Biodiversity and Conservation
Biodiversity and Conservation
Biodiversity and Conservation
- Insects are the most species rich group making up more than 70%. Out
of every 10 animals, 7 of them are insects
Invertebrates Vertebrates
I indian F face
O originated B book par
M mango R
C candy A
A andy
I is
F fun (fungi)
A as
M mother
F from (ferns)
L london
- Conventional taxonomic methods are not suitable for identifying
microbial species: Reasons:
1. Many species are not culturable in labs
2. On accepting the biochemical or molecular criteria of delineating
species for this group, then the diversity might run into millions
Patterns of Biodiversity
1. Latitudinal Gradients:
- Diversity is not uniform throughout the globe
- Species diversity decreases as we move away from equator towards
the poles
- Tropics (23.5 N to 23.5 S) bears more number of species than
temperate or polar regions
- Examples to remember:
1. Columbia (near equator) has 1400 bird species, India has 1200, New
York (41 N) has 105 and lastly Greenland has 56 bird species only
2. Tropical forest in a country like Ecuador has 10 times more species of
vascular plants than a temperate forest in the midwest of US
3. Amazon rainforest has the greatest biodiversity on earth
2. Species- area relationship:
- German naturalist and geographer Alexander Von Humboldt
- Within a region, species richness increases with increasing explored
area but only up to a limit
- It is a rectangular hyperbola ( 𝑆 = 𝐶 𝐴 )
- On a log scales it is a straight line with the following equation
LogS = logC + ZlogA
S = species richness
C = Y intercept
Z = slope
A = A rea
- More the value of Z, higher the slope and thus higher the area and
species richness.
- Steeper slopes imply higher species diversity.
- At small regions level, value of Z lies between 0.1 to 0.2
- Among large regions like continents, Z ranges from 0.6 to 1.2
- Example: fruit eating birds (frugivorous) and mammals across
continents have Z values of 1.1.5
Stable Ecosystem
● If passengers start popping rivets (species extinction) may not initially
affect plane’s functioning but over time it becomes dangerous
● When certain key rivets like that on the wings are removed then the
plane would crash. Key rivets symbolise key species which are the
ones that drive major ecosystem functions
Loss of Biodiversity
Negative Effect of loss of Biodiversity:
1. Decline in plant production
2. Less resistance to environmental changes
3. Increased variation in certain processes such as plant productivity,
water use, pest and disease cycles
- Key factor is human activities
- Colonisation of tropical pacific islands has led to loss of 2000 bird
- As per IUCN Red list (2004), 784 (338 vertebrates, 359 invertebrates
and 87 plant) species have gone extinct in the last 500 years.
- In last 20 years, 27 species have gone extinct
- 15,500 species face threat to extinction globally (12% birds, 23%
mammals, 32% amphibians and 31% of gymnosperms)
- Dodo (Mauritius), quagga (africa), thylacine (Australia) , steller’s sea
cow (russia) and 3 subspecies of tigers (Bali, Javan and Caspian)
- Amphibians are more vulnerable to extinction than other groups
1. Habitat loss and fragmentation
- Most important factor leading to the most loss of diversity globally
- Examples:
a. Tropical rainforest once covered more than 14% of land area and now
only covers about 6%. Amazon rainforest is being cut for soya beans
and grasslands for beef cattle.
- Due to habitat fragmentation (large broken into small), migratory bird
are affected the most and so are the species needing large territories
2. Over exploitation
- Need turns into greed
- Over last 500 years, steller’s sea cow and passenger pigeon got
extinct due to over exploitation by humans
4. Co-extinctions:
- When one species becomes extinct, the other plant or animal species
associated with it in an obligatory way also becomes extinct
- Host fish dies then so will the parasite in it
- Plant pollinator mutualism
Narrowly Utilitarian
- These are obvious based on direct economic benefits humans get from
- We get food, fibre, woods, etc and products of medicinal importance
from plants
- More than 25% of drugs in market are derived from plants and 25,000
plant species contribute to this purpose
- Bioprospecting is the exploration for genetic, molecular and species
level diversity for products of economic importance
Broadly Utilitarian
- Biodiversity plays a key role in many ecosystem services that nature
- Amazon forest contributes to 20% of total Oxygen on earth
- Pollinators (which help plants in making fruits and seed) do it for free,
- Thus, nature also gives certain intangible benefits such aesthetic
- Philosophically or spiritually every species has an intrinsic value to it
- It is our moral duty to care for millions of plants and animal species on
- Passage of biological legacy to the next generation
● Khasi and jaintia hills in meghalaya, aravalli hills of rajasthan,
western ghats karnataka and maharashtra, surguja, chandar and
bastar areas of madhya pradesh
- The Earth Summit (1992) in Rio De Janeiro called upon nation to take
measures for biodiversity conservation and sustainable development