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SW560 870

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SW 560-870
Manufacturing No. 101-

ver. 1.0
Original instructions
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ver. 1.0
SW 560-870

1 Safety rules
1.1 Before using the cultivator .................................................................... 7
1.2 Warning decals ................................................................................... 8
1.3 Machine plate ................................................................................... 10
1.4 Other safety regulations ..................................................................... 11
1.5 Moving the machine when not hitched to a tractor ................................. 12

2 Instructions and settings

2.1 Tractor ............................................................................................. 13
2.2 Hitching to the tractor ........................................................................ 14
2.3 Height adjustment of the towing eyelet ................................................ 16
2.4 Settings for two-point linkage ............................................................. 17
2.5 Hose length adjustment ..................................................................... 18
2.6 Hydraulic hose colour coding ............................................................... 18
2.7 Wing folding ..................................................................................... 19
2.8 Setting parallel alignment ................................................................... 20
2.9 Leveller unit settings .......................................................................... 23
2.10 Setting the following implement (option) .............................................. 24
2.11 Adjusting wheel scrapers .................................................................... 25
2.12 Switching to transport mode ............................................................... 26
2.13 Unhitching and parking ...................................................................... 27
2.14 Brakes ............................................................................................. 28
2.15 Drawbar hitch (option) ....................................................................... 30

3 Driving instructions and operating tips

3.1 Direction of travel .............................................................................. 31
3.2 Turning, cultivator with connection to lift arms ...................................... 32
3.3 Turning, cultivator with hitching hook drawbar ...................................... 32
3.4 Setting the working depth .................................................................. 33
3.5 Tines ............................................................................................... 34
3.6 Selection of points, goose feet and guide rails ....................................... 35
3.7 Levelling unit .................................................................................... 37
3.8 Increase cultivating depth gradually! .................................................... 38
3.9 Connecting drawbar with roller and BioDrill ........................................... 38

4 Service and maintenance

4.1 Regular maintenance ......................................................................... 39
4.2 Re-tightening of bolted joints .............................................................. 40
4.3 Securing implements in the raised position ........................................... 40
4.4 Checking the tractor hitch device ......................................................... 41
4.5 Check implement towing eyelet ........................................................... 41
4.6 Lubrication table ............................................................................... 42
4.7 Brakes (option) ................................................................................. 43
4.8 Checking wing folding ram piston rod heads .......................................... 45
4.9 Check and adjustment of play in wheel bearings .................................... 46
4.10 Changing wheels ............................................................................... 47
4.11 Bleeding the hydraulic system ............................................................. 47

5 Appendices
5.1 Hydraulic diagram ............................................................................. 48
5.2 Lights .............................................................................................. 52
5.3 Connection diagram, brakes ................................................................ 53
5.4 Technical data ................................................................................... 54

ver.1.0 3
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ver. 1.0
SW 560-870


The Väderstad Swift 560-870 is an efficient cultivator for stubble cultivation. It has a high
felling capacity and low fuel consumption, working to a maximum tillage depth of 15 cm.

The Swift has two frame shafts, with two rows of tines protruding from each at a distance
of 650 mm. This creates a 4-row machine with a short and spacious frame, allowing large
volumes of plant residue to easily pass through. It also makes the machine smooth to
operate and highly manoeuvrable.

The cultivator tines have a distribution of 19.3 cm, giving a full cut out even at shallower
depths. The machine can be fitted with a variety of different points.

Behind the cultivator tines is a levelling unit that can be adjusted hydraulically from the
cabin. The Swift can also be fitted with a following implement with tiller tines or
following harrow tines.

Swift 560-870 can be fitted with a drawbar that can be used to connect to tractor lift arms
or to a hitch hook. Connecting drawbars are available as roller hitching accessories.

The hints and advice given in this manual are to be regarded only as guidance. Should you
decide to operate the machine in a way other than that recommended, Väderstad-Verken
AB and/or its representatives disclaim any liability for any losses suffered. All
responsibility for usage, transportation, maintenance and repair, etc. of the machine rests
with the owner/driver.

The owner/driver shall bear full responsibility for correct use of the machine in every
Väderstad machines have passed quality assurance inspection and operational tests prior to
delivery. The user/purchaser shall retain sole liability for ensuring that the equipment
functions correctly when in use. In the event of a problem, please refer to the “General
delivery conditions of the Väderstad group”.

ver.1.0 5
according to EU Machine Directive 2006/42/EC

Väderstad-Verken AB, Box 85, SE-590 21 Väderstad, SWEDEN

hereby declares that the soil cultivation/tilling implement named below is manufactured in
compliance with Council Directive 2006/42/EC.

The above declaration covers the following machines:

SW 560, 720 and 870, with manufacturing no. 101-2000.

Väderstad 2010-06-18

Lars-Erik Axelsson
Legal requirements coordinator
Väderstad-Verken AB
Box 85, SE-590 21 Väderstad

The undersigned is also authorised to compile technical documentation for the above

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SW 560-870

1 Safety rules

1.1 Before using the cultivator

Figure 1.1

! Carefully read the instructions and make sure you understand their meaning.
! Always pay special attention to the text or illustration indicated by this symbol!
! Learn to handle the implement carefully and correctly! In the wrong hands or during careless
operation, the cultivator can become a dangerous implement.
! The implement is designed for stubble cultivation to a tillage depth of 15 cm.

ver.1.0 7
Safety rules

1.2 Warning decals





Figure 1.2

A Carefully read the instructions and make sure you understand their meaning.
B Do not stand between the tractor and the implement when the tractor is reversed and the
implement hitched.
C Make sure the whole of the working area and area for folding out the sections is clear! Never
walk under a section whilst it is folding out. Make sure that the wing section are locked when
folded up for road transport, parking and maintenance. Check that lock hook function is not
impeded by soil and plant residues.
D Never work under the implement during maintenance and service work, unless it has been
properly secured yellow safety catches or similar on a firm surface. Mechanically secure the
implement in raised position, see ”4.3 Securing implements in the raised position” on page 40.
E Re-tighten the wheel nuts on the transport wheels after 10 - 15 km of road transport and the
wheel nuts on the support wheels after the first day of operation in the field. Re-tighten the nuts
similarly after changing wheels. Tighten the nuts using a torque wrench. See ”4.1 Regular
maintenance” on page 39.
F SW 870 only: High transport height warning. Watch out for air lines, viaducts, gates, trees, etc.
Always check the maximum permitted height. The outer sections on the frame, leveller and any
following implement must be folded in in order to bring the transport height below the
maximum permitted level of 4 metres.
G SW 870 only: Crush risk warning.
H Machines with connecting drawbars only: Warning for exceeding maximum load for total
weight and/or towball weight. Always check the maximum permitted weights. See ”2.15
Drawbar hitch (option)” on page 30. Exerting pressure on the connecting drawbar in excess
of the maximum permitted value will result in there being a low or non-existent towball weight
on the tractor.

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1.2.1 Locations of warning decals



Figure 1.3

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Safety rules

1.3 Machine plate

1.3.1 Machine plate




Figure 1.4

A Machine type
B Manufacturing serial number
(Always state the serial number of your machine when ordering spare parts and in case of
servicing or warranty claims.)
C Year of manufacture
D Working width
E Transport width
F Tare weight of the basic machine
G Maximum total weight
H Maximum permitted payload
I Maximum permitted axle loading
J Maximum coupling load (at the tractor hitch)
! See also ”5.4 Technical data” on page 54.

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1.4 Other safety regulations

! VERY IMPORTANT! Re-tighten screw joints as per diagram. See ”4.2 Re-tightening of bolted
joints” on page 40.
! Check that the tractor's tyre set up has been adapted to cope with the weight of the implement
and that the tyres are inflated to the correct pressure. The hitching weight of the implement on
the tractor is shown in ”5.4 Technical data” on page 54.
! Prior to transport on public roads, remove dirt that may fall off from both the tractor and roller.
! When transporting the implement on public roads, show good judgement and drive carefully.
Pay close attention to the width and turning circle of the implement during transport. The view
to the rear is very limited. Check the positioning of the rear view mirrors on the tractor.
! Use the lights on the implement in accordance with local traffic regulations.
! Keep in mind that the implement is heavy and, as a result, the braking distance is longer.
! The cultivator may be driven at a maximum speed of 40 km/h on public highways. On uneven
(unsealed) roads, this speed should be lowered. Lock the wheel hydraulic cylinders using the
yellow locking devices.
! Note that the owner/driver has sole responsibility for ensuring that national traffic regulations
are observed when transporting the machine on the public highway.
! For all servicing and repair work on the hydraulic system, the wing sections must be folded
down and resting on a flat surface! The wheel carriers must be secured using yellow safety
! Prior to connecting the hydraulic hoses, make sure the male couplings on the roller and the
female connectors on the tractor are clean and free from dirt.
! Always use genuine Väderstad spare parts to maintain the quality and reliability of the
implement. The warranty and any claim commitments will become void if third-party parts are
! Any welding work on the machine must be carried out to a professional standard.
Note that imperfect welding may result in serious injuries or fatality. If in doubt, contact a
professional welding service for proper instructions.
! The cultivator is not designed or dimensioned to connect other cultivating implements together
in series. Because of this, the connecting drawbar should only be used to connect a packing
roller of the same width as the host machine. Note the maximum weight and towball pressure

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Safety rules

1.5 Moving the machine when not hitched to a tractor

NOTE!If the machine must be moved without being hitched to a tractor, it must be carried on a
machine trailer or truck flatbed. The machine must be rolled on and off the transport vehicle using
a tractor.
1 Fold up the machine into its transport position, see ”2.12 Switching to transport mode” on page
2 Reverse the machine lengthwise onto the machine trailer or truck flatbed. A ramp, loading
dock or similar will be required if loading the machine onto a truck flatbed. Take great care.
Check that no machine parts are damaged during loading.
3 Adjust the parking stays so that the machine rests on its wheels and parking stays.
4 Prevent the machine's wheels from rolling using chocks or similar.
5 Secure the wing sections for transportation using strapping (B) or similar, see “Figure 1.5”
6 Unhitch the tractor from the machine.
7 Secure the machine using suitable lashing in accordance with applicable regulations. The
lashing must be secured on the machine at the positions indicated by decals, see “Figure 1.5”.
! For information about the weight and dimensions of the machine, see ”5.4 Technical data” on
page 54.
! Always take into account national regulations in respect of transport dimensions, escort vehicle
requirements or similar!

Figure 1.5

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SW 560-870

2 Instructions and settings

2.1 Tractor
! The Swift requires a pulling power of at least 30hp/m working width.
! To reduce soil compaction and to increase the pull, the tractor should be fitted with very good
! Check that the tractor's tyre set up has been adapted to cope with the weight of the implement
and that the tyres are inflated to the correct pressure. The hitching weight of the implement on
the tractor is shown in ”5.4 Technical data” on page 54.

2.1.1 Tractor hydraulic system requirements

3/4 x double-acting hydraulic couplings, 1/2", with the following functions:
A To raise/lower the machine, a double-acting hydraulic coupling with a capacity of 40 l/min at
200 bar is required.
B To raise/lower the levelling unit, a double-acting hydraulic coupling with a capacity of 10 l/
min at 200bar is required.
C For the retraction and extension functions, a single double-acting hydraulic coupling with a
capacity of 20 l/min at 200 bar is required.
D For the connecting drawbar function (accessory), a single double-acting hydraulic coupling
with a capacity of 20 l/min at 200 bar is required.

ver.1.0 13
Instructions and settings

2.2 Hitching to the tractor

NOTE!The machine has a relatively low towball weight, which is why you should take extra care
when hitching it to and unhitching it from the tractor.
1 Connect the cultivator to the tractor's hitch. Ensure that the tractor's hitching device is
locked so that the towing eyelet cannot detach from the hitch.
1 Connect the cultivator to the tractor's lift arms. The lift arms must be set to the same height
and locked using the side stabiliser bars or any other equipment to limit the sideways
movements. Make sure that the quick attach hook is locked so that the machine cannot come
loose. The machine's hitch pins are rated for category III.

Figure 2.1

2 Raise and secure the cultivator parking support.

3 Connect the hydraulic hoses. The hoses are marked with colour coded plastic rings. Carefully
check that all hoses are connected in pairs to the correct hydraulic couplings on the tractor.
Also see ”2.6 Hydraulic hose colour coding” on page 18.

Figure 2.2

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4 Connect the brakes:

Pneumatic brakes: Connect the air hoses to the compressed air couplings on the tractor.
! The pressure pipe has a red connector and must be connected to the red coupling on the tractor.
! The control coupling has a yellow connector and must be connected to the yellow coupling on
the tractor.

Hydraulic brakes:
! Connect the hydraulic hose of the brake system to the brake coupling on the tractor. Please note
that the hose must only be connected to a brake coupling that is controlled by the tractor's brake
pedal and provides a maximum pressure of 150 bar.
! Attach the wire to a convenient point on the tractor. Make sure the wire cannot get entangled.
! Make sure that the parking brake/emergency brake is disengaged.

ver.1.0 15
Instructions and settings

2.3 Height adjustment of the towing eyelet

Figure 2.3

Applies only if the cultivator is fitted with a drawbar for a hitch hook
The height of the implement’s towing eyelet should be adapted to the towing height of the tractor.
It is best to make these adjustments with the machine on a flat, hard surface.
A Lift the machine to transport position.
B The drawbar hydraulic ram must be adjusted so that the frame of the implement is generally
parallel to the ground. First slacken the locking nut (A) and then turn the hydraulic rod until it
reaches the required length.
C Tighten the locking nut to confirm the setting.
It is important that this setting is accurate as it will affect other settings on the machine and thereby
influence its performance.
Check the towing eyelet at regular intervals, see ”4.5 Check implement towing eyelet” on page 41

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2.4 Settings for two-point linkage

Figure 2.4

Only applies to cultivators that are connected to lift arms

The machine is equipped for connection to tractor lift arms. The carrier pins are rated for category
Once the machine is connected to the lift arms, it is important to ensure that the pulling power
control is not connected as this will result in the machine changing the depth to which it works if
the pulling power requirement from the tractor becomes excessive. To achieve the best soil
cultivation results, operate the machine with only position control.

ver.1.0 17
Instructions and settings

2.5 Hose length adjustment

Connect the hydraulic hoses carefully and adjust their lengths. This will ensure that the hoses are
always connected correctly and that the machine is operated using practised lever manipulations.
Upon completion of a job, disconnect the hoses from the tractor and push the hose holder back.
NOTE!The hoses must not hang down towards the drawbar as they may be damaged.

Figure 2.5

2.6 Hydraulic hose colour coding

The cultivator's hydraulic hoses are marked with coloured plastic rings in order to avoid them
being incorrectly connected.

Table 2.1 Hydraulic hose colour coding

Colour Function
Yellow Lifting system
Blue Levelling unit depth control
Red Wing folding
White Drawbar hitch (option)

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2.7 Wing folding

1 Raise the machine its uppermost position.
2 Remove the yellow hydraulic ram safety catches.
3 Pull the wing sections together using the hydraulic system.
4 Release the locking hooks for both wing sections.

Figure 2.6

5 Fold out the wing sections using the hydraulic system. Ensure that all folding cylinders are
pressed out fully.

Figure 2.7

6 On the SW 870 model, the outermost sections require the frame to be folded out in order to
achieve the full working width.
7 On the Swift 870, the outer part of the wing section with leveller and any following implement
can be hydraulically folded. A valve on the leveller circuit, located on the left hand side of the
machine, determines whether the circuit only regulates the adjustment of the leveller unit or
also controls the folding of the outer section of the frame. Set the valve and lower the leveller
unit so that the outer part of the wing section is folded out.
8 On the SW 870. Set the valve to adjust the leveller unit without risking folding the outer wing

ver.1.0 19
Instructions and settings

2.8 Setting parallel alignment

In order to ensure that the machine does a good job, it is important that these settings are accurate.
Settings must be made in the right order, starting with the parallel alignment of the centre frame,
followed by the parallel alignment of the wings and then the leveller unit.
NOTE!Parallel alignment is affected by factors such as soil type and tine soil searching, etc.
Because of this, parallel alignment must be checked when working in a field. For the best results,
settings must be made in the part of the field that is most representative for that field as a whole
and in an area that is as flat as possible.
1 On the left hand side of the drawbar is a tap that can lock the hydraulically adjustable support
wheels in a fixed position. Start by turning the valve to position (A) to open open the circuit so
that the support wheels can be adjusted. See “2”
2 Set the machine to the approximate working depth required. See “Figure 2.9”. The basic setting
can start from a working depth on the depth scale of around 5. Also see ”3.4 Setting the working
depth” on page 33.


Figure 2.8 Figure 2.9

3 Machines with hydraulically adjustable support wheels are controlled by four hydraulic
cylinders connected in series in a "master and slave" system. Before using the machine, these
cylinders must be bled and synchronised in accordance with the following:

Raise the machine to its top position so that all hydraulic cylinders are fully extended. Leave
the hydraulic lever in this position with the tractor's throttle half way open for around 15-20
seconds, until everything has stopped moving. The cylinders have an overleak when in the top
and bottom positions that allows oil to overflow through the system and expel any air. Repeat
this procedure for a few seconds once the tractor has been connected, before adjusting the
machine, after folding out and a few times during the working day. Make sure that the valve
that locks the support wheels in fixed position is open.

Once the master and slave system has been bled and synchronised, you can adjust parallel

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Adjusting the parallel alignment of the centre frame

1 Lower the machine using the wheel carrier hydraulic circuit.
2 If the machine is connected to the lift arms, these must be lowered to a level that brings the
centre frame and drawbar parallel to the ground.
If the machine is connected to the hitch hook, parallel alignment of the centre frame is
achieved by adjusted the number of clips on the drawbar hydraulic cylinder.

Figure 2.10

3 Once the centre frame is parallel to the ground during driving, check that the wing sections line
up with the centre frame.

ver.1.0 21
Instructions and settings

Adjusting the parallel alignment of the wings

In order for the entire cultivator to operate in parallel with the ground, thereby ensuring that all
cultivator tines operate to the same working depth, the support wheels at the front of the machine
must be adjusted. This must always be done for machines with mechanical support wheel setting
mechanisms and sometimes, where major changes are made, for machines that have a hydraulic
Master/Slave wheel support function. Note that the wing hinges must be able to move both up and
down whilst this procedure is carried out. See “Figure 2.11”
4 Adjust the piston heads on the hydraulic cylinders or make changes to the push rods to the
support wheels on the wings so that the entire machine goes flat.

If the outer part of the wing section works at a greater depth than its centre, the piston rods on
the support wheel hydraulic cylinders/push rods must be extended.

If the outer part of the wing section works at a shallower depth than its centre, the piston rods
on the support wheel hydraulic cylinders/push rods must be shortened.

Max 40 mm

Figure 2.11

5 Adjust the piston rod end on the wing cylinder so that the ground adherence linkage on the
wings produces less downward than upward movement. See “Figure 2.11”

NOTE!Check that the lock nuts (A) are tightened at least once per season. If the lock nuts come
loose, there is a danger that the piston rod will rotate, changing the stroke length of the cylinders.
This will produce in an uneven work result.
If this check and tightening is not carried out, the cylinders may come free from the wing sections,
potentially resulting in serious personal injury!

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2.9 Leveller unit settings

In order to ensure that the machine does a good job, it is important that these settings are accurate.
Settings must be made in the right order, starting with the parallel alignment of the centre frame,
followed by the parallel alignment of the wings and then the leveller unit. See ”2.8 Setting parallel
alignment” on page 20.
The leveller must be adjusted so that the ground surface behind the implement becomes as even
as possible. The work results of the levelling units are often best if they are set in a relatively
shallow position. Operating the levelling units at too great a depth may have the opposite effect,
producing an uneven ground surface behind the implement.
The levelling unit is controlled by two hydraulic cylinders connected in series in a "master and
slave" system. Before using the machine, these cylinders must be bled and synchronised in
accordance with the following:

Raise the leveller unit from the ground so that all hydraulic cylinders are fully compressed. Leave
the hydraulic lever in this position with the tractor's throttle about half way open for around 15-20
seconds, until everything has stopped moving. The cylinders have an overleak when in the top
position that allows oil to overflow through the system and expel any air. Repeat this procedure
for a few seconds once the tractor has been connected, before adjusting the machine, after folding
out and a few times during the working day.
1 Adjust the variable throttle on the levelling unit's left hand hydraulic cylinder so that it slowly
moves up and down.
2 Raise the levellers to maximum height and then gradually lower them during operation using
the hydraulic controls in the cab until a good level is achieved.
3 Check the result produced is the same behind both wing sections. If not, adjust the piston rod
head on the leveller unit hydraulic pistons.
4 Once the wing levellers operate equally well, make adjustments to the centre section using the
rigging screws

Figure 2.12

ver.1.0 23
Instructions and settings

2.10 Setting the following implement (option)

Following implements are optional extras. You can choose between an axle with harrow tines or
tiller tines.
Harrow tines vibrate in the loose soil, producing an even result and fine tilth. Tiller tines produce
a rougher structure that is reminiscent of a rolled surface.
Following implements are spring-loaded and feature a release mechanism to prevent damage
when reversing. The working depth and angle of the tines can be easily adjusted. The machine
should be raised when making adjustments.
1 Check that the leveller unit is correctly set.
2 Working depth is adjusted using the cranks (C). Adjust all the cranks to the same length.
3 Working angle is adjusted by moving cotter pin (A) in hole series (B).
NOTE!The spring on the cranks must never be fully compressed.
If you don't want to use the following implement, adjust the working depth to maximum using the
cranks (C). Also adjust the working angle so that the tines are almost parallel to the ground.


Figure 2.13

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2.11 Adjusting wheel scrapers

! The measurement between the scraper and the wheel must not be less than 10 mm at any point
of the wheel's circumference. Check this by turning the wheel.

10 mm

Figure 2.14

ver.1.0 25
Instructions and settings

2.12 Switching to transport mode

1 Raise the cultivator to top position using the lift cylinders.

Figure 2.15

2 On the Swift 870, the outer tines on the outer frame sections must be folded in manually in
order to accommodate the transport height of 4 m.
3 The Swift 870 has a valve on the leveller circuit, located on the left hand side of the machine,
which determines whether the circuit only regulates leveller unit adjustment and any following
implements or also controls the folding of the outer section of the frame. Set the valve and raise
the leveller unit so that the outer wing line is folded in. After folding, switch the valve back to
controlling only the height of the leveller unit.
4 Fold in the wing sections using the hydraulic system.
5 Check that both wing sections are secured in position by the lock hooks.

Figure 2.16

6 Lower the cultivator so that the tines almost touch the ground and the support wheels are
7 On the left hand side of the drawbar is a tap that can lock the hydraulically adjustable support
wheels in a fixed position. With the support wheels in their uppermost position, turn the valve
to position B. This closes the circuit, keeping the support wheels retracted and able to
accommodate the transport width of 3 m. See “Figure 2.17”.
8 Raise the cultivator to transport height using the lift cylinders.
9 Fit the yellow safety catches to the wheel carrier lifting cylinders, securing the cultivator in the
raised position..


Figure 2.17

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2.13 Unhitching and parking

! Unhitching and parking must always take place on a level and stable surface.
1 Raise the cultivator to full lifting height.
2 Fit the yellow safety catches to the wheel cylinders.
3 Secure the parking stays.
4 Make sure that you relieve the pressure in the hydraulic system. Disconnect the hydraulic
5 Disconnect the lift arms or unhitch the hitch hook.

Figure 2.18

ver.1.0 27
Instructions and settings

2.14 Brakes
2.14.1 Pneumatic brakes (option)

Brakes cannot be installed after delivery. Pneumatic brakes must be connected to the compressed
air couplings on the tractor. The brakes are non self-adjusting drum brakes

Figure 2.19

The spring brake cylinders use a diaphragm cylinder (B) for the travel brake and a spring brake
section (A) for emergency/parking brake.
NOTE!Before using the machine: Check that the screws (C) are fully tightened, to ensure that the
emergency brake will be able to operate.
Braking force is regulated by the pressure applied to the tractor's brake pedal. The brake cylinders
and the brake lever stroke have been designed to provide sufficient braking power without locking
the wheels. See ” Adjusting the brakes” on page 43
Emergency/parking brake
Pneumatic brakes feature an emergency/parking brake that automatically engages and brake the
wheels when air pressure from the tractor is released.
If the implement has to be parked on or close to a public road, the machine must also be secured
by chocks being put under the wheels.
If the implement is to be parked for an extended period of time, the parking brake should be
disengaged by pressing down on the retarder valve (E). Instead, the machine should be secured
with chocks.
Moving the implement

Figure 2.20

If the machine must be moved in a limited area without being hitched to a tractor with brake
couplings, the emergency brake may be disengaged as follows:
If the tank is under pressure (min. 5 bar), the brakes can be released by pressing down on the
retarder valve (E).
If the tank is empty, completely unscrew both screws (C) on the spring brake cylinders.
NOTE!Prior to road transport, these screws (C) must be completely tightened.

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2.14.2 Hydraulic brakes (option)

Brakes cannot be installed after delivery. Hydraulic brakes must be connected to the compressed
brake couplings on the tractor. The brakes are non self-adjusting drum brakes.
NOTE!In order for the emergency brake to function, the line must be hooked securely to the
Braking force is regulated by the pressure applied to the tractor's brake pedal. The brake cylinders
and the brake lever stroke have been designed to provide sufficient braking power without locking
the wheels. See ” Adjusting the brakes” on page 43
Emergency brake
In order for the emergency brake to function, the wire in the parking brake lever must be secured
to the tractor. The emergency brake engages if the machine is set to come loose from the tractor.
Parking brake

Figure 2.21

Always park the implement on a stable and level surface.

Activate the parking brake by pulling the lever (A). Release the parking brake by slightly moving
the lever forwards and then to the upright position.
If the implement has to be parked on or close to a public road, the machine must also be secured
by chocks being put under the transport wheels.
If the machine is to be parked for an extended period of time, the parking brake should be
disengaged. Instead, the machine should be secured with chocks.

ver.1.0 29
Instructions and settings

2.15 Drawbar hitch (option)

Figure 2.22

A drawbar hitch can be fitted to the cultivator

The maximum permitted drawbar load for the hitch is 6000 kg. Towball weight on the drawbar
hitch may not exceed 600 kg. Towball weight in in excess of the maximum value permitted on the
towbar hitch will result in there being a low or non-existent towball weight on the tractor. An
absence of ball pressure may also impair the handling characteristics of the tractor. Compacting
rollers such as the Väderstad Rexius with steel ring roller or the Väderstad Rollex are suitable for
hitching behind the cultivator. Both these rollers may be supplemented with BioDrill for drilling
rape or grass seed.
Cultivators fitted with a hitch drawbar require a further 1 or 2 double-acting hydraulic couplings
on the tractor.
If you need another hitching device (e.g. a ball hitch), you can change the standard Väderstad hitch
to an alternative hitching device.
Note that the owner/driver is responsible for ensuring that national traffic regulations are observed
when transporting the machine on the public highway.
Note that hitched machines also affect the ball pressure on the tractor.

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3 Driving instructions and operating tips

3.1 Direction of travel


Figure 3.1

1 The first run should be made immediately after harvesting and at 20° - 40° to the direction of
2 The second run should be made at 20° - 40° to the previous run.
The final run before drilling must not be made in the direction in which drilling is intended to take
Where drilling is to be carried out using a Väderstad Rapid, its front tool will provide optimal
conditions if the last run prior to drilling is carried out obliquely to the intended direction of

ver.1.0 31
Driving instructions and operating tips

3.2 Turning, cultivator with connection to lift arms

Figure 3.2

When turning, the best results will be achieved if the cultivator is raised using both the tractor lift
arms and the cultivator lifting cylinders.
Alternatively, just use the cultivator lifting cylinders. As you set the required working depth using
the depth scale, the machine will operate exactly as it did prior to being turned when you lower
the cultivator. See ”3.4 Setting the working depth” on page 33.

3.3 Turning, cultivator with hitching hook drawbar

Figure 3.3

When turning, the cultivator must be raised using the cultivator lifting cylinders. The push rods
contain hydraulics that allow parallel lifting and, as you set the required working depth using the
depth scale, the machine will operate exactly as it did prior to being turned when you lower the
cultivator. See ”3.4 Setting the working depth” on page 33.

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3.4 Setting the working depth


Figure 3.4

The depth to which the cultivator works is set on the scale located on the drawbar. The figures
represent a scale value, where 10 is maximum depth. The depth to which the machine works
depends on prevailing conditions and must checked out in the field. Once working depth has been
set, you must check that the machine is parallel as major changes to depth and working conditions
will have an impact on geometry.
1 Raise the cultivator to transport position.
2 Move the handle (A) to set the required maximum depth on the scale.
3 Lower the cultivator. The pointer will move down to the set depth value.
4 Lower the tractor's lift arms so that the machine becomes parallel with the ground (applies to
cultivators connected to the tractor's lift arms). See ”2.8 Setting parallel alignment” on page 20
5 Set the leveller unit. See ”2.9 Leveller unit settings” on page 23
NOTE!Check that the machine is parallel to the ground! If adjustment is necessary, see ”2.8
Setting parallel alignment” on page 20.

ver.1.0 33
Driving instructions and operating tips

3.5 Tines
The Swift has sprung tines that are attached to the round frame tube. The tines are fitted so that
some work in front of, and others behind, their mounting points. This enables the machine to be
compact whilst still delivering a good soil flow.
The sprung tines have the advantage of being maintenance-free and having a lower draught
requirement than rigid tines. In contrast to rigid tines, sprung tines have a lateral flexibility and
search out the path of least resistance through the soil.

Figure 3.5

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3.6 Selection of points, goose feet and guide rails

3.6.1 Points and goose feet

B 80
D 80
50 A
Figure 3.6

The Väderstad Swift is equipped as standard with type (A) points, width 80 mm.
Points are also available in a 50 mm width (B), along with goose feet in widths of 170 mm (C) and
240mm (D). The standard type (A) points with an 80 mm width are also available in a more
durable variant called Marathon (E). In very stony soils, we recommend that you use the standard
points in the first place.
! Points (A+B) are best suited for deep loosening and significant mixing in of plant residues. Use
the narrower point (B) to go to greater depths. Although the points produce a narrow cut out,
they do break up the soil around the tine. Depending on which guide rail you use, the points
will mix in plant residues in a variety of different ways.
! Goose foot points (C +D) are designed to achieve full cut out during ground cultivation. Goose
foot points efficiently cut germinated volunteers and weeds. Goose foot points should be
combined with a 50 mm guide rail (F) to avoid plant residues being trapped between the guide
rail and point.

ver.1.0 35
Driving instructions and operating tips

3.6.2 guide rails

Points are to be supplemented by a MixIn shin (F+G), available in widths of 80 mm (standard)
and 50 mm. The MixIn shin throws the soil forwards so that it has a rotating movement and mixes
in plant residues over and over in a single pass.
A more traditional guide rail is also available (H+I) in right hand and left hand versions. The
twisted guide rail throws soil up at an angle and mixes in the plant residues as it does so. Twisted
guide rails must be positioned so that the soil is thrown up from the centre of the machine, except
for those tines located next to the wheels where there is a danger of soil getting into the wheels
and the two outer tines on the wing. See “Figure 3.7”

Figure 3.7

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3.7 Levelling unit

Figure 3.8

The levelling unit is designed to produce an even surface behind the machine and pull weed roots
out of the surface so that they dry and die.
Levelling unit depth is regulated by two hydraulic cylinders connected in series.
The levelling units usually produce the best work results if they are set in a relatively shallow
position. The opposite effect may be achieved, i.e. an uneven ground surface behind the
implement, if the levelling units are adjusted down to an excessive depth.

Figure 3.9

ver.1.0 37
Driving instructions and operating tips

3.8 Increase cultivating depth gradually!

When operating the machine through heavy soil, the best approach to take is to complete the initial
run with a limited working depth (5-8 cm), increasing the depth during subsequent runs. This
ensures that large, difficult to cultivate clods of soil are not thrown up during the initial runs. It
also reduces the tractor's fuel consumption. Driving speed is a very important consideration for
achieving a good result. It is better to operate to a shallower depth and faster than vice versa. As
a sprung tine will spring up if the soil in which it is working is too heavy, a more even working
depth will be achieved if you start with a shallow setting and then increase the depth.

3.9 Connecting drawbar with roller and BioDrill

The Swift can be fitted with a substantial connecting drawbar at the rear of the machine to which
a roller can be connected if consolidation is required. For example, in dry conditions you can
connect a roller behind the cultivator in order to encourage volunteers and weeds to germinate
faster. You can also fit a Biodrill to rollers in order to sow rape and grass seed. If you have a
BioDrill on your roller, you will need an additional hydraulic coupling. Alternatively, you could
use the hydraulic coupling on the wing folding mechanism. Also see ”2.15 Drawbar hitch
(option)” on page 30

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4 Service and maintenance

4.1 Regular maintenance

! Lubricate the implement in accordance with the lubrication table intervals, and always prior to
and after winter storage and after high-pressure water cleaning, see ”4.6 Lubrication table” on
page 42.
! Before driving, ensure that all bolts and nuts have been tightened (not applicable to bolts in
flexible joints). During the season, make it a habit to regularly check that all bolts and nuts are
! Re-tighten the nuts on the cultivator tine clamps on a regular basis when the machine is new
and then at least once per season. The nuts must be tightened to a torque of 86 Nm. See ”Figure
4.2 ” on page 39.
! Re-tighten the wheel nuts on the transport wheels after 10 - 15 km of road transport and the
wheel nuts on the support wheels after the first day of operation in the field. Re-tighten the nuts
similarly after changing wheels. Tighten the nuts using a torque wrench.
Tightening torque: 330 Nm.

Figure 4.1

! Check the tyre pressures continually, see ”5.4 Technical data” on page 54.
! When putting away the implement for the winter, grease the piston rods.

4.1.1 Explanation of tightening torque

33 kg

= 330 Nm

Figure 4.2

Certain sections in this instruction book state in some steps that bolted joints must be re-tightened
using a torque wrench. If a torque wrench is not available, the type of spanner shown above may
be useful instead.

ver.1.0 39
Service and maintenance

4.2 Re-tightening of bolted joints

Figure 4.3

! Re-tighten bolted joints (A) between the drawbar and frame after the first day of use. The joints
must be tightened to a torque of 550 Nm. Use a torque wrench.
! Bolted joints (B) in cultivator tine clamps must be re-tightened after the first day of use and
then at least once per season. The joints must be tightened to a torque of 86 Nm. Use a torque
wrench. Also see ”Figure 4.2 ” on page 39.
! Re-tighten the wheel nuts on the transport wheels (C) after 10 - 15 km of road transport and
the wheel nuts on the support wheels (D) after the first day of operation in the field. Re-tighten
the nuts similarly after changing wheels. Tighten the nuts using a torque wrench.
Tightening torque: 330 Nm.
! The drawbar bolted joints (E) must be re-tightened at regular intervals. Tightening torque 277

4.3 Securing implements in the raised position

1 Raise the cultivator to full transport height.
2 Fit the yellow safety catches to the wheel cylinders to lock the cylinders in extended position.
3 Fit clips to the push rod hydraulic pistons in order to lock the cylinder in the extended position
(only applies to cultivators with a drawbar for a hitch hook).
4 Lower the drawbar and secure the parking stay.
5 Lower the cultivator.

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4.4 Checking the tractor hitch device

Applies only if the cultivator is fitted with a drawbar for a hitch hook
Regularly inspect the tractor hitch device for any play and wear. Significant play or wear will
cause the working depth of the implement to become uneven. Excessive wear on the tractor hitch
point also poses a risk that the implement hitch will detach from the tractor hitch!

4.5 Check implement towing eyelet


Max. +2.5 mm

Figure 4.4

Applies only if the cultivator is fitted with a drawbar for a hitch hook

4.5.1 Alternative towing eyelets

A 50 mm diameter towing eyelet (standard).
B 40 mm diameter towing eyelet.
C 80 mm diameter ball hitch.
D 57 mm diameter swivel hitch.

4.5.2 Re-tightening bolted joints

towing eyelet bolted joints (E) must be re-tightened at regular intervals. Tightening torque 277

4.5.3 Wear limit

When the diameter of the hole in the towing eyelet has increased by 2.5 mm, it has reached its
wear limit and it is time to change the eye.
When fitting a new towing eyelet, new bolts must be used. Bolted joints (E) must be tightened to
277 Nm. Use a torque wrench.
NOTE!Never weld a towing eyelet, as this can drastically reduce its strength!

ver.1.0 41
Service and maintenance

4.6 Lubrication table


Figure 4.5

Table 4.1
Pos Lubrication point Interval Lubricant 560 720 870
A Wheel joints, support wheels 300 ha Grease 4
B Wheel hub, support wheels 300 ha Grease 2 2 2
C Parallelogram, support wheels 300 ha Grease 8 8
D Pivot, support wheels 300 ha Grease 2 2
E Wheel carrier, transport wheels 300 ha Grease 2 2 2
F Joint bolts, wings 300 ha Grease 4 4 4
G Retraction, outer wing section 300 ha Grease 16
H Hydraulic cylinder 300 ha Grease 2 4 4
I Drawbar (for lift arms) 300 ha Grease 2 2 2
J Articulated towing eyelet (hitch 300 ha Grease 1 1 1

Make sure you check that the lock nuts on the wing folding cylinders are tightened. See ”4.8
Checking wing folding ram piston rod heads” on page 45

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4.7 Brakes (option)

4.7.1 Maintenance procedures before each season
1 Check that all lines and hoses are undamaged and leaktight.
2 Check braking effect and adjust the brakes.
Adjusting the brakes

Figure 4.6

It is imperative that correct brake adjustment is verified when the machine is new and
subsequently twice a year.
NOTE!Unless the brakes are adjusted, the brake action will wear off over time, and in the end, the
brakes will not work at all.
Hitch the implement to the tractor when making this adjustment. Measure the stroke (I) of the
brake cylinders between unbraked and braked conditions. When performing this measurement,
ensure that the rod (J) is fully retracted when the brakes are off.
If the stroke (I) exceeds 55 mm, the brake must be adjusted.
Remove the fork (G) from the brake lever (H). Then unscrew the fork on the rod (J) until a stroke
of 50 mm is achieved. Refit the fork into the same hole as before. The fork must be fitted in the
outmost hole but two of the lever.
Replacing brake components
The brake system’s main cylinder, the cylinder in the rubber packer, the brake pads and brake
drums are wearing parts. When replacing a component, the entire component must be replaced.
NOTE!All brake pads must be replaced simultaneously.

ver.1.0 43
Service and maintenance

4.7.2 Pneumatic brakes

1 Bleed condensed water from the air tank on a daily basis, before driving and as necessary, by
pressing the bleed valve (C), located on the underside of the tank, when the tank is pressurised.
2 Once or twice a season, or if braking effect is reduced, remove and clean the line filters.

Figure 4.7

4.7.3 Hydraulic brakes

The hydraulic brake system usually requires no maintenance. Check that the wire is not damaged
and that wires and the parking brake are lubricated so that they do not seize.

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4.8 Checking wing folding ram piston rod heads

Figure 4.8

Check that the lock nuts (A) to the wing folding ram piston heads are tightened when performing
lubrication maintenance. If the lock nuts come loose, there is a danger that the piston rod will
rotate, changing the stroke length of the cylinders. This will produce in an uneven work result.
For adjustment, see ”2.8 Setting parallel alignment” on page 20.
NOTE!Distance (B) may not exceed 40 mm after adjustment.
NOTE!If this check and tightening is not carried out, the cylinders may come free from the wing
sections, potentially resulting in serious personal injury!

ver.1.0 45
Service and maintenance

4.9 Check and adjustment of play in wheel bearings

1 2 3 4

5 6

7 8

Figure 4.9

It is vital that play in wheel bearings is checked and, if necessary, adjusted after the first season
and on a regular basis thereafter.
1 Raise the wheel off the ground.
2 Check the wheel and if you can feel any play, adjust the bearing.
3 Fit the hub cap.
4 Undo the locking pin.
5 Tighten the castle nut (C) with a hand tool.
6 Now loosen the castle nut so that the wheel rolls easily with no play.
7 Lock using the locking pin.
8 Fit the hub cap.

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4.10 Changing wheels

If the support wheels have to be changed or repaired, the implement must be parked folded out in
the work position, see ”2.7 Wing folding” on page 19. Lower the machine until the support wheels
come off the ground. On machines with hydraulic support wheels, the hydraulic circuit may be
shut off so that the support wheels are locked in their raised position.
If the transport wheels must be changed or repaired, the implement must be parked in the transport
position, see ”4.3 Securing implements in the raised position” on page 40.
! Leave the machine connected to the tractor whilst carrying out the procedure.
! The machine should be placed on a surface that is as flat and hard as possible.
! Secure the relevant wheel carrier using a trestle or similar.

4.11 Bleeding the hydraulic system

The hydraulic system must always be bled after any work is carried out on it.
NOTE!Make sure there is nobody in the immediate work area of the machine.
Operate the lifting rams and wing folding rams to their end and inner stops a couple of times until
all air has been evacuated from the hydraulic systems.
Hydraulic cylinders connected in series in a "master and slave" system can be found on the leveller
unit and on machines with hydraulic support wheels and must be bled and synchronised in
accordance with the following procedure before the machine is used:

Move the hydraulic lever so that all hydraulic cylinders go to their end positions. Leave the
hydraulic lever in this position with the tractor idling for around 15-20 seconds, until everything
has stopped moving. The cylinders have an overleak when in the top position that allows oil to
overflow through the system and expel any air. Repeat this procedure for a few seconds once the
tractor has been connected, before adjusting the machine, after folding out and a few times during
the working day.

ver.1.0 47

5 Appendices

5.1 Hydraulic diagram

Figure 5.1 493812 SW 560

Hydraulic diagram, SW 560

Table 5.1
C1 Hydraulic ram, transport wheel
C2 Hydraulic ram, transport wheel
C3 Hydraulic ram, wing lowering
C4 Hydraulic ram, wing lowering
C5 Hydraulic ram. leveller
C6 Hydraulic ram. leveller
C7 Hydraulic ram, drawbar (only on drawbars for connection to a hitching hook)
B1 Pilot-controlled non-return valve, wheel carrier
B2 Pilot-controlled non-return valve, top rod
B3 Pilot-controlled non-return valve, leveller
V1 Depth stop valve
V2 Throttle (cylinder leveller)

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Figure 5.2 493813 SW 720

Hydraulic diagram, SW 720

Table 5.2
C1 Hydraulic ram, depth setting, support wheel
C2 Hydraulic ram, transport wheel
C3 Hydraulic ram, transport wheel
C4 Hydraulic ram, depth setting, support wheel
C5 Hydraulic ram, wing lowering
C6 Hydraulic ram, wing lowering
C7 Hydraulic ram, drawbar (only on drawbars for connection to a hitching hook)
C8 Hydraulic ram. leveller
C9 Hydraulic ram. leveller
B1 Changeover valve, wheel retractor, transport wheel
B2 Pilot-controlled non-return valve, wheel carrier)
B3 Pilot-controlled non-return valve, top rod
B4 Pilot-controlled non-return valve, leveller
V1 Depth stop valve
V2 Pressure limiter
V3 Throttle (cylinder leveller)

ver.1.0 49

Figure 5.3 497828 SW 870

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Hydraulic diagram, SW 870

Table 5.3
C1 Hydraulic ram, depth setting, support wheel
C2 Hydraulic ram, transport wheel
C3 Hydraulic ram, transport wheel
C4 Hydraulic ram, depth setting, support wheel
C5 Hydraulic ram, wing lowering
C6 Hydraulic ram, wing lowering
C7 Hydraulic ram, drawbar (only on drawbars for connection to a hitching hook)
C8 Hydraulic ram. leveller
C9 Hydraulic ram. leveller
C10 Hydraulic ram, outer wing lowering
C11 Hydraulic ram, outer wing lowering
B1 Changeover valve, wheel retractor, transport wheel
B2 Pilot-controlled non-return valve, wheel carrier)
B3 Pilot-controlled non-return valve, top rod
B4 Pilot-controlled non-return valve, leveller
V1 Depth stop valve
V2 Pressure limiter
V3 Throttle (cylinder leveller)
V4 Valve

ver.1.0 51

5.2 Lights
Left Right

Yellow Green
White White
Red Red
Black Brown/

Figure 5.4

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5.3 Connection diagram, brakes

5.3.1 Hydraulic
2 3

Figure 5.5

1 Brake cylinder
2 Parking brake
3 Emergency line
4 Quick coupling

5.3.2 Pneumatic
7, 8

6 4
1 3

2 3

7, 8
Figure 5.6

1 Connector, red, pressure line (1),

2 connector, yellow, control line (2),
3 line filter (3),
4 tank (4),
5 brake valve (5),
6 retarder valve (6),
7 spring brake cylinders (7)
8 diaphragm cylinders (8)

ver.1.0 53

5.4 Technical data

5.4.1 SW 560-870
Table 5.1
Implements SW 560 SW 720 SW 870
Working width (m) 5,6 7,2 8,7
Transport width (m) 3,0 3,0 3,0
Transport height on public highway (m) 3,6 3,7 4,0
Transport height, min (m) 3,3 3,4 3,7
Number of tines 29 37 45

Power requirement (kW) approx. 125-205 160-265 190-325

Weight, without following implement and 3400 4300 4700

connecting drawbar (kg)
Hitching weight, tractor, without following 500 650 710
implement and connecting drawbar (kg)
Weight, with following implement and 3800 4700 5200
connecting drawbar (kg)
Hitching weight, tractor, with following 300 400 400
implement and connecting drawbar (kg)

Tyre, transport wheel 400/60x15.5 520/50x17 520/50x17

Tyre pressure kg/cm² (kPa) 2.5 (250) 2.5 (250) 2.5 (250)

Tyre, support wheel 10.0/75-15.3 10.0/75-15.3 10.0/75-15.3

Tyre pressure kg/cm² (kPa) 2.0 (200) 2.0 (200) 2.0 (200)

54 16.05.2011
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Telefon 0142-820 00 Telephone +46 142 820 00

Telefax 0142-820 10 Telefax +46 142 820 10

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