AXIANQUEST Infinite Dungeon Rulesheet v1.0
AXIANQUEST Infinite Dungeon Rulesheet v1.0
AXIANQUEST Infinite Dungeon Rulesheet v1.0
Axian Spice, AxianQuest and their logos are © Giuseppe Rotondo, 2023. All rights reserved. Some artwork © Dean Spencer, 2015; © Lorc -, 2023; ©
Delapuoite -, 2023; © Caro Asercion -, 2023; © Skoll -, 2023; © Luca Basile, 2023; used with permission. All rights reserved.
Mv: Move, or movement 1d6, 2d6, etc: One die, two dice, etc.
BP: Body or bodily Points Zorgan: The player controlling the monsters
Examples: “+2 AD” means “gain 2 extra dice to attack”. “-1 DD” means “roll 1 less die to defend”.
1. Roll a die. If the result is a skull, place 1 card per hero, face-down, on the central room, from the Dungeon deck.
2. Roll a die for each of the two smaller rooms. If the result is a skull, place 1 card, face down, on each room, from the
Dungeon deck.
3. Place all the remaining cards from the Dungeon deck, face-down, on the rooms they prefer, except the large central
room and the two smaller rooms. The number of cards placed per room depends on the number of heroes, as listed in the
table below.
4. Choose a room with no cards as the starting room, and place the heroes and stairs in it.
5. Place 2 closed doors in the starting room, each leading to an adjacent room with face-down cards, or to an adjacent
Rooms that don’t receive dungeon cards are not used and are not part of the dungeon: they are solid stone.
Number Cards per
of heroes AXIANQUEST Infinite
Dungeon Deck Dungeon
roomrulesheet v1.0
*: the 6 heroes line is provided for reference only, and to be used with increased difficulty rules (see next page). Playing with 6 heroes is possible but the game may slow
down significantly.
Chose which player goes first and then play normally, with the following extra rules:
WHEN A HERO OPENS A DOOR TO A ROOM, that player does the following:
1. Take and read all the cards inside the new room, and place the listed monsters and furniture wherever they want inside
the room. If the room is too small, place the furniture piece(s) into another room with face-down cards, and/or place the
monsters in the starting room (their choice).
2. Place into the newly explored room a closed door leading to an adjacent room with face-down cards, or to an adjacent
corridor, if any. If all rooms with cards are already reachable, placing doors is optional.
3. Resolve any Trap card found. Follow the instructions on the card.
4. Place the revealed cards into a discard pile at the side of the board. You may want to keep at hand the Clue Cards, so
that you’ll know how many clues you’ve found so far.
WHEN A HERO OPENS A DOOR TO A CORRIDOR, that player does the following:
1. Chooses to place 1 or 2 closed doors anywhere along the corridor, leading to rooms with face-down cards. They don’t
need to be in the hero’s line of sight. If all rooms with cards are already reachable, placing doors is optional.
For each door placed, place a block tile in the corridor wherever they want. They cannot block the path from the hero to the
door(s). They don't need to be in the hero’s line of sight.
2. Roll a die for each closed door they've just placed. If the result is a skull, place a wandering monster (see Wandering
Monsters below) in the corridor, as close as possible to the door. It doesn't need to be in the hero’s line of sight.
3. Resume play normally.
AXIANQUEST Infinite Dungeon rulesheet v1.0
Sometimes you’ll find doors or blocks appearing where there were none a moment ago. It’s ok: the dungeon is a dangerous, magical place.
SEARCHING FOR SECRET DOORS: A hero who searches for secret doors always and only finds one if there is no other way to
reach unexplored rooms, or to return to the starting room. The hero who searched places the secret door where he wants.
Opening a secret door works the same as a regular door.
Secret doors work as a “debug” system for the dungeon, in case the heroes get stuck with no way to proceed.
● Disarming Traps: The hero who has opened the door and found a trap can attempt to disarm it as explained on the card.
● Known Traps: If, thanks to Clues or other means, the presence of a trap is already known, a hero standing next to the
door may attempt to disarm it before opening the door, following the instructions on the card. If the attempt fails, the trap
activates as described on the card and the door opens, otherwise the trap is removed and discarded.
MONSTERS: Monsters play after the oldest player, who moves them one by one, in the order he prefers, and must act as
● Monsters with Melee Attacks: Move to approach and (if possible) attack the nearest hero with a free adjacent square. If
2 or more heroes qualify, the youngest player chooses their target. Monsters with the ability to move through heroes and/or
walls go for the most distant hero instead.
● Monsters with Ranged Attacks: If they can, they attack the nearest hero, and then move as far away as they can.
Otherwise, they move as far as they can while maintaining line of sight to one hero, and then attack. If 2 or more heroes are
equally distant, the youngest player chooses their target.
● Monsters with Spells: Use a random spell until they’ve used all spells. When using a spell, they act like monsters with
ranged attacks. When all their spells are used, or if they cannot use the spell (due to line of sight, for example), they behave
like monsters with melee attacks.
WANDERING MONSTERS: When a wandering monster appears, draw from the discard pile until you find a monster card. The
monster listed in the card name is the wandering monster. If there are no monsters in the discard pile, the heroes are lucky and
no monster appears for the moment!
Number of Quests
Roll a die, divide the result by 2 (round up), and add 6: this is the number of quests the heroes will have to complete. Circle that
number on the Campaign Chart, thus marking the final quest of the campaign. As the heroes successfully complete each quest,
mark off the corresponding number, until the heroes complete the final quest.
● What if the heroes fail a quest? There is no second try! In order to advance they must face a new, randomly determined,
Increased Difficulty
Experienced heroes face harder tasks! Before each quest, calculate the average Fame: sum up the number of Fame points
owned by the heroes, and divide it by the number of heroes (rounding up). Then check the table below. All effects are
cumulative! If the average Fame is 3, for example, all monsters gain +1 DD and also +1 AD.
Upon achieving the 7th Fame point, the hero retires with full honors and can no longer play. They receive the title of Lord/Lady,
and their artifacts and treasure are removed from play, to be displayed in their glorious halls.
The only exception: if the next quest is to hunt down the current campaign’s Evil Mastermind, their evil must be stopped and the
hero is allowed to play one last quest.
Artifacts Decks
Heroic Skills
Furniture Deck
Dungeon Events
Curse the
Cause a Transform the
kingdom with a
4 devastating population of the
plague of
earthquake! realm into goblins!
poisonous toads!
Campaign Chart
Quests 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
d6 Campaign Reward—-----
Each hero receives 300 coins, and also rolls a die: If the
result is 6, permanently increase their maximum MP by 1.
Each hero receives 300 coins, and also rolls a die: If the
result is 6, permanently increase their maximum BP by 1.
Increased Difficulty (Cumulative Effects)
1 or less No effect