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Bajaj Finserv LTD Annual Report Fy 2022pdf 104 108

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BAJAJ FINSERV LIMITED 15th Annual Report 2021-22

Consolidated Balance Sheet

(₹ In Crore)
As at 31 March
Particulars Note No. 2022 2021

Financial assets
Cash and cash equivalents 3 4,087.16 2,955.09
Bank balances other than cash and cash equivalents 4 315.87 455.40
Derivative financial instruments 5 136.63 4.14
Trade receivables 6 3,004.81 2,753.07
Loans 7 191,853.14 147,099.91
Investment in a joint venture 8 13.37 13.67
Shareholders' investments 9A 28,499.00 33,569.15
Policyholders' investments 9B 90,709.71 80,071.59
Other financial assets 10 2,738.45 2,538.58
321,358.14 269,460.60
Non-financial assets
Current tax assets (net) 311.60 236.55
Deferred tax assets (net) 11A 951.17 945.90
Investment properties 12 35.59 39.73
Property, plant and equipment 13A 1,718.88 1,564.83
Right-of-use assets 13B 592.78 488.70
Capital work-in-progress 53.64 49.57
Intangible assets under development 59.17 79.28
Goodwill on consolidation 689.34 689.34
Other intangible assets 14 548.99 399.50
Other non-financial assets 15 7,399.66 6,210.32
12,360.82 10,703.72

Total 333,718.96 280,164.32

Consolidated Financial Statements Corporate Overview Statutory Reports Financial Statements

Consolidated Balance Sheet (Contd.)

(₹ In Crore)
As at 31 March
Particulars Note No. 2022 2021


Financial liabilities
Trade payables 16
Total outstanding dues of micro enterprises and small enterprises 22.03 13.41
Total outstanding dues of creditors other than micro enterprises and small enterprises 3,986.91 4,164.58
Other payables 17
Total outstanding dues of micro enterprises and small enterprises - -
Total outstanding dues of creditors other than micro enterprises and small enterprises 812.95 660.77
Derivative financial instruments 5 219.71 156.09
Debt securities 18 71,505.55 50,769.77
Borrowings (other than debt securities) 19 54,363.56 47,441.20
Deposits 20 30,799.52 25,803.43
Subordinated liabilities 21 3,845.77 3,898.61
Insurance contracts liabilities 85,593.46 75,230.06
Investment contracts liabilities 10,898.95 8,881.18
Lease liabilities 22 664.78 547.84
Other financial liabilities 23 917.90 760.31
263,631.09 218,327.25
Non-financial liabilities
Current tax liabilities (net) 312.40 568.30
Deferred tax liabilities (net) 11B 305.75 319.61
Provisions 24 233.59 226.38
Other non-financial liabilities 25 2,916.21 2,428.80
3,767.95 3,543.09
Equity share capital 26 79.57 79.57
Other equity 27 40,167.23 35,750.43
Non-controlling interest 26,073.12 22,463.98
66,319.92 58,293.98

Total 333,718.96 280,164.32

Summary of significant accounting policies followed by the Group 2
The accompanying notes are an integral part of the consolidated financial statements
As per our report of even date On behalf of the Board of Directors

For Khimji Kunverji & Co LLP

Chartered Accountants S Sreenivasan Sanjiv Bajaj
ICAI Firm Registration Number: 105146W/W100621 Chief Financial Officer Chairman & Managing Director

Ketan S Vikamsey
ICAI Membership Number: 044000
Uma Shende Madhur Bajaj
Pune: 28 April 2022 Company Secretary Director

BAJAJ FINSERV LIMITED 15th Annual Report 2021-22

Consolidated Statement of Profit and Loss

(₹ In Crore)
For the year ended 31 March
Particulars Note No. 2022 2021

Revenue from operations

Interest income 28 31,318.91 26,933.22
Dividend income 108.16 87.50
Rental income 4.36 4.94
Fees and commission income 29 2,963.42 2,387.11
Net gain on fair value changes 30 1,058.02 4,828.31
Sale of services 31 340.49 283.78
Premium and other operating income from insurance business 31,429.84 25,759.83
Others 32 1,182.88 306.51
Total revenue from operations 68,406.08 60,591.20

Other income 33 32.90 0.37

Total income 68,438.98 60,591.57

Employee benefits expenses 34 6,559.58 4,698.34
Finance costs 35 9,498.26 9,141.28
Fees and commission expense 36 3,442.04 2,614.37
Impairment on financial instruments 37 4,889.85 5,978.85
Claims incurred pertaining to insurance business 16,384.73 11,864.43
Reinsurance ceded 5,969.74 4,854.81
Net change in insurance/investment contract liabilities 5,754.19 7,976.05
Depreciation, amortisation and impairment 38 562.73 498.46
Other expenses 39 4,106.92 3,102.46
Total expenses 57,168.04 50,729.05

Share of profits/(loss) of joint venture (0.36) (0.18)

Profit before tax 11,270.58 9,862.34

Tax expense
Current tax 2,847.31 2,322.24
Deferred tax 109.74 172.72
Total tax expense 40 2,957.05 2,494.96

Profit after tax 8,313.53 7,367.38

Profit attributable to non-controlling interests 3,756.76 2,896.92

Profit for the year 4,556.77 4,470.46

Consolidated Financial Statements Corporate Overview Statutory Reports Financial Statements

Consolidated Statement of Profit and Loss (Contd.)

(₹ In Crore)
For the year ended 31 March
Particulars Note No. 2022 2021

Other comprehensive income

Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss
Actuarial gains/losses of defined benefit plans (21.34) (35.42)
Tax impacts on above 4.77 9.55
Changes in fair value of equity instruments carried at FVTOCI 33.02 37.63
Tax impacts on above (8.22) (17.15)
Items that will be reclassified to profit or loss
Changes in fair value of debt securities carried at FVTOCI (787.65) (159.22)
Tax impacts on above 152.05 13.35
Derivative instruments in cash flow hedge relationship 64.37 (20.52)
Tax impacts on above (18.25) 5.25
Other comprehensive income for the year (net of tax) (581.25) (166.53)

Total comprehensive income for the year 7,732.28 7,200.85

Profit attributable to
Owners of the company 4,556.77 4,470.46
Non-controlling interests 3,756.76 2,896.92

Total comprehensive income attributable to

Owners of the company 4,118.82 4,360.32
Non-controlling interests 3,613.46 2,840.53

Basic Earnings per share (in ₹) 41 286.3 280.9

Diluted Earnings per share (in ₹) 41 286.3 280.9
(Nominal value per share ₹ 5)
Summary of significant accounting policies followed by the Group 2
The accompanying notes are an integral part of the consolidated financial statements
As per our report of even date On behalf of the Board of Directors

For Khimji Kunverji & Co LLP

Chartered Accountants S Sreenivasan Sanjiv Bajaj
ICAI Firm Registration Number: 105146W/W100621 Chief Financial Officer Chairman & Managing Director

Ketan S Vikamsey
ICAI Membership Number: 044000
Uma Shende Madhur Bajaj
Pune: 28 April 2022 Company Secretary Director

BAJAJ FINSERV LIMITED 15th Annual Report 2021-22

Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity

A Equity share capital
(₹ In Crore)
For the year ended 31 March
Particulars Note No. 2022 2021

At the beginning of the year 79.57 79.57

Changes in equity share capital during the year - -
At the end of the year 26 79.57 79.57


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