficient form, 18,19 and, building upon this theory, analyt- = [E(X) - (OIH(X) 10) ]'I'(X)
ic CCSD and CCSDT-1 gradients were subsequently imple- or
mented. 21 Analytic SDQ-MBPT ( 4) gradients have been re- HN(X)'I'(X) = aE(X)'I'(X)' (2)
cently reported,27 but the implementation did not take
H N (X) is the "normal product" form of the Hamiltonian
advantage of the linear nature of the SCF derivative equa-
and is represented in terms of the second-quantized opera-
tions. Also recently, we reported the theory and application
tors by
of a computationally efficient approach to MBPT (3) gradi-
ents. 28 In the report, we presented the detailed theory of
MBPT (2) and MBPT ( 3) response densities for the first
HN(X) = ~(hpq + +
time and included values ofMBPT (2) and MBPT (3) dipole
moments as examples of analytic property evaluation. We (3)
have studied properties at the SDQ-MBPT( 4) level as r,s
By convention, the indices iJ,k,I, ... represent the spin-orbi- uct operators over the reference (or Fermi vacuum), only
tals which are occupied in the reference function 10). The the fully contracted products are nonzero.
indices a,b,c,d, ... correspond to the virtual (or unoccupied) The representation of the Fock operator in the orbital
spin-orbitals. The indices p,q,r,s, ... are unrestricted. basis is given by the matrix elements
The symbols hpq and {pqllrs) in Eq. (3) represent inte-
grals wherein the one- and two-electron operators of the
Hamiltonian act upon the orbital basis functions:
So we may represent H N (X) as
hpq = I ¢:( 1)( - 1I2vi - ~Zaral\ + XQI)
HN(X) = IJpq {p+q} +~I {pqllrs){p+q+sr} (4)
P.q 4 p.q.
X ¢q (1 )aT\aU1 r.s
{pqllrs) = II ¢:(1)¢:(2)[ri;I(1-PI2)]
HN(X) =iN(X) + WN(X)·
X¢r (1 )¢s (2)aT 1aU1aT2aUZ' If any SCF wave function (canonical or not) is chosen
The variables U \ and T I are the coordinates of spin and space as the reference function, (OIH(X) 10) is the SCF energy,
of electron number one, respectively. The operator P 12 is the aE(X) is the correlation energy, and the Hamiltonian sim-
permutation operator; thus the integral {pqllrs) is antisym- plifies to
metric with respect to the exchange of p with q or r with s.
The integral hpq is explicitly dependent upon X if a one-elec- HN(X) = I/;j{i+j} + Ilab{a+b}
;j a,b
tron potential energy perturbation Q\ is present. Of course,
if the perturbation is a nuclear displacement, the hpq inte-
grals depend upon X through the operator Za / ral as well. In
+ -1 I {pqllrs){p+q+sr},
4 P.q.
general, both hpq and {pqllrs) are implicitly dependent upon r.s
X through the orbital basis functions, since the basis func- since the matrix elements lai and /;a are zero for SCF orbi-
tions vary with molecular geometry or external field tals. For the particular choice of canonical SCF orbitals, we
strength. have, by definition,iij = l>ijEi andlab = l>abEa' where Ep de-
Excited determinants are represented by a string of cre- notes the molecular orbital eigenvalue of orbital p.
ation and annihilation operators acting on the reference The CC method6-l4 proceeds by choosing an exponen-
function, whereby an electron in an occupied orbital is "an- tialform of '11 (X). That is,
nihilated" and an electron is subsequently "created" in a
virtual orbital: 'I1(X) = eT(XlIO), (5)
where reX) is a sum of excitation operators
{a + i} 10) = IS)
singly excited determinant,
{a+ib +j}IO) = ID) doubly excited determinant,
T(X) = T1(X) + T 2(X) + T3 (X) + ....
{a+ib +jc+k}IO) = IT) triply excited determinant, The excitation operators are given by
T1(X) = I t~(x){a+i},
Brackets enclosing a second-quantized operator string i,a
in normal product form is given as: the normal product of By projecting Eq. (7) on the left by (01 , we obtain the
the overall string plus the sum of all possible normal prod- CC energy expression:
ucts with contractions, excluding contractions between pairs
aE(X) = (01 [HN(x)eT(Xl]cIO). (8)
of operators within an original normal product. A corollary
is that for the expectation value of a product of normal prod- The t amplitUdes are determined by solving the set of cou-
The second equation is solved for (<I>ITXIO): Equations ( 17) and (18) summarize the CC energy de-
rivative. In Eq. (17), !l.EX is expressed in terms of unper-
(<I>I TXIO) = - (<I>ICHNeT)c -aEI<I»-1
turbed t amplitudes, the derivative integrals of H N' and the A
X (<1>1 CHX,eT)c 10 ), amplitudes. Equation ( 18) is the coupled, linear set of equa-
tions which determine the A amplitudes. The equations are
and we then substitute for (<1>1 TXIO) in the aE x expression:
general in that they apply to CC models of any choice of
(OI(HX,eT)cIO) - (OICHNeT>cI<I» truncation of T (and the corresponding choice of A and pro-
X (<1>1 (HNeT)C - aE 1<1» -1(<1>1 (H X,eT)c 10) = !l.E x. jection space IP) ). Also, the equations apply to CC models
where non-Hartree-Fock orbitals are chosen as the spin-
Now we define an antisymmetrized, perturbation-indepen-
orbital basis, as well as when SCF orbitals are chosen. The
dent, deexcitation operator A. Let A = Al + A2 + A3 + ... ,
equations apply generally to CC models for open-shell sys-
tems, where unrestricted Hartree-Fock (UHF) orbitals are
~ /l,1 ai {.+}
AI = ~ I a,
~ /l,Hiab {.+
A2 = -I ~ I a]
'+b} , ... used, or other different orbitals for different spin cases.
i,a 4 iJ The diagrammatic representation of the m operator
a,b and the A operators are given in Figs. 7 and 8, respectively.
An = --12 ~ ~ 1 ij'"
/l, ab .. · {.+
I a]'+b • .. } , ....
Please note that as with the representation of the T3 opera-
(n!) iJ.... tor, we mean for the virtual (or occupied) lines of the A3
a.b, ... operator to be equivalent to one another. The fully contract-
For every Tn in T we will have a corresponding An in A. ed products which contribute to the CCSDT derivative ener-
That is, for the CCD model we have the truncation A = A2 . gy expression are represented diagrammatically in Fig. 9.
For the CCSD model we have A = Al + A 2, and for the The number of derivative energy diagrams require us to
<pqllrs>x {ptqtsr} =
show a truncated set here, but the full set of diagrams, along 1-14 1-15
with their algebraic interpretations are provided in the
PAPS supplement to this paper.44
In the CCSDT model, Eq. (18) represents three cou- 2-2 2-3 2-4 2-5 2-6 2-7 2-8
pled, linear equations which determine the amplitudes of the
AI' A2, and A3 operators:
(01 [A(HNeT)c]cI S ) + (OI(HNeT)cIS) =0,
(01 [A(HNeT)c]cI D ) + (OI(HNeT)cIS)(SIAID) 2-9 2-10 2-11 2-12 2-13
+ (OI(HNeT)cID)(DIAIT) =0.
The above equations are represented diagrammatically in
Figs. 10-12. Again, the number of diagrams require us to
present a truncated set of diagrams here, but all diagrams, 2-19 2-20 2-21 2·22 2-23 2-24
\ ij {'t 'tb}--
/\ob I OJ
FIG. 8. The diagrammatic repre-
sentation of the deexcitation op-
erators AI , A" and A 3 • m 3-14
rn 3-16
/\----7\ 1\ x I\---x l\ x f--A
2 3
3 6
h--A 1v\-A fv\7\ f\7\--x f\7\--x
5 6 7 8 9
~ ~ (A-7\
13 14 15
V--o Von 16 17
~ 15
n--" Al\--o n--"
16 17 18
~ 19
AI}--x Af}--x
18 19
f\1J !\fJ 9 9
20 21 22 23
nCn !\7fJ ~ ~--IJ
20 21 22 23
Al- n
/r--x R R
25 26 27
~--X ~--X
28 29
AfL---A ~ ~~
~ H n ~
W\ 33
N/t AW--l\ ~-D Ri7 ~--o
28 29 30 31 32
Q 34
Alb 35
Q G7\
37 38
33 34 35 36 37
~ Af}-]
44 45 linear equations; thus, for the CCD model, the A2 equation
must differ from the T2 equation in that the quadratic dia-
~ 47 48 49
grams (5a)-(5d) in Fig. 5 are absent. Instead, we find the
similar, related diagrams (21 )-(27) in Fig. 11. Ifwe denote
the quadratic contributions to T2 by the function
A--W] ~Q Q ':/ (l,t X t), the related contributions to A2 are given by
50 51 52 53 Q':/(t,I XA) + Q't/(t,A XI).
For models including T I , we have previously identified
~ 1JI\--J) 1JI\--J) ~n] the linear contributions of TI to T 2 , represented by diagrams
54 55 56 57
(3a) and (3b) in Fig. 5; analogously there are linear contri-
butions of AI to A2 -diagrams (4) and (5) in Fig. 11. For
models including T 3 , we have previously identified the linear
58 59 60 61
contributions of T3 to T2 , represented by diagrams (4a)-
~ 62
a--~ 63
W' 64 65
( 4c) in Fig. 5; analogously there are linear contributions of
A3 to A2 -diagrams (33 )-( 35). Consider the constant part
mmm 66 67 68 69
~ (LJ A m x
of T) and linear contributions of T) , T 2 , and T3 to T) , repre- involving the diagonal elementsfr = E7 andf~a = E~-the
sented by diagrams (1), (3a)-(3c), (2a)-(2c) and (4) in derivative SCF eigenvalues. The results of CPHF theory),34
Fig. 4. Analogous diagrams are present in the AI equation are now summarized for canonical SCF orbitals {c,6(X)} ex-
where AI' A z , and A3 take the roles of T), T 2 , and T 3, panded in a primitive AO basis set {f/i(X)}.
respectively. The analogous diagrams are diagrams (1), In this section, all orbitals are assumed to be unper-
(3)-(5), (25)-(27), and (78) in Fig. 10. Finally, consider turbed; i.e., evaluated at X = 0, unless otherwise shown as a
the linear contributions of T2 and T3 to T 3, represented by function of X. Derivative orbitals, evaluated at X = 0, are
diagrams (1a), (1b), and (3a)-(3e) in Fig. 6. (Note: there indicated by the superscript X:
are no linear contributions of TI to T 3 .) Analogous dia-
grams are present in the A3 equation: diagrams (4), (5), and Ip(x» =c,6p(X), Ip) = Ip(x»lx=o,
(8 )-(11) in Fig. 12.
The equivalence of A and Tin the linearized CC models IpX> = a Ip(x» I '
can be used to advantage in the evaluation of the finite-order
ax x=o
MBPT derivatives, since the low-order iterates of A and T l,u(x» = f/ill (X), l,u) = l,u(x» Ix= 0'
are linear and therefore equivalent. Only the fourth-order
contributions from quadruples Q( 4) will require special I,uX) = a l,u(x» I .
consideration. It is apparent that once the equations for AI ax x=o
and A z for the CCSD model have been programmed, the AI
As usual, the labels a,b, ... and iJ, ... are used to represent the
and A2 equations for the CCSDT-l model follows readily.
SCF virtual orbitals and occupied orbitals, respectively,
The same routines developed for inclusion oflinear triples in
whilep,q,r, ... are unrestricted. The labels,u,v,A.,O', ... are used
the CCSDT-1 t-amplitude equations can be employed for the
to represent the primitive AO basis functions. The derivative
A equations. The CCSDT-1 triples routines naturally take
of an SCF orbital, evaluated at X = 0, is given by a linear
advantage of the fact that since T3 amplitudes are linearly
combination of unperturbed SCF orbitals and a term arising
dependent upon the T2 amplitudes, it is not necessary to
from the derivative of the primitive AO basis functions:
store the T3 amplitudes at any time during the CC iterations.
Rather, the backcontributions of T3 to T2 and to TI are
computed as needed. laX) = L Ufo If) + L UIa Ik) + L Cila I,uX) , (19)
For the QCISD model (assuming SCF orbitals for con- I#a k II
+ "(C
£". p.p
)*C P
vq Au
a(p)"a IIva) I ' (25) Dij + 0~bt~~ - nA.~Zctit:'
= - A.~tf
p.,v X X=O
A,u Dab = A~tt - yt gct~/ + nAg~ct~kb
• Summation over all but target labels is implied.
~(€p + €q)
when p and q are both
~pq = virtual or both occupied.
€q otherwise
ality. Rather than introduce singularies which must be later
The symbol PAu represents an element of the SCF density eliminated, we follow the development of Handy et al. for
matrix in the AO basis. The matrix h~q consists of the deriva- MBPT(2) gradients 30 by choosing noncanonical SCF orbi-
tive of the matrix elements of the one-electron part of the tals such that
Hamiltonian in the primitive, perturbation-dependent basis
{"'(X)}, but transformed into the unperturbed orbital basis
Ufa = - ~fa If), (28)
{tfo}: UIi = -~SI;lk), (29)
AEX = Dij [Q~ + U;m «iellim) + (imllie»] + Dab [Q}b + U;m «aellbm) + (amllbe) >] + [r(ij,ab) - rUi,ab)]
X (U;;(ejllab) - 1/2S~;(mjllab» + [r(ij,ab) - r(ij,ba)]( [ - U}m - S}m] (ijllmb) - 1/2S;a(ijlleb»
+ ... (several terms similar to the last two)
+ AO derivative part. (32)
+ !A;;"dt~tt + MJtJet~'it7
-AA~dbt;tt:1 + All !~dt k1t t
+!2 ~,%tljat~k - !A !Het tft jr
-!A~dbtljdtZt~ + !A !~dt k1t JI ~
- aA. ~'jt:lt Jlt + ~!~dtk~t1tj
-!A ¥Xt)·(.)
+ ~A ~dttj
a Summation over all but the target labels is implied. The symbol (*) indicates the QCISD terms.
Contributions arising from the derivatives of the primitive TABLE IV. The I and X intermediates used in the evaluation of CCSDT
and MBPT energy derivatives."
AO basis functions when Eqs. (19) and (20) are applied to
the derivative two-electron integrals are called the "AO de- Iij = - l/2[rUk,ab) - r(kj,ab) j(ik lIab)
rivative part." The AO derivative part is not explicitly
- l/2[rUI,mk) - r(lj,mk) + r(mkJ/) - r(mk,lj») (illlmk)
shown here because the following discussion is concerned -l/2[rUa,bk) +r(kb,aj)](iallbk)
with manipulations of the other terms. Rather, the AO de- - 1/2r(aj,bc) (aillbc)
rivative part is shown in final, computational form in Table - l/2[rUk,la) - r(kj,la») (ik lila)
III. In Table III, we define a perturbation-independent - 1/2r(lkJa) (Ik Ilia)
quantity r(llvpu) by the MO-to-AO transformation to the
r intermediates, as in previous work. 19 The transformation lab = - l/2[r(ij,bc) - r(ij,cb») (ijllac)
of 3N sets of derivative integrals to the MO basis is thereby - l/2[r(be,cd) - r(eb,cd) + r(cd,be) - r(cd,eb) ](aellcd)
avoided. Instead, only the one transformation in the con- - l/2[rUb,ci) + r(ic,bj») (jallci)
struction of the perturbation-independent r(llvpu) is nec- - l/2r (bi,cd) (aillcd)
- 1/2[r(di,bc) - r(di,cb)](dillac)
essary. The AO derivative part of each of the 3N gradients is
- l/2rUk,ib) (jkllia)
computed by the dot product of r(llvpu) with the AO de-
rivative integrals as they are generated for each of the 3N Iai = - l/2[r(kj,ab) - r(kj,ba») (kjllib)
degrees of freedom. -l/2[r(ab,cd) - r(ba,cd) + r(cd,ab) - r(cd,ba»)(ibllcd)
We gather together the common terms of Eq. (32) by -l/2[rUa,bk) + r(kb,aj») (jillbk)
defining computational intermediates I and X such that - 1/2r(aj,bc) (ijllbc)
'-l/2[r(dj,ac) - r(dj,ca)](djllic)
tl.EX= IDijQ~ + IDabQ~b + 2IXaiU~i - l/2rUk,/a) (jk llli)
iJ a,b a,;
where the summation over the labels a and ihas been carried
AO derivative part = I ,(,u(x)v(x) Ip(x)u(x) ) "r(Il Vpu) ,
out in the term at the far right. The virtual-occupied block of
the matrix Dbj is the solution to the perturbation-indepen-
where dent linear equation:
r(Il Vpu) = Ir(ij,ab)(CpaCOb - CpbCoa)C!iC~
iJ (33)
+ Ir(ab,cd)(CpcC"" - CpdC",,)C::"C~b Finally we have the computational form of the energy deriv-
a.b ative:
+ rX(ij,kl)(CpkCu/ - Cp/Cuk)C!iC~
tl.EX = IiJ DijQ~ + I a,b
DabQ~b + 2I DaiQ~i
, (Ilvlpo}l' denotes the derivative of an ordinary AO two-electron integral, Thus, for the delta-function perturbation [see Eq. (27)] we
evaluated at X = o. have
TABLE VI. Summary for the MBPT( 3) mode!. TABLE VIII. Summary for the LCCD [or D-MBPT ( 00 ) ] mode!."
rUa,bi) = t~f(l )tfS( I); r(ai,bc) = rUk,ia) = 0 rUa,bi) = t~k( 00 )t~J( (0); r(ai,bc) = rUk,ia) = 0
"Summation over all but target labels is implied. "Summation over all but target labels is implied. The symbol t ijb( 00 ) repre-
sents the converged LCCD amplitudes.
instead transforming the perturbation-inde- in the alternate expectation value coupled-cluster40 (XCC)
pendent matrices D and I to the AO basis. The and unitary41 (UCC) methods, recently proposed. Further-
contributions ofEq. (34) can then be comput- more, since the so-called "quadratic" CI method also corre-
ed equivalently as dot products of matrices in sponds to a restricted CC theory, the gradient equations for
the AO basis.} it are presented as another special case.
(8) Option: Since the MBPTICC relaxed density All CC/MBPT gradient equations can be implemented
is available, one may readily compute one- quite efficiently in what we have called the "response den-
electron response properties or plot the elec-
tronic density of the molecular system.
TABLE IX. The low-order iterates of A and T."
First order:
tijb(1) = A Zb (1) = (ijllab )IDijb
A diagrammatic derivation of the detailed spin-orbital
expressions for the full CCSDT analytical first derivatives
has been developed, with all the explicit algebraic expres- Second order:
sions presented. All approximate CC or MBPT methods are = A Zb (2) = t ijb(l) + ~t ijb(2)
t ijb(2)
included as special cases. Equivalent equations have been
~tijb(2) = Utij'(I)(abllcd) + !tJ:t(1) (ijllkl)
implemented for MBPT(2),4 CCSD,21 MBPT(3),27,28
MBPT( 4 ),39 and CCSDT-l.21 The equations are important + P(ab W)t~~( I) (;cllbk) ]IDijb
Third order:
tijb(3) = t:Jb(1) + ~tijb(2) + ~tijb(3;SDn + ~tijb(3;Q)
TABLE VII. Summary for the MBPT ( 4) mode!' a A tb (3) = t ijb( I) + ~t ijb(2) + ~t ijb( 3;SDn + ~ Zb (3;Q)
~tijb(3;Q) = Qijb[I,t(1)Xt(1)]lDijb
Dij = - tj(2)tf(2)
~Zb(3;Q) = {Qijb[t(l),!Xt(l)] + Qijb[t(l),t(I)Xlj}IDijb
+ Yj:(l)tk~(3) + !~tj:(2)tk~(2) + !~tj:(3)tk~(l)
= ~t ijb(3;Q) + Q ijb[ t(1 ),t(1) X t(l) ]
+ !Qjt[t( I ),t( I) Xt( I) ]tk~( I)
t(1)=tijb(l) 1= (ijllab)
Qa,/(A,B XC) =!A ~[Bij'CJ:t - 2(BijcC'f:{ + B7J'CiJ)
Dab = t~(2)t~(2)
- 2(B~:Cl + B'ftbqt) + 4(Bk~C~ + B'f:{CljC)]
- !tijc(1)tijb(3) - !~tijC(2)tijb(2) - !~tijC(3)t:t(1) ~tijb(3;SDn = [!~tijd(2)(abllcd) + !~tkt(2)(ijllkl)
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sp. J0rgensen and J. Simons, J. Chern. Phys. 79,334 (1983). 3~. C. Caves and M. Karplus, J. Chern. Phys. 50, 3649 (1969).
6F. Coester, NucL Phys. 1,421 (1958); F. Coester and H. Kiirnrnel, NucL 35 A. Szabo and N. S. Ostlund, Modern Quantum Chemistry: Introduction to
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1J. Cizek, J. Chern. Phys. 45, 4256 (1966); Adv. Chern. Phys. 14, 35 139.
(1969); J. Paldus, J. Cizek, and I. Shavitt, Phys. Rev. A 5, 50 (1972); J. 36R. Moccia, Chern. Phys. Lett. 5, 260 (1970).
Paldus, in New Horizons of Quantum Chemistry, edited by P. O. Lowdin 31R. D. Amos, in Ab initio Methods in Quantum Chemistry Part I, edited by
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Adv. Chern. Phys. 14, 35 (1969). 3RE. A. Saiter, H. Sekino, and R. J. Bartlett, J. Chern. Phys. 87, 502 (1987).
KR. J. Bartlett and G. D. Purvis, Int. J. Quantum Chern. 14, 561 (1978); R. 39G. Trucks, E. A. Saiter, J. Watts, and R. J. Bartlett, Chern. Phys. Lett. (in
J. Bartlett and G. D. Purvis, Phys. Scr. 21, 255 (1980). press).
9J. A. Pople, R. Krishnan, H. B. Schlegel, and J. S. Binkley, Int. J. Quan- 4°R. J. Bartlett and J. Noga, Chern. Phys. Lett. 150, 29 (1988). This paper
tum Chern. 14, 545 (1978). erroneously states that XCC( 4) and XCC (5) satisfy the generalized Hell-
lOG. D. Purvis and R. J. Bartlett, J. Chern. Phys. 75, 1284 (1981); G. D. rnan-Feynrnan theorem exactly instead of just to fourth and fifth order.
Purvis and R. J. Bartlett, ibid. 76, 1910 (1982). See Ref. 41 for correction.
"R. J. Bartlett, I. Shavitt, andG. D. Purvis, J. Chern. Phys. 71, 281 (1979). 41R. J. Bartlett and J. Noga, Chern. Phys. Lett. (in press).
12R. J. Bartlett, Annu. Rev. Phys. Chern. 32, 359 (1981); R. J. Bartlett, C. 42G. Trucks, E. A. Saiter, J. Noga, and R. J. Bartlett, Chern. Phys. Lett. 150,
E. Dykstra, and J. Paldus, in Advanced Theories and Computational Ap- 37 (1988).
proachesfor the Electronic Structure ofMolecules, edited by C. E. Dykstra 43c. Sosa, G. Trucks, G. D. Purvis III, and R. J. Bartlett, J. MoL Graph. (in
(Reidel, Dordecht, Holland, 1984). press).
13y' S. Lee, S. Kucharski, and R. J. Bartlett, J. Chern. Phys. 81, 5906 «See AlP document no. PAPS JCPSA-90-1752-43 for 43 pages of detailed
(1984), J. Noga and R. J. Bartlett, ibid. 86, 7041 (1987); 89, 3401 (E) coupled-cluster first and second derivative expressions. Order by PAPS
( 1988). number and journal reference from American Institute of Physics, Phys-
14M. Urban, J. Noga, S. Cole, and R. J. Bartlett, J. Chern. Phys. 83, 4041 ics Auxiliary Publication Service, 335 East 45th Street, New York, NY
(1985). 10017. The price is $1.50 for each microfiche (98 pages) or $5.00 for pho-
ISR. J. Bartlett and D. M. Silver, Phys. Rev. A 10,1927 (1974). tocopies of up to 30 pages, and $0.15 for each additional page over 30
16R. J. Bartlett and I. Shavitt, Chern. Phys. Lett. 50, 190 (1977); 59, 157 pages. Airmail additionaL Make checks payable to the American Institute
( 1978). of Physics.