Answer Key Acid Basis Salts
Answer Key Acid Basis Salts
Answer Key Acid Basis Salts
Q9. Give reasons. i. Curd and sour substances are not kept in brass and
copper vessels.
Answer: Curd and sour substances contain acids which react with
brass and copper to form toxic compounds.
ii. Dry HCl gas does not change the colour of the dry litmus paper.
Answer: Dry HCl gas does not release hydrogen ions in the absence
of water, so it does not change the color of dry litmus paper.
iii. It is recommended that acid should be added to water and not water to
the acid.
iv. Distilled water does not conduct electricity, whereas rain water does.
ii. Vinegar
iii. Tamarind
o Solution A (pH 11): Basic
o Solution B (pH 5): Acidic
o Solution C (pH 7): Neutral
o Solution D (pH 2): Strongly acidic
Q14. 'pH has a great importance in our daily life'. Explain by giving three
1. Digestive Health: The pH of the stomach is essential for proper
digestion and enzyme function.
2. Agriculture: Soil pH affects the availability of nutrients to
3. Water Quality: The pH of water is crucial for aquatic life and
determines the solubility of pollutants.
Q15. Explain the action of dil. HCl on the following using chemical
equations. i. Magnesium ribbon
Answer: Mg+2HCl→MgCl2+H2
Answer: NaOH+HCl→NaCl+H2O
Answer: CaCO3+2HCl→CaCl2+CO2+H2O
Q16. Equal lengths of magnesium ribbon are taken in two test tubes 'A'
and 'B'. H2SO4 is added to test tube 'A' and H2CO3 in the test tube 'B' in
equal amounts. i. Identify the test tube showing vigorous reaction.
iii. Name the gas liberated in both the tubes. How will you prove its
o Activity: Place a metal carbonate (e.g., calcium carbonate) in a
test tube, add a few drops of dilute HCl, and collect the gas
released in a second test tube through a delivery tube.
Introduce a burning splinter into the second test tube; the
splinter will extinguish, indicating the presence of CO2.
o Equations:
NaHCO3+HCl→NaCl+CO2+ H2O
o Forms of calcium carbonate in nature: Limestone and marble.
Q18. Identify the acid and the base whose combination forms the common
salt that you use in your food. i. Write its formula and chemical name of
this salt. Name the source from where it is obtained.
ii. What is rock salt? Mention its colour and the reason due to which it has
this colour.