Coordination & Response 3 QP
Coordination & Response 3 QP
Coordination & Response 3 QP
1 (a) Fig. 2.1 shows a reflex action that involves the eye.
A shows an eye in dim light. B shows the same eye when a bright blue light is shone
into it.
Fig. 2.1
Table 2.1
receptor cells
Coordination and response structured question
(ii) Describe how the nervous system coordinates the response shown in Fig. 2.1.
(b) Adrenaline is secreted by the adrenal glands to prepare the body for dangerous
Extreme sports, such as bungee jumping shown in Fig. 2.2, are an example of such a
dangerous situation.
Fig. 2.2
Coordination and response structured question
Explain how adrenaline prepares the body for an extreme sport, such as making a
bungee jump.
Describe two ways in which involuntary actions differ from voluntary actions.
[Total: 15]
Coordination and response structured question
2 The light sensitive cells in the eye are known as rods and cones.
Fig. 2.1
C [3]
(b) (i) Name the tissue in the eye where rods and cones are found.
[Total: 10]
Coordination and response structured question
Fig. 2.1 is a flow chart showing how the body responds to changes in the glucose
concentration of the blood after the absorption of a carbohydrate-rich meal and during
strenuous exercise.
Fig. 2.1
Coordination and response structured question
C [3]
(ii) Suggest why glucose is converted to glycogen rather than kept as glucose inside
the cells.
(c) Name the type of control system used in homeostasis that returns the blood
glucose concentration to 80 – 90 mg per 100 cm3.
(d) Animal hormones are used in the production of milk and meat. Bovine somatotrophin
(BST) is used to increase milk production by cows. The hormone is produced by
genetically modified bacteria that contain the cattle gene for making BST. It is used in
the United States but is banned for use in the European Union.
(i) Outline how genes, such as the one for BST, are transferred from the cells of cattle
(cows) to bacteria.
Coordination and response structured question
(ii) Suggest advantages and disadvantages of using hormones, such as BST, in the
production of milk and meat.
[Total: 13]
Coordination and response structured question
Fig. 2.1 shows the reflex arc involved in a simple reflex action.
spinal nerve
spinal cord
Fig. 2.1
(b) On Fig. 2.1 use label lines and the following letters to show
(e) In dangerous situations there is an increase in the secretion of adrenaline from the
adrenal glands.
Describe three ways in which this increase in adrenaline prepares the body for action.
[Total: 13]